SPACE-RELATED PRIORITIES DEBBIE STORRS, DEAN January 14-15, 2016 ARTS & SCIENCES With the most student credit hours of any UND college, we educate virtually every student, many through Essential Studies. We provide the liberal arts education all graduates need for successful and meaningful lives. Our success is CRITICAL to UND’s future. A&S GOALS Enhance student retention and learning success Help students develop knowledge of human cultures, strong sense of social responsibility, creativity, and essential intellectual skills, including verbal and written communication and analytical problem solving Implement innovative pedagogical approaches that facilitate development of these skills and associated collaborative and creative abilities to solve complex and unscripted problems Develop innovative curricula that integrate knowledge across disciplines and enhance opportunities for applied learning to solve realworld problems Facilitate development of strategic research and creative activity foci that enhance undergraduate and graduate student success, while addressing critical issues for the state of North Dakota SPACE-RELATED PRIORITIES Immediate Intermediate Long Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 Relocate departments/programs due to safety, accreditation, or essential delivery issues. Enhance undergraduate student retention and learning success in high enrollment/low success classes. Consolidate fragmented departments/programs; move out of or modernize poor quality spaces. Remove unused and inefficient spaces and buildings from A&S control to improve academic programs, and justify new capital projects. Secure sufficient space for strategic enrollment growth. Garner internal and external support for 2 new capital projects. PRIORITY 1 Relocate departments/programs due to safety, accreditation, or essential delivery issues. Theatre Arts Communication Sciences & Disorders • Deferred maintenance and safety (Chandler Hall) • Move offices and teaching to suitable space • Accreditation concerns • Lack of clinical space complicates treatment delivery, privacy, and parking • Offices and clinical space to suitable space PRIORITY 2 Enhance student retention and success in heavily enrolled ES courses 3 Year Enrollment Total College College Composition 8259 A&S Public Speaking 4919 A&S General Chemistry I & II 4803 A&S Intro to Psychology 3929 A&S Intro to Sociology 3886 A&S Micro & Macroeconomics 3742 CBPA General Biology I & II 3453 A&S College Algebra 3313 A&S American Government 3088 CBPA Course Numbers are combined from Fall 2012 to Spring 2015 ES Courses with High DFW Rates College Course # Students # DFW % DFW A&S Chemistry 115 878 324 37 A&S Chemistry 121/122 4803 1556 32 A&S Math 103 3313 977 30 A&S Physics 161 391 165 42 A&S Physics 211 464 149 32 SEM Engineering 460 460 275 38 SEM Geology 101 1190 461 39 CBPA Business 101 1299 400 31 CBPA Economics 201 2152 635 30 CBPA Economics 202 1590 530 33 A&S Math 107 (Non ES) 48 A&S Math 146 54 A&S Math 102 (Non ES) 46 Numbers are combined from Fall 2012 to Spring 2015 Academic Outcomes & Estimated Tuition Loss 2011 - 2012 $1,080,310 2012 - 2013 $1,051,492 2013 - 2014 $1,515,612 2014 - 2015 $1,615,279 4 Year Total $5,262,693 Estimate based on students taking courses at regional institutions. Most commonly Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Biology courses. % DFW Pre % DFW Post % A Grades Pre % A Grades Post Concepts of Biology General Biology I & II 25.7 31.0 17.6 16.0 21.3 17.6 36.8 30.2 Genetics 23.5 15.3 21.0 23.0 Ecology 21.0 7.3 29.6 53.6 Evolution 10.7 5.1 51.5 72.8 Cell Biology 19.5 9.1 21.9 27.7 Numbers are combined from Fall 2009 to Spring 2012 for pre scores, and from Fall 2012 to Spring 2015 for post scores SCALE-UPs (Student-Centered Active Learning Environment for Undergraduate Programs) The power of innovative teaching spaces: opportunities to teach differently and improved undergraduate student success in all Biology classes RE-IMAGINE THE QUAD Cluster of active/collaborative learning classrooms enhancing student success in courses with high DFW rates (mostly STEM) O’Kelly Hall Basement Floor - Potential site for math emporium Abbott Hall First Floor -potential classrooms for SCALE-UP type renovation RE-IMAGINE THE QUAD SCALE UP Math Emporium STEM Collaborative Learning Classroom As ranked by Facilities, O’Kelly & Merrifield Top 2 buildings in line for updating and renovation; Home to central disciplines in the liberal arts Priority 3 Consolidate fragmented departments & programs central to the liberal arts; move out or modernize poor quality spaces. POTENTIAL CONSOLIDATIONS Departments/Programs Rationale Communication Offices Critical role in high enrollment public speaking courses Continued enrollment demand English Offices Highest student enrollment in A&S Critical role in high enrollment introductory writing courses Psychology Offices Teaching facilities for large classes Support for thriving online program Classrooms and offices near clinical space CSD & other clinic spaces Important teaching and clinical function; Enhances treatment, delivery, privacy, and parking Increase collaboration among clinics Modernize & Better Utilize Space e.g., Merrifield Hall Basement & First Floor Critical for High Enrollment Writing Courses Merrifield Hall Basement Critical for High Enrollment Writing Courses Modernize outdated instructional lab facilities Starcher & Abbott 1940’s Lab Modern Lab Priority 4 remove underutilized & inefficient spaces and buildings from A&S control & consolidate spaces to support justification for new capital projects POTENTIAL INTERNAL MOVES Communication Sciences & Disorders Theatre Arts Psychology Communication College Office NEGLECTED and POOR QUALITY SPACES FOR OFF-LINE CONSIDERATION e.g. Witmer PRIORITY 5 Secure sufficient space for strategic enrollment growth. • Current needs - appropriate teaching spaces to accommodate programs with large enrollments: e.g. Communications, Psychology, Criminal Justice, Biology • Need for appropriate infrastructure to allow on-line learning initiatives to grow • Future needs - appropriate teaching spaces to accommodate programs with significant growth in diverse areas in the college including: • e.g. Chemistry, Math, Physics, CSD, Graphic Design (Art), Music Therapy (Music), PreHealth (Biology) Need for physical space and infrastructure to accommodate demand. Spaces need to accommodate different teaching and delivery methods Biology: Fish & Wildlife Communication Sciences & Disorders Biology: Pre-Health Criminal Justice Chemistry Math Communication Psychology Physics Music Therapy Graphic Design A&S programs with strong enrollment and growth Petroleum Mechanical Chemical Engineering Programs Exhibiting EXCEPTIONAL Growth Civil Electrical PRIORITY 6 Garner internal and external support for 2 new capital projects for the College of Arts & Sciences. TRANSFORMATIONAL STEM EDUCATION & RESEARCH CENTER • Demolish Witmer and build STEM Education & Research Center • Provide office and research space for Mathematics and Physics • Provide space to facilitate cross disciplinary interactions • Seamless transition between “lecture” and laboratory teaching and research spaces • Integrate faculty research labs into undergraduate and graduate teaching spaces • Support critical research needs for the State of North Dakota See: HOK. 2014. The Science of learning: Designing the STEM learning facilities of the future. re-imagining the quad SCIENCE*, ENGINEERING & EDUCATION (SEE) QUAD *Science = Natural Sciences & Social Sciences Collaborative & Applied Arts Center • Home to Theatre, Music, and Art & Design • Integrate formal/informal collaborative learning spaces • Include studio teaching and creative activity spaces • Facilitate interdisciplinarity • Integrated faculty creative activity labs • Enhance cross-college collaborations & meeting needs for the State of North Dakota • Provide secure and temperature controlled storage space for UND Arts Collection • Comments & questions? • Ideas and suggestions welcome before January 29, 2016