Abstraction Requirements in Geospatial Applications • Werner Kuhn Muenster Semantic Interoperability Lab (MUSIL) eScience Theme 4: Spatial Semantics Why we need data for analysis Acquiring remotely sensed data Modelling it with in-situ data Mapping it by Census zone Calculating mortality rates Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 3 Some classical GI computations ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Overlay Buffer Map (=raster) algebra (map) generalization Terrain analysis (viewshed, watershed) Network analyses (shortest path etc.) Image analysis (filter, object recognition etc.) Separate world: application models, simulations Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 4 My take on „Programming Abstractions“ ¾ Programs = Algorithms + Data Structures ¾ Programming Abstractions = Algorithm Abstractions + Data Models ¾ GIS has overwhelmingly emphasized Data Models • Raster • Vector (topological) Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 5 Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 6 Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 7 Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 8 Abstractions in GIS Standards ¾ The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has produced and enabled technology to share and reuse geospatial information ¾ This has grown the GI business substantially ¾ Geospatial information is vastly used in all areas of society ¾ Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) are emerging at local, regional, national, international, global levels Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 9 OpenGIS (OGC) Specifications ¾ WMS ¾ WFS ¾ WCS ¾ GML ¾ SLD ¾ Filter ¾ Catalog Werner Kuhn ¾ WCTS ¾ Grid Coverages ¾ Location Services ¾ Simple Features • CORBA • SQL • OLE/COM Programming Abstractions in GIS 10 What is a Spatial Data Infrastructure ¾ A framework of data, technology, policies, standards, and human resources, necessary to facilitate the sharing and using of geographic information. • The term infrastructure is used to emphasise not just hardware and data (equivalent in the rail system to carriages, power lines, rail tracks, stations) but also the need for coordinating structures and international standards and agreements (on gauges, timetables, safety rules, signalling, etc.) without which the system cannot operate consistently and safely. Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS http://europa.tiscali.it/futuro/speciali/quiz_giovani/374123859quiz.html 11 Why do we need such infrastructure? Regional policy Impacts Agriculture Transport Environment Research ¾ Increasing shift from sector-based (silos) policy making towards more integrated, cross-sectoral approaches. http://www.wintermantel-lagersysteme.de/uploads/pics/IndustrieSilos.jpg Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS • This new approach particularly important for environmental policy • But very difficult to get to work across sectors and boundaries 12 Good policy must be based on sound knowledge Information needs for flood and drought forecasting: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Meteorological • Rainfall • Temperature • evapotranspiration Hydrological • river courses • cross sections • observed discharges and water levels • location of lakes, incl. size & water levels • hydropower reservoirs, polders soil data • texture and depth to bedrock • soil hydraulic parameters land use data • type • coverage during the year • Population • Economic value of properties topographical data • elevation • location and height of dykes • critical infrastructure (hospitals, power stations, elderly homes) 70% of all fresh water bodies in Europe are part of a trans-boundary river basin !! INSPIRE Directive ¾ INSPIRE lays down general rules to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. ¾ INSPIRE does not require collection of new spatial data ¾ INSPIRE does not affect Intellectual Property Rights or Licensing conditions Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 14 INSPIRE Components ¾ Metadata ¾ Interoperability of spatial data sets and services ¾ Network services (discover, view, download, invoke) ¾ Data and Service sharing (policy) ¾ Coordination and measures for Monitoring & Reporting Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 15 INSPIRE Spatial Data Scope Annex I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Annex II Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites 1. 2. 3. 4. Elevation Land cover Ortho-imagery Geology Harmonised spatial data specifications more stringent for Annex I and II than for Annex III Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 16 INSPIRE Thematic Scope Annex III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Statistical units Buildings Soil Land use Human health and safety Utility and governmental services 7. Environmental monitoring facilities 8. Production and industrial facilities 9. Agricultural and aquaculture facilities 10. Population distribution – demography Werner Kuhn 11. Area management/restriction /regulation zones & reporting units 12. Natural risk zones 13. Atmospheric conditions 14. Meteorological geographical features 15. Oceanographic geographical features 16. Sea regions 17. Bio-geographical regions 18. Habitats and biotopes 19. Species distribution 20. Energy Resources 21. Mineral resources Programming Abstractions in GIS 17 Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 18 Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 19 Composite Service plant ID 457 Input Leakage Information plant location R: 3405138 H: 5760997 Get Plant Location Get Nearest Airport airport code FMO emission rate 29 mg/s Get Wind dispersion map Create Gas Dispersion Map Calculate Gas Dispersion Plume wind report XML... plume GML... Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 21 OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 22 OWS-4 test bed on WPS The OWS-4 project introduced three geospatial services that were implemented as WPS processes: • Generalization • Clipping • Binary Grid Processing Service Two other services were not implemented as WPS processes but could have been, namely: • Feature Fusion Service (FFS) • Topological Quality Assessment Service (TQAS) A service providing a spatial intersection of two GML themes is available via http://geotech.lih.rwth-aachen.de/wpsclient/ Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 23 SWOT of current GI abstractions ¾ Strengths • Take up of GI, „data interoperability“ ¾ Weaknesses • transfers of large data sets, data separated from operations, processing remains monolithic and proprietary ¾ Opportunities • API‘s, mashups, microformats, processing service abstractions ¾ Threats • schema exposure in GML, complexity Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 24 Some Insights from a Met Office report ¾ “Interoperability cannot be achieved by definition of an application schema alone” ¾ “A set of well defined service interfaces are vital to ensure that data can be accessed in an implementation agnostic fashion” ¾ “There is no mechanism allowing the description of operations that a feature can invoke / be invoked on it.” ¾ „alternative schema do not naturally co-exist since they essentially divide the world up using different aspects of the problem ... “ Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 25 Current major semantics challenges 1. Describing services (e.g. for WPS) 2. Linking ontologies 3. Modeling similarity Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 26 The predominant GI view geo-atom = < x, Z, z(x) > er t in n io t a et r p in te r Spatial Reference Systems Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS pr et at io n ??? 27 Vision Users of geographic information should be able to refer thematic data to semantic reference systems, just as they refer geometric data to spatial reference systems. Software should support the ¾ referencing and grounding process ¾ projections to simpler semantic spaces ¾ semantic translation among different reference systems ¾ similarity measurement Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 28 Ontologies #| ATKIS-Objektartenkatalog (ATKIS-OK) | Seite Blatt | Stand | #| Teil D1: ATKIS-OK 25 | 62.1 1 ( 2) | 01.11.1995 | #|______________________________________|________________|____________| #| Nr. Objektbereich | Nr. Objektgruppe | #| 6000 RELIEF | 6200 Besondere Geländeoberflächenformen | #|____________________|_______________________________________________| #| Nr. Objektart | Nr. | #| 6201 Damm, Wall, Deich | 6201 | #|_____________________________________________________________|______| Werner Kuhn CAP landuse code CAP landuse label 1 Urban 1.A Urban; Residential 1.A.0.a Urban; Residential; Single family ... ... Programming Abstractions in GIS 29 Some Research Challenges ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Upper level geo-ontology Ontology of GI computations Specifying functionality (of services) Exploit user communities as data providers Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 30 Some implementation challenges ¾ Package GIS functionality as web services ¾ Capture their semantics in catalogues ¾ Evolve the technology in a „Google world“ Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 31 Conclusions ¾ Processing styles around GI • In good old GIS • Web services (largely data serving so far) • Web processing services: only recently specified • API‘s of the Google maps type ¾ Semantics is the frontier for GI • application vocabularies (= domain ontologies) • semantic reference systems • will need to bring processes back in (but said this for 15 years) ¾ A bottom-up revolution is happening • user-generated GI • APIs for mash-ups • GI business shifts from authorites to communities ¾ Our major enemy: complexity (and being proud of) Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 32 Thank You ! Email to kuhn@uni-muenster.de MUSIL (Muenster Semantic Interoperability Lab) http://musil.uni-muenster.de Werner Kuhn Programming Abstractions in GIS 33