GAMA: Grid Account Management Architecture Kurt Mueller Grid Middleware Development Group San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California, San Diego Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GAMA 1 in a nutshell • A system for creating and managing Grid accounts for portal and application users • Provides dedicated server installation consisting of Grid software (CACL, MyProxy, CAS) wrapped in web services • Provides management portlets for easy integration into GridSphere portal framework – User account request form – Administrative account management console – User login through GAMA - retrieves GSI credential Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GAMA 1 architecture create user gridportlets DB GridSphere import user Servlet container retrieve credential Java keystore Portal server 1 Portal server 2 retrieve credential AXIS Web Services wrapper gama CACL MyProxy CAS … Servlet container Java keystore GAMA server Stand-alone applications Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GAMA 1 ideal environment • • • • • • New portal/Grid project No existing users/credentials Single administrator Globus Grid GridSphere portal Authorization through grid-mapfile Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GAMA 1 weaknesses • Hard to incorporate existing user accounts and Grid credentials • Hard to use existing infrastructure – MyProxy server – Other CA packages • Hard to expand core GAMA functions – – – – SRB account creation Authorization - CAS not so useful? Unix accounts grid-mapfile updates Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Back to the drawing board… Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GAMA 2 features • • • • Implementation agnostic Extensible through a plug-in architecture Workflow system for multi-step operations Supports VOs with many sites and independent site administrators • Provides cluster account management Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Implementation agnostic • No explicit reliance on MyProxy, CACL, CAS. Accomplished through a plug-in architecture on GAMA server: use whatever CA you want, whatever credential storage, whatever authorization service, etc. • GAMA 2 includes CACL, Naregi and MyProxy plugins out of the box • May also include SRB account management, and other plugins Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Extensible • GAMA admin can write task plugins to accomplish novel tasks: – Interface with existing infrastructure (authentication/authorization mechanisms, databases, CA packages, etc.) – Manage Unix / Windows / physical accounts – etc. Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Extensible All GAMA tasks extend GAMATask class: abstract public class GAMATask { … abstract public void doTask() throws GAMATaskException; abstract public void rollbackTask() throws GAMATaskRollbackException {}; … } Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Extensible - MyProxyAuthNTask.xml <task-def> <task-param> <param-name>username</param-name> <param-class>java.lang.String</param-class> <param-required>true</param-required> </task-param> <task-param> <param-name>password</param-name> <param-class>java.lang.String</param-class> <param-required>true</param-required> <param-nopersist>true</param-nopersist> </task-param> … <task-output> <output-name>credentialobject</output-name> <output-class>org.globus.gsi.GlobusCredential</output-class> </task-output> <task-output> <output-name>credentialstring</output-name> <output-class>java.lang.String</output-class> </task-output> </task-def> Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Extensible - public class MyProxyAuthNTask extends GAMATask { public void doTask() throws GAMATaskException { String username = (String) getParamObjectByName("username"); String passwd = (String) getParamObjectByName("password"); … cred = (GSSCredential) myproxy.get(username, passwd, myProxyLifetime.intValue()); … getOutputByName("credentialobject").setOutputObject(cred); getOutputByName("credentialstring"). setOutputObject(cred.toString()); } } Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Workflow system • Server operations are customizable and expandable. Uses a workflow system that can execute arbitrary sequences of tasks for any operation, such as “login.” – GAMA 1 login does one thing: tries to retrieve a credential from MyProxy. – GAMA 2 login could do a sequence of things: retrieve credential from MyProxy, open an SRB socket connection, write a message to a logfile, etc. Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Workflow system - MyProxyAuthNSequence.xml <sequence-def> <sequence-description>GAMA's default MyProxy authentication sequence</sequence-description> <sequence-type>authenticate</sequence-type> <sequence-type-default>true</sequence-type-default> <sequence-rollbackallonfailure>false</sequencerollbackallonfailure> <sequence-item> <item-class> authn.MyProxyAuthNTask</item-class> <item-class-config-id>0</item-class-config-id> <item-description>simple MyProxy authentication with username and password</item-description> <item-rollbackonfailure>false</item-rollbackonfailure> <item-stopsequenceonsuccess>false</item-stopsequenceonsuccess> <item-stopsequenceonfailure>true</item-stopsequenceonfailure> </sequence-item> </sequence-def> Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Workflow system - NewUserSetupSequence.xml <sequence-def> <sequence-description>GAMA's default CACL and MyProxy new user sequence</sequence-description> … <sequence-item> <item-class> CACLNewUserTask</item-class> <item-description>Create a new user in CACL</item-description> <item-rollbackonfailure>true</item-rollbackonfailure> <item-stopsequenceonsuccess>false</item-stopsequenceonsuccess> <item-stopsequenceonfailure>true</item-stopsequenceonfailure> </sequence-item> <sequence-item> <item-class> MyProxyLoadCredentialsFromCATask</item-class> <item-description>Load a user's credentials from CA into MyProxy</itemdescription> <item-rollbackonfailure>true</item-rollbackonfailure> <item-stopsequenceonsuccess>false</item-stopsequenceonsuccess> <item-stopsequenceonfailure>true</item-stopsequenceonfailure> </sequence-item> </sequence-def> Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GridSphere Portal Login user Task engine Account request portlet (GridSphere) Account admin portlet (GridSphere) Create user GEMSTONE Login web service client AuthNSequence NewUserSequence Login portlet (GridSphere) GAMA 2 1 Server CACL MyProxy CAS SRB … Kepler Login web service client Account admin GUI (GridSphere portal) Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Multi-site support • GAMA 2 server supports multiple sites, each with its own local site administrator • Site admin logs in to GAMA server and manages accounts for just their site; other sites’ users are not visible. Primary GAMA admin can manage all users. • GAMA can be configured to perform different sequences of actions for different sites: – Site A -> login sequence A – Site B -> login sequence B Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Cluster account management • GAMA knows about resources such as clusters – A resource belongs to a site • Site admin can specify access permissions for each user on each resource in their site • Resources can poll GAMA server for list of valid users, and manage individual user accounts and/or grid-mapfile entries accordingly. • Provides a critical step in cluster management: Rocks for OS/software install, GAMA for users Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GAMA 2 web services • Provide a simple API that duplicates GAMA 1 API: authenticateUser() authorizeUser() requestNewUser() … • Plus new methods for site/resource management: createSite() addNewResource() getResourceUsers() addUserToResource() … Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GAMA 2 web services • All web services take as inputs a set of key-value pairs, and produce as outputs another set of keyvalue pairs • Allows flexibility for task/sequence writers, at the expense of explicitness: String authenticateUser(String username, String password, String lifetime) {…} vs. HashMap authenticateUser(HashMap inputs) {…} Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GAMA server admin GUI demo Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GAMA 2.0: Steps to completion • Finish tying in web service interface to task engine • Complete the administrative GUI – Group management – Task and sequence management • Refactor account request and login portlets • Provide client tools for cluster user management • Construct server Rocks roll with Naregi, MyProxy and GAMA Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 GAMA: the future • Explore authentication technologies – CAS still useful? – Shibboleth / GridShib – etc. • More complete end-to-end user management: – grid-mapfile updates on end resources, for instance • Synchronization / cooperation between multiple GAMA servers across VOs Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 References • • • • • • • • • GAMA: GridSphere: CACL: Naregi CA: MyProxy: CAS: GEON project: Telescience project: NBCR: Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006 Credits SDSC/GEON: Kurt Mueller, Sandeep Chandra, Karan Bhatia UCSD/NCMIR: Abel Lin, Khim Ung, Lu Dai UCSD/BIRN: Jason Novotny, Ramil Manansala, Jana Nguyen Portals and Portlets 2006 - July 17, 2006