51ST 51ST CoNGRESS, CONGRESS, k 1st Session. lst Session. Ex. Doe. (Ex. Doc, SNNATE. SENATE. j k N o .47. 47. No. TETTXR LETTER r.ROM FROM OF WAR, THE SECRETARY OF WAR. TRANSMITTING, TRANSMITTING, rn response respnnseto the resolution of In of the 5th 5th instant, instunt, aa report report on 'improve. onthe th,e imlroaements th,eentrance entrunce to to Yaquina ment. of the Yaquina Bay, Bag, Oregon. Oregon. Fnrnuenv 10, FEBRUARY lQ 1890.-Roforred. to the thoCommittee commiilee on on Commerce commerco and 189O,Referred to ancl ordered orilered to to be bo t: printed. printed. Tlrln DEPARTMENT, DnpIRTMENT, WAR Washi,ngton CitE, Xebruary 7, L890. 7,1890. Washington City, February Tlre secretary honor to transmit The Secretary ofof war War has the the honor transmit to the Senate senate a let- ter Chief of_Elgiueers, ter from from the the Chief of Engineers,dated dated the the 6th instant, instant, with with a report f'ron Capt. from Capt. Thoma.q Thomas W'. W. Symoas, Corps of Sfmons,'Corps of Engineers, Engineers, on ou the the subject subject of the improvement improvemenb of entiarco to Yaquiua Bay, of the of the the entrance to Yaquina Ba.t. Oregon, Oreeon. in iri reresponse sponse to to resolution resolution of of the the 5th 5th instant, instant, as as follows: foll,owsi Resolved, That tbe Secretary Secrot-ary of of War That the War be directed directetl to to furnish furnish to io the tho Senate Senato any any addiadtli,, t r D!r:gl.*!, D a lInfermation i D l ' o r m a t i o u bhe e m a y hhave a v e rreceived e c e i v e d oon u the tnmal may t h e subject s r r b . i e c of Io f the i n r p r o v e r n e n iof o f the t b e improvement tho e u t r a n c e tto o Y aquina B ay, O r e g o n , ssince entrance Yaquina Bay, Oregon, i n c o t the b o ddate a t e oof f l his _ r l sllast a s t aannual n u n a l ireport. eport. pnocron, Rnnrrnln PROCTOR, REDFIELD Secretary Becretargof of War. War. The PnnsroENTOF The PRESIDENT oF THE TEEUNITED UNrrEnSTATES Srl'rns SENATE. SnrvErn. Oprrcn OFFICE OF oF THE TEE CHIEF Cqrnp OF oF ENGINEERS, ENcrNEEris. Uxrrnn STATES Sra'rns ARMY, UNITED Anfv, W'ashington, D. Washington, D. C., C,, February Xebruary 6,6,1890. L890. Srn: I havo ths honor aclinowledge SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge reference to this office of to refereuce to this oflice of resoresolution dated dated February February5, 1890, of the lution 5, 1890, United States thetnited StatesSenate, directing $enate,directing 'r 's-ecretaryof of War war "totofurnish furuishtotothe the Secretary theSenate senateany anyadditional atlditionalinformaiuformrl tion he may may-have receivedon tion he have received subject ofofthe onthe the subject thoimprovement improvementof of the tlie entralce to Yaquina Yaquina Bay, Bay, Oregon, entrance Oregon,since resincethe the date tlateof of his lastannual hislast annrral re. port,tt and aqd beg leave to port," leave to return returu the thesame samewith withaccompanying accornpan.yingcopy of -beg_ 'IhornasW. 13tllultimo the 13th ultimo from from Capt. report of the Corps of of Oapt.Thomas lV.Symons, Symdns,-Oorilir {$Port rljrglneers, ofiicer in Engineers, the the officer in charge charge of of the rvorlr,submitting the work, submitting estimate estimate amounting to $370,560.30 $370,560.30toto complete completeand and give give the requisite strength retluisile strength lu"oultiqg to and stability stability to to_tlre-works and the works at at Yaquina Yaquina according according to the present present project project with such such modifications modificationsas with justified by as seem seemjirsti6etl by experience. exferiencc.^ Yery respectfully, your obedient Very oli:dient servant, seriant, Tsos.LINCOLN LlNcor,NCASEY, Tilos. ClsEr, Brig. Gen., Chief of Engineers. chiefo/ Engineers. rlon.REDPIELD Rnnrrnr,oPROCTOR, 'nfffi Hon. xryE I3ecretary of War. n or.oron.Gen., - 2 yAeurNA BAy, OREGON. YAQUINA BAY, oREGoN. yAeUrNA BAY, IMPEOVEMENT OlENTRANCU TO IMPROVEMENT OF ENTRANCE To YAQIJINA RA)r, OIiEGON. OREGON. EncrNnpn OFFICE, U. S.S.ENGINEER Oprrcl. Portla,nd,Oregon, Oregon,January Portland, January 13, 18,1890. iggg. Gplrsnar.: rn answerto GENERAL: ru answer to the flrecommurneation communicatiouof Senators senatorsDoiph Dolph and and Mitchell Mitchell inin regard regard toltgoyl" to YaquinaBa1-, Bay,referred referred to to me ure by tiy indorsement indorseiuentfor report December December26, 1889, report 1880,r Ihave have the thehonor honorto to submil submit ttre the following foilowingreriport: yaquina Bay, The Government Governmentwork at Yaquina Bay, for the the benefit the harbor harbor leneflt of the entrance,consists consists_of entrance, of a south south jett;jetty completed as compleced asto length lengflrin accordanie accordance _in w^iththe the-approved the Board with approved prqject Boardof of Engineers Bngirreer.of November x"""rrruijsl13 Prqjectof the 1888,-and 1888, and of a north jetty-whictr jetty which has has beenbuii-t built for for a "rlittle little more ruorethai firan oug-third projectedlength its projected leugth from one-third of its frorn the the shore. shore. ((surel;;complete estimatethat to to "surely complete and give the Ir estimate andgive the requisite requisitestrength strength ancl-slability and stability to the work work acco-rding according to to tho the present presenbprqject" proiect,, with wilh such sicil rnodificationsas justified by asseem seemjustified gsto,soo.eo. by experience experiencdwill modifications will cost coslfully rutty $370,560.30. TEE SOUTH SOUTI{ JETTY. THE JETTY. send herewith herewith traciugs Ir send tracings showing of the showiug longitudinal longitudinal section sectiou of the south south jejty as it it_exists, exists, with with reference retbreuce to jetty as to high high and autl low low water water lines lines and aurt lines lines sand-along{oot of,orth (cbannel)side of jetty, and of sand along foot of north (channel) of jetty, and along aloug foot of oi souf:h of jetty. south side of jetty. fhe tracing also alsoshows The tracing showstwenty twe'ly cross-sections of of' ""o*s-sedtion. the jetty je,tty tr&mway as built, built, and and-the jetty tramway the jetty enrockment enrockurent as as actually actuall.y existexisting in the latter partofofDecember, latter part ing December,1889. 1880. Thejetty was considered consideredas ascompleted completedabout jetty was aboutNovember November1,1,1889. 1ggg. Since siuce . The tFejetty s_ettJe$ into the then the jetty has settled into the.sandy sandyfoundation found-?tionand and a quantity quautity of of stone has been beeu washed washed dowu down to to either side. side. The The stone stone (wtrich (which isis "the the available) isisrather portion has best available) rather soft soft and. and a portion ha-sbeen beenlost toit by b-ythe ilre concon_ stant abrasion abrasion to which which it is is subjected. subjected. The deepening deepeniug of of the th'echannel channel by scour seour has has also also dropped in in much much stone. stone. rt is is evident evident-be me that if It to this jetty isis to to me ifthis io be he maintained maintained as a high-tide high-tido jelty, it must very.materiHlly jetty, materially strengthened by making strengthenetl_by making it iLwider, witlei, and, aud, i! mustbe very lriglrer than when lirst first built, considerably higher allow ilran ordinary ortlinary high higii tide, tide,toto'allow fbr for settlement, displacement, displacement, and abrasion. abrasion. Although etttrough the tlie jetty crest is iettv crest row approximately up.to liigh-tide level, level,lbe now up to ordinary high-tide the waves and big rvalves-antl big pass entirely over it. seas pass seas upon the tracing traciug sent herewith, herewith, rI have indicated what Upon wlrat Ir think ilrink should should the approximate cross-section.sof be the of the the jetty jetty to give give the the requisite requisite -approximate, cross-sections strergth and and stability stability to to the thework, work, to strength to enable euableitlt totowithstand wittrstandthe tfevioviolence of of the the sea in in its its exposed condition, condition, antl and to to control control in in proper proper manmanfl,ows,and to t!rc tidal prevent sand tidal flows, ner ggr the to prevent saudbeing beingcarried carried over ov^erthe the jetty letty into the channel. channel. The outer 750 750 feet of is far more of the jetty jetty is than the remainder more exposed exposed tb.an rernainder action of of the breakers,and the breakers, to the action proposed anditi[is,is,ininconsequence, consequence, proposcd to to give as tronger it as tronger cross-section. cross-sectiotr. jetty the For this portlou of this portion of the tlre jetty For for the the cross-section cross-section proposed tbr enthe enrockment rockment is is 30 30 feet feet in in width width at at 5.4 5.4 feet above ordinary high water; water; or ordinaiy high 12.5 L2.5 feet above mean low low water, with rvith aaslope slopeon thechannel bf 11 onthe channelside sitlrof vertical feei below beklw low vertical to 3 horizontal horizontal to to 2 feet low water, water. and and11vertical to 11 r'ertical to horizontal frorn horizontal from22t'eet feetlre]ow belowlow lowwater watertoto tho the bottom bottom;I and on and aa slope slopo on the the shore or or south south side side of of 11 vertical vertical to to 11$ horizontal horizorrtal to low-water to the the low-water liue, and aa slope line, on II thence slope of I1 on thence to the the bottom. boltom. This This cross-seotion cross-sectionisisbelieved believedtotobe be about about that which wtrich can be secured secured. by cxisting tramway by dumping stone from from the the existing tramway and permitting permittiug itit to scbtosettle tIe into into place place uuder underthe the iufluence influenceolofthe the rvaves. waves. The tho T[e remainder remainAer of of the YAQUINA YAQUINA BAY, BAY, OREGON. OREGON. 3 more protectecl will be be more sand which jetty will protected by sand pile up up in in rear rear of of it, it, and. and which will will pile so exposed cross-section,itit is believed, can exposed the cross-section, not being so be diminished diminished can be shorvnou to that shown on the the remaining renaining cross-section of the tracing cross-sectionoI herewith. to tracirrg herewith. This tliffbrs differsfrom fromthat that before before described. described only onlyiuin har.iug having a top llhis width of top width feet instead of 30 feet. of30 20 feet, I ii. .r, ti.t :..:; .],:l' :1, i,, t.:.' .t:l: it ',,n i; .,.:. I i... t.,.: 't' jetty with hold and To and protect protect bhe the shore shore eutl end of of the jetty To hold it is is with certainty, certainty, it 12,000tons of of rock rock will will be required. estimated that 12,000 In explanation explanation of the estimate In for the the cost of of the south jetty, itit may estimate for rnay south jetty, be stated that the the sandy havecompletely sandyshoals shoalsof of the thebay bayhave cornpletelyencircled enoircled jetty has wharf where previously beeii the wharf where the tho stone fbr the haspreviously stonefor theexisting existing jetty bcen received, ititwill totoexreceived. and and before beforowork work can canbe becommenced wjll be necessary conrrnetrcetl beilecessary exnew wharf tend the tramway and thstramway anclbuild at the build aanew wharf at the bay ba-vchannel. channel. This Thls exextension should should bo be made across across the mud urutl flat to a point well well up the bay, tbe bay, where perma,nent,and where the the bottom bottom is is soft soft antl and the channel deep and aud permanent, ald the water comparatively comparatively smooth. smooth. good, and would The derrick derrick and engine only have bo moved eugine are aro good, would only have to to be moved. new site. to the new site. jetty tramway good portion portiot of A good A of the the old in 1882, 1882,seven olrt jetty was built built in seven traunway was years ago, ago, and and has has been subjected subjected to to much wet frorn fromthe the spray spray of of the the much wet yellow lir breakers. The lif'e life of of the yellow fir inin bridgo bridge structures structures antl and trestles trestles is about nine nine years, ancl and in in this this case case is naturally naturally shorter. tho shorter. Most of the needs extensive repairs to locomotive. II tramway tramway needs make itit sale sal'efor for the to make tbelocomotive. piles, although think the think and eaten by by the the tr"teredo," the piles, althuugh somewhat somewlrabdecayed and teredort' years more. could be made to last for conlcl fbr two more. two or three tlrree years The haul haul being so much much longer longer itit would would be advisable to purchase a being so new locomotive, locomotive,and andatat leest least ten ten new new dump dump cars, larger, larger, stronger, strouger, and rttore conveniently present at more convenientlyaruanged arranged than thaii those at present at Yaquina. Yaquina. Three additioual stone additional stone scows scows should be built. If the pilewharf approach is constructed If the'wharf approach is hired labor, labor,one oneor constructetl by by hired ortwo twopiledriver pile-clriver derricks, provided. driver scolvs scows should should be be built, built, and antl pile-driver derrioks, etc., etc., provided. We have engines We engines which which could for a time for this work. work. could be used for tirne for A fresh fresh water A new wharf would including water supply for for the new wonld be required, including a new trew windmill. windmill. It It will be necessary toto bnilti build aa new new ways ways and and repair will bo repair the old old scows. scows. With the plani oti the plant With in this on hand, hand, and and recommended recommended in report, itit would this report, woulcl ye&r to do require about a year this work. do this work. I'IIE NORTH THE NOR,TII JETTY. JETTY. jetty so In fn constructing constructing the north north jetty hasbeen found necessary sofar far itit has beenfound necessaryto to sufficierrt to use more morerock rock than than just just sufficient to bring bring itit up to levelof to the thelevel of halfhalfprojected by Board of tide by tho the Board tide as projected of Engineers. necessar;' in in Eugiueers. This was necessary piles of order to protect protect the the jetty jetty tramway, order to urany of the tramway, many of which which have havo the piles very very little little holding holding in the sand sand.and and rock rock composing composing the bed. For permanently For this reason and in in order order that that the may remain remain permanently the ,jetty .jetty may at the the elevation elevation of of half-tide, half-tide, allowing for settlement, allowing for settlemeut, displacement, d.isplacemeut,and place to abr,asion,it will abrasion, build itit in the first will be advisable to build first place level of to the the level high high tide. II submit submit herewith here\yith a tracing showiug the in my my tracing showing cross-sectionwhich, which, in thecross-section .(to give opinion, the opinion, the jetty jetty should have "to give the requisite requisite strength and should have aud stastability to the work project.tt bility to the present project." work according according to proposed that the For the outer feet of of the the north north jetty jetty it is outer 7b0 7b0 feet is proposed thecrosscrossfor the section shall be similar to that for similar to tho outer outer 750 750 feet feebof the south jetty, having a width having width on top at at high-water high-water line linewhen on top whencompleted 30 feet. completed of of 30 Tho other 930 The yet untouched 930 feet yet untouched.to have have aa similar sirnilar cross-section, cross-s€ction,but jetty the diminishing in preseut end. diminishing in width widthso sothat that at at the present end of the the jetty the width width be 20 20 feet, shall be width shall shall aontiuuo continue to to the the shore shore end. euL feet, which 20-foot 20-foot widtb 4 YAQUINA YAeurNA BAY, BAY, OREGON. oREGoN. jetty tramway The of the north north jetty further extension extension of tramway will will be attended Tho further beattended greai; difficulties uncortainties, and with and many many uncertainties, with great difficulties and and these increase thesewill will increase progrosses,owing as the jetty jetty progresses, to t'hc the deeper antl and rougher owing to rougher water and the the 1\{anydelays delays and rocky bed which whichisis of of varying varying hardness. hardness. Many rocky betl and contingencontingenin such cies are are liable liabletoto occur occurtoto aa work worli in such an an exposed exposedsituation, aud situation, and much will depend uprni the character of the will depentl npou the tho bed-rock bed-rock met met with. with. provide for In order to contingenciesthe the estiuate estimate for for tho the In to provide fbr reasonable contingencies construction of of this is made liberal and aud is, is,for for the first 500 this tramway tramway is made liberal tho first 500 construction per fiiot, $6 per foot, for the next 500 feet l-eet$7.20 fbob,and for for the remainremainfeet $6 noxt 500 S7.20per ing 680 680 feet $9.60 foot. $9.60 per foot. In the estimate estimate of of tho the cost In further further explanation explanation of of the cost of of completing completing the tho north jetty submitted herewith itit may maybe mentionedthat thatitibwill willbe bonecnecsubmitted herewith bementioned pile-driver and provide provide a heavier essary to overhaul the pile-driver and overhaul tbe hammer and. heavier hammer pile-driver stronger hoisting engine, and and construct a new hoisting engine, uew and aud stronger pile-driver derrick. scows shoulcl shouldbe bebuilt built aa little little larger larger than Three new stone scows now -than those thosenow on hand, some somo of which which are old and anclare becoming unfit unflt for for service. service. are becoming Twenty to be loaded the largest largest Twonty new new stone loaded on stono boxes boxes to on the tho scows scows with with the pieces of shoulcl be constructed. constructed. of stone should 'Water Water should the Government Government tank tank to to the the wharf in brought from wharf in should be brought from tho pipo. At galvanizod.pipe. present the boilers, an inch-and-a-half inch-and-a-half galvanized At present thewater \yaterfor lbr boilers, boats, etc., etc., is is supplied suppliedby bythe thewater water company companyofof the the city city of \rewport, ewport, and this supply is limited limited and uncertain. supply is uncertain. requiro about 10,000 It tons of It will will require 10,000 tons completo the existing of stone to to complete tho existing hereportion of the jetty in thejetty in accordance accordancewith with the cross-section cross-scction submitted herewith. In making making the estimate estimate for the stone required for the balance stone required balance of plane of the jebty, jetty, the L. average depth depth of M. L. L. L. the average of the bedrock bett rockbelow below the the plane of M. water is assumedat at 10 10feet. feet. Where Where the the jetty jetty now ends this this depth depth is 6 is assumed jetty ititisisover projectecljetty As the feet; atatthe theouter outerend endof of the theprojected 12feet. feet. As the over12 jetty advances jetty advances all all the tho sand from in front front of sand.from of itit isisscoured scoured"away, away, making making piles in necessary to drive the it necessary to drive the piles in all all eases into the bsd-rock. casesinto the bed-rock. cost to to complete prercnt project. project. Estimated cost thework workatat Yagnina Estintateil complale tha Yaqui,na Bay Bay according accord,ingto to present SOUTH SOUTE jETTy. JETTY. now stone Building stono scows, scows, at at 2,5O0 Ruikling three threo new $'2,500One pile-driver, i l e - t l r i v o r , scow derrick, oto.----. e r r i o k , etc One p Bcowd One b o i e t i n g engine o n g i n e ................................................... . O n o hoisting quarry.---One t l e r r i c k at a t quarry O n e derrick Ten ........................................... at $500 -- ---Ten new new dump-cars, dump-cars, at S500. Water f o r new n o w wharf w h a r f -......................................... -----. W a t o r supply e u p p l v for Shifting derrick antl engine engino to now wharf wharf- .............................. Shifting to new cieirick and Building w h a r f , 40 4 0 feet f o o t by n o w wharf, b y 120 1 2 0feet f e e t ................................. ----. B u i l d i n g new feot Building 4,400 feet of track trestle to now wharf, wharf, comploto, complete, with with track, track, at Building of traok tro6tlo to now at $4.50 $4.50.----- Repairing off oold R e p a i r i n g 3,000 l d t rtramway, a m w a y , at 3 , 0 0 0feet feet o a t $2 $2----Rails and and fittings fittings for for double doubletracking trackingsouth south jotty jetty tramway, Rails tramway, 5,000 5,000 feet feot of of track, 60 cents track, at cents ................................................. at 60 antlshore Placing Placin g on ou spur 6pur and shoroextension extonsion ofjetty of jotty 12,000 12,000tons of stone, tons of otono, at at $l:50 $1:50piecos from Placing on feet of main jetty 60,000 tons of stone main jotty in pieces on 3,000 3,000 feot 60,000 tons stono in from 100 100 ( a v e r a g i n g 22 tons), p o u n i l s to pounds t o 6 tons t o n s ) , at t o n s (averaging a t $1.50 $f.50.----Contingencies, ongiueering, superintendence, suporintenclenco, rents, etc., otc., 10 per cent Contingencios, engineering, 10 per oout.-.. Total........................................................... Total .----. $7, 500. 00 $7,500.00 1,200.00 l,200. 0o 1,325.00 1,325.00 700. 00 700.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1J00-00 1 ,500.00 150.00 150.00 2,000.00 000.00 2, 19,800.00 19,800.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 15,617.50 15,617,50 171, 79250 l7l.7n-50 NORTH JETT. NORTE JETTT. B u i l d i n g three n o w stone Building t h r o onew s t o n oscows, E c o w s at , a t$2,500 $ 2 , 5 0 0.............................. .--:-. Two T w o hoisting h o i s t i n gengines, e n g i n e s at , a t$1,325 $1,325.----. One O n o 10-ton 1 0 - t o nlocomotive l o c o m o t i v................................................. o.---------..-'--Two T w o dderricks, . o r r i o k s , at a t $$700 7 0 0 . -.................................................. --,. 7, 7 , 500. 5 0 0 .00 00 2,65000 2,650.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,400.00 1 ,400.00 T'I H t YAQTJINA BAY, OEEGON. OREGON. YAQUINA BAY, 'ron new dump-cars, at $500 ------------------------------------------- 4 c4e cents n t s . - --------------------------One 3,000-pound pile-drivei hammer, at Pepairing jetty pile-driver -------------------------------------------samo, a y i n g same, Perfecting water supply at Newport; 2,000 feet of pipe and llaying at 30 cents --------------------------------------------------------Twenty new stone boxes, at $25 -------------------------------------Building quarters at Cannon quarry ---------------------------------Purchase of new tools and supplies ------------------------------------ :) 000.00 $5, $5,000.00 120.00 120.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 500.00 500.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 3,000.00 3,ooo,0o Constructing jetty tramway 1,680 feet longfirst 500 lèct at $6, second lsir;''*;;,r 128.00 13,128.00 500 feet at $7.20, and the remaining 680 feet at $9.80 ------------------ 13, Placing on existing 1,050 feet of jetty and shore trestles 10,000 tons of stone, at $1.50 ------------------------------------------------------ 15, 1 5 000. , 0 0 000. 0 0 126,000.00 Extending jetty enroekment, 84,000 tons ot stone, at $1.50 ------------- 126,000.00 069.80 18,0{;9.80 Contingencies, engineering, etc., 10 per cent --------------------------- 18, s 'Total l ' o t a l ------------------------------------------------------------------. 198,767.80 198,767.80 t t i c s - ------------------------------. - - - - . E370,560.30 ffi Total l ' o t a l estimated e s t i m a t e cost c l c oof sbt oboth ft hj ejetties uext during the next profitably expended expended during be profitably Of this amount amount there Of there can cau be year$250,000. fiscal year S250,000. vigorous to the the vigorous incident to operations incident This would enablo enable all all auxiliary auxiliary operations This woulcl to rock to of the the rock two-thirds of aboubtwo-thirds prosecution of of the work to bo be done, and about work to position. into position. be put into found practicable be found it will will be advances it possiUle t5at It is that as the work t? work advances is possible ,practicablo yet retain proposetl, and yet cnrockment proposed, to reduce of the the enrockment cross-sectionof redubo the the cross-section teducing the thereby reducing sea' thereby sufficient strengthtotoresist resistthe the action action of of the sea, sufficient strength rultimate ultimate cost. cost. i-_: t: n i ;: ; + E. .:+ *t rS n F. lni :.; :.: t:_!-t ii ' l:. li. lt', t--. nuch as as much wolk as thework on the With be well well to carry carry on With this in view view itit will will be this in more jetties, and when more stopititwhen ancltotostop possible a'long of the along the the entire length of the jetties, ^rnaturejudgnent, inaturejudgment, born further experi-ence, experience, indicates indicates that that tbey'(surely they "surely born of of furiher have the requisite requisite strength strength and and stability." stability.t' havc parbofofthis Dolph and SenatorsDoiph letterofofSenators in regard latier part thisletter regard to to the the latter Iu gratifieel if the officer officer in if the Mitchell which which states states '(we "we sbould. should be gratified in chargo charge bo be Illitchelf o,f t'easibility of requested to submit your judgment judgment his his views upon the feasibility views npon submit to your requested drawing.2S vesselsdrawing making such a channel aswlll willallow allowthe the exit exit of vessels 25 mdkiugsuchashannel-as would be besufficient sufficient appropriation would feet of water what additional additional appropriation feet of water and what asfollows: follows: roportas to thohonor toreport resuli," II have havethe houorto this result," to attain this har' with this this harthdt sufficient sufficient experience has been had with II do clo not not,think think that formedpermit views in the to be be formed tlie case caseto bor or with views in of this kind to to permit harbors of this kind with harbors own my own evonto to my by satisfactory or or conclusive, couclusive,even would be at all all satisfactory which would by me which mind. 25 drawing 25 safelydrawing barborsafely andleave leavethe theharbor In order that ma.yenter enter and that ships shipsmay In higl feet of watqr, water, there there shouicl should be be about about 30 feet feet of of water water on on the the bar bar at high feetof show that that there is office show records of of this low tide. The Tho records tl-risoffice tide, feet at at low 23 feet tide. or or 23 vaproposed harbor at vaharbor entrance, entrance,at rock underlyingthe the bar bar sand of of the proposed rock und.erl.ying rious elevations 18 to to 3l 31 feet feet below belowthe theplanoof plane oflow lowwater. water. The from 18 of from elevationSof 21or or rvouldbe general rock would be about about 21 underlyingrock ttrisunderlying genoral average elevation of of this average elevation low water. 22 feet the plane of of low IEet below below the high water water tlepth at at high least depth If and were off the the bar bar the tho least werescoured scouredoff If all all the the.santl and wouldbe beas as far far as known known 25 25 feet, feet, average average depth depth abont about 29 feet, and would greatest abouL greatest depth about 38 feet. 38 feet. rlepth to projecteclisisto scour to The of thejetties the jetties built built and this scour and projected tocause causethis object of The object possible, and the most most,thatcan as possible, take place to as as great great an an extent extent as that can be be place to tako would be bo to hoped from from thern them or or their their possible possible extensions extensions iu in the the future future would bottom therocky rocky bottom scour this bar keop itit away, away,leaving leaving the saud away away and keep bar sand scour tbis tho and tben then on)y, only, coulcl could aa detonninatiou determination be be rnade made of of the exposed. exposed. Then, ancl removetl to reduce the rock botamount of the rock to to be beremoved character of the rock adount and aud character tom low water, water, and and aa satisfactoryjutlgment satisfactoryjudgment ciepth of of 23 23 feet below below low tom to a depth i i .i II I I I I I it !: li i! I .l ' , t! F. 6 YAQUINA BAY, OREGON BAY, OREGON be formed feasibility of formedas astotothe the feasibility of keeping to this this depth, depth, and. and an estikeeping iiit to estinate mate of the of the tho cost rlf worh made. tho work mado. being th9 the case, ease, II conceive conceive that that the the time time has has uot not yct yet arrived arrived for for _ Such being tho the forTation formation of_ of any any definitc definiteviews viewsoror jutlgmcnt judgment iu in the the rnatter, matter, and and II am am unablo unabletoto mallo make any any sabisfactory satisfactory estimabe estimate of of the additional additional approappropriation s-uEcient to permit tho priation sufficient; to atrain attain the result, i.i. e., the exit e., to permit exit of vessels, vessels . drawing 25 25 feet feet o,f of water. tlrawing water. Yery rery respaotfully, respectfully, your your obedient obedient servant, THOMAS W. W. SYMONS, Tuolras Svuoxs, Captaiit, Corps of of Engt,heers, Engineers. Captain, Corps The Orrnr or ENGINEERS, CHIEF OF U. S. A. A. ENcTNEEBS.U. C