AG for NT 10 Goal: To understand the theory behind blowdown for arithmetic surfaces, learn minimal model and maybe canonical model. Give intuition and where hypothesis (normality, regularity) Everything here will be Noetherian and of nite type 1 Prerequisites 1.1 Sheaves of dierentials f : A → B, Start with rings: and where Example. d B = A[x1 , . . . , xn ]/(f1 , . . . fm ). Leibniz rule). This is a B -module. write is evaluated using A = k[y] = k[xn ] ,→ B = k[x], so B = A[t]/(tn − y). Ω1B/A Let Ω1B/A = P Bdxi / hdfj , dai (for all a∈A Then = Bdt/d(tn − y) = Bdt/(ntn−1 dt − dy) = Bdt/ntn−1 dt = B/ntn−1 B -module correspond to a sheaf on Spec B 0 −1 Taking B = k[x, x ] then Ω1B 0 /A = 0 This The idea is that Let f :X→Y Ω1B/A supported at 0 only. This is exactly where the map x 7→ xn ramies. detects smoothness and ramication. be a morphism of schemes. Then this construction sheaes and gives Ω1X/Y , a sheaf on X. Properties • f : X → Y equidimensional ber of dimension n Ω1X/Y is locally free of dimension n around x. So of f is smooth if and f are all smooth) • i : Z ,→ X Ω1X/Y only if and x∈X is locally free of rank a closed immersion with dening sheaf of ideal 0→ i∗ (I/I 2 ) | {z } n. a point. Then (Note that I ⊂ OX . f f is smooth over Y, then Z if and only if In general, there is a sequence → Ω1X/Y ⊗Ox OZ → Ω1Z/Y → 0 is smooth if and only if this sequence is left exact. 1 x is smooth if and only if the bers =:CX/Y the conormal sheaf X is smooth at 1.2 Local complete intersections f : X → Y f morphism of schemes. neighborhood x∈U local complete intersection is a such that there exists Z if it for every reg immesion A smooth Z Where a regular immersion is dened as follows: On rings this corresponds to A/(x1 , . . . , xi−1 ) for all Geometrically, this means that Y = Spec k , Intuition: then Z U there is a an open /Y ? f U o BO a zero divisor in x ∈ X and i ≤ d. B = A/(x1 , . . . , xd ) where xi is not Successive quotient by non-zero divisors. is dened by a number of equations equal to its codimension in is a smooth variety K (such as Ank ) and X Z. is locally dened by the appropriate number of equations Complete intersection : Example. Same denition as above except with U = X. This is much more restrictive of a local complete intersection that is not a complete intersection is the twisted cubic, i.e, Proj(k[x, y, z, w]/ While this is a curve, it needs 3 equations to dene it and not 2. Example. 1. Curves over a eld are local complete intersections except if they have embedded point. An example of non local complete intersection: 2. Let 3. R be a Dedekind ring, f :X→Y Example. X F ∈ R[x, y]. Then R[x, y]/ hF i is a local complete intersections. morphism of regular schemes is an local complete intersection. Denition 1.1. i∗ det Ω1Z/Y . k[x, y]/(x2 , xy). The canonical sheaf of a local complete intersection This is locally free of rank is a curve smooth over X → Y is ∨ ωX/Y = det CX/Z ⊗O X 1. Y = Spec k , then ωX/Y = Ω1X/k Properties: • ωX/Y is stable under at base change p X0 Y0 (either α or Additionally • β is at), then f :X→Y For composition: α /X /Y β ∗ ωX 0 /Y = p ωX/Y is a local complete intersection if and only if it is so berwise f : X → Y , g : Y → Z . ωX/Z = ωX/Y ⊗OX f ∗ (ωY /Z ). formula in disguise) The sheaf ωX/Y gives Serre duality: H 0 (X, ωX/Y ) = H d (X, OX )∨ . 2 (This is the Riemann-Hurwitz xz − y 2 , y 2 Arithmetic surfaces Denition 2.1. A bered surface dimension Dedekin scheme (like is an integral surface X with a projective at map π:X→S where S is a one Spec Z). See diagram on slides for intuition Divisors on X comes in two avors: • Vertical one (components of special bers • Horizontal ones (closures of points in XS ) Xη ). Properties: • Xη • If is geometrically integral (like a smooth curve), hence Xη ∼ OS → π∗ OX is smooth, then there are only nitely many non-smooth bers (proof: Smooth locus is open, use and non-empty. Its complement is closed hence so is its image under • ωX/S |XS = ωXS |k(S) which π (proper), therefore this image is nite) follows from base change • ps (XS ) = pa (Xη ), where pa of a curve is 1 − dim H 0 (C, OC ) + dim H 1 (C, OC ) 0 smooth, we have = dim H (C, ωC ) = g(C) the usual genus of C ) Denition 2.2. π:X→S Ω1X/S , is called normal if X is, and regular (or an (and in the case the curve is arithmetic surface ) if X is regular. 2.1 Desingularisation Process of nding If Xη Y 99K X birational (isomorphism Yη → Xη ) such that Y is regular. is smooth, one can do: XO XO 1 normalisation of X X10 O blowup of remaining sing in X1 XO 2 X20 Fact. This stops and gives a regular surface at some points. After further blowup, all special bers can be taken to have normal crossings. 2.2 Contraction X→S arithmetic surface, E component of special bers X f XS . /Y S 3 We want typically to construct a morphism: contracting E means we want f (E) f is an isomorphism outside E . L an invertible sheaf on X : H 0 (X, L) = Rs0 ⊕ · · · ⊕ P Rsn . This gives a x 7→ (s0 (x) : · · · : sn (x)). This is well dened as long as Lx = i si OX,x , i.e., L to be a point and This is done by using invertible sheaves. morphism fL : X → Pn dened by should be generated by its global sections. f = fL , suppose Z ⊂ XS is a projective component of bers, then f (Z) is a point if and only if L|Z = OZ . ⇒: suppose the point is (1 : 0 : · · · : 0), then by construction s0 generates on all points above y . ⇐: Restricting to Z the space H 0 (Z, L) is nite (Z is projective), so we get f |Z : Z → H 0 (Z, L) → PnA . Fact. Birational maps X → Y between normal bered surfaces are sequences X 99K X1 99K X2 99K · · · 99K Y (where the map is either a blowup of a point or a contraction of a curve to a point). Contraction Criteria Let E be a set of vertical divisors: Contraction of E exists if and only if there exists a carties divisor D on X such that • deg(D|Xη ) > 0 • OX (D) generated by global sections • OX (D)|E ∼ = OE Over ane if n 0. D+E S, for E vertical if and only if E∈E for any eective horizontal Cartier divisors D, may not be generated by global sections even if D the sheaf and E OX (nD) is generated by its global sections are. 2.3 Intersection Theory Let X D, E divisors on X . Suppose that D and E have no common component. D, E then interP x ∈ X is a point of intersection, we set ix (D, E) = lengthOX,x (OX,x /(OX,x (−D)+ i(D, E) = x∈X ix (D, E). (With the convention that if x is not an intersection point the be a bered surface, sect in nitely many points. Suppose OX,x (−E)) and ix (D, E) = 0) let D|E = j ∗ (D) Alternatively: j : E ,→ X , then ix (C, D) =multiplicity of x on D|E . s ∈ S , is : Div(X) × Divs (X) → Z. If E is a component of XS where On a bered surface we get for then degk(S) OX (D)|E . Properties • Xs ber of • X→Y • then a contraction, is is negative denite and Γi → y . Look at P a point of Xη . TakeK such that Consider x·x=0 ni nj Γi Γj ≤ 0, Hodge index theorem for ordinary surfaces Pic(X) • P • X→S x ∈ ZXs . with equality if and only if × Pic(X) → Z, {P } · Xs = [K(P ) : K(S)], ωX|S = OX (K), implies hence it is has signature 1 if P then 2pa (Xη ) − 2 = deg ωXη |k(η) = −2χk(η) (OXη ) = 2Xk(S) (OXS ) = deg(ωXs |k(s) ) = deg(OX (K)|XS ) = K · XS X = di (KX|S · Γi ) where Γi are components of XS and di are the length of 4 OX,Γi . ni = 0. (1, −1, . . . , −1). is a rational point is (D, E) =