Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3(2): 138-141, 2011 ISSN: 2041-3890 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2011 Received: January 11, 2011 Accepted: February 10, 2011 Published: March 15, 2011 Genetic Variability Analysis in Some Advanced Lines of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Saleem Khan, Abdul Latif, Sahibzada Qayyum Ahmad, Farhad Ahmad and Mehvish Fida Agricultural Research Station, Baffa, Mansehra, KPK, Pakistan Abstract: The experiment was conducted to estimate the genetic variability in 20 different soybean genotypes. The crop was sown during June, 2010 at Agricultural Research Station, Baffa, Mansehra. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with three replications. The results of analysis revealed that all the characters like days to flowering, days to pod formation, days to maturity, plant height (cm), branches/plant, pods/plant, pod length (cm), seeds/pod, 100 grain wt (g) and yield (g/plant) were significantly affected due to various soybean genotypes. The days to flowering ranged from 34.33 to 62.00, pod formation from 46.00-75.00 days, maturity from 91.33-116.00 days, plant height from 56.51 to 106.00 cm, branches from 4.33 to 13.33 per plant, pods from 47.33 to 165.30 per plant, pod length from 2.00 to 6.66 cm, seeds/pod from 3.33 to 1.00, 100 grain wt from 3.80 g to 17.16 g and grain yield from 3.24 to 39.42 g/plant. The genotypes Zane, Black hack, Bragg and Menlin remained the best among 20 lines studied in term of bearing pods, high grain wt and yield production. It was suggested that these superior lines may be focused and involved in future breeding programme for development of new high yielding soybean varieties. Key words: Agronomic characters, genetic variations, seed yield, soybean management of germplasm collections (Dong et al., 2001). The genetic diversity is a key component of any agricultural production system. The material from diverse geographical origin of the crop species can help to ensure conservation of co-adapted gene complexes (Brown, 1978; Frankel, 1984; Frankel et al., 1995). The application of genetic variation can also be manipulated either for selecting superior genotypes or to be utilized as parents for the development of future cultivars through hybridization. Genetic improvements could be accelerated if physiological attributes were used as selection criteria. INTRODUCTION One of the challenges be setting the economy of Pakistan is the edible oil deficit. Its indigenous production is below the consumption levels with a very wide gap between production and consumption. Soybean is one of the non-conventional oilseed crops which can be successfully grown in the country during both spring and the autumn seasons. It contains 40 to 42% good quality protein and 18 to 22% oil comprising 85% unsaturated fatty acids and is free from cholesterol, so it is highly desirable in the human diet (Aslam et al., 1995). In Pakistan it is cultivated under a wide range of agroecological zones particularly under rainfed conditions. It is grown on a very small area only in one province. Average yield of soybean is low as compared to other soybean growing countries. On average of 5 years (2001-2005), the yield was 1000 kg/ha (Anonymous, 2007). The profitable yields can be obtained through genetic improvement for high yield potential. The examination of genetic diversity is important for plant breeder in general and particularly in a newly introduced crop like soybean, which is not grown commercially in Pakistan. Introgression of diverse germplasm into the current soybean genetic base may increase genetic variability and lead to greater gains from selection (Thompson and Nelson, 1998). The study of their genetic diversity is invaluable for efficient utilization, conservation and The objectives of present study were to: C C C Study the soybean germplasm for its genetic variability Evaluate the performance of different soybean genotypes And to determine suitable plant types available for further studies in soybean MATERIALS AND METHODS The reported experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station Baffa, Mansehra during 2010. The germplasm accession comprised of 18 advanced soybean lines obtained from National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Islamabad. Two high yielding varieties Malakand-96 and Kharif-93 were Corresponding Author: Saleem Khan, Agricultural Research Station, Baffa, Mansehra, KPK, Pakistan. Tel: +92 334 8431740; Fax: +92 997 511724 138 Asian J. Agric. Sci., 3(2): 138-141, 2011 Table 1: Analysis of variance (Mean squares) for various plant traits of soybean lines planted at ARS Baffa, Mansehra Source of Days to Days to pod Maturity Plant height Branches/ Pods/ Pod length variation df flowering formation (days) (cm) plant plant (cm) Replications 2 2.117 7.117 1.850 62.628 2.467 67.11 0.016 Genotypes 19 216.070 218.361 162.947 725.25 17.684 3677 5.630 Error 38 4.678 2.239 11.429 9.874 2.011 66.53 0.422 Total 59 4287.333 4248.183 3534.00 14280 417.333 72525 123.041 Table 2: Mean performances for various plant traits of soybean lines planted at ARS Baffa, Mansehra Days to Days to pod Maturity Plant height Branches/ Pods/ S. No. Lines flowering formation (days) (cm) plant plant 1 Sooty 37.33 KL 46.00 K 91.33 I 66.62 I 7.000 EFG 63.33 H 2 SSAL 129 54.33 CD 66.00 DE 106.7 BC 57.73 K 6.000 GH 74.33 H 3 Clenk-63 41.33 IJ 52.33 J 103.3 CD 81.51 F 7.667 DEFG 108.7 DEF 4 Menlin 51.67DEF 64.67 EF 105.7 BCD 72.37 GH 11.67 AB 89.00 G 5 PKN-62-1-1 48.33 FG 58.00 H 96.00 FGHI 67.09 I 4.333 H 47.33 I 6 Virgina 38.67 JK 47.00 K 92.00 HI 95.70 C 9.333 BCDE 115.3 DE 7 Word worth 57.00 BC 52.57 FG 95.00 GHI 101.6 AB 9.667 BCD 155.3 AB 8 Bragg 59.00 AB 58.00 CD 97.67 EFG 93.69 CD 10.67 BC 143.3 BC 9 E-1513 52.00 DE 61.67 G 100.7 DEF 56.51 K 7.000 EFG 103.7 EF 10 No. 5484 57.67 BC 69.33 C 107.0 BC 67.29 HI 9.000 CDEF 100.3 FG 11 S-42-4 42.67 HI 55.00 I 97.67 EFGH 60.99 JK 6.667 FGH 139.0 C 12 Fond 34.33 L 52.33 J 94.33 GHI 90.17 DE 4.333 H 113.0 DE 13 Zane 60.00 AB 67.00CDE 106.7 BC 97.91 BC 9.667 BCD 143.0 C 14 No. 10 61.33 A 73.33 B 116.0 A 106.0 A 13.33 A 165.3 A 15 Black hack 45.67 GH 56.00 HI 103.7 CD 64.67 IJ 10.00 BCD 112.7 DE 16 Wilson 48.67EFG 56.00 HI 110.7 AB 75.21 G 7.000 EFG 50.33 I 17 Attawa 51.67 EF 51.33 G 105.7 BCD 88.00 E 7.667 DEF 69.67 H 18 E-1092 58.67 AB 75.00 A 113.3 A 80.50 F 10.33 BC 137.7 C 19 Kharif-93 45.67 GH 56.00 HI 102.7 CDE 64.67 IJ 11.33ABC 73.33 H 20 Malakand-96 62.00 A 72.33 B 114.3 A 89.42 DE 10.67 BC 120.7 D LSD at 0.05 3.537 2.473 5.588 5.194 2.344 12.32 CV % 4.30% 2.45% 3.28% 3.98% 16.36% 7.68% Pod length (cm) 4.790 BC 4.777 BC 3.487 DEF 5.510 B 2.147 G 5.677 AB 5.553 B 4.223 CD 3.933 CDE 5.540 B 5.400 B 2.003 G 2.620 FG 3.883 CDE 2.613 FG 2.870 EFG 4.887 BC 6.667 A 2.477 FG 4.053 CD 1.074 15.63% seeds/ pod 0.150 1.132 0.238 30.850 100 grain weight (g) 0.045 46.195 0.117 882.242 seeds/pod 2.333 BC 2.000 CD 2.667 ABC 3.000 AB 1.333 DE 3.333 A 3.000 AB 2.667 ABC 2.667 ABC 3.000 AB 2.667 ABC 1.000 E 2.333 BC 3.000 AB 2.333 BC 2.333 BC 3.333 A 3.333 A 2.333 BC 2.333 BC 0.8064 19.12% 100 grain weight (g) 4.127 N 10.45 F 7.293 I 9.113 G 3.800 N 4.737 M 5.027 LM 8.017 H 7.400 I 6.257 J 5.667 K 9.300 G 14.44 C 5.530 KL 17.16 A 15.28 B 13.34 D 12.36 E 8.207 H 10.48 F 0.5654 3.85% Yield (g/plant) 0.395 224.515 3.218 4388.865 Yield (g/plant) 6.293 K 14.77 I 21.15 DE 26.39 B 3.247 L 15.19 HI 22.99 CD 27.32 B 19.76 EF 19.49 EFG 19.88 EF 10.57 J 39.42 A 22.45 CDE 36.55 A 16.64 GHI 20.26 DEF 25.01 BC 18.11 FGH 16.53 HI 2.965 8.92% different plant traits and their comparison are given in Table 2. The mean data given in Table 2 revealed significant variations in days to flowering in 20 soybean lines. The days to flowering ranged from 34.33 to 62.00. The line Fond was found early as it completed flowering in 34.33 days. Cultivar Malakand-96 was late and took 62 days to flowering. The line No. 10 was also found late as it took 61.33 days to flowering. Among other lines Kharif-93 and Black hack took 45.67 days and Menlin and Attawa took 51.67 days to flowering. These results are in line with the finding of Ramgiry et al. (1998), Molhotra (1973), Jagtap and Mehetre (1994), Sirohi et al. (2007), Taware et al. (1997) and Chand et al. (1999). Days to pod formation were also found significant and showed variations ranged from 46 to 75 days. Line Sooty was earlier (46 days) followed by Virgina (47 days), similarly Malakand-96, No.10 and E-1029 took 72.33, 73.33 and 75 days respectively to pod formation while non significant variations were found between Clenk-63 and Fond took 52.33 days and among Black hack, Wilson and Kharif-93 which took 56 days to pod formations. Similar results were also observed by Mehmet et al. (2009), Malik et al. (2006), Ramgiry et al. (1998), Molhotra (1973) and Jagtap and Mehetre (1994). Significant variations were observed among number of days to maturity in all 20 lines. Sooty, Fond, Word worth, PKN-62-1-1, Bragg and S-42-4 were found earlier mature took 91.33, 94.33, 95, 96 and 97.67 days, respectively similarly No.10 took maximum days (116) to also included as checks in the experiment. These genotypes were planted in a randomized complete block design with three replications; each plot consisted of 2 rows each of 5 m in length with a row to row distance of 60 cm. The crop was grown under normal conditions. Sowing was done with the help of hand drill. Six randomly selected plants were used to take the data from each plot of each replication. A basal dose of 36 kg N and 92 kg P2O5 in the form of diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertilizer was applied at sowing. Normal cultural practices for raising a successful crop were followed uniformly through out the experiment. Irrigation was applied at weekly intervals or as when needed. The data were recorded on days to flowering, days to pod formation, days to maturity, plant height (cm), number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant, pod length (cm), number of seeds/pod, 100 grain wt (g) and yield (g/plant). The seed yield was measured as mature seed harvested and seed weight was recorded as weight of 100 randomly selected seeds from a bulk at each plot. The data were subjected to statistical manipulation for the analysis of variance through computer’s software M-Stat-C (Steel and Torrie, 1984). The significant data were further analyzed statistically using Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at 5% probability level to compare the differences among the genotype means. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of analysis of variance regarding various plant traits are given in Table 1. Means regarding 139 Asian J. Agric. Sci., 3(2): 138-141, 2011 E-1513 and No. 5484 respectively showing 113.00, 112.70, 103.70 and 100.30 pods/plant. These results get sufficient validation from the findings of Molhotra (1973), Jagtap and Mehetre (1994), Sirohi et al. (2007), Taware et al. (1997), Chand et al. (1999), Mehmet et al. (2009) and Malik et al. (2006). Pod length (cm) and number of seeds per pod are important yield parameters in various beans including soybean. Both pod length and number of seeds per pod were highly significantly affected due to various soybean genotypes. The ranged for pod length was recorded from 2.00 to 6.66 cm. The longest pods were noticed at line E-1092 and remained superior among all the genotypes under study. It was followed by some other better but statistically uniform lines namely Words worth, No. 5484, Menlin and S-42-4 with a pod length of 5.55, 5.54, 5.51 and 5.40 cm, respectively. Similarly highest number of seeds per pod were recorded in lines Virgina, Attawa and E-1092 with an average 3.33 seeds/pod while the lines Fond and PKN-62-1-1 were observed with less number of seeds (1.00 and 1.33 seeds, respectively) in individual pods. The research work reported by Sirohi et al. (2007), Taware et al. (1997), Chand et al. (1999), Mehmet et al. (2009) and Malik et al. (2006) regarding pod length and number of seeds/pod in soybean is similar to the present investigation. Grain weight is an important yield parameter and is vary from genotype to genotype. In the present study 100 grain weight (g) ranged from 3.80 to 17.16 g. Black hack line showed maximum weight for 100 seeds (17.16 g) while PKN-62-1-1 was noticed with minimum 100 grain weight (3.80 g). Similarly Wilson and Zane (15.28 and 14.44 g, respectively) were also recorded superior genotypes with high grain weight. Taware et al. (1997) and Chand et al. (1999) reported the same results. Grain yield being complex trait is highly influenced by various environmental factors including biotic and a biotic factors. It is also interplay of various morphological characters which either favor or worsen the final yield. In present investigations grain yield per plant in grams was measured. Grain yield was found to be highly significantly different due to different soybean genotypes. The line Zane superseded all the genotypes with highest yield of 39.42 g/plant. It was closely followed by another high yielding line Black hack with grain yield of 36.55 g/plant. These lines were statistically at par with some other high yielding lines including Bragg, Menlin, E1092, No.10 and Clenk-63 with grain yield of 27.32, 26.39, 25.01, 22.45 and 21.15 g/plant. The lines PKN-621-1 and Sooty showed poor performance in this experiment producing only 3.24 and 6.29 g of grain yield per plant respectively. It was further observed that the lines with highest grain weight and more pod numbers had produced higher yield. The findings of Mehmet et al. (2009), Malik et al. (2006), Ramgiry et al. (1998), Molhotra (1973), Jagtap and reach maturity followed by Malakand-96 and E-1092 which took 114.30 and 113.30 days respectively to become mature. Molhotra (1973), Jagtap and Mehetre (1994), Sirohi et al. (2007), Taware et al. (1997) and Chand et al. (1999) also observed similar variations in soybean lines. Plant height is an important trait in erect type soybean and usually positive correlated with yield. The present result revealed that height of plant was highly significant affected due to various soybean genotypes. The plant height ranged from 56.51 to 106 cm. The tallest plant were observed in line No. 10 (106 cm) followed by lines Word worth, Zane and Virgina with the height of 101.60, 97.91 and 95.70 cm respectively. The lines including E-1513, SSAL-129, S-42-4, Kharif-93, Black hack and Sooty were found short statured with height of 56.51, 57.73, 60.99, 64.67 and 66.62 cm, respectively. Earlier reports of Jagtap and Mehetre (1994), Sirohi et al. (2007), Taware et al. (1997), Chand et al. (1999) and Ramgiry et al. (1998) also showed highly significant variability in plant height in various soybean lines. The number of branches are the most important yield component in soybean. The effective and fruit bearing branches play important role in enhancing the final yield. The number of branches varies from genotype to genotype depending upon genetic potential of a variety. In present study the number of branches were significantly affected by the various genotypes. The branches ranged from 4.33 to 13.33 per plant. The highest branches (13.33) were produced by the line No.10 followed by Menlin (11.67) and Kharif-93 (11.33). Similarly the lines PKN-62-1-1 and Fond had shown very poor performance by showing only 4.33 branches/plant. These were statistically at par with the lines Malakand-96 and Kharif-93 used as checks. These results are in great harmony with the findings of Mehmet et al. (2009), Malik et al. (2006), Ramgiry et al. (1998), Molhotra (1973) and Jagtap and Mehetre (1994). Healthy pods are considered the most desirable yield trait in beans. The number of grain filled pod is an important factor to be considered during selection of desirable genotypes. The variations in number of pods in present investigations were found to be highly significant due to divergent genotypes. The number of pods ranged from 47.33 to 165.30 per plant. The genotype No.10 with 165.30 pods per plant remained significantly superior among all the 20 lines. The other higher pod producing lines were Word worth, Bragg, Zane and S-42-4 with 155.30, 143.30, 143.00 and 139.00 pods per plant respectively. All these lines were statistically at par with each other. The lines PKN-62-1-1 and Wilson remained quite poor in pods production with minimum value of 47.33 and 50.33 pods per plant. The other medium performing lines in this regard were Fond, Black hack, 140 Asian J. Agric. Sci., 3(2): 138-141, 2011 Frankel, O.H., 1984. Genetic Perspectives of Germplasm Conservation, In: Arber, W., K. Limensee, W.J. Peacock and P. Starlinger, (Eds.), Genetic Manipulation Impact on Man and Society. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp: 161-170. Frankel, O.H., A.D.H. Brown and J.J. Burdon, 1995. The Conservation of Plant Biodiversity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. UK, pp: 299. Jagtap, D.R. and S.S. Mehetre, 1994. 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ACKNOWLEDGMENT The National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Islamabad is highly acknowledged for providing the soybean germplasm seeds used for the experiment. Officers and technical staff of Agricultural Research Station Baffa, Mansehra are also acknowledged for their valuable support and crucial assistance. REFERENCES Anonymous, 2007. Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Live Stock (Economic Wing), Islamabad, pp: 107. Aslam, M., M.S. Mirza, S.M. Shah, S. Shafeeq and U. Naeem, 1995. Crop Production Bulletin No. 6, Pak. Agric. Res. Council, Islamabad, Pakistan, pp: 1. Brown, A.D.H., 1978. Isozymes, plant population genetic structure and genetic conservation. Theor. Appl. Genet., 52: 145-147. Chand, P., 1999. Association analysis of yield and its components in soybean (Glycine max L.) Merrill. Madras Agric. J., 86: 378-381. Dong, Y.S., B.C. Zhuang, L.M. Zhao, H. Sun and M.Y. He, 2001. The genetic diversity of annual wild soybeans grown in China. 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