Document 13340056

Gender Identity and Expression
Week 8
1. Describe research methods for studying gender
identity and expression as they relate to health
2. Identify some key health disparities in relation to
gender identity and expression
3. Learn more details about the case-control study
design and apply to a health problem
1. Participants selected on the basis of if they do
(cases) or do not (controls) have a particular
2. Then compare proportion having an exposure
Approach began relatively recently in response to
shift from acute to chronic public health
Avoids logistic difficulties of studying diseases of long latent periods
Efficient design
With respect to time, money (disease already occurred), and long latent
Can get adequate numbers of diseased and non-diseased people, ideal
when outcome is rare
Ideal for evaluating multiple exposures for one outcome, as well as
interrelationships of various exposures
Can test hypotheses or explore a wide range of exposures (“fishing
expedition”) for future studies
Useful in early stages of knowledge
Bias susceptibility
Selection bias (differential selection of cases or controls on basis of
exposure status)
Observation bias (differential recording of exposure between study
groups based on disease status)
Challenge to determine temporality
Difficulty in knowing appropriate time window for exposure and getting
accurate past exposure information
Cannot calculate incidence rates/risk, nor relative or attributable rates/risk
directly, must estimate with odds ratio (OR)
Great first study but must design carefully
Source of Cases
Need definition of disease (preferably homogenous for similar mechanisms), strict diagnostic criteria
Must be selected independently of exposure
Potential sources
Hospital-based (easy and inexpensive)
Convenient, easily identified, sufficient numbers, inexpensive, minimal effort
Cases/controls similar in accuracy of recall (both “sick”), minimizes recall bias
Good cooperation, minimizing non-response bias
Controls are ill, may not represent exposure distribution in population from which cases derived
Disease for which controls hospitalized may be associated with study exposure
e.g., smoking and lung – wouldn’t use bronchitis, COPD
Selection factors for hospitalization may differ between cases and controls (referral patterns, primary vs. tertiary
Sources of Cases cont.
Population-based (avoids potential bias but logistic and cost considerations)
Generally ensures comparability –from same source population
Difficult to enumerate all members of population to select from (town lists in MA)
Difficult to gain cooperation for participation – time, motivation.
Non-response greater than hospitalized cases – major threat to validity
Expensive and time consuming
Quality of information – may not recall exposures as accurately as cases
Others: disease registries; special surveys; random digit dialing; friends, spouses, sibs,
neighbor controls
Sources of Controls
Ideally, direct random sample of the reference
population from which the cases originated
Controls must be sampled independently of exposure
Chance, bias, and confounding issue in any analytic study
Types of bias not unique to case-control, but more of a possibility because of
Selection bias
Recall bias
Occurs when controls or cases are more (or less) likely to be included if
they have been exposed (inclusion in study is not independent of exposure)
Relates to differences in the ways exposure information is remembered/
reported by cases, who have experienced an adverse health outcome, and
by controls, who have not
Can result in an overestimate or underestimate
Bias cont.
Careful of interpretation of data-derived hypotheses (chance)
Most case-control studies test a small number of specific hypotheses
Often collect data on many risk factors and conduct numerous comparisons
Must distinguish between
Tests of hypotheses specified in advance (a priori hypotheses)
“Fishing expeditions:” associations emerge as data analyzed (a
posteriori hypotheses)
Interpret with caution
Can then be tested in studies specifically designed to do so
How to Design a Study
Cell Phones and Brain Cancer
“…The final, definitive trials on phone radiation may not settle
this issue—but, as of now, the evidence remains far from
convincing. Understanding the rigor, labor, evidence and time
required to identify a real carcinogen is the first step to
understanding what does and does not cause cancer.”
Mukherjee, Siddhartha. "Do Cellphones Cause Brain Cancer?" New York Times Magazine, April 13, 2011.
© The New York Times. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license.
For more information, see
Brain Cancer
Gliomas—tumor of the brain, arising from glial cells
77% of primary malignant brain tumors
Rare ~9 cases per 100,000 person-years
Median age at diagnosis varies (range: 43-64)
Causes are mostly unknown
High doses of ionizing radiation and rare genetic factors
Very poor prognosis
Survival related to age at diagnosis (better survival in young) and
histologic tumor sub-type
Lag (or Latent) Period
Induction period for high dose
ionizing radiation: ~10 years
Design your
own study
How would you design a
study to answer this
• Case-control
• Cohort
• Trial/intervention
Image courtesy of Sheila Sund on flickr. License CC BY-NC.
Questions to Consider
What is the gap in knowledge you hope to address?
What study design do you propose to use?
What will be the specific aims (hypotheses)?
Exposure and outcome: how will they be defined?
Target population?
What other variables will you collect as possible confounding variables or effect modifiers?
Analytical approach
How will you ensure that chance, bias, and confounding will be minimized as alternative
explanations for your findings?
What do you anticipate will be the strengths and weaknesses of your study?
What will be the likely next steps?
+ Efficient use of time/money
+ Efficient for long latent
period (ideal for rare
+ Can evaluate multiple
+ Can evaluate multiples
+ Efficient for rare exposures
+ Correct temporal sequence
+ Good exposure information
+ If prospective, can
minimize bias in exposure
+ Can directly measure
+ "Gold standard�
+ Optimal for small to
moderate-sized effects
+ Greater degree of control
over exposure
+ Randomization:
minimizes selection bias
and confounding
+ Placebo: minimizes
observation bias
-Temporal sequence is hard
to establish
- Inefficient for rare
-Cannot calculate incidence
Potential biases:
-Selection bias
-Observation bias
-Recall bias
-Rare diseases: require
large sample size (inefficient)
-Latent period: requires long
follow-up (if prospective)
-Need to minimize loss to
follow-up for validity
-If retrospective, requires
availability of pre-recorded
information on exposure and
confounding variables
- Logistically more difficult
and expensive
-Ethical issues
-Compliance and losses to
Some questions never go away…
“Sheryl Crow: My Brain Tumor May Be Related to Cell Phone Use”
“There are no doctors that will confirm that but I do have the theory that it’s possible
that it’s related to that. I used to spend hours on the old archaic cell phones.”
Triggs, Charlotte, and Marla Lehner. “Sheryl Crow: My Brain Tumor May Be Related to Cell Phone Use.”
People, 2012. © Time, Inc. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons
license. For more information, see
© Brittany M. Charlton 2016
MIT OpenCourseWare
WGS.151 Gender, Health, and Society
Spring 2016
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