Staggered Heavy-Light Physics Update Fermilab/MILC Paul Mackenzie Fermilab Theoretical Physics Edinburgh March, 2005 The Fermilab/MILC heavy/light project B and D mesons with staggered light quarks and Fermilab heavy quarks on unquenched improved staggered gauge fields. Lattice QCD/Experiment (no free parameters!): Tests: Before Now f& fK 3m% # mN m$ 2mB # m! s "(1P-1S) !(1D-1S) !(2P-1S) !(3S-1S) !(1P-1S) 0.9 1 1.1 quenched/experiment 0.9 1.0 1.1 (nf = 2+1)/experiment light mesons and baryons Part of larger program of heavy-light mesons phenomenology with unquenched heavyonium fermions with Fermilab, Find staggered agreement with expt MILC, (at last!) and when HPQCD. correct dyn. quark content is present. Quenched approx. has syst. errors 10% and internal inconsistency. Davies et al, hep-lat/0304004 + Toussaint,Davies, LAT04 5 Initial results were at a=0.125 fm; now doing other lattice spacings. Paul Mackenzie Why staggered fermions? 0.9 unquenched lattice data quadratic s 0.7 3/2 r0 !P Wilson fermions have a hard time reaching below mu~ms/2. r0 fPS / ZA 0.8 0.6 0.5 chiral log + quadratic chiral log below 300 MeV chiral log below 500 MeV 0.4 0.0 2.0 4.0 (r0mPS) Hard to reduce chiral extrapolation uncertainties below 10% from there. 2 6.0 fπ and fK fits extrapolated to larger masses: JLQCDFigure Wilson fermions, Figure 3. Uncertainty in the chiral extrapoladecay c tion. 0.13 regions. two-flavor QCD result is significantly higher than the chir 0.12 the quenched result 1.081(5)(17) [7] and closerNote: to as large the physical fvalue 1.22, the uncertainty is still– Masses ≥ ms /2 ba K sizable.0.11 – High-mass fπ s line 10%wo hig ! msconstant This For the heavy-lightmsea decay the predic- extrapolate /2.3 = 0.1 u,d s /4.5 two fπ s p ex tion of ChPT is available inmthe heavy quark limit– Lowest puter late linearly to with by the G for quenched, partially quenched and full QCD 0.09 fπ (Nos. 1 [8,9]. The chiral logarithm appears with a def1364025 inite coefficient0.2 but0.4 including an additional cou0.6 0.8 1 ∗ is suppo pling constant g describing the B Bπ interaction. mval u,d /ms The chiral extrapolation of fB and fBs including the chiral logarithm is shown in Figure 4 with REFER Improved staggered fermions, Lattice QCDand Ex two representative values of g. As in the pion de-High-Precision MILC/HPQCD/UKQCD, Fermilab. 1. T. K cay constant, the uncertainty in the chiral limit thes is enhanced by the chiral logarithm. 2. J. G The ratio fBs /fB is needed in the extraction 158 of the CKM matrix element |Vtd /Vts |. Since the 465 bulk of systematic errors cancels in the ratio, one 3. S. A may expect better accuracy than the determinaPhy tion of |Vtd | solely from ∆Md . Our preliminary 4. S.R result varies from 1.24 (quadratic fit) to 1.38 (chi5. M.F ral log, g = 0.59). It suggests that the ratio and D5 Overlap/domain wall fermions have good chiral behavior, but are slower. Staggered fermions will get to higher precision faster. Paul Mackenzie Semileptonic decays. "l W BK Ansat! • l+ Vcs , Vcd D To provide for the presence of nearby vector meson poles in form factors, Becirevic and Kaidalov proposed the parametrization 2 f+ (q ) = 2 f0 (q ) = • + f (0) (1−q 2 /m2D∗ )(1−αq 2 /m2D∗ ) f (0) (1−q 2 /m2D∗ /β) Builds in the closest pole, and has parameters for the slop. K, ! • Analysis method • • • • calculate matrix elements for various (mq, p). use BK to interpolate to fiducial values of E, same for each ensemble. use partially quenched staggered χPT for chiral extrapolation. use BK to extrapolate to full kinematic range. Paul Mackenzie USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 D ! and D K results (hep-ph/0408306, accepted for PRL) ! Vµ D f q2 pD m2D p! m2! q2 µ f0 q2 q m2D m2! q2 qµ 1.5 1 f0 f+ experiment D!>! 0.5 1.5 1 0 1 2 f0 f+ experiment D!>K 0.5 fD Paul Mackenzie ! 0 0 0 64 3 6 21 2 2 q [GeV ] fD K 0 0 73 3 7 USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 Comparison to FOCUS experiment for D f q2 f K decay 0 vs q2 : (provided by FOCUS collab.) Paul Mackenzie USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 • An alternative is to avoid BK altogether, and use χPT to extrapolate jointly in (mq, E): &'!()*+,-).)/0*1*-2(/)345--6*$--)/7+8.)716+-).)/0*1*-28+,5 "$% " 9! 9: +;<+81=+.7 >!?! !$% • ! " # 2 2 q (GeV ) 2 Consistent, but no-BK has larger error in low q (high E) region. Ci (mQ , m0 a) − Ci (mQ ) = a fi (m0 a). Discretization the usual counting ofEffects powers of a (common parlance from Symanzik) dependence. For Wilson fermions limm0 a→0 fi = constant. But as m0 to think of some or all of the powers of a being replaced by powers For heavy-light use HQET to order and estimate final expression for the discretization errors is errori = fi (m0 a)(aΛQCD )dim Oi −4 . cit calculations of the fi for the O(a) and O(a2 ) errors at the tree lev hem to estimate the O(αs a) and O(a2 ) discretization errors. kind of thing can be written out for? currents, but I won’t do that in What would you use for Λ QCD • that the leading current is of dimension 3, so the power appearing var where •Vµ,i is the correction the appears HQET in description Based on ith estimates of the in Λ that the heavy- of the vector c quark expansion, from lattice, sum rules, and experiment, the sensible range is 2 • ΛQCD = 500–700 MeV . Λ (MeV): errorB [O(αs a) Lagrangian] error3 [O(αs a) current] 2 errorE [O(a ) Lagrangian] (cE = 0) 2 errorX [O(a ) current] (d1 off) 2 errorY [O(a ) current] temporal total spatial total 400 1.8 1.1 0.4 1.1 0.9 1.3 0.4 2.8 3.2 500 2.2 1.4 0.6 1.6 1.3 2.0 0.6 3.6 4.1 600 2.6 1.7 0.9 2.4 1.9 2.8 0.8 4.7 5.3 700 3.1 2.0 1.2 3.2 2.6 3.9 1.1 5.9 6.6 800 3.5 2.2 1.5 4.2 3.4 5.0 1.5 7.2 7.8 900 3.9 2.5 1.9 5.3 4.3 6.4 1.8 8.7 9.4 1000 4.4 2.8 2.4 6.6 5.4 7.9 2.3 10.5 11.2 Pending studies on finer lattices, we quoted sum in ld, Phys. Rev. D 62, 014505 (2000) [arXiv:hep-lat/0002008]. quadrature currents, ΛQCD = 700 MeV al., Phys. Rev. D of 65,both 094513 (2002)at[arXiv:hep-lat/0112044]; Phys. hep-ph/0408306 • D → Klν D→K f+ (0) = 0.73(3)(7) D→K f+ (0) dominant error: heavy quark discretization = 0.78(5) [BES, hep-ex/0406028] • D → πlν: D→π f+ (0) = 0.64(3)(6) D→π f+ (0) D→π f+ (0) = = D→K 0.87(3)(9)f+ D→K 0.86(9)f+ [CLEO, hep-ex/0407035] First heavy-light on fine lattices (a=0.09 fm). Repeating the coarse lattice calculations on the fine lattices (4 time sources / configuration) will take most of this year. 01!211(3+456 !/ 789+:;/!!4<97=4<5>1+:;$!!4<97((!,?/((()5 (>+1+@(@<(/"%/*+,- # /=# 5 (7AA(((B789+((@19C?#&D !/=# 5 7'+>'(B789+((@19C?#&D /=# 5 (7AA(((B789+((@19C?#$D !/=# 5 7'+>'(B789+((@19C?#$D /=# 5 (7AA(((B4<5>1+D !/=# 5 7'+>'(B4<5>1+D /". / !". ! ! !"# # !"$ # ' ()*+, - !"% !"& Little lattice spacing dependence seen at level of statistical errors, ~ 5%. Look at coarser lattice spacings to improve discretization uncertainty estimate. Paul Mackenzie Unquenched, improved staggered (”asqtad”) data sets Operations counts for unquenched improved staggered configuration generation. a (fm) m light m heavy Ns Nt Volume CG l CG h Ops/site steps Ops/traj traj TF years 0.18 0.0492 0.0328 0.0164 0.0082 0.082 16 16 16 16 48 48 48 48 196608 196608 196608 196608 170 170 170 500 142 142 142 142 1164472 1164472 1164472 1556182 50 50 100 200 1.14E+13 1.14E+13 2.29E+13 6.12E+13 3000 3000 3000 3000 0.0011 0.0011 0.0022 0.0058 0.15 0.0484 0.029 0.0194 0.0097 0.0048 0.0484 16 16 16 16 16 48 48 48 48 48 196608 196608 196608 196608 196608 138 206 281 430 890 138 138 138 138 138 1121740 1202456 1291481 1468344 2014364 100 100 100 150 333 2.21E+13 2.36E+13 2.54E+13 4.33E+13 1.32E+14 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 0.0021 0.0023 0.0024 0.0041 0.0126 0.125 "coarse" 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.007 0.005 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 20 20 20 20 20 24 64 64 64 64 64 64 512000 512000 512000 512000 512000 884736 170 212 253 426 583 893 142 142 127 127 127 143 1164472 1214326 1245188 1450539 1636898 2023860 50 50 75 150 200 333 2.98E+13 3.11E+13 4.78E+13 1.11E+14 1.68E+14 5.96E+14 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.011 0.016 0.057 0.09 "fine" 0.0124 0.0062 0.0031 0.031 0.031 0.031 28 28 40 96 96 96 2107392 2107392 6144000 352 687 1400 189 189 189 1436295 1833940 2680271 125 250 500 3.78E+14 9.66E+14 8.23E+15 3000 3000 3000 0.036 0.092 0.786 0.06 0.008 0.004 0.002 0.02 0.02 0.02 42 42 60 144 144 144 10668672 10668672 31104000 355 1030 1050 300 300 300 1571613 2372838 2396578 188 375 750 3.15E+15 9.49E+15 5.59E+16 3000 3000 3000 0.301 0.907 5.339 Fermilab Supercomputers QCDOC Ops/site=1187*(CG l + CG h)+794128. Paul Mackenzie First results on coarser lattices. (a=0.18 fm. “extra coarse”.) At a minimum, a good sanity check on errors estimated from the fine and coarse lattices. -1 a (GeV) r1 (potential) psi 1P1S Upsilon 1P1S Upsilon 2S1S B_c Paul Mackenzie 1.105 (50) 1.097 (+97/-22) 1.122 (19) 1.139(43) 1.13 Statistical errors only. USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 hep-ph/0408306 dominant error: heavy quark discretization • D → Klν D→K f+ (0) = 0.73(3)(7) D→K f+ (0) = 0.78(5) [BES, hep-ex/0406028] • D → πlν: D→π f+ (0) D→π f+ (0) D→π f+ (0) = 0.64(3)(6) D→K = 0.87(3)(9)f+ = D→K 0.86(9)f+ [CLEO, hep-ex/0407035] fD and fDs We’re concentrating on charm before bottom because of the pending revolution in charm data from CLEO. Samples of current work in progre CLEO expects: Semileptonic decays to 1%. Decay constants to 2%. New tests of lattice methods from CKM independent amplitude ratios: New high precision experimental data for Vcd and Vcs. Taking data now, results in about a year. Paul Mackenzie USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 Quark masses used. Lots of partially quenched valence masses from a multimass inverter. Partially quenched, finite a staggered chiral perturbation theory, Bernard and Aubin. One-loop corrections, Nobes and Trottier. Paul Mackenzie Simone, Lattice 2004 Fermilab/MILC USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 8 0.030/0.05 The SχPT fit Ensemble 0.030/0.05 The mass plane Fit including staggered discretization effects. Fit without discretization effects. LATTICE 2004 Paul Mackenzie June 2004 USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 8 The SχPT fit Ensemble 0.030/0.05 The mass plane Fit including staggered discretization effects. Fit without discretization effects. LATTICE 2004 Paul Mackenzie June 2004 USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 9 The SχPT fit Ensemble 0.020/0.05 The mass plane Fit including staggered discretization effects. Fit without discretization effects. LATTICE 2004 Paul Mackenzie June 2004 USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 10 The SχPT fit Ensemble 0.010/0.05 The mass plane Fit including staggered discretization effects. Fit without discretization effects. LATTICE 2004 Paul Mackenzie June 2004 USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 11 The SχPT fit Ensemble 0.007/0.05 The mass plane Fit including staggered discretization effects. Fit without discretization effects. LATTICE 2004 Paul Mackenzie June 2004 USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 12 The SχPT fit Ensemble 0.005/0.05 The mass plane Fit including staggered discretization effects. Fit without discretization effects. LATTICE 2004 Paul Mackenzie June 2004 USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 extrapolate along full QCD 16 Results NARY g systematic errors in quadrature, √ fDs mDs √ fD mD = 1.20 ± .06 ± .06 Result from fit +5to all data: f = 263 ± 24 MeV Ds fD = Paul Mackenzie −9 +10 224−14 ± 22 MeV USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 16 Results IMINARY ning systematic errors in quadrature, √ fDs mDs √ fD mD = 1.20 ± .06 ± .06 fDs = 263+5 −9 ± 24 fD = 224+10 −14 ± 22 MeV MeV e ing now the dominant uncertainty. Need matching Paul Mackenzie USQCD Allocations Workshop, January, 2005 CKM matrix with LQCD(n f 3) (from semileptonic decays) Vud Vus 0 225 2 1 Vcd Vcs 0 24 3 2 0 97 10 2 Vtd Vts Vub 35 5 5 10 3 10 2 Vcb 39 1 3 Vtb value(lat.err)(exp.err) 5/9 determined with LQCD(n f Paul Mackenzie 3)+Exp’t !!!!! Full CKM matrix with LQCD(n f 3) (from semileptonic decays) Vud Vus 0 9744 5 3 0 225 2 1 Vcd Vcs 0 24 3 2 0 97 10 2 Vtd Vts 81 27 10 3 38 4 3 Vub 35 5 5 10 3 10 2 Vcb 39 1 3 Vtb 10 2 0 9992 0 1 value(lat.err)(exp.err) 9/9 fully determined !!!!!!!!! ! Paul Mackenzie Wolfenstein parameters with LQCD(n f 0 225 2 1 A 0 77 2 7 " 0 16 28 3) # 0 36 11 Paul Mackenzie