Heavy Quark Physics without Perturbation Theory International Lattice Field Theory Workshop Edinburgh --- March 8,2005 HueyWen Lin Peter Boyle Norman H. Christ Outline • Limitations of perturbation theory. • Review of NPR for light quarks. • Problems for NPR with heavy quarks. • A proposal. ILFT/Edinburgh 2 Perturbation Theory? • Promise of LGT is accurate control of all errors. • QCD perturbation theory errors are hard to control: – Lima0 g2(a2) 1/ln(1/a) Decreases too slowly. – Limnh g2n(a2) [1/ln(1/a)]n Not practical/meaningful. – Limnh g2(a2n) 1/n · ln(1/a) Requires step scaling. • Ideally: – Use QCD perturbation theory only at Λ=100 GeV for perturbatively defined physical quantities. – Connect with scale of normal lattice calculations by step scaling. ILFT/Edinburgh 3 Off-Shell NPR • Off-shell momentum space RomeSouthampton scheme works on few % level. • For example consider DWF axial current: ILFT/Edinburgh 4 Calculation of ZA Evaluate ZA two ways: 1. Directly compute matrix elements of both currents: 2. Evaluate the off-shell vertex: ILFT/Edinburgh 5 ZA from hadronic correlators. ZA /Zq from off-shell vertex. 0.82 1 0.81 0.98 0.8 Bare SI 0.96 0.79 0.94 0.78 0.92 ZA 0.7732(14) 0.77 0.9 0.76 0.7555(3) 0.88 0.75 0.86 0.74 1 0.5 0.72 1.5 2 2.5 2 0.73 (ap) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 t Hadronic correlators: ZA = 0.7555(3) Off-shell vertex: ZA /Zq = 0.934 (2)(10) Zq from off-shell conserved current vertex. 1.1 mf = 0.02 mf = 0.04 1 0.9 0.8 Zq = 0.753 (16)(30) ZA = 0.703 (16)(32) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2 (hep/lat-0102005 / C. Dawson) (ap) ILFT/Edinburgh 6 Relativistic Heavy Quarks • In the rest system of a heavy quark: – A lattice theory with mHa ≥ 1 can be described (on-shell) by a Symanzik effective Lagrangian: – Thus, we need only adjust 4 lattice parameters to achieve a physical effective theory. (El-Khadra, Kronfeld, Mackenzie, hep-lat/9604004) – As mHa 0 this will approach the usual fermion action. ILFT/Edinburgh 7 Off-shell Heavy Quark NPR • Static approximation: – The requirement p2-m2>> ΛQCD2 is not possible since the static quark is on-shell. – Perturbative matching between the lattice and continuum relies on identical wrong perturbative results for p2 ≅ ΛQCD 2. ILFT/Edinburgh 8 Off-shell Heavy Quark NPR • Relativistic heavy quarks: – Constraints p2 –mH2 >> ΛQCD 2 and p2 –mH2 << mH2 require that one work at Minkowski momenta. – Off-shell effective Lagrangian contains 8 parameters. ILFT/Edinburgh 9 On-shell Heavy Quark NPR? • Step-scaling in the static approximation – Hietger and Sommer, hep-lat/0310035 – Match heavy-light spectrum computed with standard quark and HQET actions: • mH >> ΛQCD and 1/L (required by HQET) • mH << 1/a (required by standard quark action) – Used to determine mH from B meson spectrum. • Generalize to RHQ action? ILFT/Edinburgh 10 On-Shell RHQ NPR • Use step scaling to connect DWF’s at small a to RHQ’s at larger, more practical values of a. • Match on-shell, finite-volume meson energies. • To determine four parameters, m0H, ζ, cE, cB, compute four masses: mJ=0HH, mJ=1HH, mJ=0HL, For fixed physics match a and 2/3 a: mJ=1HH. ILFT/Edinburgh 11 How can be m0H, ζ, cE, cB determined? • m0H will directly effect all masses. • ζ (the speed of light) look at states with p 0, compute E(p) m1 + p2/2m2, require m1 = m2. • cB will directly effect the spin-spin splittings, δm = mJ=1 - mJ=0. • cE less obvious: perhaps it will effect the splittings: δm = mJHH – mJHL? ILFT/Edinburgh 12 Determination of cE • Experiment with a β = 6.0, 163 x 32 lattice with Wilson quarks. Determine HH and HL masses for four sets of parameters, mπLL = 500 MeV, 252 configurations: mJ=0HH mJ=0HL m0H = 0.2 cE = 1.0 1.5384(14) 0.9714(20) m0H = 0.4 cE = 1.0 1.7914(14) 1.1102(20) m0H = 0.4 cE = 1.769 1.6866(14) 1.0502(20) • Are mJ=0HH and mJ=0HL independent functions of m0H and cE? ILFT/Edinburgh 13 Mass determination • Use two hydrogenic sources. • Perform a two-cosh fit. Heavy Heavy Pseudoscalar Meson 1.9 1 Ex-Local Local-Local Gnd-Gnd Ex-Ex Wall-Local Wall-Wall Gnd-Local PT GND EX 1.85 0.8 1.8 |Psi| a Meff 0.6 1.75 0.4 1.7 0.2 1.65 0 0 2 4 6 8 |R| 10 12 14 1.6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 t ILFT/Edinburgh 14 16 Fitted mass versus tmin •Lowest mass of fit to two J=0 states. •Fitting range from tmin O t O 16 ILFT/Edinburgh 15 Dependence on m0H and cE • Compute the Jacobean: • The largest effects of m0H and cE are the same: a shift in the quark mass. 0.007 • Result: 0.0065 0.006 0.0055 Jacobean • An accurate determination mJ=0HH and mJ=0HH of allows m0H and cE to be disentangled. 0.005 0.0045 0.004 J = 0.09870- 0.09459 = 0.00412(27) 0.0035 0.003 0 2 4 6 8 10 t_fit_min ILFT/Edinburgh 16 12 Next steps • Perform a 3-level quenched calculation: RHQ 163x32 mHa = 0.3 DWF β = 6.351 Ls = 0.9Fm mH = 1.2GeV 1/a=3.6GeV RHQ 163x32 mHa = 0.45 β = 6.075 Ls = 1.3Fm mH = 1.2GeV 1/a=2.4GeV 243x48 mHa = 0.2 β = 6.638 Ls = 0.9Fm mH = 1.2GeV 1/a=5.4GeV now underway RHQ 243x64 mHa = 0.3 β = 6.351 Ls = 1.3Fm mH = 1.2GeV 1/a=3.6GeV RHQ 243x64 mHa = 0.45 β = 6.075 Ls = 2.0Fm mH = 1.2GeV 1/a=2.4GeV ILFT/Edinburgh 17 Conclusion • The errors will grow with each matching step. Likely error 3 x error for above project. • Can be done for full QCD as well but each step will be more costly. • A first attempt could use quenched lattices for all but the coarsest a. • First results by Lattice 2005? ILFT/Edinburgh 18