RDF, Ontologies and MetaData Workshop 7-9th June Prof. Jessie Kennedy e-SI Research Theme Leader e-SI Theme: Exploiting Diverse Sources of Scientific Data e-SI Research Theme Exploiting Diverse Sources of Scientific Data Wealth and diversity of scientific data collected and stored is growing rapidly Increase in automation Genetic sequencing, remote sensing, astronomy satellites Decrease in technological costs Huge potential for scientific discovery by exploiting this data especially multi-disciplinary research Number, complexity and diversity of resources makes this a difficult task Aim of theme is to investigate some of the issues and solutions to exploiting diverse sources of scientific data. Exploiting Diverse Sources of Scientific Data 2 Workshops hosted in theme: Spatiotemporal Databases for Geosciences, Biomedical Sciences and Physical sciences, eSI, 1-2 November 2005 Oracle Corporation and the e-Science Institute Seminar Temporal Database in Depth: Time and the Data Warehouse, eSI, 3 November 2005 The Second Workshop on Scientific Data Mining, Integration and Visualization (SDMIV2), eSI, December 2005 DIALOGUE meeting, 9-10 February 2006 Integrated Health Records - Practice and Technology, 9-10 March 2006 Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG) Technical Architecture Group meeting, 11 April 2006 Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG) Core Ontology meeting, 16-18 May 2006 Exploiting Diverse Sources of Scientific Data 3 Recurring Issues/Focus Metadata, Terminologies and Ontologies needed… Data discovery for sharing/analysis (integrating) Understanding the content of data sets Automatic transformations (semantic mediation) Will these solve the problems? Architectures for Data Integration What strategies used for data integration workflow architectures grid architectures Others? What are they and how do they compare? GUIDs What gets a GUID? Who issues them? What technology? Exploiting Diverse Sources of Scientific Data 4 Metadata and Ontologies Issues Standardisation of formats Creation of metadata and ontologies Manual and automatic For whom and by whom? Many or one ontology (granularity)? How do we integrate them or map between them? How do we choose which to use/reuse? How do we know data is suitable for our purpose? Exploiting Diverse Sources of Scientific Data 5 RDF, Ontologies and Meta-Data Workshop Seminar on RDF and Oracle's RDF triple store Evaluation/Experiences of RDF triple stores Semantic Mediation and Architectures Experience of Building/Using Ontologies Meta-Data, LSIDs, Ontologies for Schema/Data Integration Lots of Q&A and Discussion ask those questions that have been bothering you!!! Theme/Workshop Wiki: http://wiki.esi.ac.uk Use it to register your questions for discussion or for particular speakers Suggest new follow-on workshops Exploiting Diverse Sources of Scientific Data 6 Enjoy the Workshop! e-SI Theme: Exploiting Diverse Sources of Scientific Data