Legal Notice 268 of 2005 – Malta Government Gazette No.... Amended by:

Legal Notice 268 of 2005 – Malta Government Gazette No. 17,794 – 22 July 2005
Amended by:
Legal Notice 216 of 2010 – Malta Government Gazette No. 18,577 – 9 April 2010
(CAP. 327)
Master of Arts in Comparative Euro-Mediterranean Education Studies
Degree Course Regulations, 2005
IN exercise of the powers conferred upon him by sections 30(5) and
31(6) of the Education Act (Cap. 327), the Chancellor of the University of
Malta has promulgated the following regulations made by the Senate of the
University of Malta by virtue of the powers conferred upon it by sections 31
and 35 of the said Act:
Citation and Interpretation
1. (1) These regulations may be cited as the Master of Arts in Comparative
Euro-Mediterranean Education Studies Degree Course Regulations, 2005.
(2) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires “the Board” means the Board of the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for
Educational Research;
“the Centre” means the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research
of the University of Malta;
“the Course” means the programme of studies leading to the degree of
Master of Arts in Comparative Euro-Mediterranean Education Studies; and
“the Degree” means the degree of Master of Arts in Comparative EuroMediterranean Education Studies.
2. These regulations shall apply to courses starting in October 2005 or later.
Qualifications for Admission
3. (1) The Course shall be open to applicants in possession of one of the
following qualifications:
(a) a Bachelor (Honours) degree with at least Second Class Honours in an
area of study deemed by the Board relevant to that chosen for the Course; or
(b) a Bachelor’s degree with at least Category IIA and an average grade B in a
main area of study deemed by the Board relevant to that chosen for the Course; or
(c) a degree from this or another university which the Board considers
comparable to the degrees indicated in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this regulation.
(2) Senate, on the advice of the Board, may limit the number of students
that may be admitted to the Course. The number of places available shall be
announced at the time of the call for applications. If there are more eligible
applicants than the number of places available, applicants shall be selected after an
interview by the Board of Studies. Preference shall normally be given to graduates
in Education Studies, including those who have followed up their first degree with
postgraduate study in education (such as the Postgraduate Certificate in Education).
(3) Applicants must provide proof of adequate English proficiency to the
satisfaction of the Board, as applicable.
(4) Students eligible for registration may be required to satisfy any other
conditions, including pursuing additional study-units laid down by the Board, after
taking into consideration the relation of their previous studies to the Course.
Course Duration
4. (1) The Course shall extend over twelve months of full-time study or four
semesters of part-time study.
(2) In exceptional circumstances, students may be allowed by the Board
to complete the Course within a maximum period of four semesters of full-time
study or six semesters of part-time study after registration.
(3) Part-time students shall be required to register at the beginning of
each academic year.
Course Programme
5. (1) The Course shall comprise two components as follows:
(a) a taught component, consisting of a number of study-units, to which 55
ECTS credits shall be assigned; and
(b) a research component, which shall lead to the presentation of a
dissertation, written under supervision, to which 35 ECTS credits shall be assigned.
(2) The taught component of the Course comprises a compulsory
common programme including study-units to which 35 ECTS credits shall be
assigned, and a specialist programme of studies relevant to the students’ dissertation
research, including study-units to which 20 ECTS credits shall be assigned. Both
components shall be designed so as to have a special focus on education issues in
Europe and the Mediterranean areas.
(3) Students who do not successfully complete the research component may
be allowed by the Board to complete a study-unit to which 5 ECTS credits are
assigned. On successful completion of taught study-units to which 60 ECTS credits
are assigned, students shall be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Comparative
Euro-Mediterranean Education Studies.
Programme of Studies and Catalogue of Study-Units
6. (1) The Board shall draw up the programme of studies for the Course
which shall indicate the study-units to be followed in each semester and which
study-units are compulsory, concurrent or pre-requisites for other study-units. The
Board shall publish the programme of studies for the Course prior to its
commencement, following the approval of Senate.
(2) The level, code, title, description and type of each study-unit, the
credits assigned to each study-unit, the methods of teaching and assessment, and the
lecturer giving the study-unit shall be published in a catalogue of study-units, which
shall be published by the Board, following approval by Senate.
7. (1) Results for the assessment of the study-units and the dissertation shall
be published as a percentage mark and grade as indicated in the table below:
Mark Range
80% -100%
70% - 79%
55% - 69%
45% - 54%
0 - 44%
Both the percentage mark and the grade shall be recorded in the students’ academic
record. However, only the percentage mark shall be used for the purpose of
calculating the final classification of the Degree.
(2) Students who fail in any study-unit shall be allowed a supplementary
assessment once only. Such a supplementary assessment shall normally have the
same mode of assessment as the corresponding first assessment. In the
supplementary assessment, the maximum marks and grade that may be awarded
shall be 45% - grade D.
(3) If unsuccessful in the supplementary assessment, students may not
continue the Course, except in special circumstances and with the permission of
(4) Students shall not be allowed to be re-assessed for a study-unit if they
have already been awarded credit/s for it.
8. (1) All students shall submit a title and a detailed research proposal for
the dissertation within two months of their registration for the Course, in the format
specified in the Guidelines which the Board sets out for the purpose.
(2) Dissertations shall be either a record of original work or an ordered
and critical expression of existing data with regard to a particular subject, and must
satisfy the Centre as regards language and presentation.
(3) Dissertations shall be between 25,000 and 30,000 words in length.
(4) No dissertation shall be accepted which is identical in substance to a
dissertation already submitted for a degree at this or any other university. However,
students shall not be precluded from incorporating such previous dissertation work
as may be necessary to the presentation and fuller understanding of their exposition,
provided that the nature and extent of such incorporation are clearly indicated in the
dissertation itself.
(5) The Board shall appoint a supervisor for each student. Students shall
be required to have regular contact with their supervisor. Supervisors may refer to
the Board students whose work they consider unsatisfactory and shall refer for the
approval of the Board any substantial modification in the title or content of the
dissertation. No dissertation may be submitted to the Board of Examiners without a
certificate, signed by the supervisor, confirming the work’s originality and
conformity with these regulations.
(6) Dissertations shall include a declaration signed by the students that it
is their own original work.
(7) Students shall be required to take a viva voce examination on their
dissertation and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls.
(8) Students must obtain a pass for their dissertation. Students whose
dissertation is found unsatisfactory may be allowed by the Board, on the
recommendation of the Board of Examiners, to re-submit it in a revised form, within
a period of up to six months from the day on which it is referred back to them.
(9) Each dissertation shall be examined by a Board of Examiners,
composed of at least three members, one of whom shall normally be an external
examiner from another university.
(10) Dissertations must conform to the relevant guidelines as regards
format and presentation, as set out by the Board for the purpose.
Award of the Degree
9. (1) The final classification of each student shall take into account all the
marks obtained in the assessments of the taught and research components of the
Course, which shall be weighted according to the number of credits assigned to
(2) The names of students who qualify for the award of the Degree shall
be published in a list in alphabetical order classified as follows:
Passed with Distinction