7 Section WARWICK MANUFACTURING GROUP Product Excellence using 6 Sigma (PEUSS) Introduction to Reliability Warwick Manufacturing Group AN INTRODUCTION TO RELIABILITY ENGINEERING Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Measuring reliability 4 3 Design for reliability 12 4 Reliability management 34 5 Summary 35 Copyright © 2007 University of Warwick Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 1 RELIABILITY ENGINEERING 1 Introduction 1.1 Definition Most people will have some concept of what reliability is from everyday life, for example, people may discuss how reliable their washing machine has been over the length of time they have owned it. Similarly, a car that doesn’t need to go to the garage for repairs often, during its lifetime, would be said to have been reliable. It can be said that reliability is quality over time. Quality is associated with workmanship and manufacturing and therefore if a product doesn’t work or breaks as soon as you buy it you would consider the product to have poor quality. However if over time parts of the product wear-out before you expect them to then this would be termed poor reliability. The difference therefore between quality and reliability is concerned with time and more specifically product life time. Reliability engineering has both quantitative and qualitative aspects; measurements of reliability are necessary for customer requirements compliance. However measuring reliability does not make a product reliable, only by designing in reliability can a product achieve its reliability targets. These lecture notes will therefore introduce some of the terminology used in reliability engineering. It will provide information about measuring reliability as well as designing for reliability. Moreover it will emphasise the importance of good engineering principles to ensure product reliability. By identifying possible causes of failure and elimination will obviously help to improve product reliability. The formal definition of reliability is as follows: The ability of an item to perform a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time. BS4778 Another definition concerns the probabilistic nature of measuring reliability, i.e. the probability of an item to perform a required function under specified conditions for a stated period of time. It is therefore a measure of engineering uncertainty and to quantify reliability involves the use of statistics and more specifically probability theory. These notes will also describe some useful probability distributions that can describe the lifetime behaviour of products. 1.2 What is reliability? Reliability is associated with unexpected failures of products or services and understanding why these failures occur is key to improving reliability. The main reasons why failures occur include: • The product is not fit for purpose or more specifically the design is inherently incapable. • The item may be overstressed in some way. Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 2 • Failures can be caused by wear-out • Failures might be caused by variation. • Wrong specifications may cause failures. • Misuse of the item may cause failure. • Items are designed for a specific operating environment and if they are then used outside this environment then failure can occur. There are many reasons for failure in items the list above is a generic list. Probability The load and strength of an item may be generally known, however there will always be an element of uncertainty. The actual strength values of any population of components will vary; there will be some that are relatively strong, others that are relatively weak, but most will be of nearly average strength. Similarly there will be some loads greater than others but mostly they will be average. Figure 1, below shows the load strength relationship with no overlaps. Load Strength Figure 1: load strength relationship , no overlaps However if, as shown in figure 2, there is an overlap of the two distributions then failures will occur. There therefore needs to be a safety margin to ensure that there is no overlap of these distributions. Probability Failure Load Strength Figure 2 load strength relationship - overlaps Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 3 It is clear that to ensure good reliability the causes of failure need to be identified and eliminated. Indeed the objectives of reliability engineering are: • To apply engineering knowledge to prevent or reduce the likelihood or frequency of failures; • To identify and correct the causes of failure that do occur; • To determine ways of coping with failures that do occur; • To apply methods of estimating the likely reliability of new designs, and for analysing reliability data. These notes will discuss some of the techniques that can be used to identify failures as well as the statistical techniques for analysing reliability data. 1.3 Why is Reliability important? Unreliability has a number of unfortunate consequences and therefore for many products and services is a serious threat. For example poor reliability can have implications for: • Safety • Competitiveness • Profit margins • Cost of repair and maintenance • Delays further up supply chain • Reputation • Good will KEY POINTS • Reliability is a measure of uncertainty and therefore estimating reliability means using statistics and probability theory • Reliability is quality over time • Reliability must be designed into a product or service • Most important aspect of reliability is to identify cause of failure and eliminate in design if possible otherwise identify ways of accommodation • Reliability is defined as the ability of an item to perform a required function without failure under stated conditions for a stated period of time • The costs of unreliability can be damaging to a company Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 4 2 Measuring reliability 2.1 Requirements Many customers will produce a statement of the reliability requirements that is included in the specification of the product. This statement should include the following: • The definition of failure related to the product’s function and should cover all failure modes relevant to the function; • A full description of the environments in which the product will be stored, transported, operated and maintained; • A statement of the reliability requirement Care must be given in defining failure to ensure that the failure criteria are unambiguous. Failure should always relate to a measurable parameter or to a clear indication. For example, a definition of failure could include ‘failure of a function to operate’. To be able to design for the load of the product the design team must have accurate information concerning the environment of the product. If an item must fully operate at high altitude with extreme changes in temperature then the design must be robust enough to withstand such environmental factors. Similarly if a product is stored in extreme conditions prior to use then the design must accommodate for the storage conditions. The reliability requirement should be stated in a way which can be verified, and which makes sense relative to the use of the product. The simplest requirement is to state that no failure will occur under stated conditions. Reliability requirements based on life parameters (see section 2.3) must be based on the corresponding life distributions. A common parameter used is MTBF, when a constant failure rate is assumed. Reliability and Maintainability case The UK MOD has recently moved away from prescriptive reliability requirements and now requests a reliability case from their suppliers. The reliability and maintainability (R&M) case is defines as “A reasoned, auditable argument created to support the contention that a defined system satisfies the R&M requirements” . DEF STAN 0042 part 3 is a document produced by the UK MOD that gives guidance on what goes into an R&M case. 2.2 The bath tub curve The bath-tub curve is a representation of the reliability performance of components or nonrepaired items. It observes the reliability performance of a large sample of homogenous items entering the field at some start time (usually zero). If we observe the items over their lifetime without replacement then we can observe three distinct shapes or periods. Figure 3 shows the bath-tub curve and these 3 periods. The infant mortality or early failures portion shows that the population will initially experience a high hazard function that starts to decrease. This Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 5 Hazard function period of time represents the burn-in or debugging period where weak items are weeded out. After the initial phase when the weak components have been weeded out and mistakes corrected, the remaining population reaches a relatively constant hazard function period, known as the useful life period. From figure 3 you can see that the hazard function is constant, this shape can be modelled by the exponential distribution (see section 2.3) when failure are occurring randomly through time. The final portion of the bath-tub curve is called the wear-out phase, this is when the hazard function increases with time. Useful Life Time Infant Mortality Wear Out Figure 3 The bath-tub curve 2.3 Life distributions 2.3.1 Distribution functions If you take a large number of measurements you can draw a histogram to show the how the measurements vary. A more useful diagram, for continuous data, is the probability density function. The y axis is the percentage measured in a range(shown on the x-axis) rather than the frequency as in a histogram. If you reduce the ranges(or intervals) then the histogram becomes a curve which describes the distribution of the measurements or values. This distribution is the probability density function or PDF. Figure 4, below, shows an example of a PDF. The area under the curve of the distribution is equal to 1, i.e. ∞ ∫ f ( x)dx = 1 −∞ Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 6 The probability of a value falling between any two values x1 and x2 is the area bounded by this interval, i.e. p ( x1 < x < x2 ) = x2 ∫ f ( x)dx Frequency f(x) x1 values Figure 4 Probability density function In reliability since we are usual discussing time we will change x to t, i.e. f(t). The cumulative distribution function or CDF, F(t), gives the probability that a measured value will fall between -∞ and t, i.e. t F (t ) = ∫ f (t )dt −∞ Figure 5, below, shows the CDF as x tends to ∞ F(t) tends to 1. 1 CDF, F re q uF(t) ency ( 1 .2 1 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 V a lu e Figure 5 Cumulative distribution function F(t) Warwick Manufacturing Group 9 7 7 6 t 5 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 7 In reliability engineering we are concerned with the probability that an item will survive for a stated interval of time (or cycles or distance etc.) i.e. there is no failure in the interval (0 to t). This is known as the survival function and is given by R(t). From the definition: R (t ) = 1 − F (t ) = ∞ t t −∞ ∫ f (t )dt = 1 − ∫ f (t )dt 1.2 Frequency (%) R(t) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 9 7 7 6 t 5 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 Value Figure 6 Survival function R(t) Another important function in reliability is the hazard function h(t); it is the conditional probability of failure in the interval t to (t+dt), given that no failure has occurred by t: h(t ) = f (t ) R (t ) f (t ) = 1 − F (t ) The bath tub curve, shown in figure 3, shows 3 different hazard functions, one decreasing, one constant and one increasing hazard function. 2.3.2 Particular life distributions There are 3 continuous life distributions that are commonly used in reliability engineering; these are called, the exponential, Weibull and lognormal distributions. The normal distribution as discussed in both the Six Sigma and SPC lectures is not generally used in reliability engineering (although it is sometimes used). Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 8 The Exponential Distribution When an item is subject to failures that occur in random intervals and the expected number of failures is the same for long periods of time then the distribution of failures is said to fit an exponential distribution. The PDF, CDF and survival function is given as: f (t ) = λe − λt and F (t ) = 1 − e − λt and R (t ) = e − λt The hazard function for the exponential distribution is given as: h(t ) = λe − λt e − λt =λ Notice that the hazard function is not a function of time and is in fact a constant equal to λ.. For repaired items, λ, is called the failure rate and 1/λ is called the mean time between failures (MTBF), sometimes denoted as θ. An important point to note is that 63.2% of items will have failed by time t=θ. The failure rate can be calculated as the total number of failures divided by the total operating time. The exponential distribution is the most commonly used distribution in reliability engineering and models the useful life portion of the bath-tub curve. The Weibull Distribution This distribution takes account of a non-constant hazard function. The Survival function is given by: R (t ) = e −( t ) β η where β is the shape parameter and η is the scale parameter or characteristic life. The characteristic life is the life at which 63.2% of the population will have failed. When β = 1, the hazard function is constant and therefore the data can be modelled by an exponential distribution with η=1/λ . When β<1, we get a decreasing hazard function and When β>1, we get a increasing hazard function Figure 7, below, shows the Weibull shape parameters superimposed on the bath-tub curve. Warwick Manufacturing Group Hazard function Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 9 Useful Life β=1 β<1 β>1 Time Infant Mortality Wear Out Figure 7 bath tub curve and the weibull distribution When β>3.5, the Weibull distribution is an approximation for the Normal distribution. There is also a three parameter version of the Weibull distribution and this is called the location parameter. It is sometimes called the failure free time or the minimum life. Other notation often used with the Weibull distribution is the Bn-life, this is the time by which n% of the population can be expected to fail. (n is the proportion failing). The Lognormal Distribution The lognormal distribution is more versatile than the normal distribution and is a better fit to reliability data, such as for populations with wear-out characteristics. Also, it does not have the Normal’s disadvantage of extending below zero i.e. always positive. The lognormal distribution and the normal distribution describe situations when the hazard function is increasing. 2.4 Modelling system reliability Usually multiple components make up a systems and we often want to know the reliability of a system that uses more than one component. How the components are connected together determines what type of system reliability model is used. There are different types of system reliability models and theses are typically used to analyse items such as an aircraft completing its flight successfully. Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 10 2.4.1 Series systems Simplest reliability model is a serial model where all the components must be working for the system to be successful, for example: A B Z Figure 8 example of components connected in series The reliability of this model is calculated by: RS = RA * RB ….RZ If the components can be assumed to be exponentially distributed then the system reliability can be calculated as: RS = e − λ At * e− λ B t * .... * e− λZ t The Failure rate of the system is calculated as by adding the failure rates together, i.e. λS = λA + λB + .......... + λZ 2.4.2 Active redundancy One of the most common forms of redundancy is the parallel reliability model where two independent items are operating but the system can successfully operate as long as one of them is working, diagrammatically: Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 11 A B Figure 9 dual redundant system The reliability of the system is equal to the probability of item 1 or item 2 surviving, e.g. RS = RA + RB – (RA* RB) And for the constant hazard function case: RS = e− λ At + e− λ B t − e− ( λ A + λ B )t This example assumes each item is not repaired after failure i.e. non-maintained system. 2.4.3 M-out-of-N redundancy In some active parallel redundant configurations, m out of the n items may be required to be working for the system to function. The reliability of an m-out-of-n system, with n identical independent items is given by: m −1 R = 1 − ∑ n Ci R i (1 − R ) n − i i =0 There are other system reliability models including the standby redundancy situation but those above are the simplest. 2.5 Reliability prediction One of the most common methods for predicting the reliability of a system is called the parts count method. Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 12 Assuming all the parts in a system are independently exponentially distributed, i.e. one part does not cause the other to fail then the overall system failure rate can be calculated using the series system model shown above. For example, the failure rate of a printed circuit board is the sum of the failure rates of each of the components. For example: Component type Quantity Failure rate Quantity*failure rate Ceramic capacitor 30 0.00001 * 10-6 0.0003 * 10-6 Tantalum capacitor 10 0.0003 * 10-6 0.003 * 10-6 Carbon resistor 30 0.00001 * 10-6 0.0003 * 10-6 Diodes 10 0.0002 * 10-6 0.002 * 10-6 Transistors 15 0.0005 * 10-6 0.0075 * 10-6 Logic IC 20 0.001 * 10-6 0.020 * 10-6 PCB failure rate = 0.035800 * 10-6 The failure rates for components can be estimated from company in-service databases or can be attained from published handbooks and published data. KEY POINTS • PDF, CDF, Reliability function and hazard function • Bath-tub curve – infant mortality, useful life and wear-out • Exponential distribution most widely used – constant hazard function • Weibull with shape parameter, can model decreasing and increasing hazard function. When Beta =1 is equal to exponential. Characteristic life is the 63rd percentile • Series systems modelling used for estimating system reliability by using parts count method 3 Design for reliability The objective of design for reliability is to design a given product that meets its requirements under the specified environmental conditions. To achieve this good sound engineering design Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 13 rules should be followed. However there are a few general principles that should observed, these include: • Component selection – well-established and known components should be used (company usually have their own approved components list). If this is not he case then analysis must be done to check the component is fit for purpose. • Consider the load-strength relationship and ensure there is an adequate safety margin. • Minimum complexity • Diversity – avoids common mode failures • Analyse failure modes and their effects (FMEA) • Identify any single point failures and either mitigate or design them out. • Use lessons learned from previous products to design out any known weaknesses. Ultimately the aim is to maximise reliability during service life by: • Measurement & control of manufacturing quality / screening • Optimized design & build process to improve intrinsic reliability • Assure no systematic faults present in product • Provide sufficient margin to meet life requirements 3.1 Product life cycle Each product has a life cycle, figure 10 illustrates a generic product life cycle. There are a number of tools and techniques that are most useful at various stages of the product life cycle. For example, at the design stage, it is most appropriate to use techniques that will be useful for design reviews. Testing parts for fitness of purpose using accelerated life testing is also necessary at this stage. When the product has been built it becomes costly to change the design so all design reviews need to be done as early as possible in the product life cycle. Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 14 Design FMECA, FTA, PoF,RBD FE,accelerated life test Development Development Test Use Field data analysis FRACAS Test Manufacture ESS, Burn-in SPC Figure 10: Product life cycle Development testing is used to investigate the robustness of the product and to identify any design weaknesses with respect to the load. Development testing incorporates environmental testing and is used for fitness of purpose of the product. When the product has been developed, the design closed and ready for production, statistical process control and other quality engineering tools are imperative for ensuring a good quality product. Environmental stress screening or burn-in is sometimes used to test all manufactured units prior to release to the customer. The purpose of ESS is to identify any manufacturing weaknesses in individual items. When in-service, product performance data should be collected to check the product reliability and also to feed forward to new product design in the form of lessons learned. More discussion on some of these tools and techniques is given in later sections. 3.2 Reliability tools and techniques 3.2.1 Introduction Some of the tools that are useful during the design stage can be thought of as tools for fault avoidance. The fall into two general methods, bottom-up and top-down. Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 15 3.2.2 Top-down method • Undesirable single event or system success at the highest level of interest (the top event) should be defined. • Contributory causes of that event at all levels are then identified and analysed. • Start at highest level of interest to successively lower levels • Event-oriented method • Useful during the early conceptual phase of system design • Used for evaluating multiple failures including sequentially related failures and commoncause events Some examples of top-down methods include: Fault tree analysis (FTA); Reliability block diagram (RBD) and Markov analysis Fault tree analysis Fault tree analysis is a systematic way of identifying all possible faults that could lead to system fail-danger failure. The FTA provides a concise description of the various combinations of possible occurrences within the system that can result in predetermined critical output events. The FTA helps identify and evaluate critical components, fault paths, and possible errors. It is both a reliability and safety engineering task, and it is a critical data item that is submitted to the customer for their approval and their use in their higher-level FTA and safety analysis. The key elements of a FTA include: – Gates represent the outcome – Events represent input to the gates – Cut sets are groups of events that would cause a system to fail The following diagram shows the flowchart symbols that are used in fault tree analysis in order to aid with the correct reading of the fault tree. FTA can be done qualitatively by drawing the tree and identifying all the basic events. However to identify the probability of the top event then probabilities or reliability figures must be input for the basic events. Using logic the probabilities are worked up to given a probability that the top event will occur. Often the data from an FMEA are used in conjunction with an FTA. Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 16 A rectangle signifies a fault or undesired event caused by one or more preceding causes acting through logic gates Circle signifies a primary failure or basic fault that requires no further development Diamond denotes a secondary failure or undesired event but not developed further And gate denotes that a failure will occur if all inputs fail (parallel redundancy) Or gate denotes a failure will occur if any input fails (series reliability) Transfer event • FTA is used to: – investigate potential faults; – its modes and causes; – and to quantify their contribution to system unreliability in the course of product design . Reliability block diagram The RBD is discussed and shown in section 2.4 above. It is however among the first tasks to be completed. It model system success and gives results for the total system. As shown in section 2.4, it deals with different system configuration, including, parallel, redundant, standby and alternative functional paths. It doesn’t provide any fault analysis and uses probabilistic measures to calculate system reliability. 3.2.3 Bottom-up method • Identify fault modes at the component level Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 17 • For each fault mode the corresponding effect on performance is deduced for the next higher system level • The resulting fault effect becomes the fault mode at the next higher system level, and so on • Successive iterations result in the eventual identification of the fault effects at all functional levels up to the system level. • Rigorous in identifying all single fault modes • Initially may be qualitative Some examples of bottom-up methods include: Event tree analysis (ETA); FMEA and Hazard and operability study (HAZOP). Event tree analysis • considers a number of possible consequences of an initiating event or a system failure. • may be combined with a fault tree • used when it is essential to investigate all possible paths of consequent events their sequence • analysis can become very involved and complicated when analysing larger systems Example: A PA1 = 0.5 C C1 Pc1 = 0.5 Car came to slow stop, no damage to the car, other property or injuries Pc1=0.5 C2 Pc2 = 0.4 Car came to slow stop, no damage to the wheel, Pc2= 0.5*0.3*0.4=0.06 C3 Pc3 = 0.6 Car collided with the centre divider, damage to the car and the divider Pc3=0.5*0.3*0.6=0.09 C4 Pc4 = 0.2 Car ran off the road, damage to the car, driver injured Pc4=0.5*0.7*0.2=0.07 C5 Pc5 = 0.8 Collision with another vehicle, damage to both, both drivers injured Pc5=0.5*0.7*0.8=0.28 B PB1 = 0.3 C A PA2 = 0.5 C B PB2 = 0.7 C A no property damage or injury B property damage, no injury C damage to the car only, no other property damage Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 18 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a bottom-up, qualitative dependability analysis method, which is particularly suited to the study of material, component and equipment failures and their effects on the next higher functional system level. Iterations of this step (identification of single Failure modes and the evaluation of their effects on the next higher system level) result in the eventual identification of all the system single failure modes. FMEA lends itself to the analysis of systems of different technologies (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, software, etc.) with simple functional structures. FMECA extends the FMEA to include criticality analysis by quantifying failure effects in terms of probability of occurrence and the severity of any effects. The severity of effects is assessed by reference to a specified scale. FMEAs or FMECAs are generally done where a level of risk is anticipated in a program early in product or process development. Factors that may be considered are new technology, new processes, new designs, or changes in the environment, loads, or regulations. FMEAs or FMECAs can be done on components or systems that make up products, processes, or manufacturing equipment. They can also be done on software systems. The FMEA or FMECA, analysis generally follows the following steps: • Identification of how the component of system should perform; • Identification of potential failure modes, effects, and causes; • Identification of risk related to failure modes and effects; • Identification of recommended actions to eliminate or reduce the risk; • Follow-up actions to close out the recommended actions. Benefits include: • Identifies systematically the cause and effect relationships. • Gives an initial indication of those failure modes that are likely to be critical, especially single failures that may propagate. • Identifies outcomes arising from specific causes or initiating events that are believed to be important. • Provides a framework for identification of measures to mitigate risk. • Useful in the preliminary analysis of new or untried systems or processes. Limitations include: • The output data may be large even for relatively simple systems. • May become complicated and unmanageable unless there is a fairly direct (or "singlechain") relationship between cause and effect may not easily deal with time sequences, restoration processes, environmental conditions, maintenance aspects, etc. • Prioritising mode criticality is complicated by competing factors involved Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 19 Physics of Failure (PofF). In simple terms, Physics-of-Failure is an understanding of the physical properties of the materials, processes, and technologies used in the design and how those properties can interact with the life hazard conditions placed on the design during the product’s full life cycle. The reliability engineer must understand the customer’s use and misuse conditions and component/ environment interactions to assist the design team in working around limitations inherent in the selected design approach. This type of analysis will answer most of the why, where, when, and how questions about the life of a component. Analysis methods prove essential in understanding, determining, and applying appropriate corrective action for root cause of failure. Understanding the root cause of a failure is essential in today’s highly competitive market for successfully manufacturing quality components. 3.3 Reliability testing 3.3.1 Accelerated life testing The concept of accelerated testing is to compress time and accelerate the failure mechanisms in a reasonable test period so that product reliability can be assessed. The only way to accelerate time is to stress potential failure modes. These include electrical and mechanical failures. Failure occurs when the stress exceeds the product’s strength. In a product’s population, the strength is generally distributed and usually degrades over time. Applying stress simply simulates aging. Increasing stress increases the unreliability and improves the chances for failure occurring in a shorter period of time. This also means that a smaller sample population of devices can be tested with an increased probability of finding failure. Stress testing amplifies unreliability so failure can be detected sooner. Accelerated life tests are also used extensively to help make predictions. Predictions can be limited when testing small sample sizes. Predictions can be erroneously based on the assumption that life-test results are representative of the entire population. Therefore, it can be difficult to design an efficient experiment that yields enough failures so that the measures of uncertainty in the predictions are not too large. Stresses can also be unrealistic. Fortunately, it is generally rare for an increased stress to cause anomalous failures, especially if common sense guidelines are observed. Anomalous testing failures can occur when testing pushes the limits of the material out of the region of the intended design capability. The natural question to ask is: What should the guidelines be for designing proper accelerated tests and evaluating failures? The answer is: Judgment is required by management and engineering staff to make the correct decisions in this regard. To aid such decisions, the following guidelines are provided: 1. Always refer to the literature to see what has been done in the area of accelerated testing. 2. Avoid accelerated stresses that cause “nonlinearities,” unless such stresses are plausible in product-use conditions. Anomalous failures occur when accelerated stress causes “nonlinearities” in the product. For example, material changing phases from solid to liquid, as in a chemical “nonlinear” phase transition (e.g., solder melting, inter-metallic changes, etc.); an electric spark in a material is an electrical Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 20 nonlinearity; material breakage compared to material flexing is a mechanical nonlinearity. 3. Tests can be designed in two ways: by avoiding high stresses or by allowing them, which may or may not cause nonlinear stresses. In the latter test design, a concurrent engineering design team reviews all failures and decides if a failure is anomalous or not. Then a decision is made whether or not to fix the problem. Conservative decisions may result in fixing some anomalous failures. This is not a concern when time and money permit fixing all problems. The problem occurs when normal failures are labeled incorrectly as anomalous and no corrective action is taken. Accelerated life testing is normally done early in the design process as a method for testing for fit for purpose. It can be done at the component level or the sub-assembly level but is rarely done at a system level as there are usually too many parts and factors that can cause failures and these can be difficult to control and monitor. Step-Stress Testing is an alternative test; it usually involves a small sample of devices exposed to a series of successively higher and higher steps of stress. At the end of each stress level, measurements are made to assess the results to the device. The measurements could be simply to assess if a catastrophic failure has occurred or to measure the resulting parameter shift due to the step’s stress. Constant time periods are commonly used for each step-stress period. This provides for simpler data analysis. There are a number of reasons for performing a step-stress test, including: • • • • Aging information can be obtained in a relatively short period of time. Common step-stress tests take about 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the objective. Step-stress tests establish a baseline for future tests. For example, if a process changes, quick comparisons can be made between the old process and the new process. Accuracy can be enhanced when parametric change can be used as a measure for comparison. Otherwise, catastrophic information is used. Failure mechanisms and design weaknesses can be identified along with material limitations. Failure-mode information can provide opportunities for reliability growth. Fixes can then be put back on test and compared to previous test results to assess fix effectiveness. Data analysis can provide accurate information on the stress distribution in which the median-failure stress and stress standard deviation can be obtained. 3.3.2 Reliability enhancement testing or HALT The goal of Reliability enhancement testing (RET) is to identify any potential failure modes that are inherent in a design early in the design process. Identifying the root cause of the failure mode and then incorporating a fix to the design can achieve reliability growth. This is accomplished by designing out the possibility of potential failure modes occurring with the customer and reducing the inherent risk associated with new product development. RET at the unit or subassembly level utilizes step-stress testing as its primary test method. It should be noted that Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) is not meant to be a simulation of the real world but a rapid way to stimulate failure modes. These methods commonly employ sequential testing, such as step-stressing the units with temperature and then vibration. These two stresses can be combined so that temperature and vibration are applied simultaneously. Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 21 This speeds up testing, and if an interactive vibration/temperature failure mode is present, this combined testing may be the only way to find it. Other stresses used may be power stepstress, power cycling, package preconditioning with infrared (IR) reflow, electrostaticdischarge (ESD) simulation, and so forth. The choice depends on the intended type of unit under test and the unit’s potential failure modes. HALT is primarily for assemblies and subassemblies. The HALT test method utilizes a HALT chamber. Today, these multi-stress environmental systems are produced by a large number of suppliers. The chamber is unique and can perform both temperature and vibration step-stress testing. 3.3.3 Demonstration testing Demonstration of reliability may be required as part of a development and production contract, or prior to release to production, to ensure that the requirements have been met. Two basic forms of reliability measurement are used: 1. A sample of units may be subjected to a formal reliability test, with conditions specified in detail. 2. Reliability may be monitored during development and use. The first method has been shown to be problematic and subject to sever limitations and practical problems. The limitations include: • PRST (Probability ratio sequential test) assumes a constant hazard function; • It implies that MTBF is an inherent parameter of a system; • Extremely costly • It is an acceptance test • Objective is to have no or very few failures It has been shown that a well managed reliability growth programme as discussed earlier would avoid the need for demonstration testing as they concentrate on how to improve products. It is has also been argued that the benefit to the product in terms of improved reliability is sometimes questionable having used PRST methods. 3.3.4 Environmental Stress Screening If all processes were under complete control, product screening or monitoring would be unnecessary. If products were perfect, there would be no field returns or infant mortality problems, and customers would be satisfied with product reliability and quality. However, in the real world, unacceptable process and material variations exist. Product flaws need to be anticipated before customers receive final products and use them. This is the primary reason that a good screening and monitoring program is needed to provide high quality products. Screening and monitoring programs are a major factor in achieving customer satisfaction. Parts are screened in the early production stage until the process is under control and any Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 22 material problems have been resolved. Once this occurs, a monitoring program can ensure that the process has not changed and that any deviations have been stabilized. Here, the term “screening” implies 100% product testing while “monitoring” indicates a sample test. Screens are based upon a product’s potential failure modes. Screening may be simple, such as on-off cycling of the unit, or it may be more involved, requiring one or more powered environmental stress screens. Usually, screens that power up the unit, compared with non-powered screens, provide the best opportunity to precipitate failure-mode problems. Screens are constantly reviewed and may be modified based on screening yield results. For example, if field returns are low and the screen yields are high (near 100 percent), the screen should be changed to find all the field issues. If yields are high with acceptable part per million (PPM) field returns, then a monitoring program will replace the screen. In general, monitoring is preferred for lowcost/high-volume jobs. A major caution for selecting the correct screening program is to ensure that the process of screening out early life failures does not remove too much of a product’s useful life. Manufacturers have noted that, in the attempt to drive out early life failure, the useful life of some products can become reduced. If this occurs, customers will find wear-out failure mechanisms during early field use. The information obtained when a product is first introduced to the Development Phase in the HALT process enables the development of a HASS test. HALT, is a highly accelerated reliability growth Test-Analyze-And-Fix (TAAF) process. In HASS, failures are analyzed, and corrective actions are implemented. The test is repeated until the observed failure modes have been fixed, and the environmental technology limits of the part are understood. This information is used for the Production Phase. At this stage, one either develops a traditional ESS or a HASS test. HASS test combines thermal cycling, vibration, and power stress simultaneously. The testing range is within the operating limits that are known from prior HALT testing performed. Similar to HALT, HASS is an aggressive screening program to help weed out failure modes and implement corrective actions as soon as possible. This process enables products to be moved quickly into a monitoring program. The HASS process typically helps to reduce screen time (30 percent to 80 percent) and move a product more quickly into the Monitoring Phase. For example, a common screen uses 168-hour burn-in, 20hour thermal shock, and a 60-minute vibration test. Since this is a fairly lengthy screen, it is advantageous to work with a HASS program. In the HASS process, this test is quickly reduced to a monitoring program. Since faster test results help in implementing product improvements and moving to a monitoring test, cost savings can be passed onto the customer. If HASS precipitates a failure, an immediate failure analysis is performed to determine the root cause. A 100 percent screen is maintained until the process is in control. At that point, monitoring can be performed. The monitoring also includes a HALT at given intervals to ensure that the product safety margins have not deteriorated from those obtained in the Evaluation Phase. Thus, knowledge of the HALT and HASS environmental limits, relative to a customer specification, is very helpful in providing engineering confidence in the proper design of the screening and the subsequent monitoring test. Such sound practices are important for providing a highly reliable product. 3.3.5 Reliability Growth/Enhancement h Planning Traditionally, the need for Reliability Growth planning has been for large subsystems or systems. This is simply because of the greater risk in new product development at that level compared to the component level. Also, in programs where one wishes to push mature products or complex systems to new reliability milestones, inadequate strategies will be Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 23 costly. A program manager must know if Reliability Growth can be achieved under required time and cost constraints. A plan of attack is required for each major subsystem so that system-level reliability goals can be met. However Reliability Growth planning is recommended for all new “platforms,” whether they are complex subsystems or simple components. In a commercial environment with numerous product types, the emphasis must be on platforms rather than products. Often there may be little time to validate, let alone assess, reliability. Yet, without some method of assessment, platforms could be jeopardized. Accelerated testing is, without question, the featured Reliability Growth tool for industry. It is important to devise reliability planning during development that incorporates the most timeand cost effective testing techniques available. Reliability growth can occur at the design and development stage of a project but most of the growth should occur in the first accelerated testing stage, early in design. Generally, there are two basic kinds of Reliability Growth test methods used: constant stress testing and stepstress testing. Constant stress testing applies to an elevated stress maintained at a particular level over time, such as isothermal aging, in which parts are subjected to the same temperature for the entire test (similar to a burn-in). Step-stress testing can apply to such stresses as temperature, shock, vibration, and Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT). These tests stimulate potential failure modes, and Reliability Growth occurs when failure modes are fixed. No matter what the method, Reliability Growth planning is essential to avoid wasting time and money when accelerated testing is attempted without an organized program plan. Today’s competitive market requires thorough planning, especially since platform complexity has increased dramatically as competition and technological advances have driven down size and costs. Traditional methodology provides us with many valuable tools, such as test planning, growth tracking and assessment, fix-effectiveness factor estimation, corrective action review team operations, and Test-Analyze-And-Fix (TAAF) strategies. All methods use a FRACAS type approach to audit corrective actions. There are numerous types of accelerated tests including HALT, Step-Stress, Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS), Environmental Stress Screening (ESS), failure-free accelerated testing, Reliability Growth and accelerated reliability growth. These practices are all important, since each has been used today in both commercial and industrial applications for ensuring product reliability. The methods have not been without confusion. Confusion exists as to when and which test method should be used and the Reliability Growth that can be achieved with any one method. The methods should be to integrating and implemented throughout the product development cycle using Table 1 summarizes the approach and how these tests fit into the product life cycle. Accelerated test or methods Reliability Growth or Reliability Enhancement Stage of product Definitions and uses life cycle Design and Reliability Growth is the positive development improvement in a reliability parameter over a period of time due to changes in product design or the manufacturing process. A Reliability Growth program is commonly established to help systematically plan for reliability achievement over a program’s duration so Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 24 Understanding Customer Requirements Proposal concept design and HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Test) Design development and Step-Stress Test Design and development of units or components Failure-Free Test or demonstration test Post design ESS (Environmental Stress Screening) production HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screen) production Warwick Manufacturing Group that resources and reliability risks can be managed. Understanding Customer Requirements is a common sense topic that is often overlooked. It can be a simple exercise or include a full approach. In a full approach, tools such as FMEA, competitive Benchmarking, QFD and Reliability Predictive Modeling are used to assure the smartest approach in a product maturation program. HALT is a type of step-stress test that often combines two stresses, such as temperature and vibration. This highly accelerated stress test is used for finding failure modes as fast as possible and assessing product risks. Frequently it exceeds the equipment-specified limits. Exposing small samples of product to a series of successively higher “steps” of a stress (like temperature), with a measurement of failures after each step. This test is used to find failures in a short period of time and to perform risk studies. This is also termed zero failure testing. This is a statistically significant reliability test used to demonstrate that a particular reliability objective can be met at a certain level of confidence. For example, the reliability objective may be 1000 FITs (1 million hours MTTF) at the 90 percent confidence level. The most efficient statistical sample size is calculated when no failures are expected during the test period. Hence the name. This is an environmental screening test or tests used in production to weed out latent and infant mortality failures. This is a screening test or tests used in production to weed out infant mortality failures. This is an aggressive test since it implements stresses that are higher than common ESS screens. When aggressive levels are used, the screening should be established in HALT testing. Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 25 The basic methodology in Reliability Growth planning should minimally consist of the following • The design of appropriate accelerated tests to stress expected or unexpected failure modes of the subsystems. These tests should be chosen and designed to stimulate failures at a faster rate. An effective program will include a streamlined root-cause corrective action plan. Without a complete plan, accelerated testing will be wasted and Reliability Growth opportunities lost. • The correct use of historical acceleration factors and Reliability Growth parameters. This will enable estimates of accelerated Reliability Growth over the program’s testing phases to be generated. • The accurate tracking and assessment of Reliability Growth during and after each test phase and corrective action. This helps with correct assessment techniques for fix effectiveness to properly evaluate compliance of growth goals/milestones. Planning Reliability Growth is not enough; periodic assessments of reliability are also essential so that management is assured that their achievement of the planned Reliability Growth goals is realistic. • Good monitoring and management of corrective actions using FRACAS 3.4 FRACAS A Failure Reporting and corrective action system (FRACAS) is closed-loop coordinated system that is used to manage failures throughout the product life cycle. It records information about failures of a product and when and where they occurred but it also enforces corrective action details are documented. It is used from the beginning of a project until it is withdrawn from service. All personnel use the system and are responsible for any FRACAS they own. There will be one group who will have overall control of the FRACAS administration and their function would be to ensure that all FRACAS raised are acted upon and closed out and also to collect lessons learned and feed forward as appropriate. For example: an engineer is working on the reliability growth programme and has encountered a failure of the product during the step-stress test of the unit. The engineer should raise a FRACAS and state the problem as well as give details of the unit number, date of failure, what is was doing when it failed, reference to the test conditions. This FRACAS would then be passed to an engineer to diagnose the fault and ultimately find a fix. The unit can be fixed and the testing resumed. However the FRACAS is not closed until the fix has been documented and implemented in the design and ultimately drawings (assuming the fault is due to design). The owner of this FRACAS is responsible for seeing the problem through and an engineering review of FRACAS would show all outstanding open FRACAS. This ensures that problems are getting solved rather than stacked up. 3.5 In-service data analysis Data can be collected from the field and analysed for a number of reasons. These broadly include checking that the product service reliability is meeting requirements; looking at the Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 26 service performance and identifying any systematic faults that can be fixed in this and future products. Exploratory Data Analysis can be used on such data to look for trends or systematic failures. To analyse such data the data recorded should include the following basic information: • Date of failure • Reason for removal from field • Serial number of product removed • Product type • Customer • Length of time operating prior to failure • Date entered service After diagnosis of the product the following information is required: • Root cause of failure • Repair information – what was removed and repaired and when • Diagnostic information • Category of failure i.e. was is a design failure or a component failure or a manufacturing failure or a misuse failure or a diagnostic failure or was is working and no fault found. • When was it shipped out after repair This type of information allows the product support organisation within a company to analyse the data to identify where the majority of failures are occurring. For example: Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Find ‘Root’ Cause of N.F.F. Removals Agree Categorisation of all Unit Removals Page 27 Determine ‘Real’ Cause of Confirmed Removals External Fault No Fault Found Design Build Supplier T est Confirmed Faulty Confirmed Not Faulty Understand Why Fault Isolation ‘Fails’ Troubleshooting System Design Fault Isolation Manual Figure 11: Example of root cause analysis By finding out that most confirmed failures are due to build problems the data can then be filtered and analysed to explore what types of build failures are occurring and eventually to investigate ways of reducing such failures. 3.6 Risk analysis Risk management applies to all new product development. Common technical risk areas include performance, producibility, production, scheduling and resources. Risk varies depending on whether customer requirements match technology performance capability predictions, if field experience is available on analogous assemblies, if the technology is revolutionary or evolutionary, if the application is new, if the intended use environment is harsh and different from previous field experience, and so forth. Risks are often assessed in categories. A technology management risk matrix is often used in industry as shown below: Same application New Application Evolutionary Low Risk Moderate Risk Revolutionary High Risk Very High Risk Revolutionary technologies carry a higher risk. For example, when the first airplanes were developed in the early 1900s, flying these early machines often resulted in injury or death. Now that flying is a mature technology, the risks of flying are very low. Evolutionary changes to the aircraft having similar applications today carry low risks since the technology is mature. The goal of a risk management program is to make correct decisions at key points in the program. Technology risk management is essential to the success of any development program. Risk issues and their consequences concern everyone involved with a program’s success. The larger and the more undeveloped a technical program, the more important it is to Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 28 manage risks. In the case of a reasonably large and/or complex program, many technical details can impact the system. The purpose of risk management is to identify, assess and mitigate risks throughout the project. Since component and subsystem risks are magnified at the system level, it is important that program management becomes aware of issues early in the program. All potential risk areas require identification and risk handling. Management can then direct resources to prioritized risk areas and conserve valuable time and expenses. These benefits are best realized when technical risk issues can be properly identified, assessed, quantified, and finally handled both at the system and the subsystem level. 3.7 REMM The REMM project developed a methodology that supports product reliability enhancement and consequently is viewed primarily as a design for reliability tool although it could be used by management and product support to view the reliability status of products. It is viewed as a move away from ‘playing the numbers game’ using reliability predictions towards a more considered approach. Its purpose is to encourage design for reliability by providing engineers with reliability information and lessons learned on previous designs as well as providing a proactive holistic approach to design Current reliability prediction techniques for electronics have been shown to be unrepresentative of real situations. There is a dichotomy between the way reliability is assessed (predicted) and the way it is actually achieved. Many aerospace companies continue to use MIL Handbook 217 for reliability predictions. Usually the predictions are made on a parts count basis and then the overall predicted failure rate is factored using in-service performance of previous products. So if a prediction had been done on a product that is now in the field then a multiplicative factor can be obtained by comparing the in-service reliability and that prediction. Such factors are therefore used in predictions for new designs. The problem with this approach is that the product reliability is not really considered. The parts count prediction is based on the number of components of each type and their corresponding failure rates and as is widely known this is all based on the assumption of constant failure rates. In addition there is a temptation when given an MTBF requirement to use the prediction to show that it will be met without doing any engineering analysis. In other words the prediction is often altered rather than the design or manufacture of the product. The R&M case was developed by the UK MOD as a move away from prescribing reliability methods and tools towards a more measured approach to achieving reliable products. The definition is given as “A reasoned, auditable argument created to support the contention that a defined system satisfies the R&M requirement and is therefore concerned with providing progressive assurance that the product will be reliable. The impetus for this move towards the R&M case is partly driven by experience. In the past the MOD, in their contracts, prescribed specific reliability techniques and tools to be performed. They believed that using such tools and techniques would produce the required reliable products. However, in many cases, the opposite occurred. Payments were made to suppliers for producing the required documents however no evidence was necessary to show that any of the tools and techniques applied actually affected the product design and development. In other words the focus was on producing documents rather than showing that the product would meet the necessary Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 29 reliability requirements in service. This situation is similar to the discussion on prediction outlined earlier and highlights that there is a synergy between the aims of REMM and the R&M case. REMM Process The REMM process was developed by the project team based on the philosophy of evolutionary design of products i.e. any new product design can be based on an existing product design. To design a new product the REMM philosophy urges the user to consider the differences between the new product design and previous product designs. These differences would include functionality, process (design and manufacture) and environmental changes to enable the project team to concentrate on the risky aspects of the new product design and development. Figure 11 below shows the simplified REMM process flow. As in DEF STAN 00-42 part3 the REMM process starts with analysing reliability requirements and then moves on to identifying the reliability risks. The risks are identified in REMM by identifying the novel aspects of the product design, manufacture, application and use. Having captured requirements a similar product is identified and its associated data is analysed in order to inform the project team of any reliability issues. The new design is therefore altered in light of this data analysis. For example, if a particular component used in a previous product and likely to be used in the new product is shown from analysis to be causing reliability problems in the field then by highlighting such issues the project team can make informed decisions regarding the new product design. Capture requirements Review lessons learned through data analysis Select similar equipment Modify design Service data Capture differences between base and new design Reliability plan generated via expert system Reliability assessment model Reliability tasks guidance Reliability Case Figure 12: Simplified REMM process The REMM process therefore encourages the active use of lessons learned from previous product manufacture and performance. A REMM tool has been developed and implemented at Goodrich engine controls to encompass the process shown in figure 12. The tool allows the user to design a new product based on all previous products. Obviously there will be changes to designs over time for numerous reasons, e.g. new technology, additional functionality, different installations, new Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 30 environment etc. These differences between the new design and previous designs are captured by the tool and fed into the REMM expert system. Capturing these differences focuses the project team on the risky aspects of this new product. High Level Tasks - REMM Expert system The REMM expert system has been implemented at Goodrich engine controls and is a knowledge base expert system. It has been populated with rules that were written by interviewing chief engineers across the different disciplines, i.e. electronic, mechanical, components, process and reliability. The rules consist of all the possible changes structured hierarchically. So for example, Environmental changes can be due to vibration, thermal, humidity and shock changes. Looking at vibration changes, the input fact could be, for example: • • • • Small change in level of vibration; Significant change in level of vibration; Small change in vibration frequency range; Significant change in vibration frequency range. Rules for new product design aspects have also been generated and so the differences captured include both actual differences and novel aspects. The REMM tool is used at the concept stage to design the new product using information on previous designs. One of the outputs of the tool is a task list generated from the expert system. The tasks suggested may well be tasks that are already planned but it gives a starting point for developing the reliability plan as it focuses on the high level risk areas in the new product design. The task list can therefore be used to develop the reliability programme and plan The tool developed at Goodrich establishes the skeleton of the product reliability case when the expert system is run. The skeleton reliability case consists of the product description in terms of functionality, installation, use, environment and technology, it lists the hardware and provides a list of all the differences and novel aspects of the design. It also contains the task list and provides references to guidance material or procedures related to specific tasks. When a task has been completed the case is updated with a reference to a company report detailing the outcome and solution. To close the loop the tool ought to be linked to the FRACAS system to ensure that the solution found is implemented to improve the reliability of the product. At present the REMM tool is useful at the beginning of the project and really only identifies fairly high level tasks but by implementing the statistical model the project team can identify lower level, specific risks to update the skeleton reliability case document. Low Level Tasks - REMM statistical model The REMM statistical model aims to estimate reliability of a new design at specified times in the product lifecycle to aid engineering understanding of performance and to help inform downstream processes that will support enhancement. The model will support ‘what if’ Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 31 analysis. This means that alternative scenarios can be investigated and the impact on reliability estimated. Therefore the REMM statistical model provides a tracking system to help analyse how reliability will and does evolve throughout the lifecycle by integrating the numerical estimates with the engineering understanding of reliability. This is a deliberate move to a proactive approach to design for reliability. The REMM statistical model requires engineering concerns about potential faults in the item of equipment to be identified and estimates when they are likely to occur as failures under different scenarios. This model is therefore a Bayesian type statistical model. Two basic types of input are required to populate the model. • Engineering concerns with the new design and an estimate of their probability of occurrence in service assuming no actions taken • Reliability profile of the engineering concern or fault class to which it belongs The data therefore comes from two sources – structured engineering judgement and historical event data. The basic output from the REMM statistical model will be the estimated reliability function, also known as the survival function. This provides an estimate of the probability of surviving until a specified time. Figure 13, below shows the model formulation as the reliability of the new design is a combination of expert judgement and event data with respect to pre-defined categories. Reliability Estimate for New System Design Failure Class Expert Judgement Design Component NC ND Event RD(t) Data Build NB RC(t) RB(t) Figure 13: Model formulation The engineering concerns data or expert judgement data is collected by conducting one-to-one semi-structured interviews of members of the project team. Prior to the individual elicitation interviews a group session is held to identify the changes in the new design as well as the novel aspects and brief each expert on the process. Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 32 In the individual interviews each expert was asked to concentrate on the new product and consider the following questions: • • • • Do you have any concerns about any aspect of the product? What are they? What is the likelihood that your concerns will cause a failure in the field? This was done by asking the designers and specialist experts to rate risks on a scale of 0-1. What mitigation action could be taken to avoid this concern occurring as a failure? The resulting information is used to provide a list of concerns for the project team as well as an input to the statistical model. The concern list on its own can be used as a risk assessment and the project team can decide what actions to take to reduce the risk and improve the reliability. The concern list can be added to the skeleton reliability case and updated as mitigating actions are taken and concerns resolved. This process is an iterative process and would be implemented at key stages in the design and development process. The reliability case would therefore be a living document that grows as more information is gathered. Running the model provides more information about the reliability of the product at a specific time in the product development process. The reliability estimate can be compared with the reliability requirement. If the estimate is lower then closer inspection of the results can help to identify the key tasks to improve the reliability. For example, in figure 13, assuming the overall reliability estimate is unacceptable then the data for the category contributing most to this estimate could be investigated further. In figure 14, looking at the data for the preload concerns can help guide the project team towards mitigating actions that may improve the reliability. ‘What if’ analysis can be done to identify those actions that would give the biggest improvement in reliability and therefore providing guidance to the project team. Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 33 Estimated F-Lynx 1 0.9 Cracking Crack 0.8 Lubrication Lub (est) 0.7 R e lia b ility (est) 0.6 Corrosion 0.5 Preload 0.4 Corr (Est) Pre (Est) 0.3 Overall 0.2 Overall (Est) 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Operational Time Figure 14: Example of output from REMM statistical model All the analysis undertaken can be added to the reliability case to show how the product is being progressively improved by identifying and subsequently reducing product risks. Reliability Measurements From the discussion above the REMM tool is used to help build the reliability programme plan and the skeleton reliability case and is carried out at the concept design stage. The statistical model is implemented at key points in the design and development process. The concerns are updated throughout as more data is gathered. The reliability estimates can therefore be plotted at each of the key stages to show how the reliability estimate is changing throughout the development of the product and therefore how close the estimate is to the requirement. Figure 15, below, shows an example of reliability changing throughout the product life cycle. Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering Page 34 Updated Required Current estimate Lifecycle stage Figure 15: example of reliability varying over the lifecycle 4 Reliability management Key aspects of reliability management include: • Corporate level involvement • Integral part of product development not parallel • Reliability procedures integrated into design process • Built into programme plan and produce a reliability plan • Ownership of the reliability plan within the design team A reliability plan should contain the following: • Statement of reliability requirement • Organisation for reliability • Reliability activities to be performed and why • Timing of major activities • Management of suppliers • Standards and company procedures to be used Warwick Manufacturing Group Introduction to Reliability Engineering • Lesson learned feedback • Risk Analysis/risk register • Data collection and analysis procedure • Reliability monitoring plan Page 35 Reference O’Connor (2002). Chapter 15, Reliability management, Practical Reliability Engineering, John Wiley 5 Summary These lecture notes provide information about why reliability is important, moreover they give an overview of all the aspects of reliability engineering, including: • Need for Reliability requirements; • Need for planning to achieve reliability throughout the product life cycle; • How to measure reliability; • Other factors that are affected by poor reliability such as safety, competitiveness, goodwill, maintenance costs and ultimately profit. • Design for reliability; • The bath-tub curve and Reliability (life distributions); • Reliability methods – FTA,ETA,FMEA,RBD; • Reliability testing – reliability growth planning, ESS, HALT, HASS, step-stress testing; • Need for good reliability management and planning; • Managing risk; • Using FRACAS; • The importance of collecting an analysing in-service data. This lecture is an overview of reliability engineering and therefore it gives an appreciation for the topic. It is not expected to be a reliability-engineering manual but gives a flavour for the importance of the topic and how it fits into the design, development and use of a product. Warwick Manufacturing Group