424 RESTRAINED TORSION-FLEXURE OF PRISMATIC MEMBER CHAP. 13 Hint: One can write =-if fi3 = 2 I3 (X2 V / 2 r + X3 V2rldA 2 02 2/32 I3 14 Also show that 13 = 2/2 13-12. Specialize Equations (13-84) and (13-85) for the case where the cross section is symmetrical with respect to the X 2 axis. Utilize JjHe(X2, x3)HNo( 2, x 3)dA = 0 where He is an even function and Ho an odd function of x3. Evaluate the co­ efficients for the channel section of Example 13-5. Finally, specialize the equations for a doubly symmetric section. 13-13. Specialize (13-88) for a doubly symmetrical cross section. Then specialize further for negligible transverse shear deformation due to flexure and warping. The symmetry reductions are .X2 = 3 P2 =3 = X-C2r= 0 =/3=t 14-1. X3r == 0 1. The centroidal axis is a plane curve. 2. The plane containing the centroidal axis also contains one of the principal inertia axes for the cross section. 3. The shear center axis coincides with or is parallel to the centroidal axis. However, the present discussion will be limited to the case where the shear center axis lies in the plane containing the centroidal axis. 'i = 17i = 0 13-14. Consider the two following problems involving doubly symmetric cross section. (a) Establish "linearized" incremental equations by operating on (13-88) and retaining only linear ternms in the displacement increments. Specialize for a doubly symmetric cross section (see Prob. 13-12). (b) Consider the case where the cross section is doubly symmetric and the initial state is pure compression (F t = - '). Determine the critical load with respect to torsional buckling for the following boundary conditions: 1. o 2. o=1 =f = 0 df dX -- 0 =0 at = (unrestrained warping) ,L Neutral equilibrium (buckling) is defined as the existence of a nontrivial solution of the linearized incremental equations for the same external load. One sets U3 = 01 = (02 = X2 i j Yl F1 = -P t2 = We consider the centroidal axis to be'defined with respect to a global reference frame having directions X1 and X2. This is shown in Fig. 14-1. The orthogonal unit vectors defining the orientation of the local fame (Y,, Y2 ) at a point are denoted by Ft, 2, where t[ points in the positive tangent direction and t x t2 = t3 . Item 2 requires Y2 to be a principal inertia axis for the cross section. (restrained warping) at x = 0, L INTRODUCTION: GEOMETRICAL RELATIONS A member is said to be planar if-- 1/A 2 3 = 0 0 72 = 173 = i 1 1I4 Planar Deformation of a Planar Member (03 = .f = and determines the value of P for which a nontrivial solution which satisfies the boundary conditions is possible. Employ the notation introduced in Example 13-7. 13-15. Determine the form of V, the strain energy density function (strain energy per unit length along the centroidal axis), expressed in terms of displace­ ments. Assume no initial strain but allow for geometric nonlinearity. Note that V = V* when there is no initial strain. A I 12 I4 -l1 .I Fig. 14-1. Geometrical notation for plane curve. 425 426 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER CHAP. 14 By definition, t dr t =-- dS dxl_ dS = dx 2 dx2 dS dS 2 1 3, t dS =1 dxi I (14-7) R o - /Jo-v 1 a03 -- = dt2 dS = R -- t2 (14-3) 1 R tl where 1 R dt l dd2. d-S- - = t x2 d2 x 2 dxl dS + dS dS According to this definition, R is negative when dil/dS points in the negative direction, e.g., for segment AB in Fig. 14-1. One could take 2 = ii, the unit normal vector defined by t2 I dtl dt dS (14-4) x t2 = 3 but this choice is inconvenient when there is a reversal in curvature. Also, this definition degenerates at an inflection point, i.e., when dF/dS = . If the sense of the curvature is constant, one can always orient the X 1 -X 2 frame so that 2 coincides with hi,to avoid working with a negative R. To complete the geometrical treatment, we consider the general parametric representation for the curve defining the centroidal axis, X = - d2x d2 d22 -d d- d-2 d; dxl A planar member subjected to in-plane forces (Xi-X plane our notation) will experience only in-plane deformation. In what 2follows, for we develop the governing equations for planar deformation of a arbitrary member. This formulation is restricted to the linear geometric case. planar The two basic solution procedures, namely, the displacement and force methods, are described and applied to a circular member. We also present a simplified formulation (Marguerre's equations) which is valid for a shallow member. Finally, we include a discussion of numerical integration techniques, since one must resort to numerical integration when the cross section is not constant. 14-2. FORCE-EQUILIBRIUM EQUATIONS The notation associated with a positive normal cross dCSI rather than according to t V d-x2-a (14-2) 12 The differentiation formulas for the unit vectors are dS + d-2 ) a-kTT it follows that dxl, + 1 427 2, and 1/R in terms of v are (14-1) dSS 12 Since we are taking t2 according to t1 x t = 2 FORCE-EQUILIBRIUM EQUATInm_-n increasing y. Using (14-6), the expressions for ti, +ldS dS SEC. 14-2. l(Y) i.e., a cross section whose outward normal points in the + S direction, issection, shownin Fig. 14-2. We use the same notation as for the prismatic case, except that now the vector ,, 4 Y3 -Y t1-J1 x2 = x 2 (Y) where y is a parameter. The differential arc length is related to dy by dS = + dX ) + ( 2 12 dv = dy (14-6) According to this definition, the +S sense coincides with the direction of t We summarize here for convenience the essential geometric relations for a plane curve which are developed in Chapter 4. Fig. 14-2. Force and moment components acting on a positive cross section. PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 428 CHAP. 14 SEC. 14-3. components are with respect to the local frame (Y1, Y 2, Y 3) rathe r than the basic frame (X1 , X 2, X 3). The cross-sectional properties are defineed by A = ff dy dY' dy = = 13 = ff(y2)2 dA dA 2 12 = |f'(y3) b = bl/l + b 212 Introducing the component expansionsin (14-12), and using the differentiation formulas for the unit vectors (.14-3), lead to the following scalar differential equilibrium equations: (14-10) r+ = F,i F?+~72/' F~ F) -(14-11) 1 R t- + b = 0 (14-14) Note that the force-equilibrium equations are coupled due to the curvature. The moment equilibrium equation has the saime form as for the prismatic case. = M3 Note that 3 is constantfor a planar member. I t~ . F2 dS dF 2 F1 dS R dM -- + F2 +m=O dS In this case, we work with reduced expressions for F'+and M, (see Fig. 14-3) and drop the subscript on M 3: X2 IF I F_ 1_ When the member is planar (Xl-X2 plane) and is -subjected to a planar loading, M+ = M3 (14-13) tt- = mt 3 Since Y 2, Y3 pass through the centroid and are principal directions, it follows that fJy 2 cA = dA d'y3= J Y2Y3 dA = 0 (14-9) F3 = M1 = M2 = 0 429 We expand b and i in terms of the unit vectors for the local frame: (14-8) 1A PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL FORCES b S . r,+~= - `e+ YI f dSa "2 + S +rlM+dS +... dS 2 (L -S+'" rl 2 " AL +di- ( t(S) -,I -,I vUU -,j aAI '1 Fig. 14-4. Differential element for equilibrium analysis. L' The positive sense of the end forces is shown in Fig. 14-5. We work with components referred to the local frame at each end. The end forces are related to the stress resultants and stress couples by AlV Al Fig. 14-3. Force and moment components in planar behavior. F7Bj = FjISB MB = MISB To establish the force-equilibrium equations, we consider the differential volume element shown in Fig. 14-4. We define b andin as the statically equiva­ lent external force and moment vectors per unit arc length acting at the centroid. For equilibrium, the resultant force and moment vectors must vanish. These conditions lead to the following vector differential equilibrium equations: dF + dS dS dS + i ± f x F+ = 0 1A = -MSA 14-3. = (14-12) (14-15) FAj = - FISA j- 1, 2 FORCE-DISPLACEMENT RELATIONS; PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL FORCES We establish the force-displacement relations by applying the principal of virtual forces to a differential element. The procedure is the same as for the 430 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER CHAP. 14 prismatic case described in Sec. 12-3, except that now we work with displacement components referred to the localframe at each point. We define 0 and Zo as = uji = equivalent1 rigid-body translation vector at the centroid. 5 = Ycojtj = equivalent rigid-body rotation vector For planar deformation, only ut, zl2 and U3, wo1, and )2 can be deleted: l = l) = 03t ltl 3 are + 3 = (14-16) finite, and the terms involving SEC. 14-3. PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL FORCES We define V* as the complementary energy per unit arc length. For planar deformation, V* = 17* (F1, F2, M). One determines V* by taking expansions for the stresses in terms of F t, F2 , M, substituting in the complementary energy density, and integrating with respect to the cross-sectional coordinates Y2, Y3. We will discuss the determination of V* later. Specializing the three-dimensional principle of virtual forces for the onedimensional elastic case, and writing el /* 2 t2 drV* = F- AF + (14-17) t3 The positive sense of the displacement components is shown in Fig. 14-6. 431 P* 8P* o AF 2 + AM (14-18) = el AF1 + e2 AF 2 + k AM lead to the one-dimensional form fs(el AF 1 + e2 AF 2 + k AM)dS = Y di AP, (14-19) where di is a displacement measure and Pi is the force measure corresponding to di. The virtual-force system (AFt, AF 2, AM, APi) must be statically permis­ sible, i.e., it must satisfy the one-dimensional equilibrium equations. YB2 >>}MB A+P, -till. ± (Al) dS( - )do + +d - -- F FAt dudS t it du gdS + d dS 2 Y - .i dw dS Fig. 14-5. Convention for end forces. cS 2 Fig. 14-7. Virtual force system x2 We apply (14-19) to the differential element shown in Fig. 14-7. The virtual force system must satisfy the force-equilibrium equations (14-17), tL2t2 d ­ dS ­ ta) dS AM+ + t x A dS ........ . ­ Evaluating -+ E di APi, X1 Fig. 14-6. Definition of displacement measures. t "Equivalence" refers to work. See (12-8). E di {d + dS dS dS ki=s (b) = AF, [dul _ u) + F2 (12 + Ul o) + AM dol dS dSf 432 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER and then substituting in (14-19) results in the following relations between the force and displacement parameters: OV* duL el = -- = ­ cF, dS aO* du2 e2 caP* dU2 aF2 dS d9* deo k do) OM dS Q 1 =d-ydi = i PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL FORCES F, rll R U 1 (14-20) + III R I - a dt2 + Y3 d v dv M (14-22) Y2 where I I3. A logical choice for ulj (when the cross section is thin-walled) is the distribution predicted by the engineering theory o flexural shear stress distribution described in Sec. 11 -7: ju=tq(F2) +-±Y2 433 The most convenient choice for a1 is the linear expansion,t 112 We interpret e as an average extension, e2 as an average transverse shear deformation, and k as a bending deformation. Actually, k is the relative rotation of adjacent cross sections. In what follows, we discuss the determination of V*. Consider the differential volume element shown in Fig. 14-8. The vector defining the arc QQ is UQQ = ddy SEC. 14-3. CHAP. 14 q = F2¢ (14-23) where t denotes the local thickness, and q is the flexural shear flow due to F . 2 Both expansions satisfy (a). X2 (a) Noting that dy at d{ 2 o -.. dy Rt (b) dy for a planar member, (a) can be written as dS 2 =-Q( = (1 dy (_ dS . (c) By definition, V* is the complementary energy per unit length along the centroidalaxis. Substituting for dS2 in the general definition, we obtain ff F* dS 11 V* dS2 y2, dy3 A I Y2.Y3 U4 rV/* =, (14-21) I- dA In what follows, we consider the material to be linearly elastic. The comple­ mentary energy density is given by In general, V = V* (, , 3). We select suitable expansions for the 1 22, stress components in terms of F1, F2, M, expand V*, and integrate over the cross section. The only restriction on the stress expansions is that they satisfy the definition equations for the stress resultants and couples identically: JfJ'11 dA = F fSY :3 JSS, 2 dA = F2 JfU 1 d dA M -fY 2c, 1 1 11 dA = 0 ff(Y 2 71 3 - Y3 91 2 )dA = O Fig. 14-8. Differential volume element. =0 (a) 1 Y*I l+ 11J 2E -a,,2 1(2 ­ 2G 2 + + 1) 12 (a) ° where 0 is the initial extensional strain. Substituting (a) in (14-21) and taking the stresses according to (14-22), (14-23) results in the following expression t This applies for a homogeneous beam. Composite beams are more conveniently treated with the approach described in the next section. 434 e V*eOF+ k° 0 M= 2AE + F-±F 1 AER F, M + 1 M 1 1 2 + 2AE + 2GF 2GA 2 2E* 435 by neglecting y2/R with respect to unity in the expression for the differential arc length, i.e., by taking dS2 . dS (14-27) Va* ,ff v* dA for V*: i PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL DISPLACEMENTS SEC. 14-4. CHAP. 14 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER (14-24) where A e = A o -I -1 J =7 1 (°1 Y2 dA (1 -j 'sfr(1 dA - y3 -- i _ Y2)dS F1 e, = e + -+ 0 F2 - GA* du 2 ' du, M AEi= = U +-1 dS R F,1 M -+ k = k + EI* AER u2 - (1 (14-25) J U2 R (14-28) co Thick Member f{(e AI, 1\+ F, AE /.^ Note that the axial force and moment are coupled, due to the curvature. Inverting (14-25) leads to expressions for the forces in terms ofthe deformations: AR2 -- AR 2 [1 dul To complete the treatment of the linear elastic case, we list the expanded forms of the principle of virtual forces for thick and thin members. Note that these expressions are based on a linear variation in normal stress over the cross section. do IdS A Ei* kO) F 1 = .EA.(e - e) -(ki - 6 1 R(1 - ) EI* EI* (e) - e) + --- 6 (k - k° ) _ M = - R((1 1- ) F2 = GAie 2 Fl- d1 + Ael AE dS du2+ ul F2 e2 = GA2 -- dS M do - d k =k 0 + El dS e = dA) If the section is symmetrical with respect to the Y3 axis, I* = I and A = A2 . The deformation-force relations corresponding to this choice for V* are e2 = Assuming a curved member to be thin is equivalent to using the expression for V* developed for a prismatic member. The approximate form of (14-25) for a thin member is + k` 2 AF 2 AER GA2 ) F, M AM dS = L di APi * a) + AER + (14-29) Thin Member (14-26) 1 1± -- AF, + GA AF2 2 EI··MAM} dS = YdA] di AP (14-30) We observe that AR2 = ( = (a) where p is the radius of gyration and d is the depth of the cross section. For example, d2 , I (b) 2 AR 12R2 2 for a rectangular cross section. Then, 6 is of the order of (d/R ) and can be 2 neglected when (d/R) << 1. 2 A curved member is said to be thin when O(d/R) << 1 and thick when O(d/R) << 1. We set 6 = 0 for a thick member. The thinness assumption is introduced 14-4. FORCE-DISPLACEMENT RELATIONS-DISPLACEMENT EXPANSION APPROACH; PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL DISPLACEMENTS In the variational procedure for establishing one-dimensional force-displacement relations, it is not necessary to analyze the deformation, i.e., to determine the strains at a point. One has only to introduce suitable expansions for the stress components in terms of the one-dimensional force parameters. Now, we can also establish force-displacement relations by starting with expansions for the displacement components in terms of one-dimensional displacement pa­ rameters and determining the corresponding strain distribution. We express the 436 SEC. 14-4. CHAP. 14 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER = dy 2 Q--v2 = -dy =y2 12)i 12 = - E_ a We use a prime superscript to denote quantities associated with the deformed position of the member, which is shown in Fig. 14-10; for example: F'= '(y) = position vector to point P(y) in the deformed position (point P'). t1 = tangent vector to the deformed centroidal axis. - = position vector to Q(y, y2, y3) in the deformed position (point Q'). 2 (+4-CV12 (14-32) 4 = t2 + )dy V,/ 2 -- The analysis of strain consists of determining the extensions and change in angle between the line elements. We denote the extensional strains by (j = 1, 2) and the shearing strain by y1 2. The general expressions are (14-31) t2 1 dvy= QQ = dy = ac'dyt + d dy' dv = 2 d QQ 2 = ( 2 dy 2 437 From Fig. 14-10, and noting (14-31): stresses in terms ofthe displacement parameters using the stress-strain relations, and then substitute the stress expansions in the definition equations for F 1, F2 , and M. The effect of transverse shear deformation is usually neglected in this approach. To determine the strain distribution, we must first analyze the deformation at a point. This step is described in detail below. Figure 14-9 shows the initial position of two orthogonal line elements, QQ1 and QQ2 , at a point (y, v2, y3 ). The vectors defining these elements are QQ PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL DISPLACEMENTS i P _-1 sin y - j=(, i 2 ~~inF~~ __(14-33) -, Q ie ',l Iq VW Now, we restrict this discussion to small strain. Substituting for the deformed vectors and neglecting strains with respect to unity, (14-33) expands to I - (I (2 C2 2 e l 1 2(0( 2)2 Y (3 2t + Y 0( a ll2 (7u a 2 , I _ , 21 2 Y12 + ' 2 + iltey7t2 ' 2- x 2 CYOV (14-34) 1 (2 + t2.... 2 i2 2 a . 0(2 ( 2 y Y2 The nonlinear terms are associated with the rotation of the tangent vector. Neglecting these terms corresponds to neglecting the difference between the deformed and undeformed geometry, i.e., to assuming linear geometry. The next step involves introducing an expansion for 2 in terms of Y2. We express fl2 as a linear function of Y2. u2 = U - (ov 2t (14-35) where co = co(y) and t = uIt + ·-,Y,I Fig. 14-9. Initial geometry for orthogonal curvilinear line elements. 2 t2 =i'(y) (14-36) is the displacement vector for a point on the centroidal axis. Equation (14-35) implies that a normal cross section remains a plane after deformation. One can interpret co as the rotation of the cross section in the direction from tt toward t2. This notation is illustrated in Fig. 14-11. In what follows, we consider only linear geometry. Substituting for 12, taking y = S, and evaluating the derivatives lead to the following strain expansions: PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 438 el 1 - y 2 /R (el ­ C2 = - y = el = d dS R y 2k) 1 d dS2 + tl R y2= - 0) = 7t2jY2=° (14-37) SEC. 14-4. - y 2 /Re2 i - yyIR expressions for q1 and y12. Note that the assumption that a normal cross section remains plane does not lead to a linear variation in extensional strain over the depth when the member is curved. We introduce the assumption of negligible transverse deformation by setting e2 = 0. The resulting expressions for c) and k in terms of u1 and u2 are e2 =0 du 2 + 1 R dS One could include an addiThe vanishing of e2 is due to our choice for 12-. and additional terms in the = give e2 would t . This /iy term, linear tional 2 2 , . 2' (14-38) 2 d ul\ dS d u2 dS 2 kc d dS A, X2 439 PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL DISPLACEMENTS do k=dS 1 712 du2 e2 CHAP. 14 When transverse shear deformation is neglected, one must determine F2 using the moment-equilibrium equation. The next step involves expressing F1 , F2, and M in terms of the one-dimensional deformation parameters ee 2 and k. Illn what follows, we consider the material to be linearly elastic and take the stress-strain relations for al1 , 0r12 as: ­ a, 1 = E(. 1 - eo) (a) 1t2 = Gy 1 2 12 ._ Substituting for el, 712, using (14-37), (e l al1 = 1 2/R 1- u ' 12 G -y/R = - 2 k)- E EI (14-39) e2 and then evaluating Fl, F2 , and M, we obtain F = Eel Fig. 14-10. Deformed geometry for orthogonal curvilinear line elements. U 2 t2 - Ek Y2 I - y2/R F IJ f Centroidal axis i e°I cldA -E dA (14-40) I - Y21R (ul -- y 2 )tl l - Y2/R M = -Eel JiY2 d + Iff Y1 y/R 1 - dA Ek + y2 dA The various integrals can be expressed in terms of only one integral by using the identity _ Y2 /R 1 (a) 1 - y /R 1 - y2 /R 2 and noting that Y3 is a centroidal axis: ilt­ Fig. 14-11. Displacement expansion. fSY2 dA =O t The relation for al is exact only when c22 member. = 33 = O. We generally neglect (b) 22, 33 for a PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 440 CHAP. 14 One can easily show that PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL DISPLACEMENTS 441 xi < 1. Then This series converges for dA ff1 SEC. 14-4. I' - y 2 /R R Id - + ff2R3 R 2 1 -_fi 2R/ (14-41) + + 5 + (c) +2R and rf Y2 dA 1 = i - Y2/R 1 3 !)2 1 ) (d) For completeness, we list the inverted form of (14-40), eF = e + F F1 + EA Fig. E14-1 M EAR F2 e2 =GA, k = k° + F1 M + M EAR El" d where I"=A' A Y3 + - (14-42) '- A'O1 ± AR2) =-l-' J82 AR dot The expressions for e1 are identical with the result (see (14-25)) obtained with the variational approach. However, the result for k differs in the coefficient for M. This difference (I' or I") is due to the nonlinear expansion used for ao 1 c I~~ Wdm,,e n-!A The relations listed above involve exact integrals. Now, when the member is thick, we neglect (y 2/R1)2 with respect to unity. This assumption is introduced by taking " for the r co scio show i'_- F. 1 -the foY2R expansions and I': 1 We determine I' for the rectangular cross section shown in Fig. E4-1. ff. dA _ 1- J-di2 1 2/R 22 in the expansions for i}.d Y2/R (a) a , o2 and I 11 ~ eell E 2 3 + R |- k '2 + + +---- + ( Y2 Yk _ 1 R 2 To obtain a more tractable form, we expand the log terms, using = + d G - 1 2R = -R bd + R b In In (a) FI { (b) dAY il 1 - 2 Y2/R = I + 1 ( 3 14 (14-43) 442 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER CHAP. 14 To be consistent, we must also neglect I'/AR 2 with respect to unity in the expression for A2 and I". When the member is thin, we neglect y 2/R with respect to unity. 1 1 - y2 /R Ut11 ° y2k - e el- E G2 (14-44) e2 U12 G It is of interest to establish the one-dimensional form of the principle of virtual displacements corresponding to the linear displacement expansion used in this development. The general three-dimensional form for an orthogonal coordinate system is (see Sec. 10-6): jJ(ol11 b& + + Pi Adi '.)d(vol.)= + 1'2 (5' 1 2 (a) where Pi represents an external force quantity and di is the displacement quantity corresponding to Pi. We consider only i and y,, to be finite, and express the differential volume in terms of the cross-sectional coordinates Y2, Y3 and arc length along the centroidal axes (see Fig. 14-9): - d(vol.) = dS2 dy 2 dv3 = ) dS dy 2 dy 3 SEC. 14-4. we obtain fs[F, e, + F2 e 2 + M Ak]dS = P Adi Example 14-2 The assumption of negligible transverse shear deformation is introduced by setting e2 equal to zero. This leads to an expression for the rotation, co, in terms of the translation components, o =- C = EPi Adi duz u2 dS R 1 Ao = Aut R + d St12, d1 I1 R Id bet =/:Au, dS - v 2 k) k = (c) 1 du = s U2 dS R du2 ut1 ez = dS R 1 d Au2 + - -- Au R dS [Fl be + M (bk]dS SRA (d) dco 7t2 dS2 ­ k = dS Substituting for e, d (d) - ---Au 2 and integrating by parts, the left- and right-hand sides of (b)expand to Y12 = 1-V2/R e2 el (c) Substituting for Aco and the strain variations, 2 1-/R(e (b) ul d du2 dco = = I _ d+ R dS dS dS k We take (14-45) as the form of the principle of virtual displacements for planar deformation. The strains corresponding to a linear expansion for displacements and linear geometry are defined by (14-37), which are listed below for convenience: q = (a) R dS fs[Fl, e1 + M 5k]dS = EPj Ad, (b) (14- -45) - Y2) dAj dS Y12) Il (at1 2 and the relations for negligible transverse shear deformation reduce to el = (ll1 b3 +±12 (14-46) This result depends only on the strain expansions, i.e., (c). One can apply it for the geometrically nonlinear case, provided that (c) are taken as defining the strain distribution over the cross section. We use the principle of virtual displacements to establish consistent force­ equilibrium equations. One starts with one-dimensional deformation-displacement relations, substitutes in (14-46), and integrates the left-hand side by parts. Equating coefficients of the displacement parameters leads to a set of force equilibrium equations and boundary conditions that are consistent with the geo­ metrical assumptions introduced in establishing the deformation-displacement relations. The following example illustrates this application. Then (a) reduces to ILT 443 PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL DISPLACEMENTS and using the definition equations for F1, F2, and M, = I(F1 +dS F1 + · fSB·[ JAs S=S d dAM Au1 --lA dFI f l ±JAuL~~! 2 - M - I dM] + - dS dM] (e) A 2 S-SA F, dZM ) + dS' l CHAP. 14 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 444 di= { irs7 + ( A / ( R) + ~~~ .[A" b + A 2 ( U + R) AUBI + (FB2 (F, R )- A d l d +nB) AUB 2 + (FA2 MA s"") _1}j 2 - + MB A ,dSB lA) AlA2± MAA 14-5. CARTESIAN FORMULATION CS We consider the case where the equation defining the centroidal axis has the form x 2 = f(xj). The geometrical relations for this parametric representation are obtained by taking y = x in (14-7). They are summarized belowt for convenience and the notation is shown in Fig. 14-12: dS = SA < S < S, m dM dF1 + + b + -- = 0 R RdS dS Ft + --R d2 M S2 dS2 + b2 dx, tan 0 =- 1 dxd dm - dS-= 0 dS t 1 prescribed or u2 prescribed or dt 2 dS F1 = - FA dM ­ = FA2 - dx (g) R =-I II2 prescribed or _Cos 0 +"(dx I il·[- S = SA UI 445 (f) The consistent equilibrium equations and boundary conditions for negligible transverse shear deformation follow by equating corresponding coefficients of the displacement variations in (e) and (f): +- FORMULATION The other equilibrium equation and the boundary conditions are not changed. Using (h) instead of (a) eliminates the shear term, F2 /R, in the tangential force-equilibrium equation. and zPi CAR-TESIAN SEC. 14-5. 12 ++ (d) (14-47) M = - IA + d-2- S = S utl u2 du 2 dS prescribed or Ft = FBI cdM prescribed or . dS d71 . - F 2 - m d M = B One can obtain (g) by solving the last equation in (14-14) for F2 and substituting in the first two equations. Suppose we neglect ut/R in the expression for co: dS 2 ke- t (h) d u2 ~vdS 2 dF 1 - = b dS R d2 1 dS R In the previous formulation, we worked with displacement components and external force components referred to the local frame. An alternate approach, originally suggested by Marguerre,. involves working with components referred to the basic frame rather than the local frame. The resulting expressions differ, and it is therefore of interest to describe this approach in detail. We start with the determination of the force-equilibrium equations. Consider the differential element shown in Fig. 14-13. The vector equilibrium equations are dF ax This assumptiont is generally referred to as Mushtari's approximation. The equilibrium equations for the tangential direction reduce to t See Ref. 5. -2 dS prescribed or dT 2 I + p 0 dM+ dp ­ dx- + dx x F. dxl (i) f See Prob. 14-1. +See Ref. 6. dr, (14-48) l + h= PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 446 CHAP. 14 SEC. 14-5. CARTESIAN FORMULATION 447 where , fl are the external applied force and moment vectors per unit projected length, i.e., per unit x1. They are related to b and i (see Fig. 14-4) by fp dx = b dS = (ab)dx1 -hdx1 =771 dS (¼)d(14-49) X2 hdx II Y2 r '' = N dS = (N4-z)dxI r Substituting for the orce and moment vectors, I F+ = Ftl + F2t 2 = N 171 + N 272 .Yi fi = h3 -M+ = M 3 P = Pi11 + P272 N 1 = F1 cos 0 aU X2 =f(xtd) 12 I I df dxI (14-50) F2 sin 0 N 2 = F1 sin 0 + F2 cos 0 dx the equilibrium equations expand to XI il dN d - -- (F1 cos 0 - F 2 sin 0) = -p, Fig. 14-12. Notation for Cartesian formulation. dN 2 = d dx( -1 ( ac X2 dx l dx I (F, sin 0 + F 2 cos 0) = - P2 + h = F2 = -N, (14-51) sin 0 -t+N2 cos We restrict this treatment to an elastic material and establish the force­ displacement relations, using the principle of virtual forces, ,,, t* ., dx = [e AF 1 + e2 AF 2 + k AM]c dx = di AP (a) where V' = * (F,1 F 2 M) is the complementary energy per unit arc length. Consider the differential element shown in Fig. 14-14. The virtual-force sys­ tem is statically permissible, i.e., it satisfies the force-equilibrium equations identically: -- AF+ = dx, 0 (b) -AM + at x AF+ = 0 Expanding C di APi, 12 X1 d APi= AF+ r_. -+c t I x Fc + AM+ - I lx dx (c) -I and then substituting for the displacement and rotation vectors, Fig. 14-13. Differential element for equilibrium analysis. U = UVll + V212 (0 = (013 = (Ct3 C(1A ' 448 CHAP. 14 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER we obtain SEC. 14-6. DISPLACEMENT METHOD OF SOLUTION Marguerre starts with dx, + AN dx, N1 dx 1 2 d- -AF dx E di zPi = (d) 2 co + AM d-) dx, Finally, substituting for N,, N 2 in terms of F,, F 2 and equating coefficients of the force increments result in el OV* - F= dv, dV cos 2 0--- + sin 0 cos 0 -- 2 V dx, dx, e2 = ?F= - sin 0 cos 0 k F, e=FU 2 dx, + cs2 0 N, F, N2 F 2 + 4-) dF, co dx, (14-53) sil 0 1 1 d.x,-+ ) + P2 d.F+ d (F dM F2 - aV* dco =-cos 0 aM dx, cos0 (a) (14-54) dx, e2 = in (14-50), which relate the cartesianand localforces. = 0O m dxl tall 0 = F and the resulting equations are The member is said to be shallow when 02 << 1. One introduces this assumption by setting OtV* F, dvl d.x, c/f dv2 dx, dx, V* (?F2 dv2 dx, O) V* d(o OM (14-55) d.x, One step remains, namely, to establish the boundary conditions. The general conditions are X2 I VI AMl. -AM 449 +x dx V2 (2 M AM+( -A,'+ I "dxlk 2? t 1-Yul2(~ ZI I I I I I I dxtI I N,] N 2 ' prescribed at each end cJ (14-56) We obtain the appropriate boundary conditions for the various cases considered above by substituting for N,, N 2 and o. For example, the boundary conditions for the Marguerre formulation are dx- ( 21i1 V2 or or or 14-6. x1 Fig. 14-14. Virtual force system. Marguerre's equations are obtained by assuming the member is shallow and, in addition, neglecting the contribution of F2 in the expression for N,. vI or F, v2 or F2 + d co or M worM~~ F, prescribed at each end (14-57) DISPLACEMENT METHOD OF SOLUTION-CIRCULAR MEMBER The displacement method involves solving the system of governing dif­ ferential equations which, for the planar case, consist of three force-equilibrium equations and three force-displacement equations. If the applied loads are independent of the displacements, we can first solve the force equilibrium equations and then integrate the force-displacement relations. This method is quite straightforward for the prismatic case since stretching and flexure are uncoupled. However, it is usually quite difficult to apply when the member is PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 450 CHAP. 14 curved (except when it is circular) or the cross section varies. In what follows, we illustrate the application of the displacement method to a circular member having a constant cross section, starting with1. the exact equations (based on stress expansions) for a thick member 2. Marguerre's equations for a thin member d¥ Eq. (14-19) b - dM =-2( R2 -1 -- RF1 = 2 --R (C 2 (- F2 = sin 0 + M,) d ioi~i l~ins Il - R ib,(b1 +± R) R dO COS 0 + C 3 C 2 sin 0 + C 3 COs 0 + S=R F2 Eq. (14-25) => F R dS = RdO dmin (14-58) b2 - R = M AER 1 (duZ RK dO - +AER AER (14-59) M + E -R EP" R d) dO Fig. 14-15. Notation for circular member. 1 Solution of the Force-EquilibriumEquations Integration of the Force-DisplacementRelations We consider the external forces to be independent of the displacements. Integrating the first equilibrium equation, we have We start with (14-59) written in a slightly rearranged form: du, RF, = -M-R2 (b + - R d + C1 2 + M of = (b)R C + dOsolution The general 1dm 2F 2 - dOis- U2 = (a) du 2 where Cl is an integration constant. Substituting for F1 in the second equation results in a second-order differential equation for M: d M F, 112 1 (dU Ot 2 F1 k 2 dOm -n F1 AF (14-61) dMP F2 1 dM F2 = -n +-) dO d2 M2 451 where Mp denotes the particular solution due to the external distributed loading and C 2, C 3 are constants. Once M is known, we find F1 using (a) and F2 from the moment equilibrium equation. The resulting expressions are F1 The results obtained for this simple geometry provide us with some insight as to the relative importance of transverse shear deformation and stretching deformation versus bending deformation. When the centroidal axis is a circular segment, R = const, and the equations simplify somewhat. It is convenient to take the polar angle 0 as the independent variable in this case. We list the governing equations below for convenience and summarize the notation in Fig. 14-15: dF 1 R-- DISPLACEMENT METHOD OF SOLUTION SEC. 14-6. f(b + )+d] -+ ui dO dco dO (b) R e° RF 2 =--- GA* do= Rkio I + (M + KF,) (a) + Ro R M + AI EJ* L * R (RF) i To determine ul and u2, we transform the first two equations to The general solution of(b) is M = C + C cos 0 + C3 sin 0 + Mp (14-60) (d=I t 2 + Re +- (M + RF 1 ) (14-62) 452 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER SEC. 14-6. CHAP. 14 DISPLACEMENT METHOD OF SOLUTION 453 Note that 6, is associated with transverse shear deforlation. Substituting for ¢ in (14-63) and integrating, we obtain and d2 U2 d22 R dF2 dco 1 R 2=+GR -Re o (M + RF1) GA* dO (10 AE R dF 2 + 2 0 aiR 2 R k - Re ° + M GA * dOI e U 2 - 0 sin(O - 0) (e) The solution for u, follows from (14-62): (14-63) I U 1 = C4 sin 0 - C , Os 0 + C6 + ' 2 [0 cos( + -R E-V = AR2 = 0 () al = 1 - = C4 cos 0 + C5 sin 0 + -0) + sin(Os - 0)] (f) Next, we determine co using (14-64), 2 We have previously shownt that 6, is of the order of (d/R) . It is reasonable to neglect 6, with respect to I but we will retain it in order to keep track of the influence of extensional deformation. We solve (14-63) for u2, determine u, from (14-62), and co from the second equation in (a), F2 GA* - [ (dtI + tll dO (14-64) This leads to three additional integration constants. The six constants are determined by enforcing the three boundary conditions at each end. Various loading conditions are treated in the following examples. C6 r0 -R FB1R2 + - E i­ {( + al sin(OB - 0)} (g) Finally, the constants are found by enforcing the displacement boundary conditions at 0 = 0: 3 C4 = -at FPiR El* C5 = (2I ~-2 a) - sin OB El* (h) 3 C6 = -a, FBI R --sin 0B Example 14-3 Consider a member (Fig. E14-3) fixed at the negative end (A) and subjected only to FBI at the right end (B). The boundary conditions for this case are Fl = FRo; u F2 = u2 = 0) = 0 =M = 0 atO = 0B at 0 = 0 To determine the relative importance of stretching and shear deformation versus bending deformation, we evaluate the displacements at 0 = O0and write the resulting expressions (a) 1ig. E14-3 Specializing the force solution for no external distributed loading and enforcing the boundary conditions at B, we obtain F1 = F cos(Os - 0) Sin(0B - 0) M = RFB(I -- cos (B - (b) F2 = F )) FBI To simplify the analysis, we suppose there is no initial deformation. Using (b), ¢/ takes the form = EI* [al - a2 cos(0B - 0)] (c) where 5 GA=R2 a2 = a t See Sec. 14-3, Eq. (14-26). + (d) 2 = I - (d) e + 5s Constant cross section PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 454 AS2 (sB - sin 0B)(1 + 1) (Se) OB = * ( 0s - 2 sin 0B -½ sin 0? cos 0B)( El d2 1 I* FBlR2 UB2 = 455 For example, in the following form: UB1 = -f- DISPLACEMENT METHOD OF SOLUTION SEC. 14-6, CHAP. 14 2 (1 - cos 0B - 2 sin 0B)( 1 + b2 De l*S , 2 I sin 0B expression for uB is (i) UBI = T O= - Sill 0 OB 1 - coS B - b4 1 + cos Sin 2 0ll OB 1- cos 0 cos 0 = 1 - -- + 2 3 0 sin2 = 2224 (1__ + (j) *'mI. A -A *U-L· The internal force distributions due to F,, acting on the cantilever member shown in Fig. E14-4 are given by F1 = --F;B2 sin(O - 0) 04) duI dO- ... 5u1m UB2 i-sr F" S2 I* FI1S3 0 [l EI* El ] + 3 GASS P5 1S3 O 4 EP'_k 1.2 L-±-- <- (k) 1ESl 2 2122U dO2 + u2 = R2 k 0 -Re, du, dO = 2 + Re ° j Now, d R EI 0 (d)2 GAS 2 = 0-) (b) Eliminating n from the first two equations, we obtain * 4A CFE5 2 11 (;A ° 2 = Re du 2 + u, = Rct) dO RM do) ° ._ = Rk + El* dO and neglect 02 with respect to unity. The resulting expressions are )B -- (a) We suppose the member is not shallow and neglect stretching and shear deformation. The force-displacement relations reduce to (we set A - A* =-, in (14-59)) ) 0- 15 2 (n) , 2 M = F R sin(0B - 0) 24 2+ - F2 = Fi 2 cos(OB - 0) 04 02 sin 0 cos 0= (l -IA '�"�······P i2 ( (1 - [ 2 (d/R) . The coefficients (b1 , ·., b,) are of order unity or less when 0~ is not small with respect to unity, i.e., when the segment is not shallow. Also, (5,and 6 are of order (d/R)2. It 2follows that the displacements due to stretching and shear deformation are of order (dIR) times the displacement due to bending deformation for a nonshallow member. To investigate the shallow case, we replace the trigometric terms in (i) by their Taylor series expansions, sin 0 = 0 /2 o In sum, we have shown that the percentage of error due to neglecting stretching and 2 transverse shear deformation is of the order of (d/R) for a onshallow circular member. 15'), we cannot neglect stretching deformation. Actually, If the member is shallow (0s < the stretching term dominates when the member is quite shallow. The error due to ne­ glecting transverse shear deformation for the shallow case is still only of the order of ½(01 - sin 0B cos On) B - 2 sin OB+ Sil 0B3COS UOs -l-sin + EI* _20 -- 0B + 2 sin 0O -- I sin O0 COS ,O 2 0 - 2 sin 0s + - sin , cos OB b= (m) 0.26 () S = GA½S - 10G 2 for a rectangular section and v = 0.3. Since (d/S) << I for a member, we can neglect the transverse shear terms in UBI, 11B2 and the stretching term in c)B. However, we must retain the stretching term in uBtsince it is of the same order as the bending term. The appropriate + b3 56) b4 5s) - (e 12\S R -- M (c) dO (1) We determine u2, then ut, and finally . Note that (c) corresponds to (14-62), (14-63) . The final expressions (for no initial deformation or support = coA2 and (14-64) with A 456 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER CHAP. 14 mOVement) are movement) are 112 SEC 14-6 FB2 R3 - {(O 0 cos 0n COS(OB - 0) - sin DISPLACEMENT METHOD OF SOLUTION } 457 457 Fig. E14-4 Ff2R" R2 FB2 EI* { COS(OB - 0) - COS O4 Example 14-5 We analyze the shallow parabolic member shown in Fig. E14-5 using Marguerre's equations. We consider the member to be thin and neglect transverse shear deformation. Taking f = ax/2 and P = nm= 0, the governing equations (see (14-55) and (14-57)) reduce to dF -=01 dxj I d2M - dX 2 F -P2 = (a) ,A const dM F2 = - dx 1 {el = e 4- = AF d,co l i ... -t =el + 4 1l-= , i aq d'.I I Fig. E14-5 X. . (b) dxI k = - 2 M d 2 El djI 2 L = 0 vI, v2, co prescribed at x (h/L) 2 ((1 N = F N2 = = Ns1 dM -- - + axlF, = dx= (c) at x = L M =0 Integrating (a) and using the boundary conditions at xt = L, we obtain F. _ AT I(2 _ XI)2 -2)(d P2(L 2 F2 = P2(L - x) a NBI 2 (d) y) (L2 X1 - aN,3 We suppose e ° = k ° = 0 to simplify the discussion. Integrating the moment-curvature relation, d2lV2 EI-M=-(L WT = P2 (LX a2 I -x) 2 - ) - I 2 2 (L2 - x) (e) 458 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER where et, k0 , 42, and 7 are defined by (14-24) for the stress-expansion approach and (14-42) for the displacement-expansion approach. and noting that v2 = dv2 /dxl = 0 at x1 = 0 lead to the solution for v2 , P2 (I L 2 4 1 3 L2X2 _ 1 X4 alB (f) The axial displacement is determined by integrating the extensional strain displacement relation, dV2 Fl Avl dxl AE dxl (g) ii~L~~~~~~~~~~~ ap2 ( 23I1 1L5x~ Lx}I + R + + I o Fl e, = e + - F2 k = k (h' 2/L [(= I(¶6L) (ia) Now, 5 2h/L 2 a - (i) L. .a2()A 2 ()2 (j) 3) 3p) 3 and we see that this term dominates when hzis larger with respect to the cross-sectional depth. FORCE METHOD OF SOLUTION + M-- EI where A2 , e, k are the same as for a prismatic member. When the member is not shallow, it is reasonable to neglect stretching and transverse shear deformation. As shown in Example 14-3, this approximation 2 introduces a percentage error of 0(c/R) . Formally, one sets A = 42 = o. If the member is shallow, we can still neglect transverse shear deformation but we must include stretching deformation. The basic steps involved in applying the force method to a curved member are the same as for the prismatic case. H-Iowever, the algebra is usually more complicated, due to the geometry. We will discuss first the determination of the displacement at a point. To determine the displacement at Q in the direction defined by to, we apply 7 an external virtual force, APQ Q, generate a statically determinate system of to APQ, corresponding internal forces and reactions AFj = Fj,Q APQ AM = M QAPQ ARk = Rk, Q APQ Our starting point is the principle of virtual forces restricted to planar deformation, Js(el AF1 + e2 AF 2 + k AM)dS - Jk ARk = E cli APi (14-65) where the virtual-force system is statically permissible, lk,represents a support movement, and ARk is the corresponding reaction increment. The relations between the deformation measures (el, e2, k) and the internal forces (F,, F2, M) depend on the material properties and on whether one employs stress or displacement expansions. This discussion is limited to a linearly elastic material but one should note that (14--65) is valid for arbitrary material. For convenience, we list the force-deformation relations below. The notation for internal force quantities is shown in Fig. 14-3. F= M F2 G2 GA 2 = 1,2) (14-68) and substitute in (14-65): (14-69) (IQ= s(elF,Q + e 2 F2 , C2 + kM Q)dS - YR,, Qk,, This expression is valid for an arbitrary material. We set e2 = 0 if transverse shear deformation is negligible and el = e if stretching deformation is negligible. Example 14-6 suppose the member is not shallow and neglect stretchingand transerseshear deformation. A+ ER + A_ AE el = (i We consider the thin linearly elastic circular segment shown in Fig. E14-6A. We Arbitrary Linearly Elastic fember e2 (14-67) ii ° A- {I + 14-7. Thin Linearly Elastic Member X1 We express the last term in (g)as Then 459 FORCE METHOD OF SOLUTION SEC. 14-7. CHAP. 14 M M F, 0 + 71±R +f7 k = k< A EI The reactions are the end forces at A for this example, and (14-69) expands to (14-66) dQ =(e°t,, Q + (k + -) M Q dS + IA1FA1.Q + tIA2FA2.Q In what follows, we illustrate the application of (a) + AMA,Q (a) 460 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER CHAP. 14 SEC. 14-7. FORCE METHOD OF SOLUTION 461 Fig. E14-6A Fi. E14-6B 17_ I I i i i F r o U2 F2 ,WB t 611tl Expressionsfr Displacemnents at B To determine UB, we take APQ = AFB,. The internal virtual-force system corresponds to FBI = + 1. ,It is convenient to work with q -=0 B - 0 as the independent variable rather than 0. The force-influence coefficients (F1.Q, F2 Q.,M Q)follow directly from Fig. E14-6B: F1,Q = FllAP =+ = F, I,=+ = cos 11 F , = sin n M,Q = R(1 - cos ) (b) Substituting (b) in (a) results in the following general expression for u,,: UB = R I'"I( e ° cos + R k° + JO ' +UAI COS OB + \ tiA2 M Fig. E14-6C ) (1 - cos )di; / sin OB + )OAR( - cOS OB) (C) Once the loading is specified, we can evaluate the integral. Terms involving the support displacements define the rigid body displacement at B. Taking APQ = AFB2, AMB leads to expression for UB2 and con. We list them below for future reference: UB2 = R {-e'°sin B = CA + R (k +R(k +) + ' sln'}d l-7AlsinOB+T7A2cos0 OlARsinOB (d) Solution for a ConcentratedLoading at an Arbitrary Interior Point We consider an arbitrary force vector, Pc, and moment, M, applied at point C as shown in Fig. E14-6C. A ~~j_______m___~~~~~· ~ ~~ · TF111 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 462 Pc = Pcitl CHAP. 14 + PC2t2 The expressions for the displacements at B due to an external loading are obtained by specializing (c) and (d) for no initial deformation or support movement and noting that FORCE METHOD OF SOLUTION 463 terms of the applied loads and the force redundants: (e) MC = Mct3 M = RPcl[1 - cos(/ SEC. 14-7. F1 = F, . + E Fl,kZk i I F2 = F2 , 0 + F2.kZ, k=1 M = 0 r/ < Ic - tic)] + RPc 2 sin(7 - r/c) + Mc , qi > i'c t) (14-70) I I f M = M, + M,kZ k=1 i The solution for constant I is Ri Ri, o + + R. kZk k=l PUB1 CR3 0c - sin EI ( - 2 -cos Oc + in 0B + sin r1 + 5- cos tic + s ill CCOS 0B Substituting the virtual force system corresponding to AZj (which is statically permissible and self-equilibrating) in (14-65) and letting j range from 1 to r lead to the compatibility equations relating the actual deformations: 2 + 2- sill c - - sin 0c sin OH) Js(eFl + _CR- (Oc + sin '1c -- sin OB) EI PclR3 uLB2= -- I -cos j + e 2 F2 j + kM,i)dS - = 0 (a) i = sinc csin- OB + cos TiRi sin Oc sin (g) ?,.., 7 When the material is linearly elastic, the compatibility equations take the form ElR3 (2 PC (2 1 2S 2 R2Mc + (cos /c - cos OB) COB= R2pc_ EI 2 ( ik =fkj RMc R P -_ sin Oc) + ---- 2(1 - cos c) +--EI El If we take point C to coincide with B, qic = 0 and Oc = 0B The resulting equations relate the displacement at B due to forces applied at B in the directions of the local frame at B and can, be interpreted as member force-deformation relations. It is convenient to express these relations in matrix form: qt = ,%B (h) UBI R EI k=1 where I M4 We call f the member flexibility matrix. FJFk + Aj = .(jkZ + ( = ,..., A- (FjM r) (14--71) k + F, kM j) MM k)IS 2 ,F 2 k + ,--F hiRi, j + E = Aj (Fi e + Mio + (Fl,jM, o + F,OM.j) + E Fl. jF, o -F2.F2.i - M, )dS We set 7 =, 2 = A2 , and 1/AR = for a thin member. Note that Ijk is the displacement of the primary structure in the direction of Zj due to a unit value of Zk. Also, Aj is the actual displacement of the point of application of Z inius the displacement of the primary structure in the direc­ tion of Zj due to support movement, initial deformation, and the prescribed external forces. Example 14-7 We describe next the application of the principle of virtual forces in the analysis of a statically indeterminate planar member. Let the member be in­ determinate to the rth degree and let Z1 , . . ., Z,. represent the force redundants. Using the equilibrium equations, we express the internal forces and reactions in Consider the symmetrical closed ring shown in Fig. E14-7. From symmetry, F,= F;2 ~ at = 0 (a) --�--- X--�av;r� I PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 464 CHAP. 14 SEC. 14-7 We take the moment at 0 = 0 as the force redundant. To simplify the algebra, we suppose the member is thin and neglect stretching and shear deformation. The compatibility equations reduces to FORCE METHOD OF SOLUTION M = M, of filZ = A1 fl = Ei M2 dS A = 465 Because of symmetry, we need to integrate over only a quarter of the ring. Finally, the total moment is Z1, I =PR (' ' cos0a 2 (e) The axial and shear force variations are given by (b) F1 -- M,oM, dS f,.fEl P -Y cos 0 (f) P F2 = ---2 sin 0 Note that fiI is the relative rotation (C() due to a unit value of ZI and A, is the relative rotation () due to the applied load. Equation (b) states that the net relative rotation must vanish. When the equation defining the centroidal axis is expressed in the form f (xl), it is more convenient to work with force and displacement quantities referred to the basic frame rather than to the local frame, i.e., to use the Cartesian formulation developed in Sec. (14--5). The cartesian notation is sum­ marized in Fig. 14-16. X2 Fig. E14-7 SK-4! "IX I 1, ii P 1)} i 1, 1 .S I il Now, MI1 = M'z,=l = +1 P M,0 =-R(1 - cos 0) 2 I I I I 2 We consider I to be constant. Then, (b) reduces to /2 7 J - -fMo, dS - M M, P 1 I dS - (l 7z/2 2 __ Fig. 14-16. Notation for Cartesian formulation. (c) 72 no in cos tjdlt f(PR\ tan 0 = d dx ­ i - I- 2 The geometrical quantities and relations between the internal force components are dS (d) dx cos 0 F = N 1 cos 0 + N 2 sin 0 F2 = -N 1 sin 0 + N 2 cos 0 (14-72) 466 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER CHAP. 14 SEC. 14-7. We first find N, N 2 and then determine F1 , F2. To obtain the equations for the cartesian case, we just have to replace dS by dx,/cos 0 in the general ex­ pressions ((14-69) and (14-71)). In what follows, we suppose the member is thin and linearly elastic. When the member is not shallow, we can neglect the stretching and transverse shear deformation terms. The equations for this case reduce to: FORCE METHOD OF SOLUTION 467 CompatibilityEquation YfJkZk = j k fjk = A = Ni. jNl,k + f | E IR,j M, x1 (14-78) EI-l') A e° + NkI/ j + k° + EI°) M Uj ax, - Displacement at PointQ Example 14-8 + (eFI,Q + (ko dQ = M ) M) -os / E Ri.Q (14-73) Consider the two-hinged arch shown in Fig. E14-8A. We work with reaction com­ ponents referred to the basic frame and take the horizontal reaction at B as the force redundant. CompatibilityEquations fjkZ = Fig. E14-8A X2,1;2 k ) dxI ;M k cos 0 (14­74) F , Aj = j Ri,jai - Je + (ko + Mj cos b_-- We can express the terms involving F1 () in terms of N.1 () and N 2 () since F1() = cos 0 N1 () + sil 0 N 2,() B i (a) Then, I A I, )]O 0I,• 0 cos 11<[l 1 | [N, 1 el +f N2x() ,1X1 (14-75) One must generally resort to numerical integration in order to evaluate the integrals, due to the presence of the term 1/cos 0. When the member is shallow, 02 << 1, and we can approximate (14-72) with cos 0 1 sin 0 tan 0 = dl F,1 N 1 + f'N F2 -f'N (14-76) 1 _ _. -L,. Primary Structure We must carry out two force analyses on the primary structure (Fig. E14-8B), one for the external forces (condition Z1 = 0) and the other for Z = 1. The results are displayed in Figs. E14-8C and D, respectively. If' ds L X2, X v2 2, v2 Fig. E14-8B 2 + N2 We cannot neglect the stretching deformation term in this case. However, it is reasonable to take F1, N1 . We also introduced this assumption in the devel­ opment of Marguerre's equations. The equations for the shallow case with negligible transverse shear deformation and F, , N1 have the forms listed below: Displacement at PointQ dQ= J[ye ° E NY, , X 01 + El M, Q dxu- Rdi (14-77) -- _ cB r;--�iC�L -I" p I CHAP. 14 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 468 Fig. E14-8C SEC. 14-7. FORCE METHOD OF SOLUTION Using the results listed above, the various terms in (a) expand to N2 -)M -D 469 di = ZRi, Nj -VA, ' LX - I[ .fl=fl + BI + -B U2Z VA2 L cos L 1 + f'N2. 1) + k Cos 0] dxl :[e?(Ni. f",- ]Ldx, k (f h+1Pk° f ± Icos E1 (0 +-L-Jx) , JXoEIcos -I~';,:) Om, (b) cjs (--I- e.,:) ax, ( ELcos (+ L- x- Once the integrals are evaluated, we can determine Z, from Fig. E14-8D 1 . (c) Finally, the total forces are obtained by superposition of the two loadings: It.ib Ih L Nj = Nj, + ZINj,1 j = 1,2 Mo M o Ri Ri, + ZtM 1 + Z1 Ri, i = 1, 2, 3 R4 (d) Z To evaluate the vertical displacement at point Q, we apply a unit vertical load at Q on the primary structure and determine the required internal forces and reactions plotted in Fig. E14-8E. s Nl A1 = Z 1 Fig. E14-8E /2 (+) xQ IVxQ tQtXQII N2 ,1 I LQI L 1 LQ2 i I i I N2, Q (+) I ---xo 1IL (-) Compatibility Equation We suppose the member is not shallow. The compatibility equations for Z1 follow from (14-74): filZ,-Al I 2 dxt (a) E =R, cos 0 A1 = ZRi, 1'- fe'(N,., MQ \I~1 f'N2,I)(k - M- +H- P M =I1 I -PQ _= 7n ~i OCftIATII0hl AlNIAD , - 4IU rL/AI~n5 (r I IIUI VLSr~nlVI A DI A^IAD /IiNAADrD ~ ur n rilur\e aenriviur IA r'UAD SEC. 14-7. EC. , 14-7. Applying (14-73), we obtain Vr2 = 471 A2 + (B2 XA2) Q 1 - + fIe°f' Idx 1 xl - Jxl + -'V ~"t ,'~ J d) E)l cos Q (ko + M dx E-l cos 0 JX x L J A numerical procedure for evaluating these integrals is described in the next section. l FEamnl Th 14-9 Or mc,. · l.oyJt.tlllx.,I. uIr n ~r] nc, n l; ItxlltVItVVV VVu-llll~3~ .VCtJIc ?rh -1 .ll ~ ch~crt; ........ in~r T,, C71A-Q , CttIXt ot1./VY t L11I It? a ;r -A-, -r . l Al.-r o ­ jected to a uniform load per unit horizointal length, that is, per unit x t . The equation for the centroidal axis is x2 4h / x2 -L X= : (a) where h is the elevation at mid-span (x1 = L/2). We take the horizontal reaction at the right end as the force redundant and consider only bending deformation. Figures E14-9B and C carry through an analysis parallel to that of the preceding example. tructure Determzination ofZ and Total Forces = The equation for Z. follows from (14-74): M A. A Z o cdx , 1 . FTI m d3 q rnq0 f L-- dx= ) - (b) ELcosFig. Nnt,, tl,.t 4h,; T-lt ;C -,V1.. .tl~[ tllo ...-/- ,tW;?.t -1;A vctt Gt,, - ar"r cll Ct.Vlt.,v t-1 ,,,;,; vc.lJ N, = N 1o,0 + ZNI, N 2 = N2 M =M CO.i L 0111U, 1 f + _ = ,1 t L .lA.....A , Lilt; UCIUIIIICU 0 ,r + ZiN2 +ZM, 1 pL 1 illc1av 1.,1. t itntl G",-p I- tut -l~ ,,, C,,. 2 2 (c) (c) =0 .+1,th t+.. W.{ VILII Lll ih-ltii IilLldtl h+dp1. w..t... b11ilcI Wll ;o((' El ) X1 .. 1 U(.LIt deformation is neglected. It follows that (c) also apply for the fixed lnonshallowv case. When the arch is shallow, the effect of axial deformation cannot be neglected. The expression for Z, follows from (14-78): Z- I N2 1 = p (x1 " Call,, fl- = ; .I l-h ^ ,aL., I tl I. Otl111 LUIIIUIIlU5 bil: E14-9B FI i N1, 0 =or I N1 oN,, = _ -JoN + - + 1 M oM, iV2.0 =P(xs -t M p( 6dx Force System Due to p (d) i 2) PL2 '! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. C II%-V LeJf dxl x (k° +KElI cos 0 + I~;,~ ' r _L -o FORCE METHOD OF SOLUTION 472 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER CHAP. 14 SEC. 14-8. NLIMFI(,Ai (11\1T1=rALI If E is constant, (d) reduces to 2 pL2 8h LIAnr1P,·11 tvikUttUUFlS 473 Ii,un ......... .. ._.... fjIpLI It is of interest to determine the rotation at B. The "Q" loading consists ofa unit moment applied at B to the primary structure (see Fig. E14--9D). Applying (14-77) (note that dx1 iIf2 Id - d.x + pL2 1 8h 1+6 1fl2 d I f x Fig. E14-9D $1M (e) JL fA- dx fo 1' ,Q = I dx The parameter 8 is a measure of the influence of axial deformation. As an illustration, we consider A and I to be constant and evaluate (5for this geometry. The result is 1 5=15 8 Ah 2 15t p\2 8 . I,COB Xl B L L: (f) L where p is the radius of gyration for the cross section. PQ =+1 Fig. E14-9C the stretching terms vanish since N 1 ,Q = ), we obtain ,(: = : P' iLM. o EI L 22 When EI is constant, (i) reduces to 1 1 N2 ,1 = 0 J = 14-8. One should note that (e) applies only for the shallow case, i.e., for (f') 2 <<1. Now, 2Ž)1 (g) For the assumption of shallowness to be valid, 16(h/L)2 must be small with respect to unity. The total forces for the shallow case are N, = pL 2 l N2 = P h (i) El 1 NUMERICAL INTEGRATION PROCEDURES One of the steps in the force method involves evaluating certain integrals which depend on the member geometry and the cross-sectional properties. Closed-form solutions can be obtained for only simple geometries, and one usually must resort to a numerical integration procedure. In what follows, we describe two procedurest which can be conveniently automated and illustrate their application in deflection computations. We consider the problem of evaluating 1+ 6 (h) x-- J f(x) dx I X'-a 8h \(1+8- (j) f Force System Due to Z1 = +1 I'9=-(1 + Since cow¢ 0, the results for the fixed end shallow case will differ slightly from (h). 0 N1, = +1 I dX, ¢B = 5 _24_r Xl 0 )_ = 2 ( L \,1 + *) t See Ref. 8 for a more detailed treatment of numerical integration schemes. (14-79) PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 474 CHAP. 14 where f(x) is a reasonably smooth function in the interval xA < x < xB. We divide the total interval into n equal segments, of length h: - XB ho= - XA SEC. 14-8. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION PROCEDURES f(x) ' - 15fk J,, =33.fo + f, + 4(, f, AJk, k+l (14-80) Iff(x) is discontinuous, we work with subintervals and use a different spacing for each subinterval. For convenience, we let x0, x , ... , x, represent the coordinates of the equally spaced points on the x axis, and fo, J,... J the corresponding values of the function. This notation is shown in Figure 14-17. 475 be determined using ft d - + 8 k+ Jk+2] (14-84) Finally, one can express J as +.f + + ;, - (14-85) + 2(f2 +f + .. + . -2)j Equation (14-85) is called Simpson's rule. f fl A A I xo -- f2 B h h XI I;? X2 XnI - 1 x X? Fig. 14-17. Coordinate discretization for numerical integration. The simplest approach consists in approximating the actual curve by a set of straight lines connecting (Jo, f), (i.f ,), etc., as shown in Fig. 14-18. With this approximation, AJk-I, k = Jk = k- |xf xo f(x)dx dx = h 2 (fk - +.1 ) -k .s. Xk+ l Fig. 14-18. Linear approximation. (14-81) Vi1 k-1 + AJk- , k 2) If only the total integral is desired, we use, J, = (14-82) f(x)dx = AJ,-1, i It (Jo + f 1) + fi o i=t i=l which is called the trapezoidalrule. A more accurate formula is obtained by approximating the curve connecting three consecutive points with a second-degree polynomial, as shown in Fig. 14-19. This leads to rk+ AJk k+2 = 2 fdx [J + 4 fk+ + fk+2] (14-83) Xk Jk+2 = Jk + AJk. k+ 2 To apply (14-83), we must take an even number of segments, that is, n must be an even integer. If the values of J at odd points are also desired, they can Ak ' I-- Xk l Yk +2 1n Fig. 14-19. Parabolic approximation. --- I-IY"-·-UUll"l�i-----I� PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 476 CHAP. 14 SEC. 14-8. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION PROCEDURES 477 To evaluate (b), we divide the total length into n equal segments of length h, number the points from 0 to n, and let Example 14-10 Consider the problem of determining the vertical displacement at Q for the straight member of Fig. E14-10. We suppose shear deformation is negligible. The deflection due Hk == Fig. E14-10 Hn, + k Xk.Jk (d) If, in determining Jy, Hn, we also evaluate the integrals at the interior points, then we can readily determine the displacement distribution using (d). 7=XQ .f - L dk = Xk I Q .XQ (c) x -E dx With this notation, (b) takes the form dQ ..- E Example 14-11 , (fl El Consider the simply supported nonshallow arch shown. We suppose there is some distribution of M and we want to determine the vertical deflection at Q. Considering M Fig. E14-11 dQ P2 = +1 lI 1 a {lL t_- t A' L Q(M,- _ _ _ _ _ _ ) ... __/ ... '.L M,Q t ) m Al to bending deformation (we consider the material to be linear elastic) is given by dQ = - MQ dx (a) where M is the actual moment and MQ is due to the "" loading. Substituting for M Q, (a) expands to deX ": LM I- dx de,ET = E( J- M f d+ o E "a\Jo ,QEl ) t M xdxE Q TL(f J L M x x7[ E Ed (b) only bending deformation, dCis given by de=Q M, Qds = ,--o-- ) M, Q dx (a) 478 PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER CHAP. 14 PROBLEMS Now, the distribution of M, Qis the same as for the straight member. Then, the procedure followed in Example 14-10 is also applicable here. We just have to replace M/EI with M/EI cos 0 in Equation (c) of Example 14-10. 479 Prob. 14-2 2t REFERENCES T 1. TIMOSHENKO, S. J.: Advanced Strength of Materials,Van Nostrand, New York, 1941. 2. BORG. S. F., and J. J. GENNARO: Advanced Sructural Analysis, Van Nostrand, New York, 1959. 3. REISSNER, E.: "Variational Considerations for Elastic Beams and Shells," J. Eng. Mech. Div., A.S.C.E, Vol. 88, No. EM 1, February 1962. 4. b - 0.75d t = d/20 d _L_ MARTIN, H. C.: Introduction to MatrixMethods of StructuralAnalbsis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966. 5. V MUSHTARI, K. M., and K. Z. GALIMOV: "Nonlinear Theory of Thin Elastic Shells," Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1962. 6. MARGUERRE, K.: "Zur Theorie der gekriimmten Platte grosser Formanderung," Proc. 5th Int. CongressAppl. Mech. pp. 93-101. 1938. 7. ODEN, J. T.: Mechanics of Elastic Structures, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967. 8. HILDEBRAND, F. J.: Inlroduction to Numerical Anallsis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1956. 14-6. Evaluate I' and I" for the symmetrical section shown. Prob. 14-6 t __L PROBLEMS 14-1. Specialize (14-7) for the case where 'v, = x. Let x 2 ,=f(x1) and let 0 be the angle from X to Y, as shown below. Evaluate the various terms for a parabola = 0.75d d - _L f = Clxl + C2 x1 Finally, specialize the relations for a shallow curve, i.e., where 02 << 1. Prob. 14-1 X2 }2 y1 d/20 I' 6---b b Tt 14-7. Consider a circular sandwich member comprised of three layers, as shown. The core layer is soft (E << 0), and the face thickness is small in comparison to the depth (, d). Establish force-deformation relations based on strain expansions (see (14-37)). Prob. 14-7 f(xl ) t 1' I - I 14-2. Evaluate I* and (see Equation 14---24) for the section defined by the sketch. 14-3. Verify (14-34). 14-4. Verify (14-41) and (14-42). 14-5. Discuss the difference between the deformation-force relations based on stress and displacement expansions (Equations (14-25) and (14-42)). Illustrate for the rectangular section treated in Example 14-1. Which set of relations would you employ? Core -f­ d, T 14-8. Starting with (14-34) and (14-35), derive a set of nonlinear strain displacement relations for a thin member. Assume small finite rotation, and PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER 480 (d) linearize the expressions with respect to Y2, i.e., take y2 k - e E1 = Derive the nonlinear deformation-displacement and equilibrium equa­ tions for the cartesian formulation. Refer the translations and loading to the basic frame, i.e., take U2= Vt11 + e2 }'12 ; Determine the corresponding force-equilibrium equations with the principle of virtual displacements. 14-9. Refer to Fig. 14-10 and Equation (14-31). If we neglect transverse shear deformation, t2 is orthogonal to t'1 and we can write - ' dy Prob. 14-10 (a) [l3T2 + A 1.+ eIl , R' dt2 dS- 1+ e , RF' 2 h2 = const = Pfltl + fl2t2 t 2 = -2tl dt'l d-S- 22 + P2 1 2 p P P= Specialize the equations for the case of a shallow member. 14-10. The accompanying sketch applies to both phases of this problem. 1 (1 + gl)a 2 = ( I _/)OC t' 481 PROBLEMS CHAP. 14 M - 0 +_i -l- = (1 -t- el)a ct ' =a st . (a) 'L Verify that &ccan be expressed as E=1 1- y2/Ri Il R' - Y2 (b) (a) 1 1- y re, Also determine el and R' for small strainr. initial tangent vectors, = and take y - S (i.e., (b) Ult + Express ii in terms of the - t2 t 2 = I). Derive the force-equilibrium equations, starting with the vector equa­ tions (see (14-12) and Fig. 14-4), dF++ dS dM+ + Determine the complete solution for the circular member shown. Utilize symmetry at point A (ul = o = F2 = 0) and work with (14-58), (14-59). Discuss the effect of neglecting extensional and shear de­ formation, i.e., setting (1/A) = (l/A 2 ) - 0. (b) Repeat (a), using Mushtari's equations for a thin member with no transverse shear deformation, which are developed in Example 14-2. Show that Mushtari's approximation ( << d2dO) is valid when the segment is shallow. 14-11. The sketch presents the information relevant to the problem: Prob. 14-11 P2 = const =0 I I + t' x F+ = XI _ - Ih 2= i_ and expanding the force vectors in terms of components referred to the deformed frame: h= bt't + b2t2 F+ = Fit'l + F2 t 2 M+ (c) Mt3 Assume small strain. Derive the force-equilibrium equations with the principle of virtual displacements. Take the strain distribution according to Equation (b). I A ax B I 14 r /,-_ I = 21h e F . :B X2 _ L L MEMBER PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR AOQ 40h 483 PROBLEMS CHAP. 14 14-15. parabolic arch (a) Apply the cartesian formulation to the symmetrical shear transverse neglect and shown. Consider the member to be thin deformation. (set 1/A = 0). (b) Specialize (a) for negligible extensional deformation the validity of investigate and case (c) Specialize (a) for the shallow Marquerre's approximation. due to a uniform distributed 14-12. Refer to Example 14-6. Determine ulB2 loading, b2 = constant. (see sketch). Consider 14-13. Determine the displacement measures at B to integrate the convenient more be may It Note: deformation. only bending (14--69). governing equations rather than apply (a) Refer to Example 14-7, in Fig. E14-7. Determine the radial displacement at B defined shown. (b) Determine the force solution for the loading Prob. 14-15 P Prob. 14-a3 Thin ci P 14-16. The sketch defines a thin parabolic two-hinged arch. b Prob. 14-16 X 14-14. information sketched: Solve two problems with the Prob. 14-14 A A F1 -*) f =I I - I, I 1~1 /cosa Determine the horizontal reaction at B due to the concentrated load. Consider the arch to be nonshallow. for a distributed loading (b) Utilize the results of(a) to obtain the solution p2 (x) per unit x 1 . temperature increase, (c) Determine the reactions resulting from a uniform AT. by a prismatic member (d) Suppose the horizontal support at B is replaced are frictionless hinges. extending from A to B. Assume the connections Repeat parts a and c. (a) displacement at point B (a) Determine the fixed end forces and radial deformation and utilize bending only with the force method. Consider B. symmetry at force. (b) Generalize for an arbitrarily located radial Icos 484 14-17. PLANAR DEFORMATION OF A PLANAR MEMBER CHAP. 14 Consider the arbitrary two-hinged arch shown. Discuss how you Prob. 14-17 Al H -~~~~~~~~'~~ would generate the influence line for the horizontal reaction. Utilize the results contained in Examples 14-10 and 14-11. 15 Engineering Theory of an Arbitrary Member 15-1. INTRODUCTION; GEOMETRICAL RELATIONS In the first part of this chapter, we establish the governing equations for a member whose centroidal axis is an arbitrary space curve. The formulation is restricted to linear geometry and negligible warping and is referred to as the en1gineering theory. Examples illustrating the application of the displacement and force methods are presented. Next, we outline a restrained warping for­ mulation and apply it to a planar circular member. Lastly, we cast the force method for the engineering theory in matrix form and develop the member force-displacement relations which are required for the analysis of a system of member elements. The geometrical relations for a member are derived in Chapter 4. For convenience, we summarize the differentiation formulas here. Figure 15-1 shows the natural and local frames. They are related by l = t (a) + sin /)b t3 = - sin Oh + cos ib/ t 2 = COS q0fi where = (s). Differentiating (a) and using the Frenet equations (4-20), we obtain dt dS -K sin K cos (iS -=K cos Note that ais skew-sym 0 K sin T + dS dSale Note that a is skew-symmetric. 485 ) ot t 34 t1 t2 (15-1)