Cylindrical Cartesian Spherical x = r cosc/ S r sin 6 cos 4 y z = r sin4 S r sin 6 sin4 = z = ix = Cos Oi-sin 4k 4 = = i sin Ocos ki,+cos 6 cos -sin Ois 6 sin +cos 6 io 0 i,+ Cos 01i =sin iY rcos6 = sin 0 sin 6i, + Cos il41+C541 S 1 = =~V ie cos Oi,- sin Ois Spherical Cartesian Cylindrical 4ie sin 6 Sr Ix+ y7 tan~1y/x z = rcos6 = sin Oi,+cos 6ie i4 = cos (k ,, +sin = -sin ki,,+Cos 4i, = = i, = i, . i4 = Spherical Cartesian r 0 I4x +y = = i, = Cos iO Cylindrical If,- +z" +z _1 z cot-' cos i, -sin = cos -1 z x/y sinG cos kix+sin +cos 6 sin ci, = sin i, +Cos Oi, i. = cos 6 cos oi,+cos 6 sin oi, -sin Oi. = Cos Oi,-sin Oi, i = -sin 46i, +Cos 0i, = i4 , i, Geometric relations between coordinates and unit vectors for Cartesian, cylir drical, and spherical coordinate systems. CartesianCoordinates(x, y, z) Vf = Ofi.+Ofi,+ Ofi. ax +-A=,++-i ay Oz V- aA,, aA, aA, 2 ax ay az aA -(aA) _8A\ _)+i a.x) ay =i. ay_ ,(-az (LAI ay aza )+ ) (aA VxA V2f+!L+f+a2f Z Ox2 j CylindricalCoordinates (r, 4, z) Of. r+ Vf= Of.i,+ Of iz 1 +A MA. V -A= Ia(rA,.)+ -. r Or r ao 0/f 1 a2f a2f ar Of\ + 42 O r Or On) r SphericalCoordinates (r, 0, Vf=i,.+ Or r = V A 4,) afi+ aO r sin 0 a4 (r2A,)+ r2 ar +r s n r sin 0 a4 aA. a4 1 [a(rA#) OA,. rL Or aeJ I rIAM, a(rA) r sin{ 0r] r oA* 1 (sin OA.) 1 r sin 0 aI a(sin OAs) VxA=i1 'r sineL 80 V f = OA r a4 Or + + V'f= +ixaz - VxA=i az sin0 rf ar' Or. r- -s i n aG ) +Of I a2 f ai r sin 04, 0­ MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS Boundary Conditions Differential Integral Faraday's Law d C B E'-dl=-B-dS VxE=nx(E'-E')=0. dtJI at Ampere's Law with Maxwell's Displacement Current Correction H-dl= Jf,-dS VXH=Jf+aD nX(H 2 -H 1 )=Kf D'-dS=t pfdV V - D=p n - (D 2 -D 1 )= o- B-dS=0 V-B=0 + ~it-s D-dS Gauss's Law Conservation of Charge J,- dS+ sVd pfdV=O V-J,+ at =0 n - (J2-J)+" a 0 Usual Linear Constitutive Laws D=eE B= H Jf= o-(E+vX B)= a-E' [Ohm's law for moving media with velocity v] PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Constant Symbol Speed of light in vacuum Elementary electron charge Electron rest mass c e Electron charge to mass ratio Value units 8 M, 2.9979 x 10 = 3 x 108 1.602 x 10~'9 9.11 x 10 3 m/sec coul kg e 1.76 x 10" coul/kg I, k G kg joule/*K nt-m2/(kg) 2 m/(sec) 2 M, g 1.67 x 10-27 1.38 x 10-23 6.67 x 10-" 9.807 Permittivity of free space 60 8.854 x 10~2~36r Permeability of free space Planck's constant A0 4r X Impedance of free space Avogadro's number i1o 10 10 * Proton rest mass Boltzmann constant Gravitation constant Acceleration of gravity farad/m h 6.6256 x 10-34 henry/m joule-sec 4 376.73- 120ir ohms Ar 6.023 x 1023 atoms/mole MIT OpenCourseWare Resource: (OHFWURPDJQHWLF)LHOG7KHRU\$3UREOHP6ROYLQJ$SSURDFK 0DUNXV=DKQ The following may not correspond to a particular course on MIT OpenCourseWare, but has been provided by the author as an individual learning resource. For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: the I