Ideas on Guarantees of Services László Zsolt Varga MTA SZTAKI System Development Department 19.02.2007 SZTAKI •Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences •Founded in 1964, one of the biggest institutes of the Academy •The single research institution in Hungary in the field of applied information technology •Application oriented, revenues from contracts •People: •Staff about 300 •Highly educated, Academicians, Dr. Academy, PhD, University full professors 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 2 SZTAKI – Memberships • European Research Consortium of Informatics and Mathematics, full membership in 1994 • Member of the World Wide Web Consortium •Centre of Excellence in the 5th Framework Program of the European Union •ISO 9002 certification and quality assurance system for SW-development 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 3 System Development Department •Research and innovative application of the newest software technology results •Component and agent based computing for the development of internet applications •Methods promoting the interoperation of distributed and heterogeneous systems •Working with leading research institutes, computing and telecommunication companies (references: CERN, IBM, Sun, Nokia, Motorola) 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 4 Introduction •Service Oriented Architectures (Grid, Agents, Web Services, Semantic Web Services, …) publication Service Service Registry Registry Service Service Provider Provider search service invocation (connection) Service Service Consumer Consumer •Before connecting: service consumers want to obtain guarantees related to the services •During service utilisation and after the termination: service consumers want to monitor and evaluate whether the guarantees are met or not 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 5 Guarantee •WS-Agreement: •„Guarantee terms define the assurance on service quality (or availability) associated with the service described by the service definition terms. •They refer to the service description that is the subject of the agreement and define service level objectives (describing for example the quality of service on execution that needs to be met), qualifying conditions (defining for example when those objectives have to be met) and business value expressing the importance of the service level objectives.” •Fine, this is generic: assurance and service level objective are general •Let’s see the examples 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 6 Assurance •„One motivation for creating a service agreement between a service provider and a service consumer is to provide assurance to the service consumer on the service quality and/or resource availability offered by the service provider.” •Single service consumer? And the provider side? •E.g. in the banking domain supervisor organisations are also interested to know whether the bank followed all regulations and guidelines that make sure that the bank can provide services reliably for a long time •Consumers want assurance on repeated service availability for several consumers => different type of assurance on service quality 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 7 Service Level Objective •„In the job submission example, an agreement may provide assurance on the bounds (e.g., minimum) on the availability of resources such as memory, type of central processing unit (CPU), storage and/or job execution beginning or completion time. These bounds are referred to as service level objectives (SLO).” •Is an SLO always a directly measurable parameter of the service execution? •E.g. does a healthcare treatment service meat the objectives only if the patient regains complete health within a time limit? Even if it proves to be impossible? •No, in this case we want that the best practice is applied during service execution => different type of SLO 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 8 Measuring Service Execution Practice •Typical quality of service: •directly measurable parameter of the service •or the result of the service •Sometimes service execution practice has to be measured as well •Moreover, the provider might have to be able to explain to the consumer why the best practice produced the given result •Log file? •More than that: process documentation, Grid Provenance, 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 9 K4Care Home Care Platform •The goal of the K4Care project is to develop an informatics platform to manage the information needed to guarantee improved home care service for the increasing number of senior population requiring personalized home care assistance •Project home page •From 2006 to 2009 •Medical assistance in home care naturally needs distributed service oriented architecture •Agent and knowledge technologies •The services provided by the platform to the users are composed of services provided by platform agents 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 10 Medical Guidelines •In theory yes, but how to support them in practice with information technology? •Formal Intervention Plan (FIP): •single problem, generic guidelines •Typical patient: •several problems, specific needs •Individual Intervention Plan (IIP): •several FIPs combined and instantiated with specific values •The service provided to the patient is the IIP •Service Level Objective: •the provided service (IIP) should follow the best available practice (expressed in a set of FIPs) 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 11 Next Steps/Future Directions? 19.02.2007, Edinburgh AgentAgent-based Grid Computing 12