STORK & NeST: Making Data Placement a First Class Citizen in the Grid Peter F. Couvares (based on material from Tevfik Kosar, Nick LeRoy, and Jeff Weber) Associate Researcher, Condor Team Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison <> Need to move data around.. Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 2 While doing this.. Locate the data Access heterogeneous resources Recover form all kinds of failures Allocate and de-allocate storage Move the data Clean-up everything All of these need to be done reliably and efficiently! Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 3 Stork A scheduler for data placement activities in the Grid What Condor is for computational jobs, Stork is for data placement Stork’s fundamental concept: “Make data placement a first class citizen in the Grid.” Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 4 Outline Introduction The Concept Stork Features Big Picture Conclusions Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 5 The Concept • Stage-in • Execute the Job • Stage-out Individual Jobs Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 6 The Concept Allocate space for input & output data Stage-in • Stage-in • Execute the Job • Stage-out Execute the job Release input space Stage-out Release output space Individual Jobs Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 7 The Concept Allocate space for input & output data Stage-in • Stage-in • Execute the Job • Stage-out Execute the job Release input space Data Placement Jobs Stage-out Release output space Computational Jobs Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 8 The Concept Condor Job Queue DAG specification Data A A.submit Data B B.submit Job C C.submit ….. Parent A child B Parent B child C Parent C child D, E ….. C D A B F C E E DAGMan Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement Stork Job Queue 9 Why Stork? Stork understands the characteristics and semantics of data placement jobs. Can make smart scheduling decisions, for reliable and efficient data placement. Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 10 Understanding Job Characteristics & Semantics Job_type = transfer, reserve, release? Source and destination hosts, files, protocols to use? • Determine concurrency level • Can select alternate protocols • Can select alternate routes • Can tune network parameters (tcp buffer size, I/O block size, # of parallel streams) • … Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 11 Support for Heterogeneity Protocol translation using Stork memory buffer. Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 12 Support for Heterogeneity Protocol translation using Stork Disk Cache. Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 13 Flexible Job Representation [ Type = “Transfer”; Src_Url = “srb://”; Dest_Url = “nest://”; …… …… ] Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 14 Failure Recovery and Efficient Resource Utilization Fault tolerance • Just submit a bunch of data placement jobs, and then go away.. Control number of concurrent transfers from/to any storage system • Prevents overloading Space allocation and De-allocations • Make sure space is available Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 15 Outline Introduction The Concept Stork Features Big Picture Conclusions Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 16 USER PLANNER Abstract DAG JOB DESCRIPTIONS USER RLS PLANNER Abstract DAG Concrete DAG WORKFLOW MANAGER JOB DESCRIPTIONS USER RLS / MCAT PLANNER Abstract DAG JOB DESCRIPTIONS Concrete DAG WORKFLOW MANAGER COMPUTATION SCHEDULER DATA PLACEMENT SCHEDULER GRID STORAGE SYSTEMS GRID COMPUTE NODES USER RLS / MCAT PLANNER Abstract DAG JOB DESCRIPTIONS Concrete DAG WORKFLOW MANAGER COMPUTATION SCHEDULER C. JOB LOG FILES GRID COMPUTE NODES DATA PLACEMENT SCHEDULER POLICY ENFORCER D. JOB LOG FILES GRID STORAGE SYSTEMS USER RLS / MCAT PLANNER Abstract DAG JOB DESCRIPTIONS Concrete DAG WORKFLOW MANAGER COMPUTATION SCHEDULER C. JOB LOG FILES DATA PLACEMENT SCHEDULER D. JOB LOG FILES GRID COMPUTE NODES NETWORK MONITORING TOOLS POLICY ENFORCER GRID STORAGE SYSTEMS DATA MINER FEEDBACK MECHANISM USER RLS / MCAT PLANNER Abstract DAG JOB DESCRIPTIONS Concrete DAG DAGMAN MATCHMAKER CONDOR/ CONDOR-G C. JOB LOG FILES STORK D. JOB LOG FILES GRID COMPUTE NODES NETWORK MONITORING TOOLS GRID STORAGE SYSTEMS DATA MINER FEEDBACK MECHANISM Conclusions Regard data placement as individual jobs. Treat computational and data placement jobs differently. Introduce a specialized scheduler for data placement. Provide end-to-end automation, fault tolerance, run-time adaptation, multilevel policy support, reliable and efficient transfers. Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 23 Future work Enhanced interaction between Stork and higher level planners • better coordination of CPU and I/O Interaction between multiple Stork servers and job delegation from one to another Enhanced authentication mechanisms More run-time adaptation Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 24 Related Publications Tevfik Kosar and Miron Livny. “Stork: Making Data Placement a First Class Citizen in the Grid”. In Proceedings of 24th IEEE Int. Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2004), Tokyo, Japan, March 2004. George Kola, Tevfik Kosar and Miron Livny. “A Fully Automated Fault-tolerant System for Distributed Video Processing and Off-site Replication. To appear in Proceedings of 14th ACM Int. Workshop on etwork and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (Nossdav 2004), Kinsale, Ireland, June 2004. Tevfik Kosar, George Kola and Miron Livny. “A Framework for Self-optimizing, Fault-tolerant, High Performance Bulk Data Transfers in a Heterogeneous Grid Environment”. In Proceedings of 2nd Int. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2003), Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 2003. George Kola, Tevfik Kosar and Miron Livny. “Run-time Adaptation of Grid Data Placement Jobs”. In Proceedings of Int. Workshop on Adaptive Grid Middleware (AGridM 2003), New Orleans, LA, September 2003. Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 25 You don’t have to FedEx your data anymore.. Stork delivers it for you! For more information: • Email: • Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 26 NeST NeST (Network Storage Technology) A lightweight, portable storage manager for data placement activities on the Grid Allocation: NeST negotiates “mini storage contracts” between users and server. Multi-protocol: Supports Chirp, GridFTP, NFS, HTTP Chirp is NeST’s internal protocol. Secure: GSI authentication Lightweight: Configuration and installation can be performed in minutes, and does not require root. Reliable and Efficient Grid Data Placement 27 Why storage allocations ? › Users need both temporary storage, and long-term › › guaranteed storage. Administrators need a storage solution with configurable limits and policy. Administrators will benefit from NeST’s automatic reclamations of expired storage allocations. Storage allocations in NeST › Lot – abstraction for storage allocation with an associated handle • Handle is used for all subsequent operations on this lot › Client requests lot of a specified size and duration. Server accepts or rejects client request. Lot types › User / Group • User: single user (user controls ACL) • Group: shared use (all members control ACL) › Best effort / Guaranteed • Best effort: server may purge data if necessary. Good fit for derived data. • Guaranteed: server honors request duration. › Hierarchical: Lots with lots (“sublots”) Lot operations › Create, Delete, Update › MoveFile • Moves files between lots › AddUser, RemoveUser • Lot level authorization • List of users allowed to request sub-lots › Attach / Detach • Performs NeST lot to path binding Functionality: GT4 GridFTP globus-url-copy Sample Application (GSI-FTP) GridFTP Server Disk Module Disk Storage Functionality: GridFTP +NeST NeST Client globus-url-copy (Lot operations, etc.) (File transfers) (GSI-FTP) (chirp) GridFTP Server NeST Module (File transfer) (chirp) NeST Server Chirp Handler Disk Storage NeST with Stork Stork GT4 NeST (File transfers) (GSI-FTP) (Lot operations, etc.) (chirp) GridFTP Server NeST Module (File transfer) (chirp) NeST Server Chirp Handler Disk Storage NeST Sample Work DAG Condor-G Stork Allocate Xfer In Job Job Stork Xfer Out Job NeST Release Connection Manager › Used to control connections to NeST › Allows connection reservations: • Reserve # of simultaneous connections • Reserve total bytes of transfer • Reservations have durations & expire • Reservations are persistent Release Status › › v0.9.7 expected soon • v0.9.7 Pre 2 released • Just bug fixes; features frozen › v1.0 expected later this year › Currently supports Linux, will support other O/S’s in the future. Roadmap › Performance tests with Stork › Continue hardening code base › Expand supported platforms • Solaris & other UNIX-en › Bundle with Condor › Connection Manager Questions ? › More information available at