UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK SCIENCE PARK TRUST FUNDING STEM INNOVATION PROGRAMME CALL FOR PROPOSALS The University of Warwick Science Park Trust has made available up to £200,000 for research and development associated with a STEM Project Innovation Programme. This has been designed In recognition of the benefits of partnership funding and it is intended that funding be allocated through the Higher Education and Training Progression Partnership (HEaT). HEaT comprises a number of bodies with an interest in Widening Participation and learner progression in the Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region who agreed to continue working together after the closure of the Aimhigher project to promote, support and develop the progression agenda. Membership includes four subgroups focussing on Primary School learners; work-based learners; looked after children; and learners with learning difficulties and disabilities. Collectively, the partnership’s three main areas of focus are employability, progression to HE and progression to FE. The object of the University of Warwick Science Park Foundation is “the advancement of education by: . (a) the stimulation of public understanding of the importance and relevance of Science and Technology to the needs of Industry and Society; and . (b) the promotion of applied and Scientific Research and the publication of the useful results of such research”. Object of proposals: to work with other bodies (particularly in relation to schools but also mature learners) in Coventry and Warwickshire to stimulate public understanding of the importance and relevance of science and technology to the needs of industry and society and thereby facilitate a widening of participation in these areas of study, both on a full time, part time or general interest basis. Proposals are sought which are focused in the following areas: Apprenticeships (Priority Area) Looked after Children and Care Leavers (LACs) (Priority Area) Most able students from vulnerable groups Education into employment Raising Aspirations - Opportunities into Higher Education Parents/carers - communication PROCESS AND DATELINES Wednesday 10 October 2012: Members, along with other interested stakeholders will be invited to a collaboration lunch at which attendees will receive an overview of the fund and its intended use, and then be given the opportunity to network with a view to formulating collaborative projects which support the given agenda. Thursday 15 November 2012: Project groups will meet again for a project development day during which project bids can be further developed in consultation with members of the STEM funding steering group, and additional project partners which are expected to include local businesses, third sector organisations, schools and colleges. Friday 7 December 2012: Submission of Proposals Thursday 10 January 2013: Proposal evaluations completed and successful projects notified Friday 1 February 2013: Earliest release date for stage 1 funding. FUNDING Funding for projects will be released from 1 February 2013. Projects can be for any length of time up to a maximum of two years. Projects which are designed to extend beyond twelve months will be required to submit an interim report at the twelve month date. Should progress be deemed satisfactory, the second tranch of funding will be released. All projects will be required to submit an End of Project report. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Proposals should be submitted in writing by Friday 7 December 2012 on the attached pro-forma. Proposals should be submitted electronically to: Cherryl Jones, HEaT Project Officer,