south corridor station area plans Uptown South End New Bern Scaleybark Woodlawn Tyvola & Archdale Tyvola Archdale Transit Station Area Plan ADOPTED BY CHARLOTTE CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 10, 2008 Arrowood Sharon Road West I-485/South Boulevard 2009 NORTH CAROLINA MARVIN COLLINS OUTSTANDING PLANNING AWARD SPECIAL THEME CATEGORY Sustainable Community Planning Table of Contents Executive Summary iii Volume I: Concept Plan 1 Study Area Context 3 Planning Process Plan Boundaries Opportunities and Constraints Vision Goals Land Use and Community Design Transit Station Area General Corridor Areas Wedge Neighborhood Areas Transportation and Streetscape Transportation/Street Design Recommendations Streetscape Standards Street Cross-sections Avenue - Four-Lane Divided Avenue - Two-Lane Undivided Boulevard Main Street Office/Commercial Street - Wide Local Residential Street - Wide Infrastructure and Public Facilities Public Facility/Infrastructure Recommendations Park and Greenway Recommendations Environment Environmental Recommendations 3 3 4 6 6 9 9 11 13 14 14 19 19 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 26 27 27 Volume 2: Implementation Plan 29 Public Sector Responsibilities Private Sector Responsibilities Corrective Rezonings Implementation Strategies 31 31 31 32 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan i Appendix 37 Existing Conditions 39 Demographics Environment Land Use and Urban Design Transportation Infrastructure /Public Facilities 39 40 41 50 57 List of Maps Map 1: Study Area within Corridor Context Map 2: Concept Plan Map 3: Recommended Future Land Use Map 4: Transportation Recommendations Map 5: Streetscape Cross Section Key 2 7 8 17 18 Map 6: Corrective Rezonings 30 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan ii Executive Summary Purpose iii Vision The Tyvola & Archdale Transit Stations are the elev- The desired future for the plan area is highlighted in enth and twelfth stations heading south from Center the following vision statement: City along the South Corridor Light Rail Transit (LRT) line, also known as the LYNX Blue Line. The Tyvola & Archdale study area will become one of a series of vibrant, high density transit villages along The Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan is the South Corridor. Within its boundaries, there will the fourth of a series of plans for areas around the be three distinct areas: stations south of South End. The Introduction to the South Corridor Station Area Plans lays the foundation • Transit Station Area: The core of the study for the station area plans. This plan builds on that area, encompassing both transit stations, will document. It analyzes current conditions in the area transform into a pedestrian-oriented urban around the station, detailed in the Appendix. district. This district will include opportunities for living, working, and shopping. The Concept Plan makes recommendations to bring • General Corridor Area: The area between the right mix of development to complement the the Transit Station Area and I-77 will include transit investment, and to optimize the land use and a range of uses appropriate for a Growth infrastructure within the wider surrounding area to Corridor. Existing light industrial, warehouse, support its continued viability. The Concept Plan is office, retail, and hotel uses will remain, espethe only section of this document to be adopted by cially close to the I-77 and Tyvola Road interCity Council. change. Over time, some uses closest to the transit station may redevelop as higher density Study Area mixed uses. Existing multi-family areas may remain or redevelop at higher density. The The plan examines the area within approximately 1/2 single family Montclaire South neighborhood mile of the two transit stations. The actual stations and the neighborhood around Silverleaf Road are along Old Pineville Road, elevated above street and Green Hill Drive will be preserved and level. Both are linked to South Boulevard by direct protected from incompatible uses. street connections. However, the plan area covers a • Wedge Neighborhood Area: The lower much larger area, extending from I-77 on the west density residential character of the existing to the Madison Park, Montclaire, and Starmount Madison Park, Montclaire, and Starmount neighborhoods on the east, and from above Tyvola neighborhoods will be maintained. Road on the north to the vicinity of Silverleaf Road and Edgwater Drive on the south. It is mostly in a Growth Corridor, as envisioned by the City’s Centers, Land Use and Community Design Corridors and Wedges growth framework, but also includes a portion of the adjoining neighborhoods, The plan contains a number of recommendations related to Land Use and Community Design within in a Wedge. each of the three areas noted in the vision statement, The recommendations, shown on Map 3, include: Opportunities & Constraints Through examination of existing conditions in the Tyvola & Archdale plan area (see Appendix), opportunities to build upon and constraints to overcome were identified. The station locations are highly visible and accessible from South Boulevard. The area around Tyvola Station is between two strong office markets. The area around Archdale Station has an extensive and diverse housing stock. The plan area is challenged by existing land uses that do not generate transit activity, its relatively poor pedestrian environment, the active railroad line that bisects the area, and the disconnected street network. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Transit Station Area • Promote mix of transit supportive land uses in Transit Station Area, generally within 1/2 mile of the two stations; support more intense development of CATS Park & Ride lots. • Provide active, ground floor, non-residential uses such as retail or office, at key locations. • Create urban plazas near the Transit Stations. • Ensure that development adjacent to singlefamily homes provides good transition. iv General Corridor Area • Maintain locations for low to moderate inten- sity office, commercial, light industrial, and warehouse uses in the vicinity of Tyvola Road and I-77. • Maintain existing single family neighborhoods, including Montclaire South in vicinity of Archdale Road west of Old Pineville Road, and neighborhood around Silverleaf Road and Green Hill Drive. • Provide for a mix of commercial and residential land uses along South Boulevard south of the Station Area. • Support Moderate Density Residential Use south of Archdale Park and at the Grand Oaks Apartments, under specific criteria; ensure that redevelopment retains street network and tree canopy, and provides appropriate height and density transition. • Make adjustments to South Growth Corridor boundary. Wedge Neighborhood Area • Maintain single family portion of Madison Park, Montclaire, and Starmount neighborhoods consistent with existing zoning. • Maintain moderate density residential uses along the west edge bordering the station area consistent with existing zoning, and recognize the opportunity for redevelopment other parcels directly fronting the station area under specific criteria. Transportation and Streetscape Transportation recommendations address proposed new streets and enhancements to existing streets to make them more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. The recommendations, shown on Map 4, include: • Provide new street connections at key loca• • • • tions; Maintain and enhance existing street network. Consider new street crossings of the rail line at Seneca Place (at grade) and Greenhill Drive (grade separated). Address spacing of intersections on Tyvola Road to improve traffic flow. Eliminate sidewalk system gaps in Transit Station Area, and in sidewalk connections to the residential areas. Improve sidewalk system along major thoroughfares, and in General Corridor Area. • Enhance pedestrian and bicycle crossings at key locations. • Extend bicycle lane on Archdale Drive and Seneca Place; site new development to allow for future bicycle lanes on South Boulevard. • Install Pedestrian Lighting in key locations. Streetscape Cross-Sections This section recommends future cross sections for streets, and identifies building setbacks and streetscape standards based on the ultimate curbline location. These standards supplement requirements in TOD and other urban zoning districts. Based on the City’s Urban Street Design Guidelines, they will be met by developers who undertake new development or major renovation in the plan area. Map 5 shows the location for each type. The following street types are recommended for the plan area: • • • • • Avenue: 4-lane divided and 2-lane undivided Boulevard Main Street Office/Commercial Street- wide Local Residential Street- wide Infrastructure and Environment The core of the plan area includes present and former commercial and industrial development, much of which is expected to be redeveloped. Its infrastructure may require augmentation for more intense new uses. The plan recommendations include: • Encourage burying of overhead utility lines. • Encourage small urban open spaces in Transit Station Area. • Make street trees a feature of all streets, and reduce impervious surfaces. • Design new buildings to reduce stormwater runoff and improve water quality; protect and enhance watersheds. Implementation Plan The Implementation Plan recommends projects to implement the policy recommendations of the Concept Plan. Because the Implementation Plan is not adopted by elected officials, it is a guide, not a commitment. The Implementation Plan recommends a number of sidewalk improvement and street connection projects, as well as corrective rezonings as shown on Map 6. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Uptown South End New Bern Scaleybark Volume 1: Concept Plan Woodlawn Tyvola Archdale Arrowood Sharon Road West I-485/South Boulevard Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan 1 2 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan Map 1: Study Area and South Corridor Boundaries LN M AN PL ST LN LE DR FO RD NA TIO NS MIL RD RD GE RID ND Madison Park Neighborhood SE NE CA PL Pinewood Elementary School SENECA RD PL TYVOLA DR EBB DR A R D Tyvola Mall PL LD FIE TYV OL T RD F RO AC DE NT E OP CO GROVER RD BAKER DR RD SE CT R T Tyvola Place Shopping Center PL AN ST A L VO DR FO TY RD RY NT GE MIL SOUTH BLVD I - 77 ER RD CK ITU RR CU GLENHAM DR OP TYV OLA HIL RD SA CO RD AY L R D FO Seneca Square Shopping Center Learning Academy South RR W CT LN T UE MIN K OA HIT YT HO DR CT ER RD CENT FO VEN Vanguard Center Business Park EX - SE E MU RD W SEVE NTY Seneca Place Shopping Center OLD PINEVILLE RD RD TTA South Corridor Boundary Study Area Boundary NT LN VIN CE MINUET LISSOM R FU PLYMOUTH WIL DR WE ST FLA GS PA R K TAF DR F D R Smith Middle School TY VO L A RD FA IR KS SE RD RY ER ND O ND LO DR K PL T RO O LN EY NL EM ST ROCKY RIDGE DR Sugar Creek Disposal Plant O D DR LN AS HC RE DR ER YW O DR AL AN HU RT H MB RS W O FA R CHER DR Archdale Park EL RYCR T IN G PL WEN SLEY T CT LS FOO SQUIRRE LN D GW OO SP RIN D R R LIE TP E N DELCHESTER DR T DR R VE SIL SOUTH BLVD N A CALUMET PL PARK SOUTH STATION BLVD CT BELLE VERNON AV LN CT LE LN FARM AV EL L EF HIL HURS IC CK IF RO FO NT T DR RD N C PA RL E L DA L PL WIS TE RIA E DR LE RD INEVIL OLD P EN ED GE WA TE DR than ma D O HW O HIG W .. ps ... Produced by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. N DR ore R TE WA GE .. .m ED WOODSTREAM DR GIS Charlotte C PL R L YA RO G WYCLIFF PL ALE LN DOVERD L DR N HIL GREE PL RS MONTPELIER RD CANDLEWOOD DR K IC R AL DR CA C PA A TR RG LN CEDAR ROSE .. IF U AV O EEN AV IC IO N GR FAIR DR EA ST AM R VE SIL Y PL D DR C LYNDALE PL WILMETTE F EA VA L LE D O OT FO S BB IT RA SE O LE M LN LN RO ER YW O DR HIGH MEA DOW DR E L DA CRES HILLWOOD CT D O W PL COLL EM D ROSE Starmount Neighborhood E GE R D O ALE INGD AVEN RD NL R BU ED WICKER DR BROOKH RD W EY Starmount Shopping Center OD DR L DA GR DR STONEWO CH LN Monclaire Elementary School AR NETHERWOOD DR MONTCREST DR FERNHILL RYCR EST ARCHDALE DR KE INGLESIDE DR EST LN R ALE D ARCHD CHER SCOTTRIDGE DR WHITFORD LN KE DR PL 7 RD NE EY OR SL H DR LEY MB EN E RD WORT CHED BURN W DR FORG ST EST EY BON CR CA I-7 FAIR Montclaire Neighborhood VALL D E R VILL LN TA M LD DR IVY OD ND GEWO LA BOUR CARYSBROOK LN BRAXFIE N EE DR RD NT FT KE Montclaire South Neighborhood OOD PL CHELW RD AC RO PINE Griffith Commerce Park WED RD OLD ITH IFF GR BA N E S 0 600 feet 1,200 Date: May 13, 2008 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan 3 Study Area Context The Tyvola and Archdale Transit Stations are the eleventh and twelfth stations heading south from Center City along the South Corridor Light Rail Transit (LRT) line, also known as the LYNX Blue Line. Tyvola and Archdale are in the middle section of the corridor, just south of Woodlawn Station, and north of Arrowood. This document is the fourth of a series of plans for the station areas extending south from South End. It covers the area surrounding two stations. The plan is divided into the Concept Plan, the Implementation Plan, and an Appendix containing a thorough review of existing conditions. The Concept Plan is the only section of the plan adopted by City Council. The Concept Plan: • • • • tion to the Charlotte City Council. The City Council will also hear citizen comments and make a final decision concerning adoption of the plan. More detailed information on the background, purpose and process for developing this, and other, station area plans can be found in the companion document, Introduction to the South Corridor Station Area Plans. Plan Boundaries The Tyvola Transit Station is located on the South Corridor light rail line on Old Pineville Road, south of Tyvola Road. It is connected to South Boulevard by Grover Road. The station platform is elevated above street level, accessible by stairs and elevator. This Defines the growth and development vision station functions as a Regional Station based on its for the area surrounding the Tyvola and location near the regional roadways of Tyvola Road Archdale LRT stations; and I-77. It is designed to serve an area of 5 miles or Makes recommendations for land use, trans- greater, with the assistance of bus connections and the portation, urban design, and other develop- 469-space park-and-ride facility. ment-related topics; The Archdale Transit Station is located on Old Pineville Updates the Centers, Corridors and Wedges Road at Archdale Drive, just west of South Boulevard. boundaries for the plan area from those ini- The station platform is elevated above street level, tially outlined in the Transportation Action accessible by stairs and elevator. This station functions Plan; and as a Neighborhood Station, meaning it mainly serves Serves as the official streetscape plan for the pedestrians coming from a 1-mile radius around the combined station area once the Concept Plan station, with the support of bus connections. As a Neighborhood Station, it is intended to fit within is adopted. the existing community fabric. It also is served by a 432-space park-and-ride facility. Planning Process Initial planning for the Tyvola & Archdale study area began in conjunction with planning for the South Corridor LRT line. A community planning and urban design consulting firm and an interdepartmental staff team, led by Planning Department staff, held public meetings to gather initial input from area residents and property owners. The staff team has developed plan recommendations based on citizen input, the area context, and guidance from a number of City Council adopted policies. Prior to adoption of the plan, staff will hold additional public meetings with area residents and property owners to present the plan recommendations and to receive feedback. The next step of the process will be presentation to the Planning Committee of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission who will hear citizen comments and make a recommendaTyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan STUDY AREA CONTEXT A Transit Station Area is defined as the property generally within about a ½ mile walk of a transit station. The Tyvola and Archdale stations are only about 3/4 mile apart; as such, they effectively merge as a single walkable station area. For contextual purposes, the boundaries of the Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan cover an area larger than this consolidated station area. The plan area is bisected by the light rail line, is bounded on the west by I-77 and also includes major streets such as South Boulevard, Old Pineville Road, Tyvola Road, and Archdale Drive. This larger plan area falls primarily within the South Growth Corridor but also includes a portion of a Wedge as defined by the Centers, Corridors and Wedges growth framework. The plan boundaries are shown on Map 1; they follow existing zoning and block configurations. 4 x Tyvola Station is elevated above Grover Road, and highly visible to the surrounding area. The Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area is the primary focus of this plan. The area will be the most influenced by- and have the ability to influence- the success of the LRT line. The plan also addresses portions of the Madison Park, Starmount, Montclaire, and Montclaire South neighborhoods, as well as areas within the South Growth Corridor but outside of the station area, primarily adjacent to I-77. Opportunities and Constraints Review of the existing conditions reveal a number of opportunities and constraints to transforming the core of the study area into a transit supportive environment. Success will depend upon effectively dealing with the constraints and capitalizing on the opportunities described below. For a complete discussion of existing conditions, see the Appendix of this document. Opportunities • Station Location: Both the Tyvola and Archdale Transit Stations are elevated and highly visible to the surrounding area, and accessible by stair and elevator. Both stations have CATS Park and Ride lots. A portion of the Tyvola lot is right at the base of the station; the Archdale lot is a bit further past other development. Both stations are at east-west street connections, providing good accessibility in both directions. The convenient and visible station locations can be a catalyst for the redevelopment of properties surrounding the stations, and might in time become focal points for a transit oriented district. Archdale Station platform. • Assembled Land: There are a few large parcels in single ownership in the station area which could be redeveloped for higher density mixed use in the future. These include several shopping center properties along South Boulevard, and the Yorktown Apartments off of Tyvola Road. • Underutilized Land: Some of the land in the station area on Old Pineville Road, especially near Tyvola Station, is vacant or underutilized. The area has potential to accommodate higher density uses desired for a Transit Station Area. • Redevelopment Opportunities: A 2003 market study by Charles Lesser & Company found that the Tyvola station area is the strongest opportunity among stations on the South LRT line for more intense commercial development. This projection is based on the area’s close proximity to Interstate 77, as well as its location between South Park and the emerging Coliseum office submarket. • Housing Diversity: The Archdale station area has considerable diversity in the type and cost of its housing stock, including single-family neighborhoods, townhouse condominiums, and multi-family apartments. If perceptions of the area regarding crime are addressed, the Charles Lesser & Company study projects a strong market for mixed-income residential redevelopment, with accompanying new neighborhood serving retail uses. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan STUDY AREA CONTEXT • Stable Residential Neighborhoods: The Madison Park, Montclaire, Montclaire South, and Starmount neighborhoods provide a strong residential element to the station area. Protection of these neighborhoods will be especially important as new higher intensity development is added to the station area. • Improved Transportation Environment: As a part of the Light Rail construction project and the South Corridor Infrastructure Program (SCIP), a number of physical and visual improvements to the streetscape were made along portions of Tyvola Road, South Boulevard, Grover Road, Old Pineville Road, and Archdale Drive. These have made the area safer, more attractive, and with better access for pedestrians, cars, and bikes. As development occurs, additional transportation improvements should include similar facilities to accommodate a variety of users. Constraints • • • • Railroad Line: The Norfolk Southern rail- road line bisects the plan area and parallels the LYNX light rail line from just below Tyvola Road southward. This limits opportunities for safe pedestrian and vehicular crossings of the line. • Small Parcels Adjacent to Stations: Much of the property closest to the two transit stations consists of property in small parcels in use as automobile-oriented individual retail uses. Such properties do not generally support a walkable environment, and can be difficult to assemble into larger sites for dense mixed use development. • Recent Office Park and Warehouse Development: The development in the vicinity of Tyvola Road and Griffith Street includes relatively recent industrial and warehouse properties, flex office space, freestanding hotel properties, and big box retail development. Some of these uses are in relatively close proximity to the Tyvola transit station. While successful in their own way, they do not represent the higher density transit-oriented development desired close to the station. • Street Network: The plan area currently has a largely disconnected and sparse street network. Some of the neighborhoods to the east of South Boulevard have few connections to South Boulevard. The office, commercial, and industrial area south of Tyvola Road consists of a series of cul-de-sacs and dead end Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan STUDY AREA CONTEXT • parking lots. Better connections and an extensive street network leading into and through the station area will be needed to support the high intensity transit oriented development anticipated. East-West Mobility: Tyvola Road, Grover Road, and Archdale Drive provide east/ west connections through the station area. However, these are the only east/west crossings of the rail line, limiting routes to surrounding properties. Pedestrian Environment: Many of the streetscapes in the industrial and commercial districts of the study area are uninviting to pedestrians. With intermittent narrow sidewalks, absent planting strips and street trees, multiple curb cuts, and poor lighting, the streets are currently more oriented to vehicular travelers than pedestrians. Need for Open Space: The 16-acre Archdale Park has a few amenities, but is largely undeveloped. The two schools in the study area also offer open space. Additional open space, consistent with an urban environment, is desirable in the station area. Need for Improved Natural Environment: Currently, the core of the Station Area has few trees and minimal landscaping. As the area redevelops, there will be a need to improve the quality of the environment by planting additional trees and landscaping. The Norfolk Southern railroad line bisects the plan area and parallels the LYNX light rail line from just below Tyvola Road southward. 5 6 Vision Goals The Tyvola & Archdale plan area will become part of the series of vibrant, high density transit villages along the South Corridor. Within its boundaries, there will be three distinct areas: To achieve this vision, the following goals have been identified for the Tyvola & Archdale plan area. The goals draw on adopted, or in-progress, City policies, many of which were discussed in the Introduction to the South Corridor Transit Station Area Plans. • Transit Station Area: The core of the study area, encompassing both the Tyvola and Archdale transit stations, will transform into a pedestrian-oriented urban district. This district will include opportunities for living, working, and shopping. • General Corridor Area: The area between the Transit Station Area and I-77 will include a range of uses appropriate for a Growth Corridor. Existing light industrial, warehouse, office, retail, and hotel uses will remain, especially in the areas close to the I-77 and Tyvola Road interchange. Over time, some of these uses closest to the transit station may redevelop as higher density mixed uses. Existing multi-family areas may remain or redevelop with higher density housing. The single family Montclaire South neighborhood and the neighborhood around Silverleaf Road and Green Hill Drive will be preserved and protected from incompatible uses. • Wedge Neighborhood Area: The lower density residential character of the existing Madison Park, Montclaire, and Starmount neighborhoods neighborhoods will be maintained. Map 2 illustrates the development concept for the Tyvola & Archdale plan area. 1. Land Use: Promote higher density uses that are served by the high capacity transportation facilities in the Corridor, while protecting the fabric of the existing residential neighborhoods. The Tyvola Station platform is above grade, reached by stairs and elevator. New residential development directly abuts the LYNX line at New Bern station. 2. Community Design: Create a high quality urban environment by enhancing the identity of the station area, creating attractive streetscapes, building on the synergy of public infrastructure investments, and respecting the character of the neighborhoods. 3. Transportation: Enhance the area’s transportation system by providing new street connections and improving the pedestrian and bicycle environment. 4. Infrastructure/ Public Facilities: Provide the infrastructure and public facilities needed to support development in the Growth Corridor. 5. Environment: Improve the quality of the Tyvola & Archdale area environment, focusing on enhancing the tree canopy, improving water quality from stormwater run-off, and providing open space for the station area. The vision and goals serve as the basis for the recommendations in the chapters that follow. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan STUDY AREA CONTEXT 77 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan Map 2: Concept Plan Neighorhood Preservation corridor office ro rail ad Tyv o Tyvola Station d school d th R Rd eville n i P Old I-77 corridor zone ffi Gri la R Transit Station Area church Neighorhood Preservation le Dr Archda Archdale Station park A r c h da l e D LRT Lin e and MultiUse T rail r S eaf R d Neighorhood Preservation South Bv Moderate Density Residential rl ilve church church Neighorhood Preservation Moderate Density Residential N W E S corridor commercial Corridor Zone Transit Oriented Development Produced by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan STUDY AREA CONTEXT Neighborhood Preservation 0 600 1,200 feet Moderate Density Residential Date: June 2008 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan Map 3: Recommended Future Land Use LN NT M LN RR PL LE TTA MU AN ST We dge LN R FU MINUET LISSOM VIN CE Corridor PLYMOUTH WIL DR RD RD FO RD NA TIO NS FO RD RD GE PL MIL FO A R D PL TYVOLA DR EBB DR SOUTH BLVD LD FIE GROVER RD PL T RD F RO AC DE NT E OP CO SE CT R T RD TYV OL AN ST TY SENECA BAKER DR DR RD PL GE CA RD A RY NT NE OP L VO RD CK ITU RR CU SE CO RD RD RID ND SA GLENHAM DR I - 77 MIL ER TYV OLA K OA W CT T UE MIN HIL HIT YT HO LN DR CT ER E RD CENT FO - SE VEN EX NTY AY L R D W OLD PINEVILLE RD SEVE VO L A WE ST FLA GS PA R K TAF DR F D R DR TY BA N KS OD FAIR CR RY RD E RD ER ND O ND LO LN EY NL DR DR *Note: The location of the proposed streets is conceptual. Alternative locations, consistent with the intent of the proposed network, will also be considered. T K RO O PL PL DR ST HC RE ER YW O DR O D DR EST LN AS ROCKY RIDGE DR MB RS HU AN AL RT H FA R KE RD NE EY OR SL H DR LEY MB EN EM KE RYCR EL IN T PL WEN SLEY T CT LS FOO NETHERWOOD DR MONTCREST DR DR RYCR EST LN ARCHDALE DR CHER FERNHILL INGLESIDE DR G CHER DR SQUIRRE OD DR LN D GW OO RIN SP O DR RE ST PL RO SE ER YW O VA L LE O D Y PL D DR DR EA ST AM N A C R D EC R IE EL M O N TP SOUTH BLVD ALE INGD COLL EM O W LE D RO S LN FO OT D DR S DR E R D L DA IT E GE BURNLEY RD AVEN RD L DA ED W RA BB BROOKH CH GR WICKER DR DR STONEWO AR LN LN WORT CHED BURN W W O SCOTTRIDGE DR HIGH MEA DOW DR FORG ST CA 7 EST Proposed Street Connections* Available Street Right of Way 1/4 Mile Walking Distance 1/2 Mile Walking Distance Ground Floor Retail EY BON TA M LD DR IVY GEWO LN WED ND BOUR CARYSBROOK LN BRAXFIE N EE DR RD FT LA VALL D E R VILL PINE NT AC RO KE OOD PL CHELW RD SE IFF ALE ARCHD RD FA IR OLD ITH RD GR I-7 HILLWOOD CT LYNDALE PL DELCHESTER DR CALUMET PL PARK SOUTH STATION BLVD VE SIL R CT LN CT R LN LE L HIL FARM NT FO DA L DR PL WIS TE RIA E GE WA TE C PA C O HW O HIG N DR Transit Oriented Development - Mixed Transit Oriented Development - Employment Office/Industrial-Warehouse-Distribution Office/Retail/Industrial-Warehouse-Distribution R Institutional Office Office/Retail Open Space D PL DR ... Produced by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. G TE WA GE ED ps AV IC IF L A TR EN WYCLIFF PL ED R L YA RO MONTPELIER RD than ma RS WOODSTREAM DR ore CA E RD DR .. .m Proposed Land Use Residential <= 4 DUA Residential <= 5 DUA Residential <= 8 DUA Residential <= 22 DUA E O CANDLEWOOD DR L N HIL GREE PL FA Charlotte C PA U AV RG L INEVIL OLD P T DR HURS K RIC AL ALE LN DOVERD N DR EE IRGR GIS IC IF N IO N LN CEDAR ROSE .. AV EL EF CK RO E RL VE SIL RD AF WHITFORD LN BELLE VERNON AV WILMETTE .. 8 W E S 0 600 feet 1,200 Date: May 13, 2008 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan LAND USE AND COMMUNITY DESIGN 9 Land Use and Community Design • The areas between Old Pineville Road and the This chapter sets forth land use and community design recommendations to achieve the vision and goals for the Tyvola & Archdale plan area. An overview of the proposed street network is also included. Norfolk Southern Railroad line, just north and south of Tyvola Road, are recommended for employment-based transit-oriented development. The development should be primarily office oriented, with limited residential and/or retail. In other portions of the Transit Station Area, a greater mixture of uses is recommended, with residential, office, and a limited amount of supporting retail being appropriate. This chapter divides the study area into three distinct districts: Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area P • Transit Station Area, the portion of the South NT LN LN LE MU RR AY HIL L R D DR RD 9 RD GE NE CA 6 PL CO OP ER DR FO RD TYVOLA DR F D R TY TAF VO L A FLA GS ST WE RD FA IR BA N 8 KS RD FT ND EY FORG ST E RD RD RY ER ND O ND LO LN PL T RS DR HU ST AN HC RE AL DR D LN EST RYCR CHER T 2 DR KE EL IN G PL WEN SLEY STO AR CH LN D GW OO RIN SP O O D DR T D ES EA ST AM D R R LIE TP E N O M HILLWOOD CT LYNDALE PL DELCHESTER DR CALUMET PL PARK SOUTH STATION BLVD R VE SIL CT BELLE VERNON AV WILMETTE LN CT R LN LE EL L EF HIL FARM CK I FO NT RO N IO N RIA DR PL ED GE WA TE DR L YA RO G R O HW O HIG TE WA Transit Oriented Development - Mixed GE ED Institutional D PL R WOODSTREA Residential <= 4 DUA E U AV WYCLIFF PL FA DR LAND USE AND COMMUNITY DESIGN Proposed Land Use DA L D ILLE R L N HIL GREE PL ALE LN DOVERD N DR EE IRGR RS WIS TE K RIC AL Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan CA E RG O MONTPELIER RD LN CEDAR ROSE CANDLEWOOD DR Map 3.1: Transit Station Area Recommendations INEV OLD P T DR HURS RD AF E RL VE SIL P D DR N A C CR SOUTH BLVD ER YW O O W LE RO SE LN FO OT S IT BB RA EM DR D N RD R D LE DA BURNLEY RD DR GE 9 E ED W 6 L DA GR WICKER DR AVE BROOKH 4 3 NETHERWOOD DR MONTCREST DR 8 INGLESIDE DR AS T LN DR O CRES CHER RY RT H FA R NL EY W O 5 LN PL FERNHILL T CT LS FOO DR TA M EM ER YW O ARCHDALE DR SQUIRRE H DR EY RD SL LEY EN BURN 1 W NE KE WORT CHED 6 OR DR 1. Promote a mix of transit-supportive land uses (residential, service-oriented retail, civic, office) within the Transit Station Area. This will occur primarily through new development over a period of time. The area desired for future transit-oriented development includes land now in use as individual commercial uses, strip shopping centers, all or part of multi-family residential properties, and industrial/warehouse uses generally within a 1/2 mile walk distance of one of the transit stations. HIGH MEA DOW LN C MB I-7 7 FAIR CA SCOTTRIDGE DR IVY LN VALL D E R BON ROCKY RIDGE DR LD DR N AC RO LA BOUR 5 CARYSBROOK LN RD SE KE NT VILL 8 BRAXFIE EE RD DR DR T F RO AC SE PINE Transit Station Area OOD PL CHELW PL ER K L EBB OP PA R FIE A R D OLD ITH Land Use and Community Design AN ST GROVER RD RD TYV OL CO T 4 3 IFF ALE ARCHD RD CK ITU RR CU SE MIL 2 RD RID ND SA GLENHAM DR I - 77 FO BAKER DR NS NA TIO MIL SOUTH BLVD RD FO T UE MIN W CT LN DR GR The Transit Station Area is located at the heart of the larger plan area. The station area, encompassing both Tyvola and Archdale stations, is home to a wide array of industrial, retail, and office uses. The following recommendations are designed to allow this lower intensity suburban area to transform, over time, into a higher-intensity urban district. RD K OA HIT YT HO ER CT CENT E RD VEN FO 8 - SE EX NTY 7 W SEVE OLD PINEVILLE RD RD TTA VIN CE MINUET LISSOM PL WIL AN RM FU ST PLYMOUTH LN Map 3: Recommended Future Land Use Growth Corridor that surrounds the Tyvola and Archdale light rail stations; • General Corridor Area, which includes interchange, general land use, and neighborhood preservation areas of the South Growth Corridor; and • Wedge Neighborhood Area, which is a part of the Wedge area just east of the South Growth Corridor. The land use recommendations are shown on Map D R TYV LA OLeach 3. The general location for recommendation VO is A R TY D noted on the map extracts within each section, using the item numbers below. The recommendations also are cross referenced using the item numbers in the Implementation Section of this plan. C PA 10 • For new development within the Transit Station Area, ensure that uses, intensity, site and facade design, and transportation elements are consistent with the Transit Station Area Principles outlined in the Introduction to South Corridor Station Area Plans. • Design new development to support pedestrian activity, with buildings brought close to the sidewalk and parking to the rear. 2. Provide active ground floor non-residential uses, such as retail or office, in the area immediately surrounding the station: along Old Pineville Road within 500 feet of the station, and along Grover Road and Archdale Road within one block of the station, as shown on Map 3. To be most accessible to transit users, design these ground floor uses to The Archdale Park and Ride lot serves the station now, and include clear glass windows and doors, as well as provides an opportunity for future redevelopment including entrances that front on and connect to the side- a structured parking facility. walk. 3. Encourage redevelopment of the CATS parkand-ride surface parking lots and adjacent land to integrate a mix of transit-supportive land uses (residential, retail, civic, office, as well as the needed parking.) Development should include ground floor retail that wraps a parking facility to create an active streetscape. 4. Create urban plazas or parks near the transit stations. An open space should be incorporated into park-and-ride redevelopment. Public property along Old Pineville road at the edge of the rail line should be landscaped and used for green space to the extent possible. 5. Indicate the Ebenezer ARP Church and the Sharon Congregation of Jehovah’s Witness as an institutional/civic uses within the plan area. Supporting Street Network Key street network recommendations related to proposed land use in this area are noted here. The Transportation and Streetscape section of this plan provides more detail. 8. Provide new street connections needed to create typical block lengths of 400 feet (desired), or 600 feet (maximum), as shown on Maps 3 and 4. These connections are the highest priority for the plan area. It should be noted that the street network shown on Map 3 and Map 4 provides a representation of the desired street network for the Tyvola & Archdale plan area and may require adjustments to address site conditions. An alternative but comparable network, consistent with the intent of providing connectivity, will also be considered. 6. Ensure that development adjacent to the Madison Park, Montclaire, Montclaire South, and Starmount neighborhoods provides a good 9. Consider new crossings of the rail corridor at Seneca Place and Green Hill Road, in conjunctransition from the low scale neighborhoods to the tion with the street connections outlined above. taller buildings at the core of the station area. In These potential crossings should be thoroughly addition, ensure that building and site design for studied to assess the impact on the LRT line, the development across the street from single family transportation system and the area’s economic housing in these neighborhoods is of a scale and development potential. design that complements the existing housing. 7. Through the adoption of this plan, adjust the official boundary between the South Growth Corridor and the adjacent Wedge to the east to be consistent with the boundary shown on Map 3. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan LAND USE AND COMMUNITY DESIGN General Corridor Area Land Use and Community Design The section of the study area west of the Transit Station 10.Maintain the existing office uses in the Vanguard Center Office Park and adjoining parcels. This is Area and east of I-77 is classified as the General Corridor a predominantly low intensity office development Area. It is a part of the larger South Growth Corridor. oriented toward Tyvola Road. Anticipate future It has interstate access from Tyvola Road, and includes redevelopment of the adjoining concrete plant for a range of commercial and industrial uses designed to compatible office, warehouse, or light industrial take advantage of its interstate access. These include use. restaurants, hotels, commercial/retail development including big box retail, and suburban office, flex, industrial, and warehouse properties. Further south 11.Allow a mixture of office, commercial, warehouse, and industrial land uses along Tyvola from the interchange near the Archdale station is the Road and extending south to Griffith Road. established Montclaire South single family neighborThis area is currently developed with a mixture hood, and areas of multi-family development. of retail uses, low density office/flex development, other commercial uses, and a few warehouse/light industrial uses. The area may evolve to accommodate a mixture of pedestrian-oriented uses, Map 3: Recommended Future Land similar Use to transit oriented development, but at lesser intensity. Development may be single use or include a mixture of uses. New development plans also should be consistent with the applicable design guidelines in the General Development Policies. The properties at the east end of this area within 1/2 mile walking distance of the Tyvola 10 Transit Station are suitable for transit-oriented 10 development, provided a sufficient amount of property with direct street frontage and connection to the station can be assembled for such T development. NT CE LN VIN MINUET RM LN RA YH PL LE ILL RD T RD GE R PL DR RD TYVOLA DR DR TAFF 12.Maintain locations for low to moderate intensity office, warehouse, and industrial uses with easy interstate access in the plan area. The propertiesProposed in the vicinity of Griffith Road and Westpark Street Connections* Available Street Right of Way Drive have a mixture of office and light industrial 1/4 Mile Walking Distance uses, including 1/2 Mile Walking Distance hotel properties. This plan supGround Floor Retail ports maintaining a mixture of these uses. A RY ER ND O ND LO LN EY K 13.Maintain and enhance the single-family housing, at the densities shown on Map 3, in the Montclaire South neighborhood. DR EST LN D RYCR EL IN CHER INGLESIDE DR G T PL WE NSLE MONTCREST DR Y DR 14.Indicate Archdale Park as park and open space. D DR STONEWOO LN GW OO D RIN SP DR ST RE Y PL D DR DR EA ST R D EC R IE EL M O N TP SOUTH BLVD D BELLE VERNON AV WILMETT E CT LN AV L NT HIL IC IF FO N C PA AV IC IO IF N E U L EN DR AT GEW N ER DR Office/Industrial-Warehouse-Distribution Office/Retail/Industrial-Warehouse-Distribution PL GE ER C WYCLIFF PL ED G D WIS TE RIA DR PL O DA L HW O RS L YA RO C PA A TR RG O CA E LN R LE EL EF CK RO AV ED .. VA L LE O PARK SOUTH STATION BLVD WOODSTREAM DR Produced by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. SE AM RO S LN OT FO IT S BB RA 19 17 16 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan RO ER YW O DELCHESTER DR CALUMET PL RD .. EN RD LYNDALE PL MONTPELIER RD DR s. BROOKHAV D DALE ING COLL EM DR HILL .. p than ma E GREEN PL E LN DOVERDAL ore L DA HILLWOOD CT CANDLEWOOD DR K LE NEVIL OLD PI DR RIC Charlotte .m DR GE R D O O W LE D N A C WAT Office/Retail Open Space E ED BURNLEY RD PL 15.The residential neighborhood along Silverleaf Road, Green Hill Drive, and other intersecting streets is recommended to be maintained and enhanced as single-family residential use. However, the properties along the loop formed by Green Hill Drive, north of Silverleaf Road, are within 1/2 mile of the Archdale Station. As such, they are appropriate for TOD-Mixed if all property owners agree, if the property is consolidated for development, and if it does not compromise the integrity of the remaining neighborhood. W CT LE AL GIS L DA CH AR ER SILV URST FARMH 15 Proposed Land Use Residential <= 4 DUA Residential <= 5 DUA Residential <= 8 DUA Residential <= 22 DUA DR DR DR ST RE HC AS DR NETHERWOOD DR LN FA RM RS HU AN AL LN EST RYCR CHER DR HIGH MEAD OW *Note: The location of the proposed streets is conceptual. Alternative locations, consistent with the intent of the proposed network, will also be considered. BR OO T I-7 PL KE 7 NL DR PL RT H O RD AF DR H DR NE EY Transit Oriented Development - Mixed Map 3.2: General Corridor AreasInstitutional Recommendations Transit Oriented Development - Employment Office .. RD SL KE WICKER DR LN CEDAR ROSE REEN LEY EN OR ROCKY RIDGE DR FAIRG WORT CHED RD E RD BURN W MB 13 ARCHDALE DR R VE SIL DR FORG ST ER YW O 19 18 LN EST EY BON CA FERNHILL IVY EE GR CR VALL D E R VILL BOUR EM FOOT CT 13 N FAIR WEDG LN EWOO D FT ND AC RO LA SE PINE NT TA M LE DR SQUIRRELS RD RD RD OLD KS W O 14 CT BA N CARYSBROOK LN SCOTTRIDGE DR OD PL NT IR 12 CHELWO DE VO L KE ARCHDA RD TY FLA GS DR K PA R T F RO AC FA FIT LD DR PL SE RD IF GR BRAXFIE DR ST LD IE EBB DR WE NF A R D ER H PL OP 19 SENECA CO GROVER RD TYV OL STA VO SOUTH BLVD RD RD PL GE CA FO 11 Y NTR NE OPE TY RD CK ITU RR CU SE MIL RD RD RID ND SA GLENHAM DR I - 77 NA TIO RD CO LA K OA FO HIG NS UE MIN MIL BAKER DR RD RD FO LN DR E HIT W CT ER YT HO CENT CT VEN RD - SE FO NTY EX W OLD PINEVILLE RD SEVE TYV OLA RD DR WHITFORD LN TTA MUR AN LISSOM ST WIL FU PLYMOUTH LN Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan W E S 0 600 1,200 LAND USE AND COMMUNITY DESIGN feet Date: May 13, 2008 11 11 12 16.Provide an opportunity for a mixture of retail and office land uses for the properties along South Boulevard at the southern end of the plan area. This area is beyond the 1/2 mile walk distance from the Archdale Station. It is envisioned to accommodate a mixture of pedestrian-oriented uses, similar to transit oriented development, but at a lesser intensity. Development may be single use or include a mixture of uses. New development plans also should be consistent with the applicable design guidelines in the General Development Policies. Building heights should not exceed four (4) stories or 40’ in height in this area. • An appropriate street network is provided in accordance with this plan; • The Residential Design Guidelines in the General Development Policies are met. Supporting Street Network Key street network recommendations related to proposed land use in this area are noted here. The Transportation and Streetscape section of this plan provides more detail. 19.Maintain and enhance the existing street network in the General Corridor Area as shown 17.Support Moderate Density Residential Use on Maps 3 and 4. Provide new street connections at the Grand Oaks Apartments off of South needed to create typical block lengths of 600 feet Boulevard at Wisteria Drive at a density not desired, or 650 feet maximum. The following parto exceed 22 dwellings per acre (dua). The area ticular considerations are noted: is outside the 1/2 mile distance from Archdale Station that would be regarded as appropriate for • Silverleaf Road is a residential street extending TOD density. However, a density increase up to to a dead end ½ mile west from Old Pineville 30 dua should be considered if the following criRoad, and serving as access to several other teria are met: dead-end residential streets. It is classified as a minor collector street. The City’s Collector • Usable park / open space is provided; Plan adopted in 2000 shows a future exten• A significant low to moderate income housing sion of Silverleaf Road across Kings Branch component in accordance with Councilthrough to other development and street adopted Affordable Housing Policies is network. This plan supports the possible included in a mixed income environment; future extension with several conditions: a connection would occur only in the event of • A mixture of housing types is provided; new development or redevelopment of the • The highest intensity is toward the center and connecting properties; it would connect only west side of the site, with lower densities and similar residential land uses, and it would building heights at the edge adjacent to the connect to higher volume streets only through single-family neighborhoods; an indirect route. • Existing mature trees are preserved, and an • Archdale Drive is classified as a minor thorappropriate street network is provided in oughfare, with a continuing function and accordance with this plan; need to accommodate cross-town traffic. Archdale Drive also is a single family residen• The Residential Design Guidelines in the tial street. In order to improve the livability General Development Policies are met. of the street, special intersection treatments to 18.Support Moderate Density Residential Use calm traffic should be considered. These treatsouth of Archdale Park, extending west from ments might include pedestrian crossings and Montcrest Drive. This area is generally beyond a traffic circles. 1/2 mile walk from Archdale Station and has poor It should be noted that the street network shown potential street connectivity. It consists largely of on Map 3 and Map 4 provides a representation the western portion of an existing multi-family of the desired street network for the Tyvola & development. Redevelopment at a density not to Archdale plan area and may require adjustments exceed 22 dua may be considered if the following to address site conditions. An alternative but criteria are met: comparable network, consistent with the intent of providing connectivity, will also be considered. • Usable park / open space is provided; • A significant low to moderate income housing component in accordance with Counciladopted Affordable Housing Policies is included in a mixed income environment; Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan LAND USE AND COMMUNITY DESIGN Wedge Neighborhood Area Land Use and Community Design The Madison Park, Montclaire, and Starmount 20.Maintain the single family portion of the Madison Park, Montclaire, and Starmount neighborhoods are located in a Wedge, on the east neighborhoods at a density up to 4 dwellings per side of the Transit Station Area. These neighborhoods acre (dua), consistent with existing land use and include single family and two-family housing, as well zoning. as the Smith Academy (elementary/middle school). Montclaire Elementary School is just outside the plan area boundary. The following recommendations are 21.Maintain moderate residential density at up to 8 dua, consistent with existing zoning, along designed to protect the predominantly low density Ingleside Drive, Springwood Lane, Wicker Drive residential character of the neighborhood. and Londonderry Road where there currently are duplexes. le Transit Station Area Plan LN FU MINUET VIN CE NT LN mmended Future Land Use RM AN MU PL RR HIL L R D RD W EX FO OLD PINEVILLE RD RD E K OA HIT T T C HOY CT MIL AY W FO RD RD GE RD RID ND SA RD CK ITU RR CU RY SE GE CA PL GLENHAM DR 20 CO OP ER MIL FO PL FIE AN ST LD A R D PL TYVOLA DR EBB DR SOUTH BLVD RD TYV OL T RD F RO AC DE NT CO SE CT ER OP T GROVER RD SENECA BAKER DR DR RD PL NT NE Recognize the opportunity for redevelopment of the R-4 single family parcels fronting Ingleside Drive in the block south of Archdale Drive across from the existing shopping center proposed for TOD development, for residential up to 8 dua, if the redevelopment incorporates multiple parcels. Such redevelopment should be oriented to the street, and be limited to two stories to maintain compatibility with the single-family homes in the neighborhood. F D R DR FLA GS TAF VO L A RD FA IR BA N DR RD CR EST DR EY BON FORG BOUR ST E RD RD RY ER ND O ND LO RD NE EY OR SL H DR LEY MB EN DR PL DR RO O K TA M ER YW O FA R RT H EM RIDGE DR MB W O DR O D DR EST LN 20 KE RYCR EL 21 IN CHER INGLESIDE DR G T PL SLEY NETHERWOOD DR 23 WEN OD DR STONEWO LN D GW OO RIN D O DR ST SE ER YW O D VA L Y PL D DR DR EA ST AM A M O N TP EL IE R RO S R D EC C HILLWOOD CT LYNDALE PL DELCHESTER DR CALUMET PL PARK SOUTH STATION BLVD 20 WILMETTE BELLE VERNON AV LN CT R LN LE AV EL HIL L EF IC CK IF FO NT RO N C PA AV IC IO IF N E U AV L RS DA L DR PL WIS TE RIA E MONTPELIER RD CANDLEWOOD DR EN ED GE WAT ER G C WYCLIFF PL DR N DR Office/Industrial-Warehouse-Distribution Office/Retail/Industrial-Warehouse-Distribution O HW O ER AT EW Transit Oriented Development - Mixed Tyvola Archdale Transit Station Area Plan Transit& Oriented Development - Employment G ED WOODSTREAM DR Institutional Office Office/Retail Open Space D PL Map 3.3: Neighborhood Area Recommendations HIG DR E RD L INEVIL OLD P L N HIL GREE CA C PA A TR RG O L YA RO W E LAND USE AND COMMUNITY DESIGN S 0 600 feet 1,200 23.Maintain the existing street network for the Wedge Neighborhood Area, and enhance the network by extending neighborhood streets to South Boulevard at locations shown on Maps 3 and 4. Provision of the new street connections would most likely occur in conjunction with redevelopment of property in the Transit Station Area. LE O O W LE D PL RO N RE ALE INGD COLL EM DR SP DR E SOUTH BLVD AVEN RD BROOKH E AL ED R D 22 L DA CH AR G ED W BURNLEY RD 21 WICKER DR DR WHITFORD LN RCHDALE DR SE LN Key street network recommendations related to proposed land use in this area are noted here. The Transportation and Streetscape section of this plan provides more detail. WORT CHED BURN CA W 21 K LN RIDGE DR Supporting Street Network OD FAIR GEWO LN WED ND AC RO LA VALL D E R VILL PINE NT RD FT KE 20 KS SE OLD 23 22.Indicate Smith Academy and St. Andrews United Methodist Church as institutional/civic uses. TY 22 Date: May 13, 2008 It should be noted that the street network shown on Map 3 and Map 4 provides a representation of the desired street network for the Tyvola & Archdale plan area and may require adjustments to address site conditions. An alternative but comparable network, consistent with the intent of providing connectivity, will also be considered. 13 14 Transportation and Streetscape Transforming the existing streets into an attractive and functional multi-modal street network is critical to the success of the plan area, especially the area around the LRT stations where transit-oriented development is planned. Providing a well-connected street network is important throughout the study area to facilitate mobility choices and minimize congestion. In conjunction with the establishment of the LRT line, the City made a number of improvements to the Tyvola & Archdale street network through the South Corridor Infrastructure Program (SCIP). This chapter recommends additional transportation improvements for the plan area for new streets, street cross-sections and streetscape elements. Transportation/Street Design Recommendations 25.Provide new street connections in the General Corridor Area, as discussed in item 19 in the Land Use Section. Street connections in the General Corridor Area are critical to alleviating congestion on area thoroughfares, such as Tyvola Road and South Boulevard. New connections also support redevelopment and provide a more balanced network of route choices. Note particular considerations concerning Silverleaf Road and Archdale Drive as discussed in item 19. 26.Improve east-west mobility with new LYNX crossings. This plan recommends extending Seneca Place to Minuet Lane via an at-grade crossing and new intersection with Old Pineville Road, as listed below in item 9. This plan also recommends further exploration of extending Greenhill Drive to South Boulevard at a new signal via a new below-grade crossing, listed in item 39 below. This section outlines transportation recommendations addressing both proposed new streets and enhancements to existing streets to make them more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. These include both City sponsored capital improvements, as well as improvements that will be required in conjunction with new development and redevelopment. 27.Improve north-south mobility by extending Kenley Lane to Archdale Drive. Though falling mostly just outside the plan area, this new street connection is important to the Tyvola & Archdale Station Area, as it will offer a more localized northsouth route alternative to Old Pineville Road and South Boulevard. The general locations of the recommendations are noted on Map 4. It should be noted that this map provides a representation of the desired street network and may require adjustments to address site conditions. An alternative but comparable network consistent with the intent of providing connectivity will also be considered. 28.Increase connectivity in the Montclaire neighborhood by connecting Ingleside and Tyvola Drives with South Boulevard. The recommendations also are cross referenced using the item numbers in the Implementation section of this plan. Street Network 24.Provide new street connections in the Transit Station Area, as discussed in item 8 in the Land Use Section. Street connections in the Transit Station Area are the highest priority for this Plan, as these are needed to support high density development and to provide additional travel routes. 29.Increase connectivity in the Montclaire South neighborhood by connecting Cherrycrest Lane and Montcrest Drive via multi-family developments to Old Pineville Road. 30.Address spacing of intersections on Tyvola Road. Due to its close proximity to the highcapacity Single-Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) of Tyvola Road on Interstate 77, the signalized intersection of Westpark Drive on Tyvola Road creates a challenging short weave for traffic, as well as adding delay to high-volume Tyvola Road. This plan recommends converting the intersection of Westpark Drive to right-in/right-out only, upon the creation of a new signalized intersection and supporting connections farther east on Tyvola Road. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE 15 The pedestrian system along South Boulevard typically lacks a planting strip. Sidewalks Recent improved sidewalk and planting strip at 3030 South Boulevard provides greater pedestrian safety. sidewalks and adding planting strips along Old Pineville Road, Tyvola Road, Archdale Drive, and South Boulevard within the study area boundaries. 31.Eliminate gaps in the sidewalk system within the Transit Station Area. While sidewalk improvements have been made through the City sponsored South Corridor Infrastructure Program 34.Improve the sidewalk network in the Transit Station Area. As the streetscape cross-sections (SCIP), many sidewalk gaps remain in the Transit recommend, new development and redevelopStation Area. To handle the level of pedestrian ment should install sidewalks on all streets. All activity anticipated in the station area, gaps in the new streets, including many located close to the sidewalk system, particularly those along Grover stations, will include new sidewalks. and Griffith Roads, should be eliminated as new development occurs. New sidewalks and planting strips should be built to the specifications of the Pedestrian Crossings streetscape cross-sections on the following pages. 35.Enhance pedestrian and bicycle crossings on 32.Eliminate gaps in the sidewalk system leading major thoroughfares. The area’s major thorfrom the residential areas to the transit station. oughfares are difficult for pedestrians and bicyThe existing Madison Park, Montclaire, and clists to cross due to factors such as traffic volume, Starmount neighborhoods to the east, as well as traffic speed, number of lanes, frequent turning Montclaire South to the west of the station area movements, and distance between signalized provide a large base of potential transit riders. Gaps crosswalks. While SCIP resulted in enhanced in the sidewalk system which leads to the transit intersections of South Boulevard at Tyvola Road station should be eliminated to promote pedesand Archdale Drive, other intersections still have trian access to the LRT station. Specific sidewalk room for improvement. This plan recommends projects include: Ingleside Drive, Emerywood adding enhanced crossings, as shown on Map 4. Drive, Londonderry Road, and Cherrycrest Lane. In the plan area, these include: The boundaries are shown on Map 4. • South Boulevard at Seneca Place; 33.Widen sidewalks along thoroughfares. • South Boulevard at Grover Road; Currently, major thoroughfares in the Tyvola & Archdale area have sidewalks on both sides of the • Old Pineville Road at Grover Road; streets. However, many of these sidewalks are only • Tyvola Road at relocated Westpark Drive; 5 feet wide, which is not consistent with the recomand mended width found in the Streetscape Standards on subsequent pages. Additionally, planting strips • South Boulevard at Greenhill Drive extenwhich separate pedestrians from vehicular traffic sion. are lacking. This plan recommends widening the Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE 16 Sidewalk improvements, with planting strips were completed along Old Pineville Road at Tyvola Station. Bicycle racks and lockers at Archdale Station. Enhanced crossings may include a combination 39.Extend Greenhill Drive to South Boulevard. of vehicle traffic signals, pedestrian countdown Currently, there are no LYNX crossings between signals, painted or textured cross walks, ADA Archdale Drive and Arrowood Road, limiting curb ramps, and pedestrian refuge islands in the east-west mobility. As previously studied by conmedian. sultants, a new below-grade crossing of LYNX may be feasible at Greenhill Drive and Old Pineville Road. Such connection would run from Bicycle Accommodations a new signalized intersection on South Boulevard to existing Greenhill Drive. 36.Extend designated bicycle lanes on Archdale Drive and Seneca Place. To tie into recently added bicycle lanes provided by SCIP (shown Street Lighting on Map 4), bicycle lanes are recommended along the entire length of Archdale Drive, as well as the 40.Install Pedestrian Scale Lighting in key locaextension of Seneca Place. tions. Typical streetlights illuminate the roadway, but do not provide significant lighting for the 37.Site new development to allow future addition pedestrian area of a street. Pedestrian scale lighting of bicycle lanes on South Boulevard. This plan is shorter in height than streetlights and focuses recommends the long-term installation of bicycle on lighting sidewalk areas. It should be installed lanes in the station area along South Boulevard as in the public right-of-way, with special attention shown on Map 4. to blocks between and along South Boulevard and Old Pineville Road. Improved LYNX Crossings 38.Extend Seneca Place to Minuet Lane. Currently, Seneca Place ends at a signal at South Boulevard. In order to provide a more localized east-west alternatives to congested Tyvola Road, this plan recommends extending Seneca Place to Minuet Lane. As the only new LYNX crossing between Woodlawn and Tyvola Roads, the traveling public will have more route choices. Though some regrading of Old Pineville Road may be required, the new LYNX crossing of Seneca Place is recommended to be at-grade, since the adjacent freight line is only a spur ending just south of Woodlawn Road. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE 17 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan Map 4: Future Transportation Network LN *Note: The location of the proposed streets is conceptual. Alternative locations, consistent with the intent of the proposed network, will also be considered. LN VIN CE NT MINUET AN M LISSOM R FU ST PLYMOUTH LN LE TTA MU RR PL WIL HIL L R D RD RD FO CENT ER LN DR T NS UE I - 77 NA TIO MIN MIL W FO RD RD GE RD RID ND SA RD CK ITU RR CU RY SE GE CA PL GLENHAM DR CO OP ER PL NT NE DR RD A OL YV K OA HIT T T C HOY VEN E CT - SE RD FO NTY EX RD W OLD PINEVILLE RD SEVE SENECA MIL PL FIE A R D LD PL TYVOLA DR EBB DR GROVER RD TYV OL T RD F RO AC DE NT CO SE CT ER OP T RD AN ST RD SOUTH BLVD RD BAKER DR FO T TYV OLA AY DR VO L A WE ST FLA GS PA R K TAF DR F D R DR TY RD FA IR BA N KS SE FAIR CR FORG BON ST E RD RY RD WORT CHED ER ND O ND LO LN EY DR T K RO O PL DR ST DR ER YW O O D DR LN AS HC RE MB RS AL AN HU RT H FA R KE 7 NL DR PL I-7 RD NE EY OR SL EM ROCKY RIDGE DR EST RYCR RYCR CHER EL IN G PL WEN SLEY DR T CT LS FOO SQUIRRE NETHERWOOD DR MONTCREST DR FERNHILL T ARCHDALE DR KE INGLESIDE DR EST LN CHER SCOTTRIDGE DR OD DR D GW OO RIN D RO SE ER YW O D LE D Y PL D DR DR EA ST AM N A D R R N LYNDALE PL DELCHESTER DR EST DR CALUMET PL PARK SOUTH STATION BLVD CT BELLE VERNON AV LN CT R LN LE AV EL L EF IL FARM IC NT H CK IF FO RO N C PA AV IC IO IF N RS DA L DR PL RIA E LE RD ED GE WAT C DR .. s. .. Produced by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE O HW O HIG N DR p than ma R TE WA GE ore Bicycle Lanes Widened Sidewalk Complete Gaps in Sidewalk Enhanced Pedestrian Crossing Shift Pending Street Connection Street Connections* ED .. Charlotte .m WOODSTREAM DR GIS .. Enhanced Pedestrian Crossing Enhanced Pedestrian Crossing Pending Street Connection D PL ER C PA EN G WYCLIFF PL L DR N HIL GREE PL FAIR CA L YA RO MONTPELIER RD K RIC AL ALE LN DOVERD DR L A TR RG CANDLEWOOD DR LN CEDAR ROSE E U AV O WIS TE V SIL INEVIL OLD P T DR HURS F EA L ER RD WHITFORD LN R VE SIL SOUTH BLVD M O BB RA HILLWOOD CT CR ROSE IT S TP EL FO IE OT HIGH MEA DOW LN LN C WILMETTE N GREE VA L LE O O W PL COLL EM DR SP E DR L DA GE E ED R D O ALE INGD AVEN RD NL R BU LN BROOKH RD W EY L DA G WICKER DR DR STONEWO CH LN AR IVY LEY MB EN H DR BURN CA W W O R ALE D ARCHD N DR EY BOUR TA M LD DR E RE EST VALL D E R VILL LN GEWO D AC RO AN OD FT NTL DR RD PINE KE CARYSBROOK LN BRAXFIE OOD PL CHELW RD WED RD OLD ITH IFF GR W E S 0 600 feet 1,200 Date: May 09, 2008 18 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan NT LN LE TTA RR W EX RD FO E RD RD VEN CENT MIL FO DR RD LN FO ER W CT - SE RD RD K OA GE RD RID T UE ND MIN NS HIL HIT YT HO CT SEVE AY L R D DR NTY Boulevard Avenue: Four Lane Divided Avenue: Two Lane Undivided Office/Commercial Wide Local Residential Wide Main Street New Street* MU PL ST WIL VIN CE MINUET AN RM FU PLYMOUTH LN Map 5: Street Cross Section Key SA RD SOUTH BLVD I - 77 A OL YV PL CO OP ER T DR SENECA MIL FO RD RD LD FIE A R D PL TYVOLA DR EBB DR RD T RD F RO AC DE NT CO T PL AN ST TYV OL TYV OLA PL GE CA GLENHAM DR RD RY NT NE BAKER DR NA TIO CK ITU RR CU SE CT ER OP SE TY VO L A WE ST FLA GS PA R TAF K DR F D R DR GROVER RD RD FA IR KS LA SE FORG E RD RD RY LN ND ER EY ND KE O NL DR LO DR PL T K RO O PL EY NE ST DR D HC RE O LN INGLESIDE DR AS EST RYCR CHER LN EST RYCR CHER T DR KE EL IN G PL WEN SLEY NETHERWOOD DR MONTCREST DR DR T CT LS FOO DR ER YW O ARCHDALE DR SQUIRRE MB RS AL AN HU RT H EM ROCKY RIDGE DR FA R 7 RD SL H DR LEY EN OR I-7 WORT CHED BURN W MB FERNHILL OOD PL CHELW DR EY ST CA R ALE D ARCHD EST VALL D E R VILL BON W O SCOTTRIDGE DR OD DR STONEWO RD LN GW OO D RIN SE VA L LE O D O W LE D PL RO ER YW O DR D O ALE INGD COLL EM E SP L DA R D DR GE ED WICKER DR E W EY NL AVEN RD L DA GR R BU BROOKH CH LN DR AR IVY CR TA M LD DR N FAIR BOUR CARYSBROOK LN BRAXFIE EE OD LN GEWO ND DR RD NT FT PINE KE RD AC RO IFF GR WED RD OLD ITH BA N Y PL D DR DR EA ST AM N A D R IE R N O M BB RA CRES HILLWOOD CT ROSE IT S TP EL FO OT HIGH MEA DOW LN LN C LYNDALE PL DELCHESTER DR T DR CALUMET PL PARK SOUTH STATION BLVD R VE SIL CT LN CT R LN LE L IC CK IF T HURS FO RO N C PA DR V SIL E L EN DR than m s ap W .. .. Charlotte ore ... Produced by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. N DR GIS R TE WA GE ED WOODSTREAM DR *Note: The location of the proposed streets is conceptual. Alternative locations, consistent with the intent of the proposed network, will also be considered. .m C PL WAT D GE ER G WYCLIFF PL ED O RIA TE WIS DR FAIR PL DR E L N HIL DR HW O GREE PL ALE LN DOVERD DA L HIG K RIC RS MONTPELIER RD CANDLEWOOD DR AL CA L YA RO C PA A TR RG LN CEDAR ROSE .. IF U AV O N GREE AV IC IO N E L ER AV EL EF NT HIL FARM RD AF WHITFORD LN BELLE VERNON AV WILMETTE E S 0 600 feet 1,200 Date: May 09, 2008 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE Streetscape Standards Street Cross-Sections Streets are more than just pathways to and through a place. Streets are one of the most highly visible types of urban places. As the entrance and exit to a community, streets have the ability to set the tone for the surrounding environment. Based on the City’s Urban Street Design Guidelines, the future cross-sections have been determined for streets within the Tyvola & Archdale plan area, with the exception of the single family neighborhood areas where little change to existing streets is expected. The following street types are recommended for the plan area: The streetscape cross-sections on the following pages are essential to “setting the tone” for the type of setting desired in the plan area. The cross sections have been developed in accordance with the Urban Street Design Guidelines (USDG), adopted by City Council in October 2007. The cross-sections set forth: • • • • • • Avenue - Four-Lane Divided Avenue - Two-Lane Undivided Boulevard Main Street • Building setback requirements, Office/Commercial Street - Wide • Streetscape, sidewalk, and street tree requireLocal Residential Street - Wide ments, and • Future character of the streets regarding the Map 5 shows the desired location for each of these number of lanes, bicycle, pedestrian and street types. Consult this map to identify the rectransit accommodations and provisions for ommendation for a specific street, then refer to the matching cross-section on the following pages. Streets on-street parking. within neighborhood areas slated for preservation are When this plan is approved, the streetscape standards intended for preservation as well, so new cross secspecified herein will become the official “Streetscape tions for these areas are not provided. Plan” for the study area, as referred to in the zoning standards for a number of the City’s urban zoning districts. As such, all new development on sites zoned Avenue - Four-Lane Divided TOD, TS, PED, UMUD, MUDD, NS, UR, or other urban zoning districts that may be established must Description: The Avenue is the most common (nonbe designed in accordance with these standards. The local) street type in Charlotte, providing access from specifications in the cross-sections are based on typical neighborhoods to commercial areas, between areas of conditions and may vary based upon further study the city, and, in some cases, through neighborhoods. It is designed to provide a balance of service for all and in unique circumstances. modes of transportation, including accessibility for Note that these cross-sections are not plans for imme- transit, pedestrians, and bicyclists in addition to cardiate road improvements, but many are recommended rying significant automobile traffic. long-term changes. Improvements such as on-street parking, streetscape enhancements, and sidewalk Land Use: The land use will vary; within the plan installation typically will be implemented through area the desired uses will be typically medium to high private redevelopment, although the City may fund density mixed use, residential, office, and retail. minor improvements. New streets also typically will be implemented through private development, while major improvements to existing streets generally will be constructed by the City. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE 19 • Planting strip or recessed on-street parallel (Avenue - Four-Lane Divided, continued) parking serves as buffer from traffic to pedestrians on sidewalk. Planting strip with trees is the standard expectation, with recessed onstreet parking available as an option per zoning and CDOT standards, and with intermittent planter islands to break up parking into bays no more than 100 feet in length. South Boulevard is designated as a state highway, and current state regulations do not permit on-street parking. If circumstances change in the future such that on-street parking would be allowable, the on-street parking option would be available there. • Amenity zone provides supplemental tree planting location. Trees in the amenity zone should be planted in curbed planters. The amenity zone also provides additional paved area for street furniture, paved access to onstreet parking, and merchandising purposes. • Ped zone is the usual location for the clear sidewalk. Where there is no on-street parking and planting strips are in place, the clear sidewalk can be pushed into the amenity zone location and the ped zone can be used for landscaping, sidewalk dining, or paved merchandising purposes. Encroachments into the ped zone for features such as steps and open porches are allowed in accordance with the zoning ordinance, but encroachments at grade may not reduce the clear sidewalk to less than 8 feet. Situation: The major thoroughfares in the plan area are classified primarily as Avenues. The four lane divided type is recommended for South Boulevard, and for Tyvola Road east of South Boulevard. The proposed cross-section will allow these streets to continue to perform an important mobility function for motorists, as well as to support safe and comfortable pedestrian and bicycle travel. Existing Condition: These streets typically have two lanes in each direction, widened for left turn lanes near some intersections. Right of way is typically 60 feet, although South Boulevard varies significantly in some locations. Proposed Curb to Curb: Recommended width is 70 feet from back-of-curb to back-of-curb; right-of-way is 118 feet. • Two travel lanes and bike lane in each direc- tion. • Continuous center lane for left turns and pedestrian refuge; to include mid-block landscaped pedestrian refuge islands in some locations. • Additional widening for turn lanes may be required in some circumstances in accordance with CDOT standards. Behind the Curb: Minimum building setback is 24 feet from back of (unrecessed) recommended curb. Avenue-4 Tree planting is required with spacing, irrigation,Lane Divided subdrainage, and adequate soil space for roots per the Charlotte Tree Ordinance. 22‘ 24’ Setback 11’ 22‘ 70’ Back of curb to back of curb Ped Zone 7.5’ Amenity Zone 8’ 8’ Bike Lane* 8’ Vehicle Lanes *Parking/Trees Bike Lane* Vehicle Lanes Turn Lane/ Median. 1.5’ c/g *Parking/Trees *South Blvd: On-street parking is optional south of Scaleybark Road. Amenity Zone Central Av Ped Zone 20 7.5’ 8’ 8’ 8’ *Includes 2.5’ curb and gutter. 24’ Setback Right of Way-118’ Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE • Widening for left turn lanes may be required Avenue - Two-Lane Undivided in some circumstances in accordance with CDOT standards. Proposed Behind the Curb: Minimum building setback is 24 feet from back of (unrecessed) recommended curb. Tree planting is required with spacing, irrigation, subdrainage, and adequate soil space for roots per the Charlotte Tree Ordinance. Description: The Avenue is the most common (nonlocal) street providing access from neighborhoods to commercial areas, between areas of the city, and, in some cases, through neighborhoods. It is designed to provide a balance of service for all modes of transportation, including accessibility for transit, pedestrians, and bicyclists in addition to carrying significant automobile traffic. • Planting strip or recessed on-street parallel parking serve as buffer from traffic to pedestrians on sidewalk. The recessed parking is required in all locations feasible under CDOT standards, with intermittent planter islands to break up parking into bays no more than 100 feet in length. Planting strip with trees is required in all other situations. • Amenity zone provides supplemental tree planting location. Trees in the amenity zone should be planted in curbed planters. The amenity zone also provides additional paved area for street furniture, paved access to onstreet parking, and merchandising purposes. • Ped Zone is the usual location for the clear sidewalk. Where there is no on-street parking and planting strips are in place, the clear sidewalk can be pushed into the amenity zone location, and the ped zone can be used for landscaping, sidewalk dining, or paved merchandising purposes. Encroachments into the ped zone for features such as steps and open porches are allowed in accordance with the zoning ordinance, but encroachments at grade may not reduce the clear sidewalk to less than 8 feet. Land Use: The land use will vary; within the plan area the desired uses will include medium to high density mixed use and residential, single-family residential, and some office, industrial, warehouse, and distribution uses. Situation: This Avenue cross section is narrower than the four-lane divided version used on other streets in the plan area. It is recommended for Old Pineville Road, Archdale Drive, Griffith Road, and Kinley Lane plus its proposed extension southward. The proposed cross-section will allow this street type to continue to perform an important mobility function for motorists, as well as to support safe and comfortable pedestrian and bicycle travel. Existing Condition: These streets have one lane in each direction, without turn lanes or landscaped median. Right of way is generally about 60 feet, but varying more and less. Proposed Curb to Curb: Recommended width is 37 feet from back of curb to back of curb; right of way is 85 feet. • One travel lane and bike lane in each direc- Lane Undivided Avenue-Two tion. 7.5’ 22’ Ped Zone Bike Lane* 8’ Amenity Zone Parking/Trees 8’ Vehicle Lane Bike Lane* Amenity Zone 8’ Vehicle Lane Parking/Trees Ped Zone Central Av 7.5’ 8’ 8’ 8’ 37’ 24’ Setback Back of curb to back of curb Right of Way-85’ Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE 24’ Setback *Includes 2.5’ curb and gutter. 21 • Continuous median with left turn lanes and Boulevard Description: Boulevards are intended to move large numbers of vehicles, often as “through traffic,” from one part of the city to another, and to other lower level streets in the network. Thus, the modal priority shifts toward motor vehicles, while still accommodating pedestrians and cyclists as safely and comfortably as possible. Land Use: The land use will vary; within the plan area the desired uses will be typically medium density mixed use; retail, office, industrial, warehouse, and distribution uses. pedestrian refuge. • Additional widening for turn lanes may be required in some circumstances in accordance with CDOT standards. Behind the Curb: Minimum building setback is 24 feet from back of (unrecessed) recommended curb. Tree planting is required with spacing, irrigation, subdrainage, and adequate soil space for roots per the Charlotte Tree Ordinance. • Planting strip serves as buffer from traffic to pedestrians on sidewalk. Because of intense traffic on this street, on-street parking is not appropriate. • Ped zone is the usual location for the clear sidewalk. • The additional planting strip behind the sidewalk is intended to provide additional landscaping, and a buffer between sidewalk and building uses. It can be used for landscaping, sidewalk dining, or paved merchandising purposes, as appropriate to the land use. Encroachments into this strip for features such as steps and open porches are allowed in accordance with the zoning ordinance, but encroachments at grade may not reduce the clear sidewalk to less than 8 feet. Situation: Tyvola Road is a major thoroughfare. From South Boulevard westward to I-77, traffic volumes and speeds increase significantly from the portion of Tyvola Road to the east. In this area, a four-lane divided Boulevard cross section is recommended. Existing Condition: Tyvola Road in this section has two lanes in each direction, widened for left and right turn lanes and merging lanes in various locations. Right of way is 100 feet, varying significantly in some locations. Proposed Curb to Curb: Recommended width is 76 feet from back-of-curb to back-of-curb; right-ofway is 124 feet. • Two travel lanes and bike lane in each direc- Boulevard-South Tryon Street-Clanton Road to I-77 7.5’ 22‘ 24’ Setback 17’ 22‘ 76’ Back of curb to back of curb Planting Strip 8’ Ped Zone 8’ Bike Lane* 8’ Vehicle Lanes Planting Strip Bike Lane* Vehicle Lanes Turn Lane/ Median. 1.5’ c/g Planting Strip Central Av Ped Zone tion. Planting Strip 22 7.5’ 8’ 8’ 8’ *Includes 2.5’ curb and gutter. 24’ Setback Right of Way-124’ Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE • Planting strip or recessed on-street parallel Main Street Situation: A Main Street is recommended in the heart of the station area, at Grover Road. Here, pedestrians receive the highest priority of all the transport modes. To accommodate pedestrian traffic, a wide pedestrian zone and an amenity zone are recommended. Existing Condition: Grover Road has one lane in each direction. Right of way is 60 feet. Proposed Curb to Curb: Recommended width is 41 feet from back-of-curb to back-of-curb; right-of-way is 73 feet. • One travel lane in each direction shared with Ped Zone Amenity Zone Parking/Trees* bicyclists. • Widening for left-turn lane may be required in accordance with CDOT standards. Proposed Behind the Curb: Minimum building setback is 16 feet from back of recommended recessed curb. Tree planting is required with spacing, irrigation, subdrainage, and adequate soil space for roots per the Charlotte Tree Ordinance. 8’ 8’ 8.5’ 16’ Setback Mixed Vehicle Zone 24‘ 8.5’ 8’ 8’ 41’ Back of curb to back of curb Right of Way-73’ Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE Ped Zone Land Use: In the plan area, the desired land use is medium to high density mixed use with ground level retail. Amenity Zone Description: Main Street is a “destination” street that provides access to and functions as a center of civic, social, and commercial activity. Development along main streets is dense and focused toward the pedestrian realm. Parking/Trees* parking serve as buffer from traffic to pedestrians on sidewalk. The recessed parking is required in all locations feasible under CDOT standards, with intermittent planter islands to break up parking into bays no more than 100 feet in length. • Amenity zone provides supplemental tree planting location. Trees in the amenity zone should be planted in curbed planters where planting strip is not in place. The amenity zone also provides additional paved area for street furniture, paved access to on-street parking, and merchandising purposes. • Ped zone is the usual location for the clear sidewalk. Where there is no on-street parking and planting strips are in place, the clear sidewalk can be pushed into the amenity zone, and the ped zone can be used for landscaping, sidewalk dining, or paved merchandising purposes. Encroachments into the ped zone for features such as steps and open porches are allowed in accordance with the zoning ordinance, but encroachments at grade may not reduce the clear sidewalk to less than 8 feet. 16’ Setback *Includes 2.5’ curb and gutter. 23 • On-street parking on both sides. Curb exten- Office / Commercial Street - Wide Description: Local streets provide access to residential, industrial, commercial, or mixed-use development. The majority of Charlotte’s streets are classified as local streets and are typically built through the land development process. Land Use: In the study area, the land use along these streets is typically office, warehouse/industrial, and retail development with an auto orientation. It may include medium density mixed use development. Situation: The office/commercial streets are recommended in the portions of the Transit Station Area and General Corridor Area that are intended for nonresidential uses. Office/commercial streets are appropriate because they provide basic pedestrian amenities while allowing for reasonable vehicular access and speeds. Existing Condition: These streets have one lane in each direction; some have on-street parking. Right of way is typically 50 to 60 feet. Proposed Curb to Curb: Recommended width is 41 feet from back-of-curb to back-of-curb; right-of-way is 69 feet. • One travel lane in each direction shared with sions may be used to narrow street width at intersections and other locations where onstreet parking is not appropriate. • Widening for left-turn lanes may be required in some circumstances in accordance with CDOT standards. Proposed Behind the Curb: Minimum building setback is 14 feet from back of (recessed) recommended curb, or 21 feet from back of any extended curb. Tree planting is required with spacing, irrigation, subdrainage, and adequate soil space for roots per the Charlotte Tree Ordinance. • Planting strip provides buffer from traffic to pedestrians on the sidewalk, and a landscaping opportunity. In locations with retail frontage or other high density applications, tree planting in curbed planters, with paved amenity zone for street furniture, paved access to onstreet parking, and merchandising purposes should be substituted for the planting strip. • Ped Zone is the usual location for the clear sidewalk. Encroachments into the ped zone for features such as steps and open porches are allowed in accordance with the zoning ordinance, but encroachments at grade may not reduce the clear sidewalk to less than 6 feet. bicyclists. 7’ Min. 14’ Setback 7’ 41’ Back of curb to back of curb Ped Zone 8’ Planting strip or curbed planter Parking* 6’ Mixed Vehicle Zone Parking* Planting strip or curbed planter Office/Commercial-Wide Ped Zone 24 8’ 6’ *Includes 2.5’ curb and gutter. Min. 14’ Setback Right of Way-69’ Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE Local Residential Street - Wide • Widening for left-turn lanes may be required 25 in some circumstances in accordance with Description: Local streets provide access to residenCDOT standards. tial, industrial, commercial or mixed-use development. The majority of Charlotte’s streets are classified Proposed Behind the Curb: Minimum building as local streets and are typically built through the land setback is 20 to 22 feet from back of (recessed) recommended curb, or 27 to 29 feet from back of any development process. extended curb, depending on the sidewalk width Land Use: The land use is typically medium to high requirement. Tree planting is required with spacing, density residential, with some mixed use develop- irrigation, subdrainage, and adequate soil space for roots per the Charlotte Tree Ordinance. ment. Situation: Local residential streets are recommended in portions of the plan area where residential uses higher in density than single-family are in place or expected. They also are recommended in portions of the transit station area off of the main thoroughfares where a predominance of residential development is expected. Redevelopment is anticipated, and with that, high-quality neighborhood street design is desired. The local residential street cross-section is designed for low traffic speeds and a comfortable walking, cycling and living environment. Existing Condition: These streets have one lane in each direction. Some have on-street parking. Rightof-way varies widely, but is typically 50 feet. Proposed Curb to Curb: Recommended width is 35 feet from back-of-curb to back-of-curb; right-of-way is 63 to 67 feet, depending on the sidewalk requirement. • One travel lane in each direction shared with Parking* Planting Strip Ped Zone Yard 6’ to 8‘ Parking* Ped Zone 6’ pedestrians on the sidewalk, and a landscaping opportunity. In locations with retail frontage or other high density applications, tree planting in curbed planters, with paved amenity zone for street furniture, paved access to onstreet parking, and merchandising purposes should be substituted for the planting strip. • Ped zone is the usual location for the clear sidewalk. For streets located within 1/4 mile of the transit station, the minimum sidewalk width is 8 feet. Elsewhere in the plan area the minimum width is 6 feet. • The Yard area is intended to provide additional landscaping, and a buffer between sidewalk and residential uses. Encroachments for features such as steps and open porches are allowed in accordance with the zoning ordinance, but encroachments at grade may not reduce the clear sidewalk to less than the required width. • Parcels located on streets that have existing single-family zoning designations (R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, and R-8) either across the street, or abutting on the same side of the street, shall have a minimum setback of 30 feet. Planting Strip Yard bicyclists. • On-street parking on both sides. Curb extensions may be used to narrow street width at intersections and other locations where onstreet parking is not appropriate. • Planting strip provides buffer from traffic to 8’ 7’ 7’ 8’ 6’ to 8‘ 6’ Mixed Vehicle Zone 35’ **20’ to 22’ **20’ to 22’ Back of curb to back of curb Setback Setback Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan Right of Way-63’ to 67’ TRANSPORTATION AND STREETSCAPE *Includes 2.5’ curb and gutter. **30’ setback across from or next to single family zoning. 26 Infrastructure and Public Facilities The core of the Tyvola & Archdale plan area includes Park and Greenway an industrial area, as well as auto-oriented commercial, that are recommended for higher density redevelop- Recommendations ment. Its infrastructure, while sufficient and appropriate for its former uses, may require capacity increases 43.Encourage urban open spaces in the Transit Station Area. New developments in the area are for more intense new uses. The following recommenencouraged to provide usable urban open spaces, dations are intended to address needs for additional or either on-site or off-site within the station area. expanded infrastructure and public facilities. Desirable types of urban open spaces include pocket parks, plazas, and community gardens. The station intersections, at Old Pineville Road Public Facility/Infrastructure and Grover Road, and at Old Pineville Road Recommendations and Archdale Drive, are high priorities for open space. 41.Conduct an infrastructure study to evaluate the adequacy of infrastructure (water, sewer, storm drainage) in the station area. The ability of the station area’s infrastructure to support high density redevelopment and capacity of the other utility systems is not known. To ensure that the station area will be able to support the new, higher-density development recommended by this plan, a detailed infrastructure analysis is recommended. 42.Encourage the burying of utilities. Overhead utility lines detract from the appearance of the station area, which in turn may impact the economic competitiveness of a project. Overhead lines also may impact development density due to required clearances from the lines. As redevelopment occurs, opportunities to relocate or bury utility lines should be pursued. Athletic facilities at Smith Academy. New urban open space amenities are needed to supplement Archdale Park. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC FACILITIES Environment The Tyvola & Archdale plan area includes a substantial 46.Protect or enhance the watersheds when posarea of present and former commercial and industrial sible. The Tyvola & Archdale plan area sits on development, much of which is expected to be redea ridgeline that divides the Upper Little Sugar veloped in the coming years. The environmental recCreek watershed to the east and the Irwin Creek ommendations focus on means to improve air, water watershed to the west. Both the Upper Little and land quality through the redevelopment process. Sugar Creek and Irwin Creek basins are listed as “Impaired” by regulating agencies. Further degraIt should be noted that the establishment of dense dation to either creek would be a negative impact transit oriented development within station areas is to the community. Any development or redevelintended to improve the environment of the region opment in the area will have a goal to improve by concentrating growth where it can be supported the quality of runoff, reduce flooding impacts, by transit and other infrastructure, by relieving the and reduce runoff if possible. This will primarpressure for growth on outlying greenfield locations, ily be achieved with the provisions of the Postand by reducing vehicular trips and trip lengths that Construction Controls Ordinance. otherwise would extend to the outer edge of the metropolitan area. 47.Assist property owners with remediation of sites known or perceived to have contaminated soil. Soil contamination poses an obvious hazard Environmental Recommendations to the environment; however, it can also serve as an obstacle to development. Since contamination 44.Make trees a key feature of the entire plan area. is a potential issue in the transit station area, propTyvola & Archdale residential neighborhoods are erty owners should be encouraged to participate characterized by their mature tree canopy. A large in the funding programs offered by the City of portion of the residential areas has a significant Charlotte to financially assist with the assessment tree canopy. Trees could become a key feature for of contaminated sites. the entire study area if they are added to streets in the Transit Station and Corridor Areas. In addition to their aesthetic value, trees help to reduce stormwater run-off, slow soil erosion, absorb air pollutants and provide shade. Where street trees currently exist in the station area, they should be maintained and replaced as necessary. In parts of the station area where street trees do not currently exist, they should be planted as part of any new development or redevelopment in accordance with the streetscape cross-sections. 45.Design site plans for new buildings and renovations in the station area to improve water quality for stormwater run-off. Over the last decade, innovative design solutions have been developed to address the water quality of stormwater runoff. These best practices in on-site stormwater management include the use of bioswales or rain gardens, rooftop rain capture, and pervious parking areas. Because of the large amount of impervious surface area and the proximity of nearby creeks, new developments and redevelopments in the station area are encouraged to incorporate design features that improve the quality of stormwater leaving their site, consistent with The tree canopy in existing neighborhoods of the plan area the Council-adopted Post-Construction Controls is an amenity to be preserved and emulated in new developOrdinance. ment. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan ENVIRONMENT 27 28 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan ENVIRONMENT Uptown South End New Bern Scaleybark Volume 2: Implementation Plan Woodlawn Tyvola Archdale Arrowood Sharon Road West I-485/South Boulevard Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan 29 30 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan Map 6: Corrective Rezonings LN NT MU RR PL ST LN LE TTA HIL L R D RD D FO R NS FO RD RD GE PL MIL FO LD FIE A R D PL TYVOLA DR EBB DR SOUTH BLVD PL T RD F RO AC DE NT CO GROVER RD RD TYV OL AN ST TY SENECA BAKER DR DR RD PL GE CA RD SE CT ER OP T RY NT NE ER A RD CK ITU RR CU SE OP L VO RD RID ND SA GLENHAM DR I - 77 NA TIO MIL CO RD Rezone to O-2 W CT T UE MIN K OA HIT YT HO LN DR CT ER RD CENT FO VEN EX - SE E Rezone to TOD-M RD W OLD PINEVILLE RD SEVE TYV OLA AY DR NTY Corrective Rezonings Rezone to TOD-E CE LN VIN MINUET LISSOM AN RM FU PLYMOUTH WIL VO L A WE ST FLA GS PA R K TAF DR F D R DR TY BA N KS DR RD LN FAIR CR FORG BON ST E RD RY RD WORT CHED ER ND O ND LN EY T K TA M RO O PL DR NL DR PL ER YW O HC RE AL DR O D DR KE EL IN R ALE D ARCHD T PL WEN SLEY T CT LS FOO SQUIRRE NETHERWOOD DR MONTCREST DR DR RYCR EST LN ARCHDALE DR CHER FERNHILL INGLESIDE DR G CHER SCOTTRIDGE DR RYCR LD DR EST LN AS ROCKY RIDGE DR MB RT H EM ST AN DR HU RS W O FA R KE NE EY OR SL OD DR LN D GW OO RIN SP DR ST Y PL D DR DR EA ST AM A RE VA L LE D C R D EC R IE EL M O N TP SOUTH BLVD SE O LE D N RO S LN OT FO S IT BB RA RO ER YW O O W PL COLL EM DR D O ALE INGD AVEN RD E R D DR AL ED BURNLEY RD E G ED LN BROOKH L DA CH W WICKER DR DR STONEWO AR LN E GR HIGH MEA DOW RD LO EN MB 7 LEY W H DR BURN CA I-7 DR EY BOUR CARYSBROOK LN BRAXFIE IVY EST WED ND GEW OOD FT LA VALL D E R VILL PINE NT AC RO KE EN RD SE IFF GR OOD PL CHELW RD FA IR OLD ITH RD HILLWOOD CT LYNDALE PL DELCHESTER DR CALUMET PL PARK SOUTH STATION BLVD R VE SIL CT LN CT R LN LE L HIL FARM NT FO C PA AV IC IF L RS DA L DR PL RIA E WIS TE D ILLE R EN ED GE WA TE C DR PL R L YA RO G WYCLIFF PL DR ALE LN DOVERD L N HIL GREE PL CA C PA A TR RG MONTPELIER RD K IC R AL DR GR FAIR U AV O CANDLEWOOD DR LN CEDAR ROSE EEN IC IF N IO N E INEV OLD P T DR HURS D F R AV EL EF CK RO EA RL VE SIL WHITFORD LN BELLE VERNON AV WILMETTE D O HW O HIG R DR ore than ma .. ps ... Produced by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department. TE WA .m GE .. Charlotte ED WOODSTREAM DR GIS .. N W E S 0 600 feet 1,200 Date: May 14, 2008 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 31 Implementation Plan The recommendations of the Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan will be implemented in a number of ways. First and foremost, all of the recommendations in the plan, once adopted, are City policy. As such, the recommendations will guide future decision-making in the study area, such as requests for rezoning and updates to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. This Implementation Plan outlines the strategies to help implement the land use, community design, transportation, and other development-oriented recommendations contained in the adopted Concept Plan. Implementation Strategies are listed on the following pages. The number of each action corresponds to the number for the recommendation in the Concept Plan. The responsible agency and possible time frame also are included. These Implementation Strategies will not be approved by elected officials as part of the Concept Plan adoption. The strategies that require City Council approval will be brought forward on a case by case basis after the Concept Plan has been adopted and the public has had an opportunity to give input. Because this Implementation Plan is not adopted by elected officials, the public sector sponsored items listed on the following pages are ideas for implementation, not a commitment. The projects may be revised over time; as such this Implementation Plan should be updated periodically to reflect changes and progress. Public Sector Responsibilities With input from the community, the public sector will provide the policy framework for land development and will be responsible for making a number of infrastructure improvements. In addition, the CharlotteMecklenburg Planning Department, in consultation with other City and County departments, is responsible for initiating and guiding the corrective rezoning process and monitoring and reviewing rezonings proposed for the plan area to ensure that future development meets the required standards and reflects the intent of the adopted policy. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Private Sector Responsibilities The private sector will be responsible for developing and redeveloping properties within the plan area consistent with the vision, policies, and recommendations included in the Concept Plan. Ensuring that the infrastructure required in conjunction with development is provided will be part of these development responsibilities. Corrective Rezonings The Planning Department will initiate corrective rezonings to implement the land use vision and recommendations adopted as part of the Concept Plan. The proposed rezonings are shown on Map 6. The rezoning process will occur after the adoption of the Concept Plan. The proposed rezonings to TOD-M may be initiated in one or more groups, or may be proposed on a caseby-case basis in order to insure that new streets and other recommendations of this plan are provided by new development. 32 Implementation Strategies The number of each action corresponds to the number for the recommendation in the Concept Plan. Action Item Type Lead Agency Priority Land Use and Community Design 1a Rezone area recommended for transit oriented development to TOD-M and TOD-E per Map 6. Zoning Planning Short (0-5 yr) 1b Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 2 Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 3 Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 4 Create urban plazas or parks near the transit stations. Park Park & Rec Short (0-5 yr) 5 Not Applicable. NA NA NA 6 Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 7 Update Centers, Corridors & Wedges Boundaries. Planning Planning Short (0-5 yr) 8 New street connections - Provide new street connections needed to create typical block lengths of 400 feet desired, or 600 feet maximum, as shown on Map 4. Specifically, extend streets as noted in the plan. Transp. CDOT as devel occurs 9 Consider new grade crossings of the rail corridor at Seneca Place and Green Hill Road. Street / Rail CDOT / CATS as devel occurs 10 Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 11 Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 12 Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 13 Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 14 Not Applicable. NA NA NA Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 33 Action Item Type Lead Agency Priority 15 Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 16 Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning Short (0-5 yr) 17a Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 17b Maintain and enhance the existing street network for the Corridor neighborhoods. Transp. CDOT as devel occurs 18a Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 18b Maintain and enhance the existing street network for the Corridor neighborhoods. Transp. CDOT as devel occurs 19 Provide new street connections in the General Corridor Area. Transp. CDOT as devel occurs 20 Maintain the single family portion of the Madison Park, Montclaire, and Starmount neighborhoods. Planning Planning as devel occurs 21 Use land use recommendations to guide and evaluate development proposals. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 22 Not Applicable NA NA NA 23 Maintain the existing street network for the Wedge Neighborhood area. Transp. CDOT as devel occurs Transportation / Street Design 24 see # 8. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 25 see # 19. Zoning Planning as devel occurs 26 Improve east-west mobility with new LYNX crossings (see # 9 and # 39). Transp. CDOT Long (>10 yrs) 27 Improve north-south mobility by extending Kenley Lane to Archdale Drive. Transp. CDOT as devel occurs 28 Increase connectivity in the Montclaire neighborhood by connecting Ingleside and Tyvola Drives with South Blvd. Transp. CDOT as devel occurs Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 34 Action Item Type Lead Agency Priority 29 Increase connectivity in the Montclaire South neighborhood by connecting Cherrycrest Lane and Montcrest Drive via multi-family developments to Old Pineville Road. Transp. CDOT as devel occurs 30 Address spacing of intersections on Tyvola Road. Transp. CDOT as devel occurs 31 Eliminate gaps in the sidewalk system within the Transit Station Area. Transp. CDOT Medium (5-10 yr) 32 Eliminate gaps in the sidewalk system leading from the residential areas to the Transit Station. Transp. CDOT Medium (5-10 yr) 33 Widen sidewalks along thoroughfares. Transp. CDOT Medium (5-10 yr) 34 Improve the sidewalk network in the Transit Station Area. Transp. CDOT Medium (5-10 yr) 35 Enhance pedestrian and bicycle crossings on major thoroughfares. Transp. CDOT Medium (5-10 yr) 36 Extend designated bicycle lanes on Archdale Drive and Seneca Place. Transp. CDOT Medium (5-10 yr) 37 Site new developments to allow future addition of bicycle lanes on South Blvd. Transp. CDOT Medium (5-10 yr) 38 Extend Seneca Place to Minuet Lane. Transp. CDOT Medium (5-10 yr) 39 Extend Greenhill Drive to South Blvd. Transp. CDOT Long (>10 yrs) 40 Install pedestrian scale lighting. Transp. CDOT Medium (5-10 yr) Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 35 Action Item Type Lead Agency Priority Infrastructure and Public Facilities 41 Conduct and infrastructure study to evaluate the adequacy of infrastructure. Utilities E&PM / CMU Medium (5-10 yr) 42 Encourage the burying of utilities. Utilities Planning as devel occurs 43 Encourage urban open spaces in the Transit Station Area. Park Planning / Park & Rec Medium (5-10 yr) Environment 44 Make trees a key feature of the entire plan area. Zoning/ Tree Ord. Planning / Park & Rec Medium (5-10 yr) 45 Design site plans for new buildings and renovations in the station area to improve water quality for stormwater run-off. Stormwater E&PM as devel occurs 46 Protect or enhance the watersheds when possible. Stormwater E&PM as devel occurs 47 Assist property owners with remediation of sites known or perceived to have contaminated soil. Brownfield Econ. Dev. as devel occurs Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 36 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Uptown South End New Bern Scaleybark Appendix: Woodlawn Tyvola Archdale Arrowood Sharon Road West I-485/South Boulevard Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan 37 39 Existing Conditions This chapter examines existing demographic, environmental, lanad use, design, transportation, and infrastructure conditions in the Tyvola & Archdale plan area. It provides a framework for understanding the opportunities and constraints identified in the Concept Plan. Demographics According to the 2000 U.S. Census, the Tyvola & Archdale plan area is home to approximately 6,500 residents. The majority of these residents are white (52%) and about 23% are black. Hispanic residents comprise 33% of the area’s population. This is a significantly greater percentage than the entire city which was 7% in 2000. A substantial majority of the residents in the plan area (86%) are working age adults, between ages 18 and 64 years. Only 10% are below the age of 18, while 4% are over 65. Approximately 41% of residents in the plan area have a household income of less then $35,000 compared 36% for households in Charlotte overall. The highest level of educational attainment for area residents is quite diverse, as seen on the accompanying diagram. Differences in educational levels contribute to the diverse employment industry for residents in the plan area, as noted in the accompanying diagram. Although residents work within a diversity of industries, their mode of transportation to work is very similar. Of the working population, 95% travel to work by car, truck or van; 2% use public transportation and the remaining 3% are split between individuals who walk to work and work at home. The average travel time to work is approximately 23 minutes. Issues/Opportunities As the area continues to grow, the diverse population provides an opportunity for this area to become a unique place for people to live and work. In addition, the LYNX Blue Line can provide an alternative mode of transportation for residents within the area. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS 52% 58% 33% 33% 23% 19% 1% 0% 6% 4% 5% White Black American Asian Indian /Pacific Islander Tyvola and Archdale Transit Station Area Other 7% Hispanic City of Charlotte Source: 2000 U.S. Census Block Data Note: People of Hispanic origin are also included in the racial breakdowns. Population Charactertistics for Tyvola and Archdale Station Area Plan and Charlotte Professional Master Doctorate 1% 0% Less than 9th grade 2% 11% Bachelor 16% Grade 9-12 8% Associate 7% Some College 26% HS Graduate 28% Source: 2000 U.S. Census Block Group Data Educational Level for Tyvola and Archdale Station Area Plan Production/ Transportation/ Material Moving 14% Management/ Professional 32% Construction/ Maintenance 13% Service 14% Sales/Office 28% Source: 2000 U.S. Census Block Group Data Employment Industry for Tyvola and Archdale Station Area Plan 40 Tyv o Tyv o la R la R d T T ffith Rd ffith Gri Rd I-77 I-77 Gri Archdale Dr N W d af R E S 0 600 feet South Bv South Bv d fR a erle Silv T Old Pin eville R d T Old Pin eville R d Archdale Dr T d 1,200 15 - 25% Slope Community Floodplain Greater Than 25% Slope Existing Ponds SWIM Buffers Existing Streams erle Silv N W E S 0 Tree Canopy (2002 Data) T 600 feet 1,200 Transit Station and Line Transit Station and Line Tree Cover The South Boulevard corridor has few trees, minimal landscaping, and vast parking areas generally devoid of Natural Features landscaping. However, established residential neighThe Tyvola & Archdale Station Area, like most station borhoods in the plan area have an extensive mature areas along the South Corridor, sits upon a natural tree canopy. north-south ridge and does not have many sensitive natural features. Tributaries of Kings Branch flow Issues/Opportunities off the ridge leaving the land around the stations Currently, the core of the study area has few trees and well-drained and without wetlands or floodplains. minimal landscaping, which results in higher amounts Topography is relatively gentle with a few steep slopes of stormwater run-off. As the study area redevelops, there along the edge of the creeks. will be a significant opportunity to improve the quality of the environment by planting additional trees and landscaping. Environment The tree canopy in existing neighborhoods is an amenity to be preserved and emulated in new development. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS 41 Land Use and Design Industrial Most industrial facilities in this station area are single story structures primarily sited on Old Pineville Road or South Boulevard along both sides of the rail line. Griffith Road contains several one-story office/industrial buildings and culminates at Westbark Drive, which is home to several multi-story hotels near the I-277 interchange. The newer properties are well-landscaped and maintained, while older properties appear to be less so. Commercial Commercial, retail, and service properties in the station area are almost exclusively single-story and automobileoriented, either contained within a strip commercial center or as a stand-alone building. The larger commercial properties include several strip shopping centers on South Boulevard, most dating to the 1960s, where the tree canopy is minimal and overhead utility lines and poles dominate the streetscape. Tyvola Road between South Boulevard and the I-77 interchange contains newer commercial uses, such as the Costco store and a modern office park. Both public and private property in this area is well-landscaped. Residential Most single-family housing in the station area was built between 1958 and 1970, and is generally single story ranch or split level in design. Virtually all single-family homes are located in suburban-style residential subdivisions with mature tree canopies. Single-family homes in the area are typically well-maintained. Office/industrial building on Griffith Road. This automotive service facility on Old Pineville Road is within sight of the Archdale light rail station. Most multi-family housing is located on or just off of Old Pineville Road or South Boulevard. It includes two-story attached townhouses with surface parking, as well as standard garden apartment complexes. Most was constructed in the 1970s and 1980s, and varies in the quality of landscaping and maintenance. Civic Smith Middle School, built in 1960, is the only public school in the station area, located at 1600 Tyvola Road. There are two post office branches, slightly more than one mile apart, located within the area boundaries. At least four houses of worship are within the area boundaries. Multi-family housing on Old Pineville Road adjacent to the Archdale Station. Open space in the station area includes the athletic fields at the Smith Middle School, as well as Archdale Park, a large natural area with walking trails, a playground, and a basketball court. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Playground at Archdale Park. Office Warehouse/Distribution Industrial 42 Institutional Utility Tyvola and Archdale Existing Land Use Open Space Vacant T Transit Station & Line Tyv o la R T ffith Rd I-77 Gri GIS .m ore than ma .. .. Charlotte ps ... N Old Pin d fR rlea e Silv T d eville R Archdale Dr .. d W 0 Date: June 4, 2008 Issues/Opportunities Most uses in the plan have an automobile-oriented design, generally considered incompatible with transit oriented development. Multi-family housing is a desirable use in a transit station area. Existing multi-family residential properties close to both stations are mostly less dense than optimal. Industrial/warehouse uses are heavily present close to Tyvola station. However, these uses are typically not very transit supportive, unless they have a significant number of employees. E S 600 1,200 feet Existing Land Use Single Family - Detached Multi-Family Retail Office Warehouse/Distribution Industrial Institutional Utility Open Space Parking Vacant Total Acreage % of Total 427.5 38.1 138.3 12.3 206.5 18.4 82.6 7.4 42.9 3.8 58.7 5.2 46.4 4.1 10.5 0.9 26.3 2.3 12.7 1.1 69.5 6.2 1,121.6 99.8 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Southwest District Plan (1991) and South District Plan (1993) Tyvola and Archdale Adopted Land Use Southwest District Plan (1991) Tyv o South District South Plan District (1993) Plan (1993) Adopted Land Use Single Family <= 3 DUA Single Family <= 4 DUA Single Family <= 8 DUA Multi-Family la R T ith riff d Multi-Family > 25 DUA Institutional Rd Retail G I-77 Warehouse/Distribution Industrial Industrial - Light Park/Open Space Greenway Transit-Oriented - Mixed SF/MF/Office/Retail T T Transit Station and Line GIS Charlotte .m ore than ma .. .. .. ps ... Old Pin d fR rlea e Silv d eville R South Bv Archdale Dr Date: April 1, 2008 Adopted Future Land Use Prior to the adoption of this plan, the Charlotte City Council adopted the Southwest District Plan (1991) and the South District Plan (1993) that served as the governing land use policies for the plan area. The district plans have been updated incrementally by Council-approved rezonings. N W E S 0 600 1,200 feet of the industrial district. Neither plan anticipated a light rail transit line, nor the higher density uses supportive of the line. Upon adoption, the Tyvola & Archdale Station Area Plan becomes the governing land use policy document for properties within the plan boundaries. The updated future land uses are presented in the Land For the Tyvola & Archdale Station Area, both district Use Recommendations section of this document. plans recommend protecting existing neighborhoods but encourage redevelopment where appropriate. The Issues and Opportunities South District Plan recommends the area along South This Station Area Plan will update the currently adopted Boulevard for retail and business uses. Neighborhoods land use plans, providing an opportunity to promote to the east of the commercial district are recommended higher intensity pedestrian oriented development that is to remain residential. The Southwest District Plan calls critical in transit station areas. for properties along Tyvola Road and Griffith Road, between I-77 and the rail line, to be industrial, while protecting existing residential neighborhoods south Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS 43 44 Tyvola and Archdale Existing Zoning B-D(CD) I-1 R-4 I -2 R-4 R-4 R-4 R-4 B-2 TODM(O) MUDD R-17MF R- G 4 B-2 4 I-2 R- I-77 R- d th R riffi R-4 F T B-2 I-2 R-1 7M I-2 R-17MF B-2 I-2 R-4 R-4 Rd la I-1(CD) B-2 O-2 I-2 o Tyv I-2 B-2 B-1 R-4 I-2 I-2 I-2 B-2 B-2 17 R- 4 I-2 4 MF R-43MF R- I-2 B-D(CD) I-1 B- 2 R-5 R-8 R-5 R-5 Archdale Rd R-5 R-5 R-5 R-5 R-4 O-1 R-4 B-2 T B-2 R-4 R-4 R-4 R-4 B-2 R-4 R-4 R-4 R-4 R-8 B-2 R-4 R-4 R-4 R-4 R-4 R-4 ore than ma ps ... Date: March 27, 2008 d fR a erle v l i S R-4 R-4 .. .. Charlotte .m R-22MF R-4 B-2 R-4 R-4 R-4 GIS BD R-4 N W E S 0 600 feet 1,200 R-4 R-4 R-4 R-4 R-4 .. TOD-M R-4 R-8 B-2 Old Pineville Rd R-5 R-5 R-22M F R-5 I-2 R-4 R-8 R-5 B-1SCD R-5 R-8 R-5 I-2 B-2 R-5 South Bv TOD-M R-5 R-22MF O-2 Zoning Category Acreage % of Total 41.6 Single Family 466.5 Multi-Family 92.3 8.2 80.6 7.2 Office Business 111.5 9.9 Commercial 13.9 1.2 Center Business16.7 1.5 Distribution 16.8 1.5 Industrial Light 282.1 25.1 Industrial Heavy Transit17.9 1.6 Supportive Mixed Use 23.4 1,121.6 2.1 100.0 Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS 45 Land uses at Tyvola Station include the rear of small commercial parcels.that front toward South Boulevard Townhome development adjacent to Archdale Station. Existing Zoning In general, the zoning for the Tyvola & Archdale station area reflects the existing development pattern, with mainly retail zoning along South Boulevard and industrial zoning along Tyvola and I-77. The existing neighborhoods on the east side of South Boulevard as well as on the west side, are zoned for single family residential development. Issues/Opportunities The development built under the existing industrial and business zoning typically will not meet the intensity, use and community design guidelines for transit oriented development. There have been no development-initiated TOD rezonings in the Tyvola & Archdale plan area. There are a number of parcels with existing land uses that are not typical of their zoning designation. This includes the multi-family development off of Old Pineville Road south of the Archdale station on land zoned O-1, office. There also are hotels along Westpark Drive fronting I-77 south of Tyvola Road on land zoned I-2, industrial. The Industrial area off of Tyvola Road and I-77 includes a number of hotel properties. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Attractive single-family neighborhoods with extensive tree canopy abut the station area. 46 INTERSTATE 77 Madison Park Tyv o la R d T ffith Rd I-77 Gri INTERSTATE 77 Montclaire Montclaire South Starmount South Bv Old Pin d fR rlea e Silv Issues and Opportunities Single family neighborhoods border the eastern and western edge of the station area and provide stability in an area that may experience intense development along the rail corridor. Starmount and Montclaire South are especially close to the Archdale Station. T eville R d Archdale Dr N W E S 0 Established Neighborhoods The Tyvola & Archdale plan area includes significant portions of four established neighborhoods: Montclaire South, Madison Park, Starmount, and Montclaire (included in data for the Closeburn/ Glenkirk Neighborhood Statistical Area.) The Charlotte Neighborhood Quality of Life Study (2006) categorizes the Madison Park neighborhood as “stable,” and the other three as “transitioning.” Variables such as median household income, housing values and homeownership are illustrated in the table below. 600 feet 1,200 It will be important to protect the existing single family neighborhoods at the eastern and western edges of the plan area. Land Use Accessibility Index Land use accessibility is often described as convenience or ease of reaching activities and destinations, particularly shopping, schools, parks, and local transit routes. As seen from the data below, the residents in the plan area have better access to shopping and transit than are residents of the City of Charlotte overall. Tyvola station residents are particularly close to a school, while Archdale residents are served by a park in close proximity. For example, 49% of residents around Archdale station are within a ¼ mile of a park, whereas only 16% of residents throughout the City are that close to a park. Median Household Income $41,862 $47,281 $46,091 $53,962 $46,082 Average House Value $98,825 $149,488 $170,175 $126,289 Issues/Opportunities Potential development around the station area provides an opportunity to further enhance the mixture of land uses that are easily accessible to area residents. $192,844 26% 58% 46% 57% 55% Montclaire South Madison Park 98% 95% 97% Percent Homeowners 79% 84% 61% 51% Source: 2006 Charlotte Neighborhood Quality of Life Study Closeburn/Glenkirk Starmount Charlotte 49% 4% Within 1/4 mile of Shopping 16% 12% Within 1/4 mile of Schools Tyvola Population Archdale Population 0% Within 1/4 mile of Parks Within 1/4 mile of a local bus Transit Route Charlotte Population Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS 47 Tyv o Tyv o la R la R T T Rd ffith Gri I-77 ffith Gri d d Rd I-77 TOD-M(O) #04-100 Archdale Dr eville R d T N W E 0 600 feet d fR rlea S 1,200 South Bv e Silv South Bv Old Pin d fR rlea TOD-M #04-101 T Old Pin eville R d Archdale Dr N W e Silv E S 0 600 1,200 feet 1/4 Mile Walk Distance 1/2 Mile Walk Distance T Transit Station and Line Vacant or Underdeveloped Building Permits, 2004-07 ¼ and ½ Mile Walk Distance The Tyvola & Archdale plan area has an extensive amount of land within a ½ mile walk of a transit station (typically 10 minutes). The current walk distance extends throughout the non-residential core of the station area and into the surrounding neighborhoods. T Transit Station & Line Recent Rezoning (Since 2004) Development Activity / Potential Opportunities Rezonings During the past 3 years there have been only 2 rezoning petitions filed in the plan area. These were for TOD-M zoning filed by CATS for the park and ride lots at Tyvola and Archdale transit stations. Building Permits There have been 320 building permits that have been Issues/Opportunities Although there is an extensive area within ½ mile walk issued in the plan area during the past 4 years, includof the transit station, there is an opportunity to expand ing residential and non-residential developments. the area within a ½ mile walk by adding additional These are shown with dots on the map above. street networks and connections. Vacant and Underutilized Land The ½ mile walk also extends into multi family and Although the plan area is largely developed, there are single family neighborhoods both on the east and west 123.9 acres of vacant land in the plan area. There also are 97.8 acres classified as underdeveloped. Parcels sides of the Archdale Transit Station. highlighted on the above map are considered underdeveloped or vacant. Some have single family homes on very large lots; others are developed with small retail and industrial land uses. These properties are considered particularly ripe for development/redevelopment. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Issues/Opportunities Potential development around the station provides an opportunity to improve the mixture of land uses in the plan area. However, the transit oriented development potential surrounding the stations is hampered by the Norfolk Southern Railroad (NSRR) running along the east side of the stations. 48 Tyvola and Archdale Large Parcel Ownership Large Parcel Ownership Non-Profit Public Private T Transit Station and Line Tyv o la R d T ffith Rd Archdale Dr GIS .m ore than ma .. .. .. Charlotte ps ... Date: March 31, 2008 Large Parcel Ownership While much of the study area consists of small parcels in individual ownership, there are larger concentrations in consolidated ownership. The above map shows such larger holdings as indicated by tax records, whether consisting of a single parcel or of a number of smaller adjacent parcels. The larger holdings include some public and non-profit owners with specific purposes, such as Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. However, as indicated on the map, there are a number of privately owned properties in larger blocks along the corridor. These include larger shopping center properties and multi-family residential properties. d eville R Old Pin d fR rlea e Silv T South Bv I-77 Gri N W E S 0 600 1,200 feet Issues/Opportunities The large parcels within the study area have the potential of accommodating higher density transit oriented development uses with less assemblage than would be necessary with smaller holdings. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Market Research and Development Projections In early 2003, Robert Charles Lessor & Company completed a market study of the future South Corridor light rail station areas entitled Station Area Allocations for New Office Retail and Multi-family Development along the South LRT Line 2000-2025. The study assumes a proactive role by local government in promoting station area development (including such things as zoning changes and public infrastructure development) and a continuation of economic trends during the study period in generating its projections. The findings of the study for the vicinity of each station is presented below separately. Tyvola Area The study indicates a strong potential for office and retail mixed commercial development based on the following factors: 1. Immediate and direct access to a high capacity interchange at Interstate 77. This interchange provides strong regional connectivity and automobile access to complement the light rail access. 2. Connections to two office cores at South Park and the Coliseum office park area, provided by Tyvola Road. These two office cores provide a strong market at this midpoint location for larger users and numerous smaller users such as law firms and service providers that might desire to be able to serve both office cores. 3. High visibility and traffic counts along Tyvola Road and South Boulevard. Combined with excellent freeway access and a strong regional mall at South Park, the visibility along Tyvola Road and South Boulevard can provide significant market access for retailers. The study suggests that office development take place west of the light rail line with retail closer to the intersection of Tyvola Road and South Boulevard. Surrounding residential development is currently disconnected from the station area and will remain so with the elevated nature of the light rail, making commercial more suitable uses immediately proximate to the light rail line. The report strongly suggests the potential for residential redevelopment to the east of South Boulevard is a key factor in helping drive retail opportunity in the area. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Archdale Area The study notes that Archdale is a smaller and more tightly developed area than the station areas adjacent to the north and south, limiting commercial development potential. The study suggests there will be minimal regional demand in the area and that opportunity lies in leveraging and enhancing existing community strengths. Those strengths include: 1. Affordable housing. The existing housing stock is somewhat older and relatively modest in size, making it affordable and accessible to moderate income households. This can help attract newly formed households to the area. 2. Low-volume connections. The modest access to the area discourages significant office or retail development but facilitates strong residential opportunities through short and long term pedestrian enhancements. 3. Significant immigrant populations. The area has a strong and large immigrant population that can serve as a catalyst for niche retail serving the localized populations as well as attracting regional shoppers and diners searching for unique and authentic products and experiences. The Archdale area suffers from regional perceptions as an area of high crime, making safety enhancement and reversing perceptions of crime the two key elements to any redevelopment strategy for the area. The study suggests that once this is accomplished, there is strong potential for mixed income residential redevelopment. Issues/Opportunities The station area has good regional access from I-77 at Tyvola Road, but the light rail station is located on Old Pineville Road at Grover Road, somewhat removed from the more heavily traveled Tyvola Road and South Boulevard. Transit oriented development is less likely to be initially drawn to this location. The Norfolk Southern rail line, and light rail line itself, are barriers to good street connections from South Boulevard to Old Pineville Road. 49 Transportation INTERSTATE 77 31,800 Tyv o 30,100 la R T ffith Gri d Rd INTERSTATE 77 600 11,300 Archdale Dr T eville R d 11,200 400 28,400 d fR a erle Silv South Bv Route choices are measured by the number of lanemiles of streets, number of intersections (nodes), number of blocks (links), and the connectivity index. A lane-mile is one mile of a single roadway lane. The more lane-miles of streets there are, the greater the overall traffic carrying capacity. The connectivity index quantifies how well a roadway network connects destinations and is calculated by dividing the number of roadway links by the number of roadway nodes. A connectivity index of 1.45 or more is desirable for transit station areas. 38,400 Old Pin The Street Network The number of route choices available to pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists describes the adequacy of an area’s street network. A dense, well-connected network offers greater choices of routes and more direct routes to destinations than does a less connected network, and therefore provides greater overall system capacity. I-77 50 800 N W E S 0 600 feet 1,200 Traffic Counts: Average daily volume Tyvola-Archdale Station Area Year of Count Area size (square miles) 1.99 Miles of streets: 26.6 Lane-mile of streets: 62.1 Connectivity Index: 1.31 2002 2003 2007 Speed Limits 25 30 35 40 45 55 T Transit Station and Line Issues/Opportunities: There is a noticeable lack of street connectivity from the neighborhoods to South Boulevard, to Old Pineville Road, and to Tyvola Road. As commercial properties redevelop along these streets, there will be opportunities to provide a more robust street network that better links these neighborhoods to nearby streets. Tyvola Road and Archdale Drive are the only east-west thoroughfares in the Tyvola-Archdale study area. As this area grows and redevelops with time, the lack of other such routes will be noticed by increased levels of traffic congestion on South Boulevard, Tyvola Road, Archdale Drive and Old Pineville Road. Additional streets that can help accommodate the expected increase in travel in the study area can be built through the redevelopment South Boulevard is the primary north-south thoroughfare process. in the Tyvola-Archdale study area, with Old Pineville Road as a secondary north-south route. As this area grows and redevelops with time, the lack of other such routes will be noticed by increased levels of traffic congestion on South Boulevard, Tyvola Road, Archdale Drive, and Old Pineville Road. Additional streets that can help accommodate the expected increase in travel in the study area can be built through the redevelopment process. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Local Streets: The remaining roadways are local streets that carry low traffic volumes, have slow operating speeds and provide access to individual properties. INTERSTATE 77 Tyv o Interstate Highway Interstate 77 runs north-south, as a cross-country, interstate highway between Columbia, South Carolina, and Cleveland, Ohio. Within Charlotte, I-77 travels between the North Carolina state line with South Carolina and the Lake Norman area. Unlike I-85, the only other cross-country interstate highway traversing Charlotte, I-77 more directly serves downtown, serving as a radial expressway for South and Southwest Charlotte. Within the Tyvola & Archdale area, I-77 serves as the northwestern study boundary and has a single-point urban interchange at Tyvola Road. la R d T d th R ffi Gri INTERSTATE 77 T d af R erle Silv South Bv Old Pin eville R d Archdale Dr N W E S 0 600 feet 1,200 Freeway Ramp Major Thoroughfare Local Street Freeway Major Collector T Minor Thoroughfare Transit Station and Line The Thoroughfare Plan The Mecklenburg-Union Thoroughfare Plan is the adopted major roadway plan for Mecklenburg and Union counties. It is used to assure that the most appropriate street system is developed to meet existing and future travel needs. Streets are classified and designed according to their intended functions so that land use and traffic conflicts are minimized. The street classifications applicable to the Tyvola & Archdale station area are as follows: Railroad Line Norfolk Southern is a major Class I railroad. The Norfolk Southern network extends over 20,000 miles in 22 states, the District of Columbia and Ontario. Within the Tyvola & Archdale area, Norfolk Southern owns and operates both a mainline and a spur. The mainline crosses Tyvola Road at grade with Old Pineville Road before going under the elevated LYNX Blue Line to emerge parallel on its eastern side. There is also an at-grade crossing of the mainline at Archdale Drive below and just east of the elevated LYNX crossing and station at Archdale Drive. The spur runs along the east side of the LYNX, branching off the mainline just south of the elevated Tyvola station and crossing at-grade beneath the LYNX elevated crossing of Tyvola Road. Issues/Opportunities: Old Pineville Road is classified as a major collector. However, the road functions more like a thoroughfare. There is opportunity to reclassify Old Pineville Road as minor thoroughfare to more closely match its actual funcThoroughfares: South Boulevard and Tyvola Road are tion. major thoroughfares, and Archdale Drive is a minor thoroughfare serving the plan area. As thoroughfares, these streets are designed to accommodate large volumes of traffic at moderate speeds and to provide access to major commercial, residential and residential land uses. Collectors: Old Pineville Road, Seneca Place, Minuet Lane, Seventy-Seven Center Drive, Griffith Road, Londonberry Road, Emerywood Drive, Cherrycrest Lane, Montpelier Road, and Silverleaf Road are collector streets, carrying traffic between the thoroughfares and local streets at moderate volumes and speeds and providing access to adjacent land uses. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS 51 52 Street Classifications Streetscape and Typical Sections South Boulevard looking South toward Tyvola Road Tyvola Road looking West towards South Boulevard South Boulevard near Tyvola Road is generally four travel lanes wide with turn lanes added at its signalized intersections. Sidewalks of varying widths are located along both sides of the street, sometimes separated from travel lanes by planting strips and sometimes directly behind the curb and gutter. Street lighting is on utility poles, with some decorative pedestrian fixtures. Tyvola Road is generally four travel lanes wide with turn lanes added at its signalized intersections. Sidewalks of varying widths are located along both sides of the street, sometimes separated from travel lanes by planting strips and sometimes directly behind the curb and gutter. Street lighting is provided on utility poles. Seneca Place Seneca Place is two travel lanes wide, with bike lanes (on both sides), sidewalk (on the south side), and on-street parking. A two to four foot planting strip is located between the sidewalk and parking lane. Speed tables are located within the travel lanes approximately every 800 feet. Street lighting is on utility poles. South Boulevard looking South toward Archdale Dirve Griffith Road The appearance of local streets varies according to the adjacent land uses. Industrial, office and commercial streets are relatively wide (24 to 40 feet) with two travel lanes, occasional on-street parking, discontinuous sidewalks and typically no planting strip. Street lighting is on utility poles. Archdale Drive looking West towards South Boulevard South Boulevard near Archdale Drive is Archdale Drive is generally two travel generally five lanes wide with two through lanes lanes wide with turn lanes added at its sigin each direction and intermittent landscaped nalized intersections. Sidewalks of varying median/left turn lane. At the intersection with widths are located along both sides of the Archdale Drive, it widens to six lanes, with left street, sometimes separated from travel lanes and right turn lanes and two through lanes in each direction. Sidewalks of varying widths are by planting strips and sometimes placed located along both sides of the street, sometimes directly behind the curb and gutter. Street separated from travel lanes by planting strips and sometimes directly behind the curb. Street lighting lighting is provided on utility poles. is on utility poles, with some decorative pedestrian fixtures. Old Pineville Road Old Pineville Road is two travel lanes wide, with bike lanes (on both sides) and sidewalk (on the west side). Planting strips are provided between the sidewalk and the street curb for much of its length. Street lighting is provided on utility poles. Milford Road Residential streets in the neighborhoods east of South Boulevard are narrower (approximately 24 feet wide) with sidewalks on one side of the street or no sidewalks at all. Street lighting is on utility poles. Scottridge Drive Local residential streets in the Montclaire South neighborhood west of Old Pineville Road are relatively narrow (approximately 26 feet wide or less) and typically have sidewalk on one side of the street or no sidewalks at all. Street lighting is on utility poles. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Boulevard: A short segment of Tyvola Road, from Old South Boulevard to I-77, qualifies as a Boulevard. Boulevards are intended to move large numbers of vehicles from one part of the city to another. Thus, the modal priority shifts toward motor vehicles, while still accommodating pedestrians and cyclists as safely and comfortably as possible. INTERSTATE 77 Tyv o la R d T ffith Rd Locals: The majority of roadways are local residential and local commercial streets that provide direct access to residential and commercial properties. These streets are intended to safely accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists by providing sidewalks, planting strips with trees, and low speed limits. I-77 Gri INTERSTATE 77 T d fR rlea e Silv South Bv Old Pin eville R d Archdale Dr Avenue Boulevard N W E S 0 T 600 feet 1,200 Issues/Opportunities: Regardless of their classification, a number of streets in the study area fail to consistently provide the street elements or element dimensions desired in an urban environment. While new streets will be built to provide the desired features, deficiencies on existing streets can be addressed when adjacent properties redevelop. Transit Station and Line Not Classified Street Typology The Urban Street Design Guidelines recommend how Charlotte’s streets should be planned and designed to provide viable transportation choices. The guidelines are intended to ensure that the street design process considers the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists, as well as the effects on adjacent land uses. Streets are classified according to land use and transportation contexts and should be designed accordingly. Regardless of their classification, a number of streets in the plan area fail to consistently provide the street elements or element dimensions desired. Streets in the area fall into the following categories: Avenues: Within the context of the street design guidelines, South Boulevard, Archdale Drive, Seneca Place, Old Pineville Road, and Tyvola Road west of Old Pineville Road function closest to Avenues. Avenues are intended to serve a diverse set of functions in a wide variety of land uses and should be designed to provide a balance of service for all transportation modes. Avenues provide an important mobility function for motorists, but are expected to provide a high level of comfort, safety and convenience for pedestrians and bicyclists. Avenues are generally limited to four or fewer travel lanes (except at major intersections) with block lengths up to 600’. Common elements should include sidewalks, planting strips or amenity zones with street trees, and bicycle lanes. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Archdale Drive, seen here from the station platform, is classified as an Avenue. 53 54 77 Se ne ca Pl d Tyv o la R Rd d T ffith taff k D r Transit Station and Line Dr Tyvo la Baker Dr o Tyv We stp ar T Ln la R Complete Sidewalk Existing Bike Lane South Bv et nu Mi Rd Fla gs Partial Sidewalk Seve n Cent ty-Seven er D r INTERSTATE South Bv Pedestrian & Bike Facilities Na tion sF ord Rd Tyvola and Archdale Pedestrian & Bike Facilities Gri Bou rbo n S t d eville R n Old Pin crest L Cherry La st re hc As Ln t Fo o .. Charlotte .m ore than ma .. GIS .. . ps .. Date: May 9, 2008 Existing Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian System: Of the approximate 27 miles of streets in the Tyvola & Archdale plan area, 15% have sidewalks on both sides of the street, 21% have sidewalk on one side, and 45% have no sidewalk. These figures include sidewalks recently built by the South Corridor Infrastructure Program (SCIP) along several key local streets that connect to South Boulevard, Tyvola Road, and Archdale Drive. South Bv Rd Old af erle Silv le Rd Pinevil Ra bb i ts Dr Montcrest Dr d ven Rd Brookha oo yw kemist Dr Dr le da ge ed W Green Ivy Ln Q G uak ra in ss g Ct er Squirrels Foot Ct Archdale Dr T Em Fernhill Dr Ch er ry Dr cr es Ke n tL ley 77 n Ln INTERSTATE N W E S Ed gew ate 0 rD r 600 1,200 feet Issues/Opportunities: More streets that connect to South Boulevard and Tyvola Road are needed to provide better pedestrian and bicycle mobility in the plan area. The current large block sizes along the thoroughfares discourage these alternative forms of travel, especially pedestrian travel. Better north-south pedestrian and bicycle routes are needed parallel to South Boulevard and Old Pineville Bicycle System: Prior to SCIP, there were already desig- Road. Better east-west routes parallel to Tyvola Road and nated facilities for bicyclists in the Tyvola & Archdale Archdale Drive also are needed. The opportunity to build plan area, including bicycle lanes on Seneca Place. these routes will come as commercial properties redevelop Using SCIP funds, a signed on-street bicycle route along South Boulevard, Old Pineville Road, and Tyvola with bike lanes (approximately 2 miles in length Road. within the Tyvola & Archdale area) has been added to Old Pineville Road. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS INTERSTATE 77 4 1 2 Se 3 ne ca Pl Tyv o la R d tpa rk Dr T ffith We s 5 77 C ente r Dr 55 Existing Level of Service Level of Service (LOS) measures the quality of service provided by a transportation facility to its users. The City of Charlotte evaluates level of service for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists and uses the results to help balance their competing needs when planning and designing streets. Levels of service range from A through F, with desirable levels of service based on the street typologies of the Urban Street Design Guidelines. Transit station areas are intended to be highly accessible for pedestrians and bicyclists, and therefore should have good pedestrian and bicycle level of service (A to B). Lower levels of service for motorists are acceptable if necessary to achieve the desired pedestrian and bicycle levels of service. Rd I-77 Gri INTERSTATE 77 6 7 Em 8 T yw oo d Dr eville R d Archdale Dr er South Bv Old Pin Pedestrian and bicycle level of service is rated according to the level of comfort and safety offered by the design features at signalized intersections, while motor vehicle level of service is based on motorist delays. Motor vehicle quality of service is also measured by the volume to capacity ratio (v/c), which describes an intersection’s ability to process traffic within peak time periods. Values greater than .95 suggest an intersection is near its capacity during this time period and that motorists may experience substantial congestion. d fR a erle Silv N W 0 T Existing signalized intersection E S 600 feet 1,200 Transit Station and Line LOS Rating Scale A B C D E F Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Failure L E V E L O F S E R V I C E (LOS) Signalized Intersection Pedestrian Bike Vehicular AM Peak Volume to Capacity Ratio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Volume to Capacity Ratio PM Peak Seneca Place & South Boulevard B E .52 A .50 A Tyvola Rd & South Boulevard C+ E+ 1.01 E 1.03 E Tyvola Road & Old Pineville Rd C D .73 C 1.03 D Tyvola Rd & 77 Center Dr D E .69 B .80 C Tyvola Rd & Westpark Dr C+ D- .84 C .80 C Emerywood Dr & South Bv B D- .67 B .62 B Archdale Dr & South Bv C D .75 C .78 D Archdale Dr & Old Pineville Rd B C+ .60 C .79 D Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Even without increased development, intersections along Tyvola Road west of South Boulevard are already showing signs of significant peak-hour congestion. Any additional development with access to Tyvola Road should be contingent upon additional street network and/or mitigation at signalized intersections. Public Transportation Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) offers public transportation service in and through the Tyvola & Archdale area with a combination of light rail vehicles and buses. Light Rail Service: The LYNX light rail line runs parallel between Old Pineville Road and South Boulevard within the Tyvola & Archdale plan area. Light rail patrons are able to access the line at the Tyvola and Archdale stations, both center-platform elevated stations. The Tyvola station is located near the intersection of Grover Road and Old Pineville Road. The Archdale station is located at Archdale Road and Old Pineville Road. A 469space park-and-ride facility is sited beneath the Tyvola station off South Boulevard, and a 432-space parkand-ride facility is sited beneath the Archdale station off South Boulevard, with handicapped parking along Old Pineville Road. Light rail service was projected to carry 9,100 passengers per day, but after six months of service has been averaging closer to 12,000. INTERSTATE 77 12 Tyv o la R 16 82x T d 60 d th R ffi Gri INTERSTATE 77 57 Archdale Dr T eville R d d rl R eaf e Silv 57 12 South Bv Issues/Opportunities: While vehicle level of service and travel times are generally good in the Tyvola & Archdale area, expected growth and intensified development in the future will likely result in increased congestion on existing streets. Without a more extensive street network, motorists will experience longer delays and travel times as more people are forced to travel on the few through streets that serve the area, such as South Boulevard, Tyvola Road, and Old Pineville Road. An improved street grid will aid motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists by providing more routes to travel destinations. 24 Old Pin Existing traffic conditions in the Tyvola & Archdale plan area are reasonably good, except at signalized intersections on Tyvola Road. South Boulevard, Tyvola Road, and Archdale Drive have adequate capacity. Motorists do not typically experience excessive delays or stops at major intersections, except on Tyvola Road west of South Boulevard. The close proximity of signalized intersections along Tyvola Road at both South Boulevard and Old Pineville Road, as well as between Interstate 77 and Westpark Drive, can easily impact travel if signal coordination fails or vehicle queuing overwhelms the short distance between signals. A similar condition exists along Archdale Drive, with close intersections at South Boulevard and Old Pineville Road. I-77 56 N W E S 0 600 1,200 feet Route 12 Route 57 Route 16 Route 60 Route 24 Route 82x T Transit Station and Line Bus Service: Since the late 2007 opening of light-rail service in the South Corridor, CATS restructured area bus service to improve connections with light-rail stations. Currently, CATS provides bus service in the Tyvola & Archdale area with four local bus routes: •Route 12 along South Boulevard from Carolina Pavilion to Woodlawn, •Route 16 along South Tryon Street from Uptown to Tyvola, •Route 57 along Archdale Drive from Nations Ford Road to South Park Mall, and •Route 60 along Tyvola Road from Boulevard Homes to South Park Mall. Annual ridership numbers based on Fiscal Year 2007 were 795,595 for route 12 and 635,144 for route 16, though such figures are prior to bus re-routings implemented with the start of light-rail service. Routes 57 and 60 are new routes. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS 57 Infrastructure/Public Facilities Education There are two Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools within or adjacent to the plan area: Smith Language Academy, serving elementary and middle school grades, and Montclaire Elementary School. Both function as magnet schools. la R T d th R ffi Gri Arch dale Dr T eville R d Public Libraries, Parks, Police and Fire Police have no physical facility plans for the plan area but will oversee CATS Transit Police as well as provide service through the Westover Division. d af R erle Silv Storm Water Improvement South Bv Old Pin Public Libraries of Charlotte-Mecklenburg County (PLCMC) has no facility within the plan area. The Archdale neighborhood park is located on Archdale Road at Cherrycrest Lane. It currently has few active park amenities and contains mostly passive uses. d I-77 Issues/opportunities Smith and Montclaire Schools are located beyond a comfortable walking distance to transit stations, but could be accessible by feeder bus for employees and students. Tyv o N WILMETTE CT W E S 0 T 600 feet 1,200 Transit Station and Line There are no fire stations located in the plan area. The Water and Sewer and Storm Water Management area is served by Station Number 12 located north of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Department (CMU) the plan area just south of Woodlawn Road. has worked proactively to replace and install upgraded lines under the light rail line in anticipation of density Issues/Opportunities increases. Many of the upgrades have been financed Service facilities outside the station area may be adequate by SCIP (South Corridor Improvement Program). to serve the areas. In many cases public services can be provided to densely developed areas with fewer resources. City Storm Water Services currently lists three projects falling within the Archdale area: The plan area lacks substantial urban public open space, and the opportunity to develop small green spaces may • Alanhurst/Cherrycrest be lost without a clear goal and funding for such ameni• Edgewater/Rosecrest ties. • Starmount/Archdale Benefits will include but not be limited to a reduction in road and house flooding during storm events. Issues/Opportunities Increased density will increase demand on CMU services. With increased density, CMU will be able to serve a larger number of customers per mile compared to a more suburban setting. Redevelopment of the area should address the quality of storm water runoff. There are currently few restrictions pertaining to existing facilities for storm water run-off, but future development would have to meet more stringent requirements. Tyvola & Archdale Transit Station Area Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG PLANNING TRANSPORTATION 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202-2853 PH: 704-336-2205 FAX: 704-336-5123