
Testing for scalability in a Grid Resource Usage Service
John D. Ainsworth, John M. Brooke
Manchester Computing, The University of Manchester
{john.ainsworth, john.brooke }@manchester.ac.uk
The increased availability of web service
implementations of core Grid functions has yet to
be matched by a corresponding increase in their
deployment. This is partly because they remain
largely untested for their ability to scale to levels
obtained by the pre-Web Service Grid mechanisms.
Tests of scalability are a prerequisite to the
deployment of services in working production
Grids. We describe the testing for scalability of a
Resource Usage Service (RUS), which is based on
two emerging Global Grid Forum (GGF) standards,
and is implemented using Web Services
technology. This work has been undertaken within
the UK e-Science project Markets for
Computational Services. It can be considered as a
test case for the methodology involved in taking the
software produced in experimental projects and
evaluating its usage in realistic deployments. For
our Resource Usage Service, the target is to scale
the service to the levels likely to be required by the
UK National Grid Service (NGS).
1. Introduction
In a previous paper [1] (hereafter Paper 1) we have
described the development of a Record Usage
Service (RUS) to record usage of capacity resources,
principally CPU, which implements as far as
possible the proposed specification from the GGF
Resource Usage Service working group [5]. Such
standards compliance is important, but it is also
important to show that proposed standards-based
specifications can be realised in working software
that has the necessary scaling properties appropriate
for Grids intended for productive scientific usage.
The Market for Computational Services (MCS)
project [3] funded as part of the UK e-Science
programme aims to provide services to enable Grids
to be built on economic principles. The MCS
services are composable, meaning that they can be
used in a stand-alone manner or can be combined to
enable functionality beyond the range of a particular
service. The ability of services to be composable in
this manner will be a key test of the utility of the
Service Oriented Approach to Grid computing. It
was very hard to pick apart the different functions of
the early Grid systems such as GT2 and Unicore.
Consequently one had to buy into the whole system
rather than to compose services in a flexible
We describe how one of the component services in
the MCS project, the RUS, has been tested for
scalability to levels appropriate for usage on the UK
National Grid Service. The methodology of the
scaling experiments has wider ramifications. We
believe that testing for scalability is essential in
order to prove that services can scale to appropriate
levels. In section 2 we briefly describe the
components of the MCS and locate the
functionality of the RUS within this framework. In
section 3 we discuss implementation of the RUS,
and in section 4 we describe the testing
methodology and results. In section 4 we discuss
conclusions and suggest future areas for research
2. Role and functionality of the
Most current Grids in the academic environment
have resources which are provided for specific goals
and participants are allowed access to the resources
of the Grid if they are part of the teams working on
these specific goals. Examples are the various Grids
for particle physics, e.g. LCG and Open Science
Grid which, are targeted towards very specific
applications. Other, more general purpose Grids
exist, such as the UK National Grid Service, the
TeraGrid in the US, and DEISA in Europe. In these
Grids access is via peer-reviewed projects deemed to
be of sufficient scientific value to merit the
allocation of a given fraction of the Grid resources,
usually in the form of a grant of CPU time and disk
quota allocation. However these Grids are not
economically self-sustaining. They are funded via
some grant process and without new grants of
money they cannot grow and accumulate increased
resources as their usage increases. They will
therefore eventually become over used unless usage
is limited via the granting of resource allocations to
The concept of a market for computational resources
has as one of its principal aims the provision of an
economic mechanism for self-sustainable and
expansible Grids. In this model usage is paid for in
some way and as usage expands, so new resources
can be added by the owners or managers of the Grid
from this income. In this economic model there
exists the potential for a natural feedback
mechanism controlling the process of resource
allocation according to the usage that groups or
individuals make of the Grid. This clearly involves
the ability to record usage of Grid resources and to
trace this to those who have used those resources so
that they can be billed accordingly.
Another mechanism whereby resources on a Grid
can grow, is by the federation of resources provided
by different organisations. This is already
happening in the UK National Grid Service NGS
[13] as new sites are added via a partnering
programme. One motivation for federating in this
manner is to gain access to a wider range of
resources than is possible at any one site. An
example of this is the used of specialised computers
which have the ability to do advanced rendering for
scientific visualization. These require additional
components, (e.g. programmable graphics cards)
that are not available on the average node in a grid
cluster. Sites that have such resources can trade
them for CPU time at a favourable rate, which in
turn provides their users with access to much greater
quantities of basic compute resource. In this way
the functionality available on the federated grid is
increased. Clearly this requires traceable and
auditable recording of resource usage. It might be
described as a barter economy as opposed to a
payment based economy. Of course these two
models can and should co-exist. The monetary
value of a unit of a resource type can be used to
determine the quantities to be exchanged in a trade
negotiation .
We are thus led to a requirements specification for a
Grid service that:
1. Records usage of given resources against a
unique identifier that represents a user on the
Grid (e.g. distinguished name).
2. Enables administrators and managers (either
human or software) to update usage and to
administer the storage of the records, e.g. via a
Enables clients representing users to query their
4. Interacts with other services that provide other
functionality to the computational market. e.g.
billing services.
In Figure 1 we show the architecture used in MCS
to create the infrastructure to support a market for
computational services. The roles are divided into
three main classes. Firstly, consumers, which are
implemented by agents and viewers to allow
consumers to access resources and check usage.
Secondly intermediary services that control access
to the Grid resources and which can utlilise the
economic structure to provide quality of service
(QoS). This is principally illustrated by the resource
broker which can obtain offers for client-specified
QoS associated with differing costs of payment (for
details of such a brokers see [4]). Such brokers
also play a major role in the electricity grid spot
market which allows the matching of supply and
demand in an grid in which the utility is electrical
power. Thirdly we have services representing the
providers, a quote service whereby the provider can
interact with the broker, a job submission service
whereby the user agent can submit jobs to the
underlying service after a quote has been mutually
agreed and a Resource Usage Service (RUS) that can
be used to allow all usage to be auditable and
traceable. Note that billing on a per-job basis can be
the responsibility of another service, the payment
service, which may or may not utilise the RUS to
inform the billing process. Another possible
intemediary component of an MCS (not present in
this architecture) could be a Grid Bank , which
could interact with the RUS as part of an
independent checking process when authorising
payment from users Grid accounts.
Quote Service
User Agent
Retrieve Usage Records
Resource Usage
Figure 1: The architecture of the MCS
showing the interacting services and
3. Implementation of the RUS
Our implementation consists of a web service that
implements the RUS interface, and performs access
control, and an underlying database which provides
the storage and retrieval functionality, as is shown
in figure 1. In Paper 1, we concentrated on the
security and architectural implications of this
method of constructing a RUS. In the present paper
we consider how well the service can handle the
levels of record insertion and management that are
appropriate to the UK NGS. Note that in our
implementation of the RUS we use an XML
database. This is a natural and obvious
implementation for the Resource Usage Service
since the specifications of the RUS are in XML.
However we could implement these specifications
with a relational database or a database using
efficient binary representations of data (as might be
required of a web service for handling image based
data for example). In this case the Web service
would need to translate the XML of the documents
that it receives into these specialised formats or it
could enlist another service that allowed XML
queries to be translated into queries in another
format (this could be by an OGSA-DAI interface).
The decision between t h e s e
implementations must be made on criteria such as
efficiency and fitness for purpose, which is why
testing is so essential.
Web Service Container
Figure 2: RUS Web Service
The RUS was implemented where possible in
accordance with the draft specifications of the GGF
RUS working group. They have defined an OGSI
Resource Usage Service (RUS) [5] whose purpose is
to store accounting information. As this is only a
draft, it is incomplete; some areas are
underspecified, ambiguous and open to
interpretation. The RUS specification itself depends
upon the Usage Record format specification [6],
which is another draft GGF standard, albeit one
which is nearer completion. This standard provides
a common way of representing usage information
for batch and interactive compute jobs in XML,
which is independent of the system it was generated
from. This enables the recording of usage in a
homogeneous way from a set of heterogeneous
resources. The Usage Record format has also been
used in the accounting system developed as part of
GridBank [3], but this does not use the RUS
The most recent GGF specification of the RUS uses
the OGSI to express the state of the record service.
We deviated from this by writing a stateless RUS.
This was for two reasons. Firstly, the OGSI was
deprecated by major Grid projects such as Globus
early in 2004 and therefore did not appear to
constitute a long-term basis for service design. The
second, more positive reason was that a simpler and
more elegant design of a stateless RUS service
could be employed by using the underlying
database to provide persistence for state
The RUS web service is capable of receiving a
request to insert multiple records. It handles a
multiple record insertion request by breaking them
into atomic insert operations on the database.
Should a failure of the database occur during the
insert operation then the RUS web service will
inform the client of the status of each record in the
insert operation. Should the RUS web service fail
during the handling of the insert operation then the
client has no knowledge of the status of individual
records and must resend the entire insert request.
The RUS web service handles this scenario by
checking for the existence of a record in the database
before inserting to avoid the creation of duplicates.
The three fundamental functional requirements,
which drive the architecture of the Resource Usage
Service, are as follows. Firstly, it must provide
persistent storage and retrieval of XML Usage
Records, conforming to the format defined by the
GGF Usage Record Working Group. Secondly, it
must implement the WSDL port-types defined in
the GGF Resource Usage Service Specification. The
final requirement is that read and write access to the
data stored must be restricted to ensure privacy and
prevent fraud. In aaddition to these functional
requirements, we added a performance requirement,
that the RUS remains sufficiently responsive as the
size of its database grows to a level commensurate
with the Grid it is serving.
The Markets implementation of the RUS is in
plain web services, and has been deployed in the
Sun Application Server container, which is part of
J2EE. It does not depend on any Grid middleware,
but does need WS-Security to be supported in the
web service container, which we had to implement
in J2EE.
We have chosen the Apache Xindice [6] XML
database as our underlying database, which
implements the XML:DB API [8]. An XML
database was used as opposed to a conventional
relational database, because we are storing usage
records that are XML documents, and so we can
store them directly in XML format without the need
to map to a different database schema. The
XML:DB API supports queries using XPath [9] and
record modification using XUpdate [10]. These are
both native XML technologies and eliminate the
translation required with non-XML databases. The
Xindice XML database is itself implemented as a
web service and is hosted in the same container
instance as the RUS web service application.
The Resource Usage Service Specification states
that Usage Records should be stored in a single
XML document whose root element is of the type
rus:RUSUsageRecords, which contains multiple
rus:RUSUsageRecord elements. This has not been
implemented as described for the following reason.
The Xindice database is optimized for storing large
numbers of small to medium sized XML
documents. It does not handle single large
documents well, and indeed, its maximum
document size is constrained to 5 MB. Therefore we
have stored each rus:RUSUsageRecord as a separate
document. This is viable with the Xindice database,
as it allows XPath queries to span all documents in
a collection.
The Markets implementation of the RUS is in plain
web services, and has been deployed in the Sun
Application Server container, which is part of J2EE.
It does not depend on any Grid middleware,.
The GGF RUS working group has not yet
produced a WSDL description of the service
interface, and so we have defined one based upon
the Service Interface Definition given in the RUS
specification. We have used the document-literal
encoding for the SOAP messages. There are three
fault types defined, namely RUSInputFault,
R U S P r o c e s s i n g F a u l t
RUSUserNotAuthorisedFault. The first is used
when an operation is invoked with invalid input,
for example a usage record that does not conform to
the schema. The second is returned if the RUS
encounters an internal error. The third is used when
a user has no authorisation to access any of the
operations of the RUS instance. For each operation
we have tried to use the types defined in existing
schemas where possible. For responses, we have
defined our own types for OperationalResult and
R U S I d L i s t in accordance with the RUS
specification. We have used JAX-RPC (1.1.1) [11]
for compiling our WSDL to Java, with the
databinding option switched on. However due to
the complexity of the urwg:UsageRecord format,
translation completely to Java classes is not
possible, and so those operations which pass
urwg:UsageRecords pass them as a SOAPElement.
The RUS then parses the SOAPElement and verifies
it against the schema to ensure that the usage record
is valid.
The URWG schema specifies only two
mandatory elements in a usage record, namely
urwg:RecordIdentity and urwg:Status. Our
implementation requires that usage records must
also contain the elements urwg:MachineName ,
urwg:SubmitHost , urwg:GlobalJobId and
ds:X509SubjectName from urwg:UserIdentity.
If these elements are not present then the record is
The rationale for this is that without these four
there would be no way to trace which user or
resource the record relates to. In future the elements
that are mandatory in this way will be a
configurable option
Figure 3: RUS Query Architecture
As well as providing access to administors and
resource managers of the RUS, we wish users to be
able to access information about their own usage.
This could be done by extending the security model
of the RUS to include a role of user. However, this
is inelegant and the less entities that can access the
RUS, the more secure it is likely to be. We
illustrate in Figure 3 our solution to this problem.
Users are able to access the query system through a
web browser, using the SSL protocol for client
of these machines is shown in Table 1. For both
servers the container was Sun Java System
Application Server Platform Edition 8.0.0_01 and
the XML database was Xindice 1.1b4
The Resource Usage Service (RUS) is a web service
which uses the Xindice XML database as its
underlying persistent storage, which is also a web
service. Both web services were running in the same
container for these tests. The RUS is secured using
SSL, which is configured for mutual authentication.
The container used in the tests was the Sun
Application Server, which is available as part of
J2EE. Two machines with different specifications
were used to run the same test so that a performance
comparison can be made. The specification of each
Server 2
Intel 3.00 GHz
The RUS was fed Usage Records, which had been
produced by the CSAR [12] machines at
Manchester, by a spooler written in Perl. Since
CSAR is one of the HPC nodes on the NGS [6]
this is an appropriate choice. A base set of 3000
records were used, with the urwg:GlobalJobId
appended with the count of the number of iterations
over this set, and the ds:X509SubjectName was
appended as a random string. This guarantees that
each record will be unique, and so will not be
rejected by the RUS as a duplicate
Data Set
Linear Fit
y = 2E-08x + 0.0487
3. Design of the scaling tests
Server 1
Intel 3.06 GHz
of 2
RH Enterprise Fedora Core 1
Table 1 Test Server Specifications
Avergae Insertion Time (s)
authentication. A query form is presented to the
user, which allows them to select a pre-defined
query or enter their own XPath query. The form is
sent to the Java Servlet and it appends an extra
predicate to the XPath query, which ensures that
only the records corresponding to the authenticated
user’s usage can be returned. The Servlet sends the
query to the RUS web service, and returns the
results to the users as a HTML page. The RUS
Query Servlet must have permission to access the
RUS as either an administrator or a resource
manager. The alternative to this mutli-tiered
approach would be to append the extra predicate at
the RUS itself when a query operation is invoked
and the requesting entity is not know to the RUS
through the access control list. This approach has
several disadvantages - the user must have a
bespoke application capable of querying the RUS;
intermediate processing of the query and responses
is not possible; a denial of service attack exists as
anyone can make the RUS execute a query. We have
successfully used this approach to provide a webbased administration interface, which exposes all
operations of the RUS.
Having implemented the RUS we need to ensure
that it can handle a sufficient number of records for
a grid of the size of the NGS, with four nodes of 64
to 128 processors and two HPC machines from
CSAR and HPCx. We would like to get some idea
of the scaling of the time to complete atomic
operations like insert, delete, update over this range.
If it is linear then we can scale up our service by
adding more processors, memory and disk storage
on the server on which it is hosted. Thus we can
scale the resources providing services to the Grid as
the Grid itself scales. This is clearly a highly
desirable property for an implementation of a Web
Services standard.
500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000
Number of Records
Figure 4 Record insertion tests for Server 1 (full
In Figure 4 we show the results of the test of the
time to insert a record on the first server as
described in table 1 (Server 1). The purpose of this
test was to show how the average insertion time for
a record changes as the database increases in size.
The spooler was run and the insertion time was
recorded at intervals of 1000 records. The two lines
at the bottom represent the vast majority of the
results. The values that can be seen to curve
Average Record Insertion Time (s)
involve computing a hash function on the
mandatory fields of the record. In the 0.03% of
cases there already exists a record with an identical
hash value and then a second search takes place on
the full record. The percentage is sufficiently small
for this to be non-problematical, but it shows how
performance of Web Services is affected by details
of implementation.
To gain some idea of how the specification of the
server hosting the database might affect the results,
we also tested on Server 2 of Table 1, which has a
lower specification appropriate to a desktop
machine. The results are shown in Figures 6 and 7.
Average Insertion Time (s)
upwards to insertion times up to 1 secon are
anomalous results which we explain below. The
trend of the majority of the results can be seen more
clearly in figure 5. The dark line represents the
linear fitting and the grey lines are composed of the
individual times, which were only recorded to a
granularity of 0.01 second. In figure 5 it can be seen
that the amount of time for insertion increases
linearly as the size of the database increases,
linearity being maintained throughout the range up
to 3 million records. For a database of 1 million
records the insert time is 0.064s, and a database of
2 million records it is to 0.071s. The linear trend is
highly encouraging since clearly the linear trend
indicates that we could achieve a reasonable
response time of order 0.1 seconds for databases at
least up to the 5 million record level.
Data Set
Linear Fit
y = 3E-07x + 0.0213
Number of Records
Source Data
Linear Fit
y = 7E-09x + 0.0565
Figure 6 Insertion test results for Server 2 – full
500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000
Number of Records in Database
Scaling is approximately linear in this range. To
put this in context, the CSAR HPC service, which
is part of the UK NGS, produces at most 500
records per day. One can expect that including all
nodes in the NGS may increase this by a factor of
10 (more usage would be expected of a generalpurpose Grid as opposed to a specialised HPC
machine) but clearly the proposed database solution
provides more than satisfactory performance and
could scale to larger Grids. The CPU usage of the
server during the test was 40-45% and the memory
usage grew from 9.3GB to 14.0 GB as the number
of records grew from 1.5 million to 2.6 million.
We now explain the anomalous values shown in
Figure 4. The time for insertion remained <0.1s
throughout the tests except for 0.03% of cases
where times of order 0.5s were obtained. This is
because, for efficiency, tests for duplicate records
Average Insertion Time (s)
Figure 5 Record insertion tests for Server 1
excluding anomalous data values.
Linear Fit
y = 2E-07x + 0.0504
Number of Records
Figure 7 Insertion tests results for Server 2
excluding anomalously high values
It can be seen that the trends in the results of Server
2 are very similar to those for Server 1. The vast
majority are of order 0.05 seconds, starting from
0.02 seconds and increasing linearly with database
size (Figure 7). There are a small percentage of
anomalous times up to 5 seconds (Figure 6). The
difference resulting from the specifications of the
two servers, is revealed by the slopes of the linear
trends. For Server 1 with a memory of 4 GB RAM
the slope was 2 x 10-8 while for Server 2 with 0.5
GB the slope was 3 x 10-7. Thus for the machine
with lower memory the insertion rate rises with
database size at 15 times the rate. In addition for
Server 2 the database crashed when 1 million
records were inserted. Since the processing speeds
of the two servers are very similar, this indicates
that large memory is the most important
specification for hosting the database, which would
be the expeted result. The high CPU usage recorded
(40-45%) argues also for the use of a dedicated
server. We did not investigate the effects of moving
the actual RUS service to a different machine from
the database, this might further optimise memory
We also simulated the effects of multiple clients
accessing the service. The purpose of this test is to
verify the operation of simultaneous readers and
writers operating on the RUS. We have successfully
used 10 insertion clients operating with 2 extraction
clients and 2 deletion clients. The insertion clients
are as used in the insertion time tests. The
extraction client queries the RUS for 10 records by
rus:RUSId, with values chosen at random. The
deletion client deletes 10 records per request by
specific rus:RUSId, with values chosen at random.
The results of these tests showed that the RUS was
able to function in this situation; there was no
locking or deadlock observed.
4. Conclusions and future work
We have described a Record Usage Service
implemented according to the specifications of
relevant GGF working groups. We have shown how
this can be an important part of any Grid where
resources need to be accounted for and exchanged
between different sites or organisations. It can also
be utilised as a component in a market for
computational services.
The implementation showed how certain stateful
aspects of the original specification could be
delegated to the underlying database producing a
web service that is stateless and therefore has less
dependency on changes in standards. An important
part of the analysis of this paper is to show that
these standards can be realised in an implementation
that can scale to a Grid the size of the NGS while
being hosted on a modest size dual processor server.
This is important because the size of the servers
hosting grid services should be much smaller than
the size of the productive resources of the Grid.
Particularly encouraging is the linear scaling of
insertion time with database size indicating that
extension to larger Grids is feasible.
Further research will include analysis of the
functionality and scaling of the services of the MCS
as they are composed, since in important cases the
behaviour of the composite services shows
dependencies and delays that cannot be observed
from the services operating in stand-alone mode.
This raises issues of implementation of the Web
Services, such as whether the services share servers
or have dedicated servers. There are also important
considerations of archival and retrieval of historical
data which may be important in studying longerterm behaviour and scaling in Computational Grids.
The work described here was funded via the Markets
for Computational Services project as part of the
DTI/EPSRC funding awarded to the e-Science
North-West Centre (ESNW) for industrially-linked
[ 1 ] J. Ainsworth, J. MacLaren, J. Brooke,
“Implementing a Secure, Service Oriented
Accounting System for Computational
Economies”, Proceedings of CCGrid 2005, Cardiff
[2] Markets for Computation Service Project website.
[3] A. Barmouta and R. Buyya,, “GridBank: A Grid
Accounting Services Architecture (GASA) for
Distributed Systems Sharing and Integration”, i n
Workshop on Internet Computing and ECommerce, Proceedings of the 17th Annual
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[ 4 ] J. Brooke, D. Fellows, J. MacLaren, “Resource
Brokering: the EuroGrid/GRIP approach”, in
Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands
Meeting, Nottingham, UK, Sep. 2004
[5] S. Newhouse and J. MacLaren, “Resource Usage
Service RUS” Global Grid Forum Resource Usage
Service Working Group draft-ggf-rus-service-4.
[6] R. Mach et al, “Usage Record – XML Format”,
Global Grid Forum Usage Record Working Group
draft version 12. Available online at
[ 7 A] p a c h e
[ 8 ] “XML:DB API” draft specification September
2001, available online at http://xmldborg.sourceforge.net/xapi/xapi-draft.html
[9] “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”, W3C
Recommendation 16 November 1999. Available
online at http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath
[ 1 0 “XUpdate”
working draft September 2000,
[ 1 1 ] “JSR-000101 Java API for XML-Based RPC
Specification 1.1.”, Available online at
[12] Computational Services for Academic Research
website. http://www.csar.cfs.ac.uk
[ 1 3 ] The UK National Grid Service website.