Document 13349217

The University of North Dakota
Department of Chemistry
invitcs Y OLt to
Dr. Nelson Leonar d , U n iversit y of Illin o is
Dr. Ro b ert 'N est , Unive rsity o f W isco ns in
Dr . Ro be rt Par ry, U n ive rs it y of l'vlie higa n
Dr , Ralp h G . Pear son. Nnl,t h",'"c s tern Un iversit y
Dr. H ar old J. Bcr n st cin , N, R.C. O n a w a, C a nad a
Dr. [ chI 'l rd L. I<i ng , U n ivc rs it y o f C o lo r:« lo
D,' Davi d N. H umc.
1) 1'.
111'. ,\r n,' 1L1 C. w a hl. .\rp" , nnc I .rbo r.uor,'
Chemistry Lectures
lnx ti r ut c of 'I L'L h no logy
R,' nald Brc slo w, Co l u mh i« Un in.,-s il y
1,1; '
Dr. .Jo h n L NI.II'g ra IT, Rice U llil T r" it y
19/ ,
Dr C hnTs \-Va lli ng , U nil-c rs it y o f U i .i h
J)r r:red '\'iLl.alk n y, C:'"'I1l' 1I l ln l\-cr,sil y
J)r. J):l ryle II. Ilusl' h, () h i" S' :tl e l lni ' l'l's il y
n r. Ro,1Id 11 "ffll ",nll , C ,' r ne ll U llin .,-, il)'
The 2007 Abbott
ll .u», II .I ,tile, l 'ni ' TI'OIly " I' C irK i,l lla l i
Dr ll .C . BrOIl II, l' lII'c1 L1 c U mv crs ir ,:
Dr. Leo i\ , 1'. ''1uctrc , O h io St a te U uivc rx i ! y
J)r R"hl'l'l I'. S in c rx , l l n i v cr si , )' o f c:" I,' rad o
D r li i crm a r Sl'yk n h, I\'I ass. ln s tit urc o f 'l'ce h IHlI,' gy
ll)K ~
J)r. Ko]i N,rk:lIlis h i, Co l u m b i.: l ln i' l'l'si t y
Dr il-1c'I \"in CI I< in , Uni vcrsi tv o f C ali lo rn i » Ill'l'kc:ley
Dr. Caho r A. SOll1orja i, l lllil-crs iry of C a lilo rn ia Ik rkcle y
Dr I-Ia rr)' Il. C ,'ay, ( i forni .. lns r ir urc o f leehlHllog)'
Dr. All cn] Il ar d , U n iv crs u',: of 'I ,'xas <I t Au sr in
Dr . W i l l i.un
Dr . M ark S. \.Vr ighton , IvLl'S . lns tit ur c of Tech n"I,'gy
J. Baile y, U n ivcrs. i t v
Dr. Pet er B. Dc rva n, C ul i l o r ni n l n st irurc o f Tech nol ogy
Dr , Ro bcrt H G r u bbs , C a lifo r nia lnst it ut c of T ec h no logy
Dr, A nd rcvv Srrc irw icsc r . Uni v. of Califor ni a ·I' u ke ley
Dr . M aryc Ann e Fox , U n i vc rsi ty o f T ex as at A usr in
Dr. Kend all N, Ho ule. Univcr s ity o f C alifo rn ia , LA
Dr. Ed w a rd Yeun g , Io w a Sl ate U nivc rs ir y
D r. H e nr y F. Sc haefer, [] I , U n ivcr sity of Geo rgia
Dr. T o b in
Dr . Paul A. vv cndcr . St a n fo rd U n iversit y
J. Ma rks ,
givcn by
o f Mury l.m d
No rt h wes te r n U nivc rs it y
Dr. Sa mu el H, Gellma n, U nivcr s iry o f \Viscon si n
Dr. Vic to r ) H ru by, U ni , er s it y of Ar izo na
l 005
Dr. \ V ill iam Mille r, Un iver sit y o f C ali fo rnia - Ber keley
Dr. Malcolm C his holm, T he Ohi o St ate Unive rsity
Dr. Barry Ca rpen t er, C orn ell U nivc rs iry
Dr. Catherine Fenselau
Professor of Ch emistr y CSt Biochemistry
Universtiy of Maryland
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Catherine Fenselau
George A. Abbott
Thursday April 26, 7:00 PM
"Airborne Microorganisms:
Detect to Protect "
Friday April 27,12:00 PM
The Genome was Easy"
Cath erine Fenselau is professor of
Chemistry and Biochemistry at the
Universit y of Maryland, and a memb er
of the Greenebaum Cancer Center at
the University of Maryland School of
Medicine. Her current research
pro gram uses proteomics strategies to
study th e mechanisms by which cancer
cells become resist ant to anti-cancer
dru gs. She is a leader in the
development of mass spectrometry for
rapid identific ation of airborne
microorganisms . She is associate editor
of Analytical Chemistry and was the
founding editor of Biomedical Mass
Spectrometry (now Journal of Mass
Spectrometry). She has received both
national and international awards for
her scholarship and for her scientific
leadership. Fenselau grew up in
Nebra ska, received her A.B. from Bryn
Mawr College in 1961 and earned a Ph.D.
from Stanford University in 1965.
Dr. George Alonzo Abbott, Professo r Emeritus at
th e Universit y of North Dak ot a, had a long and frui tful
career of service to th e Sta te of Nor th Dakota and th e
science of Ch emistry. He was born july 7, 1874, in Alma,
Illinois. Dr. Abbo tt received bo th th e B.S. and
rncrito from DePauw University. From 1896 until1 904
he tau ght chem is try in high schools in .Evansville.
Indi ana ; Duluth, Minn esota; and Ind ianapoli s, Indi ana.
In 1903, th rou gh a cont act wi t h Pro fessor Talbot, he
r ece ived th e Aus t en Res e a r ch Fello w shi p a t
Massac husetts Institute of Tec hnolog y. Under th e
guidance of A. A. Noyes, Professor ofPhysical Chemistry
at M.LT., he received th c Ph .D. in 1908. In this first
class of doc torat es in chemistry w ere su ch notables as
Edwa rd \tVashburn, Charles Kraus and Richard Tolman .
Dr. Abbott joined th e chemistry st affof th e North Dakot a
Agric ult ura l College (North Dakot a State Un iversit y)
in 190 9. In I9tO he wa s ap po inted Pro fes so r and
C hai rma n of the Department o f C hem is tr y at th e
l' nivcrsit y o f North Dakota. His devot ion to teaching
and th e applica tion of chemistry for th e betterm ent of
Nort h Dakota w as onc of his out stand ing contributions.
His interests in qu alit y wa ter and in natu ral p roducts
such as lignite, for w hich North Dakot a is recogni zed,
gave him na tiona l recogn ition. For half a century he
wa s th e only toxicologist in a w ide ar ea of th e upper
midw est. He found tim e to do a we ekly radio program
"Science from th e Sidel ines" w hich wa s broadcast for
over tw enty years . Professor Abb ott wa s a foun der and
ch arter mem ber of the North Dakota Acad emy of
Scien ce. He w as a mem ber of th e Red River Valley
Section of the Ameri can C hemical Socie ty , a Fellow of
th e American Institute of C hemists, member of Sigma
Xi, and a charter member of th e Uni versity of North
Dakota Phi Bet a Kappa chap ter. Dr. Ab bo tt retired
from ad ministration in 1948 and from teaching in 1952.
He continued toxicological w ork until 1970.
Th e George A. Abbott l ectureship w as est ablished
by gifts from the Uni versity of North Dakota Alumni.