COGNITIVE CONFLICTS IN AVIATION: MANAGING COMPUTERISED CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTS Denis Besnard & Gordon Baxter School of Computing Science University of Newcastle upon Tyne Department of Psychology University of York DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Background • Purpose of automation in critical environments: increase reliability of the system • But there have been side-effects: unpredictability. • HMI can be the weak link: the operator might not understand what the system is doing • Let’s have a look at some cognitive mechanisms involved DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Outline • • • • • • • Human-machine interaction in aviation What is a cognitive conflict? Illustration: The Cali crash & Analysis Aligning the mental model and the process Glass cockpit assistants Transparent flightdeck Conclusion DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Human-machine interaction in aviation • • • • Glass cockpit aircraft is mainly piloted through FMC and autopilot Airmanship is now only ONE of the required skills Pilots depend more and more on automation Dependability then becomes a matter of understanding automation’s behaviour DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh What is a cognitive conflict? • It is an incompatibility between an operator’s mental model and the behaviour of the system under control • 2 dimensions in conflicts: – Nature (event is expected or unexpected) – Status (detected or hidden) • Conflicts often manifest themselves as a surprise: “What’s going on?” DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh The Cali B757 crash, 1996 • B757 approaching Cali (Columbia) from the North • Crew intending to fly around the airport and land on Northbound runway • ATC suggests direct landing on Southbound runway • Crew has to reprogram the descent: big increase in workload • Wrong beacon entered in Flight Management Computer (FMC) • Veering towards North-East for 1 minute, like • Crew recovered but aircraft was on collision course • Crash into 12.000 feet mountain, killing almost all of 163 onboard DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh © Jeppesen Inc DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Analysis • The unexpected veering off of the aircraft created the cognitive conflict • Wrong beacon selected partly because of a frequency heuristic • Combination of one slip and several mistakes – acceptance of ATC guidance without charts at hand – continuation of the initial descent – not rejecting the approach despite lack of time DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Aligning the mental model and the process • Contributing factors to conflicts: high tempo, low predictability, undetected error, mistakes/erroneous knowledge. • Modern aviation is the result of an automation philosophy (FMS, ACAS, EGPWS, …) • Side effects (e.g. mode confusion, opacity, …) were not always anticipated • Automation is a matter of distributing decisions across agents: importance of putting the operator and the system in step • Two design options: Glass cockpit assistants & Transparent systems DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Glass cockpit assistants • Joint cognitive systems (Hollnagel & Woods, 1999). Automation has to maintain a model of the operator • Some experimental systems have been around for years: Hazard Monitor (1997); CASSY (1997), CATS (1994; 2001), GHOST (2003). • The assistants interpret human actions against operational context and send proactive advice/warnings • Dimensions of importance: timeliness, intention, integration, troubleshooting support, evolution DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Callantine, 2001 Data gathered during flight Interprets pilot’s actions Derive operational context Various ways to perform task Mismatches? Flags error and displays a few lines of text to cue pilot. DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Dehais et al., 2003 Tested a PC-driven interface that prevents fixation errors (GHOST) - Results show that blanking, blinking and fading catch pilots’ attention - Text-based messages are then displayed DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Transparent systems • HMI is more reliable if the operator understands the behaviour of the system • Dimensions of importance: – Predictability (reduce the complexity induced by the technology) – Computers as monitoring-advisory systems (automation should only take last resort decisions) DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Conclusion • Failure of STSs is rarely a mere technical issue • Automation’s decisions must be understood by humans • Glass-cockpit has reduced the number of tasks but has increased their complexity: the cognitive demand has only shifted. • Cognitive mismatches can be facilitated by computerised environments because of opacity of automation’s decision rules DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh Zis is ze end of ze tolk Questions? DIRCshop, March 2005, Edinburgh