From VOMS to TrustCoM: VO management from academia to business Michael Wilson

From VOMS to TrustCoM:
VO management from academia to
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
Grid active Businesses
VO Legal Structure
VO Management Requirements
How VOMS meets the requirements
How TrustCoM meets the requirements
More still needs doing to meet the
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
Business Sectors in Grid market
• Clusters, Intra-Enterprise & Inter-Enterprise
• Grids are required to share resources for
content creation
– Computing, data, information
• For evidence based decision making – public
• Sectors
– Engineering Design
– Pharmaceuticals
– Petrochemical
– Finance
• Can buy there own clusters for computing
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if sharing is not required
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
Legal form of relationship
• Supplier contracts
– Contract chains – low tier n control
• Strategic partnerships
– Layered contracting
• Joint venture
– shared capital risk
• Shared risk VO
Michael Wilson
– Shared operational risks
eScience Centre
Topology of relationship
BR Katzy, C Zhang, H loeh. Reference Models for Virtual Organizations.
eScience Centre
Paper No 2704, Working Paper Series, CeTIM
A Virtual Organisation is:
a coalition of entities that pool resources to achieve
common objectives. The coalition can be temporary or
The entities can be individuals, groups, organisational
units or entire organisations and are normally
geographically dispersed.
There usually will be legal or contractual arrangements
between the entities.
The resources can be physical equipment such as
computing or other facilities, or other capabilities such
Michael Wilson
as knowledge, information or data.
eScience Centre
Moving to a VO
SAP – migrate from single ERP to interaction throughout different topologies
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
Evolution of a VO – Airbus Industries
• Start – strategic partnership
– Design Activity
– Flexible investment and role
• Joint Venture
– Clearly defined role for each partner
– Clearly defined capital investments
• Now - Single Public Company
– Investment management not operational
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
• Duration – 20 years
Inter-enterprise Management Actions
1) Issue a warning
2) Escalate warning to a more authoritative
person in the VO members organization
3) Increase monitoring of behaviour and
recording in an auditable store
4) Issue a fine
5) remove authorization for actions in VO &
remove from VO
Michael Wilson
6) prosecute under legislation
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VO Lifecycle
After: L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh. A Roadmap for Strategic Research on Virtual
Organizations. Proceedings of IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises - PRO-VE’03,
Lugano, Switzerland, pages 33-46, 2003.
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
Requirements on VO
• Support for full lifecycle.
• Contract
– Objective,
– Roles of organisations
– Method, quality (SLA)
– Accounting, Payment
– Security, confidentiality, privacy
– Penalty Clauses
• Monitoring
• Change Control
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
The VOMS Approach
• VO allocated resources on Grid.
• Trusted Certification Authority (CA) issues
certificate to identify user for authentication
• User Agrees to Network Acceptable Use Policy
• VO accepts user to join VO
• User can use all resources of VO
• If user breaks NAUP CA withdraws certificate,
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
VOMS problems
• Managing resource use within a VO
– No resource authorisation
– Only management action is revocation of
• CA effort to issue certificates
– Moving to distributed certification
• Shibboleth
• PERMIS (role based)
• Variable CA policies for identity proof
• Trusted CAs
• Vulnerabilities to hacking, denial of service etc..
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
Policy based solution
• Contract defines policies for:
– Trusted CA for authentication
– Business Process to define resource
requirements by role
– QoS in SLA for business process
– Confidentiality - Resource Access/Use
Authorisation by role
– Penalty Clauses – resource use, quality,
delivery time
• Monitoring for auditable justification of
management actions
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
TrustCom Architecture
using WS* standards
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
TrustCoM limitations
• No financial accounting
• Business Process approach is too
centered on VO manager
• Semantics of roles are ill defined
• Trivial support for discovery
– Semantic web/grid problems have not
been addressed/integrated
• No support for VO joining negotiation
• Little support for modifying contracts and
policies during evolution.
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre
• As the research grid grows the VOMS
approach is proving insufficient for
academic needs.
• Business users require a more contract
and policy based approach
• TrustCoM has demonstrated a policy
based approach can work.
• To be useful, the Policy approach needs
combining with:
– Accounting
– Semantics
Michael Wilson
eScience Centre