pt-i l)ocuunNr 61ST CONGRESS, HOUSE OF OF REPRESENTATIVES. REPRESENTATIVES. cJ DOCUMENT 61sr ' I HOUSE "- coNeRrss, No.35r. 35L I J'o. sa Srir;.ii, I - - : 2d&ssion. OREGOI{. RIYnR, OREGON. YAQUINA YAQUINARIVER, IETTER LETTER FROM FROM IT' WAR, TilE SECRETARY OF WA TIIE SECRETARY TRANSI{ITTING, TRANSMITTING, OF REPOR'T OP ENGTNEERS' REPORT OF ENGINEERS, Tr{E CHIEF CHIEF OF I.ROM THE WITH AA LETTER I,ETTER, FROM WITH YAQUINA 3.R,OM YAQUINA OREGON, PROM R,IVER, OREGON, EXAMINATION OP YAQUINA YAQUINA RIVER, Or. EXAMINATION CITY, ELK CITY. TO ELK TO ancl llarbors and and Harbors Committee on Rivers and to the the Committee DECEMBER 15,1g09.-Referred 1909.Referred to DscrMnnn 15, ordered orderedto be printed. nrinted. WAR DEPARTMENT, no, ,,",onY i|.8";;#:;"'\1, Washsngton, December 11, 1909. ih" Chief Chiuf from the have the honor to transmit herewith h*r"*ith aaletter letter from transmit honor the have I SIR: Srn: I of copyof p"qi"".is, U. rvithcopy ultimo, together 5tlr ultimo, of U. S. Armv,.tlated Army, dated 5th of Engineers, logclher with Mclndoe, Corps Engineers, datcd-July dated July CoIPgof .Engineers' F''McTndoe, J' F. Maj' J. a report from fto- Maj. from "'"t River,Oregon' YaquinaRiver,Oregon,from 31, 1909,of preliminary examination examination of Yaquina of aa preliminary ir ,I'sgg, provlslons tlle \Yltn ur comphance by hLm Yaquina to Elk City, made by him in compliance with the provisions cit.y, rnade to Yaquina 3,1909. 1909. actof ofMarch }Iarch3, of the harboract andharbor the river river and respectfully, Very respectfully, M, DrccINsoN, DrcrrxsoN, J. J. M. Secretary ll'ar. Seuetoryof War. ItnpnrsENTATrvES. orREPRESENTATIVES. TrrEHOUSE Housr OF The oF THE The SPEAKER SpparnR, OF DPPaRTITENT, WAR Wan DEPARTMENT, rnnCHIEF OF ENGINEERS, or THE OFFICE OF onnrcn i non. Washington, frIi:r,ifii5, 1909. of,"November oc.rnr SIR: sm: to transmissionto for transmission herev'ithfor submitherewith II have honortotosubmit thehonor have the of Co|psof F.Mclndoc, -[lc]ndoc,Corps J' F. XIaj' J. bv Maj. Congress report of of July 31, 31, 1909, Conct'" and and rivcr brllre Engineers, on preliminary cxaminati"n_tutlrorized examination authorized by the river trne;o."rr, oit l,t.elirnin"ar;. yaquinaRiver, from Orcgon,from Hivet',Oregon, ui Yaquina IUug,of harbor llurt'h 3, 3,1909, uppio""dMarch o.i approved i;;il;; act CitY. trlk City. Yaquina Yaquina to Elk 27--Si D--61-2-\ro1 27--31 H D--Ot--2Vol II o YAQUINA RIVER, RIVER, OREGON. YAQIJINA OREGON. .tr; No work of improvement has has ever ever been been_done done on this river, but ^j"_y:lk^pj improvement oyer over $700,000 $7uu,000 has. has been expended expeuded in in providing providing a suitable suitable entrance --Ho*"u".. entrance yaquina River Yaquina Bay to Yaquina Bay. into into_which to whiih the the Yaquina Ri?er flows. no*i. However, t'ne,commerce usrng this entrance the commerce using entrancc became becamc so small smail and and insignificant insicnificant tnat the that tneimprovement lmproyement was abandoned pursuant provisions of was abandoned pursuant to to provisions of sectron 7 section 7 oI of the river rivcr and ancl harbor act act of of March l\Iarch 3, B. 1905. 1g05. r. concur in the opinion I concur gpinion of of the the district district officer, the division engineer, engineer, "rygr,-pne-iiui.ior, o_f and the Board of Engineers for for Rivers Riversand u"a iiulrno..lrr"t Harbors that the locality tn"l8".lly {ngineers ,Tqn:P^"-"r.{ rs not nof in question is now nowworthy worthy ofofimprovement improvement by by the the General Generdl *^_qy_::l]9r, bioyernment. Government. Very respectfully, respectfully, +,.* Cli,ef of Engineer.s, Eng,ineers,U. Chief u. S. Armq. Army. PRELIMINARY RELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF YAQUINA YAOUIN-q'RIVER, RIVDR' OREGON, oREGoN' FROM FRotr'l YAQUINA To YAQUINA TO ELK Er,K CiTY. across miles, and thence thenceacross From to Yaquina, about 22| _miles, oysterville to From Oysterville depth least depth tl;o channel has a least y;.^;;;E;;"""J-U". oce&n,_ tL. ocean, Yaquina Bay and bar to tiPI to the seen be wi! From the above description it will be seen des-cription above the From tia". fo* tide. of 12 feet at low 3! ,ifii}*t".d River Yaquina the miles from Yaquina to Elk City Citi EIk to Yaquina trom -it.r that for the 17 t6""r?1 if.#tJt feet, feet to 6 feet, to^6 of 5Q**feet tidd.of range of tide u,,"rug"range unaverage is a tidal estuary with an i;;ii;;i';tuuiy-iuitit Slough, DepotSlough,'ofof Depot the mouth at the bar at a mud mud bar f,, a and except f: tili,-;""nri1 ;;; that, rs ehannelis the channel depih in the least depth the least where the depth feet, the depdh is only 2 "fcet, iot".. thb ttde' lolv tide. meanlow about at mean feetat about 33 feet -"til;;;;Y;q"i"u Yaquina headof Yaquina the head abovethe mile above half aa mile The town of Yaquina is l. about abouthalf is aa milewide. widc. It is about11mile g;; which and-about long and mileslong Bay, is about utr,j"t3Bmiles *hi.h L Eastern the Corvallis and Eastern Corvallis of. termiirus mall settlement and the terminus of the una i#'"it'!-iiiir*ni said summer months is said during the summer Bdy,^and entrance to Yaquina Bay, and during lo'Vu,i"i"u bottom people. A narrow strip of bottom of narrow strip A peoplg. ""t*""" thousand by'several to be visited by several thousand i" ["-"*d not extensive extensive its tributary tributarysloughs, land sloughs, but it is anclits ttin river iio"t and i"ra borders l"talr. the il not I]nrreo STATES Sr,lrEs ENGINEER UNITED ENcrrqerin OFFICE, Onnrcr. hilly and andcovered covered is hilly countryis neighboiingcountry the neighboring and the d, and or highly cultivated, ;;hdht";ittti;;t populated' sparsel.ypopulated. The valley thereforesparsely vallev is therefore with brush. with"brirsh. "Th;;"I;'""u of 12,000 12'000 capacitv,of There is one small sawmill at at Ek Elk -Citv, City, with yiih3 a capacity .t"utf t,iumill capactotal capacoledowlth sawmrlls,at'l feet lumber per day, day, and at Toledo with a total and two sawmills of lumber feet of operated -to to supply supp[y the th.e are operate_d per day, which which are ity feet per 1ib,000"feet about125,000 of about ii" of - day, 'l'oledoand small and,a at Toledo a small There is a creamery lumber. There local for lumber. demandfor local demand railthe railth-eirproduct by thc which ship their salmon cannery at at Oysterville, Oysterville,which ;;i;;a;neiy Iftqulna rlver between bolween Yaquina on the river operatedon.the steamboatsare operated No stekmboats road. road. No obtainable' were obtainable. staListics commeicialstatistics and Elk were nocommercial attdno Citv, and eUi City, *'th";i"*"*a highway by public,highway asaapublic usedas areused "raThe river and its sloughsare tributarysloughs lt. tributary small barges, on small barges'on anct launches gasohne farmers and others who own gasoline launches and ownwho others and farmers market and anct produetsto to market other products which thev they transporl transport wood, h-a.y, hay, and other * account onaccount but, on traffic is kept but, this traffic recordof this supplibs. No record bring baclisupplies. bring back can not be very great. greqt. of the small population, its.a-mount its amount and and value can small poputation, the of --fnu rs the interestsis commercialinterests localcommercial The improvenent desired by the thelocal desiredby impro'.'oeinent ths dredging of the the dhoals, shoals, so so that-vessels that vessels which which can can cross crossthe the bar bar at the ar"agirrg 6t Elk City, arrcl perhapseven City. and even to to,Elk entrance and perhaps T-oledo,-and proceedto Toledo, can proceed entranc6can areunable ttnable i.l.claimecl load otherwise it is claimed they they are feet,.otherrvisc 14feet, about14 of about draftof load to aa draft Withthe cargo. cargo., Ivithrehandlingof t\e, rrithout aa rehandling to use ocean rransportation transportation without useocean Portland,,Oreg., Oreg.,Jul11 Portlaiid, 31, 1909. July Sl,'1909. In compliance with department letter letterof of MarcL March 8, 1I S,1909, tOOO, ,n aSIR: llo:,-I",q9mRJjance,wilh,pepSrlment v e the r n e honor n o n o r to t o submit have s u . b m rthe t . . t hfollowing el o - l l o w i n greport r e p o r t on preliminarv o n the t h e preliminary examination of-|aq.uina Yaquina Ri,vgr, River, ,from from Yaquina YaqLiina. to Elk EiliCity, to Oreg., 6iry;-o;;;:, ::l_T11_-il9l " ' p r o v r 0 e d rfor o r ...oj rin n tthe provided and n e rriver rver a n d harbor h a r b o r act a e t approved a p p r o v e d March x i a r c h 3, 3 , 1909. I g0g. The Yaquina River has previously been examined beei'exa-ir,"aunder gli"_t_I1l"',las previously unaii,ii,u the propro_ .-,J[:^ Ifol vrsrons visions of the'ver the river an.d and harbor and 1902, harboracts aetsof of 1896 1gg6and 1i.Q2, and the the repbrts reports apd thereon will thereon will be be found in in Documents DocumentsNo. No.^1r2, 112, nffty-niiir'-d*gr"rr, Fifty-fifth Congress, secondsession, se.ssion, second and andNo. No.-240, 240,F'ifty-eighth trlifty-eighthCongress, Congi.ess, ;";;;; second session. .=.J*ru,,. '+nu lorrowinggeneral The following general description description of of the river river is quoted quotcdfrom the fromthe ,lasf last report: reDor[: Yaquina.River^is The Yaquina River is aa small rise in small stream streamwhich which takes takes its its'ise in the ihe Coast coast Range Ra'ge of of rnountainsin Lincoln Lincoln County, county, Oreg., mountains in a direct oreg.,about about30 pi'cinc 30miles milesi"o air""t line the Pacific rn" from tr"o#irr-e Ocean. ocean. Twenty-one Trventv-onemiles mileslrbm fromiis'nrouth its mouthitit rr is joined by its principal tributary, 1"r*^city ilt""ifit?tbll;ly; Big Elk, at the small of Elk City. ih6 smail settlement settlemenjl.of The amount of carried by oilt fresh water carrreo ]rig. Elk, oy Et]. llir both is insignificant. both streams insignificant. The inlluence-extends prt The tidal influence extends about aboui 5r miles mile.sabove ibove Elk oitv, which is as City, which as far fai as as the the streams streamsmay may be beconsidered navigable, and then ##i"iyonly for t* skiffs and light-draft lisht-dra{t scows. scows. "o"uiaut"J"u"ig"i.i;,'r;d c.iiythe.riveris At Elk City the river is about 160 ab-out. 160feet feet wide; between betweenthat pointand that point and the the mouth mouthof -A!_EiY oI Depot stough, djstanceof.9 Depot Slough, a distance 9 miles, itit gradually gradua[y widens widens to about ab'out800 feet. The aoiti;.ith" controllins deprhthroughout throushoutthis parrof this part trolling depth the river is about 3 feet at mean low tide, although oi.the"river iBirboiritfc;i;;;;;;i;;"ti;", "ooo'tttougn nrany long long stretcheihave depthsof many stretches have depths feet and and even offrom trorr'5r to 10 ioleJi even more more at the the same sdmestage. stage. sitt shoal shoal or bar about 11 mile above above the - There is a silt rhe mouth mouth of ;t Depot t;;;tSb;;iiJo Slough on which *.rr"o prevailing feef at the n1mean meanlow low tide. rjde. R;[y1;;i1";ij;r";iiow Rocky bar, ii miles below Elk !]1eprevailing depth is 3 feet Eik ,6u city, caused City, by aa.bowlder bowlder slide, slide, is also also an an obstluction, obstruction, but but can passed with plenty c"r be i,rru".l-wir.h nlentv of water bv ef water by hugging bank. hueqins the north north bank. There are also at.oaa few i"* snags There are between Elk City uoaJr'n"i;"#iirfi'tiii and of Depot Slough. andthe themouth mouth"ol D"epot Sloush. There is a mud bar There at the mouth of Depot Slough baf at the.mouth-of Depot slough on which which the the depth is but 22 feet feet at mean low tide and which interferes with navigation between with t.;;;;; deep water in the a;6;';;i"' i" tn" 11,il,iL1tf*Jii?e.i "u"Is"tioo Yaquina River proper and Toledo. #Tfl,T#:*ree The average averase ranE-e range of ofth-..,!i4" the tide at Elk EIk City city is is about about 5b$ feet, feet, which which is ie but slightly slighily less less than at lt the than of the themouth mouth"of the river. nver. From Toledo downstream to to oy.sterville, Oysterville, about about 66 miles, miles, the the river - From Toledo downstream .ver varies in width width from 800to-1,800{eet, to 1,800 feet,except-at except at ihe the first bend tje"a below teto* Depot neriof Slough, Sro"qh, *n"r"lt tTIq800 where it is i. but l"t 400 400 feet feet wide. wide. The The channel channeidepths from 4a to vary from 20 Teei feet throughout this distance, iozo th.";giltt';h"#diurno.., {epthg.lgry ,,Chi"namans,,t;b;"it;ii;r-i;i;th; two-silt.ban g,ld occur, and two silt bars occur, one-at one at the tie "Chinamans," about 2 miles below the mouth ilouth of of Dcpot sioueh. on whicri Depot Slough, which the the reast least depth is about feet, and one auout,i4 fe;i,-;;d ;;i;.iidu"e just above Oysterville, iiyii".rritte, with aboutt fcet on it at about 6 feet mean low tide. mean ar towtiOe. 33 mouncrossesthe mounand crosses Elk_City Railroad, parallels the the river river to Elk City and ;hich parallels d;ilr";], which and Pacific lines at Corvallis and at at Corvallis lines Pacific Southern t[" tains, connecting with the Southern ;;ffi. ;;il;ild;;h navigation. head of of navigation. the head at the village at small village is aa small C-itv is Ett City Albany. Alb-;i.;. Elk ot populattonof with. aa population co-unty,with Linco]n county, of Lincoln Toledo, the county seatof counl.yseat Toled6, the the near its junction with the ne111tg Slo-ug.h, Depot Slough, on Depot about 1,000, is i. situated tit,iut"d on 'i{;;'fi;;;ith ;;;;;-i,rjoo, situated near near the is'situated 600, is abgut 600, populi,tion of about river. Newport, with a population i1!;;. W. L.L.MARSHALL, X{,rnsn,lr,r,, The Sscnnr.tny or, The SECRETARY OF WAR. Wc.n. ORDGON. YAQUINA RIVtrN,OREGON. YAQUTNA RIVER, markets, on on freight rates to outside markets, out transportation tle the freight ocean transportation out ocean prohibitive, and and consideredprohibitive, areconsidered dairy lumbdr,are andlumber, procluctsand farm products aoiry and farm ""a presentcommerce small. is small. commeroeis for this reason tho present reasonthe --The.e ihis -3i.{f;i of.yellorv There is is said said to'be to be a very body of yellow fir fir^anf and sql:ufe sruce very large large-body srletz or the tneSiletz timber, feet,-t} in th.e the valley of at 8,000,000,000 8,000,000,000 estimatedat timber, estimated -fe-et, "{lny may River,which whichmay Yaquina River, from 10 to 20 River, of the theYaquina miles north of 20 miles Riuo.,'from Yaqurna. and thc Slouqh of-Depot find an outlet to market by way of Depot Slough and the Yaquina. way by market outlet fi_ndan brtng rn order orderto to bring constructtonin In under construction railroadis now under loggingrailroad factaalogging In fact demand Commerce may, in the future, demand future, may, in the Commerce iimbcr. out some of this timber. ,jf ttii. ro-" at deepene{,but at Toledobe be deepened, that andToledo Yaquina.and betrveenYaquina theshoals shoalsbetween that the Iocal prospectiveincrease either local in commerce, commerce,either increasein the present theprospective time the ih" uresenttime improveanyimprovewarrantany uncertainto warrant too uncertain Valley,-is or from Sitz Valley, is too fiom the Siletz Government. GeneralGovernment. ment by the theUeneral menc by 4 YAQUINA RIVER, OBEGON. YAQIJINA OREGON. t1,F oft::},r?, DOCUMENT RErRESENTATIVES. HousnOF oFREPRESENTATiVES. *rr*Hr#ss, HOUSE d&ssion. { No.352. I At Toledo Toleclo there is a public At public wharf wharf with with a frontage frontage of 64 feet, feet, in two large large private private wharves addition to two wharvesat at the thesawmills. ;;;iiG. At this this and and At o_therpoints on the the river riyer wharf other wharf facilities facilities are ample amole for for all needs. needs. No,valuable water power porveris available No valuable water availablefor for development, developmbnt,as as the the section section of the the river liver under underconsideration considerationis tidal. tidal. my opinion opinion that neither It isis my ncither the the present pr,ese'tnor prospective prospeciivedemands demanrls oI"rt commercern of commerce in thrs this Iocalrty locality warrant warrant any expenditure expenrliturbby bv the thcGeneral General Government, th"eYaquina Yaquina River, Government,an{ andthat. that the Yaquina loto Elk riivei, from tro*-lo6,,i"a rrr. ulty, is tsiirot worthy"ot rmprovement at the City, not worthy of improvement presenttime. the present timb. ver' res'ectrull'' Very respectfully, F.MOIND0E, J.F. Mcrwoo', J. Major, Corps Corpsof Engineers. Eng,i.neers. The CHIEF Cnrnr of of ENGINEERS, ENcrNnnRs, U. The IJ. S.S.ARMY, Anuy. (Through the Division Divisioir Engineer.) (Through Engineer.) 61ST CONGRESS, S MICII. HARBOR AT ROGERS ROGERSCITY, CITY,MICH. HARBOR AT LETTER IETTEII, FROM rROII indorsement.] [First [tr'lrst indorsement,] OF WAR, THE SECRtrTARY OF THH SECRETARY IJxrrpo STATES Sra.rns ENGINEER Excrwppn OFFICE, UNITED Or.Ercn. NoR'rurnnN NORTHERN Plcrnrc PACIFIC DIVISION, Drvrsrow. San Francisco, Francisco,Cal., Cal.,August San August4, 1909. 4,'lg0g. Rgpg"tfllly,forwarded Respectfully forwarded to to the Chief Chief of of Engineers, Engineers, IJ. S. Army, Army, U. S. agreeingwith the opinion opinion expressed agreeing with the expressedwithin. withrn. J?i[ BIDDLE, JOHN Li,eut. cor., Lieut. Col., Corps of Engineers, r rr,. - r?;h";h Di,ui,si6n Ensineer. Division Engineer. TRANSMITTING. TRANSMITTING, REPORT OF OF ENGINEER,S, REPORT F3,OM rHE CrrrEF OF OF ENGINEERS, WITH A LETTER THE CHIEF LETTAn, FROM WITII A MICIT. CIIY, MICH. AT ROGERS ROGER,S CITY, IIAR,BON, AT EXAMINATION OF HARBOR EXAMINATION OF [Third indorsement.] [Third Boenn ExorlrnERs FOR BOARD on OF ENGINEERS FoR,RIVERS Rrvpns AND eNo HARBORS, Hannons. Woshington, D. 0., C.,September Washington, 4, Beptember lg0g. d, 1909. returned to the Respectfully the Chief of Engineers, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army. S. Army. f.e1ne9tf,u{y. rt is is stated statedin the It that no'steamboats the within within report that no steamboats now operate operate Y.oggr.n? betweenYaquina and on the Yaquina River between anclElk City. The Tlie adjacent Elk City. country is thinly populated anct and the amount amount of commerce commercenow now"jffi;;; offering offering f9yitl_y_f_lirnry.popula,ted fol:hipmenf for'rhe shipment or in immediate immediate prospect prospectis qr in quitesmall. is quite small. GeneralGovernment Governrncnt. The General expended expendednearly nearly$700,000 providing $700,000in providing suitableentrance entranceto Yaquina a suitable YaquinaHarbor, Harbor, but but no iio advantage advantas"was J-. taken t^ul;; of this impro-ve_menb. improvement. On the contrary the onihe_contrary the commerce, *iii"n which *u, was never .ofthis Iarge,.dwrndled large, dwindled away away to to a few few hundred hundred tons, tons,"o**.."n, and the the improvement and improvement""u". was was abandoned abandoned about about1905. 1905. , Under under these theseconditions probable,thai conditionsit is no't not probable that stretchof tlre stretch of river river under the underconsideration considerationwould would be buextensively e*i6".i*i! used used if improved. if imnroved. Inierested.parties werenotified notifietlby by the Interested parties were thedistrict districtofficer offieerof of his his adverse adverse grven an opportunity antl given qeport report and opportunity to submit submit their their views Yiewsto the the Board. Board. commun'catronhas une One communication has been beenreceived receivedfrom from a firm fi.rminterested intcrestedin in business business,in in Toledo, Toledo,.in in which which itit is recommended that the recommendedttrat tti"- river ri""i be t. pornt. improved lmproved to that point. rlrom the facts factsbefore beforeit the From the the Board Boardis is forced forceclto concur concur in the the opinion opinion district officer officer and expressed by the district gSpressedby anclthe thedivision clivision-""ei"u"i engineer tlrut that Yqguina River is not at Yaquina at this this time time worthy worthy of of improvement. improvementi. For the the Board: Board: Locnwoop, D. W. LOCKWOOD, Colonel, Corps Colonel,Corps of Engineers, of Enuinpcrs. 'Meitber BeniorMember of Senior 5f the Board. theEoard. o and ordered ordered DRCEMBRR 1909.Referredtotoihe the Committee Committeeon onRivers Rivers and and Ilarbors Harbors and 1909.-Referred Dncpurnn 15.15, printed. to be printed. j J i T)np,rRrtr{ENT, WAR \\tan DEPARTMENT, Washingtov, Washin,glon, December L)ecertber 11, 11, 1909. 1909. leftel from irerewithaa letter from the SIR: have the honor transmitherewith the honor to to transmit Sm: fI have <latedNovember 9,1909, 1909,together Army, dated together Chief of of Engineers, Engineers, U. U. S. Army, November9, f,ieut.Col. Ool.C. \{c,D.Townsend, Towusend,Corps Corpsof with from report fromLieut. C.MeD. copv of aa report rvith copy 'June preliminar.l' examinrtiorrof of aapreliminary ot' Engineers, dated June 18, examination 18,1909, 1909,of trn,:inecrs,datotl in compliance harbor with the the mrideby by him him in comliliance u'ith City, \]ich., )lich,,made RogersCity, at Rogers harborat 1909. provisions actof }Iarch 3, 3, 1909. provisions of the river and and harbor harboract ofMarch of ' Very respect{ully' very respectfully, },[. DICKINSoN, DrcxrNs'x, J. J. M. Secretaryof War. War. Secretary ort REPRESENTATIVES. RppnnsENTATI\rES. OF rnn THE Houso HOUSE OF SpparconoF The The SPEAKER q|a;ii Wan DEPARTMENT, DnrlRTuENT, WAR liuctxenns, OF T U E CHIEF n ENGINEERS, o F THE Crnnn o OFFICE O E E r c p OF |I'asht nyJtott,,November Noueatber 9, 1909. 1909. Washington, hcrewith for for transmission transmission to to tosubmit subrnit herewith havo the the honor honor to SIR: Srn: II have X{cD.Townsend, 1909,by Lieut. Col. Townsend, Congress report of ,fune June 18, 18,1909, by Lieut. Col.C. C.McD. Congressreport preliminary examination the authorizecl by Corps of Engineers, on preliminary examination authorized by the Engineers, on Corps of il{arch 3, 1909, of of "Rogers River act approved City, Iiarbor'act 3, 1909, d,pprovedMarch Riv'er and and Harbor "Rogers"City, *tL