PV 2005 Edinburgh Adaptation & Use of OpenGIS Technologies for Planetary Data from Earth to the Moon and Mars! http://webgis.wr.usgs.gov/ogc/ Elaine Dobinson, Dave Curkendall, Lucian Plesea - JPL Trent Hare - USGS Flagstaff November 23, 2005 Topics Summary of project Accomplishments to date Plan for remaining years SiteSelect GIS application PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 2 Summary of Project Adapt the JPL WMS “onEarth” server technology to serve Mars and Lunar data Standardize the planetary coordinate and projection systems with the OGC Prepare and load selected Mars and Lunar data sets onto “onMars” and “onMoon” servers at JPL Develop WCS servers for Mars and Lunar data Test servers with PDS Imaging Node @ USGS Promote use of these servers by the Planetary Data System and selected client applications PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 3 30 meter Landsat imagery Elevation data from SRTM Daily MODIS scenes Over 5 TB of data Over 6 million hits per day PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 4 Edinburgh University Data Library Web Client Viewer PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 5 Using GIS for Planetary Mapping OnMars OnEarth Global Global Mosaic Mosaic PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 6 Accomplishments Tasks completed to date MDIM (version 2.1) and MOLA are loaded onto prototype “onMars” WMS server Clementine and Lunar DEM are loaded onto prototype “onMoon” WMS server Charter for Planetary Working group submitted to OGC Planetary coordinate system standard in progress for proposal to OGC in September NASA’s JMARS (THEMIS planning tool) and USGS’s PIGWAD now interoperate with “onMars” prototype server via OGC protocols • This is ahead of schedule due to expressed interest by JMARS developers; JMARS will also be the orbital planning tool for HiRISE Activities in progress Release WMS server “onMars” after testing Add Color MDIM Add server functionality (colorize, band mix, transparency, stretches) PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 7 Plan for Remaining Years Year Two Add more data Add MSS Atlas and THEMIS map to “onMars” Add Lunar DEM, Clementine Mosaic, and multi-spectral Clementine data to “onMoon” Work standards with OGC • • • Post a Mars and Moon coordinate system encoding document with the OGC Work on lunar projection system for a lunar server “onMoon” Document and post SLD extensions used by the planetary WMS server with the OGC Increase server functionality • Enhance WMS server with SLD extensions Year Three Implement new WCS servers for Mars and the Moon Move toward operations • • • Integrate both servers with USGS, ASU Modify PIGWAD mapping demo with combined data from JPL and USGS Propose for operational use with PDS PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 8 GIS Integrates the Parts Mineral Geology Structure Nomenclature Topography Satellite Imagery GIS enables the creation of geologic maps from satellite imagery PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 9 PIGWAD - Bodies On-line Mars Venus The Moon Galilean Satellites Callisto Europa Io Ganymede PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 10 JMARS Mission Planner at ASU PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 11 The “Prototype” SiteSelect GIS Application Show the Benefits Of Marrying These Players & Illustrate Elements of Mars Landing Site Selection PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 12 Two Working Hypotheses Landing site selection is a perfect GIS application Ability to overlay and combine data from multiple sensors in a single coordinate system • e.g. satellite imagery and elevation, and vector features -- points (craters), lines (structure, channels), polygons (geologic maps) Automated geo-processing tools -- both standard and custom -- to produce derived products and suitability maps Ability to "publish" results and share and reproduce them on other systems Ability to web-enable the geo-processing model for ease of use Data should be accessed from remote servers rather than held locally Assures most up-to-date data from servers Alleviates local storage requirements PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 13 Objective I -- Remote Data Access Design and implement technology enabling web access to the required data sets on demand PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 14 Remote Data Access from WMS server http://tomars.jpl.nasa.gov/browse.cgi?zoom=&layers=mars,mola_slope&style http://tomars.jpl.nasa.gov/browse.cgi?zoom=&layers=mars http://tomars.jpl.nasa.gov/browse.cgi?zoom=&layers=mars,mola128& s=,tenth_percentile&sld=mars_mola.sld&zoom= styles=,golombek&sld=mars.sld PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 15 Objective II -- Site Screening Build a locally-hosted screening model using MDIM (Viking Mars Digital Image Mosaic) MOLA Roughness Returns (MOLA) Thermal Inertia (TES) To analyze for constraints of Elevation & Latitude Slopes at various wavelengths Thermal inertia And extend the ‘landing suitability’ analysis to a ‘targeting suitability’ analysis by incorporating the targeting uncertainty ellipse PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 16 ReclassMOLA Original Data Landability Slope1K ReclassSlope1 K MOLA Slope ReclassSlope Targetability Roughness TE S ReclassRoughnes s ReclassTE S Screening With a Geoprocessing Model MDIM PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 17 Site Screening -- Targetability Map PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 18 Objectives III -- Site Analysis Develop procedures for the interactive access to individual images & data needed during final qualification and scrutiny From Golombek, et.al. PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 19 Site Analysis -- THEMIS Overlays PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 20 Site Analysis -- 3D Overlays PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 21 In Summary … Planetary WMS/WCS data servers provide data that are … pre-processed, ortho-rectified, and standardized accessible by simple web browsers available to sophisticated GIS applications for mission planning and science analysis Serving these data from the archival source provides value-added higher level data to the community in a universally accepted standard PV 2005 Edinburgh Dobinson, Curkendall, Plesea, Hare 22