DOCUMENT #: GSC13-GTSC6-20 FOR: Presentation

Rainer Münch, Ian Spiers
Report of ETSI NGN Activities
Rainer Münch
Presenter: Ian Spiers
Submission Date:
June 27, 2008
Technical Body – TISPAN
Common IMS in 3GPP
the home of NGN standards
• TISPAN is the ETSI body that
– specifies standards for Fixed networks and internet
– developed the Convergence work Item (FMC)
– specifies the Next Generation of Networks
• Many of the participating organisations have their HQs from
outside of Europe
• TISPAN NGN specifications are referenced by the ITU-T
• Common IMS parts of the TISPAN work are considered in 3GPP
specifications as published by ETSI or other OPs
• Open area:
• TISPAN NGN specifications can be considered as THE global
NGN solution
TISPAN is today
• An important standards group (and a great one) …
– Typically up to 160 participants per meeting
– International participation (Europe, Asia, Americas)
– Up to +800 documents to treat in 7 WGs during one week
– 4 plenaries, 4-6 WG meetings, 4-8 ad hocs per year
TISPAN Organisation
• 7 Working Groups
– Requirements and Architecture
– Protocols
– Numbering, Naming, Addressing, Routeing
– Home Networks
– Testing and Validation
– Security
– Network Management
• Hierarchical system for organising and managing the work
• Oversee activity per topic
• Collocated Technical Committee Plenaries and full WG meetings (4
times a year)
• Interim meetings as required and agreed (face-to-face or virtual)
• Close co-operation with other SDOs, ITU-T, 3GPP, corporate networks
(e.g. Ecma), many fora and groups
• Release 1 ………….. Status Complete
• Release 2 ………….. Nearing completion
• Release 3…………… Requirement capture and early work progressing
• Transfer of Work Items for Common IMS
• All Common IMS related WIs have been transferred to 3GPP, TISPAN monitor
progress carefully and take appropriate action if specific problems are identified.
Some key work areas in NGN R2
Resource control (RACS)
Network attachment subsystem (NASS)
Supplementary services
PSTN/ISDN Emulation (PES)
– TS 183 063 on IMS IPTV Stage 3 Core network aspects has been
– TS 183 064 on IPTV dedicated system Stage 3 has been
approved at TISPAN#18 Plenary (03 – 04 July 2008).
• Numbering, naming, addressing, routeing
• Home networks and devices
• Corporate networks and business communication
Early requirements for the next TISPAN Release include
– VoIP Consolidation (including QoS, security, interworking)
– IPTV Service evolution (blended services and beyond)
– Consolidation of the work on business communication
– Ultra Broadband (fixed and wireless) access to the NGN
• Work progressing on Non-3GPP access systems
– Improvements to Release 2, e.g. resource control
– Interconnection (NGN, NGCN)
– Network Harmonisation - increase interoperability with other NGNs
and other networks (non IMS).
Home Networks
• Analyse the impacts on the “customer environment” derived from the
high level system requirements for the support of the TISPAN defined
services and capabilities.
• Define requirements and specifications to be applied to the customer
environment elements (home gateways and customer devices).
• Definition of detailed architecture and reference points (within the home
network) for the customer network gateway (CNG) and the customer
network devices (CNDs) for conversational services.
• Definition of detailed architecture and reference points for the customer
network devices (CNDs) enabling the IPTV IMS based service usage.
• Definition of guidelines for the implementation of security mechanisms in
the customer networks
Home Networks – Next Steps
Completion of activities detailing the protocols used by the Customer Gateway
and the Customer Network Devices (conversational services) on the basis of the
published deliverables on which the reference architectures are defined.
Completion of activities detailing the functions of the customer gateway.
Definition of protocols handled by the Customer device enabling the IPTV IMS
based service usage.
Update of the guidelines on security mechanisms for customer networks.
Launch of activities for defining new use cases and requirements for customer
networks for TISPAN NGN R3.
Definition of possible new documents detailing specific technical aspects typical
for customers networks (e.g. Quality of Service in-home mechanisms, Remote
Management issues etc.)
European Home Networking
• Efficient broadband deployment & multi-service implementation
• Home networking platform is included within ETSI TC ATTM (Access
Terminals Transmission Multiplexing)
• Home networking platform covers
– Telecommunications Access and Home Networks including Terminal Equipment and
Network Terminating Equipment.
– Copper, fibre and wireless transmission support.
– Lower layers of home networks (in collaboration with TISPAN for service
• Collaboration with other relevant bodies within and outside of ETSI (e.g. ITU-T,
• Strong telecom position to champion used transmission protocols, e.g.
DSL systems in home networking.
Increasing load in customer premises will more than balance any saving actions
into the network
– PSOs are invited to champion energy efficiency in developed specifications on ICT
products, systems and installed ones in order to implement multi-service
– PSOs are invited to support usable residential networking guidance towards users
(customers) including a greener approach
Numbering, Naming and Addressing
• TISPAN WG4 have investigated the need to introduce a Naming Address
Resolution (NAR) framework into TISPAN NGN conformant
communication networks
• The following approach was adopted:
– Investigation of ‘use cases in the NGN environment’ to determine required
NAR functions
– Gap Analysis of current TISPAN NGNs specifications - comparing them to
existing/emerging solutions of NAR methods.
– Identification of items requiring further standardization based on the above
– Analysis of the consequences of creating a Naming Address Resolution
NGN Interconnection
TISPAN is currently working on ENUM & DNS Guidelines that will enable TISPAN to
evaluate their requirements against what is set out within the GSMA documents IR34
and IR37.
That exercise will provide a firm basis for TISPAN examine their requirements for an
Inter-operator IP backbone network and discuss the possibility of a common
approach with the GSMA, or alternatively conclude why this isn't the case.
ETSI to:
– Complete work on ENUM & DNS Guidelines, NGN evolution for interconnection,
inter-domain and access reference points, numbering, naming, addressing,
routeing and Naming Address Resolution functionality
– Identify any critical outstanding issues and propose a way forward, e.g. the need
to develop further commercial and administrative arrangements required to
facilitate the realisation of an IPX responding to TISPAN requirements
– Compare detailed requirements and guidelines against other planned
approaches e.g. GSMA
– Consider the likelihood of achieving a viable large scale global approach for
common IMS providers
ETSI is supporting the view that all required parties need to move forward in a
coordinated manner.
ETSI is supporting collaboration with 3GPP, GSMA, SDOs, ITU-T.
TISPAN NGN R2 security
NGN Security requirements (TS 187 001)
– Defines also security requirements for IPTV, Business
Communication, Media Security, Home Networking, and for
countering UC
NGN eTVRA (TR 187 002)
– Threat and risk analyses for specific NGN use cases such as NAT
traversal, RACS, Media Security, and Unsolicited Communication;
NGN Security architecture (TS 187 003)
– Defining the security architecture for IPTV, Home Networking, FMC,
Media Security, H.248, Corporate Networks
Generalised NAT traversal feasibility study (TR 187 008)
Media security (TR 187 007)
Impact of unsolicited communication in the NGN (TR 187 009)
NGN Lawful Interception functional entities, information flow and
reference points (TS 187 005)
Data retention and its impact on the NGN (TR 187 012)
Early TISPAN NGN R3 security:
• Feasibility study on IPTV security architecture
– Study models and key management systems for service protection
• aim to develop the model for the NGN.
– Study of functional entities and mechanisms for service protection
with the
• aim to define these for the NGN.
– Study of a framework open to the integration of content protection
• Feasibility study of security mechanisms for customer premises
networks connected to TISPAN NGN.
Topics for future security work
IPTV security (enhancement of stage 2, definition of stage 3)
Adding Prevention of Unsolicited Communication as a feature (stage 1,
stage 2, stage 3)
Identity protection, authentication and integrity countermeasures and to
define credential management
Media security provisioning (stage 1, stage2)
Additional work on NAT-T (e.g. interaction with RACS, interaction with IPTV,
security analysis of use of STUN)
Enhanced security for NASS, RACS
Security for CNG/CND (stage 1, stage 2, stage 3)
– Implications for AGCF security
Security for NGCN
FMC (taking into account requirements of the FMCA)
Diameter and Radius AVP profiling
Application layer security on the NGN (e.g. TELCO 2.0)
Analyse the inter-relation between security features and architecture of the
NGN (IPTV, NAT-T, NASS, RACS etc.) in terms of how to employ consistent
security architecture and mechanisms
Develop general rules, patterns, and templates to ease the employment of
the NGN in practice and to facilitate risk control
Network Management
• NGN Management
– Resource Management (IMS Management imported from 3GPP)
– Subscription Management (SuM)
– IPTV Management
• “JointSuM”
– collaboration between ETSI TISPAN WG8, 3GPP SA5, and TM
Forum TIP, working on alignment of the Subscription Management
and Service Activation specifications in these bodies. Recently, also
ITU-T SG 4 has indicated their interest in this work.
• Collaboration
– TM Forum and other de facto bodies are important players in the
global telecom management standards arena. Their work is being
taken into account in TISPAN WG8.
Testing Activities
• Production of manual and automatic test suites to ensure the
conformance to TISPAN, 3GPP and ITU standardised protocols.
• These tests ensure
– the global interoperability for and between ISDN and TISPAN NGN
Releases incl. PSTN/ISDN Emulation Subsystem,
– QoS between networks,
– performance benchmarking for NGN
• Co-operation with
– 3GPP
– ITU (SG 11, SG 12)
ETSI NGN STF activities
Still an important part of ETSI working Methods
User STF work
EC Emergency and location work
Next Steps (in Standards)
• As NGN networks are being rolled out and tested, TISPAN is seeing
a large increase in the number of corrections (CRs) to NGN-R1 and
R2. This is a good sign.
• TISPAN (and ETSI) recognises the importance of cooperation
agreements and is identifying key bodies and works together to avoid
duplication of effort.
• TISPAN’s members are now focused on Rel-2 completion and
progressing new work areas for Rel-3.
• Push ahead with e.g. the Interconnection work, IPTV, home
networks, next generation corporate networks, next generation
access technologies.
Other PSOs
• Noted that the work on NGN protocols in ITU-T SG 11 is progressing
• Cooperation between PSOs is continuing.
• To be completed during this GSC meeting when information is available.
• It is noted that caution should be taken to ensure that work is not
duplicated in PSOs. In general, cooperation is working well.
• As new features and services are introduced using NGNs, more and
more divers players are active on the playing field (e.g. NGN IPTVContent suppliers-broadcaster etc). This has to be coordinated!
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Open area:
Supplementary Slides
An Example of the Hierarchical System for
Organising and Managing the Work
IPv6 Testing
Level 1
IPv6 Mobility
IPv6 Core
IPv6 Security
IPv6 to IPv4
WI Level 2
WI Level 2
WI Level 2
WI Level 2
WI Level 3
WI Level 3
WI Level 3
Test Suite
Core Catalogue
WI Level 4
WI Level 4
Core TSS & TP
NGN Feasibility Studies Feed into TISPAN
Core Security Documents:
WI 07022
Study Report
WI 07021
Study on
TR 187 001
NGN Security
TR 187 002
WI 07025
Feasibility Study
of Prevention of
in the NGN
WI 07027
TS 187 003
NGN Security
TS 187 006
NGN Countermeasures
List of TISPAN Rel-2 deliverables (1/8)
Rel-2 Overall Description:
Release 2 definition
180 002
Service and Capability Requirements
181 005
NGN Functional Architecture
282 001
IMS General Evolution:
IMS Functional architecture
282 007
IMS Stage 2 description
182 006
IMS Call Control Protocol based on SIP and SDP Stage 3
[3GPP TS 24.229 Rel-7 modified]
283 003
H.248 Profile for controlling MRFP in the IMS; Protocol specification [3GPP TS 29.333 Rel-7 modified]
183 031
Common Basic Communication procedures; Protocol specification
183 028
Requirements for a NGN Session Control Protocol and analysis of the IMS SIP profile meets these requirements
282 016
Interworking between IMS and IP networks (Endorsement of 3GPP TS 29.162)
183 021
Diameter-based protocol between CSCF and UPSF/SLF; Signalling flows and protocol details [3GPP TS 29.228 V6.8.0 and
3GPP TS 29.229 V6.6.0, modified]
183 033
List of TISPAN Rel-2 deliverables (2/8)
IMS Supplementary Services (ISS):
Advice of Charge (AoC):
Advice Of Charge (AOC) Stage 3
183 047
Call Completion on Busy Subscriber (CCBS), Call Completion No Reply (CCNR):
CCBS, CCNR Stage 3
183 042
Call Waiting (CW):
CW Stage 3
183 015
Overview of Messaging Services
181 007
Support of SMS over NGN IMS Stage 2
182 021
Support of SMS and MMS over NGN IMS subsystem; Stage 3
[Endorsement of 3GPP TS 24.341 Release 7]
183 051
Messaging service using the IMS: Stage 3: Protocol specifications [Endorsement of 3GPP TS 24.247 Release 6]
183 041
Direct Communication (DC) Service:
DC Service Description [Endorsement of OMA-ERELD-PoC-V1]
181 006
DC Architecture and functional description [Endorsement of OMA-AD-PoC-V1]
182 017
DC: SIP Protocol Specification (OMA-TS-POC_ControlPlane-V1, modified and OMA-TS-PoC_UserPlane-V1, modified and OMA-TS-PoC_XDM-V1, modified)
183 045
Customized Originating and Terminating Multimedia Information Presentation (COMIP/CTMIP) and Customized Originating
and Terminating Multimedia Information Filtering (COMIF/CTMIF):
COMIP/CTMIP and COMIF/CTMIF Requirements Analysis
181 015
Presence Service (Presence):
Presence Architecture and functional description
182 008
Presence Architecture and functional description
283 030
List of TISPAN Rel-2 deliverables (3/8)
PSTN/ISDN Simulation Subsystem (PSS):
Closed User Group (CUG) Protocol specification
183 054
PSS Communication Diversion (CDIV) Protocol specification
183 004
PSS Conference (CONF) Protocol specification
183 005
PSS Malicious Communication Identification (MCID) Protocol specification
183 016
PSS Terminating Identification Presentation (TIP) and Terminating Identification Restriction (TIR) Protocol
183 008
PSS Explicit Communication Transfer (ECT) Protocol specification
183 029
PSS Multimedia Telephony (MMTel) Stage 1
181 002
PSS Voice Call Continuity (VCC) Stage 2
182 007
PSS XML Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP) over the Ut interface
183 023
PSS Message Waiting Indication (MWI) Protocol specification
183 006
PSS Communication HOLD (HOLD) Protocol specification
183 010
PSS Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) and Communication Barring (CB)
183 011
PSS Originating Identification Presentation (OIP) and Originating Identification Restriction (OIR)
183 007
List of TISPAN Rel-2 deliverables (4/8)
IP Television (IPTV):
Requirements for network transport capabilities to support IPTV services
181 014
Service Layer Requirements to integrate NGN services and IPTV
181 016
IP TV Architecture:
Dedicated subsystem for IPTV functions
182 028
IPTV functions supported by the IMS
182 027
IMS-based IPTV stage 3 specification
183 063
Dedicated IPTV subsystem stage 3 specification
183 064
Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC):
FMC Requirements analysis
181 011
Corporate Network:
Business Communication Requirements
181 019
Core and Enterprise NGN Interaction Scenarios and Architectural Requirements
182 023
Hosted Enterprise Services; Architecture and functional description
182 024
Business Trunking; Architecture and functional description
182 025
Customer Network Gateway (CNG):
Services requirements and capabilities for customer networks connected to TISPAN NGN
185 005
CNG Architecture and Reference Points
185 003
High level customer network architectures
185 004
Customer Devices architecture and interfaces and Reference Points
185 006
Analysis of protocols for customer networks connected to TISPAN NGN
185 007
Analysis of security mechanisms for customer networks connected to TISPAN NGN R2
185 008
Architecture and reference points of customer network devices for IPTV services
185 009
List of TISPAN Rel-2 deliverables (5/8)
Interconnection and Numbering Rel-2:
Interconnect issues related to Numbering Naming and Addressing (NAR)
184 006
Naming/Numbering Address Resolution (NAR)
184 007
Register of assigned protocol numbers and names
183 050
Incorporating Universal Communications Identifier (UCI) support into the specification of Next Generation Networks (NGN)
284 004
Accounting and Charging Rel-2:
Charging management: Endorsement of 3GPP Rel-7 TS 32.240, 32.260, 32.297, 32.298 and 32.299 (modified)
282 010
SIP Transfer of IMS Service Tariff Information; Protocol specification
183 058
PSTN/ISDN Emulation Sub-system (PES) Rel-2 Improvements:
PES Functional architecture
182 012
PES Stage 3 specification
183 043
QoS and Overload Control Rel-2:
Resource and Admission Control and the (x-RACF) in the Resource and Protocol specification
283 026
QoS Rel-2:
Requirements for QoS in a NGN
181 018
Architectures for QoS handling
182 022
Overload and Congestion Control (OCC):
Control of Processing Overload; Stage 2 Requirements
182 018
OCC Architecture; Part 2: Overload and Congestion control (GOCAP)
283 039-2
OCC Part 4: Adaptative Control for the MGC
283 039-4
OCG Part 5: ISDN overload control at the Access Gateway
283 039-5
List of TISPAN Rel-2 deliverables (6/8)
Network Attachment Sub-System (NASS) Rel-2 Improvements:
NASS Functional Architecture
282 004
NASS: e2 interface based on the DIAMETER protocol
283 035
NASS: a2 interface based on the DIAMETER protocol
183 059-1
NASS: User-Network Interface Protocol Definitions
183 019
Customer Network Gateway Configuration Function; e3 Interface based upon CWMP
183 065
NASS: e4 interface based on the DIAMETER protocol
283 034
Resource and Admission Control Subsystem (RACS) Rel-2 Improvements:
RACS Functional Architecture
282 003
RAS: H.248 Profile for controlling Border Gateway Functions (BGF) Protocol specification
283 018
RACS: DIAMETER protocol for session based policy set-up information exchange between the Application Function (AF)
and the Service Policy Decision Function (SPDF); Protocol specification Release 2
183 017
Re Reference Point; Protocol Specification
183 060
Ri' Reference Point; Protocol Specification
183 062
H.248 Profile for controlling Access and Residential Gateways
283 002
Network Management Rel-2:
WG8 Specification Guidelines
188 007
NGN Management Network Resource Model (NRM):
NRM Part 1: Requirements
188 005-1
NRM Part 2: Information service
188 005-2
NRM Part 3: Solution set
188 005-3
List of TISPAN Rel-2 deliverables (7/8)
NGN Subscription Management (SM):
SM Part 1: Requirements
188 002-1
SM Part 2: Information Model
188 002-2
SM Part 3: Functional Architecture
188 002-3
NGN SECurity (SEC) Rel-2:
SEC Feasibility study of prevention of unsolicited communication in the NGN
187 009
Feasibility study on Media Security in TISPAN NGN
187 007
SEC Requirements - Rel-2
187 001
SEC Security Architecture; Rel-2
187 003
SEC Threat, Vulnerability and Risk Analysis - Rel-2
187 002
NGN Release 2 Lawful Interception; Stage 2 definition
187 005
Security Miscellaneous:
NGN Security; Report on security of identity in the NGN
187 010
NGN Security; Method for application of ISO 15408-2 requirements in NGN
187 011
List of TISPAN Rel-2 deliverables (8/8)
Solution for REFER interworking problems
183 052
ISDN/SIP interworking
183 036
Endorsement of the SIP-ISUP Interworking between the IMS and CS networks [3GPP TS 29.163 (Release 7), modified]
283 027
SDP Interworking between SIP/SDP and H.248/SDP
183 046
Other Rel-2 aspects
H.248 Non-Call Related Procedures and Management System Interaction
183 025
H.248 Profile for controlling Trunking Media Gateways (TMG) [Endorsement of 3GPP TS 29.332 (V7.7.0), modified]
283 049
Support of Overlap sending v2 in a IMS NGN Release 2
183 056
Feasibility study on Out-of-band DTMF transport
183 057
NGN Architecture to support emergency communication from citizen to authority
182 009
XML Document Management; Architecture and functional description
182 011
Testing Rel-2
Network Performance objectives tests for IP-based Voice services
102 547
Explicit Communication Transfer (ECT) Testing - Part 1: PICS
186 015-1
Explicit Communication Transfer (ECT) Testing - Part 2: TSS&TP
186 015-2
IMS NNI Interworking Test Specifications; Part 1: Test Purposes for IMS NNI Interworking
186 011-1
IMS NNI Interworking Test Specifications; Part 2: Test Descriptions for IMS NNI Interworking
186 011-2
Interworking between SIP and Bearer Independent Call Control Protocol or ISDN User Part, Profile A and B
Part 1: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP)
186 002-2