-, i .REPORT - HMSC HMSC TD 888 .P8 B8 cop. 2 cop.2 FEE t PROGRESS, PROGRESS REPORT V/P_)24 GRANTWP-524 RESEARCHGRANT RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION rATER POLLUTION VATER POLLUTION CONTROL CONTROL ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY STATEUNIVERSITY OREGON STATE OREGON Engineering Civil Engineering \flildlife Fisheriesand Wildlife Fisheries 1966 March31, March 3r, 1966 W t'tll5fr I'J,it' EbBtfifttlltlEStlEllSE W W Raport Progrcer Report Progress PULP PULP I.|ILL MILL T{A818 WASTE IN I{ANINE DEGRADATION IN MARINE WATERS WATERS DEORADATION 1966 31' 1966 through March March 31, April 1, Aprtl 1, 1964 1964 through Research WP-524 Research Grant llP-524 Adnlnlctration Control Pollutlon lfater Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Inveettgator Prtnclpel Principal Investigator Burgeee Fred 3. J. Burgess Fred Englneerlng of Civil Clvll Engineering Professor Profecaor of Co-Invegtlgator Co-Investigator E. Dimick Dlmlck Roland E. Roland Flcherlea of Fisheries Professor of Proferaor Conducted Ttrrough Through Conducted Expertncnt Statton Engineering Station Englneertng Experiment Engtneerlng Gtvtl Engineering Dept. Civil Agricultural Experiment Station ExPerlment Stetto! Agrlcultural lltldltfe end Wildlife Dept. Fisheries Fl.sherlea and Unl.vcratty Stete University Oregon Oregon State Oregon Corvallis, Conral1l.e, Oregon 1966 March 31, 1966 Harch ST'I.{MARY SUMMARY progresa report Ttrle progress report describes descrlbea research This pulp m{l1 mill \raste waste reaearch conducted, conducted on pulp degradatlon ln marlne grant during the the first 20 months of degradation in marine waters waters during 20 first of research research grant l{P-524. the WP-524. ls an interdisciplinary by engineers lnterdlacipllnary btoloThe proJect project is effort effort by engtneers and and biologlets to to assess the the effect effect of of kraft kraft mill gists mlll effluents upon the effluente upon the marine marine environenvlronment. It ment. ie further It is further sought aought to determine the to determine the effectiveness effectlveness of of several several treatment frorn both blologlcal treatment methoda methods from both a biological and engineering engineerlng viewpoint. vlewpolnt. EngtEngineering lnvestlgatlons durlng this yeara have thts first flrat one one and and one-half one-half years have cenneering investigations during cen(a) treatment tered upon treatment of (b) foam of rntll waetee by by dilution; tered upon (a) mill wastes (b) dilutlon; foam separation eeparatton of strong (c) treatment strong wastes rastes and and (c) treatment of of of evaporator by carbon evaporator condensates condensates by adcarbon adeorptlon. Biologlcal sorption. studlee have been wlth bloconcerned with development development of of bioBiological studies been concerned aseays suitable euitable for for assessing aesessing the pulp mill the effect effect of of pulp assays mtll effluent effluent on the on the marlne envlronment and and for for evaluating marine environment eval.uating waste rragte treatment treatmenc methods. methodg. Bloaseay development devetopment has been a contlnuatlon Bioassay continuation of of earller earlier work work of of R, R E. E Dfuaick l{. Breese and P. involvlng bay qgg.tlg" rhethe bay Dimick and W.P. Breese involvingthe the embryo mussel (Ujs ernbryo of of musaet pdu.tis), paclflc oyster (Carassostrea el.ggg), the pacific oyster (Carassostrea 1is), the tilottrer igi), in other in addition addition to wlth the (@g-EEtyel!:-1p.), the marine marine algae work with (1 algae the three rhree spine sptne stickleback srtclcleback shiiTisp ), the and the the common cormon salt guppy. Research with salt water water guppy. wlth M!tilus. hae edulis embryo embryo has Mytilue eCylls ehown a of correlation correlatlon between abnormal shown a htgh high degree of between abnormal embryo embryo development d&elopment and and itaste concentration. concentratlon. waste test proved to The valuable tool The test to be a valuable tool for for evaluating evalustlng the effectiveness of treatment treatment methods methods in the effectiveness of in terms terms of of toxicity toxlclty reduction. reductlon. spectflc flndlngs are reported reported in in the the chapter chapter on on bioassay bioassay methods. Specific findings rnethode. The degradation degradatlon of The of kraft kraft puLplng pulping wastes wastes in marine waters waters has has been in marine conducted under circumstances circumstances approximating approximating dilution conducted under dilutlon subsequent dissubsequent to to discharge in ln the the sea sea or or in ln estuarine estuarine waters. watere. These etudtes indicate These studies tndlcate that that degradation follows first flrst order order reaction reactl.on kinetics kl,netlcs but but that degradation follows that reaction reactlon rates retes are higher hlgher for for dilute are dilute solutions. solutions. It It waa was further further found that that the the toxicity toxlcity of kraft kraft waste waete as as measured measurea by Uy bioassays bioassays on of on the bay mussel biodegradabl.e. the bay mussel is is biodegradable. However, there is is no no apparent apparent correlation correl.ation between However, there between the Ehe degradation degradatlon of of BOD, fOD, PBI and' PBI toxicity. and toxlclty. In addition additton, the the degradation degradation of BODappears In of BOD appears independent independent of salinity sallnlty the change of and the change in rate constants constants wlth with temperature in rate temperature are higher hlgher than for domestic domestlc sewage. than for Be\rage. Expertments on treatment treatment by Experiments by foam separation revealed that separation revealed that a foaming foarnlng was necessary necessary for agent was for reliable rellable foam foam formation. forratlon. BODreductions BOD reductlons from from 15.8 15.8 to 35.2 percent and and COD CODreductions to 35.2 percent reductions up up to percent were 20.2 percent to 20.2 lrere obtained. obtained. Toxlclty reductlon factors factors up to Toxicity reduction to 2.3 2.3 were were obtained. obtained. These exploratory exploratory These tests indicated lndicated that that foam foem separation promislng method eeparation is tests not aa promising ls not meEhodbut but may may have limited llmlted application appLlcatlon as a method have method of reducing toxicity to marine of reducing toxlcity to marine organiems. organisms. Studles on the the treatment treatment of of kraft Studies evaporator condensates by activated kraft evaporator activated carbon that up to Eo 75 percent the organlc carbon revealed revealed that percent of of the organic materlala materials could could be removed thts method rnethod with wlth aa toxicity removed by this toxlcity reduction percent. of 80 reductton of 80 percent. An estiAn eetlmated eost of of $0.23 per 1000, 1000 gallons prellmlnary basis., mated cost gallons ts is indicated lndicated on on aa preliminary basis. $0.23 per Toxlclty factors of Toxicity reductlon reduction factors of as much much as 17 were were observed observed on batch tests. teste. Thle to hold This method method appeara appears to hold Bome some promlee promise for of apeciflc specific waste waste for treatment treatment of streams lf the the process streams if process economice economics can can be improved by coupllng coupling the lmproved by the treatment treatment wlth blologtcal processes or with biological processes or other oEher methods. methods. Speclflc details detalle of theae related related research reeearch efforts Specific efforts wtl1 will be found in of these ln the the body of of this thia report. report, sT{FrrNc STAFFING Percentl/ Percentl/ Personnel Personnel of Activity ActlvttJ Pertod of Period Burgeca'/ F. J. J. Burgess2/ F. Investl.SsBor Principal Prtnc tpal Investigator Englneertng of Civil Clvtl Engineering Professor Profeaaor of 1.5 15 - prceent present 4lLl64 4/1/64 Dlnick B. Dimick R. E. Flaherles of, Fisheries Professor of 25 25 praecnt 4ll,l64 -- present 4/1/64 LO 10 present 41U64 -- prerent 4/1/64 25 25 prerent 411164-- present 4/1/64 100 100 present 4lLl64 -- preecnt 4/1/64 6t i, Phllllpett D.C. Phillips2' D.C. Englnecrlng Prof. Civil Ctvtl Engineering Assoc. Acsoc. Prof. Breege l{.P. Breese W.P. Engtncarlng Prof. Civil Cl.vtl Engineering Asst. Aest. Prof. CourBrl.ght R. C. Courtright Blology Pollutlon Biology Asat. ln lilater Asst, in Water Pollution tl 8130165 elll64 -- 8/30/65 9/1/64 Hansen2l S.P. Ilengen-' S.P tl 3/ 4l3Ll66 slll64 -- 4/31/66 9/1/64 tt olNeal-' G . L . O'Neal2' G.L. 3 3/l hltl.l66 hlLl64 -- 4/31/66 4/1/64 tl lazter-' J . L . Biazier2 3.L. Student Greduate Student Graduate ,t L 1/1 Based bealc upon 12 Eonth basis 12 month Baeed upon 2/l Supported from 2 Sourceg othcr Sources fron other top{c 31 3/ Approximately theele topic al thesis used raaQarch research as 302 -- used Approxlnately 307. THESES ANDTHESES PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONSAND Publlcatlons Publications rrBay Mueeel Embryo Bloaseayrn Embryo Bioassay," Breeee lt.P.r Dimick R.8.3 RE.; Breese WP., "Bay Mussel Dlnlck l{alte Waste Industrlal Northuest Paclflc Proceedings 1965, Pacific Northwest Industrial 1965, Proceedlnge 1965' November 1965, November tfaehlngton, of Conference, University of Washington, Conferenc-, Unlverelty p p 165-175. 165-175. pp Ttreeag Theses ln "The Degradatlon Degradation of of Kraft Kraft Pulplng Pulping lfartcr Wastes in G.L. ttTtre OtNeal, C.L. O'Neal, UnlverrltYt Sttte oregon TlrerLa, tlatarr.fr Ph.D. Estuarine Waters." Ph.D. Thesis, Oregon State University, Estuerlne 1966. 1966. t?oam Separatlon of Toxlc and Toxic Organtc and of Organic Blazl.er, J,L. Blazier, JL. "Foam Separation ftreetst !1,S. Materials Kraft u111 Mill Effluents.n Effluents." M.S. Thesis, tn Kraft Haterlala in 1966. UnlvereltY' 1966. Strt€ University, Oregon State Oregon rhppllcatlon of to the thc Carbon to Activated Carbon of Actlvstcd S.P.1 "Application Haneen, Hansen, S.P., l{.S. Condensates." M.S. Evaporator condensltGt.rt Krafl-M111 Treatment Mill Evaporator of Kraft Treatnent of 1966, Unlverclty' 1966. State University, Oregon State Thesis, Ttreels, Oregon OF CONTENTS CONTENTS TABLEOF TABLE Watere & Harlne pingl{asteg Wastes & Marine Kraft Pulplng Waters ------------------ 11 Pulplng Procees Process ------------------------ 22 The Kraft Pulping lhe Kraft 4 ChemicalRecovery Chenlcal Recovery ProcesaProcess --------------------- 4 - p Nature of of lfagte Sources and Nature Waste -- -- - -------------------U111 Georgia Pacific Mill ----------------------Georgl.a Paclfic 5 5 77 - - - - 1 11l B Bioassay loaseayliethod Method ---------------------------1 1 layHueeelB loaeeay-BayMussel Bioassay ' - - L 4 14 Embryonic ----------------------E r n l r y o n t c D e v eDevelopment lopnrent-- ' L 7 17 Examples Bioassay E x a n p l e a o f Bof loae s a y R e a u l t sResults -------------------- ------------------------ 11 ---19 -Exploratory -------------------------E x p l o r a t o r y S t u d l e sStudies 19 20 lfeterg Waters ----------- 20 wasteg 1n llarl.ne Kraft U111Mill Degradation Kraft Wastes in Marine Degradatlon of of 20 Degradatlon Evaluatlng Methodsforfor Evaluating Degradation ----------------- 20 llethodg 22 Procedure Experimental Procedure ---------------------- 22 Experllnental 24 ?eet Test Resulte Results -. --------------------------- 24 t7 of Reeultc Discussion of Results ------------------------ 37 Dtecuesion FoamSeparetlon Separation of Kraft of Foam of Study Method 42 Utll lfaetaa Kraft Mill- Wastes ------------------- 42 Method of Study -------------------------- 42 42 GarbonCarbon -------by Acttvated TreatmentofofEvaporator Evaporator Condensates by Activated Condensates TreaEment General l{aatee Wastes ---------Condeneate Characteristics Evaporator Condensate of of Evaporator Characterlattce Activated Carbon Treatment --------------------Treatment ActlvaEed Carbon of Analysls Method of Analysis -------------------------Method Experimental Procedure ---------------------Experlmentel Procedure Research Findings ------------------------Research Findings - - ------------------------ -' Evaluatlon Economic Evaluation Economlc 54 54 45 Results------------------------------45 Reeul.ts 5t+ General------------------------------ 54 ----83 Bibliography -----------------------------Blbllography-- Appendlx Appendix -------------------------------- 54 54 57 57 58 58 51 61 64 64 78 78 83 88 A-1 Retention Studies -------------------------- AA1 Retentlon Studiee -25 Synthetic -----------------S y n t h e t l c s a l t wSaltwater a t e r D e v e l o p ' uDevelopment ent-- A-25 PI'LPIXq OF KRAFT KRAFT PULPING THE DECRADA?IONOF TIIE DEGRADATION $TASTESIN ESN'ARINE I{ATERS WASTES WATERS IN ESTUARINE baeed to to ls based Northweot is Paclflc Northwest the Pacific of the lltre economy Nature econmy of the Problem Problen -- The Nature of of the and foreets abundant forests and abundant nanely resource8; maJor a large extent upon two major resources; namely @o power for power prlnclpally for Water used principally tJater is la used are available. avallable. whl.chare water supplies suppltes which commercial comnerclal consumptlonr and nuntclpal generation, recreation, industrial and municipal consumption, generatlon, recreation, lndustrlal proproducts are ereproA of products A variety varlety of lrrlgatlon. and irrigation. fishing, transportation transPortatlon and flshlng, of As a result of rle a result wood. of utlltzatlon upon tha duced by industries based upon the utilization of wood. duced Uy lnduatrlee baaed the maintain the matntaln to dtfftcult becoore tncreasl.ngty these actlvltlee, activities, it has become increasingly difficult to lt hag thege marl'ne. and marine. both fresh frech and quellty water, both quality of of the the water, quallty effects, effectet water quality lrhlch create create water baecd industries lnduatrles Of the which the forest foreet based Of In the problem. In the problem. dtfflcult moet difficult presente the the most paper industry lnduetry presents the pulp and paper the pulp and the Oeean the Pacific Ocean and the Pacific the between lylng between area of Washington, lying of- Oregon Oregon and ind t{ashlnglon, area Cascades, approximately C a e c a d e a ,there t h e r e aare.42 r e . @ n l 1pulp 1 s p rand o d u cpaper l n g a p mills p r o x l n producing ate1y by increase by to increase pulp daily. le expected to tong of sf pulp 16,000 16.000 tons mctton This production is ere pulplng variety of of pulping processes 2000' A varlety ear 2000. Processes are a factor of four by the year proc€s8€8o mechanlcal processes. and mechanical seml-chemlcal, and kraft, kraft, 8emi-chemical, sulflte, used including lncludlng sulfite, of type of of the but regardless regardless of the type predomlnate, but plante predominate, pulptng plants The ltre chemical ehemlcal pulping wasteof volumes of wastelarge volumea and large uged and are used weter are frech water mill, of fresh volumee of n111, large large volumes satlefactory ln aa satisfactory ltastes in Treatment and disposal of these these wastes dlsposal. of Treatment water result. result. water industry. pulp and paper industry. the pulp faclng the problens facing maJor problems manner is of the the major manner te one of pulplng of pulping dtaposal of ln the the disposal prlnary concern concern in For many many years years the tha primary For problem The major problem maJor Ttle streame. freahwater upon the wastes was their effect upon the freshwater streams. wastes wae thetr effect to preto necessary levele oxygen Prebeing maintenance of minimum dissolved oxygen levels necessary dlaaolved mlnl.mum belng malntenance of migrated they varieties, as they migrated as varietlesr prlmarlly anadromous the serve fish life, primarily the anadromous fteh l.lfe, ,"nri yearst howhowIn the 1O-15 years, laet 10-15 the last In pollutlon. through zones of pollution. of industrial lnduetrlal through mllle newer Many of the newer mills have the of Many arisen. problem area ever, another problem area has arisen. everr-another These These coaet. open coast. or the the open estuarleg or been constructed tl.dal estuaries near tidal or near constructed on or already were which already whlch n{lls older of the added to problems created by many of the older mills nany added to problems created Wlth With area. Sound area, Sound Puget the tn located marine waters, waters, Parttcularly particularly in the Puget located on marine onest older ones, older the productlon ln lncreased production in the this of nerl new mllte mills and increased tnflux of thls influx The The waters. marl'ne waters. to marine betng released released to significant volumea volumes of waste were being of waete algnlflcant aB estimated as beea ectimated have mllle Northnest mills have been combined Paclftc Northwest lrastes of of the the Pacific comblned wastes people. people. nllllon 20 million frorn 20 of that that from having populatlon in fa excess excees of wbgte population havlng raw wiste oxygen' dissolved oxygen, dlasolved ln problem is reductlon in le reduction While the main matn problem fregh water watei the While in tn fresh toxLc problems are toxic are problems prlmary the primary that the in marine waters waters indications are ere that lndlcatlono tn marlne concentrations. permleslble concentrations. on permissible agreement on effects, but agreement ll.ttle but there le little there is effects, blologlet. the biologist. ptoblen of the prirnartly the the problem of ie primarily Establishment levela is of these these levels Eetabllatment of overall influence lnfluence ovcrall the determlne the to determine however, to It the engineer, engLneer, however, to the falls to It falls processes treahent varloue treatment evaluate various Processcg qualtty and to evaluate and to of wastes on water water quality of the the wastea qualfty. ltater to improve lmprove water quality. which order to be applied ln order applled in ntght be wtrlch might Le aa particurLvers is pollutlon and rivers ltaters and Pertl'cushore waters Pollution of near shore or near of estuarine eetuarlne or these water water resources resource8 these slnce Northweet since larly aerlous serious problen problem in Paclflc Northwest the Pacific ln the larly nell region as well as the reglon of the part of economy of form part of the the economy lntegral auch an integral form such -2-2upon baced upon people. Tourism Tourlsm based their recreational and to the thc people. and esthetic eethetlc value to thetr recreatlonal. Sports and and Sporta 8tate. ln the the state. recreation thl.rd largest lnduatry in is the the third largert industry recreatlon is recrcand recrethe economic econourlc and commercial of the aspect of naJor aspect: conblned form foru aa major ftehtng combined conmerclal fishing vlth the thc uses combined conblned with above uses Ttre above ational resource. The valuea of of the the water resource. atlonal values perbe permethodabe that methods other tt essential of water make nake it eseenttal that valuee of other important lmportant values wlthbe accomplished acconpltshed withprovlde jobs can be fected whereby industrial to provide fected whereby lnduatrlal growth to Jobe can out despoiling deapolltng the the environment. envlronment. THE PROCESS PTTLPINCIPROCESS rHE KRAFT KRAFTPULPING process, kraft process, proceas, more the kraft Generalknownas ae the Gqneral- The Ttre sulfate more commonly co'nmonlyknown sulfate process, Although this thla involves pulping of wood in an alkaline alkallne solution. eolutfon. lnvolvee the pulplng of wood Ln an the states untll L907, the process was was not United States until 1907, lnto the un{ted not introduced lntroduced into process and and produced today pulp produced derlved from fronr this thts process majority rnaJorl.ty of of the the pulp today is lc derived World l{ar been of most War II moet of of the the mills nllle constructed constructed since eLnce World II have have been of, this thls type. ttpGo chtpa. The the procese process te is the the dlgeetlon digestion of of the wood wood chips. flrst step, otep. lnin the lhe first wlth the chemtcal placed in pressure vessel along with. the chemical veceel along The chlpe chips are placed The ln aa large large pressure p.s.L.. The Ttre pressure is to about about 100 100p.s.i.. cooking cooktng liquor and the the pressure lo increased lncreased to llquor and dlgearhe digespressure and pressure of the and the duration duratlon of and temperature dlgestor and temperrture in ln the the digestor perlod are controlled belng used used and and the the wood being tion by the of wood tlon period controlled by the type type of gases perlod, ln the the During the digestion period, the gases in pulp quallty the quality of pulp desired. dlgeetl.on of deslred. Durtng rrtall recovery digestor are intermittently removed and sent to "tall oil" recovery to a oll[ dlgeator are lntermlttentty removed and sent of separator. separator. by some type of This un{t. followed by sometype unit. conslsts of of aa condenser Ttris consists condenser followed the internal Lnternal allowlng the At the the end of the the cook, cook, the the digestor dlgeetor is le emptied by allowing end of ftblow tanks" pressure to blow the dlgeetton digestion mlxture mixture into where the the pulp pulp tanksfr where to bl.ow Lnto "blow waahera. is dral.ned before being betng sent ls drained to the the washers. sent to groups of wood. tn wood. of components, componentsr in There or groups Ttrere are three three major maJor components, components, or (1952) Casey (1952) hemlcellulogeg. Casey These ere cellulose, cel.lulose, lignin, and the the hemicelluloses. Ttreee are llgnln, and glvea pereentage compositions follows: as follows: gives the the approximate approxfinate percentage couposltlona as Cellulose Gellutose Lignin Ltgnin }lemicelluloses llenlcelluloees 607 607. 17-327. 17-327. l5l87 15-187. !ta:xeo' fata, waxes, resLne, fats, amounts of of resins, In are smaller In addition addttlon to to these, theee, there there'are smaller amounts tyPe dependlng uPon the type and other materials preaent, present, the amount depending upon the the anount other trace trace matertala pulped. betng pulped. of wood being of wood the whtch holds holde the blndlng agent agent 'which The fractlon serves aB the the binding Ttre lignin llgnin fraction serves as The not hae not of lignin llgnin has structure of chenlcal structure cellulose celluloee fibers flbere together. together. Ttre chemical been determined since very complex molecule molecule and ls a very deteruriaed definitely deftnltely cl.nce it lt is wood. of wood. appears species vary between between different dlfferent specles of appeare to to vary glucoce and has the eeme polymer of the same The fraction of glucose fractl.on is Ttre cellulose cellulose le a polymer polymer hydrolyzed The cellulose polymer is hydrolyzed ls ccllulose composition regardless of source. the cornposltlon regardlees of source. frorn the the permlte the separated from only with difficulty, which permits whlch ftber to to be separated the fiber only wlth dlfflculty, other wood components during digestion. other wood componeftts durlng dlgestlon. -3-3- wood is the hemicelluloses. herntcellul.oeea, Ttre fractlon of of the the wood ls the The other other naJor major fraction group of polymerlc substances nhlch lheee are ere aa group of easily substancea which easlly hydrolyzed hydrolyzed polymeric These glucoee. Compounde zyloaet as zylose, Compounds such conteln other other sugar unlta besides beeidee glucose. sugsr units euch as contain galactose, mannoae, been found found in ln uronic acids have been arablnoae, and uronic aclds have arabinose, galactose, mannose, and (Stansrand L953). and Harris, Harrls, 1953). extracts of the hemicelluloge hemtcellulose fraction fractlon (Stamm extracts of codirm chemlcala: sodium followtng chemicals' the following contalna the The llquor contains Ttre cooking cooklng liquor (Na2CO3)' (NaZS), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), (NaOHi, sodium aodiun carbonate sulflde (Na2S), hydroxide (NaOH), adat.* sulfide hydroxlde (Na2S2O3). The NaOH The NaOH (NaZSOA),and thioeulfate (Na2S2O3). and sodium sodl.un thiosulfate sodium sulfate eulfata (Na2SO4), sodlum preaent are present three are the latter latter three chemlcale; the and cooklng chemicals; the active actlve cooking and Na2S Na2$ are the go not go do not ltquor do cooklng liquor the cooking used to to prepare only btcauee because the reactions reactlons used only Prepare the typlof aa typi(l9t+7r, the content of Na2SO4 the Na2SO4 content to Grant Crant (1947), Aceordlng to to iompletton. to completion. According pet22 perabout 22 Na2Sabout percent' the the Na2S seven percent, wlll approximate approxl.mateseven cal l.lquor will cook.tng liquor cal cooking The The eolution. ln solution. sollds in percent of the total total solids of the 40-45 percent NaOH40-45 cent, and the ihe NaOH cent, and prlmarllY Na2CO3. te remainder remainder is primarily Na2CO3. essenttally are essentially place in dlgeatore are the digestors ln the The take place fhat take reactlona that lhe reactions eonstitucnta ml.nor and rnaJor all to This applies to all major and minor constituents applles reactl.ona. Ttrte hydrolysle reactions. hydrolysis detalle gme The The exact details cellulose. €xtent to some extent cellulose. mentioned lnc.ludlng to above including mentioned above general deacrtpa la The following is a general descripfollowtng The not known. known. are not reacttons are all. the the reactions of all of digestlon: durlng fractlons varLous fractions during digestion to the the various tion happens to tton of of what happens Ltgnlne -Lignins grouPs are thought are thought The phenolic hydroxyl hydroxyl groups Ttre phenolic hydrolythe in prtnarlly involved lnvolved in the hydrolyto be primarily to b€ the ls split, eplltr the moleeule is Oncethe the molecule sia. Once sis, solualkall producta are decomposition alkali soludeconposltion products removed. be removed. can be ble ble and and can Hemicelluloses Henlcellulosea -- hydrolyzed easlty hydrolyzed The polynrers polymers are easily Ttre ln alkali. alkall. and producta are are soluble oolubl'e in the products and the Reelng -Resins aclds, organlc acids, weak organic are weak The reslns are Ttre resins to NaOHto wlth NaOH readlly with react readily and auch react and as such These salts pl.ue water. $eter. Ttreeesalts glve the give the salt ealt plus reeasl'ly reare easily and are are quite qulte soluble aoluble and moved. moved. Fats Fats and lfaxeg Waxes -- saponlfled readily saponified These compounds compounds are readily lheee wlth by reaction reactlon with and rendered soluble coluble by and NaOIl. NaOH dlgestlon the digestion la the reactlons in and reactions components and In main components the maln to the addltlon to In addition preeent The sulfur present eulfur reacttong. of side reactions. of al.de wide varlaty process, there are aa process, variety there are _Ttre effect little effect on have llttle whlch reactlona of nuuber gives rise to a large large number of reactions which have r1ge to itrre" reactl'on followlng of the The products of the following reaction products pulp. qualtty of of the the pulp. lhe the ihe quality odor and the characteristlc characteristic kraft kraft odor of the source of sequence are major source the taJorare the ""q,r"o"" materlal: toxlc of toxic material of aa aa source aource luportance as may aleo have importance may also hydrolyels hydrolysis Lignin ----------Llgnin CH3O}I CII3OH Na2S CII3OH* + CH3OH Na2S -------CH3SH* + NeON -------NaOH CH3SII (ClI3Sll) methyl mercaptan (CH3SH) methyl mercaptan Na2S' dime thyl eulflde sulfide +* Na2 S. dlmethyl -4-4- be discussed later. w111 he dlscueeed later. Ttre toxic toxlc effects of methyl mercaptan The effecta of nercaptan will of blow tank, tank, most moat of the blow pulp ia lnto the blown from the digestor dlgeator into Ag the from the As the pulp la blown Ttre ta and is removed. removed. The out and black liquor, dralne out or weak ltquor, drains the cooklng cooking liquor, weak black the itq,ror, or percent-. Some from 10-20 10-20 percent. Some normally from of the liquor ltquor varfes aollds solids content content of varies normally ls remalnder is the remainder and the pulp washers, washera, and the pulp to the ls sent seit to of the weak weak liquor llquor is of chem{cals. cooklng of the cooking chemicals. of for regeneration operrtlon for to the the recovery operation cent to sent "egeterttton guLthe sulof the advantagee of maJor advantages the major of the One of The Process -- One Reeovery Process Cheqlcal Recovery Ttre Chemical not wag this If this was not chemlcale. If the cooking cooktng chemicals. of the fate process is the recovery of recovery the be uneconomical. uneconoml.cal. The would be whole would process as as aa whole possible, the pooe1ble, the process present in la lnorganLcs present and inorganics organtce and the organics of the separatton of prn"""" process requires requires a separation proceca., conrbustion process. through aa combustion This accompllshed through lg accomplished biack liquor. llquor. Ttrls is the the weak weak black blaek neak black the weak of the concentratlon of lnvolves concentration The first ln recovery recovery involves flrst step etep in Ttre From combustlon. Fron to support suPPort combustion. suffictent to concentratlon sufficient eolids concentration liquor to a solids llquor to tncreased le solids concentration is increased concentratl'on percent, sollda the value of 10-20 an of 10-20 percent, the an initial lnltlal by means mesni out by carrled out usually carried This concentratlon concentration is ts usually percent. Ttris up to 30-50 percent. to 30-50 evaporatlon. of of nultlple-effect multiple-effect evaporation. ln aa recovery reeovery burned in ls burned llquor is Following bl.ack liquor the black concentratlon, the Follorrlng concentration, followlng polnt. Ttre The following at thls addedat this point. are added chemlcale are l,lake-upchemicals furnace. Make-up furnace. furnace: recovery furnace: ln the recovery occur in whlch occur are major reactions reactlons which the maJor are the 1. 1. CO2. lnto CO2. carbon into organlc carbon of the the organic Conversion Converslon of Co2 C * o 2 ---------- - CO2 C+02 3. 3. NaOH. free NaOH. Reaction of with any free the CO2 CO2 wlth of the Reactlon N a 2 C O+3 +H20 1120 CO2 ------- Na2CO3 C O Z *+ 2 N2NaOH aOIt derlved comPounds Reaction of of CO2 CO2 wlth with sodlum sodium compounds derived from from Reactl.on dlgestlon. digestion. Na2CO3 CO2 ---------- Na2CO3 C O 2 *.+ N a 2Na20 O- 4. 4. le and is gulfate is chemlcal and Sodium ae aa make-up chemical added as ls added Sodlrrn sulfate react,ion. step reaction. ln aa two two step converted Na2CO3in to Na2CO3 converted to 2, 2. 2CO2 Na2s Na2SO4* +2C2C ------- Na2S + +2CO2 - ----- Na2CO3 ll2S Na2CO3+f H2S Na2S *+ CO2 Na2S CO2* +Hzo 1120 Na2CO! the Na2CO3 whlch the ln which Le caustlcizat,l.on, the procees The next step process is causticization, in ln the atep in lhe'next wlth Ca(OH)2. by reactLon with is converted converted to NaOH reaction to NaOH la 2NaOE CaCO3 Ca(OH)2 Na2CO3 ----- CaCO3 + *2NaO}1 Ca(On)2 * +Na2CO3 aupernatant The supernatant mud. The ee aI mud. rernoved as ls removed The and is lnsoluble and water insoluble is water CaCO3is lhe CaCO3 ls The Ca(OtI)2 Ca(OH)2 is operatlon. dlgeetlon operation. the digestion to the liquor is recycled to then recycled li then llquor and then then CO2 off the the CO2 drlve off to drive CaCO3to regenerated by first the CaCO3 heatlng the ftret heating tej"n"t"ted llme. rcsultlng lime. by slaking the resulting slaklng the process has kraft process the kraft of the general outline outllne of In above, a general sections above, In the the sections wlthln waate within of waste the sources eources of In the eubeectLon, the followlng subsection, preeented. the following In been presented. been dlscueaed. are discussed. characterlatlce thelr characteristics the process and their are the proccsa -5- -5-- - Two waste sources of waste source8 general classifications claaalflcatlona Sourcee of lfagte tro general Sources and Nature Nature of Waste of of a are pertalns whtch piocesa. to those The first pertains to those which are of a flrst Ttre iriiC from tiom this CtrlJ process. arise lhe other other etC.n The spLlle, etc., nature, such as Leaks, such as leaks, spills, more or or less temporary nature, leos temporary oPeratlon part the dally of permanent are aa refers to which are part of the daily operation to those thoee sources aources whtch refere be made made in ln the the w111 be pulp mills. between these dtgtl"nction between thege will n111e. A distinction of of moet most pulp f ol.Loulng discussion. dLscusalon. following waatea of wastes procecs, the sources of portlon of naln sources the main the process, In dlgestlon portion of the In the the digestion occurrences these occurrences through these Ttre materlal lost through The material lost and/or spills. spllle. are leaks leakg and/or are waate. etrong waste. whlch is ls aa strong dlgcussed earlier, liquor discussed eartier, is weak black black liquor which ts the the weak (B.O.D.) and and is ls OxygenDemand Demand.(B.O.D.) Blochernlcal Oxygen matertal has hag ae very vary high hlgh Biochemical ThLs material This out of of the the cooked out organlca cooked of the the organics htghly colored colored since lt contains contalng most of highly elnce it proportton of of the the proln this thle portion The only only permanent sources waste in wood. Ttre sources of of waate underseparator undergasea from the separator bLon tank and the the blow tank and are the the condensed fron the cess are condensed gases although dtscharge, although unlt. The Ttre latter latter discharge, ftow from the the turpentine recovery unit. flow turpentlne recovery dlnethyL sulfide. sulftde. and dimethyl B.O.D., nethyl tn B.O.D., smal.l, small, is very high high in methyl mercaPtan, mercaptan, and le very trend but the the current current trend be severed, theee sources sources may may be sewered, but The material from frm these Ttre matertal portlon of operation. of the the operation. thls water Ln some some other other portion is reuse this water in le to to reuse contrlbuflrst really èigniflcant algnlficant the first operatton makes The washing operation makes the really contribultre wEehlng portLon of the the thls Included in this portion of ln from the n111. Included tlon to waste the load tion to the load from the mill. the concentrates the whlch concentrates process are pulp washers waehere and and the the thickener thtckener which are the process the pulp depende the saste of the pul.p prlor to actual source waste depends source of to storage. storage. The actuat stock prior pulp stock there is le aa proceduree, but but in mille there rnogt mills ln most equipment and operating upon equl.pment operattng procedures, of dllute conbisting this waste from of liquid ltqutd waste coming comlng from this conèisting of dilute significant amount significant amount of black liquor. llquor. black the evapoevaPopulplng process ls the The waste in the pulping source of of waete {n the remalning source lhe remaining Process is in nultlple btack liquor Ls concentrated concentrated in multiple As the llquor is the black rator rator condensates. condengates. per cent up to to approximately aPproxlmately cent solids sollde up from about about 15 15 per effect effect evaporators evaporators from ls materlal is organlc material per cent, volatlle of water and volatile cent, a large water and organic amount of 50 per large amount is a evaPorator is a rnultiple-effect from evaporator from a multiple-effect effluent removed. The Ttre final final effluent B.O.D. l h e B.O.D. B . O , D . . The milky-colored, foul-smelling w l t h aa high h l g h B.O.D.. t i q u i d with n llky-colored, f o u l - s m e l l l n g liquid the total total of the cent of contributed by this may amount amount to to 75 75 per eource may thls source contrlbuted Per cent to be toxic toxlc shosn to This materlal material hae has also aleo been shown B.O.D. of the n111. Thle B.O.D. load load of the mill. organisms. to to aquatic aquatic organisms. and mlll' and wlth aa paper Most pulp ln conjunction pulp mills operated in conJunctl.on with srllls are are operated Peper mill, pulp the pulp In preparing the wagte. In preparing of waste. maJor source eource of this leads to the the third third major thie leads to storage from its lts storage pulp stock dl.luted from process, the for papernaklng process, stock is is diluted the pulp for the the papermaking pulp stock the pulp atock As the and refining. refl.nlng. handl,lng and facllltate density handling denelty in in order order to to facilitate to from lt water {s paPer the removed is spread on the paper machine, the water is removed from it to permit machtne, spread the ls Permlt ltater or or This water, water, called machine water called machlne sheet. this formatton of the the paper sheet. formation of anount large amount but contains relatlvely B.O.D. but contalng aa relatively white large whlte water, water, has has aa low low B.O.D. dllute the the incomincourto dilute water is reueed to ls reused Most of of this this water wood fiber. fiber. of of short ahort wood maJor contrl.buthe one of thie to make ing stock, but enough is wasted to make this one of the major contribubut la waated lng atock, enough the total tors tors to to the total effluent. effluent. procesa which whleh paper-making process waste from froo the the paper-making Another aspect of the Another the waste aspect of rtsllmlcideg.r Ilue Due of should be considered, and that that is le the the effect effect of "slimicides." consldered, ahould for a tendency pulp there ls stock, to presence presence of wood sugars in the the pulp stock, there is a tendency for wood eugars ln of to parte of other grolt and ln machlne biological slimes to grow on the paper machine and in other parts of on the btologtcal sllnes to PePer quallty and and an an inplant tnplant paper quality proceas. of paper This to aa reduction reductLon of ltrlg leads leads to the the process. -6-6- growth, chemical the are added added to to the nutsance. To chentcal slimicides el{mictdee are thls growth, To prevent prevent this nuisance. are pulp stock waters. These Ttrese agents agents are and will w111.appear nachlne waters. etock and appear in {n the the machine pulp under that under It is ls thought that It very to all all forms of aquatic aquatlc life. llfe. toxlc to forme of very toxic present is la insufficient lnsufflclent nornal operation amountgof of these operatlon the the amounts these agents agents present normal problema. Spills falluree, however, however, operatlonal failures, to any problems. Sptlla or other other operational to cause cause any potenttally dangerous cooof these theee comamountsof dangeroueamounts to the the loss of potentially lead to losa of could lead pounds. pounds. tn aourcee, but in lndtvldual sources, the individual to the the above above discussion dtscusston pertains fire Pertatns to effluentt tot8l the or of these, or the total effluent, of thece, all of the combination cornblnattonof all ls the most cages it lt is most cases upon auch such dependlng upon This affluent effluent can vary vary wldely widely depending concero! Ttrta of concern. uhlch ls of which is The The oPeratlon. quallty operation. of and wood, process, of wood, variables type of as type varlables as Proce6a, and quality of nornally paPer nil'l lg normally mill is pulp and and paper kraft pulp unbleached kraft from an an unbleached whole waste from whole waste chtpe' undlgested undigested chips, flber, of smounts of fiber, varytng amounts coffee-colored contalnc varying and contains coffee-colored and properttes of the some of gtves a listing Table 1 llctlng of some of the properties L gives bark, etc.. pleces of etc.. pieces of bark, that out that polnted out be pointed ahould be lt should table, it itrie table, examlntng this In examining ltastes. In kraft wastes. of kraft of exceed Any mill could exceed Any n111 figuree. absolute figures. not absolute are not the maximums and minimums are and minlmums the maxlmums characterlstice. operattng characteristics. uPon its tts operating dependlng upon these theee limits, llrntte, depending TABLE TABLE 11 (after Nemerow, 1963) Nemerow,1963) Kraft Hill Characterists Mill Wastes Wastes (after of I(raft Characterista of Characteristics pH pH Total alkallnttlr alkalinity, PPm ppm Total Phenol ppm alkallnltlr Phenol alkalinity, PPm Total solids, ppm sollder Total Ppmn % s o l l d s , 7. Volatile V o l a t l l e solids, soltder Total suspended solids, ppm Total suspended PPm % e o l l d e , Volatile V o l a t l l e solids, 7. pm B.0.D., ppm B . O . D . , 5-day, S-day' p ppm Color, Color, ppm Maximum 9 .5 9.5 300 300 50 50 2000 2000 75 75 300 300 90 90 350 350 500 500 Minimum 7.6 7.6 100 100 0 0 800 800 60 60 7 755 80 80 100 100 100 100 Average 8.2 8.2 t75 175 00 1200 1200 65 65 150 150 85 85 L75 175 250 250 functlon dlrect function are aa direct effluent are tot81 effluent tbe total of the The strength of Ttre volume and strength run efflelently, is If the mill is run efficiently, If the m111 rni}l. io the the mill. consumptlon in of water consumption of the the water streaors potential waste streams of the the potential wtll be mlnlmlzed water minimized and many many of losaes will Tater losses and volume both the This will reduce both the volume and proceee. Ttris w111 the process. wlthtn the will be reused reused within wlll consumpltaBer hlgher for higher water consumpThe true for 18 true reverte is The reverse waste. of the the waste. the strength strength Of the to as a8 uP to gallons up 201000 gallons fro'n 20,000 range from pulp may may range of pulp per ton ton of use per lfater use tion. tLon. Water gal'lons. 60-70'000 gallons. as 60-70,000 high hlgh as cooperacloae cooperathe close - The reeelved the haa untveralty Ttre University Georgia-Pacific Pulp Mill has received Pulp Mill Georgta-Pactflc paPef lnduepulp and and paper indusother pulp lc Corporatt'on tion of the Georgia Pacific Corporation and other yeara. thts This many studies for many years. for studlee acl.entlflc ln aseoclitl.ons tries and associations in scientific trles problen tha problem for the concern concern for Lndustrles the industries from the atemed from hae stemmed cooperative effort has effort cooperatLve be found' rnust be found. control must of control means of an effective effectLve means that an and reallaatl.on that the realization and the -7-7- lhe Georgia-Pacific Georgta-Pactflc Pulp Pulp Mill lltll at been used at Toledo, Toledo, Oregon, Oregon, has has been uged for for The of thts purposes of this study. atudy. lfaste baalc aamples, basic data ilata and full access Waste samples, and full accesa to to PurPosea thl.a mlll provlded by been provided by the the company. this mill have have been company. ye8 constructed The Georgia Georgla Pacific Paclflc Mill tllll at at Toledo Toledo was conscructed in ln the the early early The 1950ta. In order 1950's. In order to to m{nlnlze pollutlon of of the the Yaquina Yaquina Bay Bay estuary e3tuary minimize pollution strong frm the the mlll pumpedthrough plpeLlne to are pumped through aa pipeline strong waetea wastes from mill are to the the Paclftc gl.x mi1es. near Newport, Nenport, Oregon, Oregon, a8 distance dlstance of of approximately approxlnately six Pacific Ocean Ocean near utler. - TIGURE11 FIGURE Georgla Pacific Pactflc Mill l{111 Georgia Oregon Toledo, Oregon Early in ln the the operation operatlon of of this problems of Early thla mill nlll problems of odors odora near near the the baach developed. developed. To beach problenr, surface thlc problem, To counter counter this surface aerators eerators were rere installed lnetalled on thc strong strong saste plant which lagoon at at the the plant on the waste lagoon rtrlch also alao serves purpose aenrec the the purpose of coollng and and equalizing of cooling equallzlng flow. flow. Ftgure 2 preeente flow diagram dlagranr of Figure 2 presents a flow of the the study atudy mill. mlll. Basl.c data date for for the the mill, n111, in addttton to Basic tn addition to information lnforuatlon on on waste ragte flows, flore, etrength and productlon are and production provlded by are provided by the strength thc company. glvec company. Table Tabla 22 gives typlcal data data for for the the month typical nonth of of June June 1965. 1965. 7Zirpef me ip !6 e€ ,$x t/) $'$ paraho,, i r* I Wc )i O8t 8B ;s per € ! { tr) Slack L,auor bBt S :' -6 dt a r tu S .Uh :$ -d\ r,3 \v p* \x: \ \l , u$e ;FA a)l{ orlt Recovery FQrnaca Vapot- {, .8 s UJ { t $ F x D \ o qJ o I t I I t$ iT rt rs H$ I3 t9B Utu \t{ t, r$ Jii (") tus NSIF u-5v to t, sti o ;'$I s a8s$ lt{ \ E { \) Flow DIAGRAM TOLEOO, OREGOW v, o\ FqJ Lime .|' .c\ ,e7lter U Lirn k7Th (\ Stack Lime n 'tr KRAFr MILL Mr Washer / II GEORGIA PACIFIC s rSme iapor W't Li Caa1icizi'9i 'br7k.S {q Evapcmt bs sfi. j otc' Evaporator Clarifier Rejett 5a ker S/a ker F C code rg -- € Q of Sh-eam I lr Conak ad Lcas 7Laocr 3Q% '5frcom .P M,/t,-Effect / P Say \. To La9 r- Th {d Tower 0xoti Ss /0 Laqoon L C/oar Wfrer Waite c/m9 Water O $ra Cjrr Ot A,r r .1, Mace a Woher Ore c 7 Lon 5 % 5/ow Thrk I (Mrifier so/v/9 ":o Slow at-SI Dige5fer £hiteuor7 -B- r4 c .( q, F f, .a U Service Water to Yaguina Flow Suspended 5-Day MGD B.OID. Solids/#fDay -9- 4,104 ln n |f1 ..i 7.5 (\| @' nl ro \o a.r F . F \O . F! tn -' 7,063 \t (t\ fa t\ F. t \t 3,640 7,736 rn . Fr \t ..r \g O 5.589 ,l"l; tl url 3,580 EtlO ol qllO.El Fl o+t1 \o o \t 5,394 IN olo 8l 513*l o o tlc!\l O r rn F. o\ 'ld El ,'i ; rn e c @ rn .d .d ,i 6.2 8.5 6 a 6.516 o\ 6.981 olo(.,l 5.969 +{l blchn|f|dc \o klBal 6.035 oltn El 5.915 6.5 rl cl6 Fl? 9l 2.5 Ll gl o,dl u1 a € F t-{ . rn 9,136 o 3 @ o 0\ * o S 161 lO ol lETll 16+{l ItF{l \o \o o rn 9,396 I I I I F{ . o 6'l o \g . 6l F, 2,436 O g O o @ 5,150 GEORGIA PACIFIC CORPORATION PAPER DIVISION - TOLEDO z O HO l{A <Ft 12,760 I'o8l g I l€El o I lgl\l 30,180 Effluent and Storage Lagoon Data June. 1965 Effluent to Ocean Suflides Suspended 5-Day Bromine No. Solids/#fDay B.O.D. IN m \t . o.l oi ctt . c 320 90 248 216 164 H I I*;I I l I 175 276 g S R F{ F' : "n "n o (, o d cco Ol. EO 12.822 u'l arl (t\ O I @ ctr or 6'l F. ' N . 799.93 12.787 12.130 o N u1 F t\ . .+ A co 860.59 ( @ F . N t EO OF ql. { o €.d H or, r|c oo o FaL o orl{ !0 tro B.'{ o EgO ts ql ct l. 27 1 20 rro c> a< lrl Fr\tNOF 6lF.Nal ol . F. 804.70 N . @ € F F O 12 Date ol 711.02 N oi{lNa.tFoc O A rQl o +a =t\.1 r{ - cUol .oCl l '-r F iol bl 788.23 Tons/Day Fle|FaFat{ d F\ sl r . (, 11.874 N .n . rt ,i 752.97 tlr\Ff.tfFO F. I OAI 1..r 6tri9l . C - -C = I' lE I (\ ; 13.323 -; 5.934 8.668 3.206 5.829 5.408 4.743 ldtl 12.312 Flow MCD lEEl s 3 s R 3 Prod. E F t. laroo\\g@ -ts|l Data shown selected from monthly record. Average is for entire record. 8o" I lx'il ., d I l8;l 208 Et E g l'l 4 g 1 F{ H :AFo fi fi 128 CrO HH Raw Water MCD tsl Ff ,l l3l ol l"o8 ctrl 16 G,l C F .ll tOll O Z l k llrlg I 8 . t l , l j g l ',516l:El € S gl E " r l , t l , cr lHl Fol Machine TABLE 2 HH o . 8 'z 150 Sd S lrl'81 -- 1100(1965) of approxluately of approximately productlon capacity capacLty (1965) a production Briefly this mill has a Brlefly th{c nlll gallona 10'400 averege watt€3 The strong wastes average 10,400 gallons day. The pulp per per day. strong of pulp 800 800 tons of (B.o,D.) 200 ngll of Demand (B.O.D.) of 200 mg/i D,amand oxygen llochenleal Oxygen putp-rrith per ton with aa Biochemical ton of or pulp pulp. The of The lbs/ton of pulp. lbs/ton of 11 loga of 11 aollds loss (range 150-i0Qi 150-300) end and a euepended suspended solids lrang" gallonc/ton a wtth gallons/ton with a 81350 to the eatuary weak wastes discharged estuary everage average 8,350 dlscharged to weak wagtet lbe/ton of 7 of 7 lbs/ton eollda (ringe 2 to euependedsolids aad aa suspended to 10) 10) and B.0.D. of mg/i (range of 6 ng/l B.O.D. quallty at at the the uPon their baeed upon thclr quality wagtea is Ls based weak wastes pulp. Data for weak Data for of pulp. of lagoon. perlod of tn aa lagoon. of storage atorage in point polnt of efter aa period d{seharge after of discharge --111.1BIOASSAYUETIIOD BIOASSAY METHOD of the effects effecta of assesalng the for assessing methods for bloaaaay methods of bioassay General Developmentof General -- Development a been contlnulng continuing has environment the marl.ne on industrial effluents on the marine environment has been a effluents li,lffifal hls and his l{P -- 524) and (Go-investlgator WP Dlmlck (Co-investigator R. E. B. Dimick effort of Professor Profesgor R. cffort of been aupported have years. These efforts have been supported efforts These 10 more fpr more than than 10 years. associates fpr aeeoclates the of the Improvement of Stream Improvement for Stream Counctl for Natlonal Council Univerelty, the the National by the University, grantc. Reeearch Research reeearch pollutton by lrater paper industry pulp and by water pollution research grants. putp and ana paper lniuatry and these efforts efforte of these of support support of source of been the maJor source the major tfP -- 524 hae been Grant 524 has brtnt VP bloaasays of development tncluded development of bioassays reeearch included Elologtcal research !964. Biological since al.nce 1964. Paclflc the Pacific (Myttlus edults), edulla), the bey mussel mussel (Mytilus involving the the enbryo embryo of of the thebay lnvolving marlne' the use of the of the use of the marine of glgas), and (caraseoatrea gigaá), exploratlon and exploration oyster oyster (carassostrea end eurvlval upon the based are based upon the survival and The (raonochrycfs sp.). tests are 6e embryo enUryo tests spl). algae (monochrysts to exposed to "igr" exposed of embryo davelopment of embryo the abnormal Ebnormal development and the growth of griuth of the embryo tnbryo- and productl'on. In pulp production. process of of pulp kraft mill mlll process different wastes from the the kraft dlfferont wastes and stlokleback and aplne stickleback tte three three spine involving the addition bioassay b1oaseay techniques technlquea involving addltlon a form do noE although they do not form a they employed alChough the comnon common guppy guppy are also also belng being employed used to to are used developed are The bioassay bloaeaay techniques technlquee developed proJect. Ttre part of this thle project. part of engl'neerlng evaluate efftency effiency of of treatment treatment methods methods Lnveatlgated investigated ln in the engineering evatuate the staff, the funds and and staff, proJect funds of project Because of of llnitations of the limitations reeeerch. Becauge research. bay the bay use of of the to the the use prlmarlly to been limited llnited primarily bioassay work to has been date has to date bloassay work L. Mytllus edulls mussel, l4ytilus edulis L. mussel, Ij. edulis L. MYFtlus.edulis musael, Mytilus Bay mussel, cotmtonBay lAe common Bioassal -- The Bay Musssl Mussel Embryo Egbrlg Bioassay Bay and that its embryos and embryos its that suggest whlch possesses certain unique features which suggest possesses certaiilTiT,ffiEeatures leboretory routine laboratory ln routine advantageously in be employed employed advantageously larvae might be also mlght i"r.r." also that guppy -that guppy ltays satne the much I'n bioassays made in saltwater samples much in the same ways eamples bloaasays made |n salt$ater test used as ("water-fleas") are used as test (rbater-fleegtt) Daphnla the crustaceans, crugtaceana, 'Daphnia fish and and the fleh stations. freehwater stations. orgaüisms at some somefreshwater organisms at bioassay u8e as a8 aa bloaeaay for use Bay mussel nussel for Favorable factors of the the Bay cupport of ln support factors in Favorable arei tnverBebrate are: marine marl,ne invertebrate of zones of lntertldat the intertidal tn the dlstributlon Its wlde wide geographtc geographic distribution in Its provldes co11mon provides a common ateas ehore areas ocean shore estuaries, bays, some ocean baye, and and on some estuarLes, partlculocated located particustationa at many test organicm organism available available at many marl.ne marine stations test Paclfl'ct north tn the the north Pacific, It occure in It occurs hemlaphere. north6rn hemisphere. fn the *re northern larly in larly as south as eouth far and as as far BaJa, California Callfornl'a and from Arctic Ocean Ocean into lnto Baja, Cha Arctlc from the Amerlca of North North America coaet of eastern coast on the the eastern CoacC; on Japan on the Aslatic Coast; the Asiatic from Europe, from ln Europe, and in Carollna; and North Carolina; Hatteras, from Greenland to North to Cape CaPe Hatteras, from Greenland It is le It Afrtca. northern Africa. and northern the Medtterranean the White Sea Mediterranean and Sea to to the the Whlte frm AroerLca; and from South America; of lower lower South eoaate of also reported from both coasts from both also reported 1955). (Soot-Ryen 1955). Zealand. New Zealand. and New Australia Auatrall.a and 1. 1. meane; and by chemical chemlcal means; stlmulated by Spawning readtly stimulated Spawnlng can be readily tt arear at ot!' area, Ln oiz Leaat in at least avallable, (eggs and sperm) are available, ganrete (eggs aperm) are gamete at year. of the the year. all times all tlmes of 2. 2. documented the muesel The embryology embryology of of the mussel {a is well well known known and documented Ttre (Rattenburg (Rattenburg lanree and enbryoe ebnormal the (Field as are the abnormal embryos and larvae (Fteld 1922) a" Lg22, 1954). "te and Berg 1954). 3. 3. -L2-12of by aa wide wlde variety variety of The affected by lntmically affected Ttre embryos embryos are are inimically factorr perhapa by by differences tn ecological ecologtcal factors chemical dlfferenceg in and perhaps chemlcal compounds compoundaand tn saltwater. seltrtetcr. occurring and experimentally experlmentally in natural.ly in {n saltwater aaltwater and occurrlng naturally 4. 4. frou ar resulted from f,or testing teatfng purposes enbryoe for Use of of the mussel embryos Bay muarcl Uee the Bay Purposea resulted of the reactions reacttone of obsenlng the In 1958, while observing 195E, wtrlle laboratory happening. happcntng. In chance chence laboratory salteeltln ae strong rtrong (oyatera, clams, muesels) in clamr, and and mussels) several kl.ndc kinds of btvllves (oysters, of bivalves several (KME), it that notlced that lt res eftluent (KNE), water mill effluent was noticed of Kraft Kraft u111 rater concentration concentratlon of (Breeae, end Mlllemenn and end sperm apenn (Breese, Millemann eggc and several of of the mussels discharged dt.echarged eggs the mpsels reveral apaun. to spawn. not stimulated sttuulated to were not clasu were and clams Dimick oyetera and ntrtle the the oysters 1963) while Dlnlck 1963) qera ripe") adults (fraexually rlpa[) adultg were grevld ("sexually that gravid dlscovered that Then, later, was discovered later, it Lt rag Ttren, embryoc year. Thus, Thua, mussel embryos of the the year. bay at eeaeonaof present preeent in et all alL seasons ln the the bay needed. when time when needed. t{me et any purpoees btoassay obtainable for bioassay purposes at any for obteinable were readily reedtly (2 aolutlong ln ealtrrater KcL Subsequently, it was found the the ICCL (2 gr/liter) in saltwater solutions found it wae Suboequently, $|ttt,ar) vlablc ln viable ganetee which reculted in whtch resulted of gametes also vigorous spawning apawrrLngof also caused c'auaed vtgorous nor:nal larvae. lanrae. embryos and and normal embryos thc of expoalng conatsta of bloaeaay essentially eaeentlally consists Method exposing the mrgsel embryo enbryo bioassay A mussel Hethod -- A of concentratlone different concentrations of dlfferent to eaaul.ng embryos embryoa to eggs and sperm and the the ensuing spetra and E'ffiTna tlnet of this thla time, the end end of hours. At the for 48 48 hours. particular substances paitt",rtar ln seawater seawater for subgtances in abnormal abnormal and larvae (ahelled-etralght htnged) larvae and the nunUerc numbers of of normal (shelled-straight hinged) ihe the of the eash of ln each counted in (nonshelled or imperfectly are counted (nonahelled or larvae are ahelled) larvae lmperfectly shelled) ere counted counted eggs are fertlltzed In sore some bloaasaya, bioassays, the fertilized eggs ln test te.Bt solutions. Bolutiong. of gurvfvlng larvae the termination ternlnetlon of at the larvae at of surviving and then related numbers of related to to numbers and the tests. teatg. the ln I'r in clams is and clams oysters and uelng oysters bloaaeay using blvalve bioassay This ganeral type of bivalve type of Ttrla general Each has Eaeh her lnvectlgators. by several eeveral investigators. been employed enployed by but has hag been way original but orti{nal no wey dl'sA A thorough thorough discondltlona. and conditions. needg and added modifications to epeclflc needs flt specific to fit addedmodlilcatl.ong particularly pertaining to the Pertalnlng to thc cuss ion of of laboratory laboratory proeedureg procedures lnvolved, involved, partlcularly cuse1on Woelke by Charles Charles lloelke preaented by been presented has been Pacific oyster oyster and andsome clanr, has aomeclams, Pactflc ttBioaseay -- The Tool.rl Iarvae Tool." Blvalve Larvae the Bivalve (1960) (1960) in entitled "Bioassay ln- a paper entltled are everywhere everyetrere sperm are and sperm Adult obtalnlng eggs egge and used for for obtaining mrussels used Adult mussels prevall patterns sallnlty patterns prevail nhere adequate adequate salinity abundant bays where of our our bays ln most moet of abundaut in ftoatat to They are normally found attached to floats, Ttrey are normally found attached throughout the cycle. the life lLfe cycle. lnterttdal ln the the intertidal ueually in piling, structures, usually plllng, rocks, other solid and other eolld structures, rocko, and zone. zone. barnaclelt ae barnacles, euch as materl.al such of extraneous extraneoue material The mrcrela mussels are first flrat cleaned of Ttre inmterced lmerced dishee etaeklng ptaced lndivLdual They are then placed in individual stacking dishes ln then ltey debris, etc. debrla, etc. 30 within 30 epawnlng slthtn start spawning normally start llales normally KCL. Males contalnlng KCL. in Ln seawater searater containing rinsed rl'nscd thoroughly ls mussel the As soon as spawning is noted, the is thoroughly noted, ls soon aa iparntng minutes. m1nutee. (Flgure 3). In this thle 3). In aeawater (Figure dtluent seawater of diluent beaker of and ln a separate beaker and placed in and separate mussels may be kept separate and be kept nay muasele from individual lndlvlduat, way, sperm from and sperm fafr eggs cgge and tnhcrent ehould inherent be identified ldenttfted should enbryos may thus tha the perentagc parentage of of regultlng resulting embryos may be ttrug guestlon. a bccomc viability of and larvae trarvec become a question. of embryos embryos and v{ablllty adJuated watcr adjusted Bay water Yaqulna Bay golutlonr are froo Yaquina Test usually from prcprred usually arG prepared Teet solutions cprtng uncontaminated spring uncontaml'nated p.g.t. wlth when necessary necessary to to aa aallntty salinity of of 25 25 pp.t. with wlren - ltght light ultra-vl'olct to ultra-violet exposed to La exposed water is tegt rlter dlluent test thc diluent Oenerelly, the water. Generally, ratGr. Test centrifuglng. g@ettnea subjected to continuous-flow contlnuous-flory centrifuging. eubJectcd to and it 1g sometimes end lt is u8ually rangcsr conc€ntr8tlon rlthln effective affcctlve concentration ranges, usually solutions arc then then prepared within colutlona are -13-13predctenDlned by Measured of eggs volune of eggr predetermined by ae screening test. Dlaarurcd saltwater saltwatcr volume rcrecning test. glaee teat way, In this dlahes, In thl.r way, and end sperm lnto the thc glass spcrm are erc introduced tntroduced into test dishes. phce ifl teat solutions. fertilization, if tlr the thc test solutlotg. takcr place fertlllzetLon, lf not not inhibited, Lnhlbl.tcd, takes rooos and/or and/or Then Then the the dishes dleher are transferred to constant constant temperature tcqaratur€ rooms tranrferrcd to incubators, lncubatorr. - * FIGURE FICINE 33 mrcgcls Spawning male and female of nalc female mussels Sparwnlng of (Cloudy dishes of sperm) cpctn) (Cloudy dlshes indicate lndl.cete emission eml,aelon of -14-14- y ZR TIGUNB44 FIGURE blorlray of incubating lncubattng bioassay dlrhca of tert dishes Stacked Stecked test bloaeaey of, ae bioassay bcfore termination tcrninrtlon of Approximately or two ta6 before hour or an hour Approxlortely an I'r dlrtllled Ln eteln in distilled reter (46 tro of (46 to to 47 houra) hours) a drop or or two of ncutrel neutral stain water is of dlffcrcntlatlon leter differentiation of in ln the thc later t!rl.t! dtrh. This thlr assists to each cach test teet dish. added to edded of fcrtllltlne thc Forty-eight hours from the time of fertiliForty-clght hourr frou lewrc. fron normal nornel larvae. abnormal from ebnornel lenrec ebnornat larvae end abnormal of normal nornel and end numbers nunberl of zation killed and rrc ltlllcd lanrec are zatlon the thc larvae of 150 150 Sample sizes Sarylc elzcr of concentrition. tolutton concentration. are tegt solution for each each test ere recorded rccordcd for recorded er. recordcd count3 are occarlonalty counts (abnornel and nadc and rnd occasionally arc made larvae nornel) are and normal) lenrac (abnormal ln incuI'ncuspece in Replications are unlcrr space trc employed cnployed unless RepltcetLoar raryles. for dupllcats duplicate samples. for normal of normal rarutta, percentages In reporting test teet results, In reportlng betorg is tg limited. ltutted. Pcrccntegeg of bators bioreveral bloof several reaultr of larvae ere are ugcd used end and relatlvc relative percantager percentages rhen when results lenrec lledlan the Median groupr. For comparison, couparlconr, the re combined conblned groups. assays arsayr are considered conaldercd as producc goiutLon which to produce ls expected crpectad to rtrlch is Effective of test tect solution Concentratlon of Effectlve Concentration lanree). norual larvae). percant normal (or conversely 5O percent csuvcrecly 50 50 percent abnormal lanac (or abnornel larvae 50 percent en follcu noruelly follows develop,uent normally Enbryonlc development Embryonic an l!,evelopment -- Embryonic Enbrvontc Development time periods orderly pattern of structural changes occurring at specific @ructura1ehengeroccurr|'ngetepeclf1ctlreper1ods approxtnatelt lt approximately tchcduls ii lanra schedule (Fleld darclop,nental larva tha developmental At 20° 2Oo CC the (Field 1922). tbZD. ac follms: as follows: rhen discharged digcharged [n shape rhape when ovel in The at first flret somewhat emertret oval le at Ttrc egg cgg is nicrong (approxfioatcly 70 microns goon changes ehepc but to nearly round shape (approximately 70 ncarlt to but soon changce nctaphalc the to dcvelopmnt in diameter) and rapidly starts development to the metaphase rep[dly rtrltt end ln dl.anctcr) (Flgurc 5) 3) of development. dcvelopoenE. (Figure stage of ltegc 1. 1. - 15-15- the egg minutes after penetrates the llLthtn about 20 ninutcs aftot the thc sperm aperu Pen€tntsc 2. 2. Within .bout 20 follorcd by ae poler body 1r followed body appears. membrane, eppcars. This Itrlr is tho first flrrt polar mubrme, the (Flgurc 6) polrr body 6) (Figure second body in 10 minutes. ntnutcr. recond polar tn about abouc 10 poler lobe rnd second recond rnd first flrrt and Then bcaomr evident lhen a e polar lobc becomes cvtdcnc and perlod follorlng nlnute cleavages durlng the thc 50 to 90 90 minute period following clcrvagcr occur during 50 to (Flgurc 1) Lnremlnatlon. 7) insemination. (Figure 3. 3. (theny cclledrr) rtrc 44 1/2 The celled") become at the bccoec free free swiiauing eslmlng aB blmturl ('!many Tlrc blàstual U2 pcrlod. to to 5-hour 5-hour period. 4. 1, Gas trulation teke, takes plecc place end and ra hrvel larval foru form (unehellcd) (unshelled) crllcd called Gertruletlon the houn after rftcr fertilization. fertlllzetlon. 20 hours trochophorc appears rppGrrr about 20 the trochophore 5. 5. Shells (velver) begin rppeerlng in ln bogtn appearing Shcllr (valves) then called vcltgcr, veliger, rtrlch which lenac, callcd thsn the the larvae, (D shape) hinges occut. from fron 43 hlnger shells rhellr (D rhapc) occurs 43 (Ftgure 8) (Figure 8) after fertilization. eftsr f,crttllzetlon. 6. 6. end about 40 43 hours hourr and to 43 40 to rell-forud .trtlthtposses well-formed straightPotr.t tlm hourr elapsed elrprod time to to 45 45 hours I * I FIGURE TICURB55 t --16-. 16- :i' ritl: .: ;; "rt, : , r FIGURE 6 FIGIJRB FIGURE 7 rrcm8 7 ., : -t7 -17- n 8 FIGTIRE FIGURE 8 tfornrl and and abnormal rbnoruel larvae lervac' Normal bloeecayr fron five flvc typical typlcal bioassay. Bloetaay Results Resultc -- The rerultt from Examlee of of Bioassay ftre results Examples la bclng hor the tcst is were illustrate how mussel-embryo test being eoployed employed weiC selected the nussel-cobryo Eel,icEad to tolllurtrete preaented deals wlth results rerultr dealg with The at our Yaquina Bay Laboratory. leboratory. Ttre example exaryle presented at lequlna Bay stagct undergoes successive euccelelve stages froo the waetc from a alnrlated simulated cctuary estuary in which the waste undergoes ln wtrlch of degradation. degradatl.on. of trstrong waste" (nlnue wash rash and and service servlce Composite 7-day racten (minus of Ustrong Co,4orlte aaqplee of 7-day samples type of of mill. nLll. non-bleech type treekly intervals frou aa non-bleach waters) watcra) were sere collected at weekly lntervale from collected at aPparatuc pasaed through ctablll.aatlon apparatus were passed through aa stabilization Seven Seven of of these theac samples sanples were 18 liters. ll'tera. glaaa jars, holdlng 18 each holding whlch serl.ec of of glass which incorporated lncorporated aa series Jara, each lnto the thc punrpedfrom from aa reservoir reservoLr into percent by !ra8 pumped by volume, was Diluted Kl{Er.25 Dlluted KNE, 25 percent gravlty succeaglve by each was lnto flow first jar; and from there the flow was by gravity into each successive end thcre thc flrgt Jer; fron retentton in ln 2-day retention at approximately w€r€ maintained matnteLned at approxlnately 2-day jar. Flon rates retea were Jar, Flow before the provlded reservolr sas provided in ln the the reservoir before the Mild aeration aeratlon was each each jar. Jer. l,llld an and an mlxlng and eomplete mixing to assure assure complete diluted sample entered the first flret jar dlluted aanple entcred Jar to glnulated passege rasPectsr ln eome Such a passage system, in some respects, simulated Such system, aerobic aerobl.c environment. ernrlroment. 10-day paaclng down durlng aa 10-day downan an estuary estuary during a travel an effluent efflucnt passing route of of an travel route perlod. retention retentlon period. seParetc of seven seven separate racults of the composite conpoe{tc results An of table table 33 shows ahorn the An inspection lnapectlon of geven-day rnean relatlvc ln and expressed expreeged in mean relative bioassay. Lntenlals and bl.oaeaayc made nradeat at seven-day intervals groups ranged frm 85 85 ranged from percentager or coatrol groups The seven sevcn control norual larvae. larvEe. The or normal percentages The median percent. nedl.an Ttre of 95 95 percent. to percent notmal normal larvae with a mean mean of lanrae wlth to 99 percent of the the KME KllE (EC 50) percent by by volume voltrun of ln percent Effective vglues in 50) values Effectlve Concentration Concentretton (EC end pereant larvae produce 50 abnormel larvae and 50 percent abnormal are the to produce amounts estimated are the amounts cstlmated to hand column. column. the right rlght hand these estimates are tn the tecotded in ars recorded theee €sttmates Estimated EC 50 % KME -18- 81 8.2 74 138 312 265 45.6 420 582 61.1 67]. 761 743 798 888 904 aaaaaa FITiFFOO !'p qt 7.2 131 323 57 0 77.6 !nFFINF{N r0 E()trl 7 1 29 4 .t 57 40 15 cro rr rn 37.2 E trlbt KME Stabilization Results from 10 Day Retention Samples Mean relative percentages of normal larvae based on seven bioassays o t\ (6 o '@ .tt 14 o o€ o) F{C oio 8.3 fndN!n 11 HB .no aaaa @ 6 € 90 0, rd. +Jo o & a(ll) Percent normal larvae o h > qlH 6 r{ r{ (tl EE gl 825 84.5 98 3 ..lI 6 day retention 8 day retention \Ct .if F1 co oc rlU +JH (dO Ng {; FIO 1 05 947 722 r{> ,O rl rtt +J lJ ql cO F.l o c) 5 4 day retention 2 day retention ccccc ooooo ."{t{ddt{ urrlJut, ol EI 5l I(ME % Fll beol >l rrl I = >| gol trtrc! oooo(u F{o cto C F{ .r{A 0t E drrl l.{o o +J+JrrurJ O 0, O H |{ l. trtr O t h qt r, h irl E h cl t h r0 t <rt .s \o @ 10 day retention :l; E ord Original samples HK 90.5 +J 943 c, 103 H 356 1u, oo c'@ 3 r{ dd -l; u tr o o 2 fi sr 0 E o 5 6 Bb r+{ gi by volume TABLE 3 Fl E 7 }| F{ FI aaaa .ttcNrnN ('l N tll o(U o .'I l o.c.vl\oo 9 +'(u 655 tro o .r{ ('f F{ F{(.}N O l. h rrt € I -L9-19ghonn in 9. Flgure 9. Results Reeultc of typlcal bioassay bloaeeay are are shown ln Figure of this thls typical CHANGES IN CHANGES IN NORMAL NORMAL LARVAE LARVAEPRODUCED PRODUCED DURINGBIOLOGICAL BIOLOGICAL DURING MODIFICATION MODIFICATION OF KME OF KME IN A A SIMULATED IN MARINE ENVIRONMENT SIMULATED MARINE ENVIRONME NT EC50 I? PERCET{T PERCENT NORMAL LARVAE NORMAL LARVAE FIGURE 9 FICT'RB The reader reader is directed to to nBay "Bay llucsel Mussel Btoacaeyo Bioassay" by by R. R. E. E. Dtnlck Dimick lhe le dlrected Paetflc Northwest NorttrweatIndustrial Industrlal Breege, Proceedings and V. P. P, Breese, Proceadtnge of of the the 12th 12th Pacific and l{. deacrlptlon detalled description for a detailed Waste Washington, for lfagte Conference, Untveralty of Conf,erence, University of lfaahlngton, procedures. of of test teat procedures. EXPLORATORY STUDIES EI(PLORAr{'RYSTUDIES - Exploratory General were undertaken undertaken in basis for for 1954 as a baeLr Ln 1964 Exploratory studies studles rerc qulckly forn been to The objective of these studies to quickly form has of ensuing work. work. obJectlve these studl,es Ttre Cniutng quidelines that might ba be encountered ln in quldellnes and that rntght determlne difficulties dlfflcultles and determine aature. detatled nature. subsequent investigations more detailed of ae morc lnvectlgatlonr of eubaequent wlth waatee treated treatad with on wastes In btoacaayc were were conducted conducted on In these studies studl.eg bioassays Statc Oregon 8t graduate various methods by graduate students in engineering at Oregon State Ln englneerlng atudents varlous methods studleg Retention studies In addltlon, addition, Stetlc Static and Seml-dynanrlc Retention and Semi-dynamic In University. Unl.veraity. CentGr. Scl,ence Harlne at the with strong kraft wastes were conducted at the Marine Science Center. rester rere conducted wlth strong kraft blologlcal phyclcal and of the This resulted in the evaluation of some of the physical and biological of some Thlr reautted ln the evaluetlon Pearl llenend, Pearl OxygenDemand, properties, based Blologtcal Oxygen propertlec, baeed on of Biological on ae comparison cmparlcon of have Exploratory bioassays have bloaeaaya Bxploratory Bay mussel bloaaaay. Benson Index and the muesel bioassay. Beneon lodex and thc Bay fl.ah, saltrater been run run rlth with the amphipod, Corophl.um, Corophium, the the Stlclclebech Stickleback fish, saltwater been the anphlpod, -20- been centered centered haa been gupplec, and emphael,ehas Howevar, emphasis and the oyater. However, the oyster. conditioned condltloned guppies, reflne bloaaray, to to refine 8ay mussel nuaael bioassay, of the on the Bay devElopnent and and evaluation cvaluatlon of on the development the animal. anlmal. of the blology of the biology the technLques techniques end and to better undsratend understand the to batter thc study wer recearch, aa study dlrectly to to the research, In eddttlon addition to work relatcd related directly was In to rork uee in ln for use saltwatGr for for synthetic undertaken to eynthetlc saltwater develop a formula fornnrla for to develop of kraft Certain cxperlnental experimental treatments kraft wastas wastes bloaseaya. Cert[ln treetments of marine narlne bioassays. the of the btologlcal level level of to the the biological demanded be raised raised to aallnlty be thst the the salinity dananded that toxt'cent. of thc the concentratlon wlthout organism being tested without changing the concentration of the toxicant. betng changlng testcd organtsn tostLng eel.twatcr e reproduelble to formrlate Also, it was necessary to formulate a reproducible saltwater testing Alao, Lt was n€cessary nottal embryonic enbryonlc so that that normal medium blologlcally acceptable eal.ta, so acccpteble salts, wtth biologically uedlum with torards to recearch This necessity led to research towards led neccnslty therel.n. lhle development mey may occur therein. developoent rratandardtr medlum. testLng salt$teter testing medium. of a "standard" synthetic cynthetlc saltwater the development of the development ln been included lncluded in have been studl€s have The of these thece exploratory axploratory studies The results reoultr of of this thle report. report. the appendix appendix of WASTES OF DEGRADATION OF KRArT KRAFT MILL ITECRApATION EILL WASTES IIATERS ESl'ttARIt{EWATERS IN ESTUARINE wastee in Ln estuarine ectuartne mlll wastes of kraft kraft mill General -- Studies Studles of of the the degradation degrcdetlon of General problem of llr. 0G. L. of Dr. part, as reaearch problem ea the the research waters were conducted, Ln part, cOnducted, in watera were progress report r.port the progress of the eectlon of progrem of Ttrls section of study. atudy. This hls program O'Neal ln his Orlleal in phase of of the the study. study' thie phase summarizes the research undartaken undertaken on this thc reeearch sumarl.aes Methods Selected Evaluating Pegrgdatls-n Degradation -- l,leacuremente Measurements of of tha the oxygen oxygen for Evaluatlng Selected for Uethods conbackbone of of pollution e backbone demand of the waste or polluted water are the Pollutton conthe of evaluatl.on Without these measurements, an accurate evaluation of the an eccurate measurementa, lllthout th€se trol work. work. trol Oxygen The Blochemlcal Biochemical Oxygen lhe lmposclble. le impossible. system is oxygen resources resources wlthln within the system oxygen lnformietl'on. obtaln thla uged to Demand test is the method most commonly used to obtain this information. co'monly uoet tbmand teet La the nethod oxygan the oxygen whtch the at which rate at the rate The most accurate of the determinatlon of Eccurate determination Ttre B.O.D. B.O.D. ul'tlnate ln uae of the change demand is consumed is obtained by use of the change in ultimate demandLa coneumedls obtelned maxlnuo represents the maximum B.Q.D. B.O.D. rePrecente period. ultlnate This Ttrls ultimate over a time tl.me period. over Eo tlne taken takea to of the the time gtven sample, Lrrespectl.ve of oxygen aauple, irrespective of aa given demandof oxygen demand ul'tlnate tn the change For a variety of reasons, the change in ultimate varlety of reacona, demend. achieve this thls demand. achleve which teetO whleh Inatead, tests etudles. Instead, ueed for for rate rate studies. rarely used method is le rarely B.0.D. method B.O.D. The ueed. the are used. B.O.D. ultlnete_B.O.D. proportlon of the ultimate of the give some glve fractl.onal proportion aooe fractional whlch test, which testt B.O.D, 20oC B.O.I!, flve-day 20°C le the five-day most methods is of these theee nethodc noat common comon of gerLee of of experiments. expcrlnente. was thls series dn this ueed in wag used wastes. uost wastes. for most wlthln limits, llnite, Tests for be true, true, within to be thle to have shown shorn this Teets have B.O.D. represents rGPresentt flve-day B.O.D. ln five-day chenge in prcctaely true, the change trua, the Even lt is lt not precisely tf it Even if For this thLl B.O.I).. B.O.D.. ultlmate ln ultimate of change change in a of the the rate rate of good approximation approxlnatton of a good thle and incubator space, this of time tftne and Lncubetor sPacet reason, as as considerations well as conclderatlons of ls well "caeoo, wag study. the study. method was selected durlng the eelected during method tcmparature le aa temperature The btologtcal biological degradation material is of organic organlc matcaltl degradatlon of Ttre to mathematically Dathemattcally bcen done done to haa been great deal of of work has proceec. A A great dependent process. dependent formracocptedforinuemonly accepted most commonly Ttre most dependency. The evaluate thta temperature tenperaturo dependency. eviluate this ghorrn below: belor: lation Ls shown latlon is -2L-21(T1 tk1/k2 r/ttr.o(T1 zl -- T T2) where: where: ' reaction rate tt reta at kl """"tr'on at reaction rate rrtc at k2 . reactl.on k2 T1 tenPcrature Ti temperature T2 t€mPGreture T2 temperature coefftctent temPerature coefficient e -r temperature 9 by Arrhentus Atrhenlur developed by retrtlonahtp -developed of the thc relationship verrlon of rlnpllfled ta aa simplified This version Ttrte is In these therc In tcmperaturG. end and temperature. a chenrlcel sf a which chemical reactl.on reaction valoclty of relatcr velocity whtch relates equrtl'on' thlr equation. uelng this evaluatcd using studies was evaluated rtudtca 90 waa tost B'O.D. test TAc B.O.D. l{aterlela -- The lc Materials l n OOrganic of Reduction Reduct Direct Measurement of in a present ln degradable material present in a le nCterfal measures the amount of of btologlcatly biologically degr ffit dlrect glve r which give a direct however, whlch arc available, avallable, however, methods are other nethoda system. Other organlcr present. the organica of "irt"r. of the all, Present' or of eorne, amount evaluation of the amount of some, or all, of the evaluatton content organlc content measurement of organic of, m€asurement dtrect icr nethodt of theae 3rro Initially, two of these methods far direct Inlttally, (C'O'D')1 test Demandtest (C.O.D.), Oxygen Demand Chemlcat Oxygen These vere ware the Chemical conaldcred. Ttreee ware considered. were tect. Pearl-Bengon test. the Pearl-Benson and and the an tn an organlcs in the organics of the oxldatlon of chemlcal oxidation tnvolvea chemical test involves The G.O.D. C.O.D. test Tlre frm tnterference from to interference aubJcct to fu subject The test is Ttre test eolutton. acid-dichromate solution. actd-dtchromate ugc the use the prohlbtted paat, thte In the past, this prohibited In the oxldlzed. algo oxidized. chlorides which ictr are also ;hi;"i;;;-rt howevcrr -nodifl'caRecently, modificaRccently, however, colutlons. chlorlde solutions. hlgh chloride ln high of method in thls method of this other and water in sea water and other use tn for propoaed bean proposed for use tions of the method have been the nethod tlonr of a great study, a atudy' phaac of thts Sreat priltuLnary In preliminary phase of this a In high chloride solutions. ilit-"tiorfie tn meehod attempting to use use this thl'a method in "of"tions. to attenptlng ln spent in deal of of time was spent effort wes and effort tlne and deal the the of meaaurlng mcthod Since other method of measuring no other 8ucce88' Slnce sea water rlthout without success. see wetor rtudy of the the study portton of thle portion aval.lable, this readLly available, fractl.on wae soluble was readily earbon fraction eoluble carbon be abandoned. abandoned. had to to be had followfor follownethod for the method ao the (P.B.I) was wae selected eelected as The Indax (P.B.I) Pearl-Beneon Index Ttre Pearl-Benson at the developedThis test, developed at the tegt, Ttrls degradatlon. llgnln degradation. the lignth of the ing the course of Lng the designed to indicate the presence lndlcate to Pretencc ortg1nally deatgned University of of llashlngton, Washington, tae was originally Unlverelty cpraed eince spread have since uges heve Its uses eetuarln" tat""s. in estuarine ltquor in of sulfite waters. Its eulflte waste liquor of Lr test is thla Northrect' In the Northwest, this test w88te8' In kreft wastes. of kraft to detectlon of lnclude detection to include of indicator of pollution, lndicator Pollutton' used quite control agenciac agencies as-an as an qul.te frequently frequently by control ured B'O'I)' P.B'I' 1 B.O.D. betreen P.B.I., the relatl'on relation between on avatlablc 1g yet no information is available on y"t oo tnfornaiton 'and celeeted. waa selected. nethod was thls method For this reaaon, this thle reason, toxtclty. and toxicity. to uaed to The third nrethod method used ltues?l --.The_thlrd BaI Mussel the- Bay to the Reduction ln Toxicity Toxlcltv to Reductlon in change the ls in marine waters is the change ttaters evaluate of kraft wastess ln marlne ae tne degradation evaluate the greet a toxicity indicated, a great lndlcated-, dtacugal'on on As the on toxiclty ttre earlier earller discussion ei in toxicity. toxtclty. [n lt mekcg This makes it Thla test8. toxlclty tests. ueed in ln toxicity been used have been variety of animals antnale have vartety of a la There is a Ihere tegts. betrreen tests. the resulta results between compare the to compare very difficult to Aitflcult anfnal teat animal the test toxicity for which the whlch for of toxlelty tect unlforn a definite need for a uniform test of for defl.nlte need oregon rt Oregon Wildlife at tiltldltfe and Flsherles and of Fisheries D,eparrmenrof The Department is readily available. The i"-i.iirri-ivarlauto. I'n uee for test of developing ruch a test for use in developlng such ptocasg of the process ln the State University lc in untverolty 'ft"is ststc bay nucael the comeon bay mussel ie tha co'mon tegt is thla test ln this oriantan in i""t organism waterso The test marine waters. marlnc bloessay work thle bioassay uaed this work used thlr for t€sts All toxicity tests for this tixlctty tll l.i. (Mytilue iUyUf"" edulis L.). peraonncl. FleherLee personnel. by Fisheries out by method were carried out ffiarrlcdand"a"ffr -22-22- Ttre test objectiveo the test Experimental Dcglgn Design The eveluatton evaluation of of the objectives was was carrled carried Experlurcntal encountered in an out f f i r eunder P r e E econditions n t a t 1 v e o f wrepresentative h a t n 1 g h t b e e nof c o uwhat n t e r might e d 1 n gbe n saste coocentratLong cnd'threc eallnttea, Two temperatures, two salinites, and three waste concentrations &ro tcoparatur€a, tno eaturry. estuary. raete concentraconcentraand waste aellnlty and of salinity sere used. uacd. Six Slx different dtfferent combinations co,nbtnatlona of were run in Ln wer comblnatl.on each combination was run and each tegt runs rune and all of of the the test tion were used uged in ln all tlon rrre eccll'uated be 10 ul was erbttrtrlly arbitrarily choeen chosen to to be 10 ml acclimated lcvel rar dupllcate. the seeding accdlng level duplicate. The proto prostl.rred to The test were stirred rolutlonr wGrc Ttre test solutions rolutton. of test aaed/l,ttcr test solution. seed/liter of glver gurfsc€ tha Table Teblc 4 gives the prevcnt settling. aettllng. and prevent rGrcratlon and vide surface reaeration vlde tertg. organl,zrtlon of of the the teats. detailed detellcd organization TABLE44 TABLE Gondltlonr Test Conditions Serlcr Series Test # TQlrt 2 , 3 6&4& 2,3 1 , 1laa 1, 2 , 2a 2t 2, 3, 3, 4 4,, 5, 5, 5, 6, 516 5,6 3a 3a 4e 4a 5e 5a 6a 6a Ternp. Temp. oC °C - 2ooc 20°C tl r " tl " " tl It $allnlty Salinity ppt PPt lfactc Conc. Waste Conc. bY vol. vol. % 7 by 25 25 15 15 25 25 t5 15 25 25 15 15 l0 10 tf 'I 7 1 r N 33 n U 12oC tcnperaturc . 12°C Sauc Sa ne cxcept except temperature thc verlour In various comblnetl.onr combinations of of condltl'onr conditions teoti, the s€tting up the tests, In setting and 4 rstre Series 2, were 2, 3 and to test test containers. contgl.ner3. Serlee were were randomly asalgned to randmly assigned daya, for ebout 17 days. 6 for tested period of of 15 and gerlea Series 5 and and 6 about 17 15 days, and testod over a perlod Expertmentel Experimental Procedure - The fron obtatned from ttudy was for this thle study The eaote Source Waste waste for was obtained of llastc Source and and Sampling $arnpllng of ls a This is a Ttrle Corporatl'on. Weatern Kraft the Western ICraft Corporation. the Albany, Oregon, mill of the a prevloue la a glnllar in deacrl.bed in thet described to that kraft nlll mill very very similar previous operatl.on to ln operation kraft proend pronetcrtale at rarr flr The mill uses chips of Douglas fir as raw materials and Ttre nlll uscr chl.pa of Douglao section. aectlon. llnarbolrd. end kraft of kraft paper duces 430 tons/day tona/day of duces approximately approxlnately 430 PePer and linerboard. uaual Ttre usual 4oC. The tt 6°C. and refrigerated rcfrlgcrated Composite at wera taken taken and eamplec were GoupocLte samples 3.6 ePProxlnately the eaopllng sampling perlod period wag was 15 hours hours and the sampling rate rate approximately 3.6 raryltng tha srncollact to prsp used was used to collect the sampoaittve displacement dlaplaeement pump ras A positive lttire/fiour, liters/hour. of of gono strength the relatfve of the relative strength tndlcetl.on of In obtain some indication plca. order to to obteln In order ples. determined. pll of the raw waste, the of all all canplet samples were were determined. end p11 C.O.D. and the C.O.D. rar wa8tG, urtng dctetrl'ncd using rras determined Denand was Orygan Demand Analytical Analytlcal Methods llethode -- The lhc Chemical Ghemlcal Oxygen gdttlon thc for Methode the method described in in the the llth 11th Edition of of standard Standard Methods for the ffid (1960). lulfetc Ttre silver ellvcr sulfate lfastowater (1960). The Examination of Water and tnd Wastewater of lfater Exanrlnetton flltercd were filtered A11 samples eanplet were determlnatlona. All for these theac determinations. catalyst war was added added for catalyct prlor to to dilution. dllutl.on. glass wool prior through glase -23-23Converalonr hydronetetra. Conversions wlth hydrometers. rere made nede with All salinity deterntnatl.onr were A11 callnlty determinations tables reductton denslty by uec of density to were nada made by use of density reduction tableg to salinity ealtnl.ty werc from denelty neerert the to Ta3 uelsurcd was meisured to the nearest (zerbe and Ths salinity rrllnlty and Taylor, 1953). The taylor, 1953). (Zerbe ppt. 0 . 1 ppt. 0.1 rnadc werc made B.O.D. test tcst were for the the B.0.D. The dissolved measurements for dlcrolved oxygen oxygcn msaurements ttrc ln outll'ncd ae outlined in }lethod as Winkler Method thc Winkler using of the t{odlflcetlon of thc Alsterberg Alcterberg Modification uslng the tcstl consisted conelgtcd f,or the the teats The dilution (1060). Tte dllutlon water for Standard l{achodr Standard Methods (1960). No wetGr. llo wlth fresh frcah water. ppt salinity ppt and eallnLty with and 25 25 ppt of sea water diluted 15 ppt dlluted to to 15 of, seq 1r€tcr sceded. r'as not not seeded. weter was dltutlon water lhe dilution supplemental iaaea and ana the wera- added nutrlents were rupplenental nutrients bared upon uPon the thc were based the calculations calculatlona were ueed in tn the The blank Utank corrections correctlona used ftiwetsr. ln the the sea aea water. organisms already present in organlcma already flnsl rata For each condition, the thc final rate obtelned obtained lc is bsced based upon upon dete data each test test cond{t!.on, all.oryable strongest were the uaed The dilutions used were the strongest allowable dllutl,one dtlutlon. Ttre one from one dilution. folloring The bottles. the following oxygen in ln the the bottles. consistent wlth the ths available avatlable oxygen conclstant with percent wattG ten l4 for the ten percent waste for the 114 be eatlafactoryr found to to be satisfactory: dilutions were were found dllut1ons three and 1:1'for eatte; concentration; 1:3 for seven percent waste; and 1:1 for three percent Percent concentratlonl 1t3 for s€ven Percent wa3te. waste. llgnlnr of lignins concentratlon of the concentration for estimating ectlmat{ng the The Pearl-Beneon Pearl-Benson nethod method for Tfre phenollc type are derlvetlvea and its lts derivatives are phenolic type llgnln and is based on the fact fact that that lignin Lg based eolutlon acldlc ln aitrlte groupa wl.th reEct with nitrite in acidic solution phenollc groups react Ttrese phenolic substances. subatances. These a raore alkaltae, a nade alkaline, When this more htghly highly t{hen 1g made thlc is derlvatlve. nitrooo derivative. forn ae nitroso to to form reprels reprecolor thls In dilute solution, this color is formed. In dllute eolutton, l,s formed. derLvatlve is colored derivative colored proeedurc preeent. The Ttre procedure derlvatlver present. llgnln derivatives of lignin amount of sentative of the the amount lcntetlve of used (1963). Bioassays used Btoaaeaya by Barnes, Bernos, $ followed wes was that recommended by et al. thet recormrended foLlowed 9!. (1963). ln eooperatlng in by biologists biologlctc cooperating perforued by were performed phace of work were of the the work in th[e phase ln this report. thla ln this report. preeented earlier earller in upon material the proJect project and and are based based upon material presented the contaLnere of square square containers cone{eted of thta work The apparatua apparatus used used in work consisted ln this Tfre and cguare and were 18 18 inches tnches square top. They Ttrey were at the the top. ptlifgUee and open oPen at made and of plexiglass made of lttere the 55 55 liters whea the that when The dimensions Bo that choaan so dlnenelona were chosen aeep. The one one foot foot deep. retio volume ratio to volume aree to place, the the surface aurface area wera in of tn place, solutton were of test teat solution nlxLng the mixing were provided provtded to to enhance cnhence the Baffleg were e minimum. nlntnum. Baffles approached a approached characterlstlce. characteristics. mechanLan. mechanism. the stirriág stlrrlig contalnera wae part of test containers An was the of the thc test An integral lntegral part were operatad operated sttrrera all uaed wea and For simplicity, a rope drive was used and all stirrers were e roPe drlve For alnpltclty, on retre oounted The stirring mounted on ahafts were ct[rrlng shafts polter source. source. he ltngtc power from a single get. Ttre The bean had bearlnga thc aluminum channel sections into which the bearings had been set. whlch alumlnum ctrannet aectlona lnto reducer, apeed varlable a motor, drive consisted of of an eleetrle electric motor, a variable speed drive train traln consl.gted the placed in ln the pulley was waa placed A floating gear drive. A floatlng pulley drlve. and a right-angle rlght-angle gear and adequate and maintain adequate malnteln and belt of the tha belt uP any any elongation system elongatlon of to take takg up system to tenslon. tension, corrin ln aa conlmrsed nerc immersed contalners were teet containers the test To tenperature the control temperature To control neceagltatcd Gontainera test of the test containers necessitated The size slze of beth. Ttre rit"r bath. stant temperature water stent rraa 12 12 bath was the bath The main tank of the tank of fha maln unit. large unit. of ae rather rather large construction construction of at provided punp wae A pump was provided at A daep. foot deep. one foot and one feet wlde, feet wide, and four feet feet long, long, four wet The temperature was Ttre temperature reclrculcted. one water sas.conatantly was constantly recirculated. and the the water one end end and water. water. taP colder lntroductl.on of level by introduction maintained at of colder tap deelred level at the the desired natntalned trtrlch teuperature controllcr This waa was controlled controlled by a ges gas erpanelon expansion temperature controller which Ttrls tt wae lftth systemr With this system, it was thtg water inlet. t'nlet. the water on the actuated valve on colenol.d valve ectuated a solehoid level. level. deslred of the possible to maintain temperatures within + O.toC 0.1°C of the desired posalble teqeretures wlthln to nalntsln --2424- Data was Test Rcrulta Results was obtel.ned obtained from three test test runs runs et at 20oC 20°C and trro two frm three Tect wcre tenpcrature were at each each temperature tests fron all tcsts at runs at l2OC. The Tte data deta from all similar rtntlrr EffiTXf€. In the results reaultr to compare compare the plottlng and In order order to superimposed for plotting and analysis. analyala. rupcrlnpoged for la terms teros 1r reported reported in from various test degradation is the vartoua the.degradatton fron the condtttona, the test conditions, uclng Fitting of was done done using of the data wae of percent Initial B.O.lr. Consumed. Consumod, Pltttng of pcrcent Inltl.al B.O.D. (f960). temperature coefficient coefflcfent the method propoced proposed by by Trtvoglou Tsivolou (1960). The The temperature the nethod (Tj '- Til, T2), rhlch which estimates varlatlon the variation O 0 for thc equation €stlmates the for the equatton k1/k2 r Q(T1 for Taa cmputed B.O.D. of the E.O.D. rate constant with temperature, was computed for each wlth of tha temperature, rate consttnt for this thls and analyzed In total 12 curves were developed and analyzed for were developed test condltl,on. In total 12 cuwea test condition. gtve rePreoentatlv€ Figures 10 through 13 give representative portlon 13 portion of of the the research, reeearch. Flgurcs 10 through ppt respectively. reepectlvely. and 15 results at end salinities of 25 25 and 15 ppt et 20°C 20oC and and 12°C eallnlttea of regulte t2oC and glver the obtalnsd rate constants constantr obtained Rate rate Rate Constants Conatanta -- Table thc first-order flrat-ord€r Tablc 35 gives from various combinations of test varl.ables. frm the the varloue conblnatlona of tcst variables. TABLE TABLE55 First-Order Firrt-Order Rate Rate Constants Conrttntr Temp. Tenp. oC °C Waste lfagte Conc. conc. vol. 1 by vol. la la 2a 2a 3a 3a 4a 4t 5*e 5 6a 6a 20°C 200c 10 l0 10 l0 1, 1 , 1* 1r 2, 2 , 2a 2a 3, 3*r 3, 3 12°C 12oc Series Serlcc Tests Teatg 2, 2 1 33, r& & 4 4 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5,, 5 6, 6, 5 5 &&66 4,4a 4, 4a 5, 5 , 5* 5a 6, 6, 6* 6a tl " tl " tl " ff " tf ll " tl It tl " it " Salinity Sal.tnlty ppt Ppt 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 k k1 1 25 25 15 t5 25 25 15 15 25 25 15 15 0.114 0.114 0.094 0.094 0.126 0.126 0.125 0,125 0.210 0.210 0.173 0.173 25 25 15 15 25 25 15 l5 25 25 l5 15 0.034 0.034 0.036 0.036 0.039 0.039 0.043 0.043 0.076 0.076 0.092 0,092 - Trble the temperature tempcreturG coeffl.clenta Temperature Coefficients Table 6 gtvee gives the coefficients Temperature Coefflclente of teat condittonl. computed for the six combinations of test conditions. conputed for the alx conblnetl.ons TABLE 6 5 IABLE Temperature Gocf Coefficients fl.clcntr Terycrrturc Tests Teatr 1, 1, 2,, 2 3,, 3 4, 4, 5,, 5 6, 6, 1* la 2* 2e 3* 3e 4* 4t 3aa 5 6* 6r ppt Salinity, 3a11nlty. ppt 25 25 15 l5 25 25 15 15 25 25 15 15 Waste Conc., vol. l{aeta Concr, 7. Z by vol. 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 -!@Temp. Coeff. 0 1.163 1 .163 1.127 L.L27 1.158 1 .158 1.143 1 .143 1.135 1 .135 1.082 082 khh q)()0) aau) 15 tfl .d 14 ooo o c r ..1o .ra Series4 #5a Series 3 0 #5 Series2 #5a Ndlril $ £ #5a .rf rn d rn |f|rnrn |n rn :k:h+:fr :k rk 13 (v) oour<< Time, days FigurelU. Series 2, 3, &4 - #5 & 5af 3%kraft - 25 ppt - 20°C 12 NO o o N 10.11 I da ;N & |r| I *) 9 (}.g t+{ J Es (v,l \ I \ 8 €,3 o tl .tr II \ \o | $ .5 -i \,/ rro 5 \ .i, rA I-{ 6 \ - c, '-E + 7 e1 o \ o @5. rn \o \ \ ^i t, .A $b \ 4 .-r-- I rf N 3 (r't ' paurnsuog 'G'O'g ,t"p-g I€IlIuI % N 1 0 o 10 30 oof-\Otfl$dl 40 ooo<)oo 50 0 -\\ / D- III o /I7 "\ Nia \ /1/ o{\i '1A 17 .v 2 / ll 100 (n d Fa o c; oo oo. .E h j b0 F.l hkt{ 0r{ro (r)a(a I o#6 #6 u 20°C I I 0 a oa0r<< 13 :h {ts:h+ rk:|h o o d - I "r NR 12 I +r 15 ppt t e g rn - I 11 & .A td td td \C, \O\C, \O \O \g t- ll e, 15 c, .d 14 0, .d Series 4 #6a Series 3 #6a Series 2 N(fr$ glatn I I 10 l+l Fl .d I l'l J I o& \ (l):h I 7 \r1tr\ E ' HHl Hs & \\ 6 .O |ft \o \ I \ ,*t\ r (f) N o I \\ \ tl rf.|tlD 5 \ c) .d h q) \ .at $a 4 I \ I (at.{ 3 I i 11 I o o a 2 1 I paurneuo3 '61'O'g {"P-9 lelllul % 0 0 'p 10/ 2o $ 3° o 40 100 ooa Oi-\O :: -\ I# -3.-$ 7/ / \\ I" N ll /1'/ I o sl c) bo ..{ h N oo oc Figure 11. Series 2, 3, i\ 8 \ Time, days o qJdw (r) \- - 9 o.Ee &4 h l\ #6 & 6a / 3% kraft I o+) -I -27- e, tnQ t,i |f|rn|f| :* :h :|ts o o u (r) o ii \Ct f- otrl Series 5 & 6 - #5 & 5a/ 3% kraft - 25 ppt - 12 C LL (, j. \C, ul oo (t) (, N ll I NH I .v iij tr} 11. ({ F{l .|J i+{ 10 o.y d t{ Ee (Yr 9 o. ,3 @ >.+ 'od r 3 -\O 0y *.E- tso ) o \ \ .o\ 5 rn(\| k o (r) a Figure 12. 6 \.r Time, days tl 8 1 "U o La) 7 \ \o o o t{ o 4 ff $b0 t f'r 1 2 3 \\\ tt.l sf tfl 'c 'o 'g ,(eP-g l€tllul % oo N r 3c oo '4C Par,unsuog rn O5 oo \o °60 100 oo oo. 80 \ - -28- \o ln oul o{, ktl oq) (aa r- ,d \O \O \O :|ts :G :h F- o c; t $ \tI\r1\ I ot \.g \l o ( N ]a \o I +r A p. ,\ \ u Time, days Figure 13. Series 5 & 6 - #6 & 6a/ 3% kraft - 15 ppt - 12°C ll o ll r L c o o ii. N 10 qrn Fa 1 +) o.H \\ h w o a o$ \r Y\o 1 r= .E "z \o F{ :h I 6 \O \O a rn 5 rno o .d 4 .(/) h 0) a C|| F 3 .v1 c) h 5 bt) .d 1 2 NIq c % oo 'C Q ZC -4 -4 Lfl peumcuog 'CI'O'51 ,(eP-g I"$luI I-, $(v)N 30 ooo 4o t-\O|f| 050 70 100 ooo 60 o ooo oct.co -29-29for Series Serlea obtatned for date was seg obtained Pearl-Benson Teats -- Peerl-Benion Pearl-Benson Indax 1dex data Peerl-Bencon Tegta all rlnllar f,or date The data for all similar 6 et 12°C. and 6 at l2oc. Tlre serler 55 and 3 m and 4 at 20°C and Series Detat Data, for plotting. rar. rupert4oged for tests at cech each temperature were superimposed tcrycrrturc te3t, et Plotttng. Ftgurce {n erc shown ahownin Figures plotted as pcrcont Initial P.B.I. Consumed, Contuned, are plotted tr percent Inltlel P.B.I. 14, 15, 15, 16 16 and eld 17. 17. 14, - Bioassay for all ell experimental experlncntrl narc conducted DLoarery tests testf were conductcd for Toxicity tcrte Tests Toxtcltv thc results rceulta betwc€n test ta.t runs, runst the ln the tho data deta between varl.rtlonr in iEilec.--Ee to the the variations series. Due to of everage of the average lftthln each run, the Within preaented separately. crch run, reperrtely, of each run are ere presented of crch run thc of the purposeer The plottlng purposes. ltc results rcrulta of ueed for for plotting tro duplicates dupllcatee is lr used the the two ere concentrltlonl reven p€rcent tests urlng using tGn ten pcrc€nt percent and and seven percent waetc waste concentrations are te3t! plot of of the thc TI,5, TI5, expresred shown expressed at as ra Peroent.Sc percentage of, of kraft kraft rsstet waste, ea aa plot ehorm as percent waste conwast€ conurlng the the three threc percent dayr. For the thc tests tlnc in tcrtr using ln days. versus time peroentegc of notnal larvae lanae of normal plotted as as the the percentage centration, the rcaultr are rr€ plotted ccntrltlon, thc results of these theae The results resul,tr of undl.luted sample. aarlplc. Tlre tert using uelng the the undiluted counted in ln a test tabul8tlon A complete 2!. A conplete tabulation through 22. ln Figures 16 through bloaeeay arc shown Ftgures 16 bioassay tests teata are rhmn in B. Appendlx B. bc found ln Appendix found in bloaeeay test tcat can can be of the the bioassay of of, the the results rcaults of 0 -30- U 15 ol r Series4 Series 3 I #6a (l r* o u \lO I o a Bl 12 {t o#6 o#6 :h "o N N I I I 11 1a I I +) .a-) rH Ee (rl \\ 8 ga Time, days U 6d al €\O 7 rf1 ._ I L - * i, El F I 4 (n ro 6 o) I 5 U I 5 rn 4 I Figure 14. 4 I a tf11 o k trt I h0 I (tr 3 , 03 3 h I 0 ao 1 0 1 o 00 o 2 o trt o Paumsuot 'I'8'd t"trlul '6 0 20 4O 60 80 0 20 BSR .5 .5 Palrlnsuoc : 80 0 Eltr I?!r!uI % r{ e h0 i; h 'I'g'd a F. (, 89R t{ c) ('J V) F a (v) .d h C) { \tt o 6 a) lr.' \o Figure 15. nl € -:k 0, El F\il 0 o6r rto d tft Time, days 7 6 I 9 s ga ro d k nJd I 9 o i{ d h '!d 8 o .o, P' rn d )J I 10 o prl 0 o 0 11 t +) O. P' rn N 10 ao Series 3 & 4 - #6 & 6a/ 3% kraft - 15 ppt - 20°C lt, ro to rt' ro :* u o 12 I idd ta 3a lt, +:*r*+ o O trI v, #6a !, 13 tu oqr ri Series 3 &4 - #5 & Sal 3% kraft - 25 ppt - 20°C #Sa o#5 ut $ {, tu 'E I 0, o.a ntt 60 { 13 ru 'd Series 4 6q o #5 #5a Series 3 .vt 14 4 1 ao Clo -31- 0 o 0 #6a56 O o 12°C Series 5 #6a th qt N I oatrt .p 15 ppt +) o. p. & P' rn rn 0 dN 11 I tu 'E 0#6 NI d. o#6 I ooor il ro rat (o ro ro +**:t N 12 #5 0#5 dd utlJ)rnl,) :h :* rt rt 0 tt 0 I mQ do #5a #Sa rD ao c, .E ruo 25 ppt - 12°C 3/, 0 r, 14 Series5 olu ru(u Seriesó 10 t) qa 13 I 15 16 S o c - - +r #6 & 6a1 3% kraft d I I kraft +J r+a d t{ d 9k .u 3 #5 &5a13% Ee (t o ol \. d tn 9 S 0 Be ({) d \o & & 7 -l 'RH il 6 ro o 0 0 ooo :F .* hl v -\O 8"U i: rn d u1 o (l) o (l) Figure 17. Series fl €\o Time, days o \o Figure 16. Series 5 &6 Time, days 8 orn .d k (u (n t.| (t) a 5 l'n rtrl a a trEl I a \9 F (l) 4 (l) $t1 0 oCo ooE d 'u0 / h 0 lo 1 ., 2 Paumlmoc 80 0 80 20 l8lrlut % c N o oo 'I'8'd t ht) h oa ilE 89R Fr { 3 0 trcl 5 & 6 10 I (H o 89R PaurnsuoS'l'8'd l€ptul '6 16 -32- o.r {J OA rn rn NFI \O 14 .dd lft &cd lJ) :F 15 +, \O :|h /*o u 11 I l d-o I 18. Series 2 - #5, 5a & 6, 6a / 3% kraft - 20°C o 12 13 ,"1..1. N I I l I 10 ()+r trf d o |' v, I o' 9 f Be (v) Time, days o\\ >.d 8 -- l- dr d \O .d o ?lA 7 F-.5 F{ d rn u') 6 \O+ 5 I ll'l N m C) .Fl l{ 4 o a d. € Fl o t Figure 3 (nh bI) 'd h cd 1 2 6' ee^r"T l€rrlroN-c% a, cd 71 101 oooooo€)o00 oo\€F-\otft{{(vlN E1 0 1 2 (\l - 33- 16 \o gg Ag tt) +, ln 15 +t rn NFa 14 dd 13 rn \o &d rn \O -1"i. :ft rF 12 20°C kraft 3% 6a1 6, & 5a #5, days Time, 11 p -o N I 10 o! d 1+{ d l'{ 9 o' .v Be (v) \" 8 -Rs '3d 7 Fc b \O at& d x|r| F,' rn :fr - I (rl 3 o o) Series 19. Figure 5 rfl .r{ h O 4 s a a o\ FI (afl ) .90 tr I N L z 0 k E a"AreT l€urroN-G% o 10 \O|.flsiltvl 20 30 -50 oooo 60 70 80 OO.OI- 90 OC 1 oooo nld U1 I "5A lfl !k rn I l" I N-l 15 oo rr \O 14 OA #6 & 6a (15 ppt) #5 & 5a (25 ppt) 16 -34- \O :h I 13 -1..i. \ 12 - I : u Figure 20. Series 4 - #5, 5a & 6, 6a/ 3% kraft - 20°C I 11 t\ o 10 oR I ,H d t. ,y U'Es >. (Y) Time, days -- - 9 o., -€ 8 -td -\O 7 I al *E 'F e- \o a \o 6 I d u) 7' :h rn$ 5 I I ta I (f) 4 rf3 I .9 t'' 3 G| 0) h / j" d I 2 1 N o e"Ar€T lerrlroN-q% I 0 0 10 20 30 40_..j 50 60 70 90 100 oo.@|t-\otft o>< 1 / tEl I oc)ocoo @ '.' -35- 16 \o I I I AG A& Ag. tntrl 15 rfl NF. dd I lJ'l \O 13 :h+ 14 rn \o d& ll -le ol. 12 lr 2°C 1 11 F.Q do N - kraft or J d+) l+{ d f{ dd 6a S @€ / \o 6, days Time, tD .x Be (n 3% 9 o\ O\O \O #5, u & 5a E"B t!ga - d rJ) d :|ts I tno 5 Series 21. rn ct .F h o a - $. ) F. ({ Figure di9 F{ I b0 .H L N o :-\ l-- \" \ 0 10 b2 l€trtroN-G% 20 30 o 4) e€Ar"T 40 1 10 OO.@,:-\9 8 9 ooooo I-l 0' \o rn \ $ (a \ N \ F. I I {-) ifl =d l l "1".1. I k v, Bs o.d) d oohd € \ r-H t 'r|L \ \Ol \ I l h r'{ N .lo z .4 cd eeAJ€T leurroN-qo6 (n Nd 1 \tr 2 l') o4 \O ID 7 8 9 10 O.O t bo .d \ o<) 6l o "{. I o a a ._ v6l (v) I -\o .d rnh .) ,ri o q) \ ooeo a g,* \ oo \r o\o Time, days dd rn \O dd lr|<, *:h o F{N .)' Figure 22. Series 6- #5, 5a &6, 6a/ 3%kraft - 12°C u \ o '37-37- Baeed been had been by others, t't had others, it done by of worlr analyolc of Based upon upon analysis work done Discussion Qlqcuqg:Lo_q Ttre The neture. be of two-comPonentnature, of aI two-component would be anticipated that the curves cunrea would ii,EGffid that the rate and the the slower slffier rate fracttOn and to the sugar fraction fastest rate muld would pertstn pertain to faetect rate flrct-ordcr thet aa first-order chow, however, that The cunree show, llgnln fraction. f,ractlon. Ttre curves to the the lignin to degradetl.on that lignin llgn{n degradation glvee the data indicating bcat fit lndtcettng that flt of of the tha data the best curve cunre gives thc curr/€r did the of not effect ehape did not effect the shape of the curve. perlod exists. Ttrtr This exlsta. no lag lag period lndlceta no 20oC teats for the the 200C terte indicate Ttre curves curvec for The the In In the lag. a evol.d to wag choeen level seedlng level was chosen to avoid a lag. was expected since raa the seeding alnce the tetts of of the the tests perlod for eone oecurred lag the 12°C 12oC runs, run8, aa small case caee of of the anall lag period occurred for some It is not knonn known whether whether ts not eame. It the same. aeedlng level level remained remal.ned the the seeding even though the Gven 8ona or organiamr populatlon of of seed seed organisms or some decresae in ln the the population this due to to a decrease thie is lg due factor. other other factor. descendlng ln descending obcerved arranged ananged in rate constants conrtantc observed ahows the the rate Table 7 shows order of of magnitude. uagnltude. order TABLE77 TABLE Rate Constants Conrtents of, Rate Rearrangenent Rearrangement of Temp. og °C Waste Conc. 3 3 3 3 7 7 Serlea Series Teetc Tests 2r3r& 4 4 5 5,, 6 6., 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2 2,, 5 5aa 6a 6a 3a 3a 4a 4a Ia 1a 2a 2a 2ooc 20°C 6, 6, 6a 6a 5aa 5 4t 4a 3a 3a 2a 2a la 1a 12°C 120C 5 &&6 6 5 5,, 4, 4, 3 3,, 2, 2, I, 1, tt " ll tf " tt " It " tl " ll It " t, " It " by vol. vol. Z. by 7 7 10 10 L0 10 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 lnlty Salinity ppt PPt k1 25 25 15 15 25 25 15 15 25 25 15 15 0.210 0.210 0.173 0 .173 0.126 0.126 0.125 0.125 0.114 0.114 0.094 0.094 15 15 25 25 15 15 25 25 0.092 0.092 0.076 0,076 0.043 0.043 0.039 0.039 0.036 0.036 0.034 0.034 15 15 25 25 alonet tteote concentration coneentretl.on alone, to waste reepect to Considering this with respect this sequence with Conglder[ng to the the corresponde to constent corresponds rate constant largest rate 20oC the the largest it can be seen at 20°C that at aeen that tt cen one One noted. trend is is noted. At aarne trend the same At 12°C, 12oC, the rast€ concentration. concentration. weakest weakeat waste or toxic toxlc be inhibitory tnhlbltory may be there may possible for or that there thle is ls that poaatble explanation for this explanatlon Slnce an Since action. bacterlel the bacterial retard the substances waste wtrtch which retard action. the wa8t€ ln the lubctanceg in of acclimated seed was uged used to to Lnnoculate innoculate the the test test contaLnera, containers, an an effcct effect of aeed waa acclloated the ln the lndlcated in trenda indicated Due the trends Ihe to to the bc expected. not be expected. would not this thls type type would be considered. cons{dered. poeelblllty uuat be data, must horever, this thla possibility data, however, Table ln tablc Rate Congtents Constants as Function of of Saltnlty Salinity -- If If the the rate rate cotrBtaotB constants in aa a FunctLon Rate pl'cture is is picture dlfferent alone, aa different -ttntty 7 are examined with respect to salinity alone, fastet rate rate the faster 20oC, the al 20°C, concertritlon For a glven given weate waste concentration at preccnted. presented. Fotr horever, The three highest rates, ratett however, hlghaot three Ttre callnlty. the hlghcr corresponds to the higher salinity. to cotr""poods ppt salinity. sallnlty. 25 ppt havlng 25 teet conditions condltlone threc test do not, not correrpond correspond to having to the tha three -38-38rate the fastest fsstctt rate Here the be true. to be tru€. Here aPP€ars to the reverse At 12°C rev€rse appears 12oC just Juat the sall'nlty. the lower lower salinity. to the for a glven given concontratlon concentration correepondc corresponds to for on the thc be explained nlght be explatned on 20oC runs for the rune might The lndlcated for tha 20°C trend indicated Ttrc trend erplanatl'on This explanation watet. TtrLo Ln the sea the nutrL€nt concenttatLon baaLs of basis of nutrient concentration in the sea water. Ihe rune. The the 12°C 12oGruns. from the recults from for the the results would not hold, however, for not hold, belor. dlscucsed are pooatble effects nutrl.ent of changes possible of nutrient changes are discussed below. effects Rate Constants as 8 a functlon Function of of Nutrfe Nutrient Concentration -- Ttre The flret first polnt point Rate Constsqqe ln changea ffect of to be considered with respect to nutrients is the effect of changes in of to variety Due to a variety of Dle between test tect series. aerlee. the nutrient corcentratton concentration between the nutrl€nt nae nutrl.ant concentrations eoneentretLone was on the the nutrient reasons, quantltatlve quantitative information Lnformatl,on on reasons, be can be the sampLes betreen the samples can However, relative dlfferences between relatLve differences llorever, not obtalnad. not obtained. estlmated. estimated. phenmenon caused cauaed upwel.llng phenomenon tha upwelling of this thla work the During Durlng the course of !illth respect raepect coneentretl.on. With nutrtent concentration. Ln nutrient relatively large fluctuatlons in large fluctuations relattvely up -Pr freshly contaln up may contain Oregon coast coast may off the the Oregon water off upnelled lrater freshly upwelled to PO4 to PO4 - -P, the I'n the An average probably be be in pg-atorns/l. An average concentration concentratlon would probably to 3.0 3.ti jig-atoms/i. to -1t. In the concentraconcentratn aurfece surface ttetetrsr waters, the pg-atoms/l of PO4-r -P. range of of 1.5-2.0 1.5-2.0 jig-atoms/I of PO4 renge go to zero. to essentially tlon may aeeentlalty zero. tion may go (hegon State provtded State University Unlversity provided et Oregon The Departrrent at Oceanography Department The Oceanography upwelltrtrlch per{od for durlng the experlmental datee information on the dates during the experimental period for which upwellon the tnforsratlon Ln Sertea used water sea The data indicated that that the the sea water used in Series The lndlcated Lng waa obsenred. ing was observed. for that for and that was marginal, narginal, and Serlee 3 was water for for Series the water upcelled water, 2 wae was upvelled water, the 20oC runa for the This shows that for the 20°C runs that flater. sholtg and 66 rae aurfaee water. Ttle Serles 4, Series 4, 5 and was surface for cutrrea for rtre curves poselble PO4 encountered' The -P was was encountered. Po4 r -P of the the possible a wlde wide range of have llttle spparently rnagnltuda of this thls magnitude apparently have little these tests tests indicate changes of that changdg lnd[cate that these rate. the degradation degradatlon rate. on the effect on effect , {n concenconcenchange in tha change ls the be considered The polnt which whtch should coneidered is should be Ttre other other point of aa the effect To properly evaluate the effect of properly evaluate glven test test run. run. To tration wlthln within a a given tretlon relattve be examlned change nutrient content, content, this change nust must examined relative to to the the thle change change in Ln nutrlent by connputing le done Normally this is done by computing preaent. Nornally thta of organic organtc material materlal present. amount amount of lnformatlon nutrient information quantLtatlve nutrient Since Stnce no quantitative nutrlent ratios. B.O.D. B.O.D. to ratlos. to nutrient an coalPutean In order to compute order to In were established. retlos were establtshed. was obtained, was arbl.trary ratios obtal.ned, arbitrary contained contelned sasta and waste fresh water weter and the fresh arbitrary that the was assumed aeeumedthat Lt was arbltrary ratio, railo, it any test tert of any concentratlon of nutrlent concentration the nutrient Tlrerefore, the materl.al. Therefore, nutrlent material. no nutrient no waa aalLnlty was teet salinity the test and the the salinity aallnlty and in given run was was proportlonal proportional to to the ln a gtven concentre' $gste concentrathe waste B.O.D. term telm the For the the B.O.D. the ratio. ratio. ueed for for one one term term in tn the used wa8te coneonproport{onal to the waste to the B.O.D. is tion was used used since B.O.D. Le proportional the initial lnltlal tton was al.nce the ratiog B.O.D./nutrlentr ratios B.O.D./eallnltyr or B.0.D./nutrient, arbltrary B.O.D./salinity The Ttre arbitrary centratlon. centration. for the the eallnlty for were computed dlvldlng the tho waste concentretlon concentration by by the salinity lr€re co6puted by dividing wlth the the 8, along al'ong wtth The resulta results are shown ln Table 8, ehown in test conditions. condl.tl.ons. Ttre six test cl.x corresponding rate constants. GomputatLona proposed is 100t1. Computations ls 100:1. cmonly proposed An optimum ratlo commonly B.O.D./P ratio An optlmum B.0.D./P 8ea weter indicate that water lf sea that if tegt conditions condltlons tndlcate various test baeta for fsr the the various on this thls basis of deflof defidegree htgh a lo there is considered the only nutrient source there is a high degree source nutrlent only the ls conetdered This leads possibility that that degradatlon degradation rate rate nlght might be be to the the pocstblll.ty leade to c1ency. ciency. Ttrls 8 of lable ratlo. An rxanlnrtlon An examination of Table 8 of !.o.D./saltntty a function of the the B.O.D./salinity ratio. functlon 2OoC the 20°C for the true for ls true thLg is qualltattve sen8e, this shows sense, ln a qualitative at least leaet in thet, at ahowo that, lndleates ea hlgher The hlgher higher B.O.D./oaltntty B.0.D./salinity ratlo ratio indicates higher nutrl'ent nutriegt testg. tests. Ttre glorrer tt At 12 C, 12oq raie". the to deficiency and these values correspond to the slower rates. valueg defl.ciency and theae -39- pattern here shows showe not apparent. The pattern however, this apparent. The thla relationship relattonrhlp is ls not to the tha glven lra8te faeter rate rete corresponds corrssponde to that waste concentration, concentratLon, the the faster that for for a given more nore nutrient nutrlent deficient def{clent condition. conditl.on. TABLE 8 TABLE Ratloe Arbitrary B0.D./Salinity Arbltrary B. o.D. /saltntty Ratios B0D./Salinity B.o.D. /saltntty Serlee Series Tests Teats 2 1 33, r& & 2, 4 4 5,, 5 6, 5, 3, 3, 4,, 4 1, 1, 2, 2, 5a 5a 6a 6a 3a 3a 4a la 1a 2a 2a 0.210 0.210 0.173 0.173 0.126 0 .126 0.125 0 .125 0.114 0.114 0.094 0.094 0.120 0.120 0.200 0.200 0.280 0.280 0.462 0.462 0.400 0.400 0.667 o.667 5 &&6 6 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, t, 2, 2, 1,, 1 6a 6a 5a 5a 4a 3a 3a 2a 2a Ia 1a 0.092 0.092 0.076 0.076 0.043 0.043 0.039 0.039 0.036 0.036 0.034 0.034 0.200 0.200 0.120 0.120 0.462 a.462 0.280 0.280 0.667 0.667 0.400 0.400 k nutrl.ent apparent nutrient preacnce of of this One possible explanation thla apparent for the the presence One poeclble explanatl.on for the at metabol{c rate rate at the dependency loner metabolic le the thc lower and not nog at et 12°C 12oC is at 20°C zOoCand dependency at require nag requlre a greater bacterial bacterLal activity actlvlty ma 20oC the the greater lower temperature. At 20°C lorrer temperature. For 12"C. at 12 matertal than than at proportionally C. groater amount proportlonally greater of nutrient nutrient material stount of def[nutrlent defils aa nutrient 20oCthere be that there is this that at et 20°C parttculer system, lt may nay be thle particular system, it factor oth€r factor aad some sme other le adequate adequate and ciency wtrtle while at aupply is 12eC the the nutrient nutrlent supply at 12°C clency rate. controls the degradation degradatlon rate. eontrols the tempereture the lower Loner temperature at the It of the the rates ratee at be noted that thet four four of It should ahould be Ln changee in poselble that that slight altght changes It is ls possible another. It are very close cloee to to one one another. of these these values. values. the curve reerrangedent of sone rearrangement of best fit cau8e some cunre of f,lt could cause be large enough rrculd be large enough changee would The author that the the changes feel, however, howev€r, that does not The author does not feel, B.O.D.y'nutrl.ent and B.O.D./nutrient between rate rete and to brlng about a very close correlation cotrelatlon between to bring ratio. ratl.o. above, dlscussed above, Considering nutrlent effect effect discussed of the the nutrient the aspects aspecte of all the Gonslderlng all the ln changes of it appears that within the range of values encountered changes in the valueg wlthln appeara that It rate. on the degradatlon rate. the degradation nutrient effect effect on have little ltitle nutrient concentration concentratlon have dtfference between Temperature marked difference between valuee values of of lc a marked there is Coefflclents -- There Temerature Coefficients 0 calculated from the experimental data and those reported In the literaffiEper{nenta1dataandthogereported1nthe11tera. er€ in tn the the Most used for for domeatlc domestic eerage sewage are values conmionly cormonly ueed ture. of the the values ture. llost of ln magnl.tude (194S) thls Gotaas (1948) found values of this magnitude in valuea of Cotaas range 1.040 1,060. rangc 1.0/+0 1,060. (1963) Rarpe (1963) Earpe w8ter. eea ln his study of the degradation of sewage in sea water. of sewego hla etudy of the degradatlon The only only welteo. Ttre rrlth kraft kraft wastes. hls study reported etudy with 1.06 for for his near 1.06 reported aa value near (1941). ltloore of waa that study reporting values as high as those found was that of Moore (1941). those found 8t;dy reportlng valuee ae hlgh es temparature ln the the temperature sewagcin dmestl.c sewage He for domestic for 00 of of 1.145 1.145 for He reported valuc for reported aa value ln this thls used At the temperatures corresponding to these used in those to 0.5 - 5°C. 5oC. At the tenpereturea corr€apondlng range 0.5 experiment dropped to to 1.065. 1.065. the value dropped experlment the -40-40g. of 9. glven for hlgher values of theae higher be given for these can be No explanatlon can deflnlta explanation No definite tha rates ratea aneountered, the the range range commonly comronly encountered, wlthtn the be within In then to to be for them order for In order data The lhe data ae fast. fast. twl.ce as be approximately approxlmatelyi twice would be at the teqersture et the 12°C 12oC temperature be nay be good fit. It may It flt. obtalntng aa good Ln obtaining that much latltude in does not allow much latitude allop that doec not nutrtent the apparent apparent nutrient of the the effect effect of that tenperature the et the lower loser temperature thst at expertTtris experirate. This the.rate. further reducing reduclng the thereby further deficiency nagnlfted, thereby deflcl.ency is [a magnified, pertatn 0 of of 9 pertain valuee these that prove conclusLvely doee not ment certainly does not prove conclusively that these values ment certalnly good nae there and however, These were computed, however, and there was good lrere computed, values waste. Thoee for kraft kraft waste. for to needed teats Further tests are needed to teet r$rroo Surther the varloue duplication dupltcetlon from from the various test runs. polnt. thle point. thoroughly examine thoroughly examine this treea' dead trees, llgnln in ln dead genarally known that lignin known that Pearl-Benson Tests -- It It is ls generally Pear!-Beneo!_!qq+. etc., very fleaves, figraded a t a v eis r y degraded s 1 o w r a t eat b y tah e b a c tslow e r l ' arate i n t h eby the bacteria in the should degradatlon should go11. There that lignin llgnln degradation to suspect susPect that no reason reason to Le no Ttrere is soil. of decay The slow decay of ltre aquatLc environment. envLronnent. an aquatic rate in ln an at aA faster faster rate occur at ts truet thls If this is true, notlon' rf thle notion. to support eupport this ln water water tends tends to wood submerged wood aubmergedin primarl'ly llgnln measures primarily lignin test measures the Pearl-Benson Peart-Benson test aesumedthat that the and if tf it lt assumed and gradual slow gradual ehowaa slow should show versus time ttme should in pulping wastes, wastes, data data for for P.B.I. PB.I. versus ln pulptng that lndlcate theee experiments Ln these experlments indicate that obtai.ned in Ttre data obtained Ln P.B.I.. P.B.L.. The deciease in decrease c88€r th€ case. such is 1g not not the such daye, 40 -- 50 about two two days, after about that after shott that 20oC tests The for the the 20°C teats show data for Ttre data 15 12 -- 15 In followlng 12 the following In the wae depleted. depleted. P.B.I. was percent lnltlal of the the initial percent of P.B.I. wag P.B.I. of thE tnttlal more days, however, only about ten percent more of the initial P.B.I. was about ten only howevet, daye, Percent general charactercharacterthe general data exhibits portlon of of the exhlblts the the data latter portion Ttre latter coneumed. The Tfie The above. stated argunent of the baele istics anticipated the basis of the argument stated above. on the antlclpated lstlcs explanatton. different explanation. a dlff,erent requtrea decrease presence rapld Lntttal rapid decrease requires a presence of of this thls initial meesures test measures Pearl-Benson test the Pearl-Benson be that The most logical that the to be appears to loglcal answer appears iLe ro"t preclpltated la that llgnln or somethtng in the waste other than lignin or that lignin is precipitated sonethlng tn ttre lraste other than ltgnl.n blodegradaBlon. than biodegradation. from waste by by other other mechaalame mechanisms than fron the the-waate consumed0 these that these eholtn that condeneates have shown Tests conducted conducted on evaporator evaporator condensates Teets the fact despite P.B.I. liquids can exhlbtt exhibit aa relettvely relatively h{gh high apparent apparent PB.I. despite the fact llqutda can thts thet thought It is thought that this present. It ls derlvatlvee present. ttgntn derivatives that there are no lignin that there eondensatec. the condensates. the found tn phenoll.c compounds compounds found in apparent P.B.I. P.BI. is to phenolic le due due to apparent overnlght. to stand etand overnight. allowed to are allowed the samples are This tf the wl1l disappear dlsappear if P.B.I. will Thls P.B.I. ""rpiu" volatilization. phenole through through volatllization. of the the phenols This loss to to loss lose of attrlbuted loag is ls attributed Thle duo 18 due data is P.B.I. data ln the the P.B.I. drop observed obsenred in It that tnltlal drop thet the the initial ts likely llkely It is possl'other The other possiTtre atmosphere. to the the atmosphere. non-ltgnln corrpounds to of non-lignin to compounds to the the loss losg of whlch are, some bilities are some non-volatlle non-volatile compound compound preaent present which that there there are, bllltles are that or or blologlcally degradable biologically raadlly degradable and is ts readily exhibits P.B.I. and en apparent apparent P.B.I. exhlbltg an other processes or other preclpltatlon Processes that lignin is precipitation or adsorptlon, lg removed removed by adsorption, that llgnln blodegradatlon. than biodegradation. than be nlght be whlch might any trends trendg which polnt out out any to point Toxicity Before attempting attefipttng to Toxlctt)f Test8 Teste -- Before data the data to discuss dLscues the approprlate to discernable in data, data, it lt is ie appropriate the toxicity toxlclty G the dtscerdble large teats show eholt aa large bioeeeay tests The results from the the bioassay obtalned from resulte obtained Ttre ltgelf. itself. the data variability for primarily in data Pertalnl'ng pertaining to to Percent percent in the some tests, tests, primartly for some varlablllty wLth but even even with consLstent, but The TLm much more consistent, data was much IL,o data D-Normal larvae. D-Normal larvee. ratlonally whlch cannot cannot rationally toxlclty ln toxicity Lncreases in it which eu'dden increases Beveral sudden It there there were several I'n lnetances in several instances there were several During Serles Series 2 and 3, 3, there Durlng be explained. explained. teet the ln eparmlng obtal.n to faLlure which lost due to failure to obtain spawning in the test to were lost whlch samples eamplee ntls This gape in data. the data. |n the These ln large large gaps resulted in losseg resulted tte"" losses organlema. organisms. tool in ln tool be valuable e may bloaeaay author feels that while the mussel bioassay may be a valuable mueeel whlle the that anihor feelg of method of method a as value lts basls, determining toxicittes on a one-time basis, its value as a one-tlme deterurlnlng toxtcttlea varlablllty. thls variability. due to to this following degradation may be limited llmlted due degradatlon may followlng -41- ln the the varlatlon in ltttle very little With there [e very variation there is to salinity, sallnity, Wl.th respect respect to teete conducted the tests conducted between tn toxlclty degradetlon of degradation in toxicity between rate and amount arnountof rate and ppt appears sPPears 25 ppt at' 25 rate at the rate In some some cases, casesr the ppt and at 15 15 ppt. at and those those at at 25 25 ppt Ppt' In not appeer does tt that small ls so slightly faster, but the difference is so small that it does not appear altghtly faoter, but tha dLfference be significant. rlgnlflcant. to be to waste conconrerPect to to waste wtth respect lB examined exa,nLnedwith When of toxicity toxlclty is t{hen the the removal removal of ls A valid comparison is A vall.d cmparlson noted. are noted. differences are centration, no significant algntfl.cant differences centratlon, no kraft kraf C te8ts uelng possible only only wl.th with the using seven seven percent percent and and ten ten Percetrt percent the tests poseible faahton. alnller fashion. ln aa similar raported in are reported since of these theee tests tests are the results results of llnce the degradatlon was fagter rate The rate of of degradation was obtalned obtained tesfc indicated lndlcated a faster Ttra B.O.D. tests toxtclty that the the toxicity acsumedthat tt is is assumed If it waste concentrations. concentr&tl.ong. If the lower lower waste with wlth the of rate of the rate that the would suspect suspect that one would is due to various organic organl.c compounds, compoundo, one to varl.oue ls concentraltaste concent'ralower waste at the the lower lncrease at degradation of would also also increase sf toxicity degradatlon toxl.clty would ltaste of the the three three percent This nay may indeed ln the the case ceee of happen in Percent waste lndeed happen ttons. tions. Ttrla be be cannot levels other loadlng wlth concentration, but a comparison with the other loading levels cannot but conparlson concentratlon, nede. made. influence have aa large large I'nfluence to have appeare to The of the the environment envl.rornent appears Ttre temperature tenperature of teste shon 20oC the tor A study of the TL for the 20°C tests show the A of study toxlclty. of toxicity. removal of on on the the removal \ days days ten flret the over toxlcfty ln that there is a significant reduction in toxicity over the first ten reduction slgnlflcant that there !s aPProxlmetely approximately up 2.5 to goee 2.0 On an average, the TLm goes from 2.0 2.5 up to from 8verage, T16 On en of of the the test. test. On the the On toxl'clty. ln toxicity. percent reduction reductl.on in 300 percent to about ebout aa 300 amounts to 7.O. This llhl.e amounts 7.0. in ln decreaee e 8ma11 only show rune show only a small decrease the 12°C 12oC runs other from the data from the data other hand, the the be expected on A slower removal on the rete would be renoval rate A perlod' slower over test the TLm over the test period. \ temPeraturest colder at the actlvlty at the colder temperatures, btological activity basis ln biological Uaita of of the decrease in the decrease of evaluation of does not but not pennlt permit a a quantltattve quantitative evaluatLon but the nature of of the data does the nature theee changes. changes. these bl'oassay the reeutta It must be remembered remembered when when considering considering the results of of the bioassay It rmrst It is improper lmproper la organLcm. It one test pertatns to test organism. onLy one to only tests thet this thls data pertains tests that organl'sme. other organisms. to other theae results reeults to and extrapolate extrapolate these at point to to try try and at this thls point lndlcaLn P.B.I. Results of work indicate that changea changes in P.B.I. are are not not indicalndtcate that of this thie work Reeulte There does waste. Ttrere does the waste. of the charact€rl.8tlcs of adverge characteristics tive of the other more adverse other more tlve of toxLctty. or toxicity. B.O.D. or and B.O.D. not correlation betlteen between P.B.I. P.B1. and appear to to be any correlatlon not appear having rtdel'y widely havlng for samples be The same P.3.1. reading can be encountered for samples encountered can fire sarne P.B.I. readlng galns lnfontatlon gains Ttrtg information characterl.gtl.ce. This different toxl.clty characteristics. and toxicity B.O.I). and dlfferent B.O.D. considered. consl'dered. are test Pearl-Ben8on added importance when the usee uses of of the tha Pearl-Benson test are the added lmportance when pollution of pollutlon lndlcator of ln the Northwest as This widely used used in as en an indicator le rldely tegt is Ttrta test proceeded haa Pollution litigation has proceeded lltl.gatton Pollutlon lnduotry. from the pulp and paper industry. and paper the pulp howevert remal'ne, however, fect remains, Ttre fact pl,ecea of of evidence, evidence. The prlmc pieces using P.B.1. data as ig prime ualng P.B.I.- data P.3.1 readings readlngs P.B.I between no relationship relationghip between that ttttte or no ls apparently apparattlly little there is that there pollutlon and the condition of of the the equattc aquatic ennlronmnt environment wlth with resPect respect to to pollution and the condl.tlon effectg. effects. --42-. 42' ANDIpXTC OF ORGANIC ORGANTC FOAM AND TOXIC SEPAMTIoN OF roAlt SEPARATION EFTLUENTS KRAFTMILL MILL EFFLUENTS MATERIALS IN IN KRAFT MATERIALS foanlng natural foaming the natural and the nature and Introduction Becauseof organlc nature of the Introductton -- Because the organic lnvestlgate wag to declded characteristics of kraft mill effluents, it was decided to investigate lt of kraft ntlL effluents, ;frerarffiElca The The treatnent. of treatment. es a nethod the feasibility of ualng using foam method of separatlon as of foan separation the feaslbtllty as reductton by B.O.D. and C.O.D. C.O.D. reduction as treatment efficiency B.O.D. and was evaluated evaluated by affLclency was organtsme. narlne organismé. to marine toxlcl.ty to well well as ae the the decrease decreace in ln toxicity pulp and and kraft pulp fron aa kraft obtalned from Samples of whole nlll mill effluent effluent obtained Sampleo of the nhole sample. the sample. through the by sparging alr through paper ntll opargtng air foamedin column by paper mill were were foamed tn aa column wac catlontc surfactants surfactantg was and cationic anlonlc, and The addlng nonionic, nonlontc, anionic, Ttre effect of adding effect of of, the effect effect of 40'C to as8es8 the 25t'C and and 40°C to assess were foamed at 25°C Sanples werG foaned at evaluated, Samples evaluated. temperature. be formed, and fonned, and not always alwaye be would not foam would It was observed stable foam observed that that a I stable It was be necessary neceasary may sometimes sometluec be agent may ectlve agent that of a surface aurface active addttton of that the addition percent and and C.O.D. G'O'D. to 35.2 35.2 percent B.OD, 15.8 to fron 15.8 B.O.D.reductions r€ducttons from for foam foau stability. stablllty. for of surThe addition of surcdditlon Ttre percent were obtalned. 20.2 reductions from 79 to 20.2 percent were obtained. 7.9 to fron reductlons reducB.O.D. and C.O.D. reducand C.0.D. tncreaee B.O.D. dld not materlally face active materially increase actlve agents agents did tion. tlon. organlen (Uytllug,cdullc ueed as the test test organism ae the wae used The mussel (Mytilus edulia L.) L.) was bay uuesel Ttre bay of to 1.8 to danrage TL's toxicity causing 507. damage of 1.8 50% teets- TLils toxtcLty eauetng for toxlelty teats. for the toxicity TL's waste. TL6fc untreated the untreated waste. on the observed on 3.7 percent percent concentratton concentration were were observed 3.7 reductlon The toxicity toxlclty reduction after foaming. foamlng. ?he percent were were obtained obtalned after up up to to 8.4 8.4 percent before foanfng) waste (raito of TLsrof of waste before foaming) to TLm foanlng to after foaming factor (ratio of Tlo TLm of of waete waste after factor up Reduction factors up factors Reductlon reductton. was used of toxicity toxlclty reduction. was uaed as the measure of the measure and of surfactant surfactent and addl.tton of the addition to 2.3 2.3 rere were obtained uhen when foamed without the foamad lrlthout to Lower reducLower reduceurfactant. nonl.onlc surfactant. LA, aa nonionic when wtth Krystallamide Kryetallarnlde LA, when foamed foamedwith gurfactante. ugtng ionic Lonlc surfactants. tion were observed observed when when using factors lrere tlon factors toxictty or toxicity B.O.D.r C.O.D. C.0.D. or Increasing affect B.O.D., dld not affect temperature did Increaelng the temperature gener6ted at at the the usually generated was usually However, a larger volume of of foam foarn was lerger volum reduction. reductl.on. However, higher htgher temperature. tenpcreture. (1) wtthout without phaaea: (1) three phases: ln three was conducted conducted in The study etudy was Method of of Study Study -- The aur(2) with nonlonlc surof aa nonionic additton of the addition of (2) wlth the the addition surfactant, of a surfactant, tffiitron of The degree of The degree eurfactantg. (3) wlth of ionic tonlc surfactants. factant, and (3) with the the addition addltlon of faetant, B.O.D.r C.O.D. C.O.D. and ln B.O.D., treatment was analyzed reductlon in the reduction anatyzed by the obtalned was treatment obtained toxlclty. toxicity. follows: are as es follows: The thelr purpose conducted and their Ttre tests testc conducted PurPose are uee of of aa suraurwlthout the the use foamed without wag foamed weote sample eampte was i. A whole waste ,.,1. i'fecC seParatlon foan separation the natural natural. foam face actl.ve active additive to evaluate evaluate the addltlve to ' ' potentlal, potential. uged to to was used IA, was A Krystallamide Kryetallarnlde LA, A nonionic nonlonic surfactant, rurfactant, a 63-67 Krystallamide LA is a 63-67 IA le Krystallarnlde increase the foam stability. lncrelse the foam etablllty. The effect Tfte effect d{ethanolaml.de. acid diethanolamide. percent solution pGrcent of lauric laurlc acid aotutlon of surfectant. ualng thls of gas flow rate was also evaluated using this surfactant. ttso evaluated ftow rate we8 of 2. 2. -43-43\tas used uced to to evaluate evaluate A A cationic AmronJrxLO, IO, was catlonlc surfactant, surfactant, Ammonyx or electroelectrothe of using a surfactant to complex cornplex or the feasibility feeslbtltty of uelng eurfactant to nonand nonactive and statically attract attract the anionic anton{c weakly surface active rtattcslly eurfactant waste. The The cationic surface active actlve materials materlale in the waste. catlonic surfactant rurface ln the percent Ammonyx LO le a 30 30 percent Amonyx LO is war was evaluated at at two two concentrations. concentratlons' oxl.de. solution of lauryl dimethyl amine oxide. solutlon of lauryl dtnethyl anine 3. ,. was used uaed to to An An anionic eulfate, was anlonlc surfactant, aurfactant, sodium eodlum lauryl lauryl sulfate, complex to complex evaluate of uslng aa surfactant aurfactent to the feasibility feaslblltty of using avaluate the eurface or electrostatically attract csttontc weakly weakly surface ettract the the cationic electrostatlcslly The the waste. wa6te. The and non-surface active matertela in tn the acttve and acttve materials * active anionic at two two concentrations. concentrStione. anl.onfc surfactantwas aurfactant wapevaluated evaluated at 4. 4. tn tandem tendcn The lrere foamed fosmedin Ttre anionic anlonic and and cationic catlonlc surfactants aurfactants were by the the bel.ng removed to materials were were being removedby to determine if lf different dtfferent materiale ternparasurfactants. Ttris an elevated elevated temperaThis test aurfactants. test was was conducted conductedat at an appralae its ture lte effect. cffect. ture to appraise 5. 5. foanredin ln rrere each The each foamed anlonlc and and cationic eurfactants were Ttre anionic cattonLc surfactants eurfacttnt The nonlontc nonionic surfactant tandem with the nonlonlc surfactant. The the nonionic surfactant. tandemwlth the bulk glve foam was remove the bulk used to order to to remove was used to give foem stability etabtltty in ln order ba to be whleh were of were thought thought to of the the remaining remalnlng ionic lonlc surfactants eurfactante which treated significantly contrlbutlng contributing to of the the treated the toxicity toxlclty of to the elgnlflcantly al.ao evaluated. evaluated. was also waste. The effect effect of of elevated temperature was wa8te. Ttre elevated temperature 6. 6. ln aa sample in Batch were conducted uelng aa one one liter llter sample Batch foaming foanring tests teets were conducted using the from the plctured in drawn from 23. Compressed alr was was drawn foaming ln Figure Flgure 23. Compreseedair foarntng column column pictured pst by by aa precsure was to 15 15 psi laboratory was reduced reduced to and the laboratory supply lines llnee And the pressure manually rlas manually The air was filtered preoaure regulator. the flow flow was flltered and pressure Ttre alr was and the regulator. by ae The air flow rate was measured by waa measured alr flow rate controlled through a needle valve. needle Ttre velve. controlled through through The air entered the column through the col.umn air Roger Gtlnont Cilmont instrument flowrneter. Ttre entered Roger instrument flowmeter. movable glaes filtering in aa movable tube fitted fltted in a medtum medium poroalty, porosity, fritted frttted glass fllterlng tube plug bottom of of the the column. colurnn' A rubber stopper whlch which was the was used ueed to to the bottom posltloned in atopper. mercurial ln the rubber stopper. ttas positioned the rubber mercurlal thermometer thernroneter was of 1.5 1.5 The flve foot foot length was constructed from aa five length of cotumn was constructed from foamtng column Ttre foaming column The foam glass pipe. ptpe. Ttre top of of the the column from the the top foam exited exlted from inch dlameter diameter glass lnch tape A varlac variac controlled heatlng tape control.led heating degree elbow. through a 90 degree elbow. A a removable removable 90 deslred liquid the desired ltqutd tempereture was maintain the temperature around the to matntatn etapped around the column column to wa8 wrapped movable by the The was varied varled by the movable hetght of of the the liquid liqutd was during durlng the The height the tests. tests. the restdence resldence order to rubber stopper to allow allow the bottom of of the cotumn in ln order ln the the bottom the column stopper in After After rates. flow rates. at varying varylng flow time of the approxl.mately equal at foam to to be approximately the foam tl,ne of foam broken in tn aa centrifugal c€ntrlfugel foam leaving the top of the coluiiin, column, the foam was broken foam was leaving top'of beaker. breaker and ln aa beaker. and collected collected in premeasuredone one liter llter The of bringing brlnglng aa premeasured operetlon consisted consiated of foarntng operation the foaming 1he bath. The water bath. ln aa water sample waste to the test test temperature temPerature in to the eample of of the the ltaste column was charged from the with the sample and the the proper proper alr air flow flow the top top wlth the eanrple column wae The sample was foamed at a foamed at was Ttre sanple was by means of aa needle needle valve. valve. was adjusted meanaof adJuated by (* 2°C) 2oC) (t 10 percent) and constant temperature (± and aa constant constent temperature rate (± fO percent) flow rate constant flow of the the top of until sould exit frour the the top and no no more more foam foam would extt from untl1 the the foam foam broke and momentarlly. ts drain draln momentarily. The remalntng remaining foam foam ln in the the column column was'allowed wasallowed to column. column. Ttre tube tygon tube through aa tygon Then was drained drained from fron the column through bulk liquid the column llquLd was Ttrcn the the bulk foam bottom of of the the column. column. The The foam fitted in et the the bottom fltted ln a rubber stopper at t{ tcg il! fit$ FilE-*,#t [$E;'g;E air supply pressure regulator control valve filter surge chamber needle valve flow meter by-pass valve gas sparger thermometer 3 o|{ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 6. 7. 8. 4 5. 3. 2. 1. 1 2 T,g#* tst€ {i HLgr H955[$$E$$ 5 6 7 ta 5 +, d tt (|t g & F{ .d d g c) E t. c) A xc) o r+l U +) d o E o (a fi fl N q) a Figure 23. Schematic of experimental apparatus. foaming column motor foam breaker foamate collector 4 11 'I 14 l3 12 -44- H t4 bt) -45- draLned was then then drained and was col.lapee and to collapse allowed to remaining was allowed the column column was reogLnLng in ln the approxlmatee method approximates Ttrts method foamate. This wlth the the foamate. comblnad with from the and combined the column column and been had been nodel had flow model contlnuous flow found if lf aa continuous the condltlons conditions that that would be found the uged. used. and foamlng, and of foaming, 24 hours wlth 24 hours of conducted with B.O.D. and were conducted tests wcre and C.OSD. B.o.D. G.o.D. tests were conducted Toxicity tests were conducted tests Toxlctty foanlng. after pH was wao measured measuredinuuediately lmedlately after foaming. pH Nerpoatt at Newport, located at Lab.oratory located Sclence Laboratory Marlne Science Unlverelty Marine at the Oregon State University .t tt" Oregon scheduling, and of aanples in transportatlon of samples and ln transportation dffftcultles Ttre difficulties Oregon. The Oregon. A11 All samples were aanples were teats. the toxicity toxLeLty tests. performtng the delaya in ln performing resulted somc delays Ln some re"nlted in conducted. conducted. were teetg the until the tests were bottlee until stored at ln stoppered atoppercd glass st 4°C 4oC in ilaes bottles waete untreated waste Ln untreated surfactant in nontonlc surfactant Initial uslng the the nontonic tests using Inittal tests settled ltaste the Fibers present waste settled ln Fibers dtfitcultl'ea. ceveral difficulties. encountered Preoent in encountered several were column walls, and some were eome and the column walla, to the adhered to bottqm of the column, adhered to of the the bottom to the tests the C.O.D. C.O.D' tests from the obtained from Resulta obtained foam. Results over in tn the the foam. carried cerrled over fLbers. Several of the the fibers. dletrtbutlon of uneven distribution to the dua to the uneven were were erratic Grretlc due problem. flber problem. the fiber ellmlnate the to eliminate order to tn order pretreatment nethods methods were were tried trted in pretreetment glacc through glass flltraCLon through centrifugLng, filtration ho,nrogenlzatLon,centrifuging, Among these were, homogenization, iroog these flere, results. conaletent results. Sedimentation gave gave the most consistent the rnost wooll and sedlmentatton. Sedimentatlon wool, end sedimentation. hoirrct 12 hours, approxlmatety 12 for approximately were settled settled for oamplea were On ait'aubsequent all subsequent work, work, samples On prlor to glass wool prior to through glass f,iltered through and filtered otf and the supernatant was drawn drawn off supernat;nt was foaming. after separatLon, after foam separation, of foam eff{ctency of treatment efficiency To evaluate evaluate the treatment To conducted conducted were testg toxlclty and B.O.D., G.O.D., foaming in the column, B.0.D., C.0.D., and toxicity tests were Column, foamlng ln foarnate. and bulk llquid, surfactant, bulk liquid, and foainate. wtth eurfactant' waste whole waste with $agte, whole on whole waste, the whole on the the practices set B.O.D. with B . o . D . aand n d GC.O.D. . o . D . wwere e r e mmeasured e a s u r e d in l n aaccordance ccordancew lththepractl.cegset and Wastewater Wr-t"J-?nd.t'lastegatgr of Water tr**tlgtlon. of forth Methods for for the th" Examination ln Standard Standard U"thoda forth in Modification of of the the Modlficatlon iberg (1). In (1). fn the B.O.fl. determination, the Aisterberg tter€ Samples were Samples oxygen. dlssolved oxygen. Winkler Method used to to measure measuredissolved wae used Method was lflnkler eamplea the samples test, the C.O.D. test, the C.O.D. In the (+ 2°C) days, In flve days. for five 2oC) for 20oC (± at 20°C incubated at no and silver sulfate as a catalyst and no catalyst as a ueing sllver sulfate were tio hours using for two were refluxed refluxed for was Hydrogen ion concentration was concentratlon rtere applied. applled._- Hydrogen lon chloride corrections correctlong were chlorlde pll meter. meter. Northrup pH measured and Northrup by aa Leads Leads and measured by (MYellus edulia L.) gdults L.) mueeel (Mytilus bay mussel the bay using the Toxicity tests were conducted condueted using tests were Toxlctty Ttre The proJect. the project. wtth the aseoclated with blologtets associated by biologists organlem by test organism as the test prevlously. previously. deeerlbed been have techniques for this analysis have been described analyaio for thle technlquee foamand foamand foamate, and bulk liquid ltquid and of bulk votuncr of Results condLttons, volumes Teat conditions, Reeultg -- Test and C.O.D. pll, Results of pH, B.O.D., and C.O.D. B.O.D., of Reaulta 9. ln Tabte tabul.ated ing time are tabulated in Table 9. It[-IIne Figures Flgurea 24 24 reepectl'vely. 12 respectively. and 12 1,1, and 10, 11, analysis ln Tables Tablec 10, tabulated in ar€ tabulated analyslc are dtgcueaton For a complete discussion corplete teots. of Coxlclty and 25 show typical results of toxicity tests. ana iS show typtcal reeultc Science of Science l{aster of the Master to the dlrected to le directed reader is of the reader obtalned the the results resulte obtained of the ttFoanrSeparatlon of Toxlc and Organic and Toxic Organf'c of entltled thesis J. L. Blazler entitled "Foam Separation L. Blazier thacls by J. 1965. 1965. UnlversLty' Stite w."t"stt Oregon Materials in Kraft Mill Wastes" Oregon State University, Marertale fu frailiiii varl'ed effluenta varied n111 effluents the kraft As expected, of the kraft mill characterLstlcs of the characteristics Aa expeeted, the to 9'0 ptl frm The pH varied from 9.0 to varLed Ttre testeo of the considerably course of the tests. the course during the conglderebly during to varied from 577 to 577 fro'n varled C.O.D. and 69/l 342 B.O.D. varied from 210 to 342 mg/i and C.O.D. to 210 10.5. B.O.D. varled fronr concentration. percent concentratl'on. 3.7 to gOl The range of toxicity was from 1.8 1.8 to 3.7 percent wae from 967 ^glt. mg/i. Ttre range of toxfcl.ty teat dlfferent test an accurate comParlson For this comparison betlteen between the different rea8on, an this reason, be mede. cannot be made. conditions surfactante cannot and surfactants condltlons and I'E Fi O \tt tir cq N Fi N Fl 17 cQ \il 26 16 25 17 33 40 85 45 48 24 29 rn F- cA O tjr rn co sf cI' trr \O \O f- N'-r 15 Foaming time, mm. 46 Fr ,ifi H ts bt) s F o h q) E t o ,x Fl t m g t (t coNQOrOoQNtr|u.)NtnOO tnntO$l'-O{{N@ON\Otr) Cri crl tO -r -r N N f- cO -1 Cq -r N c'totnN(f|\O€ON.f9t*g 1rrc*-{o\NS 6Fo.tnoo. r- f- dr A oo F- F f- \O @ \O € I-- d o U 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 C NNNNNN:F{${dtdr\f, d tr 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 .lfl d 0) o o o o o o o o o o o oFo1 ;Nd 20 3s g -{F{-'t-l-{N (J d n @ 30 50 100 50 100 30 30 50 50 nonioruic 200 100 60 mg/i Type ooo0()0000ooo 6tnoo.ococr)od)rnotf) NFrFt .o r- ---- anionic anionic anionic cationic anionic nontonic cationic nontonic cationic cationic nonionic ^t a .9'!.g.: o u u.9 !.:'i " AAA Ft Fl vvvvvv F{ d co P 10 ut d.oo d'! d,o tt.) \O f- t*- @ oO O' O d 5 6 (n tt 4 N 2 3 -. (1) 7a (1) 7b (1) 8a (1) 8b (1) 9a (1) 9b E:$EEEEEEi$E 3333f$H35s33 1 {,, ul o F Test ts F ,.o o. o d o C) , id ro o () *) (I) +r U o u o r{ 10 B Surfactant Conc., TABLE 9 25 25 25 25 25 25 Temp. ° fio rornrJ)roritooooo99g H Air flow rate, cm. 1mm. o d € : Sr ^o ec) 4> ts H fi g d f'l E 1 "1 n6 fi o) €g {-r fi, o h 'r' (1) Tests 7a, 7b; 8a, 8b; 9a, 9b were conducted in tandem. Test Conditions, Volumes and Foaming Time 0) E 253 222 500 140 175 200 240 722 385 195 322 165 258 E d r{ 730 775 495 852 823 796 758 770 612 804 670 827 740 Volume, ml Bulk liquid Foamate o +r d F -47-47- 10 T A B L E 10 TABLE AnalYsis p H Analysis o f pH Results R e s u l t s of Whole T est Test 1I 2z 33 4 55 6 7a 7a 7b 8a 8a 8b 9a 9a 9b 10 IQ Whole waste waste 1 0 .33 10. r 0 .3 10. 1 0 .5 10.5 1 0 .5 10.5 t10. 0 , 00 r 0 .0 10.0 1 0 .4 10.4 10.2 IO.2 9.. 0 9 8.4 8.4 9 .0 9.0 8.4 8.4 9.0 9.0 waste waste w /surf . w/surf. I10. 0.3 1 0 .33 10. 1 0 .4 10.4 10.4 10.4 1 0 .0 10. 10.0 10.0 r0.4 10.4 t o .z 10.2 9. 9 .0 8.6 8.6 9.0 9.0 8.6 8.6 ---- Bulk liquid liqid r 0 .2z 10. L 9 ,2Z 10. 10,,2 l0.,2 10.5 10.5 9. 9.7 9.8 9.8 la,2 10.2 1 0 .I 10.1 8. 8 . 44 8.0 8.0 8,4 8.4 8.2 8.2 8.4 8.4 Foamate Foarnate 9. 9 . 66 9 .9 9. r0.0 10.0 9.5 9.5 8 .8 8. 9.2 9.2 9.8 9.8 9.5 9.5 8 .7 8. 8.2 8.2 8.4 8.4 8.2 8.2 8.6 8.6 Enrichment ratio .p.. -48- # r rdl\O NFr t\O 1.67 Q(f) 1. 68 1.64 $lNNt\!trCON-r \ilQ \O \O 2 40 1 63 O(vlOtnC)Flcf)\O 2. 37 1. 62 4.00 3.12 2. 56 fa\orn\ooNr-N 2 36 2.05 .E.9 .9f; t{k 2. 03 0) A F{ d N -r o "{{ oo N til f- trl \O fi \O NN(oNNN-.-rNN to m o. r* \o \o $ \O l.o N l- O N(f) F.r Q \o 2. 1 o 15. 8 t. 23.0 26.4 AT $ 26. 1 .ll i,U ;;5 27 0 35.2 ,r F{ F{ Fa v v v 24. 4 6.9 31 8 (1) 27.6 9d 13.2 26.9 (1) 25 7 26 27 6 (1) 30.4 reduction Percent t"1 N -l CrqN d g Foamate o r0 67 (1) 58 3 54 4 F- AO \O tn 239 240 254 \O(f) .fl \t'r F{Fl 146 143 152 \ON rn ro i{ (fiO COO\ N-{ 225 164 (v)$ NN 156 152 oo l-\il cAN 171 195 184 176 288 250 oNootnamrn 375 248 tnco 420 472 350 500 735 548 683 405 liquid ,u € Ft t E o 5 | I | Nl-u1O(f)$oo() $rdr.4u|)f-to\O$ to N f-O-rtndr.OOOO e| c, r- gN co l- @ rn NN-l-{-{FrNN F{;-| N 'tn F{ FI oO O\O Fttr) N-I O\O F{i{ NF{ O F{ N 210 FF -l fd k o o 10 dp oo 9a d,o @€ 8a 8b 7b 7a 5 1 6 4 2 3 (rt p HNfv)$u'l.Of-r- 9b (u € o o F{ F{ Fa (1) d f.l tirsfl$$(r.o\(\f C-F-\O\Ocam$O N(\INNNNCAN 210 146 '|, oo ..d d o t €(l) oq) F.l tr.|\fl N\O N-{ +r t, 210 156 F 274 274 264 264 239 239 342 288 .d \O\OtnOfAf-Nd) cr.oF'o\CO-|oiO.O NNNNtvlNfAcfi Overall reduction w/surf F o (n r-a 283 190 c) +, o d q h waste & o Bulk O ci h BOD, mg/i J O til tO \O 207 200 r+l @ !S 296 296 295 280 313 297 392 303 E d fl eo t{ ,: cO o\ Cf..O .+t o Whole waste "J t- .tr \O n- M Whole f'l rn m til co N \fl rn .O If) (V) O.tr.) 74 93 69 55 63 54 38 j lJ q) 67 o >. 3o Ja vv {-r Test TABLE 11 Results of BOD Analysis o o 64 A 92 (1) Reduction g o 58 (1) l.t Enrichment ratio 49 g Ei F.o .r O 1 67 1.59 1.50 @ N r{ F{ .Fl O 0 1.41 0 O-. r-l rn O o o\ Fa N '-{ |f| \O 106 Fa 16 4 (1) 18.3 1.49 N t- rn ro N c, o ti'r u) o o Fa 95 (1) 'i '-l vv @ ('l'{ til d)'-| '-{ 95 14. 7 17.1 17.9 17.5 20. 2 7.9 ii. 1 (\l t:3 o. o (v) (t) @oO 472 '-{:tr tnF\OtO I | I a Oc - 665 O@ Q|tt {|$ o r- 768 * 807 -a 483 483 r-l 846 719 Fa F{ 480 478 f-c) @@ \OrO {, orn r-l o; F{ \tt 687 580 <rtl-tQ|;rilrOrOrO Ci.-rO.NF-f-N\O in\OrO\O$$@C- o * F{ 474 476 825 766 mo lJ'l \0 621 liquid Bulk 5 I \o F{ s$ N f- {| d ,*{ F-l-c)O\O\f-u)\O rnroNroo.rqoco f-F-OO\O\Oc)O +{ .tJ (J F 578 o 9b d'o orO. 10 578 483 O rt rff €(n t-oo 'lrl til{ 9a dp @€ 8b 7b 7a 6 5 4 3 2 1 dp €O r-@ lrr \il 8a r-tNtv){ttJ)\Ol-f- F B 668 668 749 749 577 577 967 825 OOor.CT\f.-f-Ftft .o-o.i.l<{F-r-\oN \O \O f- F tn 1J) O\ Q d 578 480 rd waste Whole (, o +) o o si o (1) Overall reduction k 3 a, o o B s 574 F 651 +r sl d w/surf Wbole.waste COD, mg/i & € l-€ o )o 1096 1196 1022 1490 1418 1099 1510 1140 o fq \OO' ti{ '-r \O\ONO€O.OO o' o rrt o' -| o. Al 594 615 598 E r! t-{ 3 c) '-{ 757 757 820 839 699 637 1005 886 Foamate .d 0 & Fa (, ,:l o j U' t\ .-l & G| F1 t- '-{ ?l til tfl CO c) ltl (fr $ () (t \O \O CO fC- O t- N 100 (1) (t O r- N .il $ .-a Fl AA ,_a 98 2 c 'tt o Fa Ft g\ rn F 201 (1) >. er l- N Test TABLE 12 Results of COD Analysis o) ta o 142 59 Reduction Ag -t 74 53 151 128 103 101 r'r C 0r€ F{ Ft vv EO 6 (.)' Su \orn Frn d Fl l-O' \OO 7.2 20.8 (1) 17.0 0.4 17.3 (1) 16 4 g reduction Percent tr f'l F{FlF{N04N'-r.{ 2. 31 1. 83 k 2.40 3.00 d H 1. 71 u .<ftil-lOO'-{(Y)O OO\f*$Oflco!{r 1.94 o .lJ 1. 84 g ,.9 1. 76 (u Fl q) h F,| rd k o o -50- 100 100 Temperature 250 CC Temperature -- 25o l0 cm./min. crn./rnin. Fiowrate Flow rate -- 10 whole waste O - whole o 90 50 longh mg/i with 50 waete with whole waste c -- whole L'A Krystaiiamide Krystallamide LA iiqQid bulk liquid O - bulk foamate O - foarnate 80 70\\ +-r d f A 6 ( )60 u o t{ a) a TLxn-- TL'm t t I- .A F{ \ o II ul q4O c 40- I I I'\ I I I II I I \ I I I I I I E d E 3 33O0 5 20- ? I I I I 0 I I 0 11 2 3 4 2 3 4 concentratton concentration -- percent Percent 1' e s t 1. e s u l t e -- ttest Figure Toxicity o x i c i t y r results 26. T F i g u r e 24. 5 6 7 -51- 100 100 40o C C Temperature Temperature - 40° l0 cm./min. Flow rate - 10 cm. /rnin. Flow rate whole waste o -* whole O mg/i 30 t^gh with 30 whole waste with O - whole sulfate sodium lauryl sulfate sodium lauryl liquid bulk liquid O - bulk foamáte O foamate 70 4) U 4) l1 t TLm I o (u o o t _l I I I -,1_ t I I I t E I I I d E ,. I o I c t I 20 I t I t 1 0 I 0 1 a 3 I 4 I 5 concentration concentration -- percent Percent 7a' t e s t 7a. Figure Toxicity e s u l t s -- test o x i c i t y rresults F i g u r e 25. t5. T 6 7 -52-52-. proof foam foam provolune of generally increased the volume Increasing lncreaaed the Bempereture generally Increagtng temperature C.O.D.1 B.O.D.1 ln.the dlfference waa no stgntftcant There was no significant difference in the B.O.D., C.O.D., duced. There duced. reducttons. and toxicity toxlc{ty reductions. and euruslng the nonl.ontc surthe nonionic gae flow lrhen using rete when flow rate the gas Gas Flow Rate -- Increasing Increagtng the $rs foamate of A smaller volume of foamate snaller foam. of the the foam. etabtllty decr€ased the the stability factant decreased of Factsnt slgntflcant there wa8 flow rate, rate, but was but there was no significant lncreaged flow at the the increased was collected coLlected at greater A greater A reductLons. and toxicity toxlclty reductions. B,O.D., C.0.D., C.O.D., and ln the the B.O.D., difference dlfferonce in rate. flow rate. hlgher flow at the the higher waa observed observed at ratio was enrichment ratio enrlchment flow rate was produced produced at at a flow rate of of 10 cm./mln. cm./min. when when the the An unstable unstable foam foan wae gurfactant ratc flow rate the flow increasing the was foamed. foanred. By increasing wtthout aa surfactant was whole waste without produced. wag produced. foam was moderately stable etable foam to 20 20 cm./min., cm/mm., a amoderately to percent. llore significant eLgnlflcent More 35.2 percent. to 35.2 15.8 to B.O.D. reduction ranged from from 15.8 B.O.D. reduetlon ranged wlth the the Tests testo with quantlty reduction. reductfon. the quantity le the the percent reductlon is than percent reduction than the 6O at 60 ng/l at 55 mg/i of 55 anionic B.O.D. reductions reducttons of lndlcated B.O.D. anlonlc surfactant surfactant indicated eurfactant et 30 30 mg/i rng/l surfactant ^glt at 63, 54, and 54 54 mg/i surfactant concentratlon; concentration, and 63, 54, and eurfactant wlth materiale comblned anlonl.c surfactant Apparently the anionic surfactant combined with materials the Apparently concentration. concentration. not at all. quantltles or only srnall ln small quantities or not at all. in the waste only in the waste ln of 93 mg/t B.O.Ir. reductions reducttons of With mg/i 8B at 200 200 l{|th the Burfactant, B.O.D. catlonlc surfactant, the cationic surfactant rng/l at 54 rng/l mg/i surfactant concentration, and 69 and 64 mg/i at 100 mg/i surfactant concentratlon; rng/l aurfactant by McCormick, McCorml'ckt work by prlor work baete of of prior On On the the basis obtalned. concentration were obtained. concentratlon frorn the the of llgntn removal of lignin from atd in the removal ln the this was expected to aid expected to thle surfactant eurfactant lras blological' by degradable by biological be readily readlly degradable to be consldered to ls not not considered Llgnln is eample. Lignin sample. to the action and should not contrlbute contribute elgnlflcantly significantly to the oxygen oxygen dernand demand ln in should not action of some combination combinatlon of It appear8 appears that that there was some there wac B.O.D. test. It the teot. the five flve day day B.O.D, greater gtve the greater to give the wacte to the waste in the the with organic materlal in with organl.c material surfactant the surfactant eome Without I{tthout some concentration. hlgher surfactant aurfactant concentration. B.0 D. reduction at the the higher B.O.D. reductlon at high concenconcenueeof of high the use foamate, the of foamate, external reflux volume of the volume to reduce reduce the reflux to external ln greater reduction reductlon in obtaln greater to obtain trations of surf,actant to of the the cationic catLonlc surfactant tratlons produced. foamate produced. of foamate amount of large amount practtcal due to the the large B.0.D would due to be practical would not not be B.O.D. surfactant the anionic anionic surfactant wlth the foamed with The foamed wae first lraste was flret whole waste Ttre whole An An surfactant. wlth the the cationic catlonlc surfactant. foamed with and thebulk was then then foamed the bulk liquid ltquid was that This indicates that lndtcatee thte obtalned. waa ng/1 of additional B.0.D. removal of 38 mg/i was obtained, B.O.D. 38 removal addlttonal dl'fferent with different probabLy conblntng are surfactants the cationic anionic surfactants are probably combining with and anl.onl.c the catlonlc ltaete. in the the waste. materials in materlals gurfactant, of 67 and reductl.ons of B.O.D. reductions nonl.onic surfactant, In with the B.O.D. teete with the nonionic In tests reducthe 58 ng/f This is slightly higher than the 58 mg/i reduchlgher than sltghtly ts Ttrle obtalned. I'tSlL were obtained. 74 mg/i latter However, the latter the a use of surfactant. the tion obtained wlthout without the of a surfactant. tlon obtalned ln di.fference in the difference for the account for could account waste which could concentrated wtrlch neste was less lesa concentrated renoval. removal. lonlc suraurthe ionic sample uel.ng Tests were were conducted conducted on the same lraate waste sample using the the aane Tests dlfference ltae appreclable There was no appreciable difference Ttrere wlthout aa surfactant. surfactant. factants and without factants and methods. three methods. the three in B.O.D. B.O.D. reductlon reduction between the ln B.O.D. the B.0 As D. AB in ln the percent. 20.2 percent. to 20.2 7.9 to C.O.D. reductions ranged from from 7.9 reductlons ranged by removed amount removed by amount the between dlfference between the test, there was no significant difference algnlflcant there waa tegt, cattonl'c The The cationic surfactant' of the anLonl'c surfactant. the anionic the two concentrations of two concentrattong the --5353th€ at the ntren tested tested at of CC.O.D. surfactant 0.D. when Burfactent removed rononed a larger larger percentage Percentage of rurfactlnt be expected lf the the surfactant would be higher as would expectcd if hlgher surfactant eurfactant concentration concentratlon as coublned the lignin. ltgnln. combined wlth with the rlthout we8 removed removedthan thcn without Using 0.D. was Uslng the the nonionic aonton{c surfactant, aurfactant, less leec CG.O.X}. 8.O.D. waa obtalned la ths The opposite result was obtained in the B.O.D. of aa surfactant. the curfactant. Ttrc oppoatte rcrult the use of whcn C.O.D. reduction reductl.on when ras noted Ln C.0.D. No appreciable apprectablc difference dlfferenco was noted in analyel.c. No analysis. end lsnfc surfactants aurfactantr and ualng the tha ionic tests rcre were conducted on the tests cane waste using thc same wlthout aa aurfactant. without surflctant. (ratlo of to tLr bulk liquid of bulk ltqutd tO of TLm Tt of The toxicity Ttre toxiclty reduction reductlon factor f,aetor (ratio Wtth the the cationic catLonlc from 1.1 2.3. With of waste before foaming) foaulng) varied varled from 1.1 to to 2.3. of consentraof 1.1 ng/t surfactaut surf,actaot concentraat 200 200mg/I surfactant, turfectant' reduction reductlon factors f,actorg of l.l at obscrned. rere observed. concentrltlon were tion; and and 1.7 and 1.5 at mg/i surfactant tlon3 1.7 and rt 100 100 ng/l aurfactant concentration 60 ng/l of 1.6 et With at 60 mg/i s,trsurWtth the factorr of the anionic enl.oalc surfactant, reductton factors eurfaetent, reduction conrt 30 ng/l surfactant curfactent con30 mg/i factant concentratton3 concentration; and factant and 1.9, 1.9, 1.7, 1.7, and and 1.5 1.5 at wcre observed, centration centratton were observed. gurfactant, reduction lor 2.3 at at the the low factsra of of, 2.3 Using the nontonlc nonionic surfactant, reductton factors Ual,ng l{hcn When foamed f,oamd obtorved. 2.0 htgh flor rate wer€ flow rate and 2.0 at the high flow rate were observed. flow rate and at appeare that that 2.3. It It appears f,actor was wee2.3. without reduction factor wlthout aa surfactant, aurfactant, the th€,rcductlon wlthout a botneen surfactent foulng there is difference ls no significant dlfferance between foaming without a eurfactant there elgnlflcant with a nontontc noutonic surfactant. and stth eurfae8ant. nonl.onl,caurfac obsenrcd that the nonionic rurfactant It was observed taut dtd did not not contrlbute contribute It ras that the raate in ths concentrations concentratlons ln the of the the whole wtrole waste significantly to toxlclty of elgnlftcantly to the the toxicity the to the had aa significant contrlbutloa to contribution anlontc surfactant elgnlflctnt used. The Itre anionic eurfactant had used. not concluconclumre not Toxicity tests with the surfactant were the cationic catlonie surfactant toxicity. toxlcity. Toxlclty teate rrtth glve in foancd ssra foamed In certaln certain tests surf,eetants were sive matter. terts the ionic lon{c aurfactants ln this thla matter. In lonlc bulk of of residual recldual ionic the bulk in with the nonionic r€oove the noalonLc surfactant eurfactant to to remove Ln tandem tanden wlth nhet obeeped over wer what waa observed No decreare in ln toxicity toxlclty was No additional addltl.onal decrease surfactanta. iurfactanti. The anlonlc curfactantrl Tlre anionic was rlth the aurf,ectant. rar obtained obtalned with the cationic catlonlc surfactant. et the thc lcvel as the same arne level bulk liquid to approximately epproxlnately the bulk toxlctty was wec reduced reduced to llqul.d toxicity gurfactmto wl.thout ae surfactant. bulk liquid bulk of the foanl.ng test test without the foaming llqutd of -54-54- OF EVAPORATOR EVAPORATOR CONqETSATES TREAThENT CONDENSATES TREAfiENT OF BY BY ACTIVATED ACTIVATtsDCARBON CARBON - This of phaee of the feasibility feaalbtllty of the study etudy examlned General examined the of enploylng employing General, Ttrle phase nedl.a adeorptlve media granular activated as an an adsorptive process utilizing carbon as actlvated carbon a unit unft process utlllztng granular pollutanta kraft evaPorator from and toxic toxlc pollutants from kraft evaporator for the removal removal of of organic organtc and for Gompany Carbon Company Plttaburgh Carbon carbone, Pittsburgh Two different actlvated carbons, dlfferent activated condensates. Two condensates. B A and resPecttvely' aB type type A and B respectively, hereinafter as destgnated hereinafter type SGt SGL and and type CAL CAL designated thetr terut of of their ln terms These carbons carbons are evaluated in were utlllzed in etudy. lheae were utilized ln this thle study. (BOD)t Demand OxygenDemand (BOD), Blochemtcal Oxygen ability naterlals exerting exerttng Biochemical to remove organlc materials abtltty to reuove organic (TOC), (COD), total Chemical organic carbon (TOC), and and Pearl-Benron Pearl-Benson total organtc O<ygenDemand Demand(COD), Chenlcal Oxygen (PBI). Index (PEt). Index two cerbona for each Adsorption isotherms were established each of of the two carbons Adsorptlon lsotherms were establlehed for theee of these parameters stated Reeults of above. Results stated above. ustng the waste strength using the waste strength parameters capaclty adeorptlve capacity ul.tlmate adsorptive the ultimate used to to estimate isotherm tests lsotherur tests are used estlmete the be attained condltlone. at equilibrium which should whlch should be attalned at equlllbriun conditions. In attempt to satisfy an accepted relatlonshlp relationship explalnlng explaining adeorptlon adsorption to satiafy In an attempt models. mathernaticel models. to several phenomena, phenomena,the waa applied applled to several mathematical data was the isotherm tsothem data the to lend The was found to best and and to lend the flt the data best to fit Freundltch relationship relatlonehlp wae Ttre Freundlich the fron developed plauslble tsotherns the adsorptlon most plausible explanation of the adsorption isotherms developed from the of most explanatlon data. experlmental data. experimental to eubJected to Ehe waste studleg, the After waste was was subjected lsotherm studies, After completion completlon of of batch isotherm COD COD pl.exiglasa upflow columns. contact with granular activated carbon in plexiglass upf low columns. contact wlth granular acttvated carbon ln ln poettlon of adsorptton wave the adsorption of the measurements wave in uaed to the position wrre used to ascertain aecertaLn the meaaurementswere wlth efflcLency ln adsorptive adeorptive efficiency with change in the column and the change to determine determlne the and to the carbon column PBI and and carbon, PBI organlc carbon, In measurements, BOD, BOD,total total organic add{tlon to to COD CODmeasurementg, time. tl.me. In addition lndtcatlon an toxicity analyses were were performed on selected selected aamplee samples to to obtain obtain an indication toxlclty analysea by these nethods. these methods. measuredby of removal of of substances subatances measured of the the removal of evaporator evaPorator procees for treatment of for the the treatment A major objective A maJor of a process obJectlve of To evaluate evaluate waote. To from the the waste. condensates organl.ce from of toxic wa8 the removat of toxl.c organics condensates was the removal bloaasay by activated carbon' aa bioassay provlded by actlvated carbon, the toxlcity reduction the degree degree of of toxicity reductlon provided technique using the mussel, Mytllue Mytilus edulle edulis wae was employed employed aa as descrlbed described the bay muaeel, technlque usl.ng in prevlous previous sections of this thls report. report. sectl.one of ln - Evaporator or foul condensete8 or foul Characteristics of Condensates condensates of Evaporator Evaporator,Condeneates Ch4racteflstlcg dlscharged total weste comprise approximately 15-20 per cent of the waste volume volume discharged the total of the whole content However, in terms of the organic content of the whole organtc of the llowever, ln terms to kraft mill sewer. to kraft mll! eewer. per of cent 40'75 from mill effluent, evaporator condensates may contribute from 40-75 per cent of may contrlbute condeneatee ntll effluent, evaporator preeents a typlcal Table 13 presents a typical 13 BOD. Table as the total organic load expressed as BOD. total organlc load expressed analysis of of the evaporator condensate condensate waete waste samplee samples used during during the the course course the evaporator analysle of this this research. reaearch. of to the wtrole The contrfbutlon contribution of of evaporator evaporator condenaatee condensates to whole mlll mill efftuent effluent lhe perronnel In mills where personnel nhere In nLlla quite n111s. for eof,re toxicity appears appears to large for some mills. to be quite large toxlclty of the discharge of by d{echarge problems brought about cognizant of of pollutlonal pollutional problems brought about by are cognlzant prectlclng probleme by theae to reduce these problems by practicing strong wastes, an effort effort hag has been been Dade made to strong wsstea, condenslteg utlllze the the condensates Several rnllle mills utilize process waste lraste waters. reters. various process reuse of of varlous --5555- 13 TABLE13 TABLE Condenaates Evaporator Condensates of Evaporator Characteristics of Charactarlstlce BOI' BOD 460-510 mg/i 460-510 mg/1 coD COD 790-910 mg/i 790-9t.0ne/l PBI untts PBI units 11,000-20,000 11r000-20,000 FBI organtc carbon Total Total organic s/l tS5-187n 185-187 mg/i to llyttlug edulle Mytilus edulis T111to ( A v e . -. 1.27.) 1..2%) 0.7-2.67. 0 . 7 - 2 , 6 % (Ave. eollds Suspendedsolids Suspended mgll 3 0 - 7 0 mg/i 30-70 pH pH 7 .2.7.8 7.2-7.8 at source source Tenperature Temperature at c 7 5-900C 75-90° grease hexane extractable extractable grease Total Total hexane (A,rg.) 107 rng/l 107 mg/i (Aug.) waehers from the evaporators at at flrst first stage stage pulp pulp waah wash water water ln in the the drum drum washers fro,n the evaporators hot as hot mlllg other in stlll uged Condensates are used in still other mills as prlor Gondeneates to final washlng, flnal washing. prior to conglderable However, in a considerable ln llowever, putrposes. and other waterfor chemical makeup and other purposes. water for chemlcal naieup disThese disto the the sewer. 8€rr€!. Ttrese dlrectly to plants they dlscharged directly number of are discharged they are number of plants unlque and nsLure glmllar n111 varlable similar mill practices are responsible for the variable nature and unique the for practlces are reeponslble Ttre Flow Flov plant. The from any dlscharglng from character any glven given plant, streem discharging of the waste stream character of condensate condensate of polnt of orlgtn the point of origin of Diagram preeented in showethe 25 shows ln Figure Flgure 26 Dtagran presented rwastes. agteg. Tollerence Investigations conducted by by t{arren Warren establlghed established 24-hour 24-hour l'ledlan Median Tollerauce conducted Investlgatlons from 3.5 to 17 per per to 3.5 from ranged nhlch condengaee which ranged gupptes to to evaporator Limits for evaporetor condensate for guppies Ltnlts the contribute the contrlbute be to eald can be said to In condeneates can general, evaporator evaporator condensates In general, cent. cent. effluent' whole mill m111 effluent. of the the whole most toxic fractLon of moet toxlc fraction dlgestlol process the digestion durlng the wtrtch occur occur during The Process reactlons which hydrolysis reactions Ihe hydrolysis and hemlcelluloseg realns, hemicelluloses molecule, resins, llgnln molecule, conrplex lignin cleave complex cleave the the relatively relatlvely maJorlty The majority Ttre by-producte. varied by-products. many varied gtvee rise to many rlse to other components components and gives other removed diesolved and removed thus dissolved are thus and are are alkali solubte and of alkall soluble cornpounds are these compounds of these the out ln the process carrled During process carried out in concentratlon the concentration During the cooklng liquor. llquor, by the the cooking conoff and later conlater off digtllled evaporators, volail.le volatile organic organic materlala materials are are distilled evaporatora, condeneates. evaPorator condensates. the evaporator present in ln the fractl.on present densed to organtc fraction the organic to form fornr the denaed che evaporating avaporatlng process, Processt unlform Due to uniform temperaturea temperatures ueed used tn in the falrly to the the fairly lhre within contained rlthtn ehould be contained eondensate should ttre condensate present in tn the the organlc organic conetituents constituents present the extreme the extreme not posess the thus, not and thus, range and welght range narrow molecular a fairly narrow molecular weight falrly fron kraft kraft streanrs from tn other other rraate found in complexity with compounds waste streams compounde found Lnherent wtth conrplexity inherent the include the lnctude condensatea from leolated courpounds A few of the compounds isolated from condensates of the few ntlle. mills. ketonea ghort chain and ketones aleohole and chain alcohols guieol, various varlous short turpenes, reeLn resin aclde, acids, guicol, turpenes, yet unldenttffed. as besides nondistillable oils as yet unidentified. ol1e besldes nondistlllabte -56- E g to kth q, .E-ts Liquor o to Digester FI Figure 26. KraftPulping Process Plow Diagram q n| Fo |n q 6 o Kraft Paper Making Process e a 6 c, o A g h A b0 c tU o o lU € ii Bue Lime 0, 0) e t 5g .oJ( n(' fr. Hd 6g & d o & 0" d U v iH r e ql tU E r n .h nl k Lime d g a) o o H A bo E d h I ol I M |d rd t\l g b0 :i Wood fiber g pQ' g (, # rI1 E o o (, Weak Black Liquor 3 F o (t Fl .|( o d Wood Chips B. ca g u ! o o 3 Eg EF {(, 3 A P =l -57-57- whtch col.or which mllky-yeLlow color ts ap milky-yellow condensste sample sampte is A typical typlcal evaporator evaporator condensate floatlngt of floating, Aonsiderable Conslderable amount smountof glves the opalescent appearance. appearance. A the liquid llqutd an opalescent gives by the reduced the reduced odor is lnparted by present and te imparted foul odor oily usually present and aa foul resldue is ts usually olly residue the sulfur sulfur and the eulfur sulfur conpounds, compounds, euch such ae as methyl methyl and ethyl ethyl mercaptans, mercaptans, and Other Other odor, glvee the lnfamoue odor. lts infamous the waste its This Ttrls gives of the the alcohols. alcohole. analogues of analogues to contrlbute to no doubt doubt contribute wood no from the the wood extracted from volatile organic volatll.e organic compounds compounde extracted wel1. of the aa well. the waste as the obnoxLous the obnoxious odor of sfrong of aa strong that of double that le approximately approxfurately double the lraste The BOD BOD and COD COD of of the waste is Ttre condengate percentage of the maJor unllke domestlc but, selrage, domestic sewage; but, unlike sewage, a major percentage of the condensate selrage; prevLoucly discussed, dLscueaedt As As previously materl.als. by dissolved dLssolved organic organLc materials. BOD is BOD ls contributed contributed organieme, aquatlc and flehes numeroue toxlc to to numerous fishes and aquatic organisms, found to this waste has been found to be toxic thls lraete problem. polLutlon aquatlc pollution problem. serl.oua aquatic and ag such, represents represents a serious as such, responatble material.s responsible that materials by Marvel revealed that ltarvel revealed An conducted An investigation conducted by lnvestlgatlon wlEh by extractlon could be removed removed by extraction with for in condansates could for toxicity toxlclty ln evaporator evaporator condensates to ldentify attempt to attempt to identify lnitlated wae initiated Thus was to dterhyl ether. llhus an investigation lnveotlgatlon diethyl ether. from obtal.ned from presenE in extracts obtained the ether ether extracts ln the the toxic toxl.c fractions fractlons some of of the present some of condensates. condensates. composlted samples samples of composited fron methode from by various varLoue methods lsolated by compounds were isolated In Marvel's work many many compounds In Marveltg and aromatlc and altphatic, mostly aliphatic, lrere mostly These aromatic lhese compounds compounds were the ether extracts. the ether extracts. gul.acol and and aa conslderable guiacol eome hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, considerable unsaturated alcohols with some unsaturated alcohols rrlth pentanol-1. Howevert However, qulte toxic, 4-(p-tolyl) toxlc, 4-(p-tolyl) found to compound whlch which was found pentanol-l. to be quite compound of aa viscous vLscous brown lras comprised comprised of per cent extract was cent of of the the ether over over 75 per ether extract acld A silicic slllcic A acid dietil.latlon. at distillation. attempts at all attempts reslsted all resldue residue whtch which resisted of complexity complexlty degree of falr degree tndlcatlng aa fair chromatoplate gave rise spots indicating to eight elght spots rise to chromatopl.ate resldue composition composLtLon. of of the the residue for account for could account pentanol-1 could 4-(p-tolyl) The material identified as pentanol-1 as 4-(p-tolyl) The material ldentlfied It It condensate. of the toxtclty per total of the only about seven per cent of the total toxicity of the condensate. cent only about toxl'city. higher toxicity. even higher of even resldue contained contained materlals was materials of that the the residue was apparent apparent that components This toxicity components ldentlfy toxiclty attempt to to identify This attempt waste chemistry the the waste of the complexity of the complexity lllustrates chemistry illustrates problems precent and and the the problems and quantity quantlty of of organics organtce present component. slngle component. to a single toxicity to toxlcity terms ln terms in terms ln in terms lnvol.ved involved of of of of ln in thelr their variety the variety the attributing attrlbutlng - Ttre carbon of_granutar appllcatlon Activated Carbon Treatment The application of granular -actlvated activated carbon Acttvated Treatment and thus information thus infornatlon new relatlvely ls relatively 11 wastes to the treatment of pulpmill wastes is new to treat treat granular carbon carbon to used granular Bloodgood and Sami El-Naggar used Sami El-Naggar 1s incomplete. Lncomplete. is a from originating from a two wastes wastee orlginating of the the two an acld, acid, caustl.c, caustic, and a mixture mixture of air of color, color, In their work, work, removal removal of thelr pul.ptng process. In semi-chemical wood wood pulping seml-chemlcal Proceda. selecting for selecting prlnclpal reason for was the the principal imparted complexes, was reason the lignin lfgnfn-"orp1"*e", lnparted by the from developed from sotherms rere were developed adaorptLon Lsotherns FreundlLch adsorption Freundlich carbon. activated carbon. acilvaced samples waste eamplea the three three waste adsorption equilibria data by treating treatlng the data obtained obtalned by adsorptlon equlllbrla lsotherms these isotherius The results of these The reeulte of carbons. actlvated carbons. dlfferent with three activated three different each rith select various carbons carbons and select of the the varlous predlct equilibrium capaclty of equlllbrlum to predict were used to capacity treatment. to column treatment. appllcatlon the best carbon carbon for to for application the best treatment the treatment concentrated portlon of lnvestlgatlon concentrated on on the great portion of their thelr investigation A great COD plt wtth 1.7 'with aa COD of 1.7 poaaeseed aa pH of materlat possessed Ttrle material waete samples. acid waste eamptee. This of of the the acid was color was as color material rneesured measured as Llgnln materlal mgl]-, Lignin BODof of 225 225 mg/l. of mg/i and ana SOD of 1410 1410 mg/l --5858- short Wtthln aa short carbon. Within wtth the the carbon. contact with adsorbed contact upon initial lnltlal adsorbed completely upon was removal was removal color tn decltne a time after initiating column operations, a decline in color operatlona, lnitlating'colurnn tlme after 8oon ras soon reduction was of color color reduction However, a fairly Level of falrly constant level notlced. noticed. However, be could be curve breakthrough percepctbte e untLl achieved and it remained until a perceptible breakthrough curve ach1eved and tt remaLned defined. defined. te8tst the column column tests, of the any of ln any The no BOD BODremoval removat in obtalned no lnvesftgatora obtained The investigators COD COD in color. wlth reductlon qulte closely with reduction in color. but correlated quite closely but COD removal correlated CODremoval foot level level 10.5 foot the 10.5 at the obtalned at per cent w€re obtained cent were removals 80 per of 80 order of on the the order removals on waete. acld waste. of the the acid passegeof after of 50 llters of 50 liters after passage tests adsorptlon tests the adsorption wlth the Successful reactivation studies conbtned with studleg combined $uccessful reactivatlon be should be should method treatment method the treatment that the conclude that led to conclude lnvestlgators to led the investigators performance and 8nd the performance evaluate the to evaluate pllot plant plant application appllcatlon to studied tn a pilot studled in of the the process. economic aepects of economlc aspects Proeesa. - Morrts the descrlbe the and l{eber Method Isotherm Analysts Morris and Weber describe Adsor@ of Adsorption Method of a deflning a as defining carbon as actlvated carbon adsorption of solute from solution ontoo activated phasea equilibrium. at equllfbrlum. and llquld eolld distribution of solute between the solid and liquid phases at between the of solute dtstributlon of or concentration concentratlon of nature or of the the nature functl.on of be aa function This may be ratLo may distrtbutlon ratio Thle distribution envttormnntt environment, the syetematlc solutee, the solute, presence of secondary solutes, the systematic aecondary solute, Presence of the ls to to express expresa the dlstrlbution is thls distribution The accepted of representing representlng this form of accepted form etc. Ttre etc. the the temPerature' a constant of CC at at a constant temperature, quantity function of ae aa function quanClty of X(;/m) as of X(x/m) eoltd of solid welght of per unit unlt weight adsorbed per of solute solute adsorbed quantity the amount amountof quanttty X belng the X being ltquld the in the liquid of solute U"tog the the concentration concentratlon of solute present adsorbent, and d being Present -ln and C aasorUent, rradsorpclon thls frosl obtalned le An "adsorption isotherm" is obtained from this iaothermn An phase at equilibrium. iqutltbrlum, phase at distribution. distrlbutlon. eeveral maytake take several and CG may Isothermal between XX and relatlonshlps between adsorptlon relationships Isothermat adsorption solid solld of the Single layer deposition on the surface of the forms. Sfnile layer deposltion on the eurface different dlfferent forms. poseeas{ng many many systems possessing Complexsystems comnon. Complex adsorbent be the thC most most conmon. to be appears to adsorbent appears thus a somewhat smewhat layers, mult.lmolecular layers, different Ln multimolecular adsorb in mey adsorb adsorbates may dtfferent adsorbates adsorptlon. the adsorption. of the descrlptlon of adequate description used for for adequate be used more muet be model must more involved invotved model wtrereae adeorptLon, whereas single-layer adsorption, for single-layer only for The model is valid only la valtd Langnrrlr nodel. Ttre Langmuir rePresented adsorption represented muttllayer adsorption to multilayer tppiiee to the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller model model applies the Brunauer-Enmett-Teller energles surface energies unlform surface Both models assume agsumeuniform Soth nodele leothermg. by several different isotherms. dtfferent several Derivations of these these of D,erLvations respect. thls ln for adsorption and are thus limited in this respect. thue llmited and flr adsorptlon be wlll attempt will be attemPt no and literature isotherms are handled adequately in the literature and no ln the adequately handled ieotherme are thesle. thle thesis. Ln this made to them further further in verify them made to verify (1) naximum maximum principal assumptions: aesumptlons: (1) three principal The Langmuir equation requires requlres three ltre Langnulr of saturated layer of Layer a Baturated surfaces adsorption occurs when the adsorbent surfaces possess a Possess adsorpttor, occ,rrs when the (3) there and (3) there and constant; ls of adsorptlon solute molecules;i (2) the energy energy of adsorption is constant; aolutl molecules Q) the plane of of the the the plane in the molecules in adeorbate molecules of adsorbate actlvtty of is no transmigratory transmigratory activity 1g (1) of (1) the layers of layere assumes: The Brunauer-Enunett-Teller model assumes: Brunauer-Enmett-Teller model surface. Ttre surface. by descrtbed by condltlone described to conditions subJect to are subject adsorbate the surface surface are at the whlch form form at adsorbate which formatton initiate formation may lnltlate layers (2) the Langmulr Langmuir equatlon; equation; (2) the additlonal additional layers may the condLtlon (3) the equlllbriurn condition the equilibrium and (3) layer; and flrst layer; prior the first of the prtor to compl.etlon of to completion numbers by the additional numbers addltlonal the provlded of surfaces eurfacea provided will typea of several types w111 involve lnvolve several state its steady state Lts at of of moleculeamolecules on each each surface surface elte site exlstlng existing at of layers layers of condition. condltlon. -59-59- fornr deecrtbed The Brunauer-Eumtett-Teller equation takes takes the the elnpllfled simplified form described Brunauer-Esurett-Teller equatton Itre by Morris l{eber. Horrls and and Weber. by AC -x- A - c (ce-c)(1+(A-1)a x'o (Cs-C)(l+(A-l) Xm (1) (1) where 'where the solute solute of the concentration of Ce r saturation aaturatlon concentratlon Cs at ln solution solutlon at aolute in of solute Cc measured concentration concentratlon of Gc -r rneaeured equlllbrlun equilibrium compLete to form form complete adsorbed to of motes moles adsorbed X, - the th" number number of Xm surface on carbon carbon surface monolayer monolayer on r the solute adsorbed of solute of molee number of X(or x/m) moles of adsorbed Per per gram gram the number at concentration concentratlon CC or carbon or carbon at I a constant representative solute-surface of solute-surface representatlve of A A lnteraetlon energy interaction forn allowlng linear form convenlent linear to a e more be rearranged Equation more convenient allowing nay be rearranged to Equatlon 11 may data. to experlmental its appllcatlon application to experimental data. lte c C (cs-c)x (C8-C)X -_L + A-1 /S-\ N (m \ lsc/C5)I AxD AX AXm ((2) 2' rl11 assume aaaume equatlon will the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Brunauer-Ehmrett-Teller equation Data which agree with the agree wlth Data whlch plotted against agalnet Ls plotted ln Equation EquatLon 22 is term in the left-hand left-hand term tf the relattonshlp if a linear ltnear relationship slope of of thls this ltne line w111 will be be (A-1)/\ (Al)/AXm wtth with an an lntercept intercept of of l/AXn. l/AXm ClCe. The Ttre olope C/C8 ta: equatlon is leothern equation The Ttre Langmuir Langnulr isotherm X bc \uc x r nTsat X (14-bc) (3) all and all adeorptlon and of adsorption energy of to the the energy related to in whlch which b denotes constant related denotee a constant tn convenienC Ttro convenient and 2. 2. Two Equatlon 11 and ln Equation thoee in other aameas as those are the the same synbole are other symbols are! equatlon are: linear Langmuir equation of the the Languulr forns of ll.near forms C.l.r.,C x X bxm x'n bXm Xm !.1 x X m; x * !/r\ bxn (4) (4) and bXAC,) \c// data of data uaed for for linearization llnearlzatlon be used Either of may be Ewo equations eguetiong may of these these two Elther of eguation. Langunrlr the of which conforms to requirements of the Langmuir equation. which conforme to requlrements (5) (5) --6060- years, been used used widely wldely for for many Freundlich equation The The empirical has been manyyears emplrlcal Freundl.lch equatlon has The Ttre relative relative ease and analysis haa contributed contrlbuted to to its ease of of application appltcatl"on and an*lyale has lte popularl.ty in purfflcatlon whecher or degree of popularity eetl.matl.ng whether declred degree of purification ln estimating or not not the the desired psrElculsr activated be attained wlth aa particular ffire equation is ts as can can be attalned with set*.vated carbon carbon. The follows followa: X(x/m) ' kc' x(x/n) k"l/' (6) (6) where: where X weight of X r the welght of solute solute adsorbed rdeorbed weight of m r the wetght of carbon carbon in par unit wetght of unLt weight of X(s/ni) - the quantity of X(s/m) adeorbed per of solute solute adsorbed carbon llioll"ntlty sol"utl.on equilibrium concentration concentratl.on of of solute eolute in Ln solution C C r the equlllbrl.un k - a conetant constant 1/n lln - a constant A linear relationship A llnear beobtained fron the the Freundlich Freundl.lch equation equatlon relatlonshtp can obtatned from canbe by taking by taklng the logarithm logarlthm of of both both sides sldes: logX-logk+l/nlogC logXrlogk*l/n1ogC This of a straight of slope slope Ttrla expression expreaeton is the form of llne of ls in ln the of the the equation straight line equatl.on of : paper plot A plot of X versus C on log-log paper will lo9-Lo9 wlll and intercept lntercept of of kk at at CC - 1. of X versua C on 1/n 1. A Un and yteld that follow the Freundlich equation. yield a linear Linear relationship relatlonshi.p for for data that follow the Freundllch equation. If the equatton If data satlgflea satisfies the the llnear linear nature nature of of the the Freundllch Freundlichequatton the data graphlcal procedure proeedure will provlde an ultlnate capacity capaclty w111 provide of the the ultimate a graphical an estimation estlmstlon of A vertical whleh could A vertlcel of of the be expected the carbon carbon which eould be ln column column application. applfcatlon. expected in gcale corresponding the line point on correspondlng to to the llne is ts drawn drewn from fron a point horl.zontal scale on the the horizontal (Co). From polnt of on the the isotherm lestherrut lnfluent concentration influent concentrarton (C0) From the the point of intersection lntersection on po{nt p1ot, aa horizontal axis at at wtrtch plot, which point verttcal apis horlzontal line llne is 16 extended exteudad to to the the vertical of impurity This val.ue value X X represents the amount amcunt of tnpuri.ty a e value of of XX is obtafned. lhlg represents the le obtained. adsorbed weight of when the carbon is equilibrium rlth with unit velght ls in ln equ{llbrlum adcorbed per unit of carbon when the the influent tnfluent concentration. concentrs,tl-on. An of volwrc volume of of An equation equatlon expressing adsorptlve capacity capactty in ln terms terme of expreosl.ng the the adsorptive fotrlowa: as follows solution is eolutton treated treated when when adsorption of solute le as adesrptlon of sol.ute is la complete co'mpl"ete u". X(V) l"Bfu] Vc ((7) 7) per cent, folnowlng Whenthe the following When then 100 cent, the the adsorption adsorptlon of of solute I0$ per aolute is te less lese than be used relationship relatlonship may may be ueed. X *oo9 ('/) VcCO vc Co-Cl co-ct (8) (8) -6L-61- rrhare: where: per unit unlt treated per volume of of, solution V c r- the the theoretical aol,utl.on treated Vc theoretleal volume weight of of carbon carbon weight per gram gram of of the the influent Lnfluent carbon of of carbon xco -' the the capacity cepaclty per concentretlona concentrations tegt taotherm test used in ln the the isotherm of solution sotutlon used V l l r - the the volume volume of c o .-t hthe e 1 n initial 1 t l a 1 s o 1solute u t € c o nconcentration c e n t r a t t o n 1 nin s o 1solution utlon C0 C 1 --t hthe e d edesired s 1 r e d 1 elevel v e 1 o fof s o solute 1uterem a l n t n g l n in a o 1solution u t l o n a t at C1 remaining equtltbrlum equilibrium thege equations equettonf wlth these obtalned with carbon obtained Adsorption actlvated carbon Adaorptlon capacities capacltles of of activated neceasarLly are not reasons and for for several maxlnum values values and Beveral, reasons are not necessarily represent represent the the maximum obtaln isotherm fuothern used to to obtain ts used Pulverized carbon is PulverLzed ,carbon column application. appllcatlon. attalned in tn column attained . decreaset of adsorption adaorptlon decreases rate of data and that the the rate ehould be emphaslzed and lt it should emphasized that rlth of adaorptlon rate of adsorption with partlcle size. In some some instances, wlth increasing Lnstancee, the rate lncreaelng particle aLze. In with sttrlned never attained granular carbon is never equlll.brlurn is bq so that complete nay be eo slow conplefe equilibrium granular carbon may elon that ultiuete the ultimate Consequentty, the provtded in perlod provided eotumn. Consequently, tn the the column. durlng the during the contact contact period carbon capacity never realized. capaclty is ls never reallzed. carbon - Data for for determlnatlon Experimental PTocedure Procedure determination of of leotherms isotherms were were obtalned obtained Experlnrental flied volunee by treating volumes of of evaporator evaporator condensates condensates wlth with knswn known nelghts weights of of treattng fixed adaorptlve the adsorptive uaed to pulverlzed carbon. to compare comparethe were used Ttre isotherm tsotherm values were carbon. The pulverized propertleg and and BB. properties capacl.tiee of of carbons carbone AA and and capacities Representative of both both carbon A and B were were pulverLzed pulverized tn in a a Repreeentatl.ve samples sanrples of U.S. a by through parttcle waehlng graded ball mtll mill and graded to uniform particle size by washing through a U.S. ball unlform elze to and adeorptlon, carbon adsorption, of carbon The iate rate deternlnlng determining step of Standard number325. 325. the Standard sieve sleve number pulverby partlcles, was ellmlnated intra-particle migration of adsorbate particles, was eliminated by pulveradsorbate lntra-partlcle mlgratlon of powdered carbon of flnely Surface adsorption on finely powdered carbon of adeorptlon on carbon. Surface lzatlon oof, the carbon. ization llmLtlng onLy rate the waa therefore adsorbates bulk solution therefore the only rate limiting the bulk adsorbates from from the sotutlon was varlable. variable for was selected selected for A of evaporator condenssteawas evaporator condensates A representative representative sample eample of provLde concentratLons would provide concentrations whlch would lfelghts of carbon which tests. Weights of carbon lsotherm tests. the isotherm placed in 1000 were placed ln 1000 carbon were of activated actlvated carbon ranging from mg/i of 6000 mg/l ranglng fronr 100 100 to to 6000 naate of the the waste 500 mlllillters To each flask, milliliters of flaek, 500 To each flaeks. urllltLlter Erlenineyer Erlennreyer flasks. milliliter glaee wool. Ttre glaee wool. Theglass contalning glass funnel containing sAmple wae was introduced through aa funnel lntroduced through s.ampte grlt or or scale ecale partlclea such such as as grit provided to foretgn particles wool was wae provided to remove removelarge large foreign present in were present Ln the whlch the samples. aamples. which were of basts that values of that, values che basis was selected on the eelected on A temperature of 500 5Oo C C was temperature of be conservative would be conservatlve thls temperature temperature would adsorption at this obtalned at adeorptl.on capacity capacity obtained uhlch at the the source, source, which raw waste and of the the raw ttaBte at of the the temperature and because becauee of temperature of appllcatlon. waste treatment treetment application. be considered would ln aa waste would have have to congldered in to be placed in conetant in aa constant and placed Btoppere and The then sealed wtth rubber rubber stoppers were.then sealed with flaeka were Ttre flasks weter a 500C 50oC water flaeke in ln a agitation of the the flasks whlch allowed allowed iunnersion ftmerelon of mechanlcmwhich agltatlon mechanism to an an identical ldentLcal was subjected eubJected to waate only, only, was of waste bath. sample consisting conelatlng of A blank sample bath. A procedure. procedure. --6262- be to be waa assumed perlod of hours was assumed to A contact of two tlro and and one-half one-half hours contact period betlteen the condltions between the of equilibrium long allow eetabllshnent establishment of conditions to aLlow equlllbrlum long to the solute ln solution. solution. solute and the eolute eolute remaining remaln{ng in sufflclently sufficiently adeorbed adsorbed bath and end the bath from the perlod, the removed from At the flaeks were were removed end of of this thle period, the flasks At the end Filtration Flltratton by filtration. powdered carbon by fll.tration. froira the the powdered the were separated separated from the samples $ere Buchner funnel funnel uas inserted whlch was Lneerted aa Buchner wae vlth aa vacuum vacuum flask fLask in tn which was conducted conducted with powdered and the the powdered The paper and paper. fllter No. 40 filter Ttre filter containing Whatman No. fl.lter paper. contalning t{hatman were discarded. dlacarded. carbon were organic carbon carbon BOD, COD, PBI, total totaL organic for BOD, COD, PBI, were then then analyzed anal.yzed for The samples eanpl.es nere the fron the quantlty of was computed computed from The quantity material adsorbed was toxlclty. of materlal and toxicity. blank the blank ln the measured in difference between the of adsorbaEe measured concentratlons of adsorbate dlfference the concentrations treared samples. samples. {n the the treated concentratlons remeining in remaining and the the residual reeldual concentrations the adsorptive edeorptlve: valueg comparing eomparlng the prel.tminary batch tests in which values After preliminary After batch tests ln which the equlllbrluu of B an eattmate propertles obtalned, an estimate of the equilibrium properties of carbone A and and B were obtained, of carbons carbon was made. mede. A carbon appltcatlon was carbon expected tn column column application capacity capactty of of carbon expected in basle of of the pl.aced on operation on the basis adsorption column was constructed in operation and placed in conotructed and adsorptlon coLumn $as tests. theee these preliminary preliminary tests. tubLng, diameter lucite luclte tubing, 2-1/2 inch tnctr diameter The column was fabricated of 2-1/2 fabrlcated of col.umn wae at the the ports installed lnstalLed at sampllng ports screened sampling with removable, removable, screened 4 feet feet in ln length Length wlth of representatlon echemattc representation Figure 27 shows of Figure sholrs a schematic feet levels. levels. 1, 2, 2, and 3 feet L, the supporting supportlng equipment. equipment. the column and the the the velocity veloclty from the adsorbent from separates the adsorbent A 50-mesh stalnless screen screen separates.the 50-rnesh stainless Waste flow low column was was upftow the upf flow through through the dtaslpatton chamber. chamber. Waste head dissipation clamp screu clamp adJustabLe screw gPm per an adjustable maintained foot with wlth an square foot one gpm at one maintalned at Per square An An feed tank. head from the constant placed influent line leading from the constant head feed tank. placed on the the tnfluent ltne leading head. a constant provlded to wae lnsure overf low line on the feed tank was provided to insure a constant head. overflow llne on the feed tank by aa Brosites BrosLtes positive reservoir by was fed fronr aa storage fed from storage reservoir feed tank tank was Positlve The feed fed tras fed whlch was pump. lhe reeervotr which The level ln the the storage Btorage reservoir level in displacement dlsplacenent pump. ltas controlled the laboratory laboratory from a 275 gallon bulk storage was controlled gallon bulk outeide the tank outside storage tank frorn valve. wlth a float float valve. witha ports' other sampling sampling ports, or the the other The the column column or the top top of of the from the Ttre flow flow from gap into aa depending upon the air gap into through an an air schedule, passed through dependlng the sampling eampl.ing schedule, in the the pressure fluctuations fluctuatlons prevent siphoning and pressure funnel order to in eiphontng and to prevent funnel in ln order column. column, granular carbon the column, lnto the carbon into Prior to of the granular of the Prlor the introduction lntroducclon to the Carbon flnes. aud fines. dust and to remove remove any any dust it backwaahed in warm tap water to ln warm tap water lt was backwashed granular was the only granular the only lt was eLnce it run, since type was chosen for run, lnltlal for the the initial type A wae the testing teetlng of the quantlty at the initiation lnltiatlon carbon quantity of at the ln sufficient eufficlent avall.able in carbon available schedule. schedule. carbon the carbon and then then the lrater and The column wae was partially filled with partl.ally wlth water filled Ttre to and to partlcles This allowed to and stratlfy to stratify the particles This allorred the fom. was added was added in |n slurry slurry form. fllled to to was filled The column was ln the the column. column. The washed further they settled settled in as they be waehed further as lf for expansion expanslon if This foot space epace for 0.4 foot allowed aa 0.4 feet. nrls allowed a depth of of 3.6 3.6 feet. posltloned The wae positioned Ttre column was necessary. rras found found necessary. backwashing of backwashlng the carbon carbon was of the aPparatus the water was run through the apparatus run through Tap watelhtaa apparatus. in the experimental apparatus. ln the experlmental - -63-63- Overflow Lin Overflow Li Constant Constant Head Tank Head Tank II V. and Collection Tank -- l i a . 44Z_a.. 2 I1/211 1 2 t t ddia. Plexiglas Column Plexiglas Column --__.- _v-_. Gap (Atr 6Air Gap / foot 1 4nto* - t'"' 3 foot gallons 275 gallons 275 it Waste to Waste o If/f/f 'f/f 2 foot foot Sample Sanrple PParts / 4 Needle Valve Float Valve Float Valve - IJ 1 foot foot Flow Meter Meter Supply sUPP1Y Pump Pump Experimental Carbon Column Column and Diagram of Experlmental Figure 27. Schematic Schematic Diagram Figwe 27. Apparatus Supporting Supporttng Apparatus 50 Mesh Screen Head Dissipation Chamber -64-64- rate with slth deelred rate perurlt adjustment flow to to the the desired of the the flow and the the column to to permit adJustment of ttcheck A Monostat, A Monoctat, outn the eguipment. the the supporting support{ng equipment. the screw screlr clamp and to to "check out" and adJustments and fl.ow rate rate adjustments sapphire ball, flowmeter was used make coarse ueed to flowneter was to make coarse flow sapphlre ball, Final Final flow flow rates ratee qulck vieual operatlon. to visual check of the column operation to allow allow a quick of the graduate cylinder cyllnder and and aa were with of aa graduate ,r"e of $rere established wtth the the use estebl{shed volumetrically volumetrically stop etop watch. fron this thle of materials materiale from The of the for the the adsorption adsorptlon of Ttre capacity capaclty of the carbon carbon for greatly underestimated, required the the construction waste construction of of underestlmated, and hence required waste was was greatly A second eecond carbon. less carbon. column which which contained addltlonal an additional contained considerably conslderably less glass pipe plpe in ln diarneter Pyrex Pyrex glass made from one inch lnch diameter column was made frour a one foot foot by one reasonable be attained attained within withln aa reasonable order that order of the carbon could could be that exhaustion exhaustion of the carbon of waste. $aste. volurne of time period, and wlth with a much much smaller throughput volume time perlod, snaller throughput As the progressed, lt it teetlng schedule schedule progreesed, the testing provide poesesslng possessing a deeper bed depth depth might nlght provide Thus, three columns, columns, strength. sertes of of three strength. I"hus, a series conatructed. of approximately was constructed. of approxlrnately 15 L5 feet feet lras became became apparent apparent that that Ia column column grearer waste in reductlon in waste aa greater reduction bed depth depth poeeesstng aa combined combLned bed possessing Flgure 28. 28. ln Figure filter is shown in ls shown of the the 15 foot filter A schematic represencation of 15 foot schematlc representation gl.ass pipes pipes with wlth dimensions dftnenalonc with Pyrex Pyrex glass The individual columns were constructed Ttre lndividual constructed with Rubber BtopPers Rubber stoppers tn length. of 1-1/2 five feet feet in length. of diameter, by five t-Ll? inches ineide diameter, inches inside steel screens, screenst meeh stainless stalnless steel fitted with recessed, dlameter, 50 50 mesh fltted erLth receseed, 1/2 LlZ inch Lnch diameter, of top stopper etopper of Each top columne. Each were placed placed in both the bottom of of the the columns. the top and bottom top and tn both the three three coltrmns, columns, plus plus the the bottom bottom stopper stopper of of the the flrst first coltrmn, column, wae was fltted fitted the locations. these locations. glass tees at these with convenient rrlth glass to facilitate convenient sampling earnpllng at tees to facllltate prohibited the bed prohibited the quantlty of foot bed The ln the the 15 15 foot contalned in Ttre large Large quantity of carbon contained purpose The sole purpose of of Ttre sole breakthrough condition. condttlon, loading loadlng of of the to a breakthrough the column to different at different efflclency this column was was to establish values values for at for removal removal efficiency thls colunn to establtsh of hydraulic loading rates, and to obtain an overalL overall estimate estimate of the the maximum maximum hydraullc to obtain loading rate8, perlod contact the longer be adsorbed Longer contact period amount material which which could durtng the amount of of materlaL adeorbed during could be provlded in bed. provided deeper carbon bed. ln this thls deeper column. the15-foot l5-foot .coiuinn. Both carbons tested and andcompared and BB were were tested conparedinlnthe carbons AA and gputper per square gpm per square per square foot to to 14.8 14.8 gpm Hydraulic rates ttydraulic varylng from square foot from 11 gpm raEes varying the lack of lack of A. However, the carbon A. foot containing carbon foot were applied applted to to the the column containing prevented lncurred prevented sufficient head, headloes incurred the large large headloss head, combined comblned with with the sufflcient B. per square foot for carbon gpm per carbon B. loading in excess of of 10 gpm foot for loading ln excess - Four to establish tests were Research lindlngs Findings Four isotherm were conducted conducted to establish an an Rgsearch lsotherm tests prel.lminary tests testg These Ttrese preliminary adequate range of dosage concentration. concentratlon. of carbon dosage provide aa 6000 mg/i mg/l would provide indicated that carbon dosages of mg/l to to 6000 of 100 100 mg/t tndicated that carbon lsothern representative satisfactoty distribution of of data data points points necessary necessary for for a representative isotherm satlsfactory dlstrlbution plot. plot. fro'm rhtch data which data from presenta COD, Table PBI, total carbon and Tr* T BOD, PBI, total carbon Table 14 COD, BOD, 14 presents Figures Figuree calcMated. B were calcfiTated. Freundlich isotherms comparing carbons A and B were A and eomparlng carbons Freundllch Leotherms equatl.on. Freundllch equation. the Freundlich present the to the data fitted fltted 29, 31, and 32 present to the data 29, 30, 30, 31, whlch for which lsotherm teeE Reliable Tj,j values were obtained on the isotherm test for on the second Rellable Tpq values lrere obtaLned factora toxlclty reductlon and the subsequent toxicity reduction factors used, The the subsequent carbon AA was wag used. Ttre Tj Tp4 eample value for the treated sample by for the treated which were were computed by dividing the the T1y T value dlvtding whtch computed by Table 15. preseilfed form tabular in that of the untreated waste are presented in tabular form in Table 15. ln that of the untreated waste are r -65-65- 1" di Pyrex ) I to Waste From Constant Heed Tank I I Flow Meter 50 M Scree reens Needle Vdve lnflr.rentSample Influent Semple Figure Representationof of One Figure 28. 28. schematic Schematic Representation one-foot -foot and Flfteen-foot Fifteen-foot Deep Deep Columns colqarae -66- TABLE 14. Isotherm data TABLE 14 Isotherm data obtained carbon Aa obtained comparing comparing carbon Aa with with c a r b o n B.b carbon B.b Carbon A A Carbon Cu,bon qu$aEe uuae Residual COD, mg/I. m/L Residual BOD, mg/L Residual PBI, units mg/L 00 100 100 250 250 5 00 500 700 700 1000 1000 2000 2000 6 000 6000 800 800 6zs 625 567 567 443 443 3 83 383 3 1 3100 245 245 zr6 216 420 420 3 30 330 270 270 240 240 700 700 t75 175 r44 144 t27 127 l 0 r 525 525 10, lo, 125 I25 10, 9,925 9,925 8, 000 8,000 5 , 350 350 5, 1 ,560 1,560 90 90 0 Residual organic carbon, ntg/L 185 185 Residual toxicity TLM, 0 .77 r156-175 5 6 -1 7 5 l3g 139 ?.a 7.0 ^'11.5 117 nI3 ::' -- -5 5 .7 55. 5 2 .1I 52 > 1155 >20 >20 > 20 >zo >>zo 20 Carbon Carbon dosage mg/L COD, mg/L 0 100 100 250 250 500 500 700 700 t1000 000 2000 2000 6000 6000 821 8Zl 610 610 510 510 39s 395 328 328 274 274 zzo 220 212 212 Residual. acarbon aCarbon bcarbon bCarbon Residual BOD, mg/L 475 345 345 2 72 72 z225 z5 r188 88 t172 7Z t3 7 137 127 127 Residual PSI, units 1 0 ,300 300 10, 850 9, 9,850 9 "0 5 0 9,0.50 6 , 625 625 6, 2 950 2,, 950 r1,570 ,570 5 500 00 Residual organic carbon, mg/L Residual toxicity TLM, 0. 7 185 158.5 158.5 87.4 87.4 -lz > 12 >tz - - > t1.2 2 6 4 .88 64. 52.9 52.9 -- 4 6 .s 46.3 ' > 2200 >20 >20 > 2200 >20 >20 A - Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Carbon A Carbon Company Company SGL x 30 8)< 30 meeh mesh SGL 8 A - Pittsburgh Pittsburgh CarbQn A Carbon Company Company CAL. CAL l|x 12 X40 40 mesh mesh Conditions Test Conditions Temperature 50°C 50 o C Temperature period Agitation Period -- 2Z 1/2 Agitation hours UZ hours pH untreated pH untreated waste waste - 7.?.1I -67-67- by carbon carbon TABLE 15. Reduction Reduction inin evaporator evaporator condensate TABLE 15. toxicity by condeneate toxicity adsorption. adsorption. olo Toxicity iduction rcduction (TRF)* ffactor a c t o r (TRF)* 0. 0 .7 -- 2SOmg/1 250 rnglL 7.7 7.7 11 rl 70Omg/i 700 rnglL 74 7.4 1 0 .44 10 1 0 0 0mg 1000 mg/i /l 9 .55 13 1 3 .55 3OO0 3000mg/i mglt 11.8 ll.8 17 t7 6000 6 00 0 mg/i rn g h 11 l l . 88 17 l7 (ra w waste) 0 (raw w a ste ) * * Toxty LM h ar1.1on Carbon dosage d osage C' 'V TLM, of Computed by by dividing dividing Tr.* TLMofoftreated treated by by Tt TLM of untreated untreated Gomputed tut sample. eample. Test Conditions Teet Conditions (pulverized) Carbon type A (pulverized) type A Carbon l l 2 hours e r i o d - - Z 1/2 Agitation A g i t a t i o n pperiod--Z hours 7 , 4 p H uuntreated pH waste-7. 4 ntreated waete1 --6688- 3.0 2,O 2.0 1 .5 1.5 1 .O 1.0 0.9 0.9 rl 0.8 3 o.z k rl Io o . o o.s I 0.5 o bo I a o .e 0.4 * 0 0..33 o 0. .22 o .15 0.15 0. 1 COD, mg/i mgll C, Residual Restdual COD, A and cnd B B Freundllch Isotherm Adsorption o,n on Cerbor Carbon A Figure 29. Freurdlich Ftgrne kotherm for COD Adsorptlon - 69-69- O Carbon A 3.0 X"o = 2.4 2.0 2.O g Carbon B )(co= 1'5 1.5 1 .5 1.0 1.0 0. 0. 09 c 0.01 08 s0. 20. o 8 0.07 o. 3o.06 Ho.os 8 0 .Q40 4 o A 0 €o.03 o : 00.. 0o2 b E )i 0. o .iC 10 0. 0 o. 09 0. 0 0.08 o .07 0.02 0. 06 0 0. 0.05 0.05 0.04 0. 04 0.03 o. 03 0.02 0.02 0.01 Restdual BOD, Residual BOD, mgll mg/i 30.Freundlich Figrue 30. FreurdlichIsQtherm leothermfor Figure on Carbon Carbon A forBOD BOD Adsorption on A and andB B 0 - 70- /r I !;>o o Iio g l ['r, g F ! g g g 8 N tr (! C, Residual PB! Units in Solution a Figure 31. Freundlich Isotherm for PBI Adsorption on Carbon A and B l FI 0 E 0 ta q I :a p EI A. d , tt 0 c) d rJ c 3 fl u c o 6 E I E E u € g (, I E o 6 EE E o Carbon B o Carbon A € g \ c, h -83 a b0 lr. cioi d N 6 ui uoqr€Ctur/paqrospy .f .'i tri srlun lgd ,X 1. : { ; oo j ro a) I 10. 9. 8. UU It ° Fg (td o -7L-71- I 0 Carbon A t.o 1.1 0.9 .0. 0.8 0. a o,7 0. 0.6 0. o 0. . 5 . o o rt U bo E E g0 o 0. . 4 o 0.. 3 .20 tu € o 0 € { q I 8 t-. Io.I bb Ø o. E 0. o. o. X 0. o. 0. o. 0. o. 0. o. 0. i lo 0. g .10 o 0 20 30 & ' 5 0 50 40 6070 6 0 7 080 8 090 9 0100 100 Residuai'T@, mg/l: Residual TOC, mg/i Freundlich Isotherm lsotherm for for Total Totel Organic Organlc Carbon Cerbon Fi&ire 32. 32. Freundlich gnd B Adsorptioa on Adsorption on Carbon Carbon AA and B i I a I S 200 --7272- (Eq. 5) and 5) and equation (Eq. Langmutr equatlon the Langmuir BOD data data analyzed analyzed wtth COD and BOD with the COD llnear the not assume aegune the linear dld n6t 33 did Flgure 33 ln Figure graphlcal form form in presented in preeented ln graphical alkylbenzene of_varioue various alkylbeuzene adsorptlon of for adsorption end t{eber relationship found Morris and Weber for iouna by Morrls relatlonsnfp 29 Flgute wlth 33 Figure Comparison of with Figure 29 of Figure Compartson eolutLon. su].fonates from dtluie dilute solution. eut.fonatea from lsotherm Freundlich isotherm the Freundllch reeembles the pLot closely cLosely resembles the Langmuir tangmulr plot reveals that the reveals that can curve can portlon of the curve of the The very very steep eteeP portion forn. when ln inverted lnverted form. when examined exanined in flatter wlth the the flatter fractlon with unadsorbable fraction the unadsorbable to the apparently to attrtbuted apparently be attributed eaelly the easily established wlth with the establ.iehed the equilibria equillbria of the piitfon portion Ullng being representative of representattve wagt€. the tn adsorbed compounds in the waste. adgorbed compounde not data does not the data that the appears that lt appears presentations it graphlcal presentations From these graphical From these the rhen eguatton by the Langmuir equation even when the the Langmuir piedtcted llneartty the linearity agree with the predicted agree with unadsorbable' BOD ae and BOD as unadsorbable. COD residual certain a aaauming data certain restdual COD adJusted by assuming aita is is adjusted that as that such as with data such wtth data relationship thte relationship satisfying this pocslUiffty of satisfying The of Ttre possibility of ln llght unspecific in light of unepeelfic 8o are wtrlch tests, .ihich are so CODtests, obtained BODand and COD Che BOD with the obtained with overexteneiOn ie is an overextension condenaates, evaporator condensates, of evaporator content of the complex organic organtg content the comrplex caPablllties. the equation's equationts capabilities. of the of the operatlon operation teots the lsotherur tests batch isotherm the batch of the Upon completion completton of Column Resutce -- Upon Teet Results Column Test of obtaining sufficient columns fof f i s tcarbon n1tf'ete d . T t r e dwas f f f 1 cinitiated. u l t y o f o b t a l n lThe n g c udifficulty ff{clent bed foot carbon carbon bed pac1tyof the four foot the four ;;"-;-ro to nifi$ir"irhe,l€nt[rrs*adsorptive waste utilJethe.entiradsorptive @iaet'ty'of column. carbon column. of aa smaller smaLler carbon prompted construction of constructton wao dlameter' was lnch diameter, by one one inch deep by foot deep one foot Accordingly, aa glass glase column, column, one Accordlngly, emaller the smaller of the An An advantage adventage of teats. exhaustlon tests. perform carbon carbon exhaustion acquired to perform acquired to ln evaluated could be evaluated in B could A carbon both carbon that carbon column was that both carbon A and carbon B carbon gallon eample' 275 composited in one 275 gallon sample. Ln waete eo,nrposited unLform using aystem using uniform waste dynamic system a dynamic both for both foot eolumn column for one foot wlth the the one COD data obtained obtalned with breakthrough data COD breakthrough conflrm tests These column tests confirm Ttrese Flgure 34. in Figure 34. B are illustrated carbon A and B in are illustrated carbon indicated carbon BB lndlcated whlch studles batch isotherm isobherm studies which results obtalned by batch reaults obtained A' carbon did capacity than did carbon A. than capaclty adsorPtive more adsorptive cent more possessed poeseseed 30-35 per Per cent the operating variables and the varlables baElc operating the basic forn the Table presenta in tn tabular tabular form 16 presents iable 16 for obtalned the data obtained for data the from calculated from capacltles resulting adsorptive calculated adsorptlve capacities resultl.ng. toxicity expresses toxicity 35 expresses Figure 35 B. Figure and B. column operation using carbons carbons AA and operatlon using column tente in Mytilus edulis, in terms organl'sm, Mytll.us edulis, bioassay organism, the bioassay results obtained with the obtal.ned with results ' factor. reductlon factor. of a toxicity reduction of toxlcity , the from the taken taken from trealed effluent effluent Exploratory tests conducted with with treated tests conducted Exploratory carbon with carbon wl'th contact iddttional to additional port, and column's four-foot port, contact subJected to and subjected four-foot columnts indicate thet aa lndlcate that to appeared column, by foot'deep in a one inch three foot deep column, appeared to thiee lnch ln A time' contact time. higher degree of removal could could be aehieved achieved wlth with greate" greater contact degree oi htgher subetantlate ".torr"l further substantiate to further wae assembled to 28 was Flgure 28 ln Figure shown in 15 foot as shown foot deep column findlngs. theee findings. these sections was was charged charged column sections foot column flve foot three, five Initially, each the three, of the Qach of Inltlallyr 3, of 1, 3, Hydraulic loading rates ratea of 1, loading Hydraullc Lnchee. of 54 depth of 54 inches. to aa depth with wlth carbon carbon BB to ratea of loadlng the effects of loading rates the effects to evaluate were chosen gal/minlf1'2' 5, and 10 gal/mm/ft2 were chosen to evaluate 5, beet ls best tests is of tests thie series serlee of of this regults of The results removal efficiency. efflciency, on removal 36. Figure ln explained in the curves shown in Figure 36. explaLned ln the curvea eho\tn three the three of the contents of the contents lrere completed, completed, the After uslng carbon carbon BB were After tests tegts using The A' carbon volume of carbon A. of volume equal with an repl.aced with an equal columns ind replaced removed and columng were removed -73- r I I I I 16 / t155 It / 6 r *14 €d ril u 1 313 o b0 E BODData CarbonA iIt t z 12 / o {tl I II o ill g10 10 BOD Data SOD Data B CarbonB Carbon I / F o I 8e o u U CODData CarbonB I I I bS E ' 88 E x-7 COD Data / CarbonA 7 X 1 d6 5. / I ,lj 3 I I 0 0.002 0.002 Figure Figure 33. 33. I 0' {J()0 0.006 0.004 0.004 COD orBOD or BOD 1/C, l/C, mg/I mg/l COD u. 0.0u Langmuir Applications BOD Data Data to to the Langmuir and BOD COD and of COD Applicetlone of lsotherm AdsorPion Isotherm Adsorption luangtg urunloC u1 Eulsso4C1OCluacred B39RR 0 1 \ \' 0 \ 22 3r: '- (o tt) o Fl \ \. \ <lDlO '''g 3€ a(J !l 6r! S e HO 'E dE u 33 ? Weight Carbon A ------------- 53.1 g Weight Carbon B ------------- 55. 6 g 2 Waste Flow Rate -------------- 1 gpm/ft tl o b0 <cl cg oo €n €t ( ' uc) 9p -'b0 d.6 rt .ts E o. oI b0 I I E FI (l & dg 3 o d b0 Pc, h tU c) 3 tr 2 d 8 3 Io ! 0 34 3d Or F. 3 42 Average Influent COD ---------- 790-900 mg/i b0bO )l\ E. x 24 {l A o N Carbon Column Dimensions ------- 1 inch dia. by 12 inch dp. q CI rN F A A E a ?lq {, bo gH lr.l ) Throughput Volume, Gallons Comparison of Carbon A and Carbon B in Column Application i8 \" 1 ii .E .go Experimental Conditions: ii t a 'fi. Eo 3E E< 9q <, cat Figure 34 2 0 \," 1t 0 o 0 CarbonE CarbonA p 10 -0 vb o zo 30 - Key €€ UU o C) // / \ isO IL 60 :: 90 -74- Io\ o H (, tr .o o t.E e6 --o onl r€ o EU FE tr g H g o U g a bo i; TABLE 15. Comparison of the adsorptive capacities of carbons A and B obtained in a column application. +, r+{ o o g .F{ o t{ d P" H o O u') f'l rl E t-t Carbon type A Weight carbon in column Flow rate uo{LH iT"i,isl (Y') : !xfrfiY: ;l sl:ig.sEqlgSEtgsl;8fis;tT;s;:8 j €l'gfr$sI l 'lI;s B'ElrsH;triH;i:r 'tt ul rul * rn-rNc|t-dN s -f +, p. k o a d q) .O si O l+{ o o o +J U d p. d () 0) "i b C{) FR tr) tn -r tno 0. 7 H O ? A H t1 ro ci rn c; E N \. N N \.A .t{ s Hl \ 9 l\ B,EU; Ho H'gFf€i 3$soshSo :Filnitl;lt ,: E s,"EEi;-E$H T $f,Ei:3t;,{ s E;sleExi!3 *n fl fl suniB{gg go UE; U* s E ilg Tl.,iT * fissan$*nF,s,i' H! H8 yi E :rnT "*rn i@E e1b o\ O f- U . td N l - l - ' - r r n c.lI tl F r.' r{ d o. P{# d dl ,|r rfi \b0 .d b0 a o € .& h d.d it -, SRfi : E BR* Li O 31 gallons 17. 9% 70% 798-910 mg/i 25-31° C 1 gal/mm/ft 2(20. 5mL!min) F "O HOJ b0-'<6 55. 6 g f; ca B e t(l lr) d o g p t< d o u -i b0 .r 6! tt .lv €* PO+t Hfg; I E'Eo.ss E ,o$o,-ra\ @o\ .d ci 0. 96 38 55% -r 'F I t3 TE J B'8e.8€ HHs I T'! at 75% COD breakthrough Carbon adsorption capacity obtained at breakthrough conditions lbs/1000 gallons mg COD/mg carbon .5 ,r Cvro 5. 1 ,l Percent COD removed at beginning Percent COD removed at termination Waste throughput volume to 75% COD breakthrough Percent at adsorbable COD being removed Q) 55% ? E Raw waste COD range {agl ' o ru) Temperature range E 23 gallons +r Carbon type B Weight carbon in column Flow rate si 70% 11. 6% Nd mg COD/mg Carbon d at 75% COD breakthrough Carbon adsorption capacity obtained at breakthrough, lbs.! 1000 gallons o (J Percent COD removed at termination Waste throughput volume to 75% COD breakthrough Percent of adsorbable COD being removed E t 1 gal/mm/ft 2(20. 5 mL/min) 24-31°C 865-965 mg/i d H Raw waste COD range Percent COD removed at beginning o '{ P. p. .p d Temperature range ,o o E €g Fi (d +) 53.lg vi -4 -75- d o \o ..q b0 I d .d = t I (gga) .rorceg uopcnpeg,trlcgo; I; I 02 0 4 N N b0 Tr c ! p 9 (, a (l, rct g 6 o I o o/ / "lcl o I I I I I {6 aft SH g.e R.q ,A()€ ai-9 s€.5 NEF Ngi b GI E 81012 14161820222426283032343638404244 (, E ro€ d$ sfo €c NT df o U H @o (n ro -.O ?.5 H{ o N te €u b0(| t.g Throughput Volume, Gallons rD (,, tl 6l 14 , x 3 b0 Figure 35. Comparison of Carbon A with Carbon B in Adsorbing Toxic Substances 6 Experimental Conditions Similar to those described in Figure 22 Ia. 0' -76- I o tr U aff .l g b o E tn (a ii --7777- 100 90 80 Key, H 7 070 g G lrl ..! !0 FI - 1- -- {-----+------e- 60 60 r - tglnlttz .2 3 gpn/ftz .2 s gpmtft2 l0 grm/ft2 lso50 0o o E u4040 0, Or 30 20 10 0 10 Feet Dep'ttr,Feet Column ColumnDepth, of Efficiency of tfie Efficiency Loadlng Kate Rate on the Figure 36. ofHydraulic Hydraulic Loading Effectof 36. Effect CarbonBB Uring Carbon COD Removal Removal Using 2 -78-78- obtalngd sfinlLar to to those those obtained obtalned with wlth carbon were essentially eeaentlalty similar results carbon AA were reoults obtained gpailtt2, 1S gpm/ft2, loading rate, rate, 15 B. An An examination of an an additional wlth additlonal loading with carbon carbon B. examlnatl.on of by head loss decreaeedhead lose afforded afforded by possLble with the decreased was possible to the with this thla material matertal owing owing to wae glzed particles. efflclency partLetea. A removal efficiency of COD CODremoval A relationship reLatlonshlp of larger sized the larger preaented exanlned is ls presented rates examined loadtng rates bed depth hydraullc loading versus bed depth for for the the various varl.oue hydraulic Flgure 37. in Figure 37. ln plota that capable meterlals capable thst materials these two two plots of these It evident from le evtdent from either It is elther of quite earl.y are removed of by activated belng adsorbed actlvated carbon carbon are removed quite early adaorbed by of being ln of the the curve in Examlnatlon of the adsorbent. adeorbent. Examination thelr exposure to the during their durlng exposure to increaae almoet negltgtble Figure negligible increase tn in at 5 gpmfft2, ehowe an almost Figuri 36 36 obtained obta{ned at epu.lft2, shows an additional addltlonal. traete through paesage of through an of the COD the waste rae obtained obtained after after passage CODremoval removal was do indicate lndlcaFe retea do other loading loadlng rates Even though other hed. Even feet of of carbon carbon bed. five flve and and ten ten feet galned are be gained are slight elLght advantages to to be be obtained, the advantages additional removal removal can can be obtalned, the eddltlonal best. a att best. yteld deep column column yield frqn the the deep Bioassays perforned on obtatned from Bloaasays performed on effluents effluents obtained be analyzed. anatyzed' could be Tp1 values values could of Tth numberof erratic mlnLmumnumber reaulta so ao only only aa minimum erretl.c results of removal of on the the removal tlme on residence time Figure 38 Flgure 38 depicts deplctg the the effect effect of of column column residence rate8. loadlng rates. hydraullc loading toxic eubstancec substances obtatned obtained at at two trro different dtfferent hydraulic toxtc the that the wae noted noted that Adsorptl.on -- It It was Selective Substance.Adsorption of Toxic Toxl.c Substance Selectlve Nature of eontact whlch earbon ln adsorption of toxic substances in Batch tests, in which carbon contact yl.elded provlded in teeta, yielded col.umntests, Ln the the column tlme provided opportunity !ra!r was much much in of time ln excess excess of opportunity eelectlvcly are organics Apparently toxic organics are selectively tot(tc ln toxicity. toxtclty. dramatic drarnatic reductions reductlona in have BODcontent content have adsorbed and BOD the COD CODand to the contributing to matertals contributing adsorbed only only after after materials eLteE. adeorptl.on sites. the available avaflabLe adsorption had an to occupy occupy the had an opportunity opportunity to removal, toxlcity removal, quatltatlve observation, concernlng toxicity obeervatton, concerning A strictly qualitative A strlctly revealed effluents free of the kraft odor possesaed possessed a relatlvely relatively the kraft free of that effluents revealed that the thet the noted that also noted Along these it was was also Al.ong llnes, it theee same samelines, toxlclty. degree of toxicity. low degree odor possessedaa slight ellght odor treated effluents obtained columne possessed contect columns frmr the the contact obtalned from treated effluente the to the opaqueappearance appearenceto an opaque as well as whtch imparted lmparted an materlal which ae colloidal colloldal material aa well toxtclty. poaseealng considerable conslderable toxicity. sample etl1l possessing ln addition eddltion to to still sanple in the extended extended powderedcarbon, and the carbon, and The isotherm which utilized utlllzed powdered tests whlch the lsotherm tests golutione produced odorlesg clear, contact experiment with granular carbon produced clear, odorless solutions granular wlth carbon contact experiment column effl.uents. poseessed than carbon toxlcity which possessed considerable less toxicity than carbon column effluents. coneiderable less whlch tndeed contrLbuted It was surmised colloidal materl.al material eould could have have indeed contributed the colloldal that the It was surmised that research the research of the tlrne limitation llmitatlon of and time to the scope scope and toxlctty, but the resldual toxicity, to the residual The relationship relatlonshtp the observatlon. quantLtatlve investigation thle observation. prevented prevented quantitative of this lnvestlgatl.on of glven in 39. Figure 39. ln Figure found betreen between COD COD removal ls given and toxicity toxlclty is removal and be to be proceas is found to lg found Preliminary unit process Whenany any unit Evaluatlon -- When Prel{rninary Economic Economlc Evaluation questlon the critical crltlcal question wa8tes the technically EeaifUfe feasible for treatment of of certain for'treatment certaLn wastes Eectrnfcilfy gttll remains. prellmlnary at least Least aa preliminary was felt felt that that at It was of economics remal.ne. It of economics still treatment. carbon treatment. actlvated carbon the cost of activated attempt should made at cost of be made eotebllehlng the at establishing attempt ehould be by be reduced reduced by prevlouely that readtly be It was shown the COD could readily thet the CODcould shoen previously It wae carbon in ln aa gallona of of activated actlvated carbon pounde per 1000 75 cent using uel.ng 3.8 pounds 1000 gallons 75 per cent cloeely approximates approxlmatea Using a waste flow whlch closely of 2.5 mgd, which flow of 2.5 mgd, Uslng column application. appllcatlon. column carbon were obtained, obtalnedr carbon eanrplecwere the dlscharge discharge of of the nlll mill where where the waste samples the waste the per day. logeea pounda per day. Carbon Carbon losses of 9500 requirements vould would be be on the order order of 9500 pounds on the requLrenents -79-79- - Key: Key: I gpmlttz igpm/ft2 -{F 3 gpmlftz 3gpm/ft2 - Ss gpm/ft2 ep-/tl lOgpm/ft2 lQ gpnlft' iS gpmfft2 1 c g E lrt FI b0 E z O. 0.. o o 0 u U ll !, O 5 a, 2 50 ,lo c. 0.. t# 5t015 Column Depth, ft Column DePtJr, COD Efficiency of COD the Efficiency R4te on the Hydraulic Loading Rare Figure Figure 37.. 37. Effect of Hydraulic Carbon Removal Using Carbon A Using -80-80- cot depth ,to 40 3E 38 36 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28 28 1Ofoot deph 26 26 24 24 d 2 222 : d' 20 g J 20 la ; 1 8 18 g a) Pa 1 616 o & q 1 4 14 E a 3rz12 10 10 8I 6 I 15 foot depth 4 2 10gprn/ftz I CarbonB p l0 foot depth / 6 5 foot depth o 0 (TRC) Faetor(TRC) Toxicity Toxtctty Reduction Reduction Factor Reduction Toxiclty Reduction Residence Tlme Time on Toxicity Column Residence Ftgure Figure 38. Effect of Column -81-81- I00 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 b0 F .E 60 60 cl E 50 J50 ID d E U u 'lo 40 E G' g tu A 30 30 20 20 10 l0 0 (TRF) Factor(TRF) Toxicity ReductionFactor Toxictty Reduction (Data Remwal (Data COD Removal toCOD Redrrtlon to Toxicity Reduction Relcttonship of Toxicity Figure 39. RelatIonship Flgure 39,, B) A and Obtained with Both Carbon A and B) Obtelned wlth Both -82-82- per cent cent per flve per eboue five to about amount to due to attrition and due and reactivation reactlvatlon losses loeeee amount to eitrltlon P€r a coet of at per carbon pounds day 6f makeup Thus, about 480 pounds per day of makeup carbon at a cost of reacttvetlon. 480 Ttrua, reactivation. would be requtred. $285 be required. $285 of the treatment treatnent of for the granul.er carbon required requ{red for of granular Ttre lnttl.al charge of The initial detern{ned tlnea and realdence baeed on 2.5 of condensates, on loading loadl.ng rates rates and residence times determined 2.5 ngd mgd of condensates, based wlth an an pounda for for treatment treatment with to 47,100 471100 pounds in ln the the laboratory columnc, amounts amounta to laboratory columns, pounds cost a at a cost pounde in proceas for 491400 pounds at of 49,400 21300 pounds for ae total total of additional 2,300 addltlonal ln process reactlvatlng structures' reactivating costg of of supporting aupportlng structures, Additional costs of of $14,800. $14r800. Addlttonal end {netrunentatfon and pumplng and and valving, valvlng, instrumentation faclllttee, furnace, carbon handllng furnace, handling facilities, pumping per coct of of $l00,000-$l25,000 capltal cost control systems systems are are estimated eatfinated at at aa capital control per $1001000-$1251000 approach woutd approach gallona. For 2.5 rqd costs would mgd capital capltal construction construetlon costs nllll.on million gallons. costs on on treatment costs preeentg aa breakdown breakdownof eatlnated treatment of estimated 17 presents $300,000. $3001000. Table 17 basl.e. a daily dally basis. a TABLE 17 TABLE 17 ngd 2.5 mgd of 2.5 Treatment of for the the Treatment Estimated Eetlmeted Costs Costs for Condeneates Kraft Evaporator Condensates Kraf t Evaporator Item Cost $/day Capltal Investment Investment Capital facllltlea Plant facilities carbon charge Initial charge Inttlal 80 80 20 20 Operating labor maintenance Operatlng labor and end mal,ntenance 100 100 urlllrle8 Utilities 100 100 Garbon Carbon makeup makeup 285 2e5. TorAL TOTAL 585 585 gallons Treatment coat, $11000 Treatment cost, $/1OOOgallons 0.23 o,23 treatment that carbon carbon treatment appears that lt appears analyeLst it Based Based on this thle rather rather crude analysis, tthen gomertlat feaslble when be entirely entlrely feasible However, it may be lt may by itself expenel.ve. llonever, 1g somewhat expensive. lteelf is methode. treatment methods. other treatment used in with other uaed ln conjunction conJunctlon wlth -83- BIBLIOGRAPIIY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 1.. phystce and third of surfaces, eurfaces, Third The physics and chemistry chenlstry of Keetngton. The Adam, Neil NetL Kesington. Adam, p, Orford, 1941. 435 P. ed. L941. 436 ed. London, London, Oxford, 2. 2. Some effects effects of of kreft kraft mlll mill B r e t t . 1957. a n d J.R. 1957, Some Alderdice, A l d e r d l c e , D.F., D . F . , and J . R . Brett Reeearch young Pacific Fleherlec Research of the the Fisheries Journal of Salmon. 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EngineerfJournal f i r i c a n Sof o c the 1 e t yAmerican o f C 1 v t t ESociety n g l n e e rof a , SCivil a n t E aEngineers, r y E n g l n e e Sanitary ring lng Division Dtvlslon 90(SA3):79-106. 1964, 90(SA3):79-106. June June 1964. 64. 64. from solution. _______________.. Kinetics on carbon carbon from solutlon. Klnettcs of of adsorption edeorptlon on Sanltary EngineerEnglneerEngineera, Sanitary Journal Amerlcan Society Soclety of of Civil Ctvll Engineers, of the the American Journal of Aprll 1964. L964, ing lng Division Divlelon 89(SA2):3l-59. 89(SA2)r31-59. April 65. 65. fro'rn secondary senage _______________.. Removal secondary sewage of organic organlc compounds compoundafrom Removal of A paper preeffluent @ r a n u 1 a using r r e g e ngranular e r a b 1 e aregenerable c t l v a t e d c e r activated b o n . A p a p ecarbon. rpre. Anerlcan l{agte Chemistry, Chemlatry, American sented Water and and Waste the Division Divlsion of of Water sented before the L963. Ohlo. January January 13-18, 13-18' 1963. Chemical Society meeting, Cincinnati, Chenrlcal Soclety meetlng, Cinclnnatl, Ohio. - 88- APPENDIX APPENDIX AP?ENDI.X APPENDIX STUDIES RETENTION flrIprES 4ETENrroN. loee toxicity toxtclty effluente lose that kraft kraft ntl,l bslleved that ls believed Introduction mill effluents Introductlon -- It It is pertod tlme. of for a allowed to to stand atend for a period of time. and allowed when mixed men nfiAA with dth saltwater caltwater and bactertal dua to {e thte toxic toxlc loss loac is due to bacterial |.f, this It not clearly underatood if la not clearly understood It is rrsaltlng out" theae of these or aa combination comblnatlon of outtr effect, degradment, ef,fect, or degradment, the thc so-called ao-called "salting or other unknowns. unknownS. or other lagoon to simulate elmrlate lagoon ettemPt to an attempt ueed here, here, is {s an as used The Statl.c retention, retentlon, as The Static dtludynamtc diluretentl.on rrlthout storage whieh which is percent waste retention without dynamic lc defined defl.ned as percent storege dl.lutlon le continuous contLnuoug dilution dynamlc system ayetem is the dynamic tlon time, Conversely, the tion wlth with time. an estuary. egtuary. ln an of water water in ttdal exchange exchangeof with wlth time, tlme, similar elnllar to to aa tidal to, aecertatn ere to. experlmente are The purpoee purpose of ascertain l.f if concentratlon concentration of these theae experiments Ttre Alaot time. Also, wl.th time. degradnent with onthe tha rate rate ofof degradinent of wastes has an effect of the the wastes has an effect on P.B.I. B.O.I).r P.B.I. betweenB.0.D., correlatlon between to positive correlation detetuine if tf there is la a pocltlve to determine between A comparison cmparleon between bloaeaay. A by the the musgel ae evidenced evtdenced by and toxicity mussel bioassay. and tox!"city as to needed ls tystem flush tldal. the simulated lagoon storage and the tidal flush system is needed to and the eirnrlated lagoon treatment. nethode of two paraueters between the relate degradment of the parameters between the two methods of treatment. ralate degradment of the glaae jars 3-ga11onglass were 3-gallon contalner3 were Materials kraft retention retentl.on containers Matertale -- The Ttre kraft Jarr by saltwater caltnater These were connected by nere glaac aerators. Ttreee aerators. frttted glass ;A[I[-pFdth equipped with fritted wlth 10 lltera (photo fllled to The jars were filled to 10 liters with t). ltre Jara were leeched latex tublng (Photo 1). tatex tubing w111 Slx Six effluents. kraft will effluents. of strong atrong kraft ranple of a diluted eonpoalte sample dlluted 7-day 7-day composite year of the the year tlmes of varloue times different at various of wastes waetea taken teken at eanplee of dlfferent composite compoalte samples tesE the static stetlc test tn the concentrattonc in atudy. The Ttra concentrations used throughout thle study. were eere used throughout this percent. 0.5 percent and percent, L percents 3 jars were 10 percent, 5 percent, 3 percent, 1 percent and 0.5 percent. were 1,0 5 Percentr Jare saltwater ppt, including the saltwater lncludlng the 25 ppt, at 25 wag maintained maintalned at The all cases ln all caeec was sallnlty in Ttre salinity blank. blank. (Uyttlus edulis) whtch edullg) which mussel (Mytilus Bay rmrsael wlth the Bay Bloasaayr were vere conducted conducted with Bioassays outllned the procedure outlined to the aciordlng to were collected, and spawned spawnedaccording cleaned and were collected, cleaned (1965). Breege (1965). by Dimick Dlmlck and and Breese by waetee the wastes ttere run run on on the P.B.L. were Procedure bioassays B.O.D. and and P.B.I. bloaacays B.O.D. Procedure -- Initial Inlttal solldat Total and volatile solids, and volatlle Total the mflt. frora recelved from the mill. as soon was received 8s soon as es it it was calculated. were also also calculated. pf, and flowa were pH and total total mill mtll flows after daya after to 33 33 days from 33 to Time teets ranged ranged from perlods of of, subsequent aubaequent tests Tlme periods at least wae tested In all cases each concentration was tested at least In all ca8e8 each concentratlon teet. the initial tnttial test. four times. four times. aerated and aerated room temperature tenperature and The at room were held at etud,ler were retentlon studies Ttre retention frorn each w€re removed of larger. container mls. or larger were removed from each contalner of 500 500 mis. Altquots of ollghtly. slightly. Aliquots unto unthe salinity sallntty to When evaporation ralee the would raise I{hen evaporatlon would varlouc tests. tests. for for the various untll was added ltater was added until favorable biological concentrattons, concentrations, distilled dletllled water favorable blologlcal of the the componentsof volatlle components Ttre volatile ppt. was agaln reached. reached. The was again of 25 25 ppt. a salinity eallnlty of subjected was aubJected the effluent where the effluent was nlll where at the the mill waste to Ue lost loet at co be waste were were assumed ascrlmedtemPeratures. to vigorous mtxlng mixing and and elevated etevated temperatures. to vtgoroue I I o-, riw of those of to those proeedures for are identical identlcal The to study are for the the semi-dynamic eeml-dynamlc study The procedures every 2 changed every First the wastes were changed the wastee Firet trro exceptions. exceptlons. the static with two the static wlth Secondly, at 3_40C. 3-4oC. Secondly, storage at held in tn cold cold storage to fronr a stock etock container contalner held to 3 days from tflow-throught ellghtly the concentrations of of wastes wastes in system were slightly ln the the 'flow-through' the concentratlons percent kraft of 20 percent Example, the highest concentratlon concentratIon of kraft wae was Example, the highest different. different. percent' etc. Each Each percent and etc. to 10 turn the the 15 15 to 10 percent, diluted to 15 and in ln turn dlluted to 15 percent the cold change of waetes wastes constltuted constituted aa fresh fresh etarting starting Jar jar ofof kraft kraft from fromthe cold chenge of !.n waa achleved eyatem flow-through In this sense a semi-dynamic flow-through system was achieved in eemi-dynamlc room. In this Bense $lth fresh ealtwater been had tn contact which the minimum concentration had been in contact with fresh saltwater whlch the mtnlmum concentration which accumulated eccumulated bacterlal fauna which The bacterial fauna perlod of maxLmumperiod of time. ttme. over over the the maximum changes. durlng concentration concentratlon changes. was not not removed removed during on the sides of of the the jars the sides Jars was (egge gameEe8(eggs mature gametes obtalning mature The Bay mussel mussel bloassay bioassay consisted conalsted of of obtaining lhe either with either to spawn spann with stl.mulated to mussels whlch which were stimulated fron adult adult mussele spern) from and sperm) (Photo 2). each from each Aliquots Altquote from 2), KCLor or N114Cl2. Ntt4C12. (Photo of KCL O.2 molor motor solution solutlon of a 0.2 for sultable for concentrations suitable to concentrations kraft diluted to vessel were taken taken and and diluted kraft storage storage vessel test test Ihe individual lndlvidual museiet. The for the the muséel. limits for determining mean tolerance deternrlnlng mean tolerance limits egge, of eggs, whlch consisted conslsted of dishes contained a total mis of solution which total of of 100 100 mlg of solution dlshee contained added sperm were added One of eggs and and sperm One ml rnl each of toxlcant and and saltwater. saltwater. sperm, sperm, toxicant the toxicant. toxicant. occur in ln the would occur fertllizatlon to the the test test dishes dishes so that that fertilization to the 48 48 (Photo 3) prevent evaporation during the evaporation during The were stacked to prevent etacked (Photo 3) to Ttre dishes dishes lrere dlsh each dish After pertod at After incubation, tncubatl.on, each temperature. at room room temperature. hour hour incubation incubatlon period vieual. separasePeraln the the visual atd in to aid received drops of of neutral neutral red red stain Btain to eeveral drops recelved several from anomalies anomalles wl.th hinged tion of of normat, normal, shelled shelled straight hinged larvae with no larvae from straight tion (Photo shell normal and abnormal larvae). larvae). of normal and abnormal she1l (Photo 4 of unblased (Photo 5) an unbiased facllltate built (Photo to facilitate devlce was was built 5) to A an A sampling sampltng device la dlsh is The solution from the test dish from test the dleh. The eolutlon 30 ml. ml. aliquot from the the test teet dish. allquot from The conconThe added to to it. it, A.F.A. added jar poured into and A.F.A. kllltng cyll.ndrical killing lnto a cylindrical Jar and poured through through lnunediately poured tents are are mixed mixed up up and down with a plunger plunger and immediately down with tentg a funnel flaek, the counting counting flask. emptying into lnto the funnel emptying ftrgt 150 ernbryoa the first 150 embryos placed under a dissecting mlcroaeope, the This dlssectlng microscope, Ttrle is ls placed percent normal nornral larvae. tarvae. the percent counted and tallies to determine determine the talll.ee are are recorded recorded to counted dishes in ln Control dishes mussel. Control The is hlnged mussel. is a shelled shelled straight otralght hinged crtterla the criteria was percent or better normal normal larvae larvae was which or better was 50 50 percent actuat count count was whlch the the actual proportionalty $rere proportionally dlshee were The remaining percent, test dishes adjusted to 100 Ttre remainlng test 100 percent. adJusted to blologlcal This nethod method eliminates the actual actual biological elimlnates the This calculated to the the control. control. caLculated to gametes of of the the on the the gametes difference between the toxlcant on of the the toxicant the effects effecte of difference The Ttre adjusted adJusted pute all samescale. eeale. bloassays on on the the same test animals and puts all bioassays test animals normal larvae larvae plotting by plotting the percent Th1 the determlned by Ls then then determined Tlal value value is Percent normal TLm in this instance this instance fia1 ln taken. lt was versus the concentration from which it was taken. from which concentration veraus the percent of the embryoe refers to the theoretical concentration where 50 percent of the embryos where 50 concentratlon refers to the theoretical abnormal percent are elther have developed normally and 50 percent of the embryos are either abnormal the of embryos developed nornally and 50 or dead. or dead. data sheet, sheet, on aa data Physical information was recorded reeorded on biologlcal lnformatlon was Phyeicat and and biological gptcal solid total/volatile data and weekly flow flow data and total/volatile solid Table 88 appendix. appendLx. Typical neekly Tables 99 be found on Tables will be found on data whlch which help help to the wastee will the wastes to characterize characterlze date and appendix. and 10 10 appendix. 4, tests 4, and tests Series AA and be treated ae Series Discussion treated as will be 2, and and 33 will Tegts 1, lr 2, DLgcusslon -- Tests in conrnon group characterlstics has certaln certain characteristics in common B. Each group has Sertes B. ina 66 as is Series 5 and of simplicity. sfurplicity. for the the sake sake of treated as one for shall be treated and therefore therefore shall A-3 A-3 (Ftgure 3) lost percent of The B.O.D. B.0.D. in {n Series 80 percent of its oxyger Tte Serlec A (Figure lost 80 lts oxygen percent demand after three of retention. demand in concentrations of lower tn concentratlons of 5 three days daya of retentlon. lower after The 10 much slower not reach reach the The l0 percent degraded degraded at slower rate., It did dld not the at aa much rate., It psrc€nt of same of degradment until. after sam€ percent degradmentuntil after 12 daya of of storage. storage. The the initial {nltlal 12 days percent of B.O.D. of ppm. and B.0.D. of the thc 10 wac 38.3 and 90 of this 10 percent wastes wastes was 38.3 ppm. 90 percent thia was removed after 20 20 days of retention. B.O.D. values was The reuoved after daya of actuet B.0.D. valueg are are retent{on. the actual listed in llcted ln Table 3 appendix. appendl.x. (Ffgure 6) (Table Comparing Coqarlng the the B.0.D. B.O.D. data data of 6) and of Series Sertea B, B, (Figure and (Table pattern of wlth that percent degrad6 appendix), appendtx), with Serlaa A, the degradthat of of Series the same of percent sarnepattern ment Le ntent is seen. of degradlng The 10 percent Jar of kraft degrading at a slower rate 86etro the 10 percent kraft at a alower rete Jar untll 20 daya of practtcally all 20 days of storage, when at of the until atorage, when at this thla time, all of the ttlne, practically B.O.D. yas B.0.D. was removed removedfrom fron the ayetem. the system. (Table 22 appendix) (Figure 2) The Pearl-Benson Index of Series 2) (Table appendtx) Ttre Pearl-Benson Index of $erlee AA (Figure percent decreased dec.reaaedat et aa slower but reached slower rate B.O.D., but rate than than the the B.0.D., reached the the same aamepercent The loss of P.B.I. level of level of of degra&nent degradment after 10 and 20 days retention. after 10 and 20 daya retentlon. P.B.I. The loas Results la is apparently apparently not not effected effected by the concentrations of KME KllE tested. tested. Regultr concentratlons of from the becauge it the 0,5 0.5 percent percent KME XME have have been been disregarded doubtful dlsregarded because lt is ts doubtful that technlques and accurate that the the techniques and equtpment equipment used used in measurement is ls accurate ln P.B.I. P.B.I. meaaurement (Table (Ftgure 5) Series at at the the lower concentrations of kraft. kraft. B1 P.B.I. 5) (Table concentratlone of Serles B, P.B.I. (Figure After 5 appendix) appendlx) degraded degraded at A. After at aa much much slower el.ower rate than in ln Series Sertes A. rete than 30 days days retention, 50 percent reduction was noted. noted. retentlon, only aa 60 ln P.B.I. P.B.L. was reductlon in wlth concenAgaln there nas no Again there was no significant dtfference in of P.B.I. P.B.I. with asncenslgntfleant difference ln loss loss of tration. tratl.on. Mussel Namely, Mussel TI.'ta of of Series Narnely, the Serles A led led to to some unexpected resultá. resulte. the someunexpected toxicity with retention toxlclty increased rate of decreaced lncreaged wlth retentlon time tlme and and the the rate of toxicity toxlclty decreased with wlth concentration. That is, at the lower concentrations toxictty concentration. concentratl.ons the that ls, at the toxicity general at a faster In lncreeeed at faetet rate In general increased rate than than the the higher hlgher concentrations. coneentrations. approxftnately an there was approximately 80 percent increase in toxicity after 20 there was after 20 days daya an 80 lncreeee ln toxiclty have retention of KME. Several hypothesis as to why this happened have retentton of KME, Several hypothesls e8 to why thla happened been been advanced, advanced, but we we do do not know know the Other investigators, the answer. anslrer, Other tnvestlgatora, phenomenonhave obeervlng similar aimLl.ar phenomenon breakdown of of organic observing organl.c have attributed attrlbuted it lt to to aa breakdown rnaterl,al and material and aa release releaae of of metabolites. metabolLtes. During months of pulp production productlon when Ilurlng the the summer of pulp when the waste samples aunmer months the waste sanplec practlced, were taken for for this belng practiced. were taken thfs series, mlll operations operationa were were being serfes, several several mill Flrst, aa mercuric First, was betng being used. mercurlc sliinicide chelatsllntclde was used. Secondly, a calcium calciurn chelatplpe to tng conrpound Eo the ing compound was was introduced lnto the and also also aa copper the tntroduced into the wastes and copper pipe wagte of these waste sampling statlon was wae inadvertently lnadvertently used, these facfaceampllng station ueed. Any, or all all of tors could have Shelltors have had had catastrophic on the the mussel muesel embryos. catastrophlc results results on enbryoa. Shellneed fish mercury and and of of course sensltlve to to mercury and copper, copper, and couree need extre[el.y sensitive fteh are extremely calcium to These calctum for unllkely to for shell ehell disposition. dleposttlon. These same same compounds compoundsare unlikely B.O.D. or the effect effect the the B.O.D. or F.B.I. degradment. Therefore, we we feel feel that that the P.B.I. degradment. unusual chemical probably contributed to the the unusual chemlcal factors factora of of the the raw raw wastes waates probably contrlbuted to obeerved toxic observed toxlc increase. lnerease. Comparing Serlee BB TLm data with wlth that Serlee A, A, aacomplete reverConparlng Series 1Lmdata that of of Series co'npletereverbeen changed sal of eal of toxicity However, the had been also. The toxlclty is le noted. noted. However, the waste changedalso. Ttre lraste had been elimifactors which wtrlch we se felt had been factors felt responsible for the the toxic Lncrease had ellmlresponeLble for toxic increase nated. That Is, nated. mercuric cllmlcl.de slimicide was was dtocontinued, discontinued, the the calclum calcium Le, the the mercurlc chelating changed to of a different formula chelatlng agent egent changed forunrla and the the copper to one of dlfferent the line replaced replaced wtth with one In llne one of addltlon to to these, of stainless In addition theee, the atalnless steel. ateel. pereent with strong strong waste waste was was diluted wlth wash waehwater. water. dtluted approximately approxlmately 17 17 percent A-4 A-4 (Table 4 appendix) shows degraded much muchslower elower Figure 4 (Table Flgure toxlclty degraded ehowethat that the the toxicity (Flgure (Flgure 6), than the P.B.I. than the B,O.D. B.0.D. (Figure but slightly faster than the P.B.I. (Figure 6), el.lghtly faster percent of 20 days days of of retenretenafter 20 About 80 80 percent of the the toxicity toxlclty was 5). 5). About was lost loetrafter the rate rate of of tion. The do with wlth the of Kraft Kraft had to do tlon. concentratton of had little Xtre concentration ll.ttle to below the were below the toxicity toxlclty degradment. degradurent. The Ttre lower lorer concentrations tested were coneentrotlons tested graph aa TLm. necessary to values valuea necessary to graph TIa1. baeed on on the the mean meanof of the the Flgurec Figures 7 and and 88 are theoretical theoretlcal curves based These curves lnaamuch lmportant inasmuch sample means at sarple saans at all all concentrations. culr/es are important concentratlons. Ttreae dlfferenie th€ supporting as the eupportlng data reveals reveals that that there there is ta no no significant slgnlflcant difference wlth the the betneen the teat€dr with between degra&nent of of KME, KME,and and the concentratlons tested, tha degradment the concentrations pereent to to 10 10 0.5 percent exception of of B.0.D. B,O.D. The from 0.5 exceptlon Ttre concentrations concsntrattons ranged ranged from porcent and percent approxlmates the the and the of the the mean meanof the sample earnplemean meenvalues values closely cloaely approximates glve percent woul.d of the mesns curve of 5 percent jar. It was felt that these means would give the 5 Jar. It was felt that theee pLotting the plcture the 55 a more more realistic picture in degradrnent,than than plotting reallstlc tn terms terua of of degradment, percent polnt the Becauae, each currres represents represente the percent values alone. Because, on the the curves valuec alone. each point on nean mean results resulta of of fifteen flfteen separate separate tests. te6ts. of degraddegredthat the rate of A A comparison the rate conrparlson of of Figures Flgures 77 and and 88 illustrates llluatretes that greateet percent loss ment of both series. losa of nrent of B.0.D. B.O.D. is elmllar in ln both serles. The lhe greatest ls similar P.B.I. follows a P.B.I, follows B.O.D. occurring firet 33 days daye of B.0.D. occurrlng in ln the of retention. retentlon. the first general general degradment degradment trend, but ln in terms of of total total percent percent reductlon reduction end and trend, but There wea was also also rate rate of of degradment, ltit ls is lees less than than that that of of the the B.O.D. B0.D. Ttrere percent greater greater loss degradedmore more lt degraded a 40 percent of P.B.I. P.B.I. in and it loae of ln Series Serlee AA and wlthln the The rneJor major loss rapidly than occura within ths raptdly SerLes. Ttre of F.B.I. P.B.I. occurs than in ln the the BB Series. loea of first flrat 10 daya of 10 days of retention. retentton. data is ts absolutely abeolutely because the the data The llhe toxicity toxl,clty curves oppose oppose each other because each other wastes. polnts up of kraft kraft wastes. conflicting. This up the the vast variability verlablllty of eonfllctlng. Thls points Emphasis as evldenced evidenced be centered here on the fact fact that toxl.clty, aa Emphaelashould be that toxicity, B.O.D. and and P.B.I. P.B.I. by the of B.0.D. by bloassay, is lndependentof the mussel nussel bioassay, ls completely conrpletely independent wlth and should not be related to or confused with them. not be to and confueed them. related A syotemB A brief brl.ef comparison betreen dynamic retentl,on systems conparlson between dynanrlc and and static atatlc retention degradnent of reveals of kraft kraft overall degradment reveals 8ome sone interesting lnterestlng changes changee in ln the overall gtatlc retenof static retenwlth the wastes. A weates, A dynamic dynaurictest the same test with eane effluent effluent sample sampleof was in operation etudy wae in operatlon tion used. thte This rflow-throught study tlon 6 of of Series SerLes BB was ras used. A bacterial fauna was was established bacterlal fauna establtshed one month month before test were taken. one sarylee were taken. A test samples approxtmate wlth an Bay on somewhat simulating the Bay with an approximate on the the sides of the almulatlng the al.des of the jars somewhat Jars dynam{c Figure 9 shows that the the dynamic days. Flgure percent tidal €very 22 days. ahowe that 50 pereent tldal flush flush every tn the the static than in etatl.c test more in at aa faster faeter rate test decreased decreased more ln toxicity toxlclty and and at rate than rate The B.0.D. B.O.D. and P.B.I. disappeared at an an excellerated system. Ttre atrd P.B.I. dlsappeared at excellerated rate Bystem. $tastes and kraft wastes and the the also. were run on other other kraft aleo. Several exploratory tests were run on exploratory tests been omitted omltted qulte similar. Ilowever, this data has has been were quite thls data results reeulta were elml.lar. However, param€ter8 were elmultaneously. w€re not not run because because tests on all of the the parameters run simultaneously. teets on all of It is our contentlon contention that that ln in terms of, of degradment, degradment, aa flow-through flow-through ayetem system It te our than lagoon lagoon qul.cker and waetee than of wastes indicates a quicker more complete co'nplete treatment creatment of lndlcatec and more type storage. typc Btorage. Sunnnary for for Retentlon Retention Studies: Suruury Stud{es: Concentrations of of strong kraft m111 mill effluent effluent up to to 10 percent percent 1. etrong kraft 1. Concentratlons volume does not effect effect the degradment of of the the toxlclty toxicity (vla (via by vol.rnne does not the degradsrent bloaasay) or P.B.I.. mussel ntresel bioassay) or the the P.3.1.. A-5 A-5 2. 2 . The rate of of B.O.D. degradment degradnent is by concentration. Ttre rate ls effected effected by concenttratl.on. the concentration, The The higher hlgher the concentratlon, the B.O.D. is the slower alower the the B.0.D. lg removed. removed. Tte The greatcat greatest percent percent drop in ln B.0.D. B.O,D. occurs dayc occura in tn the the first flret four four days of o f storage. storage. 3. 3. ls completely Toxlctty is completely independent B.O,D. and Toxicity lndependentof of B.O.D. P.B.I, and and P.8.!. 8nd should not not be be related greatest percent ahould related to to them. percent drop them. The Ttre greatest drop or or increase lncrcere of toxicity toxlclty occurred in ln the of the first f,lret 10 of retention. 1.0days days of retention. beare no P.8.1. P.B.I, bears no direct d{rect relationship relstlonshlp to B.O.D. as to B.0.D. lts rate rate of of as its degra&nent degradment and and percent percent of of degradment degredurent display dlaptay wide wlde fluctuations fluctuatlonc with wl.th greateat percent varl.ous kraft percent drop various kraft effluents. eff,luentg, P.B.I. The Ttre greatest drop in ln P.B.I. occur8 in occurs ln the the first f,lrst 10 daye of 10 days of storage. etorage. 4. 4. gnd at B.O.D., B.O.D.r P.B.!. P.B.I. and and mussel more and muegel Tlare decreased decreaaednore at aa faster faster rete under under simulated stmulated tidal rate or lagoon ttdal flush flush systems lagoon syatems than than in ln static stattc or type retentl.on. retention. type 5. 5. potentlatly sensitive 6. 6. The btoacray is The bioassay La ae potentially nethod of of aensltlve and and reliable relLable method expressing mcan mean toxicity expreeelng toxlclty values. valuea. Nevertheless, Neverthelega, much remal,nsto b€ much remains to be learned about the the mueeel learned mussel and and its lts requirements requlremencs especially ln the the eapeclally in ilatandardtl phasec, This embryonic phases. embryontc Ttrts knowledge knowledge in tn conjunction wlth aa "standard" conJunctton with and constatently and consistently reproducible must in reproduclble synthetic cynthetlc seawater Beaweter is te aa must Ln order order perfect the to the mussel bloaeaay. Further to perfect mueeel bioassay. mandatory as Further research ss reaearch is la mandatory pollutlon biologist. Lt wt1l to an blologlet. it will lead to an invaluable tnvaluebl.e aid for the narlne pollution ald for the marine 0' Mean Control % Normal A-5 Fl o kFl +td c^o HSScrF I F I $5 sR S$ 8S8 tH oo ooooo ooooo ba o RdR$$ OOOr{O ESEdR 83.6 64.2 94.3 79.4 60.6 94.0 ooooo 0.35 0.35 0.18 0.88 0.29 ooooo 0.16 0.27 0.09 0.52 0.17 OO (\\OFlOO G|Olr-l\OOl 0.16 0.09p 0.08 0.33 0.11 rnrt f (\ tr\rnt0@C (r\a\.{(I)N 0.46 0.23 RS $$ 9.1t 039 94.4 93.7 \t\O C) taa ( O\t F\O O 0.37 0.48 Adjusted TI's for Static Retention Tests 2 and 3 based on the TIm Value, 0.6 of Test ].. { ca a' .t a^ cI\ O\ ff*. o a l.{ oa'-t() ao O\O\t 6\OO 5% z 80.9 66.4 84.0 6E c)o 3ds t +t UI 3.75 0.34 0.].]. aaaaaaaaaaa, 0.60 0.20 iOO 0.23 0.26 0.1.2 a.aaaaalaa 0.85 10% o \oa o - q.l 0.56 0.51 0.35 1.42 0.47 o tsl B g 021 2.33 0.08 0.27 0.09 0.44 0.15 0.05 O.21p 0.08 0.34 0.11 - OO OOOOO ()OC)OO F{C) e-qooo. F{n'r{..\FI F ooooo oo (S HJ8S8 bJ8F8 Fl cn :?rl oooo() ooooo r{O 1.97 0.18 0,03 O.2lp 0.03 0.27 0.09 OOOOO ES8SB 0.07 0.14 0.06 0.27 0.09 sd8F8 0.19 $8 d9 SH aa F{O A 1.41 0.13 0.03 0.23 0.07 IOO A O.].2p oaaaaaalaaoaaaataaaaaa 0.08 p.A - tr F{O ool .rl Hf+)v - ll r{ O.12p O.O9p iE'h Oq, 0.35 0.16 0.19 0.70 0.23 oo H88 RH loo F: .rl OO t{O tt +t rL F{ 3r / c )9t c{ aoaatoalcaaaoaaaaaaa - u,+t O.12p 0.27 c N n*gRR sH S on$FdR oooo ?u p.AA 0.35 0.19 0.37 0.91 0,30 OFI +rEl tr\ qt No 3% rl o Fl Fl vt FlNc 3 r{nfc\W{ 1 2 Fl (rt c.\ u7.t 1 2 3 FlNf\W{ 3 W{ w{ F{ o t{ +t F o o I t{ C{ d o *J o c) Q d .r? t? g gr 20 days to 6 days h, tt UI tsr ql d h. € c \o o o 10 days rl C{ o b d 3 days Time o E r{ C! o t{ a F H tl p rt o .l) +: o o F 1 2 H r{ Fl ot !t q{ +{ oo qt Test # -F oa TIm projected from control t{ o (+{ 1.41 0.13 aoo of all ,& of all H$ 0.14 0.04 0.29 0.09 -8 aaaaoaolaaaaaataaooo rL 0.1]. +to u tfr - +J d. 0.17 O.O9p r{tl 0.17 0.23 0.19 0.59 0.19 & (, 0.5% +t o 1 2 3 O Fl I ooooo loo 1% Fl€ro Sd ooooo g | oo Toledo Strong" Wastes Table 1 'tt o o ql p JS SR oo aaaaoarlaaaaaaloaaaaao ooooo 0.21 0.10 tr o (7-day Composite samples) o 5 +t CL 0.26 0.13 ET O.14p 0.32 g t-{ 0.36 0.19 0.36 0.91 0.30 r{ A A-7 A-i 2 Table Tab].e.2 Mean Benson Index Index at at eacb each oonoentratlon concentration for for MeanPear]. Pearl Benson 2t 3. L, 2, Statla 3. Static Reteutlon Retention Sttdtcg Studies 1, flne Time Test # Test # 0 0 I 1 2 2 3 3 o 0 0 0 7 ,h. A 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6S 65 25 25 7 755 t65 165 55 55 3.M 3.0% 150 150 75 75 150 150 375 375 L25 125 l+35 435 290 290 /+00 400 1125 LLz5 375 375 3l+6 346 15l+ 154 105 105 605 605 201 201 10.0% 5,0% 5.0fi--------fQ.Q6-- 710 710 505 505 770 770 1985 1985 66L 661 142Op LlrzOP f0lOp 101Op l54Op Lilr0p 3970 3970 L323 1323 lIOOp hOOp 500 500 /+10 410 2010 2010 k 35 35 1 1 2 2 2 84 84 L7 17 101 101 50 50 220 220 k 2' 25 6 6 31 3L L 155 1 1 25 25 2 2 )3 130 130 22 22 35 35 200 200 8l+ 84 80 80 364 36lr 121 121 270 270 226 226 10 10 3 355 0 0 0 0 15 35 11 11 25 25 o 0 40 40 14 14 l+L 4]. 11/+ 114 1/+ 14 20 20 1/'8 148 l+9 49 150 150 122 L22 0 0 272 272 90 90 2 2 3 3 t 60 60 2 255 20 20 105 10, L.M 1,0% 1r/+ 114 116 46 35 35 L95 195 6 655 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 t ltt 43 Ll+ 14 I1 25 25 o 0 yl 17 p 42 Ll+ 14 * 20 20 2 200 20 20 o.51 0.5% z 2 3 3 { A A L7 17 l+2 42 Ll+ 14 % 96 316 3L6 L53 153 18? 187 62 62 95 95 31 3L 546 5l+6 2'lO 270 265 265 1081 108]. 360 360 6to 670 360 360 n4 174 762 762 278 278 10/r0 1040 520 520 531+ 534 267 267 186 186 682 682 23t 237 24.0 23,3 C{O 2.2 -Nol I rl|GI \O .1.. No \O \O lolN ooooo oo 0 0 loo ooooo oo -0 0 3.1 3.1 I N N 0 Of O 0 2.4 11.9 \O@ (\l 5.9 3.7 19.2 0 9.5 12.7 - 7.9 4.8 O\rr\ f A 2.0 7.7 ((l@ O \tOO\t\t Nc-o@O\ 2.0 2.0 3.1 -fF I f-F 3.9 26.8 C-O 19.3 - r{d lc^f\ 38.6 6.3 Fl (\0 7.7 F{ O o r.\ -to.o\ o\o(tr{rr\ | @O. | o\r{ 9.2 \tr^N \orr\ ^oo \t-t Nr-{ 6.0 r{NF{r{ 27.6 rr\ 12.7 7.9 7.0 oa \tct 14.2 - aaoaaaaaalaaaaalaa \tfr\O\ON NolFI\O(\l IR 1, 2, 3. 66.6 193 o(nf\\ool () 24.4 oo 8.9 10.0% o\tD FoNo\OGt t-(\ oaaaaaolaaaaaaolaa lol\o olt-t-t-o\ r\t IR 22.2 Fl 5.0% A-8 a 2.2 2.2 ol 0 4.8 0 4.8 0 .lraaaaaaaa 4.8 C- 7.7 aaaaa o rr\ o\to \o fq 0 oa 9.4 5,5 3.2 18.1 r{ R 3.0% al - c^ F{ Adjusted B.0.D. for Static Retention Studies ut o rl (l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.6 -2.6 oo I 0 ooooo 2.6 2.6 6.8 3.4 \OtO\t \to(\|\O(\ aaoo o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 1 l{ lc rn 0.5% d +t at - n{ loo o C.. d o +t n tr F{. B.0.D. Cq a00 .d. {ro r{. iAl H 27.8 41.8 45.2 11.48 38,3 A o Initial @ COt()Gl\t(\ aaaaa C-Fll FlCO N\t\trlc\ .F, g F{c\trn\a1{ 3 w{ 1 2 FlNf 3 4 F{cltt\W{ 3 r-l 6fff\W{ 1 2 .tt q, 3 {b 1 2 Gg h d \o o >r qt d o l-{ v, 20 days F g, lOdays rl tsr € ( qt 6 days g, o EI 3 days ql H+) N a r{ Test # O0( po Fl o Time Table 3 (\P r{ +t cl o IR 4.2 tr o 1.0% u +) t >r dl € c) t\l A-9 Mean Control .{ o Adjusted Mussel TI's at each concentration for Static Retention Studies 4, 5, 6. r{ ol ln rn() C\ Fl \O O\O t- $dF s$ 97.5 83.0 odd aa aaa aaa (v\\O O (D lf\ ( H"* uo 56,2 aaa 90.6 93.6 \O(\\O ()o a 89.1 91.2 97.5 8E 83.9 61.1 76.1 %Normal .tsc a \o IOOON Flr.{O(\r{ a'a o a a r noo t \a+ O Na\ t a a t Flt\dfGl rn\o 11.5 1.6 FI cl\OS\O(\l 1.75 3.4 2.05 7.20 2.40 -t o o or\lt\nc\r,l - o (a) \ O d. } - to( xo) a I 1.2 1.6 0.8 3.6 1.2 I .81 10.0% ta. o o -0.83 0.65 0.85 2.43 rn aa F{ rl FI ty d .1, 5 +t d rn +, tr o +) o E {rArA-{-t -O\OFNf laoaraaaa.aaaaoaoa IOOONO rnrnO NOO@Oi lnrn@ Aol\g\OtO r-{r{Or\rl r{\tNS$l rn rnto - r{t-to\o(o la.oaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lrlOO({O rnrnd lr\l oocoio FlctO\tr{ u)-t,-{O\Fl r{Nol\Ool oaoa ao oaoa to 1.8 4.2 2.65 8.65 2.88 a 1.2 1.8 0.85 3.85 1.28 o 0.84 0.65 0.75 2.24 0.74 bq' - 5,0% c o >5.0 2.7 w O3\ rnN A 2.55 >3.0 1.8 2.4 2,1 6.3 2.1 - 1.5 2.5 0.85 4.85 1.61 Fl Fl >1.0 >1.0 >1.0 ooo >1.0 >1.0 >1.0 >1.0 >1.0 >1.0 1.55+ 0.8 0.75 '1.0 () o 'r, Fr F{ r{ r{ AAA aaa l.{r{d F{ oqt F{ .tJ ol Ftt- tooo AAA d rn rn rn rn aoa rn rn rn rn rn u\ aaa ooo ooo AAA AAA -+ tn\O .A/ {. -t ln\O >0.5 rnr lo.. >0.5 >0.5 a o >0.5 >0.5 >0.5 IR rn >0.5 >0.5 o +, EOFI > 0.5 d T* + rnr .O(OF_ln laaaa lr{OOFI ' 0.5 o $8. B. aa >0.5 >0.5 .q tl .r{ orD -- tr o o rn orn ro u+t -- .rl .t: ct +' EI o (t 66 1.0% sl AE 1.1 0.7 0.85 2.65 0.88 =m 3.0% h o q1 . CA ( )a a( a) o 3r \O v/{ r{ r a ihr o o E O\trtl {fn cc 33 Groo NC\|N 34 nfFld Fldi{ 20 20 Fr 22 r{ 12 11 11 H /4 l 5 w'l { 6 k 6 5 4 6 5 ts| 5 5 4 -- 6 € 4 4 u .r_! I | \ttn\OW{ 0,51 o o gl 5 ;f € o {) ul 0 t-l * +' m o Test # F H 4 t Initial r{ .(t qt Ht{ w OFI +' FL Time Table 4 \t oo ots oo o 05% +' 6 +t Toledo "Strong" Wastes (7-day Composite Samples) (t d A-10 A-b Tabl.e Table 55 Studles Index for for Statla Static Retentlon Retention Studies Mean Pearl Benson BensonIndex Meai Itr md 6 at each each concentration. concentratl-on. 4, 5, 6 at 5, and Tima Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 l4 lr 4 5 5 Test # Test # t, 4 5 5 6 6 { A t, 4 5 5 6 6 t * 8 8 11 11 1L 11 lr 4 5 5 6 6 O.5* 0.5% 160 160 100 100 r58 158 418 418 L79 139 460 L60 290 290 470 no L220 1220 t+05 405 16 16 0 T9 19 35 35 L2 12 96 % L2 12 387 387 o l+6 46 0 T5 15 61 6]. 2 200 22 22 t, 4 o 0 20 20 20 20 5 5 6 t / 36 36 3l* 34 33 33 l+ 4 5 5 6 6 2 A 3.0% 3.0% 82 82 L9 19 82 82 183 183 61 6]. ,4 t I.& 1,0% 0 0 L5 15 t5 15 , 5 52 52 160 160 53 53 98 98 0 0 l+O 40 L38 138 lr9 49 282 282 12 L2 0 0 56 56 r80 180 69 69 272 272 68 68 23 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 52 62 62 62 62 20 20 52 m Llt 14 100 100 338 338 825 825 2',15 275 69 69 282 282 633 633 zl't 211 j.M 5.0% -- 680 680 539 539 762 762 1981 660 660 198]. 1360p 1360p 1o78p 1078p 1524p t52l+p 3962 3962 1320 L320 ,5t+ 554 186 186 564 %lr LSOl+ 1304 l+)l+ 434 1108p 11Sp 812 812 1128p 1128p 3048 301+8 1012 1.01.2 /r80 480 120 120 /+80 480 1080 1080 360 360 772 7',12 272 272 960p %op 2OO4 2004 668 668 346 )l+6 120 120 688 688 272 272 9?OP 92Op 1880 1880 626 626 t'6o 460 L7l+ 174 q26 926 309 3W L64 164 l+O 40 25r 251 l+5, 455 152 r52 315 3L5 12l+ 124 386 386 825 825 275 275 521 52L LO.O, 10.0% 608 608 26L 261 772p 712P L6/+1 1641 547 5l+7 {OCOOrrl (v\Q (\ Ft f'\N \O\Oo ! ncrf I oo loo ooooo ooooo 0.8 (\N 0 0 2.6 2.6 4.55 Olr\ OO 9.1 a O \t 0 0 0 0 0 \O \O - c 2.5 15.0 3.3 6.3 24.6 8.2 a-\O f - F{rr\ -5.0 -to ni 6.1 3.0 \OGl lrlrf\\O r{ rn FIO 3.0 2.0 53.85 17.95 oc^c ( O \tc\f NFIF{InH s (o \tN -t r.{ Fi-tF{ aaaafaa.aa.aaaa.a a rn GtFllI\OO\ 18.8 8.7 14.8 42.3 14.1 5e0% o 4, 5, 6. mF6n1; aaa.taaataarlaa.aa.a TR u\ u\ (r\\tt(l t\N cnrqOiO.irr O\rr\O.f/\\O Fl rn 29.2 10.15 14.5 oo o 33.9 34.5 28.9 97.3 32.65 10.0% rn la. 3.4 2.8 3.8 10.0 3.3 A -1 1 O O d (\t O a Adjusted B.0.D. for Static Retention Studies 0 0 0 0 6Ot\Fl(\ 11.6 3.7 3.0 O\O f 0 aaaaaaaaa O-{\Oe{CF.l $l 8.6 a 7.2 21.6 { \Ool 4.6 6.3 .f 10.7 qlR rnO 3.0% \o I Fl ol o T{ 0 0 loo ooooo 0 oo -0 2.2 0 0 0 1.1 oo 3.5 rnrF{ ,aa c () C) .n"Fl q4{ q rl 0 0 3,5 Ca-aFt o \ OONNc) 2.96 5.16 1.7 OGlNv\Fl 2.7 2.7 0.9 1.0% Oo rl p 0.5% +, v' rR do 0 0 0 0 0 E tr 0 0 0 0 0 ooooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 loo A fl rn . o 0 Pr{ qt .P F{dtq +t aft 0 g. -itn\O o +{ a A a OH F 39.0 63.4 146.3 43.9 +rc -t O ritrt O 444 d+t O.d qt .Fl B.0.D. .r{ trl Initial () aaaaa \i O fn\O g) -i (\\O \t -i Fl 6 5 4 5 6 gl W\ o 33 days Fl d 4 5 4 6 days B. ql d -tlr\\.g 20 days rn -irn\OvV\ II h. 'ct A 6 vt 5 days 5 4 .t lr\\O w\ A 6 Teat # o F{O @ P Time Table 6 \OA Fr b d o (\ n d d ol W\ n o@@sro 8.35 8.35 a u\ rn \t ln 8.5 \o1r|f\cf\-? o o 8.4 E tR 8,95 10.0% ra\ rn ln (\ cn O\ aaaat to6to6to 50% L-t2 8.3 8.4 8.35 aaaaa 8.25 8.6 o 8.32 pH Readings from Static Retention Study #6. Fl -t a * (\|la\Nrn c{c{N$\cf\ Fl @rosoa 8.2 8.25 v\ v\ F{ r{ c{ f^ a tr o +) tr 8.5 rn aaaoa 8.25 B o 8.15 3.0% rlr\N F{ C\t to@6@ro lq (t, a\ 8.4 h E .it 8.35 aataa 8.32 a E! o tr q.{ g, t0 u\ C{ 8.3 roorooro C{ 8.25 o E oaaaa 8.22 o 8.15 0.5% bR rn o 8.15 tr r{ d (t cn tr! qt€€d rl \n fin'nrl ,5 F Fl Ol lY\ Fr F.. t-l T Cictdor{ 31 days gbhh. T - 20 days T - U days @qlo 8.2 8.15 8.15 aaaaa @@@ro@ T - 5 days +, F{ ilaq ct TN u\l OF{rl(rtC{ 8.0 t{ lat Initial h o 8.2 P. Saltwater trUt 1,0% .rl O +t r{ 9qt al+' Blank Table 7 F o +, o & (, 8.22 rl AA - 13 13 Table 8 8 Static Retention Study #6 Sta.ttc Retention *6 T = 55 Tz January 1966 January 12, L2,1966 Englneering Test Engineering Nunber -Test Nr.unber I1 _iSpecial Biological Test Niber Cone - No. No. ('M No. % fl.JJ1 flN1 An 5Q 138 92.0 12 128 125 5Q 5Q 110 43 5Q. 0 5Q_ 85.4 22 92.8 83.4 25 90.7 No. TIM At41.. 100.0 r Disi Deicription of l0 Jtir Q EE 5% Jar ts BB Waste Treathent i_ .1 2 J_ 1.0 3% Jar _2.0 1% Jar 5Q.. 73.4 40 28.7 17 0 150 79.8 0.85 31.22 0.0 Date, Time, KME Tlure, Location Location KME 0 Sample Was Taken Dec.31, 1965 to 0 150 .. Jan. 6, 1966 "Strongt' Wastes Toledo H 31, Toledo, 0 egon 137 - 8 pH p H -= 8.2__.2 U.V, lapht ticated Filtered Salinity (Actual) Tenperature Mj. Salinity Fresh Chilled Color (packets) Respawned Yes SaltWater No Yes L0O. 0 1 2 later No .1 _, )isti.lJed 5 6 l.0 2.0 O 150 128 Q_ 119 Q Q Q 1 1_ 0 0 Q 85,4 79.4 73.4 22.0 0 0 22 31 93.4 40 869 80.3 150 150 24.1 0.0 0.0 llO.75_ Sperm Yes J No J______ Femaie4.Naled Spawning Induced byKCl 2ns,/iiter Coni ci .1 1 2 Test Organism Used - Mytllus edulis 6 Time, Date of Fertilization, lzatlon Test 4:)0_pm, Jan.12, 1966 Type of Test - 48 hr. Bioassay Q - Q 2 3 150 Q_ 5Q Cow 21 ± 1°C Temperatuie of fnubation ncu.batlon 21°C jQ 19_ 5Q_ 15 41.05Q O j 59 .5 .,0 150 Q l2 12 1)_ 43 0 0 137 135 134 130 32 86.7 20 82.7 26 82.0 27 70.7 44 28.7 iai O 0 0 150 1.4 13 90.0 15 89.4 16 73.4 4O 21.4 118 LO0.O 94. ____ 0.85 81.5 33.1 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.75 98.5 97,8 80 3 23.4 Dissolved Oxygen at Start /irdsh Solution in Mi. Ml of of Solution ln - 100 Embryo &n o Dish Dish 1O0 0. P. I. "Low Salinity Salinitrr in I Bay due to Heavy Rains, water taken on High tide. Ctd.: CODE C0DEFOR FORABBREVIATIONS: ABBREVIATIOIIS:Ctd.: An: An: EE )ilution -25.8 20°C 13°C 24,8ppt Ova 0va Yes No White 91.4 1 ____ _____ _____ ______ No::nall Counted; N1.: Normal; Counted; Ni.: Adjusted Anomalies; Adj: : Ad.Justod Adi Anonalles; IJ A-14 A-1.4 Table 9 nStrongrr Effluent Effluent -Total and Volatlle Volatile SoLlds Solids in Total ln Toledo "Strong" 100 100 mis. mls. - 5/20 Composite Composlte Sample Sample 5/14 S/Ltr 5/2O 8ng. Static $tatlc Retention Eng. Retentlon Study #2 #2 rrStrongrr KME 100 m1s mis dried r.rt. 6 100 KME Dish Dlsh wt. dried "Strong" Dish Dlsh wt. r.rt. empty enpty (l 14) fa) (L Welght of Weight Residue KMERosldue of 1(ME C Dlsh wt. a.fter' 2 hr. Dish @ 60F 600° C wt. aftex hr. Burning Burnlng @ gg, jilojj 98.50635 98.36195 98.36t95 0.14440 O.1l+UO = Tot]. To'bal.Solids Solids 98.42840 98.l+281+o Weight lleight of of KME KMEResidue Residuo 0.07'795 o,gl7g5 Diffeieice between Differerrce betueen residuos residues 0.06645 := VolattLe Sollds Volatile Solids 0.06645 rrStrorrgn KME KME Dash Dlsh wt. r,rt. A 100 L00 mis mls dried dried "St.rorig" Dish ut. vt. empty empty (no (no mark) mark) Weight Weight of of KNE KMEResidue Residuo after 22 hr. Dish wt. hr. Burnlng Burning @ @ 6000 600°CC wt. after 91.8280 91.8280 91.6857 9t.6857 0.1423 O.LI+23i Total Solftls Total Solids gr.75355 91.75355 o.wl,A5 Weight of lJeigtrt KMEResidue of K Residue 0.cY7445 Diffex-eiice between resiclues Differerrce between residues O.C6785: Volatile 0.06785 Sollds Volatile Solids A- 15 A-15 Table Table 10 10 Toledo Mil.1 Mill I'leekly Weekly Flow Flow Data Data for for Toleclo (5/14-5/20) 1r1y-5/zO) Eng. Static Statlc Retentlon Eng. Retention Stucly Study #2 #Z Date Date Total Total H20 H20 Eff. Eff. to to River Rlver Clear CLear Eff. Eff. SEL sEt 5/14/65 5/u/65 Lt1795 11,795 61691 6,690 3,340 l ftro 5,105 5]o5 5/15 5/r5 12,028 L2rCQ$ lrrQ3 4,023 3,760 31760 8,005 8r005 5/16 5/16 11,818 11r818 6r7l+I 6,741 4,104 /+tl0t+ 5,77 51477 5/17 5/L7 12,803 12r603 8r466 8,488 3,888 31888 lur3r5 4,315 5/18 5h8 r)rraz 13,102 7,706 7 17C/o l+r32O 4,320 5,496 5r&% 5,'19 5he LLrTl+C 11,740 6rr59 6,158 4,104 L|IOI+ 6,980 6rggo 5/20 5/20 12,819 12,gtg 6,140 6rr45 3,560 3 1560 61679 6,679 Avg. Avg. 12,300 12r300 61563 6,563 3,725 )1725 5,950 5r95o A -l 7 - 1 --- - _. I; a V o I H a - S A -1 9 H * $* * *u * d T{ tr 0 tsl a {J r{ t) rl I,.. xo +t tr .rl H o rl +t I 'd. 9,5 H II {J Crl rDO c, ul t{ ttl 0r5 P{ :E I Iu.uu..uu.wa..a. r l.-22 I $ .- ........... uusauu.0 Ftguro 7 Serles Ae Thooretlcal curves based on the nean of sampLemeans at aLl concentratlons of the flrst 3 tests, comparing 8.0.D., P.B.f. and mussel 1l1ors. 0 0 Days Rotention K.M.E. A-26 A-26 1I TABLE11 TABLE at Salt\rater at ln Saltwater Degradment in Albany Albany Mlll Mill Wastee Wastes Degradment p p t Salinity p t and a n d 25 2 5 ppt Saltntty 1 155 p ppt BloSea 15 forttfled wtth 15 ppt ppt fortified with BioSea p p t t o 25 S a l l n l t Y to ppt Salinity 35 Control Control 17. KUE 1% IGIE 27 27. 37 37. fl " rt " Control Control 0.5% Kt[E 0.57. KME 1.02 tl 1.07. 3 . W . "I t 3.07. tf 6.O7. 6.07. " ' Natural Seawater Seawater Sallnitv Natural 25 ppt ppt Salinity _il 92.07. Normal 92.07. Normal Larvae Larvae 82.7 82.7 75 76.0 T l a * 21 .75 76.0 TLm 34.7 34.7 Control 93.47. Normal 93.47. Normal Larvae Larvae 17. KME 1Z KllE rl 27. " 27. tl 37. " 37. 90.0 90.0 77.4 77.4 32.4 32.4 82.7 82.7 80.7 80.7 73.4 73.4 36.7 36.7 Control Control 0.5% KHE 0.57. KME tl 1.07. 1.02 " rl 2.07; " 2.07. fl 3.O7. " 3.07. rl 6.v1. " 6.07. 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 !.7 T16, r 2.7 TL 0 .0 0.0 f i * ' * 22 . 77 TLm 74.7 747 58.0 58.0 33.3 33.3 0.0 0.0 TABLE 12 12 TABLE Natural Seawater wlth with Bl.oSea versus verous Natural BioSea l.tastes #4 statlc Retentton Wastes Static Retention dllutlon Natural Seawater dilution Natural B l o S e a dilution dllutlon BioSea Control Control 0 . l z Kt 0.17. KNE{ E 0 . 2 5 7 . t"t 0.257. 1 . 0 7 . "i l 1.07. 3 . O 7 . t"t 3.07. 92.77 Nornral 92,77. Normal Larvae Larvae 9 1 .4 91.4 91.4 91.4 TLr' a 1.95 !.95 TLm 8 6.0 86.0 0.0 0.0 Control Control 0.17. KME 0.17. KME 0.57. o.57. " n " t ' 2.07. 2.O7. " 1.07. r.0z 80.07. Normal Larvae Larvae 80.0% Normal 80.0 1.2 76.7 76.7 TLm r ln - 1.2 4g.7 49.7 0.0 0.0 TABLE TABLE 13 13 wlth Albany Albany Saltwater with BloSea versus Natural Natural Saltwater BioSea Wastee M l 1 1 Wastes Kraft K r a f t Mill BloSea KllE BioSea in ln KME Control 17. KNE IZ KME 27. 27. 37. 37. 47. 47. 67. 67. rl " rl " rl " ff " 74.67. Normal Normal Larvae Larvae 74.67. 66.6 66.6 6o.7 60.7 50.7 50.7 36.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 KllE in KNE Real Saltwater Sattlrater in Control 17. KNE I% KHE fl 27. 27. " fl " 37 37. rl " 47. 47. rl " 67. 67. 7.37. Normal Larvae Larvae 7.3% Norrnal 6.7 6.7 5.3 5.3 2.7 2.7 00 0 .0 0.0 0.0 A-27 A-27 A test of havlng having a reproductble reproducible synthetlc synthetic teet showing showtng the the importance lmportance of posslble bioassay bloaosay medium manner it was possible Ls seen aeen on on Table medlum is Table 13. 13. By this thts manner lt was gamete viability. guallty or This to determlne dlfferences in of gamete to determine differences water quality ln water or of vlabtllty. Thls poor quality qualtty and domonstratee that table clearly demonstrates table clearl.y that the was of and the real real. seawater of poor seswater was consequently it consequentl.y lt was waa the nater and whlch was was responsiresponsLthe water and not not the the toxicant toxlcant which ble for The water further ble for the bloaseay. further subeubthe mortality mortal.tty in Ln the the bioassay. Ttre synthetic synthettc water stantiated stanttated the fact that that healthy, healthy, normal nornal gametes teat, th€ fact gameteswere the. test, vrereused usedinLnthe. but they they could not develop but could not develop normally normaLly in in the the real real seawater. seawater. tn the the toxitoxlTable Table 12 12 is ls aa comparison comparlson of BtoSea versus of BioSea versus real real. seawater eeawater in percent kraft #4, Serlee cant of Static retention #4, Series cant taken taken from fro'n the the 10 of 10 percent kraft jar Stattc retentlon Jar B. B. Here the better was apparently eynthettc dilution dilutlon water wafer was apparently of of slightly the synthetic cllghtly better quallty than The of the the the real uoed in bloassay. TIa, of quality than the real seawater seawater used tn the the bioassay. ltre TLm BloSea wa8 1.2. BioSea was 1.95 and that that of of the was 1.2. 1.95 and the real real seawater se&water dilution dl.lutlon was because also because The for BioSea BloSea shall be ommitted at this thls time tine also The formula formula for shalt be onrnrltted at the data data is and though the are encouraging, encouraglng, ts inconclusive lnconcluslve though most of of the the results resutts are In there are be explained. In there are some undesirable fluctuations that fluctuat{ons sone undeslrable that cannot cannot be explatned. addltlon to blological results reeults addition to this thls there there are are many the biological many factors factors effecting effectlng the Some of of BioSea which of these these we are Some of whlch we are learning learnlng about about and and investigating. lnvestlgatlng. quantlty of are of chemlcals chemicals ueed used in the formulatLon formulation and and quallty and quantity are the the quality ln the water quallty of of the the water the order order in the tn which whleh they they are are compounded. Aleo, the compounded. Also, tho quality Evidence be important. in which the dlssolved appears to lmportant. ln wtrlch the salts ealts are are dissolved to be dlsttlled produces better better results than distilled suggests auggeats that thst aa local tocal spring eprtng water produces reeults than year. obtalned Excellent larvae water at of the water et certain tlmes of Excetlent larvae have been obtained certaln times the year. percent real uslng a mlxture of BioSea BloSea and using mixture of and 10 10 percent real seawater. seanater. of ababarray of Experiments saltwater have led led to to an an array Experlments with wlth artificial artificlal ealtwater have accordlng been Some of these anomalies have been classified according of normal normal larvae. Some anomalles classlfied lanrae. theee presently ten are known. Chemical Chemical and to peculiarity and presently to their thelr pecullarlty types are ten types we lraste lf we phyalologlcal physiological research in this area may lead to waste treatment, treatment, if reeearch tn thle area may lead to Another interestintereetcould discover how the organism was belng damaged. damaged. Another could dtscover how the organism wae being pure BioSea, normally, devel.op normally, ing observat{on observation is lng le that that in BioSea, some may develop ln pure some embryos embryos may dlshes. practlcal.ly but bottom of of the but they dormant they lie dormant on on the the bottom the culture culcure dishes. lle practically When named, Ichthopterian When aa small of a compound, enall amount arnount of compound, tentatively tentatlvely Ichthopterian acttvl.ty chloride is BioSea formula, activity enhanced enhanced and and chloride lnto the the BioSea fornula, ls introduced lntroduced into synthels synthemany This compound many of of the normally. the veligers veligerg swim swim normally. lhls activity actlvlty compound is However, the genus Sebastotes the comsized from fish flah scales ecaleg of of the Sebastotes sp. etzed from the genus S., pound has are or purified and been chemically and results results are hae not not been chemi.cally identified laentt?i3E-iiffir?1ed inconclusive. lnconclusLve. Summary Sumnar_y-- f'standardft and eeawater It lmperatlve that that a "standard" and reproducible reproduclble seawater 1. It is ls imperative pollutlon studies because the the be found, marlne pollution are to to advance, found, if lf marine studieg are advance, because quallty of ln \rater used used in of extreme quality the water the test teet is le of extreme importance lmporrance in of the ln the the evaluation of of waste treatments. the evaluatlon treatments. physiologlNatural and intrinsic and physiologiseawater apparently apparently contains contains intrinsic Natural seawater developnecessary for normal developcally active compounds or trace elements necessary for normal active compounds or trace cally elemente ment of shellfish. ment of ehellflsh. 2. 2. A promising embryonic use Ln in promising synthetic for embryonic synthetl.e seawater, sultable for seawater, suitable presentLy being KMEis being developed. developed. bioassays bloassays with with KME Ls presently 3. 3. A _ 28 28 A4. phystologlcal activity 4. A physiological actlvlty compound A conrpoundfor for Bay Bay mussele boen mussels has been aynthestzed fron mar{ne fish scales, synthesized from marine fish scales, but but its its structure structure and and other other charactertetLcg have have not characteristics not been been identified. ldontlfled.