Community Engagement Activities in the CREW VRE project Meik Poschen ESRC National Centre for e-Social Science Workshop on Fostering e-Infrastructure: from user-designer relations to community engagement Edinburgh, 8/9 May 2008 Outline What is CREW? Project, context & technical system Community/User Engagement Activities User Groups, Activities, Further Steps Uptake and Sustainability The CREW Project CREW: one of four funded projects under the JISC Virtual Research Environment (VRE) phase 2 Programme 2 year project: ends March 2009 Overall aim: “Support the research process” Focus strongly on user engagement VRE JISC defines a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) as to “help researchers in all disciplines manage the increasingly complex range of tasks involved in carrying out research. A VRE will provide a framework of resources to support the underlying processes of research on both small and large scales, particularly for those disciplines which are not well catered for by the current infrastructure.” Project Aim “The aim of CREW is to develop and deploy user-centred software to support research resources (including audio-visual recordings) that arise from collaborative research events such as conferences, workshops and seminars to be discoverable in context.” Project Roots Successor of two JISC VRE phase 1 projects, integrating their functionalities: Memetic (Meeting Memory Technology Informing Collaboration), University of Manchester, Open University, University of Southampton, University of Edinburgh Iugo, Institute for Learning and Research Technology (ILRT), University of Bristol Functionalities of the System CREW will provide a portal environment and support material, with four main features: 1. Recording: Users can record events audio-visually, incorporating presentation slides and similar material, building on Memetic and AG technology. 2. Replaying of the recorded events and choosing the interface layout. Annotating and editing: CREW supports the addition of tags during recordings, e.g. to annotate slides or link to related blog discussions. Searching: The search and browse application will connect and cross-link all the relevant content and metadata in the VRE portal, presenting detailed information. 3. 4. User Engagement The VRE programme phase 2 focuses strongly on user engagement Lesson’s learned from Iugo and Memetic: Despite engaging users wherever possible, this engagement was limited to occasional and informal participation in requirement gathering activities and the use of the tools User needs should be the driver and focus for requirements gathering, development and evaluation, and underpin the whole methodological approach User Groups Three user groups have been integrated from the proposal phase on and each is also a use case: Intute: national JISC service providing access to web resources for research to UK higher education institutions (Bristol & Manchester) Institute of Health Sciences (IHS): promotes health sciences research in Manchester Manchester scientific visualization research groups (UK Professional SIGGRAPH Chapter & Eurographics UK Chapter): using the AG for seminars and workshops. User Groups: Integration A very important asset of CREW is to take into account the different research settings and requirements of the users themselves. The members of the three user groups are actively and formally participating in the project during its complete lifecycle to help achieve these goals. Project funds are used to remunerate users for their time and effort in project activities Engagement activities Users are integrated into the core activities of the project: Users can participate in the monthly project meeting A Project User Management Group (PUMG) has been set up, meeting bi-monthly Users can contribute to the project website and Wiki (and BSCW) Two mailing lists are used: Project mailing list including all users Technical development mailing list including users who want to User Requirements Gathering What do users need and how do we find out? So called User Days in the first phase of the project One day with each user group Introduction what we plan to do (in development) Discussion in focus groups Document findings and feed those back to the users (User Requirements Report) Challenge: find a path for development recognising the different needs of different user groups and domains All User Day Bring together all users on one day and repeat the above process Supported User Events Workshop: making good applications to the research for patient benefit programme - September 2007 (Institute of Health Sciences) Monthly ACM SIGGRAPH Manchester Professional Chapter seminars - end 2007 onwards (Scientific Visualization Groups) Major Intute training event - mid 2008 (Intute) UK Chapter of the Eurographics Association - TP.CG (Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics) Annual Conference - June 2008 (Scientific Visualization Groups) ESRC Research Methods Festival, Oxford - 30 June to 3 July 2008: Recording of “What is?” sessions (special) Evaluation and Further Steps The user requirements gathering is complemented by the supported user events, giving a picture of user needs & users’ work practice in different domains Further steps: Usability sessions will be conducted starting in summer Issues for wider Uptake: Tech The use is technically non-trivial, but at the same time manageable: A stand alone box or a powerful data line is required to make recordings Suitable hardware (cam & mics) has to be used Data has to be stored on a server, archived and kept accessible Issues for wider Uptake: Other Non-technical factors: Security & Confidentiality of data, if needed (diverse access rights models will be developed) Consent of speakers/audience when recording an event (“legal, social and ethical issues” are explored; consent form) Web 42.0 taking over the world.. Sustainability - After the project’s lifetime Good question..! Sustainability - After the project’s lifetime How about.. Talking to OSS Watch.. (of course and yes, I just put this in!) Sustainability - After the project’s lifetime Good question..! How about.. Talking to OSS Watch.. Open Source Going commercial..? Will CREW be continuously used & taken up by other users and domains (and we all get famous..)? Thank You The CREW project: Meik Poschen