International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2(1): 1-4, 2010

International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2(1): 1-4, 2010
ISSN: 2041-2908
© M axwell Scientific Organization, 2009
Submitted Date: August 18, 2009
Accepted Date: September 02, 2009
Published Date: February 10, 2010
Incidence of Congenital Malformations in Ruminants in the
North Eastern Region of Nigeria
M.L. Sonfada, 2 M.N. Sivachelvan, 2 Y. H aruna, 2 I.M. Wiam and 2 A. Yahaya
Departm ent V eterinary A natomy , Usm anu Danfodiyo University, Soko to. Nigeria
Departm ent V eterinary A natomy , University of M aiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria
Abstract: A Survey on the incidence of congenital malformations of the ruminants was conducted from Jan.
2001 – April 2002. The specimens collecte d were gro ssly ex amined an d either dissected or radiographed. A
total of 11 cases o f malformations w ere recorded, out of which 5 (45.5%) were of ovine species, 4 (36.4%)
cases from caprine and 2 cases (18.2%) were from bovine species. Seven of the cases were found in fetuses
while 2 cases each were observed in full term and postnatal respectively. The deformities observed were those
of the limbs (36.36%), craniofacial defects (18.18%), postural defects (18.18%) and abnormal twinning
(27.27% ). It was concluded that inadequate nutritional requirement may be responsible for the animals feeding
on any available materials including toxic plants. A study on ph ytoteratogen s is suggested so as to identify the
existing ones within the study area.
Key w ords: Congenital, incidence , malformations and rum inants
Abnorm alities present at birth, that results from
errors arising d uring development are as numerous as
their causes and affect all species of domestic animals.
The causes range from gene tic to env ironmental or
combination of both. Irrespective of the cause, the defects
may affect a single structure or function , involving
several body system or combine structural and functional
alterations; which consequently result in economic losses
by increasing perinatal mortality , decrease maternal
productivity and reducing the value of defective animal
(Dennis and Leipold , 1979 ).
The frequency of individu al congenital defec t will
vary with such factors like breed, geog raphical area, yea r,
sex, parental age, level of nutrition and environmental
North-eastern Nigeria is characterized w ith low rain
fall, less pasture and harsh enviro nment; yet hig hly
blessed with livestock population. Th ere exist a dearth of
information about the likely birth defects an d their like ly
causes within the region. This work was aimed at
identifying the possible existing congenital defects.
Incidences of congenital abnormalities in the Northeastern Nigeria was ex amined betwee n January 2001 and
April 2002. The samples collected were preserved in 10%
formalin and in areas far from the laboratory, the samples
were preserved in saturated Sodium chloride (NaCl)
solution, and transported to the laboratory where they
were transferred into the 10% formalin. Crown-rump
length and bodyweight methods were used to age the
fetuses (Sivachelvan et al., 1996 ). A measuring tape and
Top pan w eighing balance w ere used in the age
Samples collected w ere grossly studied and w here
necessary, radiography and gross dissection w ere
employed using scapel, blades, forceps and tissues
retractors. Case history of each case was also recorded.
Eleven cases were recorded over a period of 15
months. About forty five percent (45.4%) of the cases
were ovine species, 36.4% caprine and bovine species
constituted 18.2%. Table 1 shows the distribution of cases
on species and condition basis. Four of the cases w ere full
term and delivered normally, two of which were co-joined
The rest of the cases (63.6%) were fetuses found at
abattoir where dams w ere presented for slaughter.
Deformities observed were those of limbs (36.4% );
craniofacial (18.2%) and cases of abnormal twinning
constituted 27.3%. Sex distribution of cases is shown on
Table 2. Eight (72.7%) of the cases were males, while 2
cases were females; the remaining one was unsexed.
Fig. 1-11 shows the various deformities recorded.
Limb defects, peromelia, phocomelia, arthrog ryposis
and perosomus elumbis are features characterised by the
failure of the distal extremity, proximal extrem ity, rigidity
(ankylosis) of joint(s) in flexion or extension and
hypoplasia or aplasia of the spinal cord of the fetus which
end up in the thoracic region respectively (Dennis and
Leipold, 19 79; Arthur et al., 1993).
Corresponding Author: M.L. Sonfada, Department Veterinary Anatomy, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Nigeria
Int. J. Anim. Veter. Adv., 2(1): 1-4, 2010
Table 1: Types and Species distribution of Anomalies observed.
An om aly
L im b
Conjoined twinning
Asymetrical twinning
Table 2: Sex and Species distribution of cases
M ale
Fem ale
Fig. 2: Craniofacial deformity due to over grown nasal
chonchae in Caprine fetus ( 7-9 weeks)
Fig. 1a: An asymmetrical twin surrounded by amniotic cavity
in ovine.
Fig. 3: Peromelia in Ovine fetus ( 9-11 weeks)
Fig. 1b: The fetus obtained after removal of amniotic
Perosomus elumbis found in caprine in this stud y, is
one of the three commonest abnormalities of bovine,
others being schistosomal reflexus and conjoined twins
(Arthur et al., 1993). Knight and W alter (2004)
incriminated teratogens like locoweed, wild and cultivated
tobacco as causes of musculoskeletal anomalies. Similarly
conjoined twins w ere found in ovine and caprine species
in this study, though Arthur et al. (1993) repo rted that it’s
a common condition of bovine.
Of paramount interest in this study was the recorded
case of superfitation. A condition in which a pregnant
Fig. 4a: Caprine Conjoined twins (monoprosopus abdominocephalophagus diacaudatus tetrabracius tetrascelus
twins)-Full term
Int. J. Anim. Veter. Adv., 2(1): 1-4, 2010
Fig. 5b: Radiograph of 5a
Fig. 4b: Radiograph of 4a
Fig. 6: Perosomus elumbis seen in 6 months old goat
Fig. 5a: Ovine Conjoined twins (Aprosopus thoracocephalophagus diacaudatus tetrabracius tetrascelus
twins) – Full term
animal mates, ovulates and conceives a second fetus,
consequ ently resulting in giving birth to fetuses o f vary
different sizes or two fetuses born at w idely se parate
times. Such could have being the case, as the first fetus
was at full term and the second one was just about the
second trimester. Craniofacial defects, as observed in this
study were very typical though the causes can not be
ascertained, phytoteratogens and akabane v iral infection
could be incriminated (K urogi et al., 1977; Luis et al
2002). Arthrogryposis and p ostural defect (chiefly flexion
of the head) could be associated with relative fetal inertia.
Ovine species recorded the highest observed cases.
Dennis and Leipold (1979) recorded 88 different
congenital anom alies in sh eep.
Fig. 7: Phocomelia in ovine fetus(11-14 weeks)
Following the traditional system of grazing in the
North Eastern states of Nigeria, it will not be a surprise to
attribute to teratogenic plants most causes of congenital
anomalies. Because of inadequate feeding especially in
the dry season and early raining season, the animals may
be tempted to feed on any availab le plants irrespective of
palatability or toxicity of such plants, though D evendra
Int. J. Anim. Veter. Adv., 2(1): 1-4, 2010
Fig. 8:Arthrogryphosis in bovine fetus ( 6-7weeks )
Fig. 11: Postural defect(kyphosis, scoliosis and torticolis
complex) in Caprine fetus (9-11 weeks)
The traditional grazing system in the study area is an
extensive man agem ent system in wh ich large rum inants
are given concentrate supplements an d the small
ruminants (sheep and goats) are not given thus exposing
then to eating what ever is available during grazing.
It is therefore recommended that studies on
phytoteratogens in the study area be carried out so as to
identify and recommen d a possible substitute to the
grazing method. So also con centrate substitute should be
introduced to small ruminants as well, to redu ce their rate
of exp osure to toxic p lants.
Fig. 9: Postural defect (Torticolis in combination with
arthrogryphosis in bovine.( 6-7 weeks)
Arthur, G.H., D.E. Noakes, and H. Pearson, 1993.
V e t e r i na ry Rep rodu ction a nd O bste st r i c s
(Theriogenology). 6th Edn. Bailliere Tindal. pp:
Dennis, S.M . and H.W. Leipold, 1979, Ovine Congenital
Defects.The Veterinary Bulletin 49 (4): 233-237.
Knight, A.P. and R .G. W alter 2004. Plants Associated
W ith Congenital Defects and Reproductive Failure.
In: A
Guide to Plants Poisoning of Animals in
North America. www.veterinary wire. com
Devendra, C. and G.B. McLeroy 1988. Goat and Sheep
Production in the Tropics. ELBS. Longman. pp: 55
Kurogi, H., Y. Inaba, K. Takahashi, K. Sato, K. Satoda,
Y. Goto, T. Omori, and M. Matumoto, 1977.
Congenital Abnormalities in Newborn Calves After
Inoculation of Pregnant Cows W ith Akabane Virus.
Infection and Immunity. 17 (2):338-343.
Luis, M.F., A.G.J. Jose, and H. Marcelo, 2002. Atlas of
Ovine Pathology. CEVA SANT E ANIM ALE.pp:
282 - 299
Sivachelvan, M.N., M. Ghali Ali, and G.A. Chibuzo,
1996. Foetal age estimation in sh eep and goats. Small
Rumin. Res.,19:69-76.
Fig. 10: Cebocephaly (Monkey face) in a 2 day old Lamb
and McLeroy (1988) stated that goats can distinguish
betw een bitter, swe et, salty and sour tastes but feeding
habit of grazing go ats vary not on ly with ecology but also
with season of the year.