484 14-17. PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER CHAP. 14 Consider the arbitrary two-hinged arch shown. Discuss how you Prob. 14-17 I z I Al would generate the influence line for the horizontal reaction. Utilize the results contained in Examples 14-10 and 14-11. 15 Engineering Theory of an Arbitrary Member 15-1. INTRODUCTION; GEOMETRICAL RELATIONS In the first part of this chapter, we establish the governing equations for a member whose centroidal axis is an arbitrary space curve. The formulation is restricted to linear geometry and negligible warping and is referred to as the enUgineering theory. Examples illustrating the application of the displacement and force methods are presented. Next, we outline a restrained warping for!nulation and apply it to a planar circular member. Lastly, we cast the force method for the engineering theory in matrix form and develop the member force-displacement relations which are required for the analysis of a system of member elements. The geometrical relations for a member are derived in Chapter 4. For convenience, we summarize the differentiation formulas here. Figure 15-1 shows the natural and local frames. They are related by t, = t t2 = os 07i + sin 4)/ /:3 = - sin ¢)ir + cos (a) ){h where = q(s). Differentiating (a) and using the Frenet equations (4-20), we obtain dt dA [dS dS- = d 3 K cos i (15-1) dSd a K sin 0+ d -(Tnd0* o+tt/' Note that a is skew-symmetric. 485 2 486 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-1. INTRODUCTION; GEOMETRICAL RELATIONS 487 and the local vectors at Q are orthogonal when a2 = 0, which requires 3 \ a2 3 = t d95 dS 0 1 R, (15-6) It is reasonable to neglect y/R terms with respect to unity when the member is thin, i.e., when the cross-sectional dimensions are small in comparison to Centroidal axis Y Local reference directions X3 as Fig. 15-1. Natural and local reference frames for a member element. The curvilinear coordinates' of a point, say Q, are taken as S and Y2, Y3. Letting R be the position vector to Q (see Fig. 15-2), (S) + YJ Y22((S) + 2 (S) R (S) 3t 3 Li (15-2) '1T and differentiating, we find X2 aR -= 8y2 OR t (15-3)) X1 8y3 Fig. 15-2. Curvilinear directions. The differential volume at Q is d(vol.) = (1 = 1 2 a1 2 - - ,n R, Rc and R t. We express d9/dS as y 3 a13)dS dy 2 dy 3 (15-4) dS dy 2 dy 3 do- = 0( where y, is the coordinate of Q in the normal (i) direction and RC= 1/K is the radius of curvature. Also, O' [2 = --Y 3 a2 3 = -Y3 3R ­ aS t, = y 2 a2 3 1-See Sec. 4-8. + dS /1 + dk) Y2 -R (15-7) where L is the total arc length and A is the total increment in 9i. The non­ orthogonality due to can be neglected when the member is only slightly twisted, i.e., when b (15-5) L (15-8) where b is a typical cross-sectional dimension. In what follows, we will assume the member is thin, (15-8) is satisfied, and defines the orientation of the principal inertia directions. 7-1 II ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER 488 CHAP. 15 r SEC. 15-2. FORCE-EQUILIBRIUM EQUATIONS Example 15-1 489 tdS The curvature and torsion for a circular helix are derived in Example 4-5: I 1 1 _dlF dS -F+ .K= - = we ./=~ 2iRII -, -1~~2 tr dS R where R is the radius of the base circle and H is the rise in one full revolution. The helix is thin when b/R << 1,where b is a typical cross-sectional dimension. F!~r·IlI! · Zl- 2 ad' Fig. 15-3. Differential element for equilibrium analysis. ~~~~~~~~~ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By definition, a member is planar if - = 0 and the normal direction (ii) is an axis of symmetry for the cross section. We take the centroidal axis to be in the X-X plane 2 and define the sense of t2 according to t2 x 13 = i3. The'angle q)is constant and equal to either 0° (t2 = ii) or 180 ° (t2 = -fi). Only a1 2 is finite for a planar member: a1 3 a2 = where F = F1, F2, F3 } etc. The vector derivatives are d F + dFT dS dS-t + FTat dM+ dclMT dS-: =-t + Mat a1 2 -- = +K R=- Also, rv~~~~~lml~~~~~la (C· '2~~~~~~~~~ Example 15-3 Consider the case c' where the centroidal axis is straight and 4) varies linearly with S. The member Inember is said sa- to be naturally twisted. Only a2 3 is finite for this case: t x F+ 0 _ _ 1 . = F 2[ 3 - F3 2. = a23 , uosttutlng in (15--9), and noting that a" = -a, librium equations: IdF ~d/S- = = const = k If bk << 1,we can assume OR/OS RIOS is orthogonal to to t,2, tt3 3. dF+ = (15-9) dM+ ii + ,+x F 6 dS We express the force and moment vectors in terms of components referred to the local frame, M+ = MTt b = bTt m = ImTt (b) to theefollowing equi­ F3 O +F To establish the force-equilibrium force-equilibrium equations, we consider the differential differential 15-3. We use the same notation as for the planar case. element shown in Fig. 15-3. The vector vector equil equilibrium equations follow from the requirement that the resultant The equil force and moment morn( vectors must vanish: mrn( Flj lead 0 n + FORCE-EQUILIBRIUM FORCE-EQUILIBRIUM EQUATINS FORCE EQUATIONS F+ = -,F 3, F,2}rt aF + ) -0 dM aM+ dS-- (a) . a12 = a1 3 = 0 15-2. 2 = FTt (15-10) dF dS - a 12 F 2 - a1 3 F3 + i = 0 dF2 dS + al 2 F1 - a2 3 F 3 + 2 = 0. dF3 dS + al 3 F1 + a2 3 F2 + b3 = 0 dMdS a2M2-a13 f (15-11) + ±l = 0 dM2 aM - a2 3 M3 + 2 - F3 = 0O dS dM 3 -dS- + a1 3 M1 + a2 3 M 2 m n 3 + F2 = 0 When the member is planar, a3 = a = 3 0 and the equations uncouple 23 naturally into two systems, one associated with in-plane loading (b1 , b2, in 3, It>rF i ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER 490 II CHAP. 15 F1, F2, M 3) and the other with out-of-plane loading (b , n,, n , F , M,, M ). 2 3 2 The in-plane equations coincide with (14-14) when we3 set a 1 2 = 1/R and the out-of-plane equations take the form dF -+ dS dM 1 dS dM 2 dS + I R M NEGLIGIBLE WARPING RESRAINT z = = ut = equivalent rigid body translation vector at the centroid = j Tt= equivalent rigid body rotation vector Juji = O w= 1R (15-12) + m2 - F3 = Cjt 0 FORCE-DISPLACEMENT RELATIONS-NEGLIGIBLE WARPING RESTRAINT; PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL FORCES f+(- = AFd t7i+ M - au + (15-13) 'F i` G,/k.~,\ -Mj r/* am kT AM)dS = (15-14) di APi -aco d !· 81 -a2U (0 cS- au + k o aS k--d dS i and write the one-dimensional principle of virtual forces as dS = Js(eT AF + AMT(td and substituting in (15-14) lead to the following force-displacement relations: k= {}= " kjl sdV * -M1iJdS (a) -o,)dS + (02 du 1,2,3 + )± -+o2j We consider the material to be elastic and define V* as the complementary energy per unit arc length. Since we are neglecting warping restraint, V* is a function only of F and M. We let i= (15-15) The virtual system satisfies the equilibrium equations (15-5) identically and therefore is statically permissible. Evaluating C dAP, d1i Pi ~L 15-3. //0 Now, we apply the principle of virtual forces to the element shown in Fig. 15-4. We define a and Was b SEC. 15-3. l a * du, aI1 dS )3 + 0 (15-16) a1 2 u2 - a13 a 3tU 3 duS e dS + -a23t13 a 2 tt1 @2 --&AM+ + e3 dS +2 dFV 2 ;+ cS\/i IdS 61). k2 _ k i,* do., 3MI dS I + a1 3 1 1 - a12 * OM2 = V* O= M3 Fig. 15-4. Virtual force system. du 3 -(8 c2F3 2 0)3 + a2 3 U 2 + (0)2 - 13 : 3 33V dS + a1 2 °)1 - a230)3 dco3 -lS d + a30)1 + a23C02 Once P* is specified, the eft-hand terms can be expanded. The form. of P* depends on the material properties, the particular stress expansios selected, and the member geometry. In what follows, we consider the material to be linearly elastic and approximation P* with the complementary energy function CHAP. 15 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER Anto ° * = F,e + 7+, l.I1 l~ll -- 2G 2 F2 2GJ 3F M M2 + kM 3 + kM2 + 2EC 2 3 (15-17) + - -- I M 2E133 where MT = M1 + F2 Y3 - F3 Y2, 73 2 - torsional moment with respect to the shear center k2 where MT = M dA 15-4. YA dA 1 Note that (15.-17) is based on taking a linear expansion for the normal stress, I (a) M3 M2 F (a) Y3- --- Y2 + ---th 12i1 and theory, and using the shear stress distribution predicted by the engineering "i. where t a = tl + du + MT G.I2 = dS3 Mr dS9, - 2 F 3. 1 (15-19) R dS M2 =k Clj is the unrestrained torsional distribution due t M anda + E/d = dc 7 1 2 + - W, Note that flexure and twist are coupled, due to the (b DISPLACEMENT METHOD-CIRCULAR PLANAR MEMBER Since the displacement method involves integrating the governing differential equations, its application is restricted to simple geometries. In what follows, to we apply the displacement method to a circular planar member subjected shear the and constant is out-of-plane loading. We suppose the cross section 0 center coincides with the centroid. It is convenient to take the polar angle below summarized are equations as the independent variable. The governing and the notation is defined in Fig. 15-5. Equilibrium Equations (see (15-12)) dF, is the - + Rh 3 member are also neglecting the effct of curvature, i.e., we are considering the to be thin. The approximate eordilacement relations for a linearly elastic thin curve member are du1 - 2 u - 013U3 0lF1 +-E- dS MT - F e2 F3 dS + --- y 3 -GA2 MT = - - e3 = -4 GJ + a1 2 11 dS- + a dS Y2 3 ul - + a2 3 3 - + dM d- M2 + Rm l = 0 M1 + Rn 2 - RF 3 - 0 T MTk, d?i dS kM2 k a1 2(02 d2 EI=2 dS EI 3 dS - R dO (15-18) R I (d a1 3 c03 + a1 2 c01 - a 23 0)3 (a) 1 du3 F3 GA 3 MGJ kl GJ 0 Force-DisplacementRelations (see (15-19)) 03 a2 3 L2 + C02 = Lie~~~~~~~~~~~a we distribution due o F2, F .3 In addition to these approximations flexual e, e= ° 2 curvature, even when the shear center coincides with the centroid. c0A Y3F' -- F GA3 3 =- GJkl = coordinates of the shear center with respect to the centroid -1y 2) dis­ C1), placements. That is, an out-of-plane loading will produce only out-of-plane displacements. The approximate force-displacement relations for out-of-plane deformation for a thin planar member are M 2GA1 2AE When the member is planar, the shear center is on the Y2 axist and there is no coupling between in-plane (u1, u 2, c%) and out-of-plane (u3, case. which is developed in Sec. 12-3: .. . ...- 1;omttor tne p 493 CIRCULAR PLANAR MEMBER SEC. 15-4. k2 = k + 2 R -( El, `( d (b) 2 + ,) t The shear center axis lies in the plane containing the centroidal axis, which, by definition, is a plane of symmetry for the cross section. --�---^-�l'��?-i� 494 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-4. Boundary Conditions F3 or U3 M1 or or oi, prescribed at each end (pts. A, B) M2 CIRCULAR PLANAR MEMBER (c) d 2(01 -2 (02 + (o1 0 Rk ° R2 _;^ 1ml R + L EI2 The solution of the equilibrium equations is quite straightforward. We integrate the first equation directly: F3 = C 1 - R R0 b3 dO 0)2 (15-20) M2 =-d-- F3 - + 12 m, (e) d sin O + C3 cos 0 + - M RF3 dO GA3 RM t (f) R,°2 El2 GJ II 2 - du3 (d) ) We solve (d) for M, and determine M from (e). The resulting expressions are 2 M = CcosO + C3 sinO + M, M 2 = -C do)l (1 + c,)M 2 where c, is a dimensionless parameter, The remaining two equations can be transformed to LdO2 + M = R 495 The solution of the force-displacement relations is also straightforward. First, we transform (b) to (15-21) p+ where Ml, P is the particular solution of (d). F3 in (15-2 to I 1 I (15-22) which is an indicator for torsional deformation. Solving the first equation for ol and then determining co2 and u3 from the second and third equations lead w) = C4 cos 0 + C sin0 + ol,p )2 = - C 4 sin 0 - C 5 cos cos ++ co RM dU d 3 R= ' P LG4R,+ AJ (15-23) <11 where co, is the particular solution for o. The complete solution involves six integration constants which mined by enforcing the boundary conditions. The fbllowing examplesare deterillustrate the application of the above equations. Example 15-4 The member shown is fixed at A and subjected to a uniform distributed loading. Taking Fig. E15-4 b3 = const in (15-20), we obtain Fig. 15-5. Notation for circular member. F3 = C - Rb3 0 (a) 496 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-4. CIRCULAR PLANAR MEMBER The equation for M1 reduces to 32 = d2M ±M + 1 =R c102 RC, - R2h Sl0 S1 -l) (b) Then, s - M1, = RF3 = RC 1 - R2 b30 (c) = U 3 and the solution for M1 and M2 follows from (15-21), (d) 2 M2 - - C 2 Si l l 0 + C3 cos 0 - R b3 - The boundary conditions at B require at 0 rt COS 0 + {c[-1 0B sinsin 0 I cos(05 RC&A 2 )} - ct sin C c + -E}1 + c, sin(0o 0) (d) sin 0 c - cos sin( +) ii cos OB- c sin - c, + r i C4A2 + RwA1(i - cos 0) - A 3 R3E -- M, = C2 cos 0 + C3 sin 0 + RF 3 F3 - M1 = M2 = + 497 - merms intolving CO,, C)A2 and lA3 define the rigid body displacements due to support movement. Als, terms involving c, are due to tist deformation. The rotations and 0 = 0( C1 = R, 30 C2 = -R 2 b 3 sin n C3 = R2 b3 cos 0 (e Fig. E15-5A F3 Replacing O0 - 0 by , the final solution is F3 = R7b3t1 Ml = K2b3[ (f)I -l- sin 1] M2 = - R2 h3[1 - cos q Example 15-5 F3 - The force system due to the end action, IFB3, can be determiled by applying the equi­ librium conditions directly to the segment shown in Fig. EI5-5A. This leads to F3 = F 3 M1 = F3R( - cos j) FB3R[ - cos(0 - 0)] (a)i M2 = - FB3R sin j = - F,,R sin(0B -- 0) We suppose there is no initial deformation. Using (a), the equation for 0o1 becomes I d2 -R (1 + c,)sin(0 - 0) (b) translation at B are listed below: o() = ,At Cos 0B + wA2 sin 0B - - The particular solution of (b) is Cl P = Ei, - --2E--(1 + C) [0 cos(0 2E1 2 (c) ---0)] Using the above results and specializing (15-23) for this support condition lead to the following expressions for the displacements: Co1 = COA cos 0 + A.42sin 0 + E.- {[ 2 EI, 2 cos OB + 0oB2 -COA 83 1 sin 0 - -- 0 cos(0 - 0)} 2 cos O, W42 {cfcCos -1] - = TiA3 + RJ.4 1 (lI - cos 0) - RcI + C, sin 0B + + R2 1 + 2 REn3 0 2I - - -- c, sin2 0 42 sin B cos Bsin 0B - El, GA 3R2 JJ1 2 c, sin 0B (e) SEC. 15-5. ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER 498 CHAP. 15 To investigate the relative importance of the various deformation terms, we consider the rectangular cross section shown in Fig. E15--5B. The cross-sectional properties aret 6 1 61 1 5A k A3 (f) J =--d d3 (for d2 A d3) 3 2 Then, EI2 £C-G J El_ AIli""ll E IJ-U Consider a closed circular ring (Fig. E15-6) subjected to a uniformly distributed twisting moment. From symmetry, F 3 = 0 and M,, M2 are constant. Then, using (15-16), we find d2 d} 12 Cl M =O M2 = RmI E!l = '6 dn~2-1 LP G L4J LJ:2 d3) z (g) (a) The displacements follow from (15-18) U3 = '!) R GL-- -d-A Since (d2 /R) 2 << 1,we see that it is reasonable to neglect transverse shear deformation. In general, we cannot neglect twist deformation when the member is not shallow. For the shallow case, we can neglect c, in the expressions for coB 2, UB3. r 5 d2 d 3 499 FORCE METHOD-EXAMPLES C1 = )2 = 0 RM 2 El2 (b) R2 171l = El2 The values of 4k and c, for d/d2 = 1, 2, 3 and v = 0.3 are tabulated below: 4k 1 2 3 1.54 3.8 1.69 2.75 3.16 Fig. E15-6 X2 c, = E1 2/GJ (for = 0.3) = 2 =0 7.4 Fig. E15-5B Xi 113 15-5. Y3 t The torsional constant for a rectangular cross section is developed in Sec. ll-3. FORCE METHOD-EXAMPLES In this section, we illustrate the application of the principle of virtual forces to curved members. The steps involved are the same as for the prismatic or planar case and therefore we will not reiterate them here. We restrict this discussion to the case where the material is linearly elastic, the member is thin and slightly twisted, and warping is neglected. The general form of the expression for the displacement at an arbitrary point and the compatibility equations corresponding to these restrictions (see (15-14), (15-17)) follow. SEC. 15-5. CHAP. 15 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER 500 Displacement at Point Q dQ Fl e +17 + A + -R,Q3 A F2, Q Fig. E15-7A (15-24) Q + (k3±+f-M 'VI)M2 + +( 3 rlirpcti-n L.I~,$I (a) = force redundants , Princinl inprti ,jdS Co, mpatibility Equations -7. 1 -Z . -.Z, Y2 MT, Q F3, Q + ( +_ 501 Now, we consider the problem of determining the translations of the centroid at B due to the loading shown in Fig. E15-7A. It is convenient to work with translation components shear (vB2, vB3) referred to the basic frame, i.e., the X 2, X 3 directions. We suppose that the \ + FORCE METHOD-EXAMPLES r Fj = F. o + I X2 r (b) Mj = Mj,o + Ri = Ri,o + =-1 Ak .fkjZj= where f,.: = fi. = JKJ 1[- Fi,jF,,k 1 F , + " ~ 3 3F3, ,' F2'jF2'k -t (',- 'CF,, A GA, Lu/± IJs I,, +1. + ZT-/MT, M, uF (15-25) (k= 1,2,...,r) k + -= M21J I' l Id jM3 1 M + _/-,MS M2,, El3 uentroilal axis ) F 3, k = 1 Eik Rik ai ,ik dS + \ U.J / M M 2, dQ k E' - ( M2 M2 , Q + 3 M3 M3 , Q) d (b) 2F3 Ft = The reduced form for out-of-plane deformation is obtained by setting ° F2 = M3 = e + center coincides with the centroid and transverse shcar deformation is negligible. Spe­ the centroid, cializing (15-24), and noting that M = 0 for a transverse load applied at to reduces the displacement expression I 3 F2 - MT = M 1 + k (, -I = 0. Example 15-7 the Consider the nonprismatic member shown below. The centroidat axis is straight but centroidal the with coincide to XI take We vary. orientations of the principal inertia axes left end (point A). axis and X2, X3 to coincide with the principal inertia directions at the t . , t vectors unit the by 2 3 The principal inertia directions are defined t2 = cos 012 + sin 13 2i,+ COs 4i1 t3 = -sin 3 =0 at xl = 0 (a) Force Systems at B (Fig. The moment vectors acting on a positive cross section due to P2, P3 applied E15-7B) are (MP = P2 (L - X1)13 (c) (M)p, = -P 3(L - x 2 to the local frame. To find M2, M3, we must determine the components of M with respect E15-7C: Fig. from follow These For P2, M2 = P(L - x)sin 4) M3 = P2(L - xl)cos (P (d) SEC. 15-5. CHAP. 15 503 FORCE METHOD-EXAMPLES ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER 502 Fig. E15-7B c^"llule :]-- 0 We rework Example 15-6 with the force method. Using symmetry, we see that 2_ _. 2 M =0 (a) M 2 = nt R i2 r -x in the direction of inm is desired. The virtual loading for this Suppose the rotation displacement is mn= + 1. Starting with B 1 - -rAM, dS dS co, Amt 1 (b) 13 and substituting for M2 , we obtain R2 p2 (L - o \ A) i, El 2 (c) ., _ Fig. E15-7C Example 15-9 12 Consider the closed ring shown. Only Mt and M2 are finite for this loading. Also, the behavior is symmetrical with respect to XY and we have to analyze only one half the ring. M2 t­ Fig. E15-9 ISL X2 2T 2 Z1 - -P3(L - Xl )2 M3 t3 For P3, 4) M2 = -P 3(L - x)cs M3 = The virtual-force system for we obtain i 2= =EE Determination of VB3 I 2,J are constant + 1. Introducing (d) in (b), B2 corresponds to P2 = /,1 r ,,r.2 r>:. s JoL'2 I I1, x,) I3 I |(L {j (f) dNL We take the torsional moment at 0 = 0 as the force redundant. The moment distributions are T M = - sin0 - Z, cos 0 = M, + ZM, Due to P2 The virtual-force system for VB3corresponds to P3 = VB3 -- (e) + P (L - x)sin b Determination of vB2 Due to P2 VJ32 --- + 1. Using (e) leads to (g) (--- + (L 2 ) sin 4)cos 4)clx 2 T M2 = - cos 0 - Z1 sin 0 = M2, 0 + ZlM 2 . 2 ---------------- ^­ _ -2<0 2 /2 (a) 504 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-5. Specializing (15-25) for this problem, fZ 1+ 2 l = h 11_ A, = -2R _~~+ GEF13 GJ -,t2 lI ft 1 =2R fi2R FORCE METHOD--EXAMPLES Primay tructure505 1 = El- The primary structure is defined in Fig. El 5-0B: ]idO (b) Rl RRI- dO /2L J + 1 R-A R2 = Z1 = 3FA 3 0 = d, = R3 Rl 3 , = (a) and then substituting for MI, M2, A1 , -RT 2 (CJ ¼) = I2(I -RT sinocos J, 1 GJ E sin 0 Cos 0 d 1 1'r. , : _ , V\GJ - _ --7 L2Ill 'IJ-r/2 2 k GS L Fig. E15-10B (c) .... Ei2J ...... and it follows that Z, = 0. We could have arrived at this result by noting that the behavior is also symmetrical with respect to X2. This requires M2 to be an even function of 0. The virtual-force system for o)At is T = + 1. Using (15-24) and (a) leads to ,/2[(T sin 0Osin f2w4 -,t12 1 = 2R2GJ 2 RT 11 8 LGJ ~~~~~~~~~ X2 T cos OY\cosO ± 2fEI,) f1,O I -.2 j (d) 1 El2 I Example 15-10 We analyze the planar circular member shown in Fig. EIS-10A. The loading is out-ofplane, and only F3, M1 , and M2 are finite. To simplify the algebra, we consider the shear center to coincide with the centroid and neglect transverse shear deformation. It is con­ venient to take the reaction at B as the force redundant. X2 Fig. E15-10A A A V iForce nt Analyses The force solutions for the loadings shown in Fig. EiS-IOC are: For P: F3 ,0 = +P '" ,o0= r[tL - cos(q - c)] M2, 0 = - PR sin(qi - tc) For Z = + 1: . CdFq F3, 3,, Y~~~~~~~ +s = + I ) Mi.· 1 = R(I - cos 21 (b) -R-sinj tt -I l (c) SEC. 15-6. 506 RESTRAINED WARPING FORMULATION 507 CHAP. 15 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER 15-6. Fig. E15-10C RESTRAINED WARPING FORMULATION In what follows, we consider the member to be thin and slightly twisted. Referring to Fig. 15-2, these restrictions lead to dR dS (15-26) dS dy 2 dy 3 d(vol.) Therefore, in analyzing the strain at Q (S, Y2, y3), we can treat the differential line elements as if they were orthogonal. The approach followed for the pris­ matic case is also applicable here. One has only to work with stress and strain t2,73) rather than the global frame. measures referred to the local frame (, Our formulation is based on Reissner's principle (13-33): =+ prij d(surface area)] = 0 b[ft(Tr - bTfi - V*)d(vol.) a, ii = independent quantities E = (a) (a) p, b = prescribed forces V* = V*(F) = complementary energy density CoinpatibilitY Equation (15-25) At jTI /,, R I i A-£ G (d) + Mug1 d1, {:, We start with the strain measures, : Lo ­ - Ri tai- R We introduce expansions for ii, in terms of one-dimensional displacement and force measures (functions of S) and integrate over the cross section. The force-equilibrium equations follow from the stationary requirement with respect to displacement measures. + (k° d l -±ia ) M, tl s Y2. y; 3}. One, can show thatt ' lt we obtain the following expressions Substituting for the internal force and reactions, for ftt and A1: (i Lk- Vi/ l Al = UB3 - ) ,0- 2c, sin A3 + R()A2 sin + R )dO 1 + COS(O0 - Ct 0 cos(OB - O COs OB) 0o where hiis the displacement vector for Q (S, y 1 , y2). We use the samse displace­ - sin 0 - sicn (e) = 0 sin 041 EI2 Note that we could have determined A and f, FItl + 1n2 t2 + it31 u + co2Y 3 - (3Y2 + JC (15-28) 0 = 05(Y 2 , Y3) Expanding fJTF using the results of Example 15-5. -- = -(s2 (Y3 -3 3) ui2 = t tI3 = Us3 + (c1(y 2 - Y2) sin 0c} - 0) - cos (15-27) - + t3 t t 3'13 1 + sin Bcos 0,C-- cos + 1 Sill OCo 02St _Vl 1 ment expansion as for the prismatic case: k sin(0B - PRII j EI2 - o0- OB- RK(74( 0 2 I<- -FSee Prob. 15-5. dy 2 dy 3 = .f((-, 1 + 12Y2 + O13y 1 3)dy 2 dy3 (a) 508 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-6. RESTRAINED WARPING FORNAI 11ATir-11 'JCv -. leads to Jflor and b2, b3 are due to self-equilibrating stress distributions dy 2 dy 3 = Fle,1 ths case, b t O "''ess adg disributions.t It is reasonable, based on the primary flexural shear stress distributions. Expanding the stationary requirement with respect to force measures yields + F2 3 e3 + MTkt + M 2k 2 F2 e + M3 k 3 + MRf + Mef,s el, e2 ,, M = ff 1 I0 MR = ff[ k (defined by (15-16)) 3 (15-29) the force-displacement relations, dy2 dy3 1 2 (0, + 2 a 12 ) + 1 3 (0, + 3 a1 3 )]dy2 dy el eI 3 The equilibrium equations consist of (15-11) and the equation due to warping * a = -I 0F k2 eF + eb JF=2 V F2 + k= Now, we use the stress expansion developed for the prismatic case. The derivation is discussed in Sec. 13-5, so we only list the essential results here. The normal stress is expressed as + M -+ M2 y- M3 - 13 12 V + M,/ where ee e 2 F2 +- I/ 3F3 + ,IM'- + //,MT , Example 15-11 kl q 1 +- GJ (F + 2 + + + 3 2E. 3 (15-35) k 3 are defined by (15-16). The corresponding unrestrained -- Fig. E15-11 I B i = elV* OF* ('~* M':..- (1 + b) f (V's are functions of Y2, Y3.) The corresponding complementary energy function is 3 = (15-32) Mr = MUT + MT V* = fV* dy 2 d f To investigate the influence of warping restraint, we consider a planar circular member having a doubly synetrical cross section (Fig. E-1 1), clampedat one end and subjected where 0 = - ", the St. Venant warping function referred to the shear center. We write the transverse shear stress distribution as a = 2 f,,~, amo warping relations are (15-18). (15-3l) ,,(/) -OM~- OMT weighted with respect to ¢. A a V* k3 = - M, (15-30) which can be interpreted as the stress equilibrium equation for the t1 direction Fl1 aV* -­ restraint, MR = M,, 509 ....... It is reasonable, Al' I -j(Mr)+ Cr(M)2 (1533) i GJ1 (F~y~r + 23 (F 2Y3 r +- F3 Y2 )M II to a torsional moment at the other end. We neglect transverse shear deformation due to restrained torsion. Theoverning euios for this loading (see Sec. 15-4) follow. Equilibrim Equations Also, (15-32) satisfies (see(13-50)) JJ(U1 d, 2 2 dM = + U1330 3)dy2 dy3 - M'. (b) dOM 2 Finally, noting (b), we express MR as MR = (1 + b2,)M + b2 F 2 + b3 F3 (15- 34) where the b's involve the curvature (al 2,a 3). If the cross section is symmetrical, A2 3 = Y3 r = Y2,- = b = 0 1 dMl R dO M = M + M~ ,Al i'i isi (c) t See I Prob. 15-6. (a) 510 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER SEC. 15-7. CHAP. 15 COMPLETE END RESTRAINT 511 The rotation at B is Force-DisplacemnentRelations M2 = EI2k2 2 (d 2 =i + oi) (0B R--M - sin cos O) + cK E,.I, (if (g) M-- R dO (1do - R \-iJ (R -( f= -kl = M (b) + ) B Ii K fj2_1 B+ sin O~ I= B cos 0sco t -rI 2 j - o --+ 2 cCs2 0, tanh 0 If we set = GJk1 R=- L 0 =0 = O o = o2 = f = O M = M 7 O LU (h) . and let 0,-0. (g) reduces to (13-57), the prismatic solution. The influence of warping restraint depends on and 0,. Values of K vs. - for 0) = 7r/4, iT/2 are tabulated below: On Boundary Conditions 0 + (c) K MOt = 0 I =, + I M2 = 0 for 0, = 1+7 2 One can write the equilibrium solution directly from the sketch: M = I cos(OB - 0) (d) M2 = M sin(0O - 0) K K°°, We substitute for the moments in the force-displacement relations. M1 = GJk1 Ej d2 k, - Idco~R -R k2-(r 2 2 - M E,.l __ 1 _ +_ 2 for 0 = I + I lr t+2+- 1+-- = M nEcos(On - 0) K, for= 4 (i) = -2 O, + sin 0, cos 0,) 2 d (e) 1)+ sin(03 - 0) and solve for k,, and then ol. The resulting expressions are k, = 1 = G.I El 2 EI 4, GJ i. for OB = /4 0B= r/2 1 5 10 0.179 0.786 0.907 0.500 0.96 0.99 We showed in Chapter 13 that {cos(0B- 0) - cos 01 [cosh 70 - sinh 70 tanh R0,B]} GJ + - 22 R (f) ! A= 0 (2) (open section) 2= 0 () (closed section) (j) where t is the wall thickness and h is a depth measure. Since A= R and R/h >> I for a thin curved member, the influence of warping restraint is not as significant as for the prismatic case. 1(EI2 W(ap neglCe cr e)a - i s t2t n J 0cos + a n' 2 [sillh 7.0 - tanh 70B cosh 70 + cos 0 tanh MIJB] Warping restraint is neglected by setting E, = and = c. 15-7. MEMBER FORCE-DISPLACEMENT END RESTRAINT RELATIONS-COMPLETE In the analysis of a member system, one needs the relations between the forces and displacements at the ends of the member. For a truss, these equations 512 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-7. reduce to a single relation between the bar force and the elongation. Matrix notation is particularly convenient for this derivation so we start by expressing the principle of virtual forces and the complementary energy density in terms of generalized force and deformation matrices. Referring back to Sec. 15-3, we define COMPLETE END RESTRAINT F=>{F1 F2 M 3 } Y3 = 0 1 -0 Ia F/* ,i 0 i 9= - Uj F = r (15-36) f T,~= A 002____ 0 and write the principle of virtual forces as .s dV* dS Note that we are working with M , not MT. We use the complementary energy function for a thin slightly twisted member with negligile warping restraint (i.e., (15-17)). With the above notation, Eq. (15-17) => V* (o)rT g,,,r-g Lgr ! -I (15-38) ot_ 0 I l - T AR = dAP (15-41) where d contains prescribed displacements and R are the corresponding re­ actions; d contains unknown displacements and A' are forces corresponding to d. The virtual-force system (AP, AR, A.F) must satisfy the force-equilibrium equations, (15-11). It is more convenient to generate , and R with the equili­ brium equations for a finite segment rather than attempt to solve (15-11). Consider the arbitrary member shown in Fig. 15-6. Each end is completely restrained against displacement. The positive sense of S is from A toward B. where Fgfm A2 G .fS(g + gjF-)TA57- S 7 A-. g.7 + (15-40) I for planar loading applied to a planarmember. Finally, we substitute for a in (15-37)and distinguish between prescribed and unknown displacements. The principle of virtual forces expands to (15-37) jgTsg Af dS = d AP 513 of g corresponding to the zero force measures. For example, 0 I I 7i7 + y­w-;f-,d gf = j7S Sym 0 gfm = 0 YJ G Y2 Y2Y3 GJ . + A 3G 0 C?] I 0 0 0 0 A El2 Sym GJ B C;. 1 0 1 , i3 o i 1 i2 El, The force-deformation relation implied by (15-38) is = g + gY- n member frame (15-39) We will use these general expressions for planar and out-of-plane deformation as well as for the arbitrary case. One has only to delete the rows and columns XIn Fig. 15-6. Arbitrary curved member. 514 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER SEC. 15-7. CHAP. 15 We suppose the geometry of the member is defined with respect to a basic frame which we refer to as frame n, and take the end forces at B as the force redundants. Then, the primary structure consists of the member cantilevered from A. Throughout the remaining portion of the chapter, we will employ the notation for force and displacement transformations that is developed in Chapter 5. A superscript n is used to denote a quantity referred to the basic frame. When no frame superscript is used, it is understood the quantity is referred to the local frame. For example, .rQ represents the internal force matrix at point Q referred to the local frame at Q. Note that ds'Q acts on the positive face. The force matrix for the negative face is - J9Q. The end forces at A, B are denoted by , f and are related to the internal force matrices by B = An = + = - ' o = B - COMPLETE END RESTRAINT 515 ·~(2Q leads to ryiB *orn, BAt, , + J- T(s + gQ.-Q, o)dS (15-45) A A [ SL 'A ' ( Q](QS) JB BQ The first term is due to rigid body motion of the member about A whereas the second and third terms are due to deformation of the member. We define '"as the member deformation matrix: X = /duc "B9l , ; "iil id bdy albout.4 (15-46) Ilotion By definition, We also define nL"is (15-42) B A f11 = )~~1i8fi S(y f Also, the displacement matrix at point Q is written as 61Q. equal to the sum of the second and third terms in (i 5-45). (° 'Q0BQ+ QQ o )S = initial deformation matrix TgQ_ 07-gQ , BgQe)dS = member flexibility matrix (15-47) and (15-45) reduces to 6 01Q = {Ul, U2 , t3 (tl,(t)2,)3Q = {O} (15-43) Ad' = - For this system, '270 and W'/[ are prescribed. We determine til[/ for the primary structure, i.e. the member cantilevered from A, due to displacement of A, temperature, loads applied along the member, and the end forces at B and then equate it to the actual @tX1]. The virtual-force system is AP = A¢" AR = A7- = -XB AIB3 (a) 7-nq 7-n . = nq er,, ~' Q BQ q-XQ B 3,; 1 1B-;.i= B Also, (b) d-fall Introducing (a), (b) in (15-41), we obtain 8SB (Ae = T(,)A, [,,n, .SA Next, we express (c) f 7-)''q, + T( ± g(Q?,i)dSj ,IRQ as i 1, I Q = 'Q, ; ~ + .O-n 6C (15- 44) where Q, o is the internal force matrix at Q due to the prescribed external loading applied to the member cantilevered from A. Finally, substituting for J n, - o,,, "' B T...4 ,tt A .. ' 0 f &YB (15-48) Equation (15.-48) is the force-displacement relation for an arbitrary member with complete end restraint. It is analogous to the force-elongation relation for the ideal truss element that we developed in Chapter 6. The member flexibility matrix, f, is a dtiu'al property of the member since it depends only on the geometry and material properties. For simple members such as a prismatic member or a planar circular member with constant cross section, one can obtain the explicit form of f. When the geometry is complex, one must generally resort to numerical integration such as described in Sec. 14-8 in order to determine f and '/'. This problem is discussed in the next section. Finally, we point out that the general definitions off, /'0 are also valid for in-plane or out-of-plane deformation of a planar member. One simply has to use the appropriate forms for the various matrices. Up to this point, we have considered only a simple member. Now suppose the actual member consists of a set of members rigidly connected to each other and the flexibility matrix for each member is known. We can obtain the total flexibility matrix by compounding the flexibility matrices for the individual elements. To illustrate the procedure, we consider two members, AA and 1 AB, shown in Fig. 15-7. The matrix, f", contains the displacements at B due to the end forces at B with A fixed: q6/B = f 77 (a) Now, suppose point A is fixed. Then, the displacement at B due to the deforma­ tion of member A B is Al member A,B fBB-B A= (h) kv/ 516 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-8. where f',B is the flexibility matrix for member A 1B referred to frame n. The additional displacement at B due to movement of A, is ( /B)displacementat, = TBAi I (c) 41 GENERATION OF MEMBER MATRICES It remains to determine qlA. A li Ai where A --- "Bn X .k A ' A, i A -'A, - kBA Fig. 15-7. Segmented member. = f, Ia Note that only k" and I AAL"'s + BA, AAi CtBA° )t'IB == f (15-53) - , _1 AkBA = 'BA + kBBLBn + kr A.4 , ; + k"B'IB ±4 kA 4i PA? (15-54) are required in order to evaluate kA and ka. (e) 15-8. (fA X (15-52) i I Finally, we have 0&B = n. i = ii I and the resulting deformation of member Al is 1 BA -CA With this notation, the force-displacement relations simplify to (d)I At, lr (b) B A,k - TkAA Bnk ZJ The force system at A t due to the end forces at B is given by A 'VBAX, k BA n~T k" - T fAA, c+B -- BA,97BtBA B O - (k)A nAB ) AJIImemberAA, - where "A, i represents the initial end forces. In order to express the equations in a more compact form, we let B dAA= 'A.O Substituting for O,"leads to Al 2 517 When analyzing a system of members by the displacement method, expressions for the end forces in terms of the end displacements are required. In addition to (15-50), we need an expression for ,.'FA' Now, B (15-- 49) I I i GENERATION OF MEMBER MATRICES The member flexibility matrix is defined by The end forces at B are found by inverting (15-48): ~7e= k"(i" - ./'7) n= k ka/li -kn / + k/ l - k - ,riSA,. f O Q, 0 + '}. (b) gl (15-51) I The second and third terms are the end forces at B due to end displacement at B, A. Once ,'B is known, we can evaluate the interior force matrix at a point using (15-44), j'Q = = snq 7Rnq"n. and letting (15-50) The first term is due to-external load applied along the member and represents the initial (or fixed-end) forces at B. For convenience, let -B i = -k (a) Noting that k" = (f")- = member stiffness matrix (a) Thus, the analysis of a completely restrained member reduces to a set of matrix multiplications once the member stiffness and initial deformation matrices are established. I = f' ; <rnq. Tg nq (15-55) CAB (i QTg2Q)dS IBQ (15--56) we can write If numerical integration is used, the values of the integral at intermediate points along the centroidal axis as well as the total integral can be determined in the same operation. This is desirable since, as we shall show later, the intermediate values can be utilized to evaluate the initial deformation matrix. We consider next the initial deformation matrix: %n = We transform ,g, and I-q,,B<- T( + g o)S (c from the local frame to the basic frame, using (15-55) 518 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-8. GENERATION OF MEMBER MATRICES 519 and simplify the notation somewhat: and .~'Q = .. q Thy Q (d) BQ = The contributions of temperature and external load are (15-57) () lad = gQ)dS SB (XQn SA ypnq _ n _ (axe) (15-59) c ={ Tc Normally, the external force quantities are referred to the basic frame for the member, i.e., frame n. The initial force matrix at Q due to this loading is given by n C 37"o,0 =0 : S, -< SO SC SC < S rg )dC S Qn,BQ T ,,= l ( CB' C) (ax) F -2/g2 ,(fix/) The translation and rotation transformation matrices are developed in Sees. 5-1, 5-2 and the form of g for a thin curved member is given by (15-38). The local flexibility matrix g' is defined by (15-55). Using the above notation, the expressions for the submatrices are gl = R gl Ra g2 = RITgl 2R( g22 = R22R Note that g 2 = 0 and g, g22 are diagonal matrices when the shear center coincides with the centroid. If, in addition, axial and shear deformation are We let ( x ) (f) = fan, Tgnn = fI ( (n To n x'll )ets (15-61) ..... J12 = g 2 + X' (15-62) Also, fn (15-63) JB The determination of the member flexibility matrix reduces to evaluating J defined by (15-61). One can work with unpartitioned matrices, i.e., X', g, but it is more convenient to express the integrand in partitioned form. The partitioning is consistent with the partitioning of :f into F, M. Since the formulation is applicable for arbitrary deformation, it is desirable to maintain this generality when expanding X, ,. in partitioned form. Therefore, we define a as the row order of F and ji as the row order of M. '122 = (fix ) (g XBQ) 2 BQ g22 BQ (15-68) Next, we partition J consistent with i: (a x ) jp = SA Sp i dS = J, 1 (ax 12 J IJP, ) 22 1 (15-69) JSA Finally, we partition f: (axa) (ax ) - 1 _kt (15-64) Continuing, we partition X, 9 and g symmetrically, consistent with (15-64), + g22 22 fn = MJF (15-67) J22 (t x ) The submatrices follow from (15-65): I11 - g 1 + g1 2 X'BQ - With this notation, (f) simplifies to (ax ) t_\ f12 The bracketed term is an intermediate value of the integral defining f". Finally, we let Jp (15-66)) , neglected, g,, = 0. and introducing the above relations in (15-59) result in J1/1 L912 (15-60) (e) CB _ r[SC (XjB, ( 0z -BQ[is B [A |Q iT Sn Writing XCQ -B x_ )] (15-58) Suppose there is an external force system applied at an intermediate point, say C. Let Pc, Tc denote the force and moment matrices and >c the total force matrix: <Son , o = arn CQ C. (15-65) (e x c) (f(x ) f = JB, ij = i j dS a (15-70) 520 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-9. MEMBER MATRICES-PRISMATIC MEMBER 521 The initial deformation matrix due to an arbitrary loading at point C can be determined with (15-62). Its partitioned form is = (JCnCB)pn (T)-n o {vO (ax a) Jc 12XBC ' JcII 1 .C, - 2JJC, 2XBC (a xp) JC. 12 I (aX1) 22 . 0 -0 (/3 t MB2, WB2 (15-71) t2 I) 12 B 1 where v', O0 denote the initial translation and rotation matrices. The member stiffness matrix, k", is obtained by inverting fn. We write (ax a) xi (ax ) kr k" = (fn)--l A ;- H/ ]= 3' t3 (15-72) l'B3 / TB I , UB 1 3,3 (p x pi) One can easily show that (we drop the frame superscript on fj' for convenience) kl LA = (ft1 - f2f22f12)- - 222tl (15-73) 1f 2k -I Y3 = f21I f krl!/i k22: L - Fl.t2n12) kn22 L n k[A = -. A n ,1 f Lk 2 1-k2 k2A Xn, {-k - k2 [ , n Xn.T k"''" =="--- A-- A Xn +] _ r j,XkA ] -_-T-; = ++ "22212 nn Ik i 12 0 X=o (15-74) 0 0 I (L -° °0 ! B .. T.... t'…LA C - (a) Then, using g defined by (15-38), we obtain L/AE 15-9. dXiS. Now, = Tl~n -IIIUld Fig. 15-8. Summary of notation for a prismatic member. Once k" is known, the stiffness matrices k7,n, kA and k4 A can be generated. Expanding (15-53) leads to the following partitioned forms: nk[ b Lm X2 , X3 are principal inertia directions. 0 0 MEMBER MATRICES-PRISMATIC MEMBER In Chapter 12, we developed the governing equations for a prismatic member and presented a number of examples which illustrate the displacement and force methods of solution. Actually, we obtained the complete set of force­ displacement relations and also the initial end forces for concentrated and uniform loading. Now, in this section, we generate the member flexibility matrix using the matrix formulation. We also list for future reference the various member stiffness matrices. The notation is summarized in Fig. 15-8. For convenience, we drop the frame reference superscript n, since the basic frame coincides with the local frame, i.e., R" q = I. The positive sense of a displacement, external force, or end forces coincides with the positive sense of the corresponding coordinate axis. Starting with (15-66), we have g7 = g, since Ra, R/ are identity matrices. Once XBQ is assembled we can determine the submatrices of I from (15-68). |A --- 1------1) 2 __7 ­ (15-75) IL/GJ - Sym 0 L/E1 2 0 0 L/E13 I ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER 522 CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-9. MEMBER MATRICES-PRISMATIC MEMBER 523 The submatrices of k are generated with (1 5- 73), (15- 74) and are listed below for reference. Transverse shear deformation is neglected by setting a2 = a3 = 0: 12EI2 a2 12EI3 - GA 3 L2 GA2L2 12 I3- + a2 1 + GJ 12E b, = + (3I _ AE O I 2 + x2) (change sign of(1, 2), (1, 3)in k2 2 ) Finally, the fixed end forces due to a concentrated transverse force and a uniform transverse loading are summarized below. O 12EI3 kll ConcentratedForcePc2 Sym 12EI* Sy m I F 0 L 1 0 0 I I I 12EI*3X3 kt2 = -t L3 b 6EI -- (.1.5-76) 6EI2X 2 L2 2 2 I MA = -MB 0 FA2 = MA 3 613) B2 I -L | 2 + FB2 + L ConcentratedForcePc3 12EI2 GA 3 L2 6EIl L2 L3 = PC2- (15-77) - MB3 = -x 3 (XcPC 2 + FB 2 ) 0 -- - 2 MB (4 + 312EI P ! 6EIX 3 L2 Sym 12I00- "_c-1 a, 2 MB3 = Lc2.c(1 FB 2 = -() E1 A I L2 0 (4 + a 2) L 22 = A2L3 GA 2 L 3 6EI: ,22I 12EI 2 2 L:3 12EI 3 a3 j 2 MB2 -LP 3 xc(l - XC) ( I---) (change sign of(2, 3) and (3, 2) in k 12 ) bl B= 6EI2X2 2 L2 6EI3.X3 L2 - 6E*- 2 L -(2 - 2 - a2) EI* 2 I FB3 = 6EI'3 3 L2 MA 1 00 2 + _ MB 2 MBI '= X2 (CPC3 + FB3 ) 0 EI I -(2 - a 3)--I Li -PC3(X) I = - A3 = -PC 111 3 JMA 2 = L (PC3 -FB3 + 3 - 1 M ) (15-78) ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY 524 MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-10. 0 0 Concentrated Torque Tc1 M1 = - Tc1 Xc -Tc(lXc) T MAl (15-79) X = XQ 0 R(1 - cos ) q R, = R2 (15-80) - MA2 = M -R(1 - cos sin 0 R = (a) R sin i7] Ra = R2q (b) -R(1 - cos al) ,Re = -Rsin l desired, for out-of-plane deformation. Since the complete flexibility matrix isconsider 3 as to it is just as convenient to work with submatrices of order separately the planar and out-of-plane cases. b3 L 2 FBi3 = FA3 -- = R = 1 . Uniformly Distributed Load, b3 a,n for planar deformation and 12 - MAt = 0 M j-R I = [R( - cos ) b2L 22 b2L2 FB 2 =FA2 - M3 = 0 R sin We use Uniformly DistributedLoad, b2 MB3 = -MA3 525 THIN PLANAR CIRCULAR MEMBER b3 L2 12 (15-81) =M1-L (15-82) 0 IM= Uniformly Distributed Torque, nml MA= 15-10. I M A 2 - n1 MEMBER MEMBER MATRlCES-THIN PLANAR CIRCULAR matrices In this section, we generate the flexibility and initial deformation matrix using section, cross constant of member, for a thin planar circular for the deformation operations. We include extensional and transverse shear illustraas obtained sake of generality. Some of the relations have already been In particular, the reader tive examples of the force and displacement methods. and Examples deformation, planar treats should review Example 14-6, which deformation. 15-4, 15-5, 15-10 for out-of-plane Y and Y3 are The notation is summarized in Fig. 15-9. By definition, 2 Y3 = O0i.e., the shear center lies in the plane con­ principal inertia axes and the basic frame (frame n) taining the centroidal axis. It is convenient to take forms of R,, R, to be parallel to the local frame at B. The three-dimensional and XQBrare cos Rnq bq = sin - R = R, = Rnq 1 -sin cos -- == R7i l R2 12 - 3bt \ F31IB1 fora member. notation of circular Summary 15-9. Fig. planar member. Fig. 15-9. Summary of notation for a planar circular _0 (15-83) We consider the member to be thin and use the local flexibility matrix the member flexibility defined by (15-38). Expanding (15-66), (15-68) leads to matrix. I II ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER 526 13 e = AR El 2 GA3 R 2 - THIN PLANAR CIRCULAR MEMBER 527 We consider next the determination of the initial deformation matrix due to an arbitrary concentraited load at an interior point, C. Now, the flexibility matrix for the segment AC referred to the local friame at C, which we denote by fac, is known. We just have to change OB to c and superscript b to c in (15-84). When the external load is referred to the local frame at C, the displace­ ment at C is given by GA2R2 EI2 GJ SEC. 15-10. i EI3 as 2 CHAP. 15 a1 = ae + as a2 = ae ­ as C -= 2(1 + c,) C2 = (1 - (a) The displacement at B due to rigid body motion about C is (15-84) ) li4 - Bbc (b= hc, T)q c (b) Finally, we can write C4 = C, C I ( A) (/) t ;Ob ii Symmetrical + sin0,[-2 R fb = + B(1 + a2)] 2 ' '1fc.,l + fc)c l X BC TRTfc. TCfT, 1 /C. T L-C (15-85) The uncoupled expressions follow. - (I + a2 )sin 0 cos 0,} 2't 0o. =B " I o o - 0B( R2 0 0c I + C4 ) - 2c, sin 0, - c sin 0 EI3z~~ l 'b iI R' 0Ocos 0,,} + in + "- I l 2 .(R - sin 0,) -1 2 (1)3 (I I +- + _2 a 0 IE13 R - {-c 10B + C3 sin 0 B + c2 sin 0 cos 1B J} - --C2 sin - c3 ( - 2 On Vlo 2 = II, B2 2 0 _ - Symmetrical i -- (c,0B + c2 sin 03 cos 0n) El2 0 0 B 1- sin ac -sin Oc sin 0B} PC2 Ct + -E+, 2 la 1 ub sin c (15-86) %C c 'S OS 0)} . = cos ) cosq + sin t1: - sin fr O sin _ 1 El,insv,% (1 - cos 0) 0 2 1+ +_2 Cos 0P)}C 1 - cos Oc + R 2 C ' . T ., PlanarLoading _ I = ( B= (XcIrAT, · cj + (R fc, 12 + X"BC R"TfAc. 22)Tf = (Rftc, T 2 )Pc + (R/TFC, " 2)T ob4 -{- --- (l + L,) + ff, = (f2 (');,. I 1 - cos 01 sin 0 2 - UBub V0 3 , 0 IRO, I + Eco 0 cos s Oc B i Oc sin 0, P c csin P R2 R" 'I 2 ·- E 00,3 ·· ~~·· - sin Oc)Pfcl (cos)P + + ROc - TC3 EI, 528 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-10. THIN PLANAR CIRCULAR MEMBER Out-of-Plane Loading VO, 3 c(c Ccos c 4- C4 ) - C2 sin Oc cos EI2 UB3 = 529 0 + c3 (- sin Oc - sin +ER I-{-CO + El2 + c2 sin cj°c sin /c - Oc cos OB + C3 sin c2 sin Oc sin 0, R2 ER 1= , {-BciC cos i 2 1 + c3 (sin 0 ii i 0 i i I i TC - C3(1- cos Oc) B - P i B P + sin 2 0 Fn TC2 I_ sin qc) B ± + c2 sin 0 c cos OBIPC 3 + R+ EI2 + - EI '/c- 2 IC 10c sin qc + C2 o0, = ob2 = Cc COS + -EI2 {-c 1 OB TI sin Oc sin 0 lOc C sin c + C3 (Cos 0O - c sin Oc sin 0 + EI sin Oc COS (15-87) i rTc2 - Cos 'IC) Pc3 Fig. 15-10. Notation for planar loading. 0c sin c + c2 sin Oc sin 0 TT Oc cos q + 2 sin fc cos O sin I'C2 When the loading is symmetrical, one can utilize symmetry to determine the fixed end forces. The most convenient choice of unknowns is the internal forces at the midpoint, i.e., 0 = 0 /2 ; F1 and M 3 are unknown for the planar case and only M2 is unknown for the out-of-plane case. Explicit expressions for the fixed end forces due to various loading conditions arc listed below. (I - cos a) + -- 12 sa V = 1-__. 2 . .. + I Mc --2 F[1 = -lA1 = _ ___ + F( sin 2 a' 2- sin sin cc 1 ) (15-88) V/ _ _. C cos a ---FZc Planar Loading Fig. 15-10 defines the notation for the planar case. We consider two loadings: a concentrated radial force P applied at C, and a uniform distributed radial load b2 applied per unit arc length over the entire segment. The basic frame is chosen to utilize symmetry. We determine the axial force and moment at C from the symmetry conditions u = o3 = 0. PR fsM f i-MIJ=-MII_ ==PR _i­ n 2 in cc- I - cosa ----cc COS \c-i -coScc CASE 2 -UNIFORM DISTRIBUTED RADIAL. LOAD b2 FC2 = 0 CASE 1-CONCENTRATED RADIAL FORCE P P 2 FC = 2 q1 a a sin 2 cc - a (+ -- a 2 sin a cos cc CHAP. 15 PR (15-89) s = --Rb 2(co c -aeq) Fni = -F P FB2 = MB = 2 R­ = R22b -M.A2 = MC2- 2 PR sin a 2 P - Rb 2 sin cc AZ = A MB (15-90), = Mi* ='--- (1 - cos ) ~ - 1 +-- MC = R2b 2ae 531 FLEXIBILITY MATRIX-CIRCULAR HELIX SEC. 15-11. ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER 530 () - cos F, = x 3 FA = CASE 2-CONCENTRATED TORQUE T Out-of-Plane Loading Fc 3 = 0 T Figure 15-11 defines the notation for the out-of-plane case. We consider four loadings: a concentrated force P, and a couple T-both applied at C; a uniform distributed force b3; and a uniform distributed couple min. The bending moment at C is obtained using the symmetry condition = MC 0)2 = 0. = M 11,11 M 2 c2 sin 2cc T 2 acc + c2 sin a cos T MBI 1 ­ 2 (15-91) MB 2 = -MA2 = MeC -I---~f~ FB = F, = 0 CASE 3-UNIFORM DISTRIBUTED LOAD b3 Fc 3 = MCI = 0 M R2b ct(sin oa - a) + c2 sin c( - cos Ca)+ c3 (sin a = ac, + c2 sin accos ac M, = R2 b3 (sina cos c) (15-92) - a cos oy) 2 MB2 = MA 2 = MC2 - R b3 (c sin a - 1 + cos B; = FA =- PRa c) CASE 4--UNIFORM DISTKRIBUTED COUPLE m, FC3 = MCI = 0 2 1(c MC2 = mr M2 MB1 MB2 - sin a) + c2 sin c(cos a - 1) c% + c2 sin accos cc = MA 2 (15.-93) sin -nf4 -mR = M2 - nR(1 - cos x) Fig. 15-11. Notation for out-of-plane loading. CASE t-CONCENTRATED FORCE P P FC3- 0 MC = 0 PR C2 sin 2 c + c3(1 - cos c) cc + c2 sin o cos 2 MC2- 15-11. FLEXIBILITY MATRIX-CIRCULAR HELIX In this section, we develop the flexibility matrix for a member whose centroidal axis is a circular helix. The notation is shown in Fig. 15-12. The principal inertia direction, Y2 , is considered to coincide with the normal direction, i.e., the inward radial direction, at each point. We also suppose the cross-sectional properties are constant. For convenience, we summarize the geometrical 532 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER relations :t X1 CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-11. FLEXIBILITY MARIX-CIRCULAR HELIX 533 n - K( cos Ut R sin 0 CO x3 dS = a dO a= [R2 + C2 )1/2 = constant 1 t = ft = - (- R sin Oi, + R cos 072 + Cl3) X2 3/ X3" 4. l Zt F' B3 (a) n = t2 = -cos 07, - sin 072 b = t3 -(Csin 01, - C cos 072 + R73) R --- sin 0 I --cos 0 C ?t RaR = R= q 0 0 - ill 0 I C R ---- cos 0 / I a j c/_ -cosO C . sin 0 Lc~ I -C(OB i ) XBQ = C(B -R(sin = - sin 0) - 0) R(sin 01, ­ sin 0) - R(cos O, - cos K(cos O, - cos 0) R X 2 0) X , X2n, X3n-directions of basic frame 0 1 X' / The steps involve only algebraic operations and integration. We first deter­ mine gi~ using (15-66), then Bqij from (15---68), and finally fi'j with (15-70). In what follows, we assume the shear center coincides with the centroid and neglect extensional and transverse shear deformation. With these restrictions, gn = gl g22 ° K = Tg2Rnq (b) 12, r3-principal inertia directions 1 Fig. 15-12. Notation for circular helix. Notation-DimesnsionlessParameters 1 R2 El2 GJ a2 GJ 2 R 12 g2 = O = a3 *22 = 12 = \11 =- C2 R 1 + a 22 XXBQ t I----a12 \\GJ 22 1X2BQ (c) a, a ­ a, 13 I2 [I3 - GJ j Ra3 The flexibility matrix for a constant cross section is given below. t See Examples 4-6 and 5-3. ± (EI\, RC I2 E13 and the expressions for *ij reduce to a2 I3 2 C a tEI E12 C2 12 2 + a6 2 a6 + 3a 4 2 2 1 - a 2 a6 a a8 12 a4 - a 6 2 a 6 - 3a 4 a 2 534 - ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 SEC. 15-12. PARTIAL END RESTRAINT Elements of f, 1 f26 11 1 Syrn ffl = f fi C2a - {a 7 0 + f21 = ± 2 0 - aEl f31 = El - f22 = C2a EI {a 7 0 10 O sin OB + - + a 2 sin - sin O a8 cos 0B(0B 2 0 r sin a5{03 03 + e3 - a 0 sin 0 + -sin sin 0B 4(01 - f 3 6 =- ,EI cos 0B + cos 2al sin O3 - [f 4 a, sin ORcos O,. (15-94) fl 5 161 4 = ECc -a 4 sin 01 + a7 01 + a8 sin n cos O] f6 + f2 as sin On _EI {1 -cos O {sin {a4X 0- 0 Ei {0 sin 0 - + cos 01 MEMBER FORCE-DISPLACEMENT RESTRAINT f2 == f2 E - 2 (0 a ± +a sin sin 01 - a4 (1co s cos) RELATIONS-PARTIAL END In Sec. 15-7, we considered an arbitrary member which is completely re­ strained at both ends. This led to the definition of the member flexibility matrix and a set of equations relating the end forces and the end displacements. Now, when the member is only partially restrained, there is a reduction in the number of member force unknowns. For example, if there is no restraint against rotation at B, M = 0, and there are only a unknowns (where a is the order of IFB), the rotation oB at B has no effect on the end forces. To handle the case of partial restraint, we first determine the compatibility equations corresponding to the reduced set of force unknowns. Inverting these equations and using the equi­ librium relations for the end forces results in force-displacement relations which are consistent with the displacement releases. Let Z denote the force redundants. Normally, one would work with the primary structure corresponding to Z = 0. However, the force at a point, say Q, in terms of the end forces suppose we first express at B, using, as a primary structure, the member cantileveredfiom A: . IF ,3r 2= J .Ca 2 } = 15-12. sin 0,) + a,,O cos OB f12 = f2 4 f2 s f2 6 Lf34 f35 f36 2 ) Elements of f22 OB) cos 0,f) - a4 sin2 0R + a0 nsin0} Elements of f~' 2 f5 = E cos - - sin cos 0B sin 0 + a(OB ­ = El2 (a + a)0BEI23 sin0B BCO B + a8 sin O + a4 sin 0B cos 0O} f33 2 {50 El sin 01O COS O - 2a 4 01 cos 013 + CO2 s2 f3 = EIRCl { 2 0 sin 0 I + f35 =ia5(sin aB - HB cos 0) cos0n B COS sin 0 Ras 1 + cos 0B) - -sin2 0nB O COS 0 + (al - a4 )(l ­ + f34 = J331 f3 2 + 2a4 sin 3 OB (+ 0El - I 03 ± -a7B + I f2 2 - 535 = ~iQ, = - +~~Q­ ~~T Next, using the primary system corresponding to Z = 0, of the applied external load and the force redundants: we express , = EZ + G (a) B[ in terms (15-95) 536 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER SEC. 15-12. CHAP. 15 The elements of G are the end forces at B (for Z = 0) due to the applied external loads. Note that G = 0 if Z contains only end forces at B. Now, the principle of virtual forces requires S, A.Tr(&o + g)dS = AB[' TB + Ago' a PARTIAI mn arTDA^hXI'T . ... I.... . I, I. " . (b) FA = i for any self-equilibrating virtual-force system. Taking the system due to AZ results in the compatibility equations for Z. It is convenient to work first with the virtual force system due to &ABE.Equation (b) reduces to agn,""(¥, ,^ 0n)+Tmfn/) ~ Bu~~~ 0 BB = ~ At,, T'T(o B - A 'o, A Tn, /w? = AJ",'/ (c) where F", fn are the initial deformation and flexibility matrices for thefitll end restraintcase. Substituting for 3.P using (15-95), and requiring the resulting expression to be satisfied for arbitrary AZ, we obtain (ETrE)Z ± ET(i.'" + fnG) = ETak" ET(q/7 - oA4 rln) (15-96) It should be noted that °gR, R'} are the displacements of the supports at B, A. We suppose Z is of order q x 1, i.e., there are q force redundants. Also, we let i be the row order of ,- (and O}). i iI f I I , A, (s15-97) !BAB ETfnE - (15-100) Note that, for complete end restraint, ZG=O E=[i O, 2 (15-101) 1 We will use (15-100) in Chapter 17 when we develop the formulation for a member system. Continuing, we let (15-102) The force redundants are obtained by inverting (15-99): Z j- 4 - FT f, reduced flexibility matrix (q x q) z =- '~ + f"G f z _ ET(11. Eq'-)_I ~fi~ll f.Z ) T = E (Ok "Ai Ta //f _ %.lj (axi1 ~ = 537 At this point, we summarize the force-displacement relations for partial end restraint: Z = member force matrix .' = EZ + G k,Er(iql' ', -t (15-103) Substituting for Z, the end forces at B are given by (fix 1) With this notation, (e) We defined k~ as the effective member stiffness matrix: E isi x q Gisi x 1 (d) and (15-96) represents q equations. For convenience, we let f- E Tf"E (q x q) n"' = t/' + fnG (i x 1) (15-98) ke = Ek,.ET (15-104) = E(ETf",E)-T In general, kj is singular when q < i, since E is only of rank q. Equation (e) takes the form ]3 and the member force-deformation relations take the form f Z = ET(/r" - "/', ET (in _ f,, .4 BA z) o", -/,), '/ O, Z)A + k SS B, ,i = -k (15-99) We refer to f, as the reduced flexibility matrix since, in general, q < i. Actually, f, is the flexibility matrix for Z and it is positivedefinite since E must be of rank q, i.e., the force systems corresponding to the redundants must be linearly independent. Note that one can determine f,. directly by working with the primary system corresponding to Z = 0. This is the normal approach. The approach that we have followed is convenient when the member flexibility matrix is known. i - "Y" TIWt,· o, z + (15-105) = -k,-'" + (I - kf)G The end forces at A are determined from (a): jn A ~"nn 4,1n i. - n A,0 BAO' I,-nn,T)/n sBA4e*BX B B i Finally, we write the relations in the generalized form = YA i FA, i ± Bc.B + kRBB + A A nA kAB 0'B + k AA,,(A MZA (15-106) MEMBER ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY 538 539 rogam or cintiic ranla sral laticBeas, . Z: hinWaled LASV, 7.PROBLEMS ransla­ 7. VLASOV, V. Z.: Thin alled Elastic Beams, Israel Program for Scientific Washington, D.C., 1961. tions, Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. ofCommerce, Bars of Variable Section," 8. BAZANT, Z. P.: "Nonuniform Torsion of Thin-walled Publications, Zurich, Engineering Structural and Bridge for International Association Vol. 25, 1965, pp. 17-39. CHAP. 15 (15-107) where kM-== kn kA BA - ke == (kB,) k RBAke ',4BA A kA = - - XBAkA expressions for the com­ Comparing (15-107) with (15-53), the corresponding partitioned PROBLEMS k" by k in the plete restraint case, we see that one has only to replace i is different, however, due B<, forms for kBB, kBA, and kA. The equation for to the presence of the G term. Example 15-12 oI7= 0. We take Z = FR at B. Then, Suppose there is no restraint against rotation (15-95). with G E, and generate r -I} _ } AG{ (a) - for a typical wide-flange section 15-1. Refer to Example 15-5. Determine c,t relative importance of torsional and a square single cell. Comment on the involving c, in Equation (e)). terms deformation vs. bending deformation (i.e., members. shallow and Distinguish between deep rectangular cross section and kb 15-2. Refer to Example 15-7. Consider a sketch. Evaluate VB2/! 3- ,;j and varying linearly with x l, as shown in the 7;and a/b. b~~~~rgProb ~~~,,j~~r~~)a~~~.~~~. vB3S/\ 3 EI) for a range of E Prob. 15-2 stiffness matrices follow from (15-98), For this case, G = 0. The reduced flexibility and (b! Fr- . ,v} (15-102), kr= f't'll X2 (15-104): and the effective stiffness matrix follows from 2= 12 (c) 0 0 'f't k 15- b X3 13 - 12 Y3 (15-99)): Finally, the force-displacement relations are (see fitF,, = u- - X' T &i - (d) Y) r 0", the relative rotation at B, There is Note that premultiplication of I'" by ET eliminates in this case; i.e., the support rotation rotations end the no compatibility requirement for any member deformation. at B, which we have defined as o), does not introduce (in the direction of P) 15-3. Determine the reaction at B and translation shear deformation. at C for the member sketched. Neglect transverse Prob. 15-3 PP REFERENCES for Elastic Beams and Shells." J. Eng. REISSNEFR, E.: "Variational Considerations February 1962. Mech. Div. A.S.C.E., Vol. 88, No. EMI, 1967. Frame Analysis, Wiley, New York, WOODHEAD: W. R. and S. A. 2. HALL, Van Nostrand, New Structures, Fraamed oJ Analysis 3. GERE, J. M. and W. WEAVER: 1. of Structwres, Prentice-Hall, 1966. RUBINSTEIN, M. F.: Matrix Computer Analysis Analysis, Pergamon Press, London, LIVESLEY, R. K.: Matrix Methods of Structural 1964. Triiger (Curved thin-walled beams), 6. DABROWSKI, R.: Gekriimmte diinnwandige Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1968. 4. 5. Y3 I- I Vertical restraint at B i 540 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 15-4. Repeat Prob. 15-3, considering complete fixity at B. Utilize symmetry with respect to point C. 15-5. Derive (15-27). Start with the definitions for the strain measures (see Fig. 15-2), PROBLEMS iI I p=RRll ( sin -12 as as 0 15-14. Starting with (15-87), develop expressions for the initial deforma­ tions due to an aribitrary distributed loading, b3 = b(O). Specialize for b 3 constant and verify (15-92). 15-15. Using the geometric relations and flexibility matrix for a circular helix (constant cross section; Y, coincides with the normal direction) developed in Sec. 15-11: (a) Develop a matrix equation for the displacements at B due to a loading referred to the global frame and applied at 0,. int: See (15-85). (b) Evaluate u 3 for the loading and geometry shown. OS Oy2 ) 5I 11 I neglect second-order terms, and note (15-26). 15-6. Summarize the governing equations for restrained torsion. Evaluate b2 and b3 (see (15-34)) for a symmetrical wide-flange section and a symmetrical rectangular closed cell. Comment on whether one can neglect these terms. 15-7. Refer to Example 15-11. Specialize the solution (Equations f) for GB = L >> 1. Verify that (g) reduces to the prismatic solution, (13-57), when 541 Prob. 15-15 Y3,b Y2 l d B -* 0. 15-8. Consider a member comprising of three segments. Assuming the flexibility matrices for the segments are known, determine an expression for the member flexibility matrix in terms of the segmental flexibility matrices. Generalize for n segments. 15-9. Discuss how you would apply the numerical integration schemes described in Sec. 14-8 to evaluate Jp, defined by (15-69). 15-10. Verify (15-73) and (15--74). 15-11. Determine the fixed end forces for the member shown, using (15-77) and (15-79). X2 X3 i P B Prob. 15-11 X2 P A oD = r/2 c =R/2 G = E/2 'K X3 f, A1 15--16. Determine the reduced member flexibility matrix for no restraint against rotation at an interior point P. 15--17. For the planar member shown, determine E and G corresponding to 15-12. 15-13. Solve Prob. 15-3 using (15-84) and (15-87). Verify (15-90) and (15-91). Apply them to Prob. 15-4. Ze reeases forrotation at B and d e Then specialize for rotation releases at A, B and determine ke. 542 ENGINEERING THEORY OF AN ARBITRARY MEMBER CHAP. 15 Prob. 15-17 X2 'B2 -FjT ( rJ Y. - MA\- 15-18. Determine E and G for(a) no restraint against translation in a particular direction at B (b) no restraint against rotation about a particular axis at B Hint: Review Example 15-12. Part IV ANALYSIS OF A MEMBER SYSTEM