Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 The Causation between Energy Consumption and Gross Domestic Product (GDP): A Multi-Sectoral and Comparative Investigation from Five Continents (1980-2009) Yasir Hassan, Kashif-ud-Din and Farzan Yahya Consumption is generally the major GDP. Many persons review the economic performance of their state primarily in terms of ingesting level and dynamics. The focal point of this study is to determine effect between energy consumption and GDP. Previous studies show no conformity or no relationship of gross domestic product with personal consumption expenditure though this study shows strong relation of GDP with energy consumption. SPSS and Microsoft Excel, both have utilized to accomplish this research and generate results as per objectives. Furthermore, many tests and statistical techniques have applied to validate the results. Coefficient of variance has applied to corroborate most consistent consumption years. ANOVA has tested to compare the regions and identify the mean differences and to further authenticate the results LSD has concerned. Finally, regression model has instigated to verify positive or negative relation between GDP and energy consumption. Keywords: GDP, ANOVA, LSD, OLS, Regions, Consumption Introduction First, ingesting might have estranged with respect to the permanence of bought objects. This component, a wide cataloging splits durable merchandise (as carriages and T.V. sets) from non-durable commodities and from amenities. These classes frequently illustrate dissimilar tracks of expansion. Secondly, consumption has separated giving to requirements it gratifies. A frequently used cataloging recognizes 10 sections of expenditure: i. Nourishment ii. Heating & energy iii. Health iv. Housing v. Clothing and foot wear vi. Communication vii. Home fixtures and appliances viii. Culture and schooling ix. Transport x. EntertainingThe rich have equally advanced stages of ingesting & investments. In distinguished markets, wealthy people can typically purchase healthier goods than deprived ones. In supplementary terms, ingesting is contingent on societal clusters and their behaviors. Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 Third, one should distinguish "consumption" as utilization of belongings & facilities from "ingesting spending" as trade operations. For sturdy commodities, this change might be applicable, meanwhile they have used for extensive eras. In this lode, the rich have a much wider growing package of durable goods bought over time, so they take pleasure in a very extensively higher degree of need contentment, whereas the poor can experience deficiencies even in the most indispensable goods. Fourth, only recently produced merchandise enter into the meaning of consumption, whereas the purchase of, say, an old home is not measured consumption in macroeconomics, given that it was already calculated in the GDP of the time in which it was assembled. For the user, both old and new goods offer some need fulfillment. Energy consumption is apparently elevated in countries where below 5 percent of the population lives lower than the poverty line than it is in states where the majority of people live in scarcity four times greater. For instance, Americans make up below 5% of the world’s population yet use 26% of the world’s energy. Simultaneously, the United States and Canada account for 50 percent of power consumed by the world’s wealthiest mechanized countries; Europe, 33 percent. When there is a talk about energy consumption, then it is about the supply of energy that produces our power: coal, oil, natural gas and alternatives like wind, solar, hydropower and bio-fuels. (Brazil, for example, produces electricity by flaming sugarcane waste.) Presently, the world’s population devours 15 terawatts of power from a blend of these energy sources. Communally, developing countries utilize 30 percent of the earth’s energy, but with anticipated population and fiscal growth in those marketplaces, energy demands have expected to climb 95 percent. In general, global consumption has expected to increase 50 percent from 2005 to 2030, mainly in the fossil-fuel zone. At-least share of the increase in worldwide feasting is the consequence of populace enlargement. The U.N. missions that world population will boost 41% in 2050 to 8.9(Billion) persons, by almost all of this expansion in developing countries. This flow in human figures intimidates to offset any savings in resource use from improved competence, over and above any gains in falling per-capita consumption. Even though the standard American eats 20 percent fewer meat in 2050 than in 2000, entire U.S. meat captivating will be 5 million tons larger in 2050 due to population growth. A rising share of the worldwide consumer group now subsists in developing countries. China and India unaided claim above 20 percent of the global sum—with a shared consumer group of 362 million, surplus in all of Western Europe. (Nevertheless, the average Chinese or Indian member consumes significantly below the standard European.) Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 Developing countries also have the maximum potential to enlarge the lines of consumers. China and India’s large consumer class comprises only 16 percent of the region’s inhabitants, while in Europe the number is 89 percent. Certainly, in most developing countries the consumer set accounts for below half of the population— signifying substantial room to grow. While the consumer class flourishes, great disparities linger. The 12 percent of the world’s population that survives in North America and Western Europe reports for 60 percent of classified consumption expenses, whilst the one-third existing in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa reports for merely 3.2 percent. The consumer civilization has strong magnetism and carries with it many financial benefits, and it would be unjust to argue that those who come later should not share the advantages gained by an earlier cohort of consumers. Undeniably, lack of concentration to the needs of the poorest can effect in greater uncertainty for the prosperous and in augmented spending on self-protective measures. The necessity to spend billions of dollars on wars, boundary security, and mediation debatably has linked to ignorance for the world’s imperative social and environmental tribulations. Regardless of increasing utilization in the developing world, manufacturing countries remain in charge for the immensity of the world’s reserve consumption—over and above the associated global environmental squalor. Yet there is little proof that the consumption locomotive is braking, still in the United States, where the majority of people are adequately supplied with the goods and services required to lead a decorous life. Individuals often face personal expenses related with serious altitudes of consumption: the monetary debt; the time and strain related with working to shore up high consumption; the time required to hygienic, advance, store, or otherwise keep possessions; and the ways in which consumption restores time with family and friends. Belligerent pursuit of a throng consumption society also associates with a decline in health gauges in many countries, as corpulence, offense, and other social ills persist to surge. Consumer advocates, economists, policymakers, and ecologist have developed inventive options for meeting people’s requirements while dampening the ecological and social costs associated with bunch consumption. As well as serving individuals locate the balance between surplus and insufficient consumption, they stress placing more importance on publicly provided commodities and services, on services instead of goods, on goods with elevated levels of recycled content, and on authentic option for consumers. Governments can redesign economic inducements and regulations to make sure that businesses offer reasonable options that congregate consumers’ requirements. They Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 also have a responsibility for limiting consumption glut, chiefly by eliminating incentives to consume—from subsidized energy to endorsement of low-density expansion. Objectives The objectives of this research are as follows: 1. To identify most highest GDP and energy consumption regionally 2. To corroborate most consistent consumption years 3. To test out if there are any mean differences regionally by taking all variables dependent one by one 4. To check positive or negative effect of consumption on GDP Literature review Chioma applied regression analysis to scrutinize the casual association between GDP and individual consumption expenditure of Nigeria by facts and figures from 1994 2007. A non-insignificant value of 0.0514 was found as a slope coefficient demonstrating that an increase in GDP has no significant result on the individual ingesting spending of Nigeria. Goudie and Ladd (1999) described there are indications that here is possibly an adverse outcome in the opposite way, to inferior growth from high disparity. Countries with extreme inequality of land and ingesting, may then be less effective at declining poverty, because they change a given growth rate into leisurelier poverty reduction Taylor and Weiserbs (1972) originate a positive collision of advertising on consumption. Therefore, the informative function of advertising shows to be strong enough to motivate potential consumer to boost their consumption expenditure. Heckman (1974) shows that if consumption and leisure are substitutes for each other, consumption also intensifies over the lifecycle. This explains a optimistic association between consumption and existing income in a lifecycle model. Browning, Deaton and Irish (1985) and Macurdy (1981, 1983, 1985) added comprehensive this theory and practiced its experiential cogency. Samuelson inspects a model of an evolutionary environment in which Nature optimally builds comparative consumption effects into predilections in order to compensate for imperfect ecological information. (Samuelson, 2004) Per capita energy ingesting has been one of maximum frequently used metrics of ingesting for a figure of motives. It is informal to amount (comparative to resources usage), it has simply adaptable components (joule, calories, etc.), and every unit of energy ingesting is environ mentally evocative (in terms of green-house gas releases). Up till now understanding of national per/capita feasting of any reserve propose partial Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 insight for strategy act, meanwhile differences within inhabitants can be countless, they are meaningfully prejudiced by household features. (Currann and de Sherbinine, 2004) Study in California originate that energy consumption for a single individual household was only half that of four and five person households (Lutzenhiser, 1997). Spangenberg and Lorek (2002) have recognized three household ingesting "bunches" that collected account for closely (70%) of an economy's material abstraction and energy consumption, and more than (90%) of land use. A closer look at the dealt merchandises show that India’s export and import baskets are extremely varied compared to other associates of the region. India’s sale of production is sophisticated and it has better competences in the production of certain products than other states of the region can offer. (Mohanty 2003) Islam and Clarke (2002) integrate price advantage study of financial growth in an embryonic economy in operating the attuned GDP, uttered as the cost benefit adjusted GDP. Hicks (1940) and Pigous (1962) started with actual GDP as an amount of societal wellbeing. Whilst Pigous recognized that well-being was more than the amount of financial actions that GDP measures and thus was not a indicator "or index of entire welfare" (Pigou, 1962, p. 12) The claim of welfare monetary tools to development economics safeguards that "progress is not one of a matter of long run development" (Sen, 1999, p. 45). Somewhat, it can be consider that chances and prerogatives of people to guarantee that their humanoid progress can occur both in times of high and low economic growth (Sen, 1984). Methodology This research has accomplished with analysis on secondary data. Data has been collected from financial websites. Energy consumption and GDP of all countries has brought together and then further accumulate them regionally. Two types of software have utilized to make this research comprehensive, Statistical Software for Social Sciences and Microsoft Excel. Furthermore, Graphical representation has prepared for more concise review of data. Coefficient of variances has applied to corroborate the most consistent years. Moreover, statistical tests like ANOVA, LSD and Regression has applied to validate the results. Limitations Some consumption variables were in Barrels and some in Tons. Moreover, data of consumption commodities of some countries were not given for few years. Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 Empirical Results Prior to moving toward testing of hypothesis and inferential study of data, there is graphical representation for a precise review of data. Following is the Line chart for GDP including all regions: Chart No. 1: GDP (in million Dollars) of all Regions 25000000 GDP of all Regions (1980-2008) GDP africa 20000000 GDP Asia 15000000 GDP Central America GDP Europe 10000000 GDP North America 5000000 GDP Oceania GDP South America 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 0 The above chart no. 1 shows the GDP of all Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and Central, North and South America from 1980-2008. The line of this chart shows that Central America had least GDP as compared to other regions. GDP of Africa and Oceania was overlapping and had approximately same growth. GDP of South America had slightly greater growth as compared to Oceania, Africa and Central America. However, GDP growths of North America, Asia and Europe were far above the ground. Asia had some appreciated GDP growth as it slashes the GDP of Europe after year 2000. Chart No. 2: Total Average Consumption of Regions Total Average Consumption of Regions (19802009) 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Consumption Africa Asia C. Europe N. Oceania S. America America America Region Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 The Chart no. 2 shows the total average consumption of all regions for two decades. The commodities of consumption includes Coal, Crude oil, Distillate fuel, Dry natural gas, hydroelectric power, Jet Fuel, Kerosene, Liquefied Petroleum gases, Motor Gasoline, Nuclear electrical power, Geothermal, Solar, Wind, Wood waste, Other Petroleum and Residual fuel. The bars of this chart show that South America had leading consumption and Europe had nominal energy usage as compared to other regions which are made known in table above. Measuring Consistency with Co-efficient of Variance Co-efficient of variance has applied to be acquainted with consistent years regarding consumption of energy. C.V. can be evaluated by using following formula: Table No. 1: Consistency measure for consumption Year s 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Coal 181.9 7 179.9 5 180 178.7 6 178.5 7 178.6 7 177.2 1 176.6 8 175 177.3 8 178.7 3 181 180.5 4 182.2 8 181.6 2 179.8 4 134.9 4 C. Oil 70.19 2 68.51 9 65.87 3 65.87 3 66.15 4 66.66 7 66.91 2 66.91 2 64.49 3 65.49 3 65.97 2 65.97 2 66.43 8 69.59 5 68.18 2 68.59 81.02 2 D. Fuel 138.2 2 138.5 9 138.7 4 139.5 9 140.0 2 140.8 3 216.6 3 216.6 5 217.0 4 216.8 8 217.3 3 217.5 7 217.8 2 218.3 3 218.1 6 217.8 7 153.0 8 D. N. G. 102.38 98.889 102.86 97.945 96.575 95.333 94.805 H. P. 55.0 7 54.2 5 57 56.3 4 55.5 1 55.1 5 85.714 54.9 54.1 3 53.3 9 52.6 3 51.8 6 51.2 5 84.659 49 85.714 47.9 48.6 3 48.4 1 67.8 1 92.208 92.208 91.772 89.157 85.484 82.653 98.802 J. Fuel 110.2 4 111.2 5 167.7 6 171.9 6 116.2 9 175.7 2 175.3 8 173.6 168.9 4 173.0 5 161.5 4 158.0 7 134.5 4 134.5 5 134.7 9 134.8 2 108.2 7 Kerosen e 147.707 4 143.595 4 74.0217 4 71.0526 3 65.0519 61.2903 2 63.8636 4 58.4146 3 57.5547 9 58.0801 9 76.7103 3 76.2228 3 81.1617 78.0219 8 83.8351 8 83.0275 2 87.1359 2 L. Gases 130.892 1 137.413 1 155.879 2 150 162.195 1 161.410 4 162.108 3 153.790 6 149.053 2 157.084 149.006 6 146.382 1 145.140 4 143.764 9 149.597 1 143.333 3 132.573 7 M. G. 138.4 7 137.1 7 137.2 5 138.4 1 138.9 2 139.1 6 141.8 141.7 9 140.6 2 140.1 5 216.1 3 216.5 2 135.9 1 136.0 8 135 135.6 9 109.4 6 N. E. P. 99.80 6 102.2 3 107.1 3 147.2 5 103.9 5 144.2 9 142.4 6 138.7 4 138.5 9 140.7 3 140.6 5 139.7 9 140.5 4 141.2 3 139.9 6 138.7 4 156.5 1 O. E. 132.9 128.0 2 121.3 3 120.5 4 116.0 3 107.3 4 104.7 2 99.45 7 96.42 9 94.96 4 92.76 3 90.29 5 91.58 9 92.09 6 95.03 9 96.75 1 108.7 8 O. P. 164.2 1 168.4 169.1 170.0 7 170.5 8 163.7 7 154.5 2 161.8 8 165.8 4 166.9 7 160.3 4 164.0 9 212.4 8 168.5 4 162.2 3 159.6 154.7 6 R. Fuel 136.0 1 135.9 2 135.2 2 135.8 8 135.7 6 135.0 2 135.0 6 135.1 135.1 2 135.4 2 135.2 1 135.1 5 135.1 135.7 6 135.4 2 135.2 1 123.8 9 To evaluate the above results, firstly S.D. and Means of all consumption variables has determined and then C.V. for all years has calculated. Table no. 1 shows C.V. from year 1990-2006. Results show that Distillate Fuel and Nuclear Electric Power were consistent in year 1990, Crude Oil and Kerosene in year 1998 and Coal, Jet Fuel, Motor Gasoline and Residual Fuel shows consistency in 2006. Other consumption variables with consistent years can be reviewed in the table. Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 ANOVA ANOVA has applied to analyze the variances and to compare the means for all regions. The hypothesis for this test can be as follows: H0: Africa=Asia=Central America and the Caribbean= Europe= North America= Oceania= South America H1: At Least one Region has different Means ANOVA for GDP Taking GDP as dependent variable following is the table for ANOVA: Table no. 2: ANOVA for GDP SS df MS Between Groups Within Groups Total F 3894071735936400.00 4.00 973517933984100.00 125.27 1095746888800420.00 141.00 7771254530499.48 4989818624736830.00 145.00 P-val 0.00 Table no. 2 shows highly significant value that is 0.00, which is less than 0.05. Hence, it can be concluded for this test that H1 can be accepted. It means there is at least one region that have different mean, in case of GDP. However, to hit upon the different means, LSD has applied. LSD is Post Hoc test to determine the difference in means. Following is the LSD table for GDP: Table no. 3: LSD test for GDP Dependent Variable: GDP (I) Regions Africa Asia Central America & the Caribbean Europe (J) Regions Asia Europe North America Central America & the Caribbean Europe North America Europe North America North America Mean Difference (IJ) -10102394.33 -11959964.89 -6800593.39 Std. Error 725958.75 732085.10 732085.10 10832768.73 -1857570.56 3301800.94 725958.75 0.00 725958.75 0.01 725958.75 0.00 -12690339.29 -7530967.79 5159371.50 732085.10 0.00 732085.10 0.00 732085.10 0.00 Sig. 0.00 0.00 0.00 Table no. 3 shows that Africa has significantly different mean while contrasting with Asia, Europe and North America. Similarly, Asia has different mean values with Central Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 America, Europe and North America. Central America has different means with Europe and North America. Moreover, Mean difference value of Europe with North America is also specified. Table no. 4: ANOVA for Consumption Dependent variable (Consumption) Coal Crude Oil Distillate Fuel Dry Natural Gas Hydroelectric Power Jet Fuel Kerosene Liquefied Petroleum Gases Motor Gasoline SS Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups df MS F P-val 5874213.83 6.00 9664579.65 201.00 15538793.48 207.00 979035.64 48082.49 20.36 0.00 6422727.87 6.00 5259117.94 201.00 11681845.82 207.00 1070454.65 26164.77 40.91 0.00 10202815.83 6.00 7380933.29 156.00 17583749.12 162.00 1700469.30 47313.67 35.94 0.00 2607305.37 6.00 5338494.83 201.00 7945800.20 207.00 434550.89 26559.68 16.36 0.00 11372314.59 6.00 2013948.65 182.00 13386263.25 188.00 1895385.77 11065.65 171.29 0.00 4107449.40 6.00 5365616.96 156.00 9473066.35 162.00 684574.90 34394.98 19.90 0.00 1145792.97 6.00 4198650.20 156.00 5344443.17 162.00 190965.49 26914.42 7.10 0.00 2113109.35 6.00 5417663.04 156.00 7530772.40 162.00 352184.89 34728.61 10.14 0.00 12126525.34 6.00 2505199.00 156.00 2021087.56 16058.97 125.85 0.00 Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 Nuclear Electric Power Other Electric Power Other Petroleum Residual Fuel Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total 14631724.34 162.00 9995300.44 6.00 4521831.33 182.00 14517131.77 188.00 1665883.41 24845.23 67.05 0.00 114860.88 6.00 120279.97 182.00 235140.85 188.00 19143.48 660.88 28.97 0.00 5831954.81 6.00 3392788.34 156.00 9224743.15 162.00 971992.47 21748.64 44.69 0.00 1059667.66 2106.41 503.07 0.00 6358005.96 6.00 78478.80 156.00 6436484.76 162.00 Above table no. 4 shows ANOVA table presuming energy consumption as dependent variable. The results of this test show highly significant values for all variables. All consumption variables are less than 0.05. Consequently, it can be said that at least one region has different mean from others. For further proceedings of result LSD has concerned. Since the LSD table for consumption was so extensive, therefore it has segregated into three parts. Table no. 5: LSD for Coal, Crude Oil, Distillate Fuel, Dry Natural Gas and Hydroelectric Power Dependent Variable (I) Country codes (J) Country codes Coal Africa Asia Asia Central America Europe Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 171.00 56.62 0.00 Central America -289.55 56.62 0.00 Europe 171.80 56.62 0.00 North America -182.63 56.62 0.00 South America 142.73 57.62 0.01 Central America -460.55 56.62 0.00 North America -353.63 56.62 0.00 Oceania -138.93 56.62 0.02 Europe 461.35 56.62 0.00 Oceania 321.62 56.62 0.00 South America 432.28 57.62 0.00 North America -354.43 56.62 0.00 Oceania -139.73 56.62 0.01 Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 Africa 182.63 56.62 0.00 Asia 353.63 56.62 0.00 Europe 354.43 56.62 0.00 Oceania 214.70 56.62 0.00 South America 325.36 57.62 0.00 Africa Central America -508.39 41.77 0.00 Central America Asia 490.42 41.77 0.00 Europe 494.19 41.77 0.00 North America 489.39 41.77 0.00 Oceania 508.82 41.77 0.00 South America 507.29 42.50 0.00 Asia 569.97 64.20 0.00 Central America 448.82 65.58 0.00 Europe 647.76 64.20 0.00 North America 649.25 63.59 0.00 South America 271.36 65.58 0.00 Oceania -497.54 62.79 0.00 South America -298.61 64.20 0.00 Europe 198.94 64.20 0.00 North America 200.42 63.59 0.00 Oceania -376.40 64.20 0.00 South America -177.47 65.58 0.01 Oceania -575.33 62.79 0.00 South America -376.40 64.20 0.00 North America South America -377.89 63.59 0.00 Africa Central America -269.16 42.08 0.00 Asia Central America -328.93 42.08 0.00 Oceania -111.59 42.08 0.01 Europe 317.07 42.08 0.00 North America 318.97 42.08 0.00 Oceania 217.34 42.08 0.00 South America 340.71 42.82 0.00 Europe Oceania -99.73 42.08 0.02 North America Oceania -101.63 42.08 0.02 Oceania South America 123.37 42.82 0.00 Africa Asia -379.16 28.63 0.00 Europe -544.88 28.63 0.00 North America -543.53 28.63 0.00 South America -340.42 28.63 0.00 Central America 428.69 28.63 0.00 North America Crude oil Distillate Fuel Africa Asia Central America Europe Dry Natural Gas Central America Hydroelectric Power Asia Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 Central America Europe North America Oceania Europe -165.72 28.63 0.00 North America -164.37 28.63 0.00 Oceania 395.65 28.63 0.00 Europe -594.41 28.63 0.00 North America -593.06 28.63 0.00 South America -389.95 28.63 0.00 Oceania 561.37 28.63 0.00 South America 204.46 28.63 0.00 Oceania 560.02 28.63 0.00 South America 203.11 28.63 0.00 South America -356.91 28.63 0.00 Table above (table no. 5) includes LSD test for energy consumption variable. In case of, Coal consumption Africa has mean difference values comparing with Asia, Central America, Europe, North America and South America. Other comparison has done and showed in the table with significant different means. Assuming Crude Oil consumption as dependent variable, Africa has significant different means with Central America and Central America has difference with Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America. Analysis of Distillate Fuel, Dry Natural Gas and Hydroelectric Power consumption has also mentioned in the table with mean difference between different regions. Table no. 6: LSD for Jet Fuel, Kerosene, Liquefied Petroleum Gases and Motor Gasoline Dependent Variable (I) Country codes (J) Country codes Jet Fuel Africa Asia Std. Error Sig. -387.07 54.74 0.00 North America 125.77 54.21 0.02 Central America 469.30 54.74 0.00 Europe 305.29 53.54 0.00 North America 512.84 53.00 0.00 Oceania 391.41 53.54 0.00 South America 407.45 54.74 0.00 Central America Europe -164.00 54.74 0.00 Europe North America 207.55 53.00 0.00 North America Oceania -121.43 53.00 0.02 Africa Asia -183.59 48.42 0.00 Asia Central America 279.82 48.42 0.00 Europe 188.18 47.36 0.00 North America 219.23 46.88 0.00 Oceania 152.36 47.36 0.00 South America 244.09 48.42 0.00 Oceania -127.46 48.42 0.01 Asia Kerosene Central America Mean Difference (I-J) Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 Liquefied Petroleum Gases Africa 123.27 56.19 0.03 North America 168.28 54.48 0.00 South America -204.30 56.19 0.00 Central America 121.60 55.01 0.03 North America 166.62 53.26 0.00 South America -205.96 55.01 0.00 Europe -178.89 55.01 0.00 South America -327.57 56.19 0.00 North America 223.90 53.26 0.00 Oceania 129.13 53.80 0.02 South America -148.68 55.01 0.01 North America South America -372.58 54.48 0.00 Africa Asia 476.64 37.40 0.00 Central America 344.24 38.21 0.00 Europe 529.53 37.40 0.00 North America 524.02 37.04 0.00 South America -181.91 38.21 0.00 Central America -132.40 37.40 0.00 Oceania -473.88 36.58 0.00 South America -658.55 37.40 0.00 Europe 185.30 37.40 0.00 North America 179.78 37.04 0.00 Oceania -341.48 37.40 0.00 South America -526.14 38.21 0.00 Oceania -526.78 36.58 0.00 South America -711.44 37.40 0.00 Oceania -521.26 36.21 0.00 South America -705.92 37.04 0.00 South America -184.67 37.40 0.00 Asia Central America Europe Motor Gasoline Asia Central America Europe North America Oceania Central America Resuming LSD test for consumption variables, first one is about Jet Fuel consumption in table no. 6. Results show that Africa has mean difference with Asia and North America, Asia with Europe, Oceania and Whole America, Central America with Europe, Europe with North America and last but not least North America with Oceania. Furthermore, Results of testing Kerosene consumption shows that Africa and Asia have different means, Asia has different mean as compared to Europe, Oceania and entire America. Central America is also different from Oceania. Moreover, Liquefied petroleum gases and Motor Gasoline consumption has also analyzed and there regional differences with mean are also given in the table. Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 Table no. 7: LSD for Nuclear Electric Power, Other Electric Power, Other Petroleum and Residual Fuel Dependent Variable (I) Country codes (J) Country codes Std. Error Sig. Nuclear Electric Power Africa Asia -324.70 42.90 0.00 Europe -265.53 42.90 0.00 North America -634.62 42.90 0.00 Africa 324.70 42.90 0.00 Central America 333.47 42.90 0.00 North America -309.93 42.90 0.00 Oceania 333.47 42.90 0.00 South America 323.50 42.90 0.00 Europe -274.30 42.90 0.00 North America -643.39 42.90 0.00 North America -369.09 42.90 0.00 Oceania 274.30 42.90 0.00 South America 264.34 42.90 0.00 Oceania 643.39 42.90 0.00 South America 633.43 42.90 0.00 Asia -25.03 7.00 0.00 Europe -50.30 7.00 0.00 North America -67.72 7.00 0.00 Central America 22.99 7.00 0.00 Europe -25.28 7.00 0.00 North America -42.70 7.00 0.00 Oceania 19.84 7.00 0.01 South America 16.85 7.00 0.02 Europe -48.26 7.00 0.00 North America -65.68 7.00 0.00 North America -17.42 7.00 0.01 Oceania 45.11 7.00 0.00 South America 42.13 7.00 0.00 Oceania 62.53 7.00 0.00 Asia Central America Europe North America Other Electric Power Africa Asia Central America Europe North America Other Petroleum Africa Asia Mean Difference (I-J) South America 59.55 7.00 0.00 Asia 164.12 43.53 0.00 Central America 118.54 44.47 0.01 Europe 230.46 43.53 0.00 North America 230.11 43.11 0.00 South America -366.95 44.47 0.00 Africa -164.12 43.53 0.00 Oceania -88.90 42.57 0.04 Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 South America -531.08 43.53 0.00 Europe 111.91 43.53 0.01 North America 111.57 43.11 0.01 South America -485.50 44.47 0.00 Oceania -155.23 42.57 0.00 South America -597.41 43.53 0.00 North America Oceania -154.88 42.14 0.00 Oceania South America -442.18 43.53 0.00 Africa Asia 466.13 6.62 0.00 Central America 115.09 6.76 0.00 Europe 467.30 6.62 0.00 North America 468.23 6.56 0.00 Oceania 316.97 6.62 0.00 South America 23.49 6.76 0.00 Africa -466.13 6.62 0.00 Central America -351.04 6.62 0.00 Oceania -149.16 6.47 0.00 South America -442.64 6.62 0.00 Europe 352.21 6.62 0.00 North America 353.15 6.56 0.00 Oceania 201.88 6.62 0.00 South America -91.60 6.76 0.00 Oceania -150.33 6.47 0.00 South America -443.81 6.62 0.00 Oceania -151.26 6.41 0.00 South America -444.75 6.56 0.00 South America -293.48 6.62 0.00 Central America Europe Residual Fuel Asia Central America Europe North America Oceania At this instant, there is last table (Table no. 7) of LSD applied to energy consumption. It starts with nuclear electric power as dependent variable. Its result shows that Africa has significantly different mean values as compared with Asia, Europe and North America. Furthermore, Asia has mean difference with Oceania and entire America. Central America is different from Europe and North America, Europe with North America, South America and Oceania and lastly North America with Oceania and North America. Additionally, other electric power, other petroleum and residual oil are also scrutinize and there outcomes are evidently revealed in the table with p-values, S.E. and Mean different values. Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 Regression Analysis Multiple Linear regression has manipulated ensure positive and negative effect between GDP and energy consumption. Table no. 8: Coefficient of determination for Regression Model Model 1 R R-Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate .960 .922 .912 1688476.43775 Table no. 8 shows the value of coefficient of determination which is 0.922. It means the model is 92% satisfactory and up to standard. Table no. 9: ANOVA for Regression Model Model 1 Sum of Squares Regression Residual Total df 3298149865262857.000 Mean Square F 13 253703835789450.600 279393362720310.900 98 2850952680819.500 3577543227983168.000 111 Sig. 88.989 .000(a) Table no. 9 demonstrates that the value for this test is 0.00 which is highly significant and less than the standard value of 0.05. It implies that Null Hypothesis has rejected and alternative hypothesis has accepted. Table no, 10: Coefficients for Regression Model Model Unstandardized Coefficients B 1 (Constant) consumption(Coal) 4407776.200 Std. Error Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Beta 1369750.046 3.218 .002 -3643.665 652.280 -.217 -5.586 .000 500.755 1016.683 .023 .493 .623 6429.041 7663.954 .324 .839 .404 consumption(Dry Natural Gas) -2816.412 2126.902 -.072 -1.324 .189 consumption(Hydroelectric Power) 14919.035 1992.349 .754 7.488 .000 consumption(Crude Oil ) consumption(Distillate Fuel) consumption(Jet Fuel) 2773.795 797.033 .140 3.480 .001 consumption(Kerosene) -3221.139 956.900 -.117 -3.366 .001 consumption( Liquefied Petroleum Gases) 1562.412 898.312 .064 1.739 .085 -16428.445 12828.040 -.620 -1.281 .203 consumption( Motor Gasoline) Proceedings of 5th Annual American Business Research Conference 6 - 7 June, 2013, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-922069-24-5 consumption(Nuclear Electric Power) consumption(Geothermal, Solar, Wind, and Wood Waste) consumption(Other Petroleum) consumption( Residual Fuel) -4247.209 738.119 -.238 -5.754 .000 103.760 6815.914 .001 .015 .988 4278.880 5122.405 .101 .835 .406 -1153.557 5095.716 -.041 -.226 .821 Regression coefficients have shown in table no. 10, the last table of this study. Model has designed by presuming GDP as dependent variable and energy consumption commodities as independent variables. The OLS model for regression is as follows: GDP= β0 + β1 (Coal) + β2 (CO) + β3 (DF) + β4 (DNG) + β5 (HP) + β6 (JF) + β7 (Kerosene) + β8 (LPG) + β9 (MG) + β10 (NEP) + β11 (OEP) + β12 (OP) + β13 (RF) By putting values from table no. 10, a new model can be formulated which has shown below: GDP= 4407776.200 - 3643.665 (Coal) + 500.755 (CO) + 6429.041 (DF) -2816.412 (DNG) + 14919.035 (HP) + 2773.795 (JF) -3221.139 (Kerosene) + 1562.412 (LPG) 16428.445 (MG) -4247.209 (NEP) + 103.760 (OEP) + 4278.880 (OP) - 1153.557 (RF) Above model shows that increase in one unit of coal consumption can decrease GDP by 3643.665. Crude Oil, Distillate Fuel, Jet Fuel, Liquefied petroleum gas, geothermal, wind, Solar, wood waste and other petroleum consumption has positive effect on GDP. Additionally, Hydroelectric Power is most crucial factor effecting GDP positively, as increase of one unit in hydroelectric consumption can increase GDP by 14919.035. Nevertheless, Motor Gasoline has most significant negative effect on GDP, as increasing in one unit can decrease GDP by 16428.445. Dry Natural Gas, Kerosene, Motor Gasoline, Nuclear electric power and Residual Fuel are also negatively affecting components. Conclusion It is concluded that consumption is generally the largest GDP element and this study ensures it. There are many types of consumption though the focus of study is on energy consumption. However, previous studies show no conformity or no relationship of gross domestic product with personal consumption expenditure. The study substantiates that Central America has least GDP as compared to other regions and Asia has the highest one. South America had leading consumption and Europe had nominal energy usage as compared to other regions. 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