Approved List of Grease Haulers/Pumpers Application This annual application must be completed and submitted to Charlotte Water at 4222 Westmont Drive., Charlotte, NC 28217 by December 1st of each year to be included on the Charlotte Water Approved List of Grease Haulers/Pumpers. In addition to providing the following information, Please include proof of yearly training by NC State Permitting Division. (1.) Firm name: (The “Firm name” must be exactly as it is shown on your vehicle(s). _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Street address of office: ____________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address (if different): Phone: Email: FAX Phone: _______________________________________ County: State permit number: N.C.S #______________________________________ (2.) Firm owner's/ operator's name (list all): Email(s): (3.) Type(s) of septage pumped: Write in the number of gallons (not check marks) of each type pumped yearly. Domestic: Portable Toilet Waste: Treatment Plant: Grease (restaurant):_______________________ Industrial/Commercial: _____________________________________ (4.) N.C. Counties of Operation:_____________________________________________________________________ (List each county) (5.) Total Number of Pumper Vehicles Operated: Number used for: Domestic Septage: ___________ Grease (restaurant): ____________ Other: ____________________ Portable Toilet Waste: __________ Vehicle Information: (use additional paper if needed) Photos of each vehicle used to pump grease is required showing company logo and tag # License Tag #:__________________________________ Vehicle Identification #:___________________________Tank Capacity: _________________________________ CHARLOTTE WATER System Protection Revised 1/2/15 4222 Westmont Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 Ph: 704/336-4946 Fax: 704-632-8355 (6.) Septage Disposal Method: (check one) a) Approved wastewater treatment plant: ( ) yes ( ) no. If yes, submit Wastewater Treatment Authorization for each plant, as indicated in Subparagraph .0817(d) (11) of the Septage Management Rules. (use additional sheets if needed) b) Septage Land Application Site (SLAS) Permit Numbers: (use additional sheets if needed) SLAS#: Expiration Date: SLAS#: Expiration Date: c) Septage Detention or Treatment Facility (SDTF) Permit Numbers: (use additional sheets if needed) Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________ SDTF#: Expiration Date: (7) Septage Management Firm Operator Training Completed: Date: _________________ Location: _______________________ Training Sponsored or Provided by: _______________________________________________________________________ Hours for Septage Management: ______ Hours for Portable Sanitation: _____ All area grease pumpers/haulers included on the Approved Charlotte Water List of Grease Pumpers/Haulers will abide by the following City of Charlotte Sewer Use Ordinance: Article III: Wastewater Discharge Restrictions Section 23-80 (d) Wastewater, grease, grit and other materials removed in any manner from facilities required by this section or other applicable law shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable law and shall not be discharged directly or indirectly into the POTW or otherwise placed back into such facilities under any circumstances. (f) Grease interceptors, oil/water separators, grit interceptors and other approved facilities required by this section or other applicable law shall be cleaned, maintained and repaired regularly, as needed, by the user at its expense. The user shall maintain records in conformance with section 23-91(o) of this article concerning the dates and manner of its inspection, maintenance and repair of such facilities; and of its disposal of all wastewater, grease, oil, grit and other materials removed from such facilities in accordance with applicable law. Charlotte Water Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Collection System DO Not accept grease trap waste. Upon submission of this application, you and your staff maybe required to attend a training course conducted by Charlotte Water. Check the box if in agreement. CERTIFICATION I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and attachments. Based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information reported herein, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of a fine and/or imprisonment. Signature: CHARLOTTE WATER System Protection Revised 1/2/15 Date: 4222 Westmont Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 Ph: 704/336-4946 Fax: 704-632-8355