GridNet2 Report 

GridNet2 Report OGF 21, Seattle, USA, October, 15th-19th, 2007
[GridNet ID: 128]
Xiaoyu Chen
School of Engineering and Design
Brunel University
This report provides information on my involvement in Open Grid Forum (OGF)
working groups in OGF 21 held in 15th-19th of October, 2007. Being co-chair of
OGF-UR and member of OGF-RUS working group, I participated sessions of
these two working groups.
OGF‐UR Session Date Role 15/10/2007 co‐chair The OGF-UR working group is being re-charted and targets at next OGF-UR
representation recommendation (version 2.0). The content of OGF-UR session
is divided into three main parts: group re-charting, review of UR 1.0 and UR 2.0
perspectives. Chairs of OGF-UR working group is being changed and has
been finalised to be Donal Fellow (University of Manchester) and myself
initially. The charter will be updated soon. The Usage Record 1.0 (UR 1.0) has
been widely accepted as standard usage presentation schema and being
used in many production grid projects including EGEE/WLCG, UNICORE,
SweGrid and etc. With wider adoption and experienced implementations, it
has been observed that UR 1.0 lacks of some elementary usage properties,
such as genearal Virtual Organization (VO) and executing site property.
Besides, the UR 1.0 focuses on computational usage metrics of a single batch
job without fully or really supports to data and network usage representation,
which are desperately desirable within UK eScience Grid. The UR 2.0 is
therefore being proposed to re-forumate usage record representation with
following objectives: to be flexible information model (aligned with OGSA
information model) to be supportive for computational, data and network
resource usages; to be extensive to composite usage presentation for nontrivial jobs (e.g. a workflow job or service that might stage a couple of batch
jobs) including computational, data and possible network usages; summary
usage representation which is critical for RUS usages for reducing the number
of usage records.
It is recommended within the session that a reasonable starting point could
be an experience document. However more considerations are need to be
taken on the format strategy.
OGF‐RUS Session Date Role 17/10/2007 Member/Specification Contributor The Resource Usage Service (RUS) working group focuses on discussion of
Resource Usage Service Core IDL specification draft. In this pre-release
version draft, RUS operations are refined and generailised for service
configuration, usage population, usage query, usage modification and
auditing. Two controversial operations, RUS::replaceUsageRecords and
RUS::extractUsageRecordIds, are removed from RUS Core IDL specification
and replaced by general modification and extraction operations. Further
works need to be done very soon for rendering RUS IDL specification initially
based on WS-I profile and WS-RF profile. The deadline for WS-I profile
rendering is the first week of December, 2007. The draft document has been
submitted to Chairs (see for draft