GRAM Overview Submitting a test job Resource Specification Language (RSL) Data Staging Multijobs Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 1 GRAM Overview Intended for jobs where arbitrary programs, stateful monitoring, credential management, and file staging are important If the application is lightweight, with modest input/output, may be a better candidate for hosting directly as a WSRF service Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 2 GRAM Prerequisites A secure container For staging jobs, access to an RFT service and a GridFTP server – Note that even stderr/stdout are considered staging, so RFT and GridFTP are used in all but the most basic jobs sudo for running as other accounts Can be integrated with PBS, LSF, Condor Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 3 Submitting A Test Job globusrun-ws –submit –c /bin/true echo $? Will run locally. Specify a remote host with –F globusrun-ws –submit –F host2 –c /bin/true The return code will be the job’s exit code if supported by the scheduler Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 4 Data Staging GRAM allows jobs to stage-in and stageout data To perform this task it uses RFT RFT in turn uses GridFTP servers Simplest stage-in/stage-out example is stdout/stderr Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 5 Streaming Results globusrun-ws –S –s –c /bin/date -S is short for “-submit” -s is short for –streaming – The output will be sent back to the terminal, control will not return until the job is done Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 6 Resource Specification Language For more complicated jobs, we’ll use RSL to specify the job <job> <executable>/bin/echo</executable> <argument>this is an example_string </argument> <argument>Globus was here</argument> <stdout>${GLOBUS_USER_HOME}/stdout</stdout> <stderr>${GLOBUS_USER_HOME}/stderr</stderr> </job> Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 7 Resource Specification Language <job> <executable>/bin/echo</executable> <directory>/tmp</directory> <argument>12</argument> <environment><name>PI</name> <value>3.141</value></environment> <stdin>/dev/null</stdin> <stdout>stdout</stdout> <stderr>stderr</stderr> </job> Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 8 Resource Specification Language <job> <executable>/bin/echo</executable> <directory>/tmp</directory> <argument>12</argument> <environment><name>PI</name> <value>3.141</value></environment> <stdin>/dev/null</stdin> <stdout>stdout</stdout> <stderr>stderr</stderr> </job> Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 9 Submitting Using XML Create the file containing the RSL You may validate the RSL ahead of time – globusrun-ws –validate –f rslfile.xml If the file validates, submit using -submit Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 10 At Most Once Submission You may specify a UUID with your job submission If you’re not sure the submission worked, you may submit the job again with the same UUID If the job has already been submitted, the new submission will have no effect If you do not specify a UUID, one will be generated for you Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 11 Staging Data GRAM’s RSL allows many fileStageIn/fileStageOut directives The transfers will be executed by RFT – May specify additional RFT options using the RFTOptions tag There is no GASS cache staging option anymore Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 12 Staging Data – Stage In GRAM’s RSL allows many fileStageIn/fileStageOut directives <fileStageIn> <transfer> <sourceUrl> gsi</sourceU rl> <destinationUrl>file:///${GLOBUS_USER_HOME}/ my_echo</destinationUrl> </transfer> </fileStageIn> Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 13 Staging Data – Stage Out <fileStageOut> <transfer> <sourceUrl>file://${GLOBUS_USER_HOME}/stdout </sourceUrl> <destinationUrl>gsi p/stdout</destinationUrl> </transfer> </fileStageOut> Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 14 Staging Data - Cleanup <fileCleanUp> <deletion> <file>file://${GLOBUS_USER_HOME}/my_echo</fil e> </deletion> </fileCleanUp> Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 15 Staging Data - Credentials The GridFTP servers you’re using may require different credentials than the GRAM service you’re submitting to The RSL allows you to specify separate credentials for the executable and staging components of the job Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 16 RSL Substitutions GRAM will perform some variable substitutions for you – – – – GLOBUS_USER_HOME GLOBUS_USER_NAME GLOBUS_SCRATCH_DIR GLOBUS_LOCATION SCRATCH_DIR will be a compute-node local high-speed storage if defined, or GLOBUS_USER_HOME if not Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 17 Batch Submission Your client does not have to stay attached to the execution of the job -batch will disconnect from the job and output an EPR – You may redirect the EPR to a file with –o Use the EPR file with –monitor or -status You may also kill the job using -kill Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 18 Specifying Scheduler Options RSL lets you specify various scheduler options – what queue to submit to – which project to select for accounting – max CPU and wallclock time to spend – min/max memory required All defined online under the schema document for GRAM Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 19 Choosing User Accounts You may be authorized to use more than one account at the remote site By default, the first listed in the gridmapfile will be used You may request a specific user account using the <localUserId> element Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 20 Multijobs You may specify more than one <job> element in a <multijob> At that point, you want to specify the <factoryEndpoint> in the RSL rather than the commandline Will be used by MPICH-G to support MPI jobs Globus Week 2005 Charles Bacon ( 21