Integrated Studies Program

Integrated Studies Program
General Education Advisement Information: Fall 2003 & Spring 2004
The University of North Dakota’s general education requirements are as follows:
Social Sciences
Arts and Humanities
Math, Science, & Technology
9 credits minimum (3 credits each in 3 different categories)
9 credits minimum (in minimum of 2 different departments)
9 credits minimum (in minimum of 2 different departments)
12 credits minimum, including one 4 credit lab science (in minimum of 2 different
The courses you have taken in Integrated Studies work toward completion of general education requirements at UND. Listed below
are the Fall 2003 and Spring 2004 Integrated Studies classes, the credits for each course, and the UND general education category
into which the course falls. This information will help you determine what general education requirements you have already met,
and what you still need to fulfill. In addition to helping you with course planning, you should show this sheet to your advisor.
Fall 2003
English 110/120/308
Humanities 101
Humanities 224
Humanities 270
3 credits
4 credits
3 credits
3 credits
Arts and Humanities
Social Sciences
Math, Science & Technology (non-lab)
Spring 2004
English 110/120/308
English 221
Humanities 102
Humanities 225
Humanities 271
3 credits
2 credits
4 credits
3 credits
4 credits
Arts and Humanities
Arts and Humanities
Social Sciences
Math, Science & Technology (w/lab)
Note: You may have also taken other courses outside Integrated Studies that may apply to UND’s general education