March 2016 PX430: Gauge Theories for Particle Physics Tim Gershon ( Selected worked answers Handout 1: Revision & Notation Q2 For a classical particle in a potential V = V (qi ), write down the kinetic energy T , and show that the solution of the Euler-Lagrange equations gives Newton’s law, F = ma. Q3 Consider further a particle in an electromagnetic field, with kinetic energy given by T = 2 1 2m (p − qA) . Solve the Euler-Lagrange equations for this case. −→ T = mv 2 /2 = m (q˙i .q˙i ) /2, so d dt ∂L ∂ q̇i − ∂L d ∂V = (mq˙i ) − =0 ∂qi dt ∂qi and so m Since F = ∂V ∂qi , d2 qi ∂V = 2 dt ∂qi this is F = ma. For the particle in an electromagnetic field, instead of getting ∂ (p − qA) = ∇V ∂t or ∂p ∂t = ∇V we get ∂p ∂A = ∇V + q . ∂t ∂t Q6 Write Eq. (13) in full, expanding the Lorentz invariant term into −→ ∂µ ∂L ∂(∂µ ψ) ∂L ∂ = − ∂ψ ∂t ∂L ∂(∂ψ/∂t) −∇ ∂L ∂(∇ψ) ∂ ∂t , − ∇, etc. ∂L = 0. ∂ψ ν implies all of Maxwell’s equations as well as the continuity equation. Q9 Show that ∂µ F µν = jem Q10 Show that F µν is antisymmetric. What are the elements of F µν ? −→ These questions are addressed in the selected worked answers to questions in the handouts for the Relativistic Quantum Mechanics module. Q11 Satisfy yourself that both B and E are unaffected by the gauge transformation Aµ 7→ A0µ = Aµ − ∂ µ χ Q12 Show the the field strength tensor F µν is unaffected by the gauge transformation Aµ 7→ A0µ = Aµ − ∂ µ χ −→ B = ∇ × A 7→ B 0 = ∇ × A − ∇ × ∇χ = ∇ × A = B ∂A ∂ (A − ∇χ) ∂χ ∂A E = −∇V − − 7→ E 0 = −∇ V − = −∇V − =E ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t F µν = ∂ µ Aν − ∂ ν Aµ 7→ F µν 0 = ∂ µ (Aν − ∂ ν χ) − ∂ ν (Aµ − ∂ µ χ) = ∂ µ Aν − ∂ ν Aµ = F µν Q13 Suppose that ∂µ Aµ = f 6= 0. Show that a gauge transformation can be applied to change to A0 where ∂µ A0µ = 0. What is the form of the transformation (in terms of f )? −→ Make a gauge transformation: Aµ 7→ A0µ = Aµ − ∂ µ χ. Now, ∂µ A0µ = ∂µ Aµ − ∂µ ∂ µ χ = f − ∂µ ∂ µ χ So to satisfy ∂µ A0µ = 0 we require ∂µ ∂ µ χ = f . Q15 The Coulomb gauge specifies ∇.A = 0. If the Coulomb gauge is satisfied, find an expression for the Lorenz condition. How many independent components does Aµ have? −→ If ∇.A = 0, then ∂µ Aµ = 0 only if ∂0 A0 = 0, which is satisfied with A0 = 0. There are only two independent components of Aµ , corresponding to the two polarisation states of a massless vector field. ∂ ∂ Q17 Prove (−i∇ − qA0 )ψ 0 = eiqχ (−i∇ − qA)ψ and i ∂t − qV 0 ψ 0 = eiqχ i ∂t − qV ψ −→ (−i∇ − qA0 )ψ 0 = (−i∇ − qA − q(∇χ))(eiqχ ψ) The only non-trivial term is the first one, where we have to differentiate by parts. This results in a term involving ∇χ which cancels with that from the transform of A, so that the result can be rearranged: −ieiqχ ∇ψ − i(iq∇χ)eiqχ ψ − qAeiqχ ψ − q(∇χ)eiqχ ψ = eiqχ (−i∇ − qA)ψ For the time-like derivative, the working is just the same. Handout 2: An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory Q1 Rearrange Eqs. (4) to write q̂ and p̂ in terms of â and ↠. −→ 1 √ i 1 √ i â = √ ( mω q̂ + √ p̂) ↠= √ ( mω q̂ − √ p̂) mω mω 2 2 √ √ √ so q̂ = â + ↠/ 2mω and p̂ = i mω ↠− â / 2. Q3 Explicitly derive Eqs. (7) and (8). −→ Using the results above we get Ĥ = 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 mω † p̂ + mω 2 q̂ 2 = (−1) â − â + mω 2 â + ↠= ↠â + â↠ω 2m 2 2m 2 2 2mω 2 Using in addition [â, ↠] = 1 this can be rewritten as (↠â + 12 )ω. 1 1 [Ĥ, â] = Ĥâ − âĤ = (↠â + )ωâ − â(↠â + )ω 2 2 † move â through to the left on the first term, using [â, â ] = 1, we pick up an extra term of −ωâ that is all that is left when everything else cancels, so [Ĥ, â] = −ωâ. The working for [Ĥ, ↠] is just the same. Q4 Choosing a normalisation such that hn|ni = 1, show that the state |ni is given by 1 |ni = √ (↠)n |0i n! n.b. It will help to know that, e.g. (↠|0i)† = h0|â. −→ Take n = 2 for example. Consider unnormalised states |ñi = (↠)n |0i and we will work out the necessary normalisation factor. h2̃|2̃i = h0|(â)2 (↠)2 |0i = h0|â ↠â + 1 ↠|0i = h0|â↠â↠|0i + h0|â↠|0i The second term gives h0|â↠|0i = h0| ↠â + 1 |0i = 1 since h0|↠= â|0i = 0 and h0|0i = 1. The first term gives h0| ↠â + 1 ↠â + 1 |0i = 1 so with this normalisation h2̃|2̃i = 2 i.e. we need to define |2i = √12 (↠)2 |0i in order to have proper normalisation. To extend to the general case one needs to count how many commutations are necessary. Q5 What is [Ĥ, n̂]? What is the physical meaning of this result? −→ 1 1 [Ĥ, n̂] = (↠â + )ω↠â − ↠â(↠â + )ω = 0 2 2 (Commutation relations not required here – the terms just cancel.) The number operator commutes with the Hamiltonian, therefore it is a conserved quantity. Quanta of oscillation cannot be created or annihilated in a simple harmonic system. Q6 Satisfy yourself of the derivation of: N X 1 2 1 2 2 Ĥ = p̂ + mωr q̂r 2m r 2 = = r=1 N X r=1 N X r=1 1 (â†r âr + )ωr 2 1 (n̂r + )ωr 2 (1) What are the various commutations relations between â†r , âr , n̂r and Ĥ? −→ Starting from the Lagrangian, L̂ = N X 1 r=1 2 mr q̂˙r2 1 − mr ωr2 q̂r2 2 the Hamiltonian is obtained as Ĥ = N X p̂r q̂˙r − L̂ = r=1 where p̂r = so that Ĥ = ∂ L̂ = mq̂˙r ∂ q̂˙r N X 1 2 1 p̂ + mωr2 q̂r2 2m r 2 r=1 With definitions of i 1 √ p̂r ) âr = √ ( mω q̂r + √ mω 2 1 √ i â†r = √ ( mω qˆr − √ p̂r ) mω 2 we find 1 1 2 i âr â†r = mω q̂r2 + p̂ + [p̂r , qˆr ] 2 2mω r 2 1 1 2 i â†r âr = mω q̂r2 + p̂ − [p̂r , q̂r ] 2 2mω r 2 so that [âr , â†r ] = i[p̂r , q̂r ] = 1 (in fact, [âr , â†s ] = δrs , while [âr , âs ] = [â†r , â†s ] = 0) and Ĥ = N X 1 r=1 2 (â†r âr + âr â†r )ωr N X 1 = (â†r âr + )ωr 2 r=1 Using the number operator n̂r = â†r âr (this question does not ask us to show that this operator is indeed the number operator, though that is a simple extension), we finally obtain Ĥ = N X r=1 1 (n̂r + )ωr 2 To obtain the commutation relations, the key point is that the oscillators of each mode are independent (as can be seen by the commutation relations given above). So, for example [Ĥ, âs ] = Ĥâs − âs Ĥ N X 1 1 † † = (âr âr + )ωr âs − âs (âr âr + )ωr 2 2 = = r=1 N X r=1 N X (2) (3) (â†r âr âs − (â†r âs + δrs )âr )ωr (4) δrs âr ωr (5) r=1 = −ωs âs Similarly [Ĥ, â†s ] = ωs â†s (6) (7) To obtain the commutator [Ĥ, n̂s ] you can use the handy relation [a, bc] = [a, b]c + b[a, c], so with n̂s = â†s âs we find [Ĥ, n̂s ] = [Ĥ, â†s ]âs + â†s [Ĥ, âs ] = ωs â†s âs − â†s ωs âs = 0 Therefore the number operator is a constant of motion for this system. Q8 What is the zero point energy of this system? −→ We are discussing the system with Hamiltonian Ĥ = N X r=1 1 (n̂r + )ωr 2 At the zero-point, n̂r |0i = 0 ∀r, so N Ĥ|0i = 1X ωr 2 r=1 Q13 Prove Z +∞ Z +∞ dxĤ = Ĥ = −∞ Z −∞ +∞ = −∞ dk (2π)(2ω) 1 1 dx Π̂2 + 2 2 ∂ φ̂ ∂x !2 1 † † â (k)â(k) + â(k)â (k) ω 2 (8) −→ This involves quite a lot of maths, but here goes. We start with the Fourier expansions for φ̂, ∂ φ̂ ∂x and Π̂ Z +∞ i h dk (9) φ̂(x, t) = â(k)eikx−iωt + ↠(k)e−ikx+iωt −∞ (2π)(2ω) Z +∞ i h ∂ φ̂ dk (10) (x, t) = (ik) â(k)eikx−iωt − ↠(k)e−ikx+iωt ∂x −∞ (2π)(2ω) Z +∞ i h dk Π̂(x, t) = (11) (−iω) â(k)eikx−iωt − ↠(k)e−ikx+iωt −∞ (2π)(2ω) We square both Π̂ and ∂∂xφ̂ in their Fourier expanded forms by performing integrals over different dummy variables (k and k 0 ), to obtain !2 Z +∞ 1 1 ∂ φ̂ Ĥ = dx Π̂2 + (12) 2 2 ∂x −∞ Z Z +∞ Z +∞ dk dk 0 −1 +∞ = dx (ωω 0 + kk 0 ) × (13) 0) 2 −∞ (2π)(2ω) (2π)(2ω −∞ −∞ n on o 0 0 0 0 â(k)eikx−iωt − ↠(k)e−ikx+iωt â(k 0 )eik x−iω t − ↠(k 0 )e−ik x+iω t When we multiply this out, we will get four terms that involve â(k)â(k 0 ), ↠(k)↠(k 0 ), â(k)↠(k 0 ) and ↠(k)â(k 0 ). 0 Now, integrating over x first of all, allows us to reduce expressions like ei(k+k )x to delta functions ((2π)δ(k + k 0 ) in this case). So we find Z Z +∞ dk dk 0 −1 +∞ (ωω 0 + kk 0 ) × (14) Ĥ = 2 −∞ (2π)(2ω) −∞ (2π)(2ω 0 ) 0 â(k)â(k 0 )(2π)δ(k + k 0 )e−i(ω+ω )t + (15) 0 ↠(k)↠(k 0 )(2π)δ(−k − k 0 )ei(ω+ω )t − † 0 0 â(k)â (k )(2π)δ(k − k )e † 0 0 −i(ω−ω 0 )t â (k)â(k )(2π)δ(−k + k )e i(ω−ω 0 )t − (16) (17) (18) We now take advantage of the delta functions to do the integral over k 0 . In the first two terms, the effect is to set k 0 = −k, in the latter two, the effect is to set k 0 = k. Note that ω(k) = ω(−k), so that ω 0 = ω in both cases. Z −1 +∞ dk Ĥ = × (19) 2 −∞ (2π)(2ω)2 (ω 2 − k 2 ) â(k)â(−k)e−2iωt + ↠(k)↠(−k)e2iωt − (20) (ω 2 + k 2 ) â(k)↠(k) + ↠(k)â(k) (21) Now it just remains to assert that this is a massless quantum field. This was not made explicit in the question, but is indeed the case: the Klein-Gordon Hamiltonian density for a massive system includes an additional term 21 m2 φ̂2 – if this term is included in the working above we find the mass appears in exactly the right place to cancel out, leaving the same result. Anyway, for a massless field, ω 2 − k 2 = 0, so we are left with Z dk 1 +∞ ↠(k)â(k) + â(k)↠(k) ω (22) Ĥ = 2 −∞ (2π)(2ω) Q15 What is [Ĥ, n̂(k)]? What is [:Ĥ:, n̂(k)]? Q16 Defining the total number operator n̂tot = R +∞ dk −∞ (2π)(2ω) n̂(k), what is [Ĥ, n̂tot ]? −→ Let’s consider first of all the normal ordered form. Z +∞ Z +∞ dk 0 dk 0 0 0 n̂(k )ω n̂(k) − n̂(k) n̂(k )ω [:Ĥ:, n̂(k)] = 0 0 −∞ (2π)(2ω ) −∞ (2π)(2ω ) Z +∞ dk 0 [:Ĥ:, n̂(k)] = [n̂(k 0 ), n̂(k)]ω 0) (2π)(2ω −∞ Since [n̂(k 0 ), n̂(k)] = 0 (which follows since the commutation relations of the â and ↠operators are only non-vanishing for k = k 0 , and n̂(k) obviously commutes with itself), we see that [:Ĥ:, n̂(k)] = 0. Without normal ordering, Ĥ includes an additional (zero-point energy) term which is, however, constant, and therefore commutes with any operator. Therefore [Ĥ, n̂(k)] = 0. The total number operator is just a sum (or integral) of number operators for individual modes, each of which commutes with the Hamiltonian. Therefore [Ĥ, n̂tot ] = 0. Q17 Using the Fourier expansion for φ̂, and the commutation relations for â(k) and ↠(k), show that h0|φ̂|ki = h0|φ̂↠(k)|0i = eikx−iωt −→ The Fourier expansion for φ̂ is Z +∞ φ̂(x, t) = −∞ n o dk 0 0 0 â(k 0 )eik x−iωt + ↠(k 0 )e−ik x+iωt (2π)(2ω) (using curly brackets and the dummy variable k 0 to try to reduce possible confusion). The required commutation relations are [â(k), ↠(k 0 )] = (2π)(2ω)δ(k − k 0 ) and [â(k), â(k 0 )] = [↠(k), ↠(k 0 )] = 0. We wish to calculate h0|φ̂|ki. We start with |ki = ↠(k)|0i (↠(k) creates a quanta of mode k). Thus Z +∞ n o dk 0 0 0 (23) â(k 0 )eik x−iωt + ↠(k 0 )e−ik x+iωt ↠(k)|0i h0|φ̂|ki = h0| −∞ (2π)(2ω) Z +∞ n o dk 0 0 0 â(k 0 )↠(k)eik x−iωt + ↠(k 0 )↠(k)e−ik x+iωt |0i (24) = h0| −∞ (2π)(2ω) Since [↠(k), ↠(k 0 )] = 0 we can reverse the order of the operators in the second of the terms inside the integral, and then bring ↠(k) out of the integral to the left. This leaves us with (for this part), something that looks like h0|↠(k), which vanishes. We are left with the first term inside the integral, on which we can use the commutation relation [â(k), ↠(k 0 )] = (2π)(2ω)δ(k − k 0 ): Z +∞ n 0 o dk 0 (25) h0|φ̂|ki = h0| ↠(k)â(k 0 ) + (2π)(2ω)δ(k − k 0 ) eik x−iωt |0i −∞ (2π)(2ω) Now, ↠(k) can come out of the left of this integral, so that the first part will now vanish, leaving only Z +∞ dk 0 0 (2π)(2ω)δ(k − k 0 )eik x−iωt |0i (26) h0|φ̂|ki = h0| −∞ (2π)(2ω) = eikx−iωt (27) Handout 3: Gauge Invariance in Quantum Field Theory Q1 Show that application of the Euler-Lagrange equations to the Lagrangian density of Eq. (4) yields the free-field Klein-Gordon equation. −→ ∂LKG ∂ φ̂ so = −m2 φ̂ ∂LKG = ∂ µ φ̂ ∂ ∂µ φ̂ ∂LKG = −m2 φ̂ − ∂µ ∂ µ φ̂ = 0 − ∂µ ∂ φ̂ ∂ ∂µ φ̂ ∂LKG ⇒ ∂µ ∂ µ + m2 φ̂ = 0 i.e. the free-field Klein-Gordon equation. h i Q3 For Ĥint = λq̂ 3 , what is Ĥint , n̂(k) ? −→ [n̂, â] = −â and [n̂, ↠] = ↠so [n̂, â + ↠] = −â + ↠. Then 3 λ 3 † â + â , n̂ [Ĥint , n̂] = [λq̂ , n̂] = (2mω)3/2 Use the commutation relation to rewrite the second term. To simplify the notation, the following uses a+ to denote â + ↠and a− to denote −â + ↠. Then n̂a+ = a+ n̂ + a− . n̂(a+ )3 = (a+ n̂ + a− ) (a+ )2 = a+ (a+ n̂ + a− ) a+ + a− (a+ )2 = (a+ )2 (a+ n̂ + a− ) + a+ a− a+ + a− (a+ )2 = (a+ )3 n̂ + (a+ )2 a− + a+ a− a+ + a− (a+ )2 so the commutator (a+ )3 , n̂ = −(a+ )2 a− − a+ a− a+ − a− (a+ )2 Now we need the commutator [a+ , a− ] [a+ , a− ] = â + ↠−â + ↠− −â + ↠â + ↠= 2 â↠− ↠â = 2 so after a bit more rearranging, we find 2 (a+ )3 , n̂ = −6a+ − 3a− (a+ )2 = −6 â + ↠− 3 = â + ↠â + ↠and so finally [Ĥint , n̂] = [λq̂ 3 , n̂] = 3λ −q̂ + ip̂q̂ 2 mω Q6 Show explicitly that Eq. (10) can be rearranged to give Eq. (12). −→ The trick is to replace +1 with −i2 so that 1 1 µ 2 µ 2 2 21 2 2 L̂ = ∂µ φ̂R ∂ φ̂R − i ∂µ φ̂I ∂ φ̂I − m φ̂R − i m φ̂I 2 2 2 = ∂µ φ̂† ∂ µ φ̂ − m2 φ̂† φ̂ (28) with φ̂ and φ̂† defined as in Eq. (11). Q8 Show that for a Lagrangian density involving several fields, φ̂1 , φ̂2 , . . ., invariant under φ̂i 7→ P φ̂i + δ φ̂i , there is a conserved Noether current Jˆµ = i ∂ L̂ δ φ̂i . ∂(∂µ φ̂i ) −→ The deriviation of this result follows exactly the steps taken for a Lagrangian depending on a single field. Invariance of the Lagrangian gives us X ∂ L̂ δ ∂µ φ̂i + ∂ L̂ δ φ̂i 0 = δ L̂ = ∂ φ̂i ∂ ∂µ φ̂i i where all the fields are taken to be independent, and real (it is straightforward to further generalise this result for complex fields). Using the Euler-Lagrange equation, this reduces to X ∂ L̂ δ φ̂i 0 = δ L̂ = ∂µ ∂ ∂ φ̂ µ i i P Hence there is a conserved Noether current Jˆµ = i ∂ L̂ δ φ̂i . ∂(∂µ φ̂i ) Q11 Using the Fourier expansion of the fields given by Eq. (21), show that N̂ = given by Eq. (29). −→ The Fourier transforms are Z +∞ φ̂ = φ̂† = −∞ +∞ Z −∞ h i d3 k −ik.x † ik.x â(k)e + b̂ (k)e (2π)3 (2ω) h i d3 k −ik.x † ik.x b̂(k)e + â (k)e (2π)3 (2ω) so ∂ φ̂ ∂t ∂ φ̂† ∂t Z +∞ = −∞ +∞ Z = −∞ i d3 k0 (−iω 0 ) h 0 −ik0 .x † 0 ik0 .x â(k )e − b̂ (k )e (2π)3 (2ω 0 ) i d3 k0 (−iω 0 ) h 0 −ik0 .x † 0 ik0 .x b̂(k )e − â (k )e (2π)3 (2ω 0 ) R +∞ −∞ N̂ 0 d3 x is as and ! † ∂ φ̂ ∂ φ̂ = N̂ 0 d3 x = i φ̂† d3 x − φ̂ ∂t ∂t −∞ −∞ Z +∞ d3 k d3 k0 (−iω 0 ) † 0 0 id3 x = â (k)eik.x â(k0 )e−ik .x − b̂(k)e−ik.x b̂† (k0 )eik .x + 3 (2ω) (2π)3 (2ω 0 ) (2π) −∞ Z N̂ +∞ Z +∞ 0 0 â(k)e−ik.x ↠(k0 )eik .x − b̂† (k)eik.x b̂(k0 )e−ik .x where we have taken advantage of the fact that only the ↠â and b̂† b̂ terms will give non-zero contributions. We can use the commutation relations of these terms to move all daggered operators to the left – in doing so we pick up a factor of 2, as well as delta functions of k − k0 which cancel since the a terms and the b terms have opposite sign. If we do the integration over x, we get threedimensional delta functions of k − k0 . These can then be exploited to do the integration over k0 . Finally, we are left with Z +∞ d3 k † † â (k)â(k) − b̂ (k) b̂(k) N̂ = 3 −∞ (2π) (2ω) as stated in Eq. (29). ˆ? Q14 What are the Fourier expansions for Π̂ and Π̄ −→ The generalized momentum densities are Π̂ = ∂ L̂D = ψ̄ˆiγ 0 ˙ ∂ ψ̂ ˆ = ∂ L̂D = 0 Π̄ ˙ ∂ ψ̄ˆ and the Fourier expansions for ψ̂ and ψ̄ˆ have been given by R P d3 k −ik.x + dˆ† (k)v (k)e+ik.x ĉ (k)u (k)e ψ̂ = s s s s 3 s (2π) (2ω) R P † ˆ d3 k ψ̄ = ĉs (k)us (k)e−ik.x + dˆs (k)vs (k)e+ik.x 3 (2π) (2ω) (29) s So, it is fairly straightforward to put these together to obtain R P † d3 k 0 e−ik.x + dˆ (k)v (k)γ 0 e+ik.x Π̂ = i ĉ (k)u (k)γ s s s s s (2π)3 (2ω) ˆ Π̄ = 0 (30) Note that us and vs are the spinors that are acted upon by γ 0 . Q15 Show that that Noether current associated with the phase invariance of Eq. (30) is given by N̂ µ = ψ̄ˆγ µ ψ̂. −→ As with Eq. (17) for the Klein-Gordon case ∂ L̂ ∂ L̂ δ ψ̂ + δ ψ̄ˆ 0 = δ L̂ = ∂µ ˆ ∂ ∂µ ψ̂ ∂ ∂µ ψ̄ This simplifies since ∂ L̂ ˆ = 0. As given in Eq. (37), δ ψ̂ = −iψ̂ so ∂ ∂µ ψ̄ 0 = δ L̂ = ∂µ ψ̄ˆiγ µ (−iψ̂) = ∂µ N̂ µ where N̂ µ = ψ̄ˆγ µ ψ̂. Q19 Consider adding a kinetic term to the Lagrangian density so that L̂ = L̂D + L̂INT + T̂ . What constraints on T̂ do the Euler-Lagrange equations for µ give? Q20 Show that the choice T̂ = L̂em = − 14 F̂µν F̂ µν yields Maxwell’s equations. −→ The Euler-Lagrange equations for µ are ∂ L̂ ∂ µ ∂ L̂ = 0 − ∂µ ∂ ∂µ µ µ µ this gives With L̂D = ψ̄ˆ (iγ µ ∂µ − m) ψ̂ and L̂INT = −ĵem ∂ T̂ ∂ T̂ µ = 0 −ĵem + − ∂µ ∂ µ ∂ ∂µ µ With the choice T̂ = − 14 F̂µν F̂ µν , ∂ T̂ ∂ µ = 0 and ∂ T̂ = −∂µ F̂ µν ∂µ ∂ ∂µ µ ν , i.e. Maxwell’s equations. so, we obtain ∂µ F̂ µν = ĵem