13-14 Strategic Plans Mecklenburg County Provided Services Organization

13-14 Strategic Plans
Mecklenburg County
Provided Services Organization
PROGRAM: Administrative Services
NAME: Connie Mele, PSO Division Director II
Change the name of the PSO to reflect services, mission and vision
1. Revise the mission and vision of the PSO by April 2014
2. Based on the above revisions, change the name of the PSO by 5/1/14
3. Work with PS&I to brand the new name and service by 6/30/14
a) How do we become the “known” experts for our services”?
No updates due at this time.
The Mission and Vision were not reviewed, they will be reviewed and revised as
needed by October 31, 2014. I will continue to ask for a name change from the
Assistant County Manager.
Re-evaluate Administrative Organization Chart
Review all positions to ensure they are reflective of the position’s responsibilities
and accountabilities by March 1, 2014
No updates due at this time.
To date there has been no response to the notebook
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PROGRAM: Children’s Developmental Services
NAME: John Ellis/Program Administrator
Implement evidence based early intervention practices within the Mecklenburg
CDSA and Provider Network
1. Create more and improved opportunities for CDSA staff and providers to team
together in order to provide the highest quality services to families.
2. Create more opportunities to observe and be mentored in the field by other
professionals for provider network staff as they develop skill in new practices.
3. Develop ongoing and varied opportunities for CDSA staff to learn about early
intervention best practices
At the beginning of FY 14 we developed a mechanism to reimburse providers for
the time they spend in mentoring activities along parameters that we have
defined. This has been slow to catch on probably because we have not provided
people with enough support in identifying which aspect of evidence based practice
they need mentoring on.
We implemented a monthly lunch and learn activity that we are calling Table Talk
Wednesdays where we are providing an open forum co-facilitated by CDSA and
Provider Network staff along some aspect of evidence based practice. This has
received a good response with attendance averaging 40 participants month.
We have developed a list serve through which we are sharing relevant information
about EI best practices with our staff, our providers and anyone else who wants to
join in. We have a weekly blog that goes along with this and an associated
Facebook and Pinterest account.
1. We have continued to hold quarterly provider meetings and monthly Table
Talk discussion groups that have been well attended by both CDSA and
provider network staff. Throughout the year we have continued monthly field
trips to FIPP with combined CDSA and provider staff groups.
2. In May, 2014, working in conjunction with FIPP, we created a Master Coach
Cohort Training Group that completed training in September. These staff will
be developing support plans with Provider Network agencies on how to sustain
EBP’s in their own agencies. A second cohort group is being planned and will
finish in early 2015.
3. Orientation and training materials for new staff are in the process of being
updated and revised. Four CDSA staff were involved in the first Master Coach
cohort with plans for six more to be in the second group.
Continued next page
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Focus on the process and outcomes for referrals on children birth to age three
referred from the Department of Social Services
1. Increase the number of children referred by DSS that enroll in the Infant
Toddler Program once eligible by 10%.
2. Insure that length of stay in the Infant Toddler Program for DSS referred
families is comparable to that of referrals received from other sources.
I really have not been able to work on this in the first half of the year. We have a
student intern this semester who will take on some of the data collection and
analysis for us. I expect to have baseline data by the end of the third quarter.
1. FY 13 – 23.2% of children referred were found eligible and received an IFSP
FY 14 – 43.7% of children referred were found eligible and received an IFSP
2. We have done some preliminary analysis of this data comparing the average
length of enrollment for YFS referrals to a randomly selected sample of
families referred by other referral sources. The average length of enrollment is
roughly equivalent but we really need to take a closer look at this controlling
for certain variables (e.g. age at referral) that will show if there is a true
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PROGRAM: Health Information Services
NAME: Summer Varalli, HIS Administrator
Implement scanning of paper medical records to include any remaining PSO
paper medical record forms as well as medical records received from external
1. Continue to identify and build working relationships with scanning vendors
2. Coordinate with MCO staff regarding division of responsibility for records
currently in off-site storage. Target date for finalized lists is October 15, 2013.
3. Determine cost of implementation and ongoing use of scanning processes for
storing, maintaining, and retrieving medical record documents in ECHO
October-June 2014 – potentially an RFP process
4. Perform trial runs with top scanning vendor contenders October 2014- January
5. Have quote in hand for budget planning February 2015
Continue to work with vendors. Of the 5,000+ boxes of various kinds of records in
off-site storage, all but 1774 boxes have been identified and designated as
containing PSO or MeckLINK records. A sample of the 1774 boxes was pulled and
it was discovered that some contain records from the Health Department. I am
currently working with File Vault, MeckLINK and the Health Department to
schedule time to go through and identify the 1774 unidentified boxes by the end of
March, 2014.
Scanning vendors: At the April NC-TIDE meeting a scanning vendor provided
information regarding scanning software that connects seamlessly with ECHO to
allow staff to have direct access to scanned items.
MCO records in storage: Of the 5,000+ boxes of various kinds of records in
FileVault off-site storage, all but 1774 boxes have been identified and designated
as containing PSO or MeckLINK records. A sample of the 1774 boxes was pulled
and it was discovered that some contain records from other County Departments.
Scanning costs: Provided budget request for FY15 regarding linking scanning
software to ECHO. This was not included in the County Manager’s FY15
recommended budget for the BOCC. Will request funding again next budget cycle.
Upon return from maternity leave Andrew’s mom will schedule vendor
presentations and field trip(s) to view active systems.
Will determine RFP process for acquisition of scanning system.
Change over from ICD-9 to ICD-10
1. Attend trainings to learn the updates and new format of ICD-10 now until
December 2013.
2. Coordinate and participate in “Introduction to ICD-10” Lunch and Learn by
February 2014.
3. Train staff to know what to expect with ICD-10 January 2014-October 2014.
4. Start using ICD-10 October 1, 2014.
Continue to attend trainings on ICD-10. Will start working with training coordinator
in January to produce and set up lunch and learn for March 2014.
Attend trainings regarding ICD-10.
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Intro to ICD-10 lunch and learn was provided to the PSO on April 30, 2014 with
11 staff members in attendance.
ICD-10 has been once again postponed and will go into effect October 1, 2015.
However, DSM-5 is to go into effect August 1, 2014.
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Children’s Developmental Services Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) fully
functional by 12/31/13
Plan to try and have fully functional by 12/31/13. Have had to make some
additional changes due to State requirements.
Received new updated forms from Will Snell on 2/5/14. Will start making changes
to form in Echo with the plan to have in place by 7/1/14.
IFSP is in Echo and being tested by Will Snell. Will plans to start training CDSA Staff
early Sept. 2014.
Echo Version 9.1.2 upgraded by 11/01/13
Have new version fully functional by 11/1/13
Echo was upgraded to version 9.04 on 11/1/13.
Echo was upgraded to version 9.04 on 11/1/13.
Advanced Signature by 11/1/13 and Signature Pads by 2/28/14
This will be a two part project: (1) implement advanced signature (which is a new
way of sign records within Echo for staff this will go into place when upgrade
happens on 11/1/13 (2) implement signature pads and necessary forms in Echo
that will need consumer signatures, plan to have in place by 2/28/14.
Part (1) was implemented with the upgrade to Echo version 9.04 on 11/1/13. Still
working with vendor to get signature pads working with this version. Send email
to Summer Varalli to see if there are any forms ready for us to start adding to
No updates at this time.
eMAR Development
Work with SASC staff and The Echo Group to develop an eMAR system within Echo
system by using the medication tab and creating new custom screens and reports
by 6/30/14.
Still need to meet with Adrian McCoy and Randi Imbriano to discuss some more
what we want and some new changes that maybe coming that require us to have
an eMar system.
No updates at this time.
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PROGRAM: Quality Improvement
NAME: Jonathan Myers, Operations Manager
CARF Accreditation
Receive CARF 3 year accreditation Fall of 2014 with 3 or fewer recommendations
per CARF Standards Section
Accreditation will occur Fall 2014
Accreditation will occur October or November 2014.
Develop PSO Department Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
1. Utilize current FY14 Service level Measures and any additional required
Balanced Scorecard requirements to develop the PSO Department BSC by
December 15, 2013.
2. Collect and report January 2014- June 2014 BSC data to OMB as a dry run to
prepare for an active BSC in FY15.
1. In coordination with Monica Allen and her staff, Christopher and the PSO
Leadership Team successfully developed draft BSC measures. They were
implemented November 2013 and data collection continues.
2. Plans are in place to continue to collect and report this data to OMB.
1. In coordination with Monica Allen and her staff, Christopher and the PSO
Leadership Team successfully developed draft BSC measures. They were
implemented November 2013 and data collection continues.
2. Plans are in place to continue to collect and report this data to OMB.
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PROGRAM: Substance Abuse Services
NAME/TITLE: Yvonne Ward, Program Administrator
Develop collaborative services with primary care providers and other social
services agencies that serve the population served by our programs.
Collaborative services will be developed with at least two community providers by
April 30, 2014.
We have established a collaborative partnership with the Harvest Center in
Charlotte. The provider has facilitated a presentation at SASC and shared their
admission criteria and information on the services provided. We have had two
consumers successfully step down to their service after successfully completing
residential treatment.
We have established a new collaborative partnership with the Urban League of
Charlotte. We will be partnering with them to refer consumers for vocational
rehabilitation training and job training. SAS staff will also be providing training to
their staff on substance use and providing psycho-education groups to their clients
on substances and the impact of drugs and alcohol on the body. We have reengaged with a previous collaborative partner the Drug Court, we will be working
together to coordinate services for court ordered consumers in addition to
collaborating on referrals they may have for our CADRE program.
Incorporate the Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment (IDDT) approach into our
current services and track program outcomes.
SAS Treatment programs will train staff on the IDDT model, provide supervision to
ensure fidelity of the model, and track treatment outcomes for consumers and
families served by June 30, 2014.
The clinical supervisor for SAS Treatment program is providing supervision by
direct observation and feedback to ensure the fidelity of the IDDT Model. The new
Director of SASC will work with the Clinical Supervisor to track treatment outcomes
and modify program as needed.
The clinical supervisors with SAS are reviewing the IDDT material and developing
training for their staff. The completion date for this measure has been extended
until 12/2014.
Reduce financial threats as identified by Human Services Finance.
Financial Threats to be addressed:
1. Send at least 90% of invoices to HSF by email to the HSFInvoiceProcessing
email inbox rather than by interoffice mail. This will increase processing speed
of PSO invoices, which potentially increases the availability of budgeted funds
at the end of the fiscal year.
2. By December 31, 2013 split the Automated Shredding and Pro-Tel invoices for
the PSO and MeckLINK. This will speed payment for these services and
increase the PSO’s ability to accurately project and budget funds to pay for
these services, which potentially increases the availability of budgeted funds at
the end of the fiscal year.
3. By July 1, 2014 develop and acquire a signed PSO and MeckLINK LOA/MOU to
address and guarantee allocation of revenues from IPRS/Medicaid claims to
the PSO. This will increase the PSO’s ability to accurately budget and project
revenues to offset expenditures.
Financial opportunities to be noted:
If MeckLINK becomes a separate legal authority, PSO may be able to bill Medicaid
for substance abuse services that were previously not authorized to bill for
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Medicaid reimbursement due to the previous organizational and fiscal relationship
between PSO and MeckLINK. This could increase the amount of Medicaid revenues
for PSO, which would allow the PSO to either reduce County funds used to offset
expenditures or redirect County funds to expand services.
We are on target with sending invoices to HSF to date. We have also met with
Clayton Voignier and it has been suggested that we eliminate as many invoices as
possible and use the P-Card for as many purchases as we can which will also speed
up invoice processing. I do not have an update on items 2 & 3 at this time.
1. We have identified some processing issues for the SAS Org, specifically 7354
that led to late invoices and unencumbered funds. The administrative staff
have been retrained on the invoice processing and we have established the
use of the P-card that should also eliminate the processing of late invoices. SAS
Orgs will review all invoices monthly and follow up on processing of those
invoices if they are not on the budget we will follow up with HSF.
2. Completed
3. This goal has changed due to the dissolve or the LME/MCO. SAS currently has a
current contract with Cardinal Innovations for Detox, SACOT, and Residential
Treatment. SAS continues to work with Faye Sanders in BHS Division,
Christopher Stowe, and Christine Payseur to submit billing to Cardinal
Innovations and address denials.
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PROGRAM: Training and Educational Services
NAME: Donald R. Cooper, Training Coordinator
Set up and maintain Relias online learning system to reflect updates and changes
of employee’s base of employment.
1. Gather updated Org charts and update Relias by November 17, 2013. This is
contingent on separation of the Relias system from another County
2. Develop a system by December 15, 2013 that captures employee
departmental transfers and other changes that affect the hierarchy
3. Develop a system by December 15, 2013 to assure Relias stays current with
updated information
1. Up to date organizational charts were utilized to map out departmental sub
departments and employee placement in the hierarchy. Following transition of
PSO Relias data to a separate PSO database in October, the Relias hierarchy
was updated and has been maintained current since that date.
2. Staff additions and status changes other HR changes are communicated to the
Operations Management Administrative Support Assistant III. That individual
forwards the information to the appropriate parties.
3. Human Resources sends information to the Operations Management
Administrative Support Assistant III makes changes or forwards it to the
Training Coordinator to update Relias.
1. Up to date organizational charts were utilized to map out departmental sub
departments and employee placement in the hierarchy. Following transition of
PSO Relias data to a separate PSO database in October, the Relias hierarchy
was updated and has been maintained current since that date.
2. Staff additions and status changes other HR changes are communicated to the
Operations Management Administrative Support Assistant III. That individual
forwards the information to the appropriate parties.
3. Human Resources sends information to the Operations Management
Administrative Support Assistant III makes changes or forwards it to the
Training Coordinator to update Relias.
Perform a cost analysis comparing Relias and utilizing existing PSO staff
resources to provide required trainings.
Complete the following analysis by March 1, 2014 (people, space, system,
1. Track and analyze staff time utilizing Relias versus attending live training and
estimate cost comparison
2. Track and analyze staff availability and impact per their scheduling pattern
3. Compare the cost of system maintenance and contracts/service agreements to
cost of live training materials, staff, training space, etc.
4. Compare cost, time, and effort involved in utilization of Relias online data
storage with utilization of actual training space, development, maintenance,
etc. of training documents
Analysis in progress to be completed by deadline
Analysis was completed and presented at PIC in June where it was discussed and
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Program: Trauma & Justice Partnerships
Name/Title: Sarah Greene, Senior AMH Manager
Create a comprehensive law enforcement response to persons in crisis with mental illness
within Mecklenburg County that includes a program evaluation component.
Objective(s) 1. Collaboratively develop and implement a departmental directive for the Crisis
Intervention Team (CIT) certified officers within Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police
Department (CMPD) by July 1, 2014.
2. Collaboratively develop and implement a system for collecting and reporting data for
every CIT response by July 1, 2014.
The team is still working on both of these issues; the BJA grant was not awarded, which has
presented a challenge in creating the database & assigning personnel to the program.
Outcomes(s) 1/29/14: The team is still working on both of these issues; the BJA grant was not awarded,
which has presented a challenge in creating the database & assigning personnel to the
program. 2/4/14: A new CMPD lieutenant is assigned to support these efforts.
8/22/14: CMPD is working towards developing a mental health unit to include a few CIT
officers. A CMPD policy for CIT has been implemented. The system for collecting and
reporting data is pending; we are expected to be notified of Justice Reinvestment funds for
this purpose by September.
Create a multi-year plan for a comprehensive mental health-law enforcement response to
children exposed to violence within Mecklenburg County.
Objective(s) Build on the CD-CP strategic plan that was developed for FY 13, and give it more detail,
including a process for collaborative advocacy for identification of additional resources to
allow expansion. Complete said plan by July 1, 2013.
There has been significant progress on this goal, as collaborative meetings have occurred
and a specific plan for expansion has been discussed and tentatively approved. It includes a
two-year expansion to cover all of the CMPD jurisdiction.
Outcome(s) 1/29/14: There has been significant progress on this goal, as collaborative meetings have
occurred and a specific plan for expansion has been discussed and tentatively approved. It
includes a two-year expansion to cover all of CMPD’s jurisdiction.
8/22/14: ACHIEVED; the county manager recommended and the BOCC approved funding to
expand the CD-CP program into all CMPD divisions over the next two years.
Create a collaborative trauma-informed CIT response for Mecklenburg County.
Collaborate with CMPD partners to provide Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) training to at least
50 CIT officers by July 1, 2014.
Progress has occurred; a train-the-trainer TIC training is scheduled June 3-4. Following that
event, those new trainers will conduct additional workshops.
1/29/14: Progress has occurred; a train-the-trainer TIC training is scheduled June 3-4.
Following that event, those new trainers will conduct additional workshops.
8/22/14: Four officers and one clinician attended the train-the-trainer class for TIC in June
and plans are in place to conduct the additional workshops in the first quarter of FY 15.
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PROGRAM: Verification and Reporting Services
NAME/TITLE: Christopher Stowe, Supervisor
Provide NCTracks enrollment verification of all newly hired PSO licensed staff.
1. Implement method for informing newly hired PSO licensed employees of the
NCTracks enrollment process. Verification of NCTracks enrollment will occur
within 60 days of employment.
2. Baseline measure of 85% of all newly hired PSO licensed employees will be
informed of the NCTracks enrollment process.
During PSO Department New Employee orientation 100% of PSO licensed
employees were informed by means of a packet of information regarding the
NCTracks enrollment process. Verification within 60 days of employment occurs
as a result of the billing process and feedback from that process indicating
enrollment status.
During PSO Department New Employee orientation 100% of PSO licensed
employees were informed by means of a packet of information regarding the
NCTracks enrollment process. Verification within 60 days of employment occurs
as a result of the billing process and feedback from that process indicating
enrollment status.
Ensure Re-credentialing for PSO Medicaid sites.
1. Initiate the Re-credentialing process for identified PSO Medicaid sites within
30 days of the notification letter from the North Carolina Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS).
2. Prevent denial of claim payments and possible termination from the NC
Medicaid Program.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) requires
all active N.C. Medicaid Providers to validate enrollment information on file
every three (3) years through Re-credentialing. This process includes criminal
background checks, credential checks, and qualifications checks to ensure
continued compliance with N.C. Medicaid participation guidelines. The PSO
sites are current for 2014.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) requires all
active N.C. Medicaid Providers to validate enrollment information on file every
three (3) years through Re-credentialing. This process includes criminal
background checks, credential checks, and qualifications checks to ensure
continued compliance with N.C. Medicaid participation guidelines. The PSO sites
are current for 2014.
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