GRIDCC - providing a real-time Grid for distributed instrumentation The GRIDCC Collaboration Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Legnaro, Italy Institute Of Accelerating Systems and Applications, Athens, Greece Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK Consorzio Interuniversitario per Telecomunicazioni, Italy Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.P.A., Trieste, Italy IBM, Haifa, Israel Imperial College London, London, UK Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi ambientale – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Potenza, Italy Universita degli Studi di Udine, Udine, Italy Greek Research and Technology Network S.A., Athens, Greece (Contact for this paper: Peter R Hobson, School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, UK Email: Abstract The GRIDCC project will extend the use of Grid computing to include access to and control of distributed instrumentation. Access to the instruments will be via an interface to a Virtual Instrument Grid Service (VIGS). VIGS is a new concept and its design and implementation, together with middleware that can provide the appropriate quality of service, is a key part of the GRIDCC development plan. An overall architecture for GRIDCC has been defined and some of the application areas, which include distributed power systems, remote control of an accelerator and the remote monitoring of a large particle physics experiment, are briefly discussed. Introduction The goal of GRIDCC [1] is to build a widely distributed system that is able to remotely control and monitor complex instrumentation that ranges from a set of sensors used by geophysical stations monitoring the state of the earth to a network of small power generators supplying the European power grid. These applications introduce requirements for real-time and highly interactive operation of computing Grid resources. The project is currently in its initial stages and work is primarily concentrated in the areas of workflow and architecture definition, refining the use-cases for the applications and the testing and evaluation of existing Grid middleware to determine whether it meets our requirements. Architecture The overall architecture of GRIDCC has now been defined and is shown in Figure 1. The Virtual Control Room (VCR) is the GRIDCC user interface. It allows users to build complex workflows which are then submitted to the Execution Service, it can connect to resources directly and be used to control instruments in real time. The VCR also extends human interactions with Grid resources through its Multipurpose Collaborative Environment. Figure 1 The components of the GRIDCC architecture The Instrument Element of GRIDCC The Instrument Element (IE) is a collection of services: the Virtual Instrument Grid Service (VIGS), the Resource Service (RS) and the Local Problem Solver. The VIGS concept is at the core of GRIDCC, it is shown diagrammatically in Figure 2. The Access Control Manager (ACM) will identify every user or entity (another VIGS for instance) and provide the proper authorization protocol. The Instrument Manager (IM) receives commands from the VCR (or another VIGS). These are then routed to the instruments under the control of the IM. IMS Virtual Instrument Grid Service ACCESS CONTRO L Instrument Instrument Manager Manager Controls , Status Data Mover It contains a Finite State Machine. FSM reflects the status of the whole instruments commanded by the Instrument Manager To Grid Farms, Data storage, Visualization, etc. Virtual Control Room Real Instruments or Set of Instruments Figure 2 InfoServ Proxy Errors, Log Info, Monitor, State Control Flow Errors Flow Data Flow A Schematic of the VIGS concept. The terms are defined in the text. A Resource Service instructs this manager on the number, type and location of the instruments it should control: it knows the topology of the instruments, the connection type, their identification, etc. The Info Service Proxy collects all the information (errors, state and monitor data) from the instruments and acts as local cache before sending the data to the central Information Monitoring Service (IMS). The Data Mover Manager moves the data acquired from the instruments. Automated problem solving in a Grid environment is a major feature of the project. Two levels of problem solver are proposed; one to solve problems related to the function of a given instrument and one to solve system wide problems. Other Elements of GRIDCC Compute and Storage Elements (CE & SE) within GRIDCC are similar in function to those in other Grid projects. However these are extended to encompass the quality of service requirements that are central to GRIDCC. The Execution Service (ES) controls the execution of the workflows defined by the user in the VCR. It maintains the status of the jobs that make up the workflow. It controls the quality of service by making agreements with the resources available to it whether these be IEs, CEs or SEs. The ES consists of three services: the Workflow Management System, the Workload Management System and the Reservation Manager. GRIDCC requires an all pervasive Information and Monitoring System (IMS). This reports the status and availability of the resources as well as propagating errors. Our proposed baseline security architecture has the end-user authenticated at the User Interface (Control Room) by using their system credentials, (e.g. username/password, and a X.509 Certificate issued by a trusted Certification Authority). The core system, consisting of Control Rooms (User Interfaces) and VIGSs (Computing Elements), employs a ticket-based authentication mechanism and symmetric cryptography via centralized Key Distribution Servers. Authorization is performed at the VIGS level employing local access rules. In Use Cases requiring secure and accountable interfacing to GSI based Grids (e.g. EGEE/LCG) endusers should pass GSI proxy certificates along with their control messages that trigger the GridCC – EGEE/LCG interaction. Applications From the outset the GRIDCC project team analysed use cases from a wide range of different applications. The applications are: the High-Energy Physics experiment CMS [2], the particle accelerator ELETTRA [3], monitoring of distributed electrical power generators [4] meteorology, analysis of neurophysiological data for migraine detection, and a geophysical monitoring network. The first three of these are regarded as core applications and are currently being taken forward to demonstration on actual Grid test-beds. Current Status of the Project The overall architecture of GRIDCC has now been determined. We have carried out a preliminary evaluation of a number of candidate middleware products with data from test-bed evaluations of RGMA [5], NARADA [6], Sun Message Queue-JMS [7], Globus Toolkit 4.0 WSRF Core [8] being obtained. No final decision has yet been taken on which middleware will be used and it is likely that for our first application demonstrations (end of project year 1) more than one will be implemented on our test beds. Progress has been made in defining an overall framework for the problem solver. Where possible we we have been mindful of the need to inter-operate with other Grid projects and to adhere to the standards that are emerging in the world of Web Services. Our primary goal for the end of the first year of the project (September 2005) is to demonstrate a number of our applications running within our GRIDCC architecture on dedicated testbeds. References [1] [2] [3] [4] M Irving, G Taylor, P Hobson, IEEE Power & Energy Magazine March/April 2004, pp 40-44 [5] [6] [7] [8] Acknowledgement This project is supported under EU FP6 contract 511382.