Scalable Management of Real-time Data Streams from Jeremy Cohen , John Darlington

Scalable Management of Real-time Data Streams from
Mobile Sources using Utility Computing
Jeremy Cohena , John Darlingtona , Robin Northb , John Polakb
Internet Centre, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK
Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ,
Abstract. The amount of data generated by our everyday activities and movements is
increasing rapidly as more and more data collection devices are installed around us. These
include ticket barriers in stations, CCTV cameras, tills in shops etc. However, these devices
have generally been static. They are in known fixed locations and retrieving data from
them is usually relatively simple. With the enhancements in wireless data transmission
technologies over the past couple of years, real-time data collection from mobile devices is
now a realistic possibility. However, mobile devices are less predictable than static devices.
They may join and leave the network unpredictably and planning for the required computing
capacity to manage the network can be difficult. We propose a model that uses modern ondemand utility computing provision to develop a data-stream management fabric that scales
up or down dynamically to support the number of devices in the network. This makes the
most efficient use of hardware resources and lowers costs since service providers only pay
for the resources currently necessary to operate their network.
Our environment is being filled with increasingly large numbers of data collection devices.
Many of our everyday activities produce data
that is stored and mined to better map our
preferences, movements and intentions. Most of
this data currently comes from static devices.
These include CCTV cameras, ticket barriers at
stations, roadside car number plate recognition
cameras and so on. With fixed devices, it is clear
how many of them exist and where they are located. It can also be assumed that while they
are switched on, provided there isn’t a technical
fault, they will be generating and sending data
in accordance with their monitoring schedule.
As mobile data networks have evolved, obtaining network connectivity while on the move
has become commonplace. This brings about
the possibility of data collection devices also becoming mobile. Data collection using mobile devices has been used in the past but has relied
on the devices storing information locally and
downloading it when reaching a base station.
This is acceptable for the storage of data but
impractical where the requirement is to use the
information in near real time.
The EPSRC/DfT funded e-Science project,
Mobile Environmental Sensing System Across
Grid Environments (MESSAGE), is working to
build an environmental sensing network that
utilises a Computational Grid environment to
handle and mine the large quantities of data being generated by a complex, geographically distributed fabric of environmental sensors. This
is particulary relevant given the growing desire to estimate personal exposure levels in urban environments [7]. An earlier project, the
UK e-Science Core Programme project “A Market for Computational Services” [4, 2], pioneered
techniques for using on-demand, pay-per-use
service-oriented computing and software and
this work builds on some of these techniques.
The work presented in this paper is being undertaken within the context of the MESSAGE
project and is therefore focusing on the use of
pollution sensors, however it is equally applicable to networks composed of a wide variety
of mobile sensors. As such this project builds
on the research conducted in the DiscoveryNet
project [9] to develop and demonstrate a mobile environmental sensing network capable of
supporting near real time decision making. Initial use cases include the provision of informa-
tion for real-time optimisation of traffic control
signals, and more detailed investigation of the
health impacts of air pollution than has previously been possible. Sensors are being developed
that will be placed on various mobile objects.
These include motor vehicles, bicycles and for
the smallest sensors, people. These sensors will
come into and out of the network in a manner
that is unpredictable and therefore difficult to
model. Vehicles may pass through a road tunnel
resulting in a short loss of network connectivity,
or they may return to their depot or garage resulting in them going off-line for some period of
time. Nevertheless, the network aims to ensure
that sufficient data is available at any given time
to satisfy the chosen use cases.
It should also be noted that in the case of
the MESSAGE project, the data collected will
be archived and utilised in modelling to provide historic trends and future predictions of
pollution events. Methods of combining historic
data with real-time information can be used to
provide predictions of pollution concentrations
when insufficient real-time data is available.
In this paper, the hardware and software architecture that has been developed to manage
the distributed sensor network is described. Section 2 describes the sensor gateway architecture
that we have developed while section 3 looks at
the Utility Computing environment that makes
this possible. We then describe in section 4 a
simulator that has been built to test scalability
of the system and in section 5 analyse the costs
of using a scalable utility platform in comparison with traditional approaches.
Sensor Gateway Architecture
The sensors in the network are connected to
the rest of the world through a variety of technologies. Ultimately, all sensor data traffic flows
onto a common IP network backbone, in the
case of initial work, this is the Internet, however
data could equally be securely tunnelled over
the Internet into a private network. A variety
of technologies are being tested for data transmission from sensors. These include 3G/GPRS
cellular data transmission, WiFi/WiMAX and
ad-hoc, peer-to-peer Zigbee based communications. Each sensor has a unique ID and sensors
will be location aware, through either onboard
GPS receivers, or wireless communication-based
position [8].
Sensors may differ in design quite significantly. The approach that has been taken is to
fix the data format and mandate that all sensors
should output data in the defined format. This
is not considered unreasonable since all sensors
have the onboard power to connect to a wireless
data network and this in itself requires a reasonable amount of onboard compute power. However, direct transmission of the data in a common XML format may lead to increased data
packet sizes. This has an impact on transmission time, reliability and cost, as well as on the
energy consumption of the sensor node. To mitigate these issues, intermediate data translation
from the output format of the sensor into the defined XML format may be implemented at the
Since all data ultimately flows onto a common
IP network, the location of processing resources
is of little importance, unless the data volumes
to be transferred are sufficiently high that processing resources must be geographically local
to the sensors in order to avoid data transfer
In the case of our work, cumulative data volumes may be high, however individual packets
are small and it has therefore been decided that
the location of compute resources is not significant. This allows us to take advantage of Utility Computing platforms that offer remote resources for use on an on-demand basis.
Sensor Gateway
We are using the term sensor gateway to denote
a hardware resource that takes in data streams
from a number of sensors, pre-processes these
streams and then ensures that the data is transferred on to the correct location for subsequent
processing, storage etc.
The key issues with a sensor gateway are the
number of data streams it can manage concurrently and the amount of local storage it has
access to. These are governed by the physical
hardware that operates the gateway.
The number of data streams a gateway can
handle is governed by the processing power of
the hardware resource. Software running on the
gateway resource maintains a number of open
sockets to active sensors. Each of these sockets will have data packets sent to them at a
given interval period determined by the sample frequency of the corresponding sensor. The
data packets are received and the key pieces
of information extracted. This information is
then bundled with the information coming from
other connected sensors and passes through a
series of processes before being sent off to a distributed data warehouse for archiving and subsequent historic processing. Prior to archiving in
the data warehouse, the incoming data is used
to produce a real-time data stream. The realtime stream is used by frontend user interface
components of the system that display current
information to end-users. In the case of the pollution sensors in use here, the generation of a
real-time pollution map is possible. This is displayed to end users via a web portal.
Local storage on the sensor gateway is also
important. In addition to archiving the data it
receives, a sensor gateway may need to carry out
more significant processing and modelling of local blocks of data. This may require local storage
of data that could run to significant amounts,
however, this will not be permenant storage, just
a window of data that will all subsequently be
transferred into the main data warehouse.
The amount of on board processing that a
sensor gateway carries out lowers its capacity to
handle incoming data streams so it is necessary
to balance out the requirements for local stream
handling and processing to ensure the most efficient overall system setup.
Fig. 1. Layers within the compute architecture
• Mobility - How far does a sensor move, does
it regularly move between different areas?
In a network of heterogeneous sensors monitoring different parameters, the sensor “type”
may also be important. Following evaluation
of these issues, it was decided to take an approach whereby the location of the sensor gateway hardware resources is not linked to the
physical sensor locations. This is made possible
because all sensors will be connected to an IP
network that will ultimately provide connection
through to the Internet. The gateways or access
points (not to be confused with the sensor gateways themselves) that connect the sensors to the
public Internet do not need any onboard pro2.2 Sensor Gateway Location
grammability, they can simply be custom hardware devices equivalent to the wireless routers
Given a number of incoming data streams from used in many homes and offices to link wireless
pollution sensors, it is necessary to develop a devices to the Internet.
system that has sufficient capacity to handle all
the incoming data from all the sensors in the
network. While in a static network, this would 3 Scalable Compute Fabric
simply be a case of looking at the total number
of sensors in the network and the number of sen- The number of sensors that will be online at
sors each gateway can handle in order to ensure any one time within the sensor network is difprovisioning of sufficient gateways, a network of ficult to model since it varies stochastically. A
continuously mobile sensors presents more sig- number of variables will affect the state of a sennificant problems of where to site gateways and sor. If the sensor is on a moving vehicle, it may
how to account for various issues that are spe- move out of reception range from a base station.
cific to mobile sensors, these include:
It may travel into a tunnel temporarily blocking
reception for a short period of time. The vehi• Geography - In which areas are sensors cle may reach its destination and have the igphysically located?
nition switched off, cutting power to the sensor
• Concentration - Are there concentrations of device, and so on. In the long term, the maxisensors in specific locations?
mum number of sensor devices that could join
• Reliability - How stable is the connection of the network is theoretically unbounded. If every
a sensor, does it regularly drop in and out vehicle, and a large percentage of pedestrians
were to carry sensors (perhaps built into mobile
of the network?
phones or some other wireless device), the number of active sensors could become very large.
If a compute farm were maintained with the
capacity to service the maximum possible number of sensors that may join the network, this
would result in a vast number of CPUs that
would, for the majority of time, be highly underutilised. Since the cost of hosting, supporting
and managing large quantities of computing resources is very high, due to issues such as power,
cooling and space, this is an impractical requirement. To avoid this, our system utilises one of
the emerging utility computing platforms that
provide on-demand, pay-per-use access to computing resources, as and when they are required.
The system we are utilising to test our architecture is the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
(EC2) [3] service.
Amazon EC2 Utility Computing
EC2 is a system set up by Amazon that allows
access to compute resources of a fixed specification, on-demand. The system is accessible via a
Web Service API that can be used to request access to new resources, provision those resources
with the required setup and then begin them
executing. The system uses the concept of virtual machine images to provision hardware resources. A virtual machine image is a file containing the complete setup of a machine, including the operating system, associated settings
and any software that is to be available on the
machine. The API also provides the ability shut
a machine down and return it to the pool of
available resources when it is no longer required.
A virtual machine image, in the case of EC2
an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), that contains the full content of a Sensor Gateway installation is uploaded on to the Amazon S3 storage
service [10]. EC2 nodes can access content on the
S3 storage service and new machines can then
be provisioned from the image stored in S3. Using this approach, new sensor gateways can be
provisioned programmatically. This allows the
system to scale as necessary, with a very short
lead-time. The time taken to provision a new
node, from scratch, as a sensor gateway, is somewhere of the order of a couple of minutes. This is
in comparison with the traditional approach of
having to install new hardware resources manually and load all the relevant software, something which can take several hours.
Since machines are only paid for when they
are required (on a per hour basis), processing
costs can be significantly reduced using this
The finite availability of hardware resources
means that there may be occasions where it is
not possible to obtain new resources when the
system needs to scale up. In order to reduce the
likelihood of this situation occurring, it is a long
term aim to support multiple Utility Computing platforms to gain access to a wider potential
range of resources.
Gateway Management
Given a means to quickly provision new sensor
gateways, or shut them down when they are no
longer required, a management layer is required
that handles the provisioning and shutdown of
resources as necessary (see figure 1). This gateway management layer consists of root gateway
controllers. Only a small number of root controllers are required. A root controller carries
out bootstrap requests from sensors. These requests are high volume but simple and quick to
process. Root gateways communicate in a peerto-peer manner to ensure that the pool of root
gateways maintains common information about
available sensor gateway capacity.
A root gateway is used by a sensor to bootstrap itself upon startup. When a sensor is powered on, it gains access, via its local router, to
the Internet. At this time, the sensor has an
IP address, this may be a private IP address
assigned by its local router using Network Address Translation (NAT), or a global public IP
address. The firmware of the sensor contains one
or more root gateway addresses. The sensor will
contact one of these addresses by way of a bootstrap request. The root gateway will give the
sensor the details of a sensor gateway with spare
capacity and the sensor will then be paired with
this gateway and stream data to it until the sensor is switched off, goes out of range, or is requested to do otherwise by a root gateway.
Since some subset of root gateways must always be available at a known location, we have
the concept of primary root gateways and secondary root gateways. A primary root gateway
is always available at a known, fixed location.
A secondary root gateway is one that has been
added to handle demand and is passed workload
in response to a request received by a primary
root gateway. That is, if primary root gateways
Fig. 2. Sensor gateway architecture
become overloaded, they can in turn provision
secondary root gateways dynamically, in order
to assist them with their workload.
The main task of a root gateway is to manage
a set of sensor gateways. The process operates
as follows. Initially, a root gateway will have a
single attached sensor gateway. As sensors come
into the system (they are powered on or come
into range of network coverage), a bootstrap request is received by the root gateway which then
passes back the address of the sensor gateway.
As more sensors come online and the root gateway services the bootstrap requests, the sensor
gateway begins to near its sensor connection capacity. Once a threshold is reached – approximately 85% capacity, although this is dependent on the arrival rate of bootstrap requests as
against the time taken to provision a new sensor
gateway – the root gateway initiates the provision of a new sensor gateway. This new gateway enters the pool of available sensor gateways
that are managed by the root gateway. This process continues until eventually the capacity of
the root gateway becomes an issue. In this instance, the root gateway can provision a secondary root gateway and hand off management
of some sensor gateways to this secondary gateway. The sensor gateway architecture is shown
in figure 2.
This two layer architecture of sensor gateways
and root gateways has been adopted in preference to a one layer architecture where sensor
gateways themselves communicate on a peer-topeer basis since it was decided that abstracting the gateway management functionality out
from the sensor management was preferable to
bundling all the functionality into a single entity.
Sensor gateways must manage continuous connections to devices, under a constant workload
that can be modelled and managed. Root gateways handle a high frequency of requests with a
stochastic arrival rate and short duration.
As time passes, sensors will leave the network
as well as join it. This will result in the utilisation of sensor gateways dropping. Since there
is a charge per hour for every gateway that is
in use (the per hour charge for the compute resource that is running the gateway), it is ideal to
keep the utilisation of each gateway as high as
possible and therefore the number of gateways,
and computing costs, as low as possible. To manage this, root gateways run a capacity consolidation process at given intervals. Where it is determined that the total number of sensors in the
network could be serviced by a smaller number
of sensor gateways, the root gateways calculate
a remapping of sensors to gateways and then address the relevant sensors to switch to another
sensor gateway. The sensor gateways that are
freed up by this process can then be shut down
by the root gateways so the resources need not
be paid for.
Simulation and Implementation
Prior to implementation of the full system, a
simulation has been produced in order to test
the algorithms for sensor management. The simulation is written in Java and makes use of the
Java Timing Framework [5] to manage to simulation timesteps and fire events that direct the
virtual sensors to generate a data packet.
tion of a service including the architecture and
implementation language are irrelevant. There
are a number of SOA middleware toolkits that
make the generation of services possible. It is
intended to adopt the Web Services model that
is based on the key standards Web Service Description Language (WSDL) [1] for describing a
service’s interface, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) [6] defining the message encapsulation format for cross-platform compatible message exchange and Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) [11] for discovering services.
Cost analysis
Constant usage
Mobile sensors
Processor utilisation
In the simulator, data packets are in the format of XML documents. A draft XML Schema
has been developed to specify the format of pollution data packets. The packets include information such as the sensor ID, observation time,
location and values for a number of pollutants.
Some sensors may be able to sample a number
of pollutants, others may only be able to sample
a single pollutant. As a result of this, all pollutants defined within the schema are optional.
From the schema, a Java parser has been created that allows the simple marshalling of XML
to a Java object model and vice versa. The
parser is used by the virtual sensors to generate random data packets that are then sent
as strings to the relevant sensor gateway. At
present, gateways store data packets locally in
addition to forwarding them on to a central component that is used to drive the web-based frontend to the simulator.
The simulator allows the number of sensors
handled by each sensor gateway to be varied,
along with the sample frequency. This has given
the opportunity to test how many connections
a gateway can handle for a given data sample
The frontend of the simulator is a JSP web
application that links to the Google Maps API
in order to display the locations of the simulated
sensors. To add to the visual effect of the simulation, sensors can be programmed to follow
various routes around Central London and their
icons on the map change colour to reflect the
pollution in the current location (see figure 3).
Clicking on a map marker pops up a window
that shows the current pollution levels recorded
by that sensor. This display is a prototype to
show the possibilities for real-time display of
sampled data and is one of the possible visualisation models being considered for the MESSAGE project.
While the initial version of the simulator is
a local Java application with classes to represent the various entities in the architecture, the
MESSAGE e-Science architectural model will
be implemented as a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). In this model, each entity is
represented as a service. A service is a ‘black
box’ with clearly defined input and output interfaces. The SOA principle means that services are loosely-coupled and can communicate
with each other by knowing only input and output data types for the operations offered by
a service’s interface. The internal implementa-
Time of day
Fig. 4. Differing processor usage profiles
The conventional model of purchasing hardware resources is workable in cases where there
is a constant and quantifiable demand for computing resources, and where the costs of power,
cooling and space to host the resources are sufficiently low. For example, in areas where real
estate is particularly expensive, using a large
quantity of space to host racks of hundreds of
processors may be impractical and remote hosting of resources may be a far more reasonable solution. Given the long term view of large quantities of pedestrians and vehicles carrying sensors, it can be assumed that more sensors will be
active during morning and evening rush hours
when the greatest quantity of sensors are likely
to be powered up and mobile. This gives a projected hardware resource usage profile as shown
in figure 5.
However, the availability of on-demand payper-use computing combined with our scalable
Fig. 3. Google Maps-based simulator graphical display
architecture opens up the possibility not just
of lowering costs by hosting resources remotely
to avoid local support, power and estate costs,
but using remote resources where only the required capacity is paid for. A simplified cost
analysis has been carried out that shows how
significant the differences in costs are between
hosted and in-house resources in the mobile pollution sensor scenario. We show how the costs
of in house hosted resources compare with the
costs of a pay-per-use service such as Amazon EC2. We consider these costs over a year
and accept that our calculations are significantly simplified by the assumptions that local networking, space and electricity costs are
free (given that this is an academic project) for
university-hosted resources. We assume that a
server similar to those offered by utility computing providers costs $2,000. Given a maximum
utilisation of the system requiring 10 hardware
resources (these figures will scale linearly), the
number of resources in use at particular times of
day is shown in table 1 (based on hourly blocks
since this is how Amazon’s service is charged).
would have an expected lifetime of 3 years so the
annual cost would be $6,667.
Based on Amazon’s current rate of $0.10+tax
($0.12) per CPU hour and the estimated resources required, the cost per day for resources
from Amazon is shown in table 1.
Time Resources
9 - 10
10 - 15
15 - 16
16 - 18
18 - 20
20 - 24
Daily total $11.88
Annual total $4,336.20
Table 1. Resources required daily and costs for
Amazon EC2 platform
Given a data packet size of 1kb, a 5 second sample interval and an average of 180 senIt is necessary to add data transfer costs
sors connected to a gateway at a given time,
the CPU costs. Data transfer is charged at
the amount of data trasfer per gateway per
per Gb. The system uses 99 CPU-hours
hour is calculated as 129,600kb = approximately
As calculated above, each CPU hour
utilised has an associated 127Mb of data transSince the maximum possible utilisation re- fer for the data packet transmission. 99x127
quires 10 hardware resources, for locally hosted gives 12,573Mb or approximately 12.5Gb data
resources, 10 machines would need to be pur- transfered per day. This would incur transfer
chased at a total cost of $20,000. These machines costs of 12.5 * 0.20 = $2.5 per day or $912.5 per
year. Adding this to the total CPU costs gives
an annual cost for use of the Amazon platform
of $5,248.70, undercutting the annual in house
resource cost of $6,667 by just over $1,400.
It is clear from these figures that using the
Amazon EC2 platform is a practical and econmic alternative to using in house resources. It
should also be noted that these are the figures
before the significant in house costs of hosting
resources are taken into account. In some cases,
these costs are difficult to quantify and a more
thorough cost analysis to put value on these
costs would be a useful piece of future work.
and is funded jointly by the Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council and the Department for Transport. The project also has
the support of nineteen non-academic organisations from public sector transport operations,
commercial equipment providers, systems integrators and technology suppliers. More information is available from the web site The views expressed in this paper
are those of the authors and do not represent
the view of the Department for Transport or any
of the non-academic partners of the MESSAGE
We have presented an architecture for managing a distributed network of mobile sensor devices. The architecture suits devices that join
and leave the network in a stochastic manner,
resulting in wide variations of network utility
that make the in house hosting of resources
wasteful. The architecture is well suited to the
dynamic, use-on-demand, pay-per-use nature of
the emerging utility computing platforms, such
as the platform we are utilising, Amazon EC2.
A basic exercise in cost analysis has shown
that even without taking into account the costs
of space, cooling, power and on-site management staff, the EC2 platform is still cheaper at
providing computing power than purchasing the
resources for use in house.
Further work will include continued development of the simulation platform to allow demonstrations and further analysis to be carried out.
In parallel, development on the main Web Services based architecture is to be continued. It
is intended to validate the simulation results
against the real system as this is developed
in order to obtain feedback on the simulation
approach. It is hoped that as further utility
providers appear on the market, costs will drop
as competition ensues and the use of pay-peruse computing will become an accepted model
for lower-cost, highly efficient computing use.
This work has been undertaken as part of
the e-Science Pilot project Mobile Environmental Sensing System Across Grid Environments
(MESSAGE). MESSAGE is a three-year research project which started in October 2006
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