16.0 credit Certificate in Biotechnology Update Effective beginning Spring 2003 Complete Groups 1 & 2 as follows: Group 1: All of the following must be completed: Biology 10 or 11 – General or Human Biology {Fall/Spring} 4.0 credits Students have the choice of taking either General or Human Biology. General Biology focuses on more of an Environmental & Ecological approach to the biological sciences. Students are exposed to the scientific method, cell biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, & environmental issues. Human Biology is more focused on the body systems of the human being. Students gain an understanding on cell structure and function, organ systems, homeostasis, genetics, & interaction of the human species with the ecosystem. Biology 70 – Intro to Biotechnology {Fall semester} 5.0 credits Introduces students to concepts of modern molecular biology. The concepts will be applied as student learns general manipulation of plant and bacterial DNA. Students will learn theory and techniques of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), gene cloning, Agarose electrophoresis, DNA fingerprinting, restriction analysis, immunoblot analysis, and DNA library construction/screening. Biology 71 – Laboratory Techniques {Spring Semester} 4.0 credits An introduction to laboratory methods for students interested in a career in a laboratory setting. Emphasis is on basic laboratory methods, the principles that underlie those methods, and the equipment that makes laboratory work possible. Topics will include laboratory safety, quality control, regulatory agencies, and will address problem solving in a laboratory environment. Offered Spring 2003 Section #4209 T&TH 2-5 p.m. The following change is now effective so that the student may choose a class more in line with their interests and potential career goal: Group 2: One of the following must be completed (minimum 3.0 units) Bio 52 Bio 53 Anthro 52 Bio/Chem 72 Forensic Pathology Forensic Entomology Forensic Anthropology Biomolecular Science 3.0 units 3.0 units 3.0 units 3.0 units OH 32 Bio 29 Bio 98 AG 65 Plant Propagation Independent Study in Biology Special Projects in Biology GIS in Natural Resources {See VVC catalog for above listed class descriptions} For more information, please contact: M.Ricci, Instructor of Biotech Department of Biology (760) 245-4271 Ext. 2226 mricci@victor.cc.ca.us 3.0 units 1-3 units 1-3 units 3.0 units