American University – School of Education, Teaching, and Health Faculty Evaluation Systems (including Professional Development) New Exhibit 5.4.2 This document contains artifacts that present the processes for conducting evaluations of full-time and adjunct faculty (including clinical supervisors) and descriptions of processes for accessing Professional Development funds. Sample evaluations will be available using the BOE onsite visit. Process for Full-time Faculty Evaluation MEMORANDUM 21 January 2014 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION To: School of Education, Teaching & Health Full Time Faculty Re: Merit and Annual Review Procedures Spring 2014 From: Sarah Irvine Belson, School of Education, Teaching & Health In SETH, we combine the Merit and Annual Review process by asking the full-time faculty to submit just one set of materials for both processes. All faculty members are asked to submit materials in FARS and via Dropbox no later than February 28, 2014. Pre-tenure and term faculty members will participate in Annual Review meetings IF THEY DID NOT HAVE A MAJOR REVIEW THIS year. Copies of your SETs will be uploaded for you, as will comparative data for SETH and CAS. All faculty should submit: • • A one page summary of research, teaching & service undertaken the 2013 calendar year. An updated copy of the CV Term and pre-tenure faculty, as well as faculty planning on requesting a promotion in the next calendar year, should: • • Schedule an classroom teaching observation of teaching to take place, ideally before February 24th . Classroom observations should be completed by an individual at or above the current rank of the faculty member. Meet with the Rank and Tenure committee and dean to undertake the annual review. A calendar for those meetings is listed on the reverse. All full-time faculty will then review the material for other faculty, and numerical ratings for the purposed of merit will be provided via a surveymonkey site administered by the SETH Operations Coordinator (Sacha Conley). Reviews must be completed by March 31st. Attached to this memo is the criteria statement for merit and promotion for both tenure line and term faculty, as well as the classroom observation form. Proposed Schedule for Annual Review of Term Faculty By the Rank and Tenure Committee and Dean M Feb Mar 24 3 Mar 10 Mar 17 Mar 24 Tu 25 10:00 to 12:30 5 Individual Meetings w/ Rank & Tenure Committee & Dean 4 10:30 to 12:30 5 Individual Meetings w/ Rank & Tenure Committee & Dean 11 Due Date for Summary Letters from Term Faculty Spring Break 18 SETH Council Meeting 25 10:00 to Noon W Th F 26 27 28 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 Faculty Activity Reporting System (FARS) Instructions: Process for Adjunct Evaluations Email sent to Adjunct Faculty: Dear Adjunct Professor: As you know, adjunct appointments at American University last for three years, after which they must be renewed for an adjunct to remain on the faculty. Your contract expires at the end of this semester, so we are contacting you regarding the renewal process. The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between American University and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 500 mandates that adjunct faculty undergo a formal performance review at least once every three years (Article 7), and that adjunct faculty have an opportunity to provide input to the review. These performance reviews will be conducted as part of the normal three-year contract renewal process. Each teaching unit establishes guidelines for evaluating teaching by members of that unit and evaluation metrics extend beyond SETs scores. Faculty may demonstrate effective teaching in a variety of ways, including course design, development of new curriculum, up-to-date course content, student engagement and achievement outside the classroom, and adherence to evaluation procedures that accurately reflect student accomplishments. Teaching units or academic units may also view publication and presentation of teaching materials and methodologies as a contribution to teaching. As part of the review and contract renewal process, your department chair, program director, or relevant teaching unit administrator will produce a written evaluation in the form of a brief memo to the academic unit dean and Dean of Academic Affairs. Upon conclusion of the review and renewal process, you will be provided with a copy of this written evaluation. In order to facilitate the review process, we will be collecting information via the goEd system. You will soon receive an email from the goEd system notifying you that your evaluation form has been created. At that time, please login to goEd at and click on the My Evaluation link in the left-side menu. You will be asked to provide information relevant to your teaching and service at AU over the past three years and to verify the accuracy of information that the university has collected on your behalf. Once you have completed all sections of the form, you will be asked to submit it to your program director. We ask that you please complete your evaluation by or before October 17, 2014 This report should include: (1) A list of the courses you taught and the semesters you taught them during the past three years. (2) A copy of the Standard Evaluations of Teaching (SETs) for each of these courses. (3) A copy of the syllabi for each of these courses. (4) A list of any other teaching responsibilities you had during the previous contract period (i.e., supervision of independent study, Honors capstones or supplements, Masters Theses, etc.). (5) Any additional comments or observations you would like to include regarding your teaching. Please note, classroom observations must be requested and schedule with the Dean and Associate Dean. If you are interested in a classroom observation, please let Sacha Sharp know by October 10, 2014. (6) A description of any other service to the AU community that you provided during the previous contract period, such as serving on university committees. (7) Notable recent professional publications or accomplishments relevant to your qualifications as an adjunct faculty member. (8) A copy of your current curriculum vitae or resume. Figure 5.4.2. Adjunct Faculty Evaluation Modules in GoEd. Once the faculty member has completed their evaluation, a member of the front office staff reviews the evaluation to ensure all required items have been provided. The evaluation is then forwarded to Dean (for Education) and the Associate Dean (for Health Promotion) for final review. Requesting Adjunct Professional Development funds Email sent December of each year to all Adjuncts by SETH Operations Coordinator: Dear SETH Adjuncts: As per our adjunct faculty collective bargaining agreement with SEIU, the University has set up a professional development fund of $25,000 for adjunct faculty to provide support for professional development opportunities related to teaching. An adjunct whose application is approved will be reimbursed up to $550 per AY for reimbursable expenditures related to the approved professional development opportunity. The adjunct faculty web page has a section that details professional development opportunities for adjuncts. The process for handling adjunct faculty requests for professional development funds is as follows: (1) Adjuncts apply to their departments by filling out the application form, which can be found on the adjunct faculty professional development opportunities web page. (2) SETH Department reviews applications for appropriateness, approve or disapprove, then send the application CAS Dean's Office. (3) CAS reviews the application and then sends it the Dean of Academic Affair's Office for review. (4) DAA notifies CAS and the adjunct of decision. (4) If the application is approved, the Provost's Office transfers funds to the College. (6) Upon receiving a one-page report and receipts from the adjunct, the College reimburses the adjunct. (7) DAA office tracks who has received professional development funds and coordinates with CTRL to prevent double dipping. If you are interested in receiving professional development funds, please submit your completed application to Sacha Sharp at Adjunct Faculty Supply Request Adjunct faculty may be reimbursed for expenditures or materials and supplies used in the classroom, and for costs associated with field trips that are pre-approved by the SETH Dean. Requests should be made using the Supply Request Google Form found: Itemized expense receipts that have been taped to a separate sheet of paper must accompany approved Disbursement requests. Requesting Full-Time Faculty Professional Development funds For Faculty Spending: CAS Research Expense Accounts (REAs): Each tenure-line faculty member is allocated $1000/year for research support from CAS, and the funds are managed by Erin Nixon and Eric Rieger in the CAS budget office. Allocations can be used for travel to conference, software, books and other expenses related to faculty research, and faculty members must provide a rationale for such research expenses. Principal Investigators who submitted a significant grant or fellowship application in the previous fiscal year would also receive an additional $500. Term faculty members who submitted grants are fellowships the previous fiscal year would have an REA established in the amount of $500. Travel expense and disbursement requests for these funds must be forwarded directly to the CAS budget office, Conference Travel Funds (CTF): Tenure-line faculty members presenting research at a conference are eligible for additional $750 for conference travel support, provided that they have documentation of presenting. Travel expense and disbursement requests for these funds must be forwarded directly to the CAS budget office, Term Faculty Research Fund (TFRF): Term-line faculty members who have completed two or more semesters of full-time teaching receive an allocation or $750 for any valid research expenses- including conference or research travel. Travel expenses and disbursement requests for these funds must be forwarded directly to the CAS budget office, SETH REA: SETH provides all faculty members with an additional $750 to be access through the residual account with approval from the SETH Dean. Please complete the normal travel expense or disbursement procedures for these funds. Note that there is some variability here depending on the faculty member’s negotiated agreement. Travel expenses and disbursement requests for these funds must be forwarded directly to the SETH Front Office, or Grants: There are several grant and research opportunities available to full-time faculty. Please refer to the CAS Budget Administration Workshop Binder for more information. Faculty Receipts: Itemized receipts that reflect account balances for faculty spending are provided to faculty members on a monthly basis during faculty meetings. The Operations Coordinator is available on a daily basis to take questions and concerns. Summer Research Support A stipend in the amount of $5000 is available for term and tenure-track faculty in order to promote research initiatives during the summer months. The following is an example of the email sent to eligible faulty. Below that is an example of a faculty members response. Dear Professor, As you know, the research requirements for tenure here at American University are substantial, and tenure-line and term faculty often are able to give careful and sustained attention to research, particularly over the summer months when there is an opportunity for concentration on writing and research –given that teaching and university service is not required. In order to help you achieve your scholarship goals, you have the opportunity to receive summer research fund from the Institute for Innovation in Education. This fund will provide access up to $5000 to support expenses related to your research this summer. Receipt of this award is contingent on submission of a research proposal and a budget justification, which will need to be submitted in memo form to Sacha Sharp. Please submit your proposal and budget no later than May 21st. I look forward to you having a productive summer. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. To: Sacha Conley From: Re: Research Proposal: Summer 2014 Research Support Date Submitted: May 20, 2014 Proposal: During the summer months, I am working on my dissertation for my doctorate of education at Teachers College at Columbia University. My dissertation research is focusing on policy and legal alternatives for improving the conditions for deliberation in schools. I am examining how policymakers and courts can promote psychological safety and time for collaboration in schools, which are key conditions for effective deliberation. The methodology uses a combination of qualitative analyses and traditional doctrinal legal research. Budget Justification: As a term faculty member, I am on a nine-month contract and will not be receiving salary during the summer months. The $5000 will be used to support my expenses during the summer. I will also use a portion of the budget to travel to Teachers College to meet with my dissertation committee.