Introduction to ILDG Dirk Pleiter DESY Zeuthen HackLatt 2008, 3 April 2008, Edinburgh Outline ■ Introduction ■ Security ■ GUI Installation ■ ILDG Services ■ Monitoring ■ Infrastructure overview ■ Summary 2 INTRODUCTION 3 What is Grid? ■ According to I. Forster's (2002) check-list a Grid is a system: ■ that coordinates resources that are not subject to centralized control ■ ■ ■ Resources that live within different control domains using standard, open, general-purpose protocols and interfaces to deliver non-trivial qualities of service ■ Coordinated use 4 Grid Middleware ■ ■ Layer model: Application Service examples: ■ resource discovery ■ uniform data access ■ authentication ■ identity management Middleware Network 5 What is ILDG? ■ ■ Goal of ILDG: ■ Establish an international grid infrastructure ■ Long-term storage and global sharing of data Organised as a federation of Grids ■ Different middleware stacks ■ ■ ■ gLite Globus Toolkit Different grid infrastructures ■ ■ EGEE, OSG, WLCG Use available infrastructure (tiny fraction of LHC storage) 6 Interoperability Challenge ■ ■ Adopt common Grid standards ■ Provide service which implements given standard ■ Example: Storage Resource Manager (SRM) Define and implement interface services ■ ■ Standardized interface service Interface service executes request on behalf of user ■ Interface Service A Interface Service B Service A Service B Problem: credential delegation 7 Use cases and services ■ Search for scientific data ■ ■ Identify copy of file ■ ■ Query file catalogue (FC) Download file ■ ■ Query metadata catalogue (MDC) Access storage element (SE) Register and manage users ■ Virtual organisation management 8 Credits ■ Members of the ILDG Middleware Working Group: ■ Australia: Paul Coddington, Shunde Zhang ■ Japan: ■ Germany: David Melkumyan, Dirk Pleiter ■ UK: George Beckett, Radoslaw Ostrowski ■ US: Balint Joó, James Simone, Chip Watson Noriyoshi Ishii, Mitsuhisa Sato 9 SECURITY 10 Basics ■ Authentication ■ ■ Authorization ■ ■ Process of determining whether the person we are communicating with is who it is declared to be → Who are you? Since we know with whom we are communicating we can restrict the access to certain services → What are you allowed to do Accounting (not considered here) → How much have you used? ■ Auditing (not considered here) → What did you do? Were you allowed to do that? 11 Public Key Cryptography ■ ■ ■ Based on two keys: ■ Key A: “secret” or “private” key ■ Key B: “public” key By knowing the public key, it is computationally infeasible to reveal the secret key The decryption key is not the same as the encryption key 12 Public Key Encryption (2) Figure: 13 Authentication: Step 1 ■ ■ ■ Modified procedure: ■ Bob sends random message to Alice ■ Alice encrypts message using private key ■ Encrypted message is returned to Bob ■ Bob decrypts message using Alice's public key If decryption is successful, Bob knows that Alice is owner of private key But: ■ Does Bob trust relation of Alice and her key? Anyone can generate a private and public key 14 Digital Signatures Figure: 15 Authentication: Step 2 ■ ■ Establish Certification Authority (CA) that can assure that a public key (or certificate) can be trusted Procedure: ■ ■ CA has private/public key pair CA signs user's certificate after having confirmed identity of user ■ ■ Typically done via Registration Agency (RA) Everybody can check the authenticity of a user's certificate by checking the authenticity of the CA's signature 16 Certificates ■ ■ Certificate includes: ■ Public key ■ Distinguished name (DN) ■ Identity of CA that signed certificate ■ Digital signature of CA X.509 format defined by IETF 17 Certificate Authorities ■ CAs organised in Policy Management Authorities (PMAs) TAGPMA ■ ■ ■ APGridPMA Coordinate trust fabric Provide repository for CA certificates and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) Roof organisation: International Grid Trust Federation (IGTF) 18 Single Sign-on ■ ■ Private key should be password protected → Each use requires use of password Solution: Proxy certificate ■ New certificate with new private/public key ■ Certificate signed by owner → trust chain: ■ Allows authentication with typing password → Limited lifetime reduces security risk 19 Tutorial 1a: Install GUI ■ ■ Goto → UserDoc → Software and follow instructions Install ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ gui-3.0-1.*.noarch.rpm, gui-default-3.0-1.*.noarch.rpm env.rpm cert.rpm requires regular update cert.rpm jre.rpm, jre-default.rpm srmcp.rpm, srmcp-default.rpm ildg-client.rpm ildg-client-default.rpm Alternatively: export LROOT=$HOME/ildg/lroot; . $LROOT/etc/ 20 Tutorial 1b: Certificates ■ ■ ■ ■ Locations: ■ Certificate: ■ Your private key: $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem View certificate: ■ grid-cert-info [-file $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem] ■ Location should be defined in $X509_USER_CERT Generate proxy certificate ■ grid-proxy-init [-verify] [-valid <h:m>] ■ Location defined in $X509_USER_PROXY View proxy certificate ■ grid-proxy-info Remove $HOME/.globus from lab machines after lecture! 21 Virtual Organisation (VO) ■ ■ Collection of people from different institutions working to solve a common goal VO is consumer of resources (e.g. storage) provided by resource providers ■ ■ ■ VO members share common resources VO establishes resource-usage agreements with grid resource providers VO manages membership 22 VOM Registration Service (VOMRS) ■ GUI: ■ User action: ■ Load certificate into browser and connect to VOMRS ■ Fill registration form and nominate representative ■ ■ After email address verification acknowledge VO usage rules Representative action ■ Approve/deny application ■ ≥ 2 representatives per regional Grid 23 AuthZ Architecture 24 AuthZ in Practice ■ Simplest and popular mechanism: grid-mapfile ■ List of authorized users ... "/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Edinburgh/L=NeSC/CN=christopher kelly" .ildg "/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Edinburgh/L=NeSC/CN=christopher maynard" .ildg "/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Edinburgh/L=NeSC/CN=eilidh grant" .ildg "/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Edinburgh/L=NeSC/CN=george beckett" .ildg ... ■ ■ Local account name: map Grid to Unix credentials VO is not persistent ■ Services regularly pull updated membership list ■ Automatic update of grid-mapfile (from time to time) → Dynamic propagation of membership information 25 VO Groups ■ VOMRS allows definition of groups ■ ■ E.g. /ildg/ukqcd Mapping Grid to Unix credentials may depend on group membership ■ Group members mapped to different accounts 26 Use cases and services ■ Search for scientific data ■ ■ Identify copy of file ■ ■ Query file catalogue (FC) Download file ■ ■ Query metadata catalogue (MDC) Access storage element (SE) Register and manage users ■ Virtual organisation management 27 Linking Metadata and Data Objects Links Ensemble XML document Configuration XML document Binary data file markovChainURI dataLFN dataLFN 28 Information/Data Storage Ensemble XML Config XML markovChainURI dataLFN Metadata Catalogue dataLFN SURL File Catalogue Binary Confs SURL Storage Element 29 URI Conventions ■ markovChainURI: mc://__GRID__/... ■ __GRID__ ■ Example: = regional grid name mc://ldg/qcdsf/clover_nf2/b5p40kp13660-32x64 ■ dataLFN: ■ lfn://__GRID__/... Example: lfn://ldg/qcdsf/clover_nf2/b5p40kp13660-32x64 /qcdsf.597.00554.lime 30 METADATA CATALOGUE 31 Metadata Catalogue ■ ■ ■ Catalogue = database with following functionalities: ■ Query and download XML documents ■ Insert/update/delete XML documents Different implementations: ■ Generic XML database (e.g. eXist) ■ XML relational mapper + RDBMS (e.g. MySQL) ILDG interface services provide access only to some functions 32 MDC Interface Services ■ ILDG-complient MDCs have to provide the following services: ■ getMDCinfo ■ ■ doEnsembleURIQuery ■ ■ ■ Return information on MDC, e.g.: name of regional grid, supported query types, version number Query the MDC for matching ensemble XML IDs For each matching XML ID its markovChainURI is returned doConfigurationLFNQuery ■ Equivalent service for configurations XML IDs 33 MDC Interface Services (2) ■ getEnsembleMetadata ■ ■ getConfigurationMetadata ■ ■ Return ensemble XML ID with a given markovChainURI Return configuration XML ID with a given dataLFN Particular MDC implementation may provide more services ■ E.g. for uploading and managing XML IDs 34 Web Service Technology ■ ■ ILDG interface services are implemented as web services Definition by W3: [Web Services Glossary, 2004] ■ ■ ■ A software system designed to support interoperable machine to machine interaction over a network It has an interface described in a machineprocessable format, i.e. WSDL Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAPmessages 35 SOAP ■ ■ ■ Originally SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol A protocol for exchanging XML-based messages over computer networks, normally using HTTP/HTTPS Typically RPC type messaging pattern: ■ ■ ■ Client sends request to server Server sends immediate response message back to client Lengthy XML syntax potential disadvantage 36 Web Services Description Language (WSDL) ■ XML-based language for describing web-services ■ Example: ■ getMDCinfo service ■ Define binding: <wsdl:binding name="mdcSoapBinding" type="impl:MDCInterface"> <wsdl:operation name="getMDCinfo"> <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/> <wsdl:input name="getMDCinfoRequest"/> <wsdl:output name="getMDCinfoResponse"/> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:binding> 37 WSDL (2) ■ Define interface implementation: <wsdl:portType name="MDCInterface"> <wsdl:operation name="getMDCinfo"> <wsdl:input message="impl:getMDCinfoRequest" name="getMDCinfoRequest"/> <wsdl:output message="impl:getMDCinfoResponse" name="getMDCinfoResponse"/> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:portType> ■ Define message implementations: <wsdl:message name="getMDCinfoRequest"/> <wsdl:message name="getMDCinfoResponse"> <wsdl:part name="getMDCinfoReturn" type="impl:MDCinfo"/> </wsdl:message> 38 WSDL (3) ■ Define complex types: <complexType name="MDCinfo"> <sequence> <element name="groupName" type="xsd:string"/> <element name="groupURL" type="xsd:string"/> <element name="queryTypes" type="impl:ArrayOf_string"/> <element name="version" type="xsd:string"/> </sequence> </complexType> 39 Tutorial 2: Simple Perl Client ■ Perl script using SOAP::Lite module ■ Client only parses SOAP message ■ no reference to WSDL 40 C/C++ Client ■ Build C/C++ web-service clients using gSoap ■ Procedure: ■ Run WSDL parser tool wsdl2h that imports WSDL and generates header files with ■ ■ ■ web-service operations C/C++ data types used by the services Run stub compiler soapcpp2 to generate ■ ■ XML serialisers for the data types Client side stubs 41 gSoap getMDCinfo client 42 Xpath: XML Path Language ■ Defines syntax for portions of XML documents ■ Example XML ID: <?xml version="1.0"?> <list> <item><value>1</value></item> <item><value>2</value></item> </list> ■ Example XPath expression: ■ /list/item All item elements ■ /list/item[value>1] Only the last item element 43 XPath Examples ■ Query ensemble XML IDs: ■ All ensemble XML IDs: ■ All ensembles using Wilson plaquette action: /markovChain /markovChain/physics/action/gluon/plaquetteGluonAction ■ Same but restricted to β>5.3: /markovChain//plaquetteGluonAction[beta>5.3] ■ Query configuration XML IDs: ■ All configurations that belong to a ensemble: /gaugeConfiguration/markovStep[markovChainURI=”<uri>"] ■ It is better not to query for all configuration XML IDs 44 Tutorial 3: MDC Portals ■ ■ Web interfaces: ■ ■ ILDG Browser Client ■ ■ Download metadata using ildg-client: ildg-get --mdc-only {__URI__|__LFN__} % ildg-get --mdc-only \ uri://ldg/qcdsf/clover_nf2/b5p20kp13420-16x32 % ildg-get --mdc-only \ lfn://ldg/qcdsf/clover_nf2/b5p20kp13420-16x32/ape.001.000305.dat 45 FILE CATALOGUE 46 Grid File Catalogues ■ ■ File catalogue task ■ Map logical file name to physical file names ■ Possibly: file metadata (e.g. checksums) Popular implementations: ■ GT Replica Location Service (RLS) ■ ■ Flexible set of attributes LCG File Catalogue (LFC) ■ Optimised for scalability 47 Example: LFC ■ ■ Objects Replica 1 LFN 1 LFN 2 GUID Replica 2 … … LFN N Replica M ■ Logical file name (LFN) ■ Global Unique Identifier (GUID) ■ Site URL (SURL, aka physical file name) Hierarchical namespace organised as virtual file system % lfc-ls -l /grid/ildg/ldg/qcdsf/clover_nf2p1 drwx---r-x 798 44054 3413 0 May 29 2007 b7p20kp12450kp12450-16x32 drwx---r-x 440 44054 3413 0 Nov 22 14:44 b7p20kp12500kp12500-16x32 drwx---r-x 599 44054 3413 0 Sep 25 2007 b7p20kp13350kp13350-16x32 ■ Virtual user and group IDs + support for ACL ■ Authenticated access (like RLS) 48 Interface Service ■ Services ■ getFCinfo ■ getURL ■ ■ ■ Input: Output: List of LFNs List of SURLs associated with each LFN Interface service queries file catalogue on behalf of user → Credential delegation required 49 Tutorial: Query File Catalogue ■ Fetch list of replicas for a particular LFN using ildg-client: % ildg-get --fc-only \ lfn://ldg/qcdsf/clover_nf2/b5p20kp13420-16x32/ape.001.000305.dat srm:// srm:// srm:// srm:// srm:// ■ First call takes long ← credential delegation ■ ■ Interface service stores delegated credential Watch details: ildg-get –debug=3 ... 50 STORAGE ELEMENT 51 What Is a Storage Element? ■ Very simple storage element: Storage ■ Grid Interface Will not work for large storage (multi-PBytes) → Need scaling architecture 52 GridFTP ■ ■ GridFTP protocol developed by GGF as extension of FTP protocol Features: ■ ■ ■ Host A Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) support Parallel data transfer (multiple TCP streams) Third-party control of data transfer GridFTP Server Host B (source) data GridFTP Server Host C (destination) 53 SRM ■ Storage Resource Management protocol ■ ■ Reservation and scheduling of storage resources Standardised access to heterogeneous storage ■ ■ ■ ■ Simple disk Robotic tape storage systems Distributed disk cache, hierarchical storage system Features ■ File transfer protocol negotiation ■ Dynamic transfer URL (TURL) allocation 54 SRM get ■ Client sends get to SRM server ■ ■ SRM server returns TURL ■ ■ ■ SURL, protocol list GridFTP server selected, e.g., depending on load Client Data TURL SURL, protocol list Possibly wait until file has been staged GridFTP Server 1 GridFTP Server 2 TURL SRM Server Client initiates file transfer from GridFTP server GridFTP Server N 55 SRM Function Overview ■ Data transfer functions ■ ■ Directory functions ■ ■ srmCopy, srmPrepareToGet, srmRemoveFiles srmMkdir, srmLs Permission functions ■ srmSetPermission, srmCheckPermission ■ Space management functions ■ Status functions 56 ILDG client ■ ILDG client has to support ■ SRM ■ Transport: HTTP, GridFTP 57 ILDG File Format ■ ■ All files uploaded to ILDG have to conform to file format specification Format based on structured files which are packaged using LIME file format ■ LIME defined by USQCD ■ Structure: ■ ■ ■ Records containing ASCII or binary data One or more records combined in one message One or more messages in one file 58 LIME record ■ Header (144 bytes) ■ Control word (8 bytes) ■ Data length in bytes (8 bytes) ■ LIME type (128 bytes) ■ Data (1...263 bytes) ■ Null padding (0...7 bytes) 59 ILDG records ■ ildg-format <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ildgFormat> <version> 1.0 </version> <field> su3gauge </field> <precision> 32 </precision> <lx>20</lx> <ly>20</ly> <lz>20</lz> <lt>64</lt> </ildgFormat> ■ ildg-binary-data ■ ■ Gauge configuration data ildg-data-lfn ■ Logical file name, reference to metadata 60 ILDG File Format (2) ■ Users free to add own messages and records (but must not use record type name 'ildg-*') Message Record LIME record type #1 ... #n ... #m ... ... ... ... #i ... #j ... ... #1 ... ... ... ... ildg-format ... ildg-binary-data ... ... ildg-data-lfn ... 61 How to read LIME files? ■ Minimal example: (coding style not recommended) ■ Link to LIME library from USQCD 62 Tutorial 4: Download File ■ Demo: download file % ildg-get \ lfn://ldg/qcdsf/clover_nf2/b5p20kp13420-16x32/ape.001.000305.dat ■ ■ For more details increase debug level, e.g.: --debug=3 Verify checksum: ildg_cksum <file> ■ Check contents: lime_contents <file> 63 REGIONAL GRID OVERVIEW 64 Regional Grids: Australia ■ Catalogue services ■ dCache based storage element ■ Host of global ILDG services: ■ ■ Monitoring service ■ Global web-site See 65 Regional Grids: Japan ■ ■ ■ ■ Catalogue services Relevant computing centres access global file system Gfarm Grid-FTP server provides external access See 66 Regional Grids: France/Germany/Italy ■ LatFor Datagrid (LDG) ■ Catalogue services ■ dCache based storage elements in ■ France: Lyon ■ Germany: Berlin, Hamburg, Jülich, Zeuthen ■ Italy: Parma (planned) ■ Operates user registration service ■ See 67 Regional Grids: UK ■ Catalogue services ■ 6 storage nodes ■ See talk by George Beckett and 68 Regional Grids: US ■ Catalogue services ■ dCache storage element at FNAL ■ See 69 MONITORING 70 INCA Based Monitoring ■ ■ ■ Report manager executes regularly test scripts accessing Grid resources Information collected in repository Failures generate email notifications 71 ILDG Monitoring Service ■ ■ Monitored services: ■ MDC ■ FC ■ SE 72 History ■ Review service stability, e.g.: → UKQCD MDC is actually quite stable! (ignore Christmas break) 73 SUMMARY 74 Summary ■ ILDG concept: Federation of regional Grids ■ ■ ■ ■ 5 regional grids in operation Interoperability challenge: ■ Adopt common Grid standards ■ Define and implement interface services Short introduction into Grid security ■ Certificate based authentication ■ Concept of virtual organisation Web-service technologies (SOAP, WSDL) 75 Summary download operation: 76 Conclusions ■ Growing number of large physics collaborations use ILDG infrastructure ■ Gaining grid access requires efforts ■ ■ ■ ■ Install Grid client software Request certificate from CA Join the VO Efforts pay-off ■ Distributed generation and analysis of data 77 More sites to come ... 78 QUESTIONS? 79