2012 GUIDELINES (REVISED 8.22.2012)
The City of Charlotte’s Commercial Building Energy Retrofit Program is a competitive grant designed to
improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings. As a special incentive this program is currently
being offered in conjunction with the newly expanded Façade Improvement Grant Program.
The Façade Improvement Grant provides for façade enhancements for properties located along or visible
from major thoroughfares in the City’s Business Corridor Revitalization Geography. Please note Façade
Enhancement is an optional addition to the Commercial Retrofit program and is not required.
Program Goals
Create jobs & expand employment opportunities ● Increase energy efficiency of existing structures
by 15% or greater ● Promote sustainable behaviors ● Improve quality of life for participants
Matching Grant Awards
Selected applicants will receive funding assistance for onsite energy efficiency improvements and
potentially façade enhancements. The maximum grant award shall be dependent on the number of projects
selected and funds available at the time of proposal acceptance. Funds shall be distributed as
reimbursement only, funds will not be distributed in advance of improvements.
Pre-Application Workshops
Attendance at a pre-application workshop is highly encouraged. Workshops are scheduled for:
August 28th 9:00 – 10:00 am
September 11th 3:30pm – 4:30pm
September 19th 5:30pm – 6:30pm
September 25th 10:00am – 11:00 am
All workshops are at Old City Hall in the Wilmore Room, 600 E. Trade Street. Parking can be validated
in the Government Center and CMPD parking garages. Additional information can be obtained by
contacting Travis Drake at (704) 336-5615 or TWDrake@charlottenc.gov.
Commercial Building Retrofit Program Eligibility
Eligible Business & Building Types- existing, for-profit commercial buildings and for-rent multifamily communities built prior to 2000 including:
Retail buildings
Office buildings
Manufacturing facilities
Multi-family apartments (5 or more units)
Mixed-use buildings
Ineligible Businesses and Building Types*Bars
National or Regional Chains
Tattoo parlors
Body Piercing Shops
Check Cashing Establishments
Faith based
Based buildings,
Institutional buildings
Properties listed as nuisance or uncooperative
by Code Enforcement or CMPD
New construction
Buildings listed on the Federal Excluded
Parties List
Buildings owned by a government entity
Power generation facilities
Single family detached structures or
Adult/Sexually Oriented businesses
Internet/Sweepstakes Cafes
*If a building contains ineligible uses, the application may still be considered but the amount rewarded may be reduced by 50% or greater
Building Eligibility Requirements
Must be privately owned and used for for-profit business, non-profits entities are ineligible;
Must be used for the same or similar purpose after the project is complete. (i.e. a warehouse
cannot apply for the incentive and then be converted to residential units);
Must be built on a permanent foundation;
If applicant leases space, a letter of owner consent (form attached) must be provided as well as
a lease agreement in effect for at least 12 months after the proposed project completion date;
If building is connected to another structure, applicant must demonstrate building has its own
utility meter to support current energy use baseline requirements;
All related taxes including real property and business privilege taxes must be paid in full;
Any other existing City loans/grant opportunities must be current and in good standing.
Eligible Geography
Projects must be located within the City of Charlotte’s Business Corridor Revitalization Geography.
Visit http://vc.charmeck.org/ or see the attached map for more information.
Communication Strategy Required
A goal of the CB Retro Program is to positively impact behavior by encouraging participants to
engage in activities that reduce energy consumption, contribute to sustainable behaviors and increase
quality of life. It is required that each proposal include a Communication Strategy, which describes
how the proposed improvements will contribute to an overall sustainability initiative for the company
or residential community.
Examples of this communication strategy may include but shall not be limited to:
Email or newsletter describing the efficiency project and it’s benefits;
Open house event;
Environmental lunch-and-learn or continuing speaker series;
Community potlucks that promote or reward sustainable behaviors;
Establishment of a company or community “green team”;
Structural or other improvements to increase visibility of or accessibility to efficiency
Signage within the community or building that illustrates the improvements & their
Creation of an energy/sustainability focused webpage or site;
Incentive program that rewards participants for “being green.”
Items Eligible for Reimbursement:
The following reimbursement table lists eligible improvements and their maximum reimbursement
value. Please note actual reimbursement allocation will be determined prior to contract execution.
50% of total cost, not to exceed
$5,000 or cost of the audit,
whichever is less
50% of total cost, not to exceed
$2,500 or cost of the audit,
whichever is less
25% not to exceed $25,000
25% not to exceed $25,000
50% not to exceed $75,000
50% not to exceed $75,000
25% not to exceed $25,000
25% not to exceed $25,000
Weatherization Efforts
Energy Audit1
Energy Efficient Doors
Energy Efficient Windows
Air Sealing including caulking/weather
stripping, etc
Reducing Energy Consumption
Energy Star Appliances
Energy Efficient HVAC systems (includes
Energy Efficient Lighting (LED etc.)
Energy Efficient Thermostats
Solar PV and Solar Thermal2
Water conservation/Energy reduction
Low-Flow Showerheads (materials only)3
Tank-less Water Heaters
Solar/Thermal Water Heaters
Other Energy Saving Measures4
(Optional Grant Opportunity, Total
Maximum Façade Award is
$99k/property + $3k Design Expenses )
Architectural renovations visible from the
public right-of way.5 Interior work is not
Monument signs
Decorative community entrances (can
include gates)
Exterior decorative light fixtures
Bring grandfathered parking and
landscaping into conformance with current
Lighted pedestrian connectivity
improvements to surrounding
neighborhoods and business districts
General maintenance
50%/60% for SBE
Maximum award is determined by
building size:
50%/60% for SBE
Max $1,000/unit, $99k/Property
Shopping Centers up to 30,000 sq/ft
+ 3 retail tenants:.....$90,000
Shopping Centers > 30,000 sq/ft + 4
retail tenants:..........$130,000
Approved architectural design expenses
Up to 3,000 sq/ft:………...$20,000
3,001 - 6,000 sq/ft:……….$30,000
Over 6,000 sq/ft:………….$40,000
50%/60% SBE up to $3,000
Not to exceed $3,000 in addition to
total amount awarded
An ASHRAE Level 2 – Energy Audit or equivalent professionally prepared estimate of energy savings is required for ALL
projects. Audit reports prepared within two (2) years of application may be acceptable to fulfill this requirement upon staff’s
approval, but are not eligible for reimbursement.
Solar and HVAC system proposals must also include the installation of additional energy efficiency measures to be eligible.
Additional measures should result in a decrease in the total energy use (i.e. weatherization, lighting improvements, etc.).
Low flow showerheads are available free of charge through Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities.
Other items may be considered provided that they result in energy savings of 15% or more. Proof of anticipated savings is required.
60% reimbursement may be available on a case-by-case basis if certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE)
contractors are utilized. For a complete list of SBE contractors visit http://smallbiz.charmeck.org. Maximum grant awards are based
on the number of units in the community ($1,000 per unit). For example, a 5-unit community would be eligible for $5,000 in matching
reimbursed funds, or 50%-60% of eligible costs, whichever is less.
Repaving and restriping parking lots can be considered if part of a larger project.
General maintenance includes installing or repairing a roof, paint, siding, parking lot repair and more is generally not eligible for
participation, though can be considered if part of a larger, comprehensive project.
General Requirements
ASHRAE Level 2 – Energy Survey and Analysis Energy Audit or equivalent professionally
prepared estimate of energy savings is required. Audit reports prepared within two (2) years of
contract execution may be acceptable to fulfill this requirement upon staff’s approval, but are not
eligible for reimbursement.
Audits must clearly show current energy usage and projected savings. Auditors also are required to
explain what method will be used to measure and verify projections.
Companies performing energy audit services must be able provide proof of Errors and Omissions
Professional Liability Coverage in the amount of $1M or greater.
Applicants are responsible for finding qualified professionals to perform audits and energy
efficiency improvements. The City can provide contact information for industry professionals upon
request but shall not be responsible for the quality of their services.
Proposals for Solar and HVAC system improvements must also include the installation of additional
energy efficiency measures to be eligible. Additional measures should result in a decrease in total
energy use.
Upon selection, participants must provide energy bills for the 12 months preceding installation of
improvements and a signed permission & waiver form authorizing Duke Energy to release energy
usage data to the City of Charlotte for a up to 24 months following project completion.
Proposals should include at least 2 separate bids from different contractors for installation of
improvements. Proposal should list all contractors and sub-contractors planning to work on the
project; as well as their business structure, ex. LLC, sole proprietor, etc.
Use of SBE’s is encouraged, visit http://smallbiz.charmeck.org for a list of certified SBE firms.
If multiple projects are proposed please file all projects in one (1) application. Do not submit
multiple applications from the same owner or organization.
Tenants can submit an application with building owner approval.
If your project is approved you must begin work within 30 days, work may include preparation of
the required energy audit or physical improvements.
Work is expected to progress continually, written notice is required if work stoppage occurs for a
period lasting more than 30 days. Contracts may be terminated due to prolonged inactivity or
inability to comply with applicable terms.
Monthly progress reports are required by the 5th day of each month for the duration of their project.
Project reimbursement will be withheld until monthly progress reports are up to date.
Funds shall be distributed as reimbursement only; funds will not be paid in advance.
Multiple reimbursement requests shall be permitted upon request, final reimbursement requests must
be submitted within 30 days of project completion.
Site improvements shall be inspected to ensure completion prior to processing of reimbursement
requests. This inspection is in addition to any required building code inspections.
The City of Charlotte will provide payment within 30 days of receipt of a sufficient
reimbursement request.
Applicants are individually responsible for complying with the terms of their contract.
Submit application and necessary forms to before 5:00 pm on Friday October 5, 2012.
No proposals shall be accepted after the deadline.
Façade Improvement Grant Eligibility Requirements (Optional)
Project must be located along or in view of a thoroughfare within the Revitalization Corridor
Buildings must conform to all current codes and ordinances; non-conforming uses of any kind
are not permitted,
Property management should demonstrate proven track record of conducting tenant background
checks, have established tenant conduct policies and eviction procedures, proven property
maintenance and adherence to building, fire and other codes & ordinances
Owners of vacant buildings shall be eligible if the owner's purpose is to rehabilitate the structure
to attract tenants. Expenses will be reimbursed only after the building(s) open to the public.
Ineligible Items:
Electronic equipment (i.e. computers, printers)
Leased equipment
Gardens/Agricultural improvements
Non-permanent improvements
Portable equipment (i.e. lamps & fans)
If applying for the Façade Improvement Grant, please indicate how appearance will improve, how
pedestrian amenities and quality connectivity are created, and why this enhancement will leverage
additional economic activity.
Scoring Criteria
Projects shall be evaluated using the following selection criteria:
Scoring Criteria
Anticipated Benefits
 Estimated reduction in energy use (15)
 Contributes to increase in economic activity (10)
 Process to measure energy saving is provided (10)
Project Design
 Well-planned, cost-effective, and ready for implementation (15)
 Budget is a reasonable projection of expenses and revenue (10)
 Project schedule is provided and improvements are achievable in the time allotted (5)
Project Impact/Need
 Meets or exceeds the goals established by the City Focus Area Plan (FAP) (10)
 Improvements are more than general maintenance (5)
 Project is a for-rent apartment community (5)
Communication Strategy
 Project proposes improvements that will contribute to an overall sustainability initiative for the
company or residential community (15)
Total Possible Points
Application Deadlines and Timelines
Please submit (1) hard copy and (1) electronic copy of the application and attachments to NBS
Community & Commerce Division. 600 East Trade Street Suite 311, Charlotte NC 28202 by 5:00
pm on Friday October 5, 2012.
Solicitation Period:
August 9, 2012 – October 5, 2012
Project Proposal Closing Date:
Friday October 5, 2012, 5:00 p.m.*
*Projects may be submitted at any time prior to this date.
Project Selection Period:
October 8, 2012 – October 19, 2012
Selected Projects Notified:
Monday October 22, 2012 (anticipated)
Additional ResourcesDuke Energy Smart Saver Incentive Program- provides rebates for energy efficiency
improvements http://www.duke-energy.com/north-carolina-business/smart-saver-incentiveprogram.asp
Duke Energy Property Manager Program- Free CFL bulbs for rental communities, applicants
pay shipping www.Duke-Energy.com/property-mgr
N&BS http://www.charlottebusinessresources.com/
Façade Improvement Grant
Security Grant
Brownfield Assessment & Cleanup Grant
Big Box Demolition Grant
Small Business Loan Programs
Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities- Free low-flow showerheads. (704) 391-5181.
DSIREUSA.ORG – Database of State Incentives for renewable energy and efficiency
For additional information please contact Nicole Storey, AICP at (704) 336-2929 or nrstorey@charlottenc.gov