Neutrino Event Reconstruction in a Liquid Argon TPC Gary Barker University of Warwick GLA2010, KEK, March 29-31 2010 Bubble Chambers Liquid argon TPC’s reconstruct events with bubble-chamber quality But, automatic reconstruction in software is still not established Why? 1. Historical Not really needed: event rates low, semi-automatic reconstruction guided by operators Computing power was relatively limited Collider experiments took over: ultra-fast trigger rates, detectors with flexible geometries, electronic readout, huge gains in computing power Development of reconstruction algorithms 2. It’s not so easy! Tracks and showers develop side-by-side in the same volume topologically complicated No well defined start point for what initiated the event Very high density of information: mm-scale energy deposits, delta-rays, vertices, kinks etc Multiple scattering occurring continuously throughout volume ICARUS, arxiv:0812:2373 c.f. Accelerator experiments Well defined interaction point Relatively sparse space/pulseheight data points radiating from this point Tracks and showers develop in separate, optimised, sub-detectors Multiple scattering happening mostly at well-defined boundaries between sub-detectors Track search within a welldefined model (circle or helix) to decide on associated hits Past developments: Hough transform Part of effort to automate bubble chamber reconstruction (Hough: Proc. Conf. High Energy Acc. Instr., CERN 1959) y = mx + c cos ϑ r y = − x + sin ϑ sin ϑ r = y sin ϑ + x cos ϑ A A sinusoid in (r,θ) points (x,y) intersecting at the parameters of straight line structures Found wide application as feature extraction technique for image analysis Past Developments: ICARUS Tools developed over the years by the ICARUS project: hit definition, clustering, 2D and 3D track fitting Low multiplicity neutrino events reconstructed from a 50L module exposed to the CERN WANF beam Some degree of visual scanning/selection involved before applying algorithms ICARUS Collab., Phys. Rev. D74, 112001 (2006) What do we need to do? J. Spitz Classify energy deposit information into shower-like and track-like objects Identify tracks (µ,π,p) and showers (e, γ) from topology, kinemetics and dE/dx in LAr separation at >90% An Analysis Strategy Clustering Aim to limit contamination of cluster with hits laid down by other particles Develop a hierarchy of clusters/super-clusters Density-Based Clustering Clusters: a density of points considerably higher than outside the cluster DBSCAN* algorithm: the `density-neighbourhood’ (ε) around each point in the cluster must contain at least Nmin other points Kinga Partyka (Yale/ArgoNEUT) Implemented in ArgoNeuT data Issues with `over-clustering’ being addressed Colours → Cluster found by DBSCAN * Sander et al., Data Mining and knowledge Discovery 2, pp169-194 (1998) OPTICS Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure* DBSCAN-style clustering (ε, Nmin) but where hits are stored in a `reachability’ ordering i.e. the εthreshold required to cluster any hit with any other Getting the ε-scale correct helps in associating disjoint clusters in EMag showers Could extend to cluster in more than spatial coordinates e.g. dE/dx D. Roythorne, Warwick ε-scale small ε-scale larger * M. Ankerst et al., ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data pp49-60 (1999) Track Finding: Hough Transform Joshua Spitz ArgoNeuT/Yale Reasonable job of reconstructing multiple tracks in ArgoNeuT events Returns only gradient and intercept of line – definition of start/end-points of tracks continuing: Track Finding: KDTREE KDTREE provides convenient data structure from which to launch a nearest-neighbour hit search Fit straight-line segments through groups of nearest hits in 3D Currently testing on toy Monte Carlo – observe change in direction cosine of line segments to tag kink/vertex with high efficiency Andrew Bennieston, Warwick Key Point Detection Vertex IP corner in charge density Delta-electron corner in charge density Prior knowledge of vertex points, kinks, track end-points etc is useful in aiding reconstruction algorithms e.g. blank-off hits around a vertex point from a cluster search Corner Finding ( ) ∆x Harris-Stephens/Plessey Function*: H ( x , y ) = ∆x ∆y A `cornerness’ measure where ∆y size/direction governed by the ( ∂ / ∂x ) 2 (∂ / ∂x )(∂ / ∂y ) Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors of A = 2 ( ) ( ∂ / ∂ y )( ∂ / ∂ x ) ∂ / ∂ y structure tensor, A HSP Transform Picks out: Vertex AND Track Ends! * C. Harris, M. Stephens, proc. 4th Alvey Vision Conf. pp147-151 (1988) Corner Finding GENIE generated νµ CCQE events in 3T LAr TPC: Ben Morgan, Warwick Vertex picked out Delta Electron ID! Proton Stop Now implemented in 3D (D. Roythorne, Warwick)– evaluation in progress Conclusions Some preliminary work has started in Europe and US to reconstruct interactions in LAr (some collaboration/coordination links made) Early conclusions indicate Key Point Detection (vertices, kinks etc) inconjunction with a clustering algorithm could work well Only scratched surface – also under consideration are: - `trained algorithms’ e.g. neural Networks - Techniques from disciplines of Computer Vision, Machine Vision and Image Processing Backup Corner Finding Evaluation based on toy MC V0’s: Detection Efficiency Expect: Nfound-Ntrue = 0 >90% efficient. Small false positive rate. Localization Expect: |rfound-rtrue|~0 >90% efficient at finding corner within 3 pixels/hits of truth vertex/end. Vertex ID Cornerness elliptical. >75% efficient at picking out vertex. Ben Morgan, Warwick