OREMN COUIIIY, BIRNOFLINCOI.I\I BIRDS OF LINCOU' COUW'I OREGON Editor BaYer, Editor Range Range Bayer, Illustrator Booth, Illustrator Sally SallY Booth, LINCOLN COUNTY LrNcolNCoururv HWY1O1 HWYJ.8 Lincoln UncoIv Depoe B(( 4Ld8 JYaquiv Hed4_, Newportt Burnt Woods See fhitan . I tkr(avii dpor ---- Rk\dewter / 34 t)HWY34 ) HWY 7.smi. 7.5rilL F-l 72.0Km. 12.0 km.1 101 along located along is located Lincoln CountY is Lincoln County coast and Oregon coast the central Oregon the central Ocean Pacific Ocean the Pacific extends extends from the Coastal the eastward into the Coastal into eastward CountY Lincoln County Range. Lincoln Mountain l"lountain Range. long (90 kin) long l'o) is miles (90 about 56 miles is about wide wide uiles L5-26 and about about 15-26 miles recorded M o s t recorded ( 2 4 - 4 2 kin). l < n ) , Most (24-42 this PaPer observations for for this paper observatiots the are are from Beaver Creek, the Head, estuary' Yaquina Yaquina estuary, Yaquina llead' Chitwood. and and Chitwood. CONTENTS CONTENTS uina,estuary aquina -estuary maP . map .............. ributors tributors ts remarks tor's times birding times stt birdiog . . dingareas areas ................. irding Checklist CountY Checklist coin County incoln keY Abundance key occurrence ' monthly occurrence and monthly Arrival, departure, departure, and Arrival, ' ' month Species recorded month ........ Species recorded Per per . . sPecles Accidental species ............ Accidental . . . ......... recorded TotalsPecies species recorded Total species occurring species but possibly possibly occurring Unrecorded but offshore Species recorded recorded offshore Species sPecies about species ments ts about Calendar nology logy Calendar 2 4 ) 66 o 7-11 7-11 L2 12 t2 12 I2 12 I2 12 L1 12 / IJ-I 13-17 . 18-19 18-19 Advisory Marine Advisory Grant Marine Sea Grant by Sea and published Birders and Prepared by by Yaquiaa Yaquina Birders Published by Prepared S tate Oregon State Oregoo UniversitY. State University. Oregon State Service, Oregon Program, Extension Service, Program, Extension 0R 97365 97365 NewPort' OR Center, Newport, Science Center, University Marlne Marine Science University -500 4 I 77 4/ 7 7-500 ']' j ;rt r |:' }t-'t;\ r. {:i tr' !,.-_,i;: i 1 +l ! f"t"#, 1r, fsrunRv Yaoutrua THE LowER ESTUAR'I' LowrnYAQUINA Wy2o wy 101 Insert from [ I \ I Nwpor. ,/," SAY \__ I Sys ".., bevd Øl\ s * s d q 0.5 rYll. f c/' / +vl l0le00 To'edo ),?J / 1äkrit1 Contributors Contributors observations, this recorded observations, Without the of many peoplets peoplets recorded this paPer paper of many the contribution Without contribution lrere: contributors were: the contributors In alphabetical order the possible. In al-phabeti-ca1 order not have have been been possible. would not Eltzrotht Elsie Eltzroth, ar'd Elsie ELzY and Burreson, Elzy Gene Burreson, Range Buchanan, Gene Bayer, Robert Robert Buchanan, Range Bayer, Osis' Vieki Osis, and Vicki Laimons and l{offuan, Laimons llayne Hoffman, Darrel Faxon, John Fortune, Wayne John Fortune, Darrel Faxon, Rothlisberg' Pete Rothlisberg, Reed, Pete Paul Reed, Robert Olson, Dave Ransom, Ransom, Paul Pearson, Dave Olson, Walt Walt Pearson, Robert Aaroa Skirvin. and Aaron Skirvln. included: of records records included: Other Other sources of Couoty; for Lincoln Li-ncolo County; that he records that Fred Zeillemaker, who contributed he compiled compiled for contributed records Zeill-emaker, who Corvallis of the the Corvallis section of Notes section Field Notes in the the Field records for Lincoln County listed listed in for Lincoln records Yaquina the Yaquina other people Audubon American Birds; people who who have have Sone gone on on the Birds; and other Chat; American Audubon Chat; Counts. Bird Christman Yaquina Bay Birder's monthly counts and the Yaquina Bay Christman Bird Counts. the and Birderrs nontt1ty counts 2-2- T w Remarks Editor's Editorrs Remarks of knowledge about One of of the the greatest greatest problems problems facing facing us us today today is is our our lack lack of One rate' alarning rate. an being depleted at an alarming at depleted our aesthetic aesthetic natural natural resources resources which which are are being our. our vital to our vital to as are habitat wil-d1ife and Aesthetic resources such as wildlife wildlife habitat are as wildllfe Aesthetic resources to do helpless be Although an individual may helpless to may individual an Although resources. well-being as as our oltr energy energy resources. well-being help can individual can help individual an crisis, of the energy crisis, the energy anything of an the complexities cooplexities iboot the anything about pu-bli,c about the about the general public the general edueating the in educating and in have and document what wildlife wildlife we do have we do dotument what In order In order birdlife. birdlife' as such resources of aesthetic importance and even existance of aesthetic resources such as lmportance and eVen existance too it has been too Unfortunately, it Uofortunately, exist. l0ust exist. knowledge must warehouse of of knowledge to educate, aa warehouse to educate, head somebodyrs in somebody's head in stored that the often necessary knowledge has has been been stored the case that the necessary often the observations' btrd observations, recorded bird our recorded By combining combining our else. anyone else. to anyone is unavailable it is unavailable to where it that hopefully recorded information that hopefully inforroation recorded of available drawer we srnall drawer of available created a small we have created County' Lincoln County. of Lincoln birds of the birds about the source of serve as as a begiruring beginning source of koowledge knowledge about can serve guide to to a rough guide as a serve as to serve The then, publication, then, has been to of this this publication, The purpose of t'targettr birders which "target" at which birders at a specific as serve and to the birds of Lincoln County and to serve as a specific of Lincoln County birds the paper this paper edit this and edit compile and purPose to to compile It has has been my my purpose It observations. their observations. can aim their criticizable' and criticizable. and infornative, is specific, specific, informative, infornation is rray that that the the information in in such a way county by Lincoln County of Lincoln you of the the birds knowledge of this knowledge You can improve increase this birds of improve and increase address: following the following address: the to observatioas to your own own observations observing, reporting your and reporting recording, and observing, recording, Yaquina Bi-rders Yaquina Birders Center Selence Center OSU Marine Science OSU Marioe 97365 97365 Newport, Nevport, OR 0R is of species speci-es is list of a list as a as well observatioos as Recording the well as of observations location of date and location the date Recording plumage age, plumage age, sex, individuals, sex, of individuals, adequate, number of on number infornation on recorded information but recorded adequate, but information the information The detailed the The more detailed desirable. is also also desirable. condition, as well as habitat is as well as habitat .ooditioo, observation reported observation rePorted and recorded but i-s, it recorded is, the more informative it is, but any recorded infontrative recorded is, the more none. than none. is better better than (even (even about about comon common species) sPecies) is * * * * * The this paper. for this records for PaPer' The the records in compiling compiling the major Problems problems in four mrjor There were four is that The problem here is that here The dates. departure dates. and departure Problem arrival and first how to was -how to handle handle arrival first and arrival in and in arrival differeoces either differences from either year can variation from year to can arise arise from from year to year variation or differences in effort or in effort differeaces or by species departure dates by individuals of the species or by of the indivi-duals dates by departure Determining a Deternining departures. and departures. arrival and the arrival availability of people to observe the to observe of people ..r.i1"Ui1ity presence habituation to the presence the to habituation departure date date is particularly difficult difficult because human human is particularly departure Addltiooally' Additionally, date. departure date. the departure deterniae the to determine difficult it difficult of makes it to specie-s makes of a common coutron species may Stragglers may Stragglers synchroaousl-y' depart and arrive individuals of a species don't arrive and depart synchronously. dontt of a species i-ndividuals My My through' have passed through. individuals of the the individuals bulk of precede the main bulk precede and remain after the remain after times, arrival and departure times, and departure arrival available the from determine from the available approach to determine try to to try approach has been to Where Where departures' latest departures. and the latest arrivals earliest dates that are are generelly generally the arrivals and the the earliest dites that when most most category when an abundance category by an indicate to indicate records were avallable, available, I have tried tried to I haye records were County. Liocoln County. individuals pass through Lincoln individuals Pass through that sPecies that treat species to treat how to was how observations was the observations The probleo in conpiliog the i.n compiling secoad problem The second in the individuals remained in the remained showed migratory migratory moveoents, movements, but but for for which which at at least least some some individuals showed such in occurrence of seasonal changes in habitat of occurrence in in habitat (i.e" seasonal county thiougholt throughout the year (i.e the year county *the was case was Another troublesome case Another troublesome Thrush). Varled Thrush). and the Varied species Juncos and species as Dark-eyed Juncos nonbreediog which there were nonbreeding there for shorebirds for someshorebirds and some that of Comon Common Loons, Loons,scoters, scoters, and that of migratory moveshowed migratory sPecies showed of the the species the raajority birds present present in majority of but the surmer but in the the summer birds treated I have treated migration, in-county In the case of the in-county migration, I of the In the through the the county. county. ments through those section,comments about those about section'conments conrments in the and resident, the it was was resident, and in the Comments species as if i-f it the species --33- for Those species species for Those included. species migrants are that were known in-county migrants are included. to be in-county species that known to which there there \{as through the which was an indication of migration through the county county II have have given given arrival arrival indicati.on of nigration occur. to occur. aPpear to and departure movements appear dates for for when when trans-county trans-county movements departure dates probl-em was how third problem to assign The third how to assign abundances to to those those species species which which seem seem to to number if the years. in determining problem here was problem here in determining if the number vary in oumbers The between years. vary in numbers between between dj.fference between it was was aa difference years had really if it of or if of birds birds present present between years changed or real1y changed problen has been been to to to this this problem My observers or or variation My approach varlation in in observer effort. approach to observer effort. observers in years assign an au abundance category observations category based on observations assign in years when when species species have have been been for an an unevenness unevenness tendency for i.s aa tendency as most abundant recorded as abundant because feel that that there there is recorded because II feel of aa individuals of individuals nr:mber of in coverage r.rith of the the number under-estimation in observer observer coverage with an under-estimation of of years. species observed in in some some years. species observed occurrence' Elmongoccurrence, paper was differences among probleo in the differences The fourth fourth problem was the ln compiling compil-ing this this paper The abundance, and seasonality seasonality of of many many terrestrial terrestrial species species between between the the coastal coastal areas areas and and abundance, A11 records records within within Range. All Mountain Range. the in the the Coastal Coastal Mountain of the the county the eastern eastern part part of county in pooled for for this Lincoln County County have been pooled this paper Lincoln paper and where where possible possible such such in-county in-county secti.on. Coments section. differeaces in distribution i-n the the Comments differences in have have been been reported reported in distrlbution gained an problems I the reader reader has By outlining these I hope the has gained an idea idea of of sooe some outlining these four four problems that are problems, shortcomings, for error of the of possibilities for error that are inherent inherent in in this this the problems, shortcouings, and possibilities kind of of venture. venture. kind positive side side to to this this a positive problems,but is a the problems, So far, but there there is far, I only the So I have outlined outlined only most and most County, and guide to Lincoln County, of Lincoln paper. the birds bi-rds of to the It reliable It is is a fairly fairly rel,i-able guide paper. importantly, II hope hope that that this this paper paper will will serve serve as as aa base base for for aa lDore more accurate accurate and and inportantly, edition in iafornative ln the the future. future. informative edition I was rather rather surprised surprised by by the large number number of of total total species species recorded recorded in in Lincoln Lincoln I was the large (270) and the County number of of species species that that possibly possibly nay may be be seen seen each each month month of of Gounty (270) large nuober the large increase certainly (L33-L74). in a month will number of of species will certainly increase The number species seen in the year (133-174). the year seen in in species have greater observer with because some very common have no! not been been seen some very commonspecies with greater observer effort effort observations). recorded observations). (but for have no no recorded we have for which r^rhichwe months when wheo they they undoubtedly occur (but undoubtedLy occur Laimons Osis, Osis, lloffman, Laimons Walme Hoffman, Faxon, John John Fortune, Fortune, Wayne I would like Darrel Faxon, I would like to to thank thank Darrel drafts on various coments on their help help and comments Paul Robert various drafts Olson for for their and especially Robert Olson ?au1 Reed Reed and especially who various contributors contributors the various I would also who thank the paper. like to to thank I would also like of this aspects of this paper. and aspects compilati-on. for compilation. available for observations available their observations took took the the time time to to make nake their (Editor) Range Bayer (Editor) Range Bayer March l"larch 1977 L977 BIPOING TIMES TII4ES BEST BEST BIRDING or early morning io the the early Terrestrial birds best seen in morning or county can be best in Lincoln Lincoln County Terrestrial birds in however, oay Aquatic may be birds, however, or shore shore birds, Aquatic or active. move active. are move evening hours hours when when they evening they are consulted should be consulted Local charts should tide charts tide. Local tide particular of the the tide. stage of best stage best seen seen at at aa particular estuaries in see shorebirds The best time to see shorebirds in estuaries to The best time tides. of tides. for time and aod heights heights of for both both time (3.0 -- 5.0 is when the water is is just just below below the the salt salt march march (3.0 5.0 ft. ft. above above Mean Mean Lower Lower Low Low the water is when shorethe shorealong the Shorebirds are are then concentrated along then concentrated in. Shorebirds Water) as is coming comiog in. as the the tide tide is line and and are are more more easily easily observable observable than than at at 1ow low tide tide when when shorebirds shorebirds are are forced forced out out Line froo trees away areas open roosL i.n of estuatles to where they they can can roost in areas away from trees and and areas vhere to areas of the the estuarles oPeo to open coast or or to the coast to the flying to seen flying Many ti-de can can be seen high tide Many shorebirds at high shorebirds at brush. brush. golng out, out' is going tide is the tide ls when when the shorebirds is The next to see see shorebirds time to areas. next best best time sand dune areas. salt salt the of 1evel and the tide is is again again about about 3.0 3.0 - 4.5 4.5 f.t. ft. high high (just (just below below the thelevel of the the tlde closest to to they are tides when at high Aquatic best observed at high tides when they are closest Aquatlc birds tiras can be best narsh). marsh). shore' shore. - t! -4-- --- w AREAS BIRDING BIRDING A1EAS lincoln in Lincoln birding in for birding habltats for and habitats of locations locations and diversity There is of is a wide diversity for these map road Please consult a road map for these Please consult parks and and waysides. waysides. County such as the many parks the many County good shorebird some Yaquina estuary some good shorebird estuary the Yaquina of the Beach area of In Newport-South Beach In the the Newport-South areas. below' 1i-sted"tea are listed areas are aquatic blrding birding areas below. and aguatic birds): aquatic birds): shore and aquatic estuarine shore p. 2; 21 estuarine (see map i-nsert , p. (see map insert, Flats Idaho ldaho Flats over the the bridge 101, cross the bridge over the cross 101, llighway on Highway through Newport on If driviag driving south south through If and Center and Science the OSU Marine Science Center Marine 6SU the to (west) the at Yaquina right (west) at the sign to turn right estuary, turn Yaquina estuary, "ign 101' l{i-ghway on Beach on Highway 101, Beach South through South norttr through If driving north If driving C"ot"t. the Center. sigos to to the the signs follow follow the fo11ow and follow estuary Yaquina the estuary acloss the bridge across the bridge (east) before crossing the turn right (east) before crossing turn right 1ot' parki-ng lot. Ceoter parking Science Center in the the Science Park in Ceoter. Park Science Center. to the the OSU OSUl,Iarine the signs to Marine Science the signs are which aquaria exhibits and aquaria which are exhi-bits many the see wish to you (While at the the Center, Center, you ttray may wish to see the many (While at PM' from 10 AM are from AM - 6 PM, (June - September) September) are Summer hours (June Surnmer public. open to the public. to the free free and open 1ot parking parking lot the from east For birding, go east from the birding, Pl'l). Al4 - 44 PM). 10 AN from 10 and winter winter hours hours are from large area of of large the fenced area and the dock and boat dock sma11 boat to the the small road to (towards the road (towards and between the map' (dotted line on map, liue (dotted areas salt channel and salt marsh areas jt..r, channel the along the tanks) and walk green tanks) walk along mile a of about 1/3 of a mile Ll3 arc semicircular in a large large semicircular The marsh extends arc extends in salt narsh The salt p. 2). 2). p. your retrace your Then retrace Then naP). Y on on the map). a Y (marked with road at (0.5 km) long at a road (marked with a ends long and l iO.S-t shore estuarine below), estuarine shore below), (see Checklist, In season (see Checklist, season In center. to the the Science Center. steps back to steps conditions' tidal appropriate tidal conditions. appropriate under observed be aquatic birds birds can observed under and aguatic intertidal' rocky intertidal, nearshore, rocky dune, nearshore, sand dune, p. 2; 2t sand yaquina iasert, p. (see map map insert, south Jettv Yagulna South Jetty (see birds): aquatic birds): estuarioe aquatic and estuarine ind 101' Highway 101, leaving Highway after leaving (see above) but but after proceed Flats (see rdaho Flats going to to Idaho if going Proceed as if you now are that and Deep Sea Bill's so that you are now Billts sea turn r,lest west on the the ,o"a road t.m"en between Zig Zig zag Zag zoo Zoo and Deep turn pavement' the pavement, After leaving the After leaving channel' estuary channel. the Yaquina driving west west Parallel parallel to to the Yaquina estuary driviog drive Do not Do not drive sand' the sand. on the Do drive on not drive Do not impassable. not impassable. but not rough but becomes rough the road becomes the road ti-dal on Depending on tidal back' drive back. to drive able to be able will be you will think you anywhere not think do not anywhere where you do Wandering and Ducks, Black Scoters Scoters and Wandering Black Ilarlequin oldsquaws, Harlequin conditions season, Oldsquaws, eonditions and season, During the winter examine Tattlers T a t t l e r s mmay e y b be e s eseen e n a r around o u n d t h ethe c h achannel n n e l a n dand r o c krocky y a r e aareas. s'Duringthew:lnterexamine to By walking walking to Buntings' and Snow Buntings. snow loogspurs for dunes sand the parking areas and sand dunes for longspurs parking areas the sometimes may offshore may sometimes be offshore seen tot.-qonTmonly birds more where the begins, birds commonly seen Jetty begins, Sogth Jetty the South waves ocean waves large ocean for large out for Watch out seen. Watch be seen. sometimes be can sometimes surprises can Real surprises observed. jetty. or beach or jetty. the beach when walking walking along along the when birds): aquatlc birds): and aquatic shore and 2; estuarine estuarine shore p. 2; insert, p. map insert, Sally's Rend sallyts Bend (see nap bayfront' eastward along Newport bayfront, along eastward drive and drive In Ne!4)ort, Newport, turn turn off off llighway Highway 101 and III eastward driving continue Embarcadero, and continue driving and past Embarcadero, hill the hill past past public docks, docks, up the past the the public sj'de south side the (Sally's Bend) is reached on the south area (Sal1yts Bend) is reached embayment area large embayment out until a large town until of town out of tank' gas storage large LNG gas storage tank. LNG 1-arge the tor"rards the road towards Drive the side side road on the out on road. Drive out the road. of of the visible' be easily easily visible. will be waterfowl will season, waterfowl and season, conditions and During tidal conditions the appropriate appropriate tidal During the the i'n the waterfowl overwinter overwinter in waterfowl nost where are Bend Sallyts Idaho Flats and especially Sally's Bend are where most Idaho Flats u"a."p."ially during Bend heard at Sally's Sallyrs Bend during at and heard cornnonly seen and Black Brant Brant can be commonly ntact estuary. Yaquina Yaquina estuary. area during during this area in this also commonly commonly seen in are also Eagles are Bald Eagles pair of A adult Bald of adult A pair winter. the the winter. the to tank Drive back from the gas tank to the the back Drlve iagl-es). Bald Eagles). (see Comments about Bald the winter (See Cornmentsabout the winter direction light Stop light direction where Stop embaynent. embayment. the al-ng proceed eastrdard main road and then eastward along the then main.road or waterfowl or of waterfowl rafts of large rafts the large observe the to observe and tidal tidal conditions are approPriate appropriate '(caution: to conditlons are and main the do not stop on the roadway stoP not do (Caution: road. the road. flocks of shorebirds shorebirds near the flocks of this along this unsafe drivers drlvers along are many there are and there pullovers' because there many safe and many unsafe safe pullovers, are nany there are because insert' map (X ends (X on the map insert, the area embaynent area the embayment until the Continue road until this road Contj-nue on this road). road). or came or route on which which you came the route along the Ne!,/Port along to Newport return to You then return You can either either then p. 2). 2). p. Toledo' If continuing to Toledo, watch to continuing If road' road. this on estuary on this the estuary continue to along the to Toledo along continue Mergansers' for-Ilooded Hooded Mergansers, crossed for are crossed that are sloughs that 1-axgetsloughs ttre larger and the the rafts and IoB rafts estuary, log the estuary, season' in season. Sandpipers and Spotted Sandpipers in CotmtonMergansers Egrets, Common Ring-necked Ducks, Great Mergansers and Spotted Great Egrets, Ring-neeked Ducks, --5-5- seabirds): (nearshore, rocky rocky intertidal intertidal and nesting nesting seabirds): llead (nearshore, Yaquina Yaguina Head (see map junetlon of From of llighway Highway 20 and Highway Highway 101 in in Newport Newport (see map insert insert Frorn the the junction turn left left Beach and turn 101 to Agate Beach and to (4.7 Highway along p. 2) 2.9 miles 2) drive rniles (4.7 kin) kn) north p. north along Highway drive 2.9 Head the Yaquina Yaquina Head past the gravel road road past the gravel siga to to the the Llghthouse. at the sign at the Lighthouse. Proceed on the Lighthouse. Walk the Lighthouse. at the reached. Park at is reached. the Lighthouse operations until uatil the Lighthouse is Quarry Qudrry operatiors If you walk If walk cliffs, of the the cliffs. edge of get too to the the edge too close close to around, careful not not to to get around, being being careful you will reach path, well-trod on the fence of the lighthouse along the south side of the Lighthouse fence on the well-trod path, you will reach along the south side seabirds. n e s t i n g seabirds. t h e nesting t o protect S e r v i c e to ut u W i l d l i f e Service a n d Wildlife ence p p b U . S . Fish F i s h and a ffence y the t h e U.S. put up by P r o t e c t the the seen and During Murres can be seen and heardon heardon the of Common CouunonMurres During the the nesting nesttng season, season, thousands of ?elagic Gul1s, Gu11s, Glaucous-winged Glaucous-winged Gulls, Pelagic Western Gulls, rocks, nesting Western rocks, as \^Ie11 well as 1nany many nesting behind the the stay behind Puffins. Tufted Puff anda afew fewTufted Cormorants, ins. Please stay Brand.trsCormorants, Coruorants, Brandts Cormorants, and possible. as possible. undisturbed as as undisturbed remain as here can can remain that nest nest here fence fence so that that the the birds birds that Closely the air air and water water around around the the Head Head for for nearshore nearshore and and offshore offshore bird bird Closely check the OysterBlack Oysterseen. sometimes also be lions can can also be sometimes seen. Black and sea sea lions speci.es. Whales, seals seals and species. shotebirds intertidal other rocky catchers, Sandpipers and other rocky intertidal shorebirds can can be be frequently frequently catchers, Rock Sandpipers forget to to not forget Do not season. Do and season. conditions and tidal conditions appropriate tidal or heard during appropriate seen or heard during Rosy Gray-crornmed examine grassy areas areas all all around the Head because because longspurs, longspurs, Gray-crowned Rosy around the the grassy exrmine the area of of an area is an Yaquina llead is Yaquina Head seen there. there. have been been seen Finches and Clark's Nutcrackers Finches ilarkis Nutcrackers have patiently search. search. who patiently potential surprises for those those who many many potential surprises for CHECKI,IST LINCOLN COUNTY COi]Nfi CHECKLIST LINCOLN the year, throughout the records throughout Because year, the the following following of a lack of offshore offshore records lack of Because of with can be than offshore farther seen species Checklist not include farther offshore than can be seeo seen with include bird bird species Checklist does not the Checkthe Checkafter included is seen offshore species A list of bird species seen offshore is included after bird list of spotting seope. a spotting scope. at especialJ-y at land especially from land seen from are occasionally occasionally seen Some bird species species are offshore bird 1ist. Some offshore list. jetties. or around arouad jetties. headlands or Lincoln withln Lincoln observations within actual recorded recorded observations only on actual Monthly is based only occurrence is Monthly occurrence and recorded observations actual recorded Abundance classification is both actual observations and is based on both classification County. Abundance is based Abundance classification is on classification Abundance judgUent of abundance. arbitrary judgment of the the species species abundance. arbi.trary geographical the geographical with the faniliar is familiar who is an observer observer who the numbers of with visible to to an of birds birds visible the numbers but bird bird species, species, but different the different of the daily habits habits of area, bird bird identification and the daily and the ideutification area, bird species. species. who studying aa particular is not not carefully carefully studying who is Particular bird KNY ABUNDANCE KEY ABUNDANCE N-p-numerous; 50 50 or or more more birds,/observer/day birds/observer/day N-rourn€rous; C--common; LL-49 birds/observer/day birds/observer / day C--comnon; 11-49 1--10 birds/observer/day birds/observer/day U--uncommon; 1-10 U--unconrmon; occurs regularly regularly 0--occasional; but occurs every day but seen every not seen O--occasional; not I--irregular; abundance abundance and or or occurrence fluctuates from from year year to to year year occurrence fluctuates I--lrregular; or year from year to year or to yeal from and occurrence abundance but X--unknown; species recorded but abundance and occurrence recorded species X--unknotm; above of the before one of the above observations before one recorded observations year require more recorded a year require more within within assiSned categories categories can be assigned -6-6- DepartDepartArrival Arrival T-nnn monLoon l-nmnn yellow-billed loon Arctic Loon Loon Red-throated Loon Red-throated Rpd-necked Grebe Red-necked Grebe Horned Grebe Eared Grebe 1.a Western Grebe Grebe Pied-billed Pied-bi1led Grebe Fulmar Fulmar -Sttrm (Leach' q ) Storm Petrel Petrel (Leach's) R r n m P p l i Brown Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Brandf.'s Cormorant Cormorant Brandtts Pelaeic Cormorant CormoranL Pelagic Great Heron Great Blue BLue lleron GreenHeron Green lleron Cattle Egret Esret Cattle Egret Great Egret Great Rlanlr-crnuned Nisht Heron Black-crowned Night Heron BiEtern American American Bittern Mrrfe Swn Mute Swan Swan Whistling Swan Whistllng Canada Goose Goose Canada Black Brant Black Brant Goose White-fronted White-fronted Goose Snow Goose Goose Mallard Mallard Gadwall eadwall Pintail Pintaif Green-winged Teal Teal Green-winged -R1rrp-winoeA T c al Blue-s.4nged Teal innamon Teal Tlnnamon-Tea1 European lli-geon Wigeon tr'ligeon American Anerlcan Wigeon Northern Shoveler Northern Shoveler S ept. I Sept.l \lov. Nov. E 8 l Sept. Sept. 1 O c t . 11 Oct. Sept. S e o t . 1I 18 Oct. O c t . 18 14 Sept. S e D t . 14 A u g . 55 Aug. May 25 May25 Mav 25 25 May 25 Mav May 25 26 l4av 26 May Z JJune UNE 2 Apr. A p r . 22 26 May l(av 26 2L May May 21 _______ Bufflehead Buff lehead Oldsguaw Oldsquaw Harlequin I{arlequin Duck White-winged Scoter Scoter White-winged Surf Scoter S urf S coter Black Black Scoter Scoter Duck Ruddy Duck E c d t Z Ff L c C 0 c C 0 N N N N U UU U T1 U U U U X U U U II U U U II U U UU U C c 0 N N N N N U U U U U U N IT U N C C L c £c C C C 0 U IT U U o 0 o 0 c C C C OJ - IT U iL JL U Ut t U U U U o 0 0 c 0 o U U U U NN N N U U T1 U U U U X X U U XX I j j_ TT -_ . ll U U N N N N C C C N N C U c UC l_ I c C(". Cc C C) UIT UU I UU I - I N C .L U I I ..L - x I II U I I U U I U {JJ o o zo Ci Cl-.) IT I o 0 . o) a F) '-' IT I' X 'T UIJ U U UU U U U U U b0 - c c c_ .c._ S_ ._ N N N N C - c N N -II C C N N C N C C _ .c_ lC N N c .c C u OOUUUUUUUUUO o T " 1 r r 31 ?1 July A pr. Apr. U U N I I II I1 U U U I I UU U U U U X X X X X X X U U Oct. 28 F e b . 116 6 Feb. 12 Aug. A u e . 12 29 Oct. O c t . 29 ZJ Apr. A p r . 23 Aug. A u e . 66 Oct. o ct. 2l Aug. A1rg. 21 Aug. A,ug. 1L Sept. 28 S e p t . 28 Mar. 12 M a r . 12 Mar. L2 l a r . 12 12 Nov. N o v . 12 tt Aug. A u g . 27 Apr. 6 Sept. 78 S e p t . 28 ro Dec. u e c . 18 May May 88 28 Dec. D e c . 28 June June 44 May May 99 NN Apr. L5 D T 15 May nay 2/. Apr. 15 May NIay 4 4 N N N N C Cc l c n 0 N N Sept. 11 S e p t . 11 May May 15 15 U U U UU l-r Ot. J C E . . 11 Apr. I) A D T . 15 -7- 0o 0 I N N N N 0 o 0 o N IF U IU N IN o 0 N 0 May 18 18 Apr. A o r . 16 IO N o v . 11:2 2 Nov. May Mav 10 10 Oct. O c t . 119 9 Apr. 17 A p r . 17 Nov. Nov. May Mav Aug. A ug. f,Iav 15 15 May 15 Aug. A u e . 15 May Mav 15 15 A u e . 15 15 Aug. 15 Sept. S e o t . 115 5 May 15 May 6 Sept.30 S e p t . 3 0 May6 0o o 0 U U (1 C TI X XX T 0 0 -I I II N N - (" c t N NNN CCNNNN CCC W U U iF iF W U U U Mar. 15 M a r . 15 Apr. 15 May Sept. S e p t . 1 19 9 N N 0 0 o 0 II 0 I I 0 0 o o 0 -o o 0 0 II Oct. l Nov. Nov. WoodDuck Wood Duck Ring-necked Ring-necked Duck Redhead Redhead Canvasback Canvasbaclc Greater Scaup Scauo Greater Lesser Scaup Lesser Cnnrmon deneve Common Gol Goldeneye - 155 Nov. 1 Nov. May May +J CCCCCS I OJ a) d C H 0. tl (d - d :iii July 1 July zl Aug. A u s . 21 >\ o a) . C d ture ture n 0 N N U U N IF C C 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 N N I II 0 o fl 0 0 o N 0 N C C X N C n 0 C l\ U N W N W C X 00 N N N N N N 0 o N N 0 o 00 0 o 0 o N N 0 o UUUUUUUUUU x U U U U ti X U U Ut I U N N N N X X X XX N N N N N N N N TI U UU N N 0 o UU N N N N U N N 0 U C C U U N N N N 0 00 'U T U N N tl N N N C C t\ a N N N N N U U U U U U X X U N N lt U U t\ X C X X x X T I IT C X F N U U C N N N t{ 0 I I U U N a C N I 0 00 UU U U U U N N Q. u L JL U 13 U U IU U C U U U N N N N N N N C u t UfC U u C C I IN N lN NNCTINNN c lN U U I U U Depart- Hooded Merganser Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Turkey Vulture Turkev Vulture Goshawk Sharp-shinned llawk Hawk Sharp-shinned Cooper's Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Arrival ture Oct. 26 June 3 Oct. 14 Feb. 26 June 5 Oct. 16 Least Sandpiper Dunlin Dowitcher Short-billed Dowitcher Short-bi1led I U U U U U U u U X U U U U X U U U i _ Q L. Q. C.) IL .IL Q_ U .IL U U U U U U 1 .X.. U U U U I U U U U U U U U U ---u0000uu U U U U U i U 0 U 0 X 0 U 0 U U 0 uu UU U 0 X 0 0 0 U U U U 13 U 0 U N UUUUIJUUUUUUU U U U X Sept. 11 Apr. 6 May 8 N U N U 0 0 C Sept. 29 C Aug. 4 Apr. 6 Nov. T C C Aug.9 Sept. -- July Mar. July July Oct. Apr. Apr. May 15 May 9 C I C N U N U 7 16 10 5 6 May 0 N U U U U U U 0 U X N U U C C 0 C U U U N U U X N U U U U N U 0 0 0 C 0 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 C U U N N C C C C C C C C C 0 0 0 0 0 X X N N U N U N U U U U U U U U U -0 C C N X N C C C 0 0 0 N U N U X U I I U 0 U f May 15 U May July2 May26 Apr. July Apr. July Apr. Aug. July 23 Apr. 17 May 30 Dec. 23 May 27 Nov. 8 Apr. 22 Sept. 1 Apr. 27 Oct. 17 May 26 July30 Nov. July 3 July 19 May June 16 Dec. U I U C - Nov. May 6 May 11 Apr. 28 May 1 13 2 22 23 4 9 U U U 0 SnowyPlover Rock Sandpiper Pectoral San Pectoral Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Sandpiper Baird's .r ,- .' 0 U Red Knot U 0 Oct. Apr. Mountain Quail Virginia Rail Coot American Coot Ovstercatcher Black Oystercatcher Plover Seroipalmated Plover Semipalmated Yellowlegs Lesser Lesser Yellowlegs 4 uuuU Ruf fed Grouse California Calif ornia 0uai1 Quail Turnstone Black Black Turnstone Common Snipe il-led Curlew Long-billed Curlew Whimbrel tted Sandpiper Sandpi Spotted Solitary Sandpiper Wandering Tattler Willet Greater Yellowlegs . 4 I I U Surfbird Surfbird Ruddy Turnstone . I ii MarshHawk Killdeer ?Iover Golden Plover American Amerlean Golden Plover Black-bellied Plover Black-bellied . JL JL JL JL JL U U U _Q. N JL U N X U U U Eagle Bald BaldEagle Osprey Peregrine Falcon Merlin Kestrel Bl-ue Grouse Blue . Dec. Apr. U U U 0 L I L L L UUUUUUUUUUU I L L I I U U U U I U U U 0 U U U I I 0 0 U U U U X X X X X N N N N N 0 0 0 U N N 0 N N X X N N X N N I N 0 ___________ ___ ___ ---------_---8- 0 U U U N N JL N Arrival Long-billed Dowitcher Stilt Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Marbled Godwit Sanderling ed Phalarope NOrthern Phalarope Mar. epar ture May 14 July3 Dec. June 24 May 28 May 7 Apr. June 29 Aug. 6 May Sept. 3 Mar. 8 Aug. 27 Dec. Dec. Apr. May 10 May I 0 U U U N N N N U N U X U N C I X I I N N Glaucous Gull Glaucous-winged Gull WesternGull Herring Gull Thayer's Gull California Gull Ring-billed Gull Mew Gull Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull Sabine's Gull Heerman' s Gull Black-legged Kittiwake Common Tern June 15 June 13 May 19 Dec. 27 Caspian Tern Common Murre Pigeon Guillemot Marbled Murrelet Ancient Murrelet Cassin's Aukiet Rhinoceros Auklet Tuf ted Puffin Bandtailed Pigeon P i N N U X i__ 0 0 N U N N 0 0 N U 0 0 N U N N N I I I I I I X X 0 I I I I 0 0 N N X X Apr. 15 X N N May 15 N N X L NNNNNNNNNN Dec. 21 June 4 Nov. 26 L X X X X N X K N 0 X K T _ K U K N 0 N N N N May May 28 Oct. 15 May Sept. Oct. Apr. 6 Oct. 12 Apr. Oct. Mar. 8 Oct. 19 I I I 0 0 X I U 0 0 N 0 0 rw L N W C C 0 0 N 0 0 X X U U 0 & 1L Q L L L - 0 0 0 0 0 0 N I X U N N N X 0 0 0 X N L iL r T K X K I I K May 12 0 U I I I I U U 0 0 =0 U L 0 X 0 C 0 Apr. 18 Apr. 12 Mar. 14 0 Nov. 12 Aug. 21 Oct. 22 C RockDove Mourning Dove Screech Owl Great Horned Owl Snowy Owl PygniyOwl Burrowing Owl Spotted Owl Short-eared Owl Saw-whet Owl Common Nighthawk Vaux's Swift Anna's Hummingbird Rufous Hummingbird U 0 Apr. 7 Au_g. 11 Arctic Tern N U Nov. Parasitic Jaeger PomarineJaeger . . . Apr. Nov. Nov. Apr. C K U U U U I I 0 0 U U U 0 U .IL IL IL Q N N N N C C C C C C C C C C C 0 0 0 0 0 U U U U LL U U U 0 C C 0 (J U U --LL -- - 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 May 31 May Sept. 22 U June It Feb. 27 Sept. 9 U U U -9- IL. IL. 0 0 U 0 U 0 0 IL - 0 .7.. D epartDepart ture ture Arri.val Arrival Hurnrrinebird A1len' s Hummingbird Allen's --BEftei-Klnsfishe Belted Kingfisher C C _____ Pileated Woodpecker Pileated Woodpecker Yel-1ow-bellied Sapsucker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker I{airy Woodpecker Hairy -.Q- C C ! o Ft E - - o C -c 0{ 0 +J c u qJ 0 G) 0 zZo 0 a.i - -(, - -c - t, U C C c c c gILGILILILIL U UU U UU UU U UU U U TT U U IL U U IL UL4-J-U IL IL IL C C C U U U U U U UUUU U u U U U UUUUUU U U U U UUU IT IT Mav 3 Mav 1 fiy_ Mav 11 May Ar_ 26 S e n t - 25 25 Sept. l(ay 22 May F e b . 16 15 Feb. 29 A u e . 29 Aug. O c t . 77 Oct. iIL. 2 A p r . 55 Aor. 9 S e n t . 15 I 5 Sept. Lor. IED. Z p_ prj_ Aor. t2 - IL IL - ILU o IL N N U June S e o t . 228 8 Sept. 28 Sept. S e o t . 28 -U --- U - - - - I I IL T U IL IL IL U U __ IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL U U UU UU U U - S pnl. - 8 8 Sept. I N N N N N N N N T T IJ IL IL - IL ILN IL IL_u_ - ILc ILC ILN ILNC C 11 U - IL C C U IL U IL. II N CU L C U U U U U N N N N N N L C C C C C C C L\ N X N N U U Ca N IL IT U U U U IL IT U L IL IL U U C C UU cC IL N IL C c Cc C U U CC N N N N IL N IL N N IL N IL IL IL IL I N S ept.3 Sept. 300 21 A u e . 21 Aug. Sept. l9 Sept.19 -- - UU t1 U U U C L C C U C U I] U U N N N C C C N C C N N N N UU C U t UUUUUUUUUUUIL NNNNNNNNNNNN Crow Crow tlhickadee 3lack-capped Black-capped Chickadee l{ountain Mountain Chickadee Chickadee Chickadee Chestnut-backed C h e s t n u c - b a c k e d Chickadee 'C ommon Bushtit CoxnmonBushtit Nuthatch Red-breasted Red-breasced Nuthatch N N N C C X X N N N N CCC N N CI C C S ept. 3 Sept.3 CCC c c Long-billed Marsh Wren Wren Lons-billed Mockinebird Mockingbird Robin Robin Varied Thrush Thrush Varied Thrush Hermit Ilermit Thrush Swainson's Swainsonts Thrush lJestern Bluebird Western Bluebird Solitaire Townsend's Townsendrs Solitaire Kinglet Golden-crowned Kinglet Golden-crowned Ruby-crowned King-Let Kinglet Ruby-crowned Pipit Water Pipit U U c f C U U II D5 U U A p r . 99 Apr. Sept. S e p t . 66 24 May 24 llav 17 Oct. 0 c t . 17 May 19 19 May Apr. 18 Apr. 4 Mar. M a r . 33 pj_ U U UU C U U I I L\ N N N N N C CC Cc UU C C U U IL U IL U U IL IL IL I I 0o iN I.t June J u n e 14 22 May NIay 22 22 Sept. S e p t . 22 13 Sept. S e o t . 13 Sept. 11 A u g . 99 Aug. 10 - U U U U TT U C o 0 c c U CCC CC 00 N N C- U N N U 0 0 0 o N N N N N N N N N N UU L C ? C (C C II N N N N N N N C C UU U U T] U C C C C N N l1 U 0o N N U UU U U U IL U IL - U IL C C C C N IL IL U IJ IT U 0 T N N U -C-- ]I U C c fC N N N N NN U UU UU UU UU U IL U o 0 U IL U IL N 0 N N C U N N 0 - U IL N N N 0 0 N N U U I I N N U I N N N N 0 N N N ILNN L U -- - 0 0 U -CU U CL UU I IL N N Nov. Nov. Nov. N o v . 111 1 M ar. Mar. N N 0 o 0000 CCC c c CC c (. c Cc C c c NNN N N N 25 Apr. A p r . 25 Oct. 11 O c t . 11 0 N N CCCCCILILu Winter Wren WinterWren B ewickrs Wren Bewick'sWren C Oct. 0 c t . 118 8 25 Apr. A p r . 25 U U (, c c CCC U U May6 Mav 6 N N CC CCCc CC o o o o 0 C N N t' UU U U N C C :{ c Cc c c c C Rror^m Crtener BrownCreeper riqr lWaxwing rfewino Cedar Shrike Northern Northern Shrike Starling Starling I s Vireo Vireo Hutton's Ilutton Solitary Vireo Vireo Sol-itarv Vireo Warbling Warbling Vireo Warbler Orange-crowned Orange-crowned Warbler Nashville Nashville tr{arbler Warbler U U . Common Raven CommonRaven Wrentit Dipper Dipper l'iren House Wren E q) >' (d S U u IL U U JL IL IL U U U U UU UU UU UU Uu UU UU UU U U U U Dor,rny Woodpecker DownyWoodpecker Flvcatcher Willow Flycatcher Willow Flveatcher lrlestern Flycatcher Western Western W o o d Pewee Western Wood Flvcatcher 0live-sided Olive-sided Flycatcher Violet-ereen Swallow Violet-green Swallow Tree Swallow Swallow Tree Rorrs,h-winsed Swall Rough-winged Swallow Swallor"r Barn Swallow Cliff Swallow Cliff Swallow Lrllyai P11e1 l6 Purple Martin Grr..' iav Gray Jay S t - e l ' l c r l ; a Jay .iaw C C, U U ti A tl -C May May Apr, Apr Common F] i ck CommonFlicker I.Iestern Kinsbird Western Kingbird ' c) F! U IL C U C (. C N N N N c IL IL IL IL 00 0 N N U C N U U - -- 0.) TlonarfDepart- A rr1va. Arrival trlarbleE Yellow Warbler Yellow Warb ler %J];;-ruIP,Ded ellow-rumped Warbler (]tqrr o,l Black-throated Gray [^Iqrh'l Warbler I s Warbler Tnmsend Townsend's Warbler I^ta zh 1 Hermit Warbler Warble! Pa1-mWarbler Palm t s Warbler MacGillivray's Warbler MacGillivray Yel-l-owthroat Yellowthroat I J f l s o n r s Warbler Warbler Wilson's HouseSparrow House SParrow erdowl ark western M Meadowlark Blackbird Yellow-headed Blackbird Yellow-headed Blackbird Red-winse<i Blackbird Red-winged Oriole Northern Oriole Northern Blackbird B r e w e r r s Blackbird Brewer's Cowbird Brown-headed Brown-headed Cowbird Tanager Western Tanager Grosbeak Black-headed Black-headed Grosbeak Grosbeak Evening Grosbeak Evening M Mar. 4 O c t . 5) Oct. lIav 4 May 2 Nlav 2 May 23 S e p t . 23 Sept. l(ay May 22 I/ Apr. A p r . 17 A.or. 10 l0 Apr. 13 A u e . 13 Aug. C - cure ture A u e . 225 5 Aug. = , C C l{,av C May 77 28 S e p t . 28 Sept. 0 19 Aug. A u s . 19 Nov. N o v . 118 8 0,.1 a ts JI d. c z h (- ( , c c_ I c ? C C ]J r-l a C Ff c.. ( C c C U U C U U U U T] U U U U U UU u U N N N N U U U N L N L t, N 0 5qJ C C -C TI U U U rr 0 U 0 C) z C Z cc n 0 U U U U u U U N N N N N N U UU UU U -I ' c o 0 S e o x . 222 2 Sept. C.) Sq,) cI c U U C n 0 o{ C C o 0 . N U U N N U C L o () -NN -N -NN N U U U U UU (' C C C t (. Cc C CU C C U UTT UrT UU UU U UU U U a C C T ,! X L Mav May 66 II 30 May 30 May C -Feb. EC D . 23 ZJ Nlav 22 May May 66 Sept. S e p t . 77 (. C C CC tC C C II C L C C C C C C UU U U U U u UU U C C C C C C N N N C CC C 26 S e p t . 26 Sept. rz Sept. S e p t . 12 CU C C C Purole Finch PurpleFinch Flnrrse Finch HouseFinch Pine Siskin PineSiskin U U N N U U N N U N N L C C Ct- Goldfinch American Goldfinch Pmerican Crossbill Red Crossbill Rrrfous-sided Rufous-sided Towhee Sparrow cavannah Sparrow Savannah Vesper Sparrow Dark-eved Junco Dark-eyed_Juncp Sparrow chiDDins Sparrow Chipping SParrow White-crowned White-crowned Sparrow SParroli White-throated Sparrow White-throated SParrow Golden-crowned Golden-crowned Sparrow Fox Sparrow Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Lincolnts Song Sparrow Lapland Longspur Lapland Longspur C 0 Snow Bunting SnowBunting S E z Sept. S e p t . 8U r / A u g . 17 Aug. LZ l4ay 12 May lf cd C C (C a C U IU Apr. A p r . 10 Sept. S e p t . 224 4 Aug. A u g . 115 5 Apr. Apr. Nov N o v . 2 22 2 U C N o d n o C L C N 18 S e o t . 18 Sept. May t) !4av 15 Anv )\ Apr. 25 May Apr 11 4 L\ N N N (C t\ N N C C r C 00 0 U f C C N N o 0 0 CC N N N N U U N N C C c C C N N N NN N N N C C C U C L C C (_: CC C c C a cC (' C U N c C C U U (C U CC C N N TN TI NN 0 N n (, u U N U U L C T' C CU c C U U 1T IT t, N L C -a-- t' C N C C C Ca C T] Tj S e p t . 30 Sept. 30 N Apr. A o r . 88 u C u Uu Uu I ' ? C N N W I C C C C I C (C N N II N NN N N N o 0 N N N NN L C n 0 o 0 Species recorded recorded per per Month Month Species January January February February March April April L44 144 135 135 141 141 L74 174 September September O ctober October Novembet November December December 173 ]-73 L4 I 147 133 133 r49 149 May May June July July August 165 165 150 150 15L 151 136 136 233. Checklist -- 233. main Checklist from main in Lincoln County from Total species Total Lincoln County species recorded recorded in Accidental Species Species Accidental H (Fork-tailed) Petrel (Fork-tailed) Storm Petrel Short-talled Short-tailed Shearwater Sheanrater Sooty Shearwater Pelican White Pelican White Egret Snowy Egret Snowy Goose Emperor Emperor Goose Golden Eagle Ring-necked Pheasant Ring-necked Sandhill Sandhill Crane Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Sandpiper Semipalmated Senipalmated Sandpiper Sandpiper Curlew Gurlew Sandpiper Tern Black Black Tern species Total accidental species Total accidental Forster's Tern Forsterfs Puffin Horned llorned Puffin Cuckoo Yellow-billed Cuckoo Yellow-billed Ow1 Great Gray Owl Great 0w1 Long-eared Long-eared Owl Lewis' WoodPecker Woodpecker Lewis' Flycatcher Ash-throated Ash-throated Flycatcher Phoebe Black Black Phoebe F1-ycatcher Alder Flycatcher Alder Scrub JaY Jay Scrub Nutcracker Clark's Clarkrs Nutcracker Veery Veery PhainoPePla Phainopepla - 37 37 - Oriole Hooded H o o d e d Oriole Grosbeak Rose-breasted R o s e - b r e a s t e d Grosbeak Bunting Lazuli Bunting Lazuli Dickci"ssel Dickcissel Finch Rosy Finch Gray-crowned Gray-crowned Rosy Redpoll Common QenrmenRedpoll Bunting Lark Lark Bunting Sparrow Tree Sparrow Bobolink Bobol-ink Sparrow Clay-colored Clay-colored Sparrow Smith Snlth Longspur 27O. County - 270. Lincoln County in Lincoln recorded in Grand Grand total tot,al species species recorded x x x x x sPecies possible Lincoln Lincoln County CountY species Unrecorded but but possible Acorn l,rloodpecker Acorn Woodpecker Bank Swallow Bank Swallow Nuthatch White-breasted Nuthatch White-breasted Sora Ow1 Barn Owl Swtft Black Swift Blaek x x x Bohemian Waxwing Waxwing Bohemian Goldfinch Lesser L e s s e r Goldfinch X x x were seen farther farther than than species were These species County. These Lincoln County. from Lincoln Species recorded recorded offshore offshore from Species from be seen sometines Some of these species can sometimes be seen from species of these Some from land. spotting scope's vlew from scopets view a Spotting land. offshore are offshore occurrences but jetty areas, headland shore especially around jetty and headland areas, but occurrences and shoie especially also Hoffman also Wayne Wayne Hoffman indicate. r,iould indicate. records would probably onshore records than onshore probably more more extensive extensj.ve than (Scaled) Petrels Mottled (Scaled) Petrels Mottled and Auklets and Parakeet Auklets reports that Kittiwakes, Parakeet i"port" that Red-legged Kittiwakes, beach. the beach. on the have also ltash-uPs on as wash-ups also occurred occurred as Albatross Black-footed Albatross Black-footed Albatross Laysan Albatross Fulmar* Fulmar* Shearwater Pink-footed Shearwater Pink-footed Sheanrater New Zealand Shearwater New Zealand Sooty Shearwater** SootY Shearwater** Short-tailed Shearwater** Shearwater** Short-tailed Shearwater Flesh-footed Flesh-footed Shearwater (Fork-tailed*r' Storm Petrel Petrel (Fork_tailed** and Leachrs*) a n d Leach's*) Brown Pelican* Pelican* Brandt' Cormorant* Brandtts s Cormorant* Pelagic Cormorant* Pelagic Cormorant* Red Phalarope* Phalarope* Red Northern ?halaroPe* Northern Phalarope* Pomarine Jaeger* Pomarine Jaeger* Parasitic Jaeger* P a r a s i t i c Jaeger* Jaeger Long-tailed Long-tailed Jaeger Skua Skua Glaucous Gu11* Glaucous Gull* Glaucous-winged Gull* Gul1* Glaucous-winged Western Gull* Gul1* Heernan's Gu1l* Heermants Gull* Black-legged Black-legged Kittiwake* Kittiwake* - L12 2- - Sabine's Gul1* S a b i n e r s Gull* Arctic Tern* Tern* Arctic Common Murre* CornmonMurre* Marbled Murrelet* Marbled Murrelet* Ancient Murrelet* Ancient Murrelet* Cassin's Auklet* C a s s i n t s Auklet* Rhinoceros Auklet* Aukletx Rhinoceros Horned in** Puffin*x Horned Puff Tufted in* Puffi-n* Tuf.ted Puff dlfferent rnay be different offshore may occurrence offshore but occurrence Checklist' but species in main Checklist, listed in also listed species also onshore. than than onshore. CheckU-st' ** occasionaLly occasionally observed observed from from Onshore, onshore, but but not not listed listed in in main main Checklist. SPECIES A3OUTSPECIES COMMENTS ABOUT COMMENTS These These observations' County observations. on Lincoln are based on In Lincoln County all comments corments are In this thi.s section, Section, all points of selected rather they are selected points of comprehensive, rather they to be comprehensive, comments not intended intended to are not coaments are are observations Hopefully, as more detailed observations are detailed more Hopefully, species. certain species. interest coneerning certain interest concerning possible' be comments will be possible. will nore conments and ctrrected, will be made .ttoti will corrected, and more future, any errors in the the future, made in (WH), Robert "oy Faxon (JF), Wayne Hoffman. (WE), (oF), John Fortune (JF), Wayne Hoffman Joho Fortune Faxon (DF), i"rtlf are by: by: Barrel Comments Conments are (RB) or or Comments with (RB) with (PR) Reed (PR).. Ccln'mgnls (L0) , and Paul Reed from Paul (XO) , Laimons and from Olson (RU), Osis (LO), t airoons Osis Ot"or, Bayer. by Range Range Bayer. without are are by initials without initIals t'courtshi.p dancest' can be be obServed observed dancestt can Grebe "courtship Common Western Grebe and Western Loon and CommonLoon plumage' grebes in breeding plumage. in breedj-ng grebes aad loons as can can loons and June as occasionally from to June February to trom late late February oc6-sioia-ffy ca11s of hushed, the calls of the are winds the and machinery, of When road noise, the the winds are the sounds of machinery, road noise, when I'Iestern Non-breeding Common Loons and Western Common Non-breeding spring. in the heard-especially loons can heard-especially in the spring. cau be loons into movement back into with movement can be be observeb observed along along the the coastl{ne coastline during during the the surooer summer with Grebes can in August' in August, seen be can plumage Horned Grebes in breeding plumage can be seen in breediog Horned Grebes fall. the estuaries estuaries in in the the fall. the In In October' early October. into early and some some Comon Common Loons Loons in in breeding breeding p}image plumage can can be be observed observed into of 100-300 Western Western raft of Slough, a raft the Yaquina Yaquina estuary, estuary, around around the the mouth mouth of of McCaffery McCaffery Slough, the existed raft has existed Why this Why this grebe raft winter. the winter. during the comtnly observed during Grebes can be commonly the Western known only by the only known i9 winters four last four winters is the last there winter for least the at least for at every Idinter there every (WII), they they are are !ilaldport (WE), near Waldport Eckman Lake near at Eckman Grebes nested at Grebes have nested Pied-bi}led Grebes. Pied-billed in but early fall, but in fa11o early and sumer and the late late summer in the estualy in abundant lower Yaquina Yaquina estuary in the the lower abundant in estuary' in the the upper or in areas or winter they mainly seen in upper estuary. in freshwater freshwater areas .winter are malnly they are Loons, gebes LoonS, grebeS during dawn during at dawn Shearwaters may sometimes be seen at shearwaters tnay Tubenoses Tubenoses observed also be sometimes observed rulnars can also headland areas (WE).. Fulmars hffi;t.""-ir^tnl d from spring suumer from spring and summer (wH) ' Head (WE). Head Yaquina from from Yaquina can be observed plumage, can breedlng plumage, Brown i-n breeding some in Pelicans, some Brown Pelicans, corrnorants Pelicans, Peli.cans, cormorants In ' In the estuaries. estuaries the into move they ore bef along the coastline in June July before they move into and July June in E6e .oastii"e a1oiA simultaneously observed simultaneously observed adult Brown Pelicans October 1975, Pelicans r^rere were inmature and 12 adult L82 immature 7975, 182 october at aa were observed at 60 birds birds were than 60 In mole than years no more In other other years estuary. in Ybquina estuary. the Yàquina in the 20) observed 20) (less than The number of adult pelicans (less than adult of number The estuary. Pelicans time in in the the Yaquina estuary. time year' unchanged year,to to year. from year unchanged from relatively to remain rernain relatively in seems to estuary seems the Yaquina estuary in the Double-crested Although Double-crested Although coas!. the coast. along the Brandt's breed along Pelagic Cormorants bo:cmorantsbreed and Pelagic Brandtts and estuary Yaquina estuary the Yaquina in the coast and in the coast cormolant along Cormorants are the the most most abundant abundant cormorant along the Cormorants are observed individuals having observed been having ind'ividuals 762 many as during the nonbreeding season, with as many 762 with during Ehe nonbreeding seasonr Doublespring' Doublelate spring. the late in the estuary in of the the estuary in estuary, they move out out of they oove the Yaquina estuary, in the morning In the early morning early the In County. in Lincoln Lincoln County. breed in crested Cormorants Cormorants are to breed knor^mto not known are not crested formation like geese in a "V" formation in "Vt' J-ike flying seen be can and Double-crested Cormorants seen flying at dusk Double-crested ancl at flank breeding breeding The white flank rqhite The night. night' at roost evidently they where to and from the coast where they evidently roost at coast the from to in individuals be seen in some individuals among some seen among first can first Cormoraots can patch of Pelagic Cormorants of Pelagic season patch more Brandt's Cormorants are are Brandtrs and Pelagic and season' Pelagic breeding season, the breeding During the February. February. During are more more abuadant abundant they are season they abundant along the the coast, coast, but but during during the the nonbreeding nonbreeding season abundant along estuary. Yaqulna in the Yaqulna estuary. in the * 113 3- but feed, but they feed, near where where they trees near in trees Great Blue roost in Herons commonly com*only roost Blue Herons llerons are Green Herons are Green colonies. nesting tree roosts roosts are are oFten often far far away away from from their their tree nesting colonies. water areas fresh water areas in fresh consPicuous in most conspicuous are most rarely observed in but are estuary but rarely tn the the lower lower estuary County in in in Lincoln Lincolo County Cattle Egrets Egrets were first observed in first Cattle especially log rafts. rafts. especially on log in the fa11 in the fall abundant Dost are aod where" knows Great Egrets arrive from "who knows where" and are most abundant Great Ugrets arrive from "who \g75. 1975. time, at aa time, seen at generally seen individuals generally 30 individuals than 30 in the more than in the lower lower estuaries estuarles with with no more in stragglers remai-n, but remain, usually usually only only observed in only a few stragglers but by the the following following spring spring only first reported residents Some Yaquina human residents reported first Yaquina human Some areas of estuaries. the upper areas of the ihe estuaries. the Coos seeing Great Egrets Egrets in in the 195O's and there there is is aa sighting sighting for for Coos Coos Bay Bay in in Coos the 1950ts seeing Great seem variable variable fa11 seem each fall coming each the numbers numbers coming (fron American Birds), Birds), but but the County in 1961 1961 (from Count! in Bl-ack-crowned years. Black-crowned recent years. 1n recent numbers in in numbers increase in so that is no apparent apparent increase that there there is Lincol-n in Lincoln to breed in yet known known to (first are not not yet in 1974) Night Herons (first observed L974) are Night oLserved in are difficult difficult They are 1976' They March 1976. 1n March found in plunage was was found County, but an adult in breeding breeding plumage adult in County, but Black-cror^rned ten Black-crowned but ten nlght, but at night, or at at dusk dusk or only at to are active active only since they they are to observe observe since in the the that in L976 in Night Herons Herons were were observed observed in December 1976 in the the Yaguina Yaquina estuary estuary so so that in December Night there. found may be colony may 1e found there. near future future a small sma11 breeding breeding colony near Ilerons, egrets Herons, gts They They area' Bay area. Siletz Bay the Siletz in the observed in Mute been observed geese only been have only Swans have Swans, geese Mute Swans Swans, at Siletz wintering at Siletz wintering swans (WiI), 4-6 with 1970 as 1970 (WH), with 4-6 swans nested ifbEvil's at Devil's Lake recently as Lake as as recently Mute SI47an "*t"a single (post a More recently (post 1973), single Mute Swan 1973), (ffif). recently More winter in the of 1969-1970 Bay in the winter of 1969-1970 (WET). Bay not Swans are are not Whistling Swans (JF). Whistling and Devilrs Bay and Siletz Bay has been observed at both Siletz Devil's Lake Lake (JF). at both probably as probably as estuary' Yaquina the in the Yaquina estuary, rarely in and rarely commonly observed County and Lincoln County observed in in Lincoln corunonly of south of seen south they are corunonly seen are commonly since they habitat since marsh habitat of a lack lack of of suitable suitable marsh result of a result Few Canada Few Canada w1nter' the winter. the (Floreoce) duri-ng estuary Siuslaw Lincoln County along the Siuslaw estuary (Florence) during the along County tincoln Geese have been been observed observed on the ground or or in in water water and those those that that are are seen seen are the grdund Geese have (LO), but they but they Creek (LO), (DF) Beaver or area marsh areas areas in the ?o1edo Toledo area (DF) or Beaver in the freshwater marsh around freshwater migrations' fa11 and during spring and fall migrations. spring durlng overhead high flying are frequently seen and heard flying high overhead are frequentl-y seen and heard of flocks of many flocks Waldportr many and Waldport, Beach and South Beach between South coast between In the coast along the the springtime, springtime, along In the east-southeast the east-southeast the to areas inland areas to froo inland initially flyiog initially Canada from ."r, be Geese can b* seen flying Canada Geese direction "u"tt chaoge direction then change flocks then these flocks (from the the Maryrs Mary's Peak Peak area) to coast where these to the the coast (frour area) have Brant have Black Brant The vocal Black very vocal and very gregarious and The gregarious coast. the coast. and then north along fly north along the then fly Yaqui'na Siletz estuaries, but in the Yaquina the in but the Alsea in the not beea been observed observed to to overwinter overwinter in Alsea or or Siletz estuaries, not Yaquina in the the Yaquina winter in Brant winter Blaek Brant 175. Black exceeding 175. estuary numbers exceeding in numbers overwinter in they overwinter estuary they area' ldaho'Flats Sally's Bend and Idaho Flats area. and Bend Sallyts in the grass beds estuary ee1 grass beds in the only near near the the eel estuary only observable' is observable. coast is the coast along the Brant along Beginning in Black Brant of Black ro.r-t".rt of February, movement in February, Beglnnlng are Geese are White-fronted and Snow Snow Geese and 1970. White-fronted since 1970. seen since Emperor been seen nti been G"""" have not E p.tot Geese over that they migrate over migrate they that possible it is but infrequently observed water' but it is possible or water, land or on land observed on lntrequently (WI{) ' (WH). Geese Canada with Lincoln County, perhaps in association association with Canada Geese in perhaps Lincoln County, are Yaquina drainage system are drainage system the Yaquina in the overvTinter in Most of that overwinter waterfowl that of the the waterfowl Ducks while areas' eubayment in the Sally's Bend embayment areas, while Bend Sallyts in the especially seen in in the the Idaho Idaho Flats Flats and especially overwintering' seen overwintering. are seen ducks are scattered ducks areas ooly in the Yaguina Yaquina River River channel only a a few few scattered ehannel areas in the waterspring most waterin spring and in winter, and late winter, Duck behavior can be observed observed during during late courtship behavior Duck courtship estuarine estuarine and marshes water Mallards nest in fresh water marshes and fresh Mallards nest in mid-April. fowl left by ly mid-April. fowl have left fresh in fresh Wood nest in wood Ducks nest harrassment. human harrassment. to human subject to sloughs not subject are not if they they are sloughs if Shovelers' Teal, Northern Shovelers, Northern Teal' Cinnamon aod Blue-i,ringed if It is not known if Blue-winged and Cinnamon knolin is not It areas. water nater areas. out or or move out they do move but they areas, but water areas, fresh water in fresh and Hooded Mergaasers Mergansers also nest in also nest and Hooded in usually Ring-necked Ducks are usually seen in are Ducks Ring-necked time. spring time. the spring through in the estuaries in the estuaries through the along along summer the during Harlequin Ducks can be best seen during the summer best Ducks (DF). Harlequin fresh sloughs (DP). water sloughs fresh water year they can they can the year of the rest of the rest (RO), but during the but during rocky areas coast (RO), the coast along the areas along i.ntertidal rocky intertidal sr:mtert During the summer,the estuaries' mouth of estuaries. of the mouth jetty areas around the areas around be and jetty rock and along rock be- seen along it but it coast' but the coast, along the seen along be seen can be Scoters can Black Scoters nonbreeding -urf, White-winged, Wtrite-wlnged, and Black nonbreeding Surf, the During During the the estuarles' numbers in the estuaries. in numbers in any seen be can is fall before the scoters can be seen in any scoters ls fal1 before the in Scoters in White-winged Scoters and White-wioged Surf and fenale Surf than female more male than winter many more to be many seems to there seems wiDter there t'ruddytt, in late "ruddy", in color, in late col-or, in truly to become become truly Some Ruddy Ducks begin begin to Ruddy Ducks Some the estuary. the estuary. the lower lower in the be observed in Groups Red-breasted Mergansers Mergansers can can be to 50. 50. Red-breasted of up up to Groups of February. February. to January to of January formation from the end of from the formation line in Yaquina estuary feeding and swimming in a line swinming feeilin! Yaqtrina estuary - 1 14 4- - European Gadwall, European of Gadwall, The status in May and June. June. The status of the they leave May and leave the estuary in time they the estuary the time to determine deterrnine because Wigeon, Redhead is difficult to Redhead and most of Greater Scaup, is difficult of all, all, Greater The wintering The most abundant wintering of more abundant abundant species. species. of their their similarity si.milarity to other more to other duck merican Wigeon. duek is is the the American Wigeon. Siletz, Yaquina the Siletz, Pairs at the Pai-rs of Bald Eagles been seen seen at Eagles, hawks of adult adult Bald Eagles have been Eagles, hawks the They evident during during the year. Alsea estuaries the year. They are are especially especially evident estuaries throughout throughout the and Alsea in fall, winter winter and spring spring when when they they are are seen daily daily hunting hunting waterfowl waterfowl concentrated concentrated in fa1l, presence of of Red-tailed Red-tailed Hawks Hawks and the embaynient areas of of these these estuaries. estuaries. The presence embayrnentareas the noisy the rapid rapid and noisy especially BaL<1Eagles Eagles near especially Bald waterfowl can be easily easily detected detected by the near waterfowl the alarm calls alarrn ca1ls by the of surface-feeding Pi.ntail, departure of surface-feeding ducks such as and Pintail, wigeon departure such flap conspicuously flap gu11s, and by and conspicuously water and of by Coots Coots which which forn form tight tight flocks flocks in in the thewater of gulls, If is then then If the the sky is their wings wings chaotically while floating on water surface. their chaotieally while floating on the the water surface. the carefully scanned, scanned, one or or more more eagles eagles or or a hawk hawk may may be be seen, seen, perhaPs perhaps with with the carefully Marsh Hawks Hawks are are gulls. of one one or accompaniment of ot more more mobbing, mobbing, dive-bombing dive-bombing gulls. dunes, but but sand dunes, observable fron September lands and sand observable from September to ApriJ- around estuarine to April estuarine marsh lands brushy upland brushy present around during the summer suuoer they around clearcuts clearcuts and upland during the they are conmonly present are more commonly but in April April and and May, but generally seen areas. Osprey are estuary only only in areas. are generally seen in in the the Yaquina estuary It not known known if if Osprey in the the 1976 in 1976 summer It is is not sumer they remained around around the estuary. they remained the estuary. nest nest within within Lincoln tincoln County. County. Shorebirds are are numerous in Yaquina estuary by April April 15 and most most Shorebirds Shorebirds estuary by Shorebirds in the the Yaquina fa11 the fall During spring migration beginning beginning in in March and the have departed departed by June. spring migration by June. Duri"ag plumage can can be migration from July uigration July to September, shorebirds shorebirds in in breeding breeding plumage early September, to early the Yaquina areas of of the sometimes seen. Most shorebirds are seen only only in in the the embayment embayment areas sometimes seen. shorebirds are areas at dune sand Plovers seen esjuary. Snowy Plovers are resident and are commonly seen at sand dune areas Snowy most conmonly eftiFuary. are resident are they of estuaries estuaries where they mouth of along along the the coast, coast, especially especially around sandspits at the the mouth sandspits at in Yaquina embayment Plovers are in Yaquina embayment occasionally sometime nest nest (WH). are seen occasionally Some Snowy Snowy ?lovers OfH). Some present are present areas. Several shorebird usually considered migratory are areas, Several shorebird species that are are usually considered as migtatory species that are fa11 migration or are in the the estuary estuary as noRbreeding nonbreeding individuals migration or in individuals spri.ng and fall between spring (see main of Whimbrels Whinbrels number of present after A small sma11 number present after the fa1l migration main Checklist). the fall migration (see Checklist). in (less than of 1973-76 L973-76 in the r"rinters Willets (less present in winters of in the and Willets than five five of of each) each) have been present the Yaquina embäyment occurring in in the Yaquina records of of Whirnbrels Whimbrels occurring embaynent areas, and there there are are records areas, and gathering in i-n small sma11 bands, baads, seen gathering January as as far far back At dusk, dusk, Whimbrels Whiurbrels can be seen back as as 1966. 1966. At roost at at night. night. vocalizing, and heading vocalizing, they presumably roost heading towards the coast towards the coast where they The calls cal1s of of are exposed. exposed. The Several shorebird shorebird species night when when the mudflats are at night the mudflats Several species feed feed at if one one at night, and Kilideer and Black-bellied Plovers are particularly noticeable at night, and if particularly and Black-bel1ied Plovers noticeable Killdeer are in also be heard learn the calls during the daytime, they may also heard in they may can learn.the cal1s of species during the daytine, of other other species separating in separating Because of in quiet of of difficulties difficulties inudflats. Because the of night the mudflats. the quiet night moving movlng around around the pooled ShortLong-billed Dowi.tchers, Dowitchers, most sightings sightings of of dowitchers dowitchers have been pooled Short- and Long-billed specifically together Long-billed in main Checklist, unless they they were specifically together as Long-billed the maj-n Checklist, unless in the Greater During the winter, dowitchers dowitchers and Greater identified as Short-billed Dowitchers. During the winter, ldentified Short-billed Dowitchers. seen every w-inter. not seen every winter. are not Yellowlegs but they Yellowlegs are are seen seen only upper estuary, estuary, but they are only in in the the upper but estuary, but Spotted year in upper Yaquina estuary, in the Sandpipers are the year the upper Spotted Sandpipers throughout the are seen throughout appearance of phalaropes of phalaropes The appearance in suromer they i-n the the embayment embaymentareas. areas. in summer they are are also seen in also seen Sometimes they the thousands with in the thousands with in Lincoln they number in in Lincoln County County is is unpredictable. unpredictable. (DF' RU). R0). most of Red PhalaropeS Phalaropes (DF, of them then being being Northern but there there are are some some Red Northern but jaegers can be (Septernber and can be During and October), Jaegers During the migration (September Octobe-r), jaegers the fall fall- migration jetties estuarine embayment embaynent in estuarine occasionally near the or the jetties or even in occasionally seen harrassing terns nedr harrassing terns (DF). areas a r e a s (DF). yearitmnatures. inmatures. first and secondyear Sightings have been of first andsecond Gulls Gulls Sightings of Gulls have beenof of Glaucous Glaucous Gulls of several several year immature birds of gul1s are inmature birds Brown year are first first Brown gulls are not not a separate species but but are separate species gu11s of of the the same same Fledged gu1ls gulls are are about about the size as adult adult gulls different species. the same same size different species. Fledged Gu11 shown shown in (which in Herring Gull in species. Western Gulls the Herring species. in Lincoln Lincoln County look look like like the Gul1s (which gradatioa of of is a gradation guides) hybridize most field rnost field guides) there is so there with Glaucous-winged Gulls Gu1ls so hybridize with (lfl{). Glaucous-winged and Glaucous-winged characteristics characteristics between between Western and Glaucous-winged Glaucous-winged Gulls Gu1ls (WH). Western and - 1 15 5- where single single in estuaries estuaries where also in but along the coastline, the coastline, Western Gulls nest not not only but also only along Gu11s nest Westera gu1l chick chick was was A gull seen' A be seen. merkers, and can be rafts can and log 1og rafts nests piers, navigation navi.gation markers, on piers, nests on inland) ' miles inland). (over 10 river miles 10 river Toledo (over 1og raft raft near near Toledo once observed on a log to break break Glaucous-winged Western Gu1ls Gulls in in estuaries estuaries can be be frequently frequently observed to Glaucous-wiaged and llestern highrtay pavement, sand, highway \tet sand, on wet Pavement' then on dropping then cockle clams by dropping clams by aad native native littleneck littleneck eockle and pinpointed where r"rhere Such behavior can can be pinpointed Such behavior on rocks. piers, or rocks. or infrequently abandoned piers, on abandoned infrequently then and then high feet 15-40 approximately gulls are observed observed to to f1y fly up up in arc approximately 15-40 feet high gul1s are in an arc (valve) side (valve) broken side one broken wi-th one shell-s with flutter--fly straight dowa, down, or or in in areas areas where where clam shells flutter-fly straight tides. 1ow tides. mlnus low during minus best observed observed during This activity is is best are found. found. This actlvlty are are by a novice' novice, are identify safel-y identify to safely are difficult Herring Thayer's Gulls, Gulls, which which are difficult to Herring and Thayerts are covered covered mudflats are the mudflats (Wfi). In fa1l, the In fall, April (WH). through April probably present present from probably from October October through Gulls in in Gulls Franklin's Gu11s. Franklin's CaLitornia Gulls. and especially especiaL|y California with Ring-billed i@lgrant Ring-bl1led and Irith immigrant Adult Bonaparte's (RO). Bonaparte's Adult April in April (RO). (b1ack-headed) have otserved in pluloage (black-headed) been observed adult have been adult plumage July of July the end end of from the and from June and to early early June (Utt"t-fr..ded) in April Gulls can be observed April to observed in Gulls (black-headed) in summerin the summer of the through August August w'ith with Bonaparters Bonaparte's Gulls Gulls present present throughout throughout the the rest rest of through to easy make them easy to make them Gu11s Bonaparters Gulls the Bonaparte's The buzzing-wire of the sounds of plumage. buzzing-rrire sounds immature plumage. iilrmature of members of members conspicuous are Mew, and gu11s, Bonaparte's Bonapartets Mew, are conspicuous Two of of the the smaller smaller gulls, locate. Two locate. During the summer, sumer' During the time. sametime. at the the same conmon at the gu11 community, are not not common conrmunity, but they are but they the gull Once Once feeding. are feeding. that are Pelicans that Brorvn Pelicans Heerman's harrasslng Brown seen harrassing Gu1ls are are often often seen lteernants Gulls are Gulls are Gul-1s call' call. its only by identified easily be identified learned, the lleermants Heerman's Gull Gull can easily by only its learoed, the or steal or steal to estuary Yaquina at the observed conspicuous pirates and have have been observed at the Yaquina estuary to conspicuous pirates merganserst heronst mergansers, conDoTants, herons, pelicansr cormorants, grebes, pelicans, frOm loons, loons, grebes, attempt fOOd from to steal Steal food attenPt to observation, With closer observation, closer cror^7s. and crows. gul1s, kingfishers kingfishers and Whimbrels, Wi11ets, other other gulls, Whlnbiels, Willets, grow longer. longer. the list list will will probably probably grow the :: can be be Caspian Terns can (DF). Caspian Terns terns (DF). ConmonTerns mixed among among Common Arctic may be be mixed Terns may Arctic Terns Terns Terns in Yaquina Yaquina fledged young in feeding fledged seen throughout the the summer, they can can be be seen feeding sg,mer, and they G-throrrghout the adult While flying, the adult flying' lfhi1e Qctober' to early August of August to early October. embayment end of fron the the end embayment areas from call' "t"""can be most easily its hoarse raucous call. for its listening spotted by Caspian Tern Tern by listening for easily spotted pitched call' with a high pitched call. high a reply with If young bird bird will will reply it,"thethe young is with with it,its offspring offspring is If its be can be Guillemots can Pigeon Guillemots but Pigeon coast, but the coast, Most along the only along seen only are seen l"lost alcids alcids are Aleids Aleids the up under under the and can be seen flying up flying seen yaqulna can and suniner in the estuary seen in the lower Yaquina estuary in the summer lower in the seeo nest under Pigeon Guillemots also nest under also Guillemots Pigeon nest. presumably nest. they presumably Highway bridge where where they 101 bridge llighway 101 the along along the cliffs of cliffs the edges of under the as under well as as well the bridge bridge and Bay as Depoe Bay at Depoe aad docks at th; and their sheer numbers and numbers sheer their where Head. Yaquioa Common Murres nest at Yaquina Head where at (JF). nest coast coast (JF). Comton Murres of the the west side side of on the the west goes to them on to see see them unmusical who goes observer who the observer touch the soDg touch unmusical song unable are they are unable they area' nesting the nesting area, leave the After the chlcks leave Murre chicks CommonMurre [ft"t the Common Lighthouse. Llghthouse. dive the surface while adults dive ffor or adults while surface on the float to the chlcks chicks float on for themselves, themselves, and and the to fend for along the the or estuary in the Chick-adult pairs can be seen in the estuary or seen pairs can be Chick-adu1t food feed the the chicks. chlcks. to feed food to the chicks The whistling between the chicks and The whistling Septenber. early September. to early coast end of of July July to the end froo the coast from chick-adult symphony when the chick-adult the when syaphony estuary of the the estuary adults is a conspicuous auditory auditory part Part of ;;1;"-i;-"-"oo"p1".rous i-n nest in but they they nest llead, but A few ins also also nest nest at at Yaquina Yaquina Head, Puffins Tufted Puff present. few Tufted A pairs are pairs are present. Yaquina Head. Head' at away is eroding burrows and suitable burrowing area is eroding away at area burrowing burrows and suitable Cuckoos Cuekoos Owls owls (DF) ' 1961 (DF). fn 1961 seen in Yellow-billed Cuckoos last seen Cuckoos were last Yellow-billed L973-74' and 1973-74. L965-67 and of 1966-67 \^Tinters of the winters Snowy Owls were recorded in the recorded in snowy but Yellow-shafted Yellow-shafted are Red-shafted Red-shafted but llickers are Comon Flickers of the the Common Woodpeckers Woodpeckers Most of seen'. Flickers have occasionally seen.. been occasionally have been tr'lickers 26' as January January 26, early as up as as early show up Violet-green and sometimes show Swallo\./s sometimes Tree Swallows and Tree Violet-green Swallows might and they can "disappear" and might they "disappear" or February January in but.in years when they seen in January or February are seen they are iffi..t;;;; especially coast especially the coast Swallows along the seen along Swallows are seen or April. April. March or not agai-n until until March seen again not be seen such as at as at such inland farther before they are seen farther inland seen (iO) Uefore they are Creek (LO) Beaver Creek at areas lower Beaver like lower areas like at piles rotting nest in the rotting piles the in nest to Some Purple Purple Martinshave Martinshave been been observed observed to (DF). Soue Chitwood (DF). (R0) ' estuaries (RO). Alsea estuaries and Alsea Yaquina and that are are present present along along the the river river channels channels in in the the Yaquina that - 116 6- - not are not Although crows are Although crows estuary. bird of of the the estuary. Crows are are a conspicuous Crows eonspi.cuous bird Crows Crows observed to to drop drop arrd and break break cockles cockles and native native littleneck littleneck cl-ams clams as as frequently frequently as as 6TEEived in behavior in see such such behavior patient observer observer can see the patient Western Gulls, the Glaucous-winged Gulls, Western and Glaucous-winged the to attempt also Crows will also attempt to pirate the gulls Crows will clams. as where break Pirate sane areas the gulls break clams. the same broken clams of the larger gu1ls gulls by by landing landing near near the the gul1s gulls and and darting darting in in and and the larger cl-ams of broken several of several one of Sometimes Sometimes one gull is i.s caught caught off-guard. off-guard. while the the clam clan while the gull stealing stealing the gul1 face turns to face gull turns to gu1-1 the pu11 when of a and feathers the tail tail or crows will pull the or roing wing feathers of gull when the crows will other of other pu11 feathers feathers of also pull will also the clam. Crows will nay steal steal the c1am. Crows another crow crow may the offender another the offender is involved. involved. food is where food attention where also of their attention of Osprey Osprey to to divert divert their crows and also Dippers Dippers (DF' JF). JF). tidewater (DF, above tidewater rivers above the coastal DLppers along the coastal- rivers Dippers are are found along Liacoln County, County' seasonal migration The Varied Thrush undergoes a seasonal migration within within Lincoln The Varied Thrushes in to April, from September to being present present in lowland and suburban suburban areas areas from April, but but nesting nesting in in lololand UEing frequently are Swainson's Thrushes are frequently rnrture Swainsonts forests surnmer. coniferous durlng the mature coniferous forests during the summer. evident less evident by the the less are replaced replaced by winter they they are in the the winter during the the summer, sr:mer, but but in heard during Thrush. Hermit Hermit Thrush. in numerous in especi.ally numerous are especially Waxwings are During August and September, Cedar Waxwings September, Cedar During August Waxwings Waxwings (DF). trees where they on the the berries berries (DF). Cascara trees they feed feed on Both the the Myrtle Myrtle and Audubonts Audubon's races races of of the the Yellow-runped Yellow-rumped Warblers Warblers can can be be Both Warblers Warblers pn). but are are sunmer but the summer during the the firs firs during in the Hermit Warbiers are are common conmon in Eernit Warblers seen (RO, PR). ffi-Go, Orange-crowned, Ye11ow Yellow and Black-throated Black-throated Gray Warblers Warblers can be be (DF). Orange-crowned, see (DF). to see hard to found i-n in deciduous deciduous trees, trees, whlle while MacGillivray's MacGillivray's Warblers Warbiers like like thick thick brush brush patches patches found j-n the it is is the morning' (DF). At in the At times morning, it the fall fa1l in times in difflcult are difficult to locate locate (DF). and are to ttwavestt of Orangeof Wilsonrs, consisting mainly possi-ble to possible migrant warbLers warblers consisting mainly of Wilson's, Orangeto see "waves" of migrant times by crowned, and Black-throated Black-throated Gray Warblers; Warblers; but but they they are are joined joined at at times by other other crowned, (DF). These These Vireos (DF). Solitary Vireos occasionally Solitary warblers well as tlarbling Warbling Vireos Vireos and and occasionally warblers as well ttwavestt have creeks coast near the coast from the "waves" have often often been observed observed away from near wlllow-bordered willow-bordered creeks (RO). warbler (RO). (DF). Wilsonrs probably the corrmonbreeding breeding warbler Wilson's Warbler Warbler is the most common is probably (DF). Center Science Center Marine Science OSUMarine the OSU Western around the can be seen seen around Meadowlarks can Western Meadowlarks Blackbirds Blackbirds do as coast they do the along areas from August to May, and they may nest in sand dune areas along the coast as they may nest in Augnst May, to they froo occasionally are occasionally Blackbi-rds are Yel1ow-headed Blackbirds Coos County. County. Yellow-headed Spit at at Coos Coos Bay, Bay, Coos at North Spit the North at the in are seen seen in (WIt). Brewer's Blackbirds are Brewerfs Blackbirds spring time time (WH). the spring seen in in the the coastal marshes in in the coastal marshes seen through(DF), are they at NeldPort but at Newport they are seen throughthe area only during the surTrmer(DF), but the summer only during Chitwood area the Chitwood around fall around in the the fall Brown-headed Cowblrds Cowbirds are are seen later (PR, JF). later in year (PR, the year JF). Brom-headed out out the than at at Chitwood. Chitwood. Newport than Newport Slate-colored (Oregon and occasionally the Slate-colored Dark-eyed occasionally the Dark-eyed Juncos (Oregon Finches, sparrotrs Finches, parrows flocks' the winter (Dfjt can races (DF)) can be be seen seen around around suburban areas and fields fields duriag during the winter i-n in flocks, suburban areas racEs Goldenareas. clearcut areas. in brush brush and and clearcut observed in butduring are observed the summer sunmerthey they are but.duri.ng the spring and during durtng spring October and in October Newport in crowned around Newport Sparrows are abundant around are seasonally seasooally abundant croroned Sparrows White-ctowned White-crowned abundant. year are less they the migration but during the rest of the year they are less abundant. but of during the rest migratlon the Chitwood are rarely Sparrows are are seen seen at at Newport Newport throughout the year year but but are rarely seen in in the Chitwood throughout the Sparrows the Savannah are numerous along along the (DF). Savannah Sparrows Sparrows are from November February (DF). t,o February area from November to area (DF). l"lay (DF). early May area in in April Aprll and aod early coastal dune area coastal in dune areas areas Longspurs Snow Bunting Bunting can be seen in Longspurs and Snow Longspurs and Snow Buntings Snow Buntings Longspurs (DF, RB). RB). Head (DF, Yaquina Head grassy areas at Yaquina in open open grassy areas at west of or in of the the Yaquina Vaq,titta Bay nay bridge friage or - t 717- - PHENOLOGY P}IENOLOGY CAI,ENDAR CALENDAR the checkltst, the Checklist, the in the dates are Siven in departure dates Although and departure are given arrival speclesf arrival Although species' and arrlving are which species are arriving and ietermine which species to determine easier to it easier following listings make it oake listlngs fol-lowing time. departing at particular time. at a Particul-ar departlng ttDtt is is departure.) departure') (ttAtt ("A" is is arrival arrival and "D" violet-green Huurmingbird-A; Violet-green Rufous Hummingbird-A; Turkeyvultute-A; Canada Vulture-A; Rufous Goose-A; Turkey Canadb Goose-A; Cowbird-A Swallow-A; Brown-headed Cowbird-A Swallow-A; Brown-headed (Feb. 16-28) l-6-28) (Feb. Wigeon-D; Northern European wigeon-D; Teal-A; European Cinnamon Teal-A; Blue-winged Teal--A; Cinnamon Blue-wiaged Teal-A; (Mar. -Northern 1-15) (Mar. 1-15) Pigeon-A; bay)-A; Band-tailed Pigeon-A; Band-tailed (in bay)-A; Murre corrnsn Murre (in Phalarope-A; Pigeon Guiflemot-A; Common ciilleoot-A; Phalarope-A; Plgeon Shrike-D Swallow-A; Northern Tree Northern Shrike-D Tree Swallow-A; (Mar. 16-31) 16-31) (Mar. Ruddy Long-billed Dowitcher-A Dowitcher-A Turnstone-A; Long-billed Ruddy Turnstone.-A; Plover-A; Semipalmated Plover-A; Osprey-A; Senipalnated Shoveler-A; Osprey-A; Northern Shoveler-A; (Apr. 1-15) Eared Grebe-D; Northern (Apr. 1-15) Yellowlegs-A; Whimbrel-A; Greater Greater Yellowlegs-A; Curlew-A; Whimbrel-A; Long-billed Plover-A; Long-billed Black-bellied Plover-A; Curlew-A; Black-bellied Tern-A; Caspian'Tern-A1 Gull-A; Caspian Gull-fl; Booaparte's Bonaparte's Gull-A; Gull-D; California Godwlt-A; California Red Marbled Godwit-A; IGrot-A; l4arbled Red Knot-A; Purple Purple swa11-ow-A; Swallow-A; Cliff Swallow-A; Cliff swallow-A; Barn swallow-A; Tufted Puffin-A; Puffin-A; Rough-winged Rough-winged Swallow-A; Barn Tufted Wilsonrs Warber-A; Wilson's Warbler-A; Ye11ow Yellow Warber-A; orange-crovned warbler-A; Pipit-A; Martin-A; Orange-crowned water Pipit-A; Martin-A; Water Bunting-D Snow Bunting-D Lincoln's Sparrow-A; Snow Sparrow-A; Sparrow-A; Lincolnfs -hipping Sparrow-A; Warbler-A; iparror-e; Chipping Vesper Sparrow-A; Warbler-A; Vesper oldsquaw-D; Coroon Goldeneye-D; Oldsquaw-D; Goose-A; Common White-fronted Goose-A; Great Egret-D; Egret-D; White-fronted (Apr. 16-30) Great (Apr. 16-30) Baird's; sandpiper-D Rock Sandpiper-D Baird's; Knot-D; Rock Solitary Sandpiper-A; Lesser Yellowlegs-A; Yellowlegs-A; Red Red Knot-D; Sandpiper-A; Lesser solltary iternit Pewee-A; Hermit I'lood Pewee-A; Auklet-A; Western Wood Rhinocelos Aukl-et-A; C,rft-O; Rhinoceros Sandpiper-A; Glaucous Glaucou" Gull-fl; Sandpiper-A1 sparrow-D Yellowthroat-A; Fox Sparrow-D Yellowthroat-A; vireo-A; warbling Thrush-A; Warbling Vireo-A; Thrush-D; Swainson's swainsonrs Thrush-A; Thrush-D; Goose-D; White-fronted Goose-fl; Goose-D; White-fronted CanadaGoose-fl; Double-crested Cormorant-D; colTorant-D; Canada (l[ay 1-15) Double.crested (May 1-15) Ring-necked Ring-necked wigeon-D; Teal-D; American Wigeon-D; American real-D; pintail-D; Teal-D; Blue-winged Pintail-D; Green-winged Blue-winged Green-winged Teal-fl; Ruddy Scoter-D; Ruddy Surf-Scoter-D; Black Scoter-fi; Black Surf-Scoter-D; Scotei-O; Duck-D; lehead-D; 1{hite-winged White-winged Scoter-D; Bufflehead-D; Duek-D; Buff Common Comon Turnstone-D; Black Turnstone-D; Turnstone-D; Black Ruddy Turnstone-D; surfbird-D; Duck-D; Ruddy coot-D; Surfbird-D; American Coot-D; Duck-D; American Long-billed Sandpiper-D; Long-bl11ed Tattler-fl; Least Sandpiper-fl; hattler-D;,Least lJandering Cuilew-D; Snipe-D; Long-billed Curlew-fl; Wandering Long-bilied Snipe-D; F1yWillow Wil1ow FlyTern-A; Mew Gull-D; Common Tern-A; Comon Gul1-D1 Mew S""a*iiiie-D; codwit-D; Sanderling-D; Dowitcher-D; Marbled Godwit-D; Ilowlrcher-D; Marbled Yel1owFlycatcher-A; House YellowWren-A; Ilouse catcher-A; Western Western Flycatcher-A; Flycatcher-A; Olive-"ia.i Olive-sided Flycatcher-A' catcher-A; NacGillivray's MacGillivray's Warbler-A; Warbler-A; Hermit Warbler-A; Hernit Warbler-A; Gray Slatk-throated rumped ilarbler-D; Warbler-D; Black-throated Gray rwnped Grosbeak-A; Grosbeak-A; Black-headed Tanager-A; Black-headed wesiern Tanager-A; Meadowlark-D; Western Warbler-A; Western Western Meadowlark-D; warbler-A; SParrow-D Golden-crowned GoLden-crowned Sparrow-D Grebe-D; Red-necked Grebe-fi; Loon-D; Red-necked Red-throated Loon-fl; Loon-D; Red-throated Arctic Loon-fl; Common Loon-fl; Loon-D; Arctic (May 16-31) Connuon (May scaup-D; Lesser Scaup-D; ]'esser shoveler-D; Gadwall-D; Northern Shoveler-fl; Northern Grebe-D; Gadwall-D; Pied-billed Grebe-D; Western Grebe-D; Pied-billed western Grebe-D; Baird's Bairdrs Yellowlegs-D; Lesser Yellowlegs-D; Yellowlegs-D1 Lesser Greaier Yellowlegs-D; Solitary Willet-D; Greater Saadpiper-D; Willet-D; Solitary Sandpiper-D; Phalarope-D; Common Tern-D; Common Sandpiper-D; Western Sandpiper-fl; Northern Sandplper-O;westernSandpiper-D;NorthernPhalarope-D;ComonTern-D;Cormon Vireo-A Waxwing-A; Solitary Vireo-A Solitary pipit-il;Cedar Waxwing-A; Nighthawk-A; Water Pipit-D; Cedar Nighthawk-A; Ialater Hooded Merganser-D; Merganser-D; canvasback-D; Hooded Brant-D; Canvasback-fi; Black Brant-D; Horned Grebe-D; Black ttorned Gull-A; Gu11-A; RubyHeermants Gull-A; Gull-A; Mew Gull-A; Heerman's llew Gu11-A; Californi-a Red-breasted Merganser-D; California Red-breasted Merganser-D; Kinglet-D crowned cromed Kinglet-fi 1-15) (June 1-15) (Juoe 16-30) (June Godwit-A Sandpiper-A; Marbled Godwit-A Dunlin-D; Western Sandpiper-A; Dunlin-D; Western Greater Greater Willet-A; Black Turnstone-A; Willet-A; Black Turnstone-A; Surfbird-A; Pelican-A; Surfbird-A; Bror,rnPelican-A; (Ju1y ].-15) Brown (July 1-15) Dowitcher-A Long-billed Dowitcher-A Long-bil1ed Sandpiper-A; Yellowlegs-A; Least Sandpiper-A; Ye11-owlegs-A; Least Ye11owLesser YellowRuddy Turnstone-A; Turnstone-A; Lesser Shoveler-A; Ruddy Northern Shoveler-A; Egret-A; Northern (Ju]-y 16-31) Great Egret-A; (July Dunlin-A Sandpiper-A; Baird's Sandpiper-A; Dunlin-A Sandpiper-A; Baird's Pectoral Sandpiper-A; legs-A; i"g"-A; Pectoral - 1 818- - Pintail-A; Goose-A; Pintail-A; White-fronted Goose-A; Pied-billed Grebe-A; Canada Goose-A; White-fronted Grebe-A; Canada 1-15) Pied-billed (Aug. (Aug. 1-15) Plover-A; Black-be1lied Plover-A; Golden white-winged Scoter-A; Plover-A; Black-bellied Plover-A; Scoter-A; American Surf Scoter-A; Scoter-A; Surf titii"-rioged Sparrow-A Fox Sparrow-A Meadowlark-A; Tern-A; Western Common Red Knot-A; Sanderling-A; Common Tern-A; Western Meadowlark-A; Red Knot-A; Sanderling-A; (Aug. 16-31) Double-crested Double-crested Cormorant-A; Cormorant-A; Gadwall-A; Gadwall-A; Aoerican American triigeon-A; WIgeon-A; Northern Northern (Aug. 16-31-) phaiarope-A; Cliff Puffin-D; Phalarope-A; Tufted in-D; Olive-sided Olive-sided tr'lycatcher-D; Flycatcher-D; Cliff Swallow-D; Swallow-D; Ye1low Yellow Tufted Puff Yellowthroat-D Hermj-t tr{arbler-D; Warbler-D; Warbler-D; Yellowthroat-D Warbler-D; Hermit Grebe-A; Grebe-A; Western Loon-A; Horned Grebe-A; Western Grebe-A; Red-throated Loon-A; (Sept. 1-15) Comon Loon-A; Loon-A; Red-throated 1-15) Common (Sept. Stilt Sandpiper-A; Knot-D; Red Coot-A; American Ring-necked Duck-A; Black Scoter-A; Coot-A; Red Knot-D; Stilt Sandpiper-A; Scoter-A; Ring-necked Duck-A; Black Rufbus Red bus Hrmmingbird-D; Huminingbird-D;Tree Tree Swallow-D; Swallow-D; Rough-winged Rough-winged Sr,rallow-D; Swallow-D; I{ouse House Phalarope-A; Ruf Red Phalarope-A; Orange-crowned Warbler-D; Vireo-D; Orange-crowned Water Pipit-A; Pipit-A; Warbling Warbling Vireo-D; Warbler-D; MacGillivray's MacGillivray's Wren-D; Water Grosbeak-D Black-headed Grosbeak-D Brown-headed Cowbird-D; Warbler-D; Cowbird-D; Black-headed Warbler-D; Brown-headed Ruddy Duck-A; Lesser Scaup-A; Ruddy Duck-A; Shoveler-A; Lesser Northern Shoveler-A; (Sept. 16-30) Green-winged Teal-A; Teal-A; Northern (Sept. (most)-D; Common Plover-D; Whinbrel Whimbrel (most)-D; Common Nighthawk-D; Nighthawk-D; Wi11ow Willow Flycatcher-D; Flycatcher-D; Semipalmated Plover-D; Solitary Martin-D; Solitary Purple Martin-D; Pewee-D; Barn Barn Swallow-D; Swallow-D; Purple Western Flycatcher-D; Flycatcher-D1 Western Wood lfood Pewee-D; Palin Warbler-A; Vireo-D; Warbler-D; Palm Warbler-A; Wilson's Wilson's Warbler-D; Warbler-D; Western Western Black-throated Gray Warbler-D; Vireo-D; Black-throated Sparrow-A Sparrow-D; Golden-crowned Sparrow-A Tanager-D; Sparrow-D1 Chipping Chipping Sparrow-D; Tanager-D; Vesper Sparrow-D; Goose-A; Snow Goose-A; Goose-D; Snow White-fronted Goose-D; (oct. Grebe-A; Eared Grebe-A; White-fronted 1-15) Red-necked Red-necked Grebe-A; (Oct. 1-15) Sandpiper-D; Stilt Red-breasted Merganser-A; Nerganser-A; Osprey-D; Osprey-D; Cornmon Common Snipe-A; Snipe-A; Stilt Sandpiper-D; Canvasback-A; Red-breasted Thrush-D; RubySwainsonts Thrush-D; Swalloro-D; Swainson's Violet-green Swallow-D; Tern-D; Violet-green Common Common ?ern-D; Tern-D; Caspian Tern-D; crowned crowned Kinglet-A; Kinglet-A; Yel1ow-rumped Yellow-rumped Warbler-A Warbler-A Bufflehead-A; Brant-A; Buff (Oct. 16-31) Eared Grebe-A; Whistling Black Brant-A; lehead-A; Conmon Common Swan-A; Black Whistling Swan-A; (Oct. Pigeon Sandpiper-D; Pigeon Pectoral Sandpiper-D; (in bay)-D; Vulture-D; Pectoral Turkey Vulture-D; bay)-D; Hooded Hooded Merganser-A; Merganser-A; Turkey Murre (in Shrike-A Northern Thrush-A; Guillemot-D; Band-tatled Band-tailed Pigeon-D; Pigeon-D; Hernit Hermit Thrush-A; Northern Shrike-A Guillemot-D; Comon lligeon-A; Common European Wigeon-A; Goose-D; European (Nov. 1-15) Arctic Pe1-ican-D; Snow Snow Goose-D; Brown Pelican-D; Arctic Loon-A; Loon-A; Brown (Nov. Sandpiper-D; Bairdrs Sandpiper-D; Goldeneye-A; American Golden Plover-D; Plover-D; Lesser Yellowlegs-D; Baird's Lesser Yellowlegs-D; Goldeneye-A; Rhinoceros Auklet-D; Auklet-D; Water Water Pipit-D; Pipit-D; Cedar Waxwing-D Waxwing-D Rhinoceros (Nov. 16-30) (Nov. 16-30) (Dec. 1-15) (Dec. 1-15) Oldsquaw-A; Heernian's Gull-D; Palm Palm Warbler-D; Warbler-D; Snow Snow Bunting-A Bunting-A Heernanrs Gul1-D; Rock Sandpiper-A Sandpiper-A Wandering Tattler-D; Rock Tattler-D; Yellorrlegs-D; (Dec. Greater Yellowlegs-D; whistling Swan-D; Goose-D; Greater Canada Goose-D; Swan-D; Canada (Dec. 16-31) Whistling Gull-A; Phalarope-D; Glaucous Gull-A; Dowitcher-D; Marbled Godwit-D; Northern Phalarope-D; Dowitche'r-D; Marbled Godvit-D; Northern Gu11-D Gull-D - ] -19 9- Long-bi11ed Long-billed Bonaparte's Bonaparte's