Proceedings of World Business and Social Science Research Conference 24-25 October, 2013, Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-33-7 Food Security of Social Grant Recipients in a Low Income Neighborhood in South Africa Wynand C.J. Grobler The origins of social security in South Africa can be traced back to attempts by the previous apartheid government to create a welfare state for whites during the apartheid era. Since the first democratic election in South Africa in 1994, the total number of social security system beneficiaries increased from 2.4 million in 1998 to 12.4 million in 2008. Recent research has confirmed that the various social grants are well targeted at the poor and that they have a significant impact on poverty. However, the question arises: To what extent does the social security system ensure food security for households in poorer areas? This study analysed food security of households receiving government grants. A quantitative research method was deployed, and a stratified random sample of 295 questionnaires was administered in the township of Bophelong, a low-income neighbourhood in southern Gauteng, South Africa. Using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale, households were classified into food secure and insecure. The total amount of social grants received per household, household size, and the age of the household head were found to exert a strong positive impact on food security. Conclusions include whether households who receive social grants, differ significantly from households who do not receive social grants, in terms of food security. Fields of Research: Economics, Social Science Keywords: poverty, food security, food insecurity, social security, grants. 1. Introduction During the 1996 World Food Summit in November 1996, heads of state signed the Rome Declaration on World Food Security, re-affirming “the right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food, consistent with the right to adequate food, and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger” (FAO, 1996). During the debate preceding the declaration, food insecurity was identified as both cause and effect of poverty and slow growth. Despite this, in 2010, more than 900 million people across the world were still insecure; this is against a doubling of world food production in the last decade (FAO, 2010). The South African government Constitution, Section 27, states that “everyone has the right to ... sufficient food” and that the state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve this. Against this background, the South African government developed the Integrated Food Security Strategy (IFSS) in 2002. The National Planning Commission, in 2011, identified food security as a “key shaping force” for South Africa (NPC, 2011). In a study by the African Food Security Urban Network (AFSUN) amongst 6500 households in South Africa, using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), 77 percent of households were found to be moderately or severely food insecure (Frayne et al., 2010:43). ________________________________________________________________________ Prof. W.C.J. Grobler, North West University, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, Email: Proceedings of World Business and Social Science Research Conference 24-25 October, 2013, Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-33-7 In a study by Battersby (2012:1), food insecurity was identified as increasingly urban, with a lack of focused policies to address food insecurity in urban settings. Food availability, however, is not the only condition for food security if households or individuals do not have financial or productive resources to acquire food (Migotto et al., 2006:3). Against this background, numerous studies refer to the use of social security schemes to improve food security by improving food access, or by providing households with income to purchase food (Adato & Basset, 2012; ; Cook & Frank, 2007; Miller et al., 2011). Food insecurity in South Africa is not viewed as a failure to produce enough food nationally, but rather as a failure to provide adequate cash to purchase food at the household level (Manyamba et al., 2012). The origins of social security in South Africa can be traced back to attempts by the previous apartheid government to create a welfare state for whites in South Africa during the apartheid era. Since the first democratic election in South Africa in 1994, the total number of social security system beneficiaries increased from 2.4 million in 1998 to 12.4 million in 2008. Research has confirmed that the various social grants are well targeted at the poor, and that they have a significant impact on poverty (Samson et al., 2004). The question, however, arises: To what extent does the social security system ensure food security of households in poorer areas, especially those households who receive social grants. Thus, the objectives of the research reported here were: Firstly, to determine the extent of food insecurity of social grant recipients in a low income neighborhood, and second, to analyse the socio-economic determinants that contribute to food insecurity of social grant recipients in a low-income neighborhood. This research aimed to increase the general understanding of food insecurity in an urban setting, in order to improve interventions to solve food insecurity amongst food insecure households. The next section will provide a literature review of food insecurity and socio-economic determinants of food insecurity. Following that will be an explanation of the research methodology followed in the study, an overview of the study area, and social security in South Africa. Finally, the empirical findings will be discussed and a conclusion drawn. 2. Literature Review Food security can be defined as a state in which all people, at all times, have both physical and economic access to sufficient food to meet their dietary needs for a productive and healthy life. (USAID, 1992). Conceptualising food security has evolved over time, together with an understanding of poverty, and since the World Food Conference in 1974, the debate surrounding food insecurity has shifted from the national level to the household level (Maxwell, 1996). Several studies (Radimer et al., 1990; Radimer et al., 1992; Hamilton et al., 1997) provided insight into the ways households may experience food insecurity by way of access, namely feelings of uncertainty or anxiety over food, perceptions that food is of insufficient quantity, perceptions that food is of insufficient quality, reported reductions of food intake, reported consequences of reduced food intake, and feelings of shame for resorting to socially unacceptable means to obtain food. To measure food insecurity presents many challenges, and the measurement and assessment methodologies can differ considerably in the field of qualitative as well as quantitative methods (Migotto et al., 2006). The study of Migotto et al. Proceedings of World Business and Social Science Research Conference 24-25 October, 2013, Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-33-7 (2006), identifies five general types of methodologies, measures of undernourishment, measures of food intake, measures of nutritional status, measures of access to food in terms of income, and finally, measures of vulnerability. Vulnerability in this regard is often measured through qualitative survey questions or self-assessment surveys measuring food insecurity. According to Kneppel et al. (2009), researchers, in developing a measurement tool for household food insecurity, most often adapted a version of the Cornell/Radimer measuring tool, or developed a tool based on research on how households experience food insecurity, where both methods have produced valid or accurate measurements. Based on this, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Food and Nutritional Technical Assistance (FANTA) project has developed the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), a measuring instrument that can be used cross-culturally. In this study, the reported research is based on a self-assessment of food insecurity using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) of the FANTA project. In recent years, the measurement of food insecurity in South Africa includes the 1995 Income and Expenditure survey, which found an urban food poverty rate of 27 percent and a rural food poverty rate of 54 percent, the national Food Consumption Survey of 1999, which found food insecurity of 42 percent in urban areas, compared to 62 percent in rural areas, and the South African Social Attitudes Survey of 2008, which found 20.5 percent urban food insecurity and 33.1 percent rural food insecurity (Rose & Charlton, 2002; Labadarios et al., 2011). In low income developing countries, it was found in 12 out of 18 samples, that food insecurity in urban areas was the same or higher than in rural areas (Ahmed et al., 2007). With regard to expected relation of explanatory variables with food insecurity, in earlier studies positive relations were found with age of the household head (Obamiro et al., 2003: Babatunde et al., 2007; Amaza et al., 2006), female-headed households (Knueppel et al., 2009; Joshi and Maharjan, 2011; Mutuonotzo, 2006; Amaza et al., 2006), family size (Babatunde et al., 2007; Mutunotzo, 2006; Amaza et al., 2006),and dependency ratio (WFP, 2001), while negative relations were found with level of education (Haile et al., 2005 ) and income level (Davis et al., 1983). In a recent study of Arene and Anyaeji (2010), only two variables were found to be important in explaining food security status of households. They are income and the age of the household head. With regard to social security and its impact on food security, researchers concluded that cash transfers, for example, improve food security by improving food access and providing households with income to purchase food (Reilly et al., 1999). Much of the literature on the impact of cash transfers on food security found increased spending on food by grant recipients (Fiszbein et al., 2008; Gertler, 2005; Maluccio & Flores, 2005). In South Africa, Booysen & Van Der Berg (2005) found that income grant recipients used the social grant primarily to pay for food. Several other studies (Lagarde, Haines & Palmer, 2008; Dufflo, 2000; Miller, Tsoka & Reichert, 2007) found positive impacts of social grants on food security. Despite these findings, questions still arise whether social grants must, for example, only be targeted to female-headed households. The next section outlines the methodology followed in this study, background of the study area, and the background of social security in South Africa. Proceedings of World Business and Social Science Research Conference 24-25 October, 2013, Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-33-7 3. Research Methodology and Data 3.1 Background of the study area The study was conducted in Bophelong, a low-income neighbourhood in southern Gauteng, South Africa and a former black township, established in 1955. The population in Bophelong is estimated at 37,779, and the number of households is estimated at 12,352. The size of Bophelong is approximately nine square kilometers, with a shopping complex and informal shops and markets. A study by Slabbert and Sekhampu (2009) revealed that 66.3 percent of the residents of Bophelong are poor, and the unemployment rate is 62.2 percent in the area. In a study by Dubhilela,(2011) it was found that female-headed households have a shortfall of 53 percent of their income to be placed on their respective poverty line. 3.2 Background of Social Security in South Africa The origins of social security in South Africa can be traced back to attempts by the previous apartheid government to create a welfare state for whites in South Africa.. Since the first democratic election in South Africa in 1994, the total number of social security system beneficiaries increased from 2.4 million in 1998 to 12.4 million in 2008 (Van Der Berg, Siebrits & Lekezwa, 2011). Projections of the National Treasury (2008) indicated that 66.6 percent of grants paid would have been child support grants, 17.9 percent old age pensions, and 11.4 percent disability grants. The remainder of grants are war veteran grants, grants in aid, foster care and care dependency. 3.2 Methodology Sample and data collection A stratified sample of participants were drawn from the semi-urban area located in southern Gauteng, South Africa, in order to reflect on their perceptions on food insecurity and their socio-economic background. A self-administered, on-site survey via a structured questionnaire was used in data collection. Fieldworkers, who attended a training session, conducted the interviews. Fieldworkers had to be proficient in English and one or more of the African languages in order to explain the purpose of the study, as well as questions in the survey. Participants were under no obligation to participate in the survey. Every second household was sampled in each street, and both male and female respondents, as head of the household, were chosen for the study. Of the 295 questionnaires administered, a total of 118 questionnaires were used for the analyses in this study (respondents who receive social grants). Measuring instrument A nine-item food insecurity scale, developed by USAID’S FANTA project, was used to measure food insecurity. The measurement instrument follows a progression, beginning with anxiety about food supply, followed by questions about the quality of food, then questions on Proceedings of World Business and Social Science Research Conference 24-25 October, 2013, Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-33-7 the quantity of food consumed, and the last questions on going to sleep hungry, or going all day and night without eating (Deitchler, Ballard, Swindale & Coates, 2010). The HFIAS score calculated is a continuous measure of the degree of food insecurity (access) in the household in the past four weeks (30 days), adding up to a maximum score for a household of 27, and a minimum of zero. The higher the score, the more food insecure a household will be. A Household Food Insecurity Access category is then calculated for each household in terms of food secure, mildly food insecure, moderately food insecure, and severely food insecure. For the purpose of the binary logistic regression analyses, the categories of food secure and mildly food insecure were grouped together (category 1 and category 2) and considered as food secure households. The next section outlines the model used to analyse the socio-economic characteristics on social grant recipients’ household food security status. Model Binary logistic regression was used to determine the effects of socio-economic characteristics, on social grant recipients’ household food security status. Households who receive more than 20 percent of their income from social grants were considered as grant recipient households. A binary response function (food secure and food insecure) was specified and estimated by the logistic procedure. In this case, where the endogenous variable is dichotomous (households who are food secure and those who are food insecure), the binary logistic specification can be used (Arene, 2010). Food security determined by the HFIAS was used, where one represents food secure households and zero represents food insecure households. The logistic model is specified as: Y= bₒ + b₁X₁ + b₂X₂ +b₃X₃ +b₄X₄ + b₅X₅ + b₆X₆ + b₇X₇ Where Y = Food security status (1, if the household is food secure; 0, if the household is food insecure) X₁ =Gender of household head (male = 0; female =1) X₂ =Household size (number of dependents) X₃ =Total grant income X₄ =Age of household head (years) X₅ =Marital status of head of household (0, if single; 1, if married or live together) X₆ =Education of head of household (no of years in a school) X₇ =Employment status of head of household (0, if unemployed; 1, if employed) 4. Interpretation and Findings 4.1 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents The sample data were based on responses from the head of grant recipient households, and a total of 118 grant recipient households were analysed. Table 1 provides the descriptive statistics for the sampled population. The number of household members per household varied from one to 17 members, with an average household size of 4.86. The average age of the head of the household was 54.08 years, with a minimum of 13 years and maximum of 99 Proceedings of World Business and Social Science Research Conference 24-25 October, 2013, Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-33-7 years old. Significant variations in household income were recorded, with the lowest monthly income R280, the highest monthly income R14370, and an average monthly income of R2326.61 per household. The average number of years of schooling of the heads of households was 9.84 years, with a minimum years of schooling two years, and a maximum of 17 years (10 years of schooling are equal to mid-secondary school level).This shows that, on average, the respondents in the sample have a very low average education. High deviations with regard to age of the head of the household and total income were recorded, 15.236 and 2063.58 respectively. Table 1: Descriptive Statistics of Grant Recipient Households Variable N Minimum Maximum Mean Standard Deviation HH size 118 1 17 4.86 2.1519 Age of head 118 13 99 54.08 15.236 118 2 17 9.84 5.2925 118 280 14370 2326.61 2063.58 Education of head Total income Of the total grant recipient households of 118, a total of 90 heads of households (68.64 percent) are unemployed, and 28 heads of households (23.73 percent) are employed. A total of 22 households are male-headed households, and 96 are female-headed households. 4.2 Food Security Status of Social Grant Recipients The analyses with regard to the food security status of the total sample showed that only 7.46 percent of households are food secure. Households who are mildly food insecure are 9.49 percent, while 25.42 percent of the households are moderately food insecure, and 57.63 percent are severely food insecure. The food security status of grant recipient households is shown in Table 2. When comparing the food security status of grant recipient households with non-grant recipient households, it shows that 49.15 percent of grant recipient households are severely food insecure, compared to 63.28 percent of non-grant recipient households, who are severely food insecure. If the categories, food secure and mild food insecure are considered to represent the food secure households, 16.95 percent of grant recipient households are food secure and 83.05 percent are food insecure, compared to 12.94 percent of non-grant recipient households who are food secure and 87.06 percent of non-grant recipient households who are food insecure. Table 2 thus shows that grant recipient households, on average, are more food secure than non-grant recipient households. Proceedings of World Business and Social Science Research Conference 24-25 October, 2013, Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-33-7 Table 2: Food Security Status of Grant Recipient Households Food Insecurity Category Grant Recipient Households Number % Non Grant Recipient Households Number % Total Number % Food secure Mild food insecure Moderately food insecure Severe food insecure Total 9 7.63 13 7.34 22 7.46 11 9.32 17 9.60 28 9.49 40 33.90 35 19.77 75 25.42 58 49.15 112 63.28 170 57.63 118 100.00 177 100.00 295 100.00 4.3 Analyses of the Determinants of Food Security Status of Households Table 3 shows a comparison of descriptive statistics between food secure and food insecure households. Female-headed households represent 66.10 percent of the food insecure households, compared to 15.25 percent of male-headed households. In a study, Manyamba et al. (2012) suggests that groups most vulnerable to food insecurity in South Africa are the rural poor, female-headed households, disabled and the elderly. Table 3 shows that the average household size of food insecure households is 4.97 members, compared to 4.41 members for food secure households. The average age of the head of the household for food insecure households is 53 years, compared to 59 years for food secure households. The reason for this may be that older people qualify for old age pension, and with the higher income they may have a higher probability to be food secure. The average years of schooling for food insecure households is 10.26 years, compared to 8.04 years of schooling for food secure households. This implies that there may be no significant difference in employability for somebody with eight or 10 years schooling, since it is still mid-secondary school level. In terms of employment status of the head of the household, 21.88 percent of heads of households of the food insecure group are employed, compared to the 31.81 percent employed of the food secure group, suggesting that more heads of households are employed in the food secure group. Proceedings of World Business and Social Science Research Conference 24-25 October, 2013, Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-33-7 Table 3: Food Secure and Food Insecure Households Gender Food Secure Households 3.39% 15.25% Male Female Household size Average age of head of household Years schooling of head of household Employed head of household Food Insecure Households 15.25% 66.10% 4.41 members 4.97 members 59 years 53 years 8.04 years 10.26 years 31.81% 21.88% Table 4 shows results from the logistic regression on the determinants of food security status of grant recipient households. The coefficient for the gender of the head of the household is negative (0, if male and 1, if female in the model) meaning that female-headed households have a lower probability to be food secure, but this was not statistical significant in the model. The coefficient for household size is negative, and statistical significant at five percent level of significance, meaning that more members in a household size lower the probability of being food secure. Table 4: Determinants of Food Security Status of Grant Recipient Households Determinant Coef. Std. Err Z P>|z| 95% Confidence Interval Gender of head -.111 .733 -0.15 0.879 -1.548 1.325 - HH size -.289 .145 -2.00 0.046⃰⃰ ⃰ -.572 -.005 -.0388 Age of head Marital status of head .0062 .119 0.52 0.606 -.017 .297 - -.504 .724 -0.70 0.486 -1.92 .915 - dY/dX Education of head -.132 Employment Status 1.11 .051 -2.58 0.010⃰⃰ -.233 -.032 -.0178 .689 1.62 0.105⃰⃰ ⃰ -.234 2.46 .1502 Grant Income .000 1.94 0.052⃰⃰ ⃰ -2.91e-06 .0005 - .0003 Employment status was significant only at the 10 percent level; with a negative coefficient, meaning that to be unemployed increases the probability to be food insecure. The coefficient of the years of schooling of the head of the household was negative. This may be attributed to Proceedings of World Business and Social Science Research Conference 24-25 October, 2013, Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-922069-33-7 the fact that there may be no significant difference in employability for somebody with eight or 10 years schooling, since it is still mid-secondary school level. The coefficient for the size of grant income is positive, and statistical significant at the 10 percent level, meaning that a higher grant income increase the probability of being food secure. Considering the marginal effect, it is shown that household size, if increased by one member, lowers the probability to be food secure by 3.88 percent, ceteris paribus. It is also indicated that if the head of the household finds employment, it will increase the probability of being food secure by 15.02 percent, ceteris paribus. No statistical significance was found with regard to the gender and marital status of the head of the household. The model containing all the variables was significant, indicating that the model was able to distinguish between the various explanatory variables used in the model with a p value of the chi two of 0.000. 5. Conclusion The objective of this study was to determine the extent of food insecurity of social grant recipients in a low-income neighborhood. The socio-economic determinants that contribute to food insecurity were analysed. The HFIAS measuring tool was used to measure food security status of social grant recipients. Data from the sample of 295 households, of which 118 receive grants, were analysed. The results of the analyses show that a high percentage (83.05 percent) of households who receive grants are food insecure. Urbanisation and resultant effects of unemployment, poverty, and ultimately food insecurity, remain a challenge to policymakers. It is evident that social grants alone do not solve problems with regard to food insecurity, as low overall income, unemployment and increased density remain challenges to policymakers. Using binary logistic regression results in this study indicate that household size and employment are significant contributors to food security status in low-income areas. Although the study could not find female-headed households as significant in the model, descriptive statistics showed that 66.10 percent of households are food insecure. With this in mind, it could be argued that policymakers should consider targeting female-headed households as part of social security. Closing the income gap between rich and poor should be seen as a key objective to ensure even distribution of income, to improve food security and reduce poverty. From a policy perspective, the problem of food security can be attributed to socio-economic factors such as family size, low educational levels, gender of the head of the household, and low-income levels. The lack of sufficient income (employment) is a significant predictor of food security. It may be important for policy makers to understand the impact of different socio-economic factors on food security. There may be an urgent need for the development of a more comprehensive food security strategy, focusing on urban as well as rural areas in South Africa. Bibliography Ahmed, A.U., Hill, R.V., Smith, L.C., Wiesman, D.M. and Frankenberger, T. The world’s most deprived: characteristics and causes of extreme poverty and hunger, 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture, and Environment Discussion. Paper no 43, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C. 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