Modelling stochastic biochemical networks Peter Swain Centre for Systems Biology at Edinburgh University of Edinburgh Outline 1. Introduce the concept of intrinsic and extrinsic fluctuations. 2. Modelling intrinsic fluctuations. 3. Modelling extrinsic fluctuations. 4. Unexpected consequences of extrinsic fluctuations. One stage model of gene expression mRNA v0 Protein v1 d0 v0: transcription v1: translation d0, d1: degradation d1 Two types of stochasticity Intrinsic stochasticity arises because the dynamics of the system is stochastic. Extrinsic stochasticity arises because the system interacts with other stochastic systems, generating stochastic parameters. v0 fluctuates because it is function of the number of RNA polymerases and generates extrinsic fluctuations. mRNA v0 Protein v1 d0 d1 Measuring stochasticity Extrinsic fluctuations equally affect both network copies. Intrinsic fluctuations differ between the copies of the network. Network output has both intrinsic and extrinsic fluctuations. Other stochastic system Network of interest Network output Other stochastic system Copy of network of interest Network output For gene expression, we have two copies of the gene of interest. Extrinsic Intrinsic Extrinsic variables affect each copy equally e.g. number of free RNAPs, cellular environment Intrinsic variables are different for each copy e.g. number of transcribing RNAPs, number of mRNAs Extrinsic fluctuations cause correlations in the proteins expressed from each gene. Intrinsic fluctuations uncorrelate protein levels. cfp yfp time Dominating intrinsic fluctuations fluorescence fluorescence Dominating extrinsic fluctuations time Definitions Define a fluctuation in an intrinsic variable, such as protein numbers, by If I1 is the intrinsic variable for one copy of the system and I2 is the same intrinsic variable for the second copy, then extrinsic noise correlation coefficient intrinsic noise normalized difference the square of the total noise is the coefficient of variation of the output of the network total noise coefficient of variation Experimental measurements of stochasticity in bacteria cfp yfp Intrinsic noise depends on expression level yfp cfp WT (RPR37) + IPTG WT (RPR37) decrease expression 32-fold Intensity ηint ηext =1 = 0.063 (0.058-0.069) = 0.098 (0.09-1.1) Intensity ηint ηext = 0.03 = 0.25 (0.22-0.27) = 0.32 (0.3-0.35) Modelling intrinsic fluctuations Master equation approach mRNA v0 v1 d0 probability of m mRNAs and n proteins at time t Protein d1 REPORTS Probing Gene Expression in Live Cells, One Protein Molecule at a Time Because the tsr gene is highly expressed (30), a small amount of exogenous Tsr-Venus poses minimal perturbation to cells_ normal functions. Western assay of induced SX4 cells showed the presence of Venus only in the membrane fraction 1 1 1 2 1 and not in the cytoplasmic fraction, suggesting Ji Yu, * Jie Xiao, * Xiaojia Ren, Kaiqin Lao, X. Sunney Xie † efficient membrane localization of Tsr-Venus. We also compared the levels of induced expresWe directly observed real-time production of single protein molecules in individual Escherichia sion of Tsr-Venus and Venus in two strains, both coli cells. A fusion protein of a fast-maturing yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and a membraneunder the control of the lac promoter ESupporting targeting peptide was expressed under a repressed condition. The membrane-localized YFP can be REPORTS Online Material (SOM) Text and fig. S1^. No detected with single-molecule sensitivity. We found that the protein molecules are produced in notable difference was observed, indicating measured that bursts, with each burst originating from a stochastically transcribed single messenger RNA perimentally this abundance to be the introduction of the tsr sequence not per cell by counting the molecule, and that protein copy numbers in the bursts follow a geometric distribution. The 4.1 T 1.8does molecules change the yield of Venus production, is individual cells under the quantitative study of low-level gene expression demonstrates the potential of single-molecule moleculeswhich in È300 REPORTS not the case for many other membrane-targeting experiments in elucidating the workings of fundamental biological processes in living cells. microscope at the same time. sequences that we tested. Lastly, the temporal spreadmeasured of the expresperimentally this abundance to We first show the abilitysion to bursts detect can single he central dogma of molecular biology cause of its short maturation time (27). Howbe characterized from the auto4.1 T 1.8 molecules per cell by counting t states that DNA is transcribed into mRNA, ever, it is difficult to image a single GFP or YFP Tsr-Venus fluorescent protein molecules ex- molecules in È300 individual correlation function of the fluctuation in proteincells under t (2)(t) (Fig. Figure 1A Cshows which is then translated into protein. Ever molecule in cytoplasm, because its fluorescence pressed in SX4 cells (Fig. 1).expression, microscope at the samefrom time. 30 4C), averaged Lastly,15thedifferent temporalmovies. spread of the expre since the pioneering work on the lac operon (1), signal spreads to the entire cytoplasm by fast two diffraction-limited fluorescent Efull from differentspots cell lineages sion bursts can be characterized (2) È 300exponential nm^ in fit of C (t) gives a decay from the aut our knowledge of gene expression has come diffusion during the image acquisition time and width at half maximum (FWHM) The single correlation function of the fluctuation in prote primarily from genetic and biochemical studies is overwhelmed by cellular autofluorescence. the left cell. A line cross section of the fluores(2)(t) (Fig. 4C), averaged time constant of 7.0 expression, T 2.5 min,Ccorresponding to from long axes spread shows ofdifferent (2–4) conducted with large populations of cells On the other hand, single YFP fusion protein cence image along the cells_the average the stochastic arrival cell lineages fromtimes 15 different movie and molecules. Recently, many in vitro single- molecules on cell membranes can be detected the signal distinctly above the autofluoThe single exponential C(2)(t) gives a dec of cells_ fluorescent reporter proteins within fitaofburst, time constant of 7.0 T 2.5 min, We attribute each molecule experiments have probed real-time (28, 29) because their diffusion is slowed. There- rescence background (Fig. 1C).despite the fact that the polypeptides are gen-corresponding the average spread of the stochastic arrival tim dynamics and yielded valuable mechanistic fore, we designed a fusion protein consisting of fluorescent peak to an individual Tsr-Venus erated within molthe short lifetime of an mRNA of fluorescent reporter proteins within a bur of the insights into macromolecules (5–8), including Venus and a membrane protein, Tsr, as the re- ecule on the basis of abrupt disappearance We show (SOM that, (tmRNA 0 1.5 min). despite the fact that Text) the polypeptides are ge transcriptional (9) and translational (10) ma- porter for monitoring lac promoter activity. A signal upon photobleaching, under whichtheiscondition charac- that is one rate-limiting eratedthere within the short lifetime of an mRN Figure 1D posttranslation shows (tmRNA assembly chineries. In order to understand the workings well-studied methylation-dependent chemotax- teristic of single molecules. step 0 1.5 min).ofWe (SOM Text) th for the theshow fusion protein, of these machineries in their physiological con- is receptor protein (MCP) (30), Tsr contains such a photobleaching time trace. Had the signal under the condition that there is one rate-limiti step for the posttranslation assembly of the fusi texts, we set out to probe gene expression at the two transmembrane domains and is fused to arisen from multiple molecules, its disappearance ! "2 # $ protein, sr k single-molecule level by real-time monitoring of the N terminus of Venus. would be in multiple steps. In addition, the fluoð2Þ C ðtÞ 0 1 þ ! expðj # " ktÞ $ We constructed an E. coli strain SX4 in rescence intensity of each peak is consistent with protein production in live cells. 1 j r ð2Þ s sr 2 k C ðtÞ 0 1 þ expð ktÞ j Gene expression is often stochastic (11–14), which a single copy of the chimeric gene tsr- in vitro measurements of purified single Venus 1jr ð2Þs because most genes exist at single or low copy venus was incorporated into the E. coli chro- molecules (fig. S2). ð where s is istheshown average rate of the expression burst numbers in a cell. Some genes are expressed at mosome, replacing the native lacZ gene. The A sketch of our live-cell experiment where of s isTsr-Venus the average rate of the expression bu the rate constant assembly andk is spontaneous high levels and others at low levels. The mRNA endogenous tsr gene of E. coli was left intact. in Fig. 2. Upon an infrequentand and k is the rate constant of Tsr-Venus assemb process, consisting process, of transcription, translation, expression can now be tracked in a single cell consisting of transcription, translatio folding, and chromophore The maturation. fitting with single-molecule sensitivity (15, 16). The profolding,maturation. and chromophore The fitti , T 8 min)j of Fig. 4C with Eq. 2 gives s 0 (29 T 8 min) of Fig. 4C with Eq. 2 gives s j1 0 (29 tein expression has been traditionally characteragreementnumber with the of average number of expre in agreement with thein average expresized et by al. averages of cell populations, in which Yu (2006) sion bursts perTcell 1.2 T 0.3 (Fig. 4A sion bursts per cell cycle of 1.2 0.3cycle (Fig.of4A); stochasticity is masked. More information is r 0 0.7 T 0.1, consistent with the value of 0.8 r 0 0.7 T 0.1, consistent with the value of 0.8 T available from both the distribution of expres0.1 determined from Fig. 4B; and 1/k 0 7.0 0.1 determined from Fig. and 1/k 0to 7.0 T sion levels among a cell population (17–19) 2.5 min,4B; corresponding the rate-limiting st Fig. 3. Real-time monitoring of the expression of tsr-venus under the control of repressed lac promoter. 2.5 min, corresponding to the rate-limiting step of the protein assembly process. Considering t and the temporal evolution of Fig. a single cell by monitoring of the expression 3. Real-time control of repressed lac promoter. (A) Sequenceofoftsr-venus fluorescentunder imagesthe (yellow) overlaid with simultaneous DIC images (gray) of E. coli cells of the assembly Considering the and translati fast process. transcription (È45 bases/s) expressing Tsr-Venuswith on agarose gel pad DIC of M9images medium.(gray) The cell is 55 T 10 min in a protein temperatureusing fluorescent reporters (20).(A) However, Sequencethese of fluorescent images (yellow) overlaid simultaneous of cycle E. coli cells (È15 residues/s) rates, we tentatively assign 1 fast transcription (È45 bases/s) and translation controlled on The a microscope stage. TheTeight frames from time-lapse fluorescence movie S1 studies have been restricted to expressing high expression Tsr-Venus on agarose gel pad of M9chamber medium. cell cycle is 55 10 min in are a temperatureto the fluorophore maturation process (SO exposure is rates, taken over 195 min with 100-ms laser exposures (0.3 kW/cm2) every 3 min. An 1100-ms (È15 residues/s) we tentatively assign 1/k controlled chamber on a microscope applied stage. The eight frames are from time-lapse fluorescence movie S1 levels because of the low sensitivity for protein Although we can only spatially resolve after each image collection to photobleach the Venus fluorophores. (B) Time traces of the Text). maturation process (SOM taken over 195 detection, yet many important proteins aremin with 100-ms laser exposures (0.3 kW/cm2) every 3 min. An 1100-ms exposure is to the fluorophore few molecules within an E. coli cell becau Occasionally, one mRNA is transcribed. Downloaded from on May 15, 2007 T Bursts of translated protein. expression of Tsr-Venus protein molecules (left) along three particular cell lineages (right) extracted from d from on May 15, 2007 Following expression of a fluorescent membrane protein in bacteria over time. Intuitive solution v1 translation d0 degradation mRNA probability of a given mRNA being translated is probability of translating r proteins is then geometric “burst” distribution with generation function McAdams & Arkin (1997) Typical number of proteins is the sum of the number of proteins translated from each mRNA. Typical number of mRNAs synthesized during one protein lifetime As the generating function of a sum of independent variables is a product of their individual generating functions, F (z) = [f (z)]a = (1 + b − bz)−a generating function for total number of proteins generating function for number of proteins translated from a single mRNA giving negative binomial distribution See also Friedman et al. (2006) Comparison with simulation theoretical prediction in red Theory fails when the ratio of protein to mRNA lifetimes, γ, is atypically small. protein lifetime γ= mRNA lifetime Intuitive solution v1 translation d0 degradation mRNA probability of a given mRNA being translated is probability of translating r proteins is then We have assumed that no proteins are degraded during the mRNA lifetime. Large γ implies that proteins translated from one mRNA appear almost simultaneously on the time-scale for proteins. Values of γ for budding yeast the [18] [19] [20] but mRNA v0 Protein v1 d0 Is this model appropriate? d1 Red: protein Green spots: mRNA scale bar: 1 µm Time course of mRNA numbers: mRNA is produced in bursts mRNA of sister cell mRNA time (min) piecewise linear fit smoothed version of red data Standard model of gene expression We can also approximately solve the Master equation Pn ! "n ! "α b b Γ(α + n)Γ(β + n)Γ(κ0 + κ1 ) 1− = Γ(n + 1)Γ(α)Γ(β)Γ(κ0 + κ1 + n) 1 + b 1+b ! " b ×2 F1 α + n, κ0 + κ1 − β, κ0 + κ1 + n; 1+b with if γ!1 bimodal distribution reflecting DNA switching is also possible Modelling extrinsic fluctuations Extrinsic fluctuations have a substantial lifetime correlation in rates of protein production As well as intrinsic fluctuations, we should include parameters that fluctuate with a non-zero time-scale. Rosenfeld et al. (2005) Modelling stochasticity: deterministic approximation dD dt dM dt dA dt = k0 − (k0 + k1 )D = v0 D − d0 M = v1 M − d1 A law of mass action Modelling stochasticity: intrinsic fluctuations Langevin theory with “white” sources for intrinsic fluctuations obeying sources of fluctuations have no time correlations with themselves or each other Modelling stochasticity: intrinsic and extrinsic fluctuations dD dt dM dt dA dt = k0 − (k0 + k1 )D + ξ1 = v0 D − d0 M + ξ2 system becomes non-linear e! = v1 ! M − d1 A + ξ3 "e # with “white” sources for intrinsic fluctuations and a “coloured” source for extrinsic fluctuations with autocorrelation ηε determines the strength of extrinsic fluctuations τ determines their lifetime Modelling extrinsic fluctuations Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process white noise v1 ξ0 normal white fluctuations log-normal coloured fluctuations e! v1 ! !e " Simulating intrinsic and extrinsic fluctuations: modifying Gillespie’s algorithm Allow reaction rates to change discontinuously in time. Before running simulation, simulate a time series for extrinsic fluctuations. extrinsic parameter Change the fluctuating reaction rate discontinuously during the simulation using a piece-wise linear approximation to the time series generated for extrinsic fluctuations. time Example: extrinsic fluctuations in protein synthesis k A d k fluctuating k constant Both magnitude and lifetime of extrinsic fluctuations affect the extrinsic noise in protein numbers. ηext CV of extrinsic variable τ of extrinsic variable (sec) Analytical solution (dashed line) calculated by Langevin theory. Number of proteins Extrinsic fluctuations can affect mean protein number CV of extrinsic variable τ of extrinsic variable (sec) Analytical solution (dashed line) calculated with the unified coloured noise approximation (Jung & Hanggi, 1987). Extrinsic fluctuations can affect the intrinsic noise in protein numbers ηint CV of extrinsic variable τ of extrinsic variable (sec) Intrinsic noise is determined by the projection of P(I1,I2,E) onto the I1 and I2 plane. Only have [not P (I1 |E)P (I2 |E)P (E) ] because of coloured extrinsic fluctuations. Extrinsic fluctuations I2 contains predictive information on the history of E Coloured extrinsic fluctuations can help explain experimentally observed trends. Sigal et al. (2006) Sigal et al. observe that the autocorrelation time of protein numbers varies with their coefficient of variation. Coloured extrinsic fluctuations can explain the observed correlation Green points have extrinsic noise at least 75% of total noise. We simulate 10,000 networks with randomly chosen parameter sets and with extrinsic fluctuations on a randomly chosen parameter. Extrinsic fluctuations are non-specific and may combine constructively or destructively. (i,j) (ηext )2 (i) (j) (ηext )2 + (ηext )2 Uncorrelated extrinsic fluctuations combine constructively. Extrinsic fluctuations in parameters with opposing effects on protein number combine destructively; extrinsic fluctuations on parameters with similar effects on protein numbers combine constructively. (i,j) (ηext )2 (i) (j) (ηext )2 + (ηext )2 Constructive and destructive extrinsic fluctuations can be used by feed-forward loops in genetic networks to enhance or attenuate extrinsic fluctuations X and X’ have uncorrelated extrinsic fluctuations. Incoherent feed-forward loops attenuate extrinsic fluctuations in X. noise in Z Coherent feed-forward loops amplify extrinsic fluctuations in X noise in Z Conclusions 1. Stochasticity in biochemical networks is generated by both intrinsic and extrinsic fluctuations. 2. Intrinsic fluctuations can be modelled using a Master equation and the Gillespie algorithm. 3. Extrinsic fluctuations are coloured and non-specific. They can be simulated with a modification of the Gillespie algorithm. 4. Extrinsic fluctuations create non-linearities in the dynamics of the system and generate counter-intuitive behaviour. 5. Cells both regulate and exploit stochasticity. 6. Acknowledgments Vahid Shahrezaei Imperial College, London Julien Ollivier McGill University Nitzan Rosenfeld Cambridge Research Institute Michael Elowitz Caltech Shahrezaei et al. Mol Syst Biol 4; 196 (2008) Shahrezaei & Swain, Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 105; 17256 (2008) Shahrezaei & Swain, Curr Opin Biotechnol 19; 369 (2008)