Institutional Effectiveness



Victor Valley College

11/19/10, 10:00-11:19 AM - Teaching Learning Center: ATC Building, Room 171

The Lineup::::

Members – (P = Present; A = Absent ; T = Tardy ; L = Left Early )

A Mark Clair (Classified) P Jennifer Larriva (Classified)

A Donna Derryberry (Classified)

A Jessica Gibbs (Faculty)



Marc Skuster (Faculty)

Quynh Tran (Classified)




Shirley Gonzalez

Paul Williams

Guests – None



Peggy Mayer (Faculty)

A Virginia Moran (Administrative Advocate)

P Patrick Malone (Faculty)

A Christopher Mollenkamp (Board of Trustees)

1. Minutes, 10/15 /10 o additions, corrections, or complaints.

Shirley Gonzalez is not available on Friday mornings and asked to be removed from the IEC list of members. As a result of the last election, Christopher Mollenkamp will no longer be serving as the BOT representative on the IEC. Two management volunteers have been identified through the efforts of VM:

Deanna Turnbeau (Director of MIS) and Deedee Orta (Budget Analyst). MS invited both to attend the

11/19/10 IEC meeting. DT responded that she could not attend but would plan to do so in the future.

3 .

• ARCC 2011 October Draft – October 26, 2010 (Handout)

The October Draft of ARCC 2011 includes only statewide and individual college performance rates on seven indicators. Peer group rates are not yet available. VVC performance declined on all seven indicators. However, the ESL improvement rate showed a major change over previous ARCC reports.

Changes and/or corrections in the coding of ESL courses allowed for a more accurate measure of VVC performance on this indicator. District rates are substantially lower than statewide rates on all seven indicators. For example, VVC is 10.3% lower than the statewide rate for SPAR. IEC members noted that a district center of responsibility has not been identified for planning improvement activities on the basis of ARCC data. This deficiency is related to the general lack of shared district identity or sense of common goals and purpose. These dimensions of the district climate were formerly supported by campus community events such as Flex Day.

• College and District Responsibilities for ARCC 2011 (Handout)


The second draft of ARCC 2011 (including peer college rates) should be received on 2/2/11, and the district’s written response is due on 3/3/11. A draft of the written response will be distributed for review at the IEC’s February 2011 meeting. The proposed final draft will be presented to the Academic Senate at its 3/3/11 meeting. BOT interaction with ARCC 2010 must be reported by 3/8/11.

4 . Campus Climate Survey 2010:

• Summary of Findings (Handout)

Both the detailed CCS 2010 results and the “Summary of Findings” prepared by the Office of

Institutional Effectiveness show that the district has both strengths and deficiencies in the areas of shared governance and institutional effectiveness. The “Summary” recommends that members of the President’s

Cabinet integrate survey results into improvement effects in their respective areas. An additional recommendation is that shared governance committees be charged to develop action plans for improvement and then submit these plans to College Council. The recommended deadline for responses by both Cabinet and shared governance committees is the end of Fall 2010.

• IEC Response Tasks and Timeline

A preliminary review of CCS 2010 results relevant to the IEC charge shows that the function and work of this committee are not widely known across the institution. Thus, a plan to improve communication, marketing, and/or dissemination of information should be included in the IEC response to the survey (if such a response is requested by College Council).

• IEC Recommendation

CCS 2010 results have been presented to College Council, the President/Superintendent, and the

Accreditation Self-Study Standards Chairs. The survey is cited in the Self-Study report and is used repeatedly as a basis for evaluation of VVC compliance with the accreditation standards. It was a planning agenda item in the 2005 Accreditation Self-Study and also appeared as a response to an ACCJC recommendation in the 2008 Focused Midterm Report. A Webpage has been created for the distribution of the “Summary of Findings” and the detailed results to the campus community. The IEC formally recommends that the Dean of Institutional Effectiveness publish Campus Climate Survey 2010 results immediately in order to fulfill the district’s long standing obligations to the ACCJC and in order to support data-informed dialogue about the improvement of institutional effectiveness at VVCC.

5 . Annual Report 20 10::::

• Revised Content Outline

JL discussed the proposed outline for Annual Report: 2010. The main headings are as follows: Area demographics (Self-Study 2011), Quickfacts (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer), ARCC (VVCCC vs. Peers),

Program Review data by discipline, Community Report (brief flier), Community Report (full document,

PowerPoint), IPEDS Feedback Report (VVC vs. Peer cohort), IPEDS (Institutional Characteristics),

Common Data Set, Student Success Indicators (same indicators as AR: 2009), Access to Programs and

Services (same indicators as AR: 2009).

• Publication and Access


ovell Teaming will no longer be available to house AR 2010. JL explained that current plans are for a simple WebPage from which password protected folders containing the data (or links to the data) will be accessible. An introduction and narrative should be designed and drafted to accompany the data and facilitate its purposive use across the institution.

• Timeline

JL predicated that the Research Office staff will be able to finish compiling AR 2010 data by the end of

January 2011. Preliminary review of the data by the IEC should begin by mid-January. Publication should occur prior to the Accreditation Team site visit that is scheduled for March 14-17, 2011.

6 .

• Planning for 2010-2011 Cycle

Academic Senate President Lisa Harvey is the new faculty Program Review chair. Lisa is expected to announce the initiation of this year’s PR cycle and timeline at the 12/2/10 Senate meeting. Since the decision to launch PR this year was made suddenly in mid-ovember, the Research Office will distribute discipline PR data in the same format as previous years. JL noted that there is insufficient time to provide data for all disciplines in a single report, as was initially planned.

• Program Review Evaluation for Non-instructional Departments

VM was not present to discuss her proposal for a non-instructional program review evaluation procedure. The Division Summary process will be reviewed at the February 2011 IEC meeting.

7 . Accreditation Self

• Comments on Standard I Self-Study Draft

IEC members had no comments on the Standard I draft that they received following the October committee meeting.

• Update on Standards II-IV Self-Study Drafts

Standard IIA is close to a final draft. Standards IIB, IIC,IIIA and IIIB have been reviewed by the

Standards co-chairs and are undergoing revision. Standards IIIC, IIID, and IV require substantial revision and supplementation.

8 . Other

• AP 3250: Institutional Planning

There was no discussion of this item.

• AP 4250: Academic Standards


PM reported that the Counseling Department declines to take any further action to formalize the

Academic Standards procedure as an AP. Members of the Department believe that such action is the exclusive responsibility of the administration. PM also reported that Early Alert letters were mailed shortly after mid-semester for certain Math, English, and Guidance sections. IEC members discussed the possibility of expanding the Early Alert process to all disciplines and automating instructor participation in the process. In addition, there was discussion of the most effective time for instructors to identify students for Early Alert. The Census date may be too early to determine which students need help, but the final W date may be too late in the term for students to benefit from offers of help.

9 . Meeting ote: There will be no December 2010 meeting of the IEC.

Tentative Annual Report 2010 meeting: 1/14/11, 10:00-11:59 AM, TLC

Spring IEC Meetings:

• February 25, 2011 - 10:00-11:59 AM, TLC.

• March 18, 2011 - 10:00-11:59 AM, TLC.

• April 8, 2011 - 10:00-11:59 AM, TLC.

• May 20, 2011 - 10:00-11:59 AM, TLC.


Identifies, defines, reviews, and reports performance measures of institutional effectiveness.

Responsible for monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of college evaluation, planning, and improvement processes.

Evaluates and recommends improvements for systematic and regular program review of all college programs.

Reports progress on the assessment of student learning at the course, program, and college levels.

Provides feedback loop to ensure that college effectiveness is constantly improved by consideration of objective performance data.

Direct to College Council on policy-related issues. Direct to Superintendent/President on improvements to operational issues.

Annual report directly to Board of Trustees.


Whether and how well an institution fulfills its purposes (mission), embodies its values, and achieves its goals.

• How well shared governance processes operate (pursuant to Administrative Procedure 1201)

• How engaged workforce members are in those processes; and

• How consistent prevailing business practices are with our core organizational values of excellence, integrity, accessibility, diversity, collaboration, and innovation (see Administrative Procedure 1202).


