Proceedings of 31st International Business Research Conference 27 - 29 July 2015, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada ISBN: 978-1-922069-80-1 Impact of Early Stage Project-Management Performance on the Cost Performance of Capital Projects Hong Long Chen*1 Few studies explore the relationships between early stage project-management performance and the cost performance of capital projects at completion. This longitudinal study of 102 capital projects reveals that the relationships between early project-management performance and project-cost performance are indeed significant. Our research findings suggest that when Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation variables perform well in the initiation and planning phases of a project, the project is more likely to meet its goal of cost performance in the closing phase. Subsequent multivariate robust regression analyses with a maximum Rsquared improvement procedure demonstrate that Team, Scope, Communication, and Innovation performance in the project initiation and planning phases explains 41.15% of the variation in the cost performance of capital projects in the closing phase. The results also show that Team provides the highest explanation of the variation in the project-cost data. Ultimately, our findings suggest that project-management performance in the initiation and planning phases possesses a critical impact on a project's cost at completion, making the initiation and planning phases the fountainhead of project cost performance. JEL Codes: L74, M11, and N65 1. Introduction A central task in the project-management study is to identify the critical determinants of project-management performance. Of course, extensive research in the field of project management examines and identifies a broad variety of measures to delineate projectmanagement performance and the input characteristics that affect project performance (e.g., Chen, 2014; El-Sayegh, 2008; Hoegl and Parboteeah, 2007; Oke and Idiagbon-Oke, 2010; Scott-Young and Samson, 2008). One recent finding, for example, is that team collaboration, a product of social construction fostered by managerial support, is important factor in project performance (Calamel et al., 2012). Another is that management’s perception and satisfaction, and project characteristics significantly affect project performance (Lerch and Spieth, 2013). Although project management is well-researched and extensively reviewed, relatively few studies investigate how project-management performance affects the cost performance of projects. As a result, there appears to be a lack of research using longitudinal experiments to examine how early stage project-management performance influences the cost performance of captial projects. The objective of this study, therefore, is to conduct a longitudinal experiment that develops an early project cost-performance model based on the relationships between project-management performance in the initiation and planning phases and cost performance in the closing phase. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews related studies, Section 3 briefly describes our research methodology, and Section 4 depicts the sample collection, the test hypothesis and model development. * Professor, Department of Business and Management, National University of Tainan, Tainan 700, Taiwan. Email : Proceedings of 31st International Business Research Conference 27 - 29 July 2015, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada ISBN: 978-1-922069-80-1 Section 5 discusses the implications of the research results. Section 6 presents the research summary and conclusions. 2. Literature Review Whilst project management is the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to execute projects efficiently, successful project management that effectively achieves the project on time, on budget, and within specifications to the project stakeholders’ stratification has been treated as key to developing a sustainable competitive edge for organizations (Project Management Institute, 2013). Not surprisingly, qquestions with regard to how to manage critical project issues scientifically, and thus, enhance project performance take centre stage in the research (Chen, 2014). Numerous researchers and practitioners (e.g., Calamel et al., 2012; Haas, 2006; Kazanjian et al., 2000; Blankevoort, 1984; Brown et al., 1990; Scott-Young and Samson, 2008; Schwab and Anne, 2008; Shepherd et al., 2011) have performed extensive studies to examine and identify the key determinants of project performance. For example, Keller (1992) assesses 66 project groups in three industrial R&D organizations based on factor analysis and regression analysis. He concludes that transformational leadership, the sum of charismatic leadership and intellectual stimulation, considerably influences project performance. Keller (1994) further tests the hypothesis and concludes that a fit between the task technology’s characteristics and information-process needs forecasts project performance based on the data from 98 project groups in four industrial R&D organizations. Subsequent work by Hoegl and Gemuenden (2001) uses regression analysis to examine the impact of teamwork quality on project performance. Based on data from 145 projects in four software development companies, they find that teamwork quality is significantly associated with project performance posing high task innovativeness. Using the data from 507 software project managers, Wallace et al. (2004) examine the impact of social subsystem risk, technical subsystem risk, and project-management risk on project performance using the structural-equations modeling technique. Their results show that social-subsystem risk significantly affects technical-subsystem risk, which, in turn, influences project-management risk, and ultimately, project financial performance. Haas (2006) examines knowledge gathering, team capabilities, and project performance in work environments using logistic regression. Based on data from independent quality ratings of 96 projects and survey data from 485 project-team members collected during a multimethod field study, he concludes that slack time, organizational experience, and decision-making autonomy moderate the relationship between knowledge gathering and project performance. Using data from 56 capital projects in 15 process-industry companies, Scott-Young and Samson (2008) examine the impact of organizational context, team design, team leadership, and team process factors on project performance using factor analysis and regression analysis. Their results show that these factors are significant determinants of project outcomes. Anand et al. (2010) analyze 98 projects in five companies using Proceedings of 31st International Business Research Conference 27 - 29 July 2015, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada ISBN: 978-1-922069-80-1 hierarchical regression. They show that the inclusion of softer, people-oriented practices for capturing tacit knowledge explains a significant amount of variance in project outcomes. Calamel et al. (2012) examine two collaborative R&D projects in a large globalinnovation cluster in France using a longitudinal design based on in-depth case research. They conclude that team collaboration—a product of social construction fostered by managerial support—is an important factor in project performance. Recently, Chen (2014) analyzes 121 capital projects using hierarchical robust regression analyses. He shows that that the relationships among project innovation stimulants, innovation capacity, and project performance are indeed significant. Despite the panoply of studies that examine and identify the key determinants of project performance, most studies (e.g., Haas, 2006; Ling et al., 2009; Schwab and Anne, 2008) focus on describing project performance and the input characteristics that affect the performance. Although several studies (e.g., Cheng and Roy, 2011; Chou, 2011; Maravas and Pantouvakis, 2012) provide reliable estimates of project final costs and fixed capital requirements, few investigate how early project-management performance affects the cost performance of projects at completion. Consequently, there appears to be a lack of research using longitudinal experiments to examine how the project-management performance in the initiating and plainning phases influences the cost performance of captial projects in the closing phase. 3. The Research Question and Methodology The preceding section critiques existing studies of project performance. Now the question is: How does early project-management performance affect the cost performance of capital projects? The methodology to answer this research question is threefold. First, subsequent to developing a test hypothesis that examines the relationships between projectmanagement performance in the initiation and planning phases and the cost performance in the closing phase, we employ the Anderson-Darling (AD) test to verify normality, followed by the respective Pearson’s correlation and Spearman’s correlation tests when the data is normally and abnormally distributed. Second, based on the test results of the hypothesis, we use robust regression analysis with a maximum R-square improvement for model development. Use of robust regression analysis not only dampens the influence of outlying observations but also ensures that the forecasts and estimation of the model are unbiased when the normality of the residuals is violated (Neter et al., 1996; Salama, 2005). Third, we employ the White test (White, 1980) to examine heteroskedasticity, and hence, decide our optimal model. 4. Research Results 3.1 The Data Prior to the data collection, a panel of experts from the National Association of General Contractors critiqued the questionnaire for structure, readability, clarity, and completeness of the survey instrument. Based on the feedback from these experts, the survey instrument was then modified to strengthen its validity. Proceedings of 31st International Business Research Conference 27 - 29 July 2015, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada ISBN: 978-1-922069-80-1 The final version of the survey questionnaire comprises two sections. The first section, composed of open-ended questions, gathers detailed background information such as project type, project contract price, project budget, contract price for project changes, and actual project cost. Section two consists of multiple-choice questions in which respondents indicate on a 5-point Likert scale the extent to which certain project variables likely affect project performance. Data collection occurred in two stages and lasted two years. In the first stage, immediately after the end of a project's initiation and planning stages, participants respond to the portion of the questionnaire that excludes questions regarding project actual cost, contract price for project changes, and actual cost for project changes. In the second stage, right after the close of the capital project, participants respond to the questions excluded in stage one. Of the 574 members of the National Association of General Contractors that we randomly selected and invited to participate in this research, 102 companies participated. Each of the 102 companies in the sample had assigned a project manager who had just completed the initiation and planning of a capital project scheduled to finish within the next two years. The 102 capital projects fall into two major categories: buildings (71 projects) and industrial facilities (31 projects). 3.2 Measures and analysis Measures of project-management performance variables, including Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation are based on a detailed examination of literature in the project-management and organization-theory fields as well as consultation with several experienced researchers and experts. The work identifies measures that are similar to the project-performance measures most contracting organizations use internally for assessing the performance of the overall project life cycle. Communication (Cronbach's Alpha = 0.954) is measured according to a six-item scale based on the representative studies, including Ling et al. (2009), and Oke and IdiagbonOke (2010). The six items include “C1: The project team identifies all the key stakeholders of the project,” “C2: The project team meets the information needs of the stakeholders,” “C3: The project team meets the communications needs of the stakeholders,” “C4: Technology use in information sharing is high,” “C5: Communication with the customer is effective,” and “C6: Communication within project team members is effective.” Team (Cronbach's Alpha = 0.975) is measured according to a 12-item scale based on the representative studies, including Anand et al. (2010), Ling et al. (2009), Scott-Young and Samson (2008), and Tabassi and Bakar (2009). Sample items are “T1: Top management support for the project team is high,” “T2: Enthusiasm about project success is high,” “T3: Each team member's project role, responsibilities, and rights are clearly defined,” “T4: Group participation in decision-making is high,” “T5: Interpersonal relationships among team members is good,” “T6: Project teams' job skills and expertise are good.” , “T7: Degree of cohesiveness of the project team is high,” “T8: Degree of motivation of the project team is high,” and “T9: Degree of cooperation of the project team is high” Proceedings of 31st International Business Research Conference 27 - 29 July 2015, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada ISBN: 978-1-922069-80-1 Scope (Cronbach's Alpha = 0.961) is measured according to a four-item scale based on the representative studies, including Ling et al. (2009), Kwak and Ibbs (2002), and Roman (1964). Items are “S1: Quality of contract documents including project definitions, legal terms, specifications, design instructions, and implementation processes is good,” “S2: Project owner defines project scope well,” “S3: Project owner has verified extent of project scope well”, and “S4: Work breakdown structure (WBS) of the project is well defined and manageable.” Innovation (Cronbach's Alpha = 0.960) is measured according to a 10-item scale based on the representative studies, including Keegan and Turner (2002), Prajogo and Ahmed (2006), and Tranfield et al. (2003), and Urban and von Hippel (1988). Sample items include “I1: Management support for innovation is high,” “I2: Project team applies latest technology to the project,” “I3: Project team devotes much time and resources toward generating innovative ideas,” “I4: Team members have diverse skills,” “I5: Cognitive conflict among project team members is high,” “ I6: The project manager adopts a bottom-up problem-solving style that incorporates all team members”, “I7: There are widespread communications within/across the project,” and “I8: Extent of elaborating information processing and coordination mechanisms within/across the project is high.” For comparison purpose with the Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation of data collected using a 5-point Likert scale prior to the project execution phase, percentile ranks categorize project cost performance in the closing phase. The data from the closing phase measures capital-project cost performance on a 5-point scale using the computed values of equation 1 from the 102 sample projects, where equation 1 is: Cost = Revised Estimated Cost/Actual Cost (1) where the revised estimated cost includes the additional estimated cost due to changes in project scope. Table 1 reports the percentile ranks of cost performance in the projectclosing phase from the 102 sample projects. Table 1. Percentile ranks of project-cost performance Percentile Respective 5-Point Number of Average Cost Likert Scale Observations Performance (%) 1 to <=20 1 19 82.5 21 to <=40 2 19 92.6 41 to <=60 3 23 102.7 61 to <=80 4 20 120.3 81 to <=100 5 21 185.1 Since our research is built on the proposition that early stage project-management performance affects the cost performance of the project at completion, we test the following hypothesis: Hypothesis 1: Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation performance in the projectinitiation and planning phases insignificantly affect the cost performance of capital projects in the closing phase. Proceedings of 31st International Business Research Conference 27 - 29 July 2015, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada ISBN: 978-1-922069-80-1 Table 2 presents means, standard deviations, Anderson-Darling (AD) statistics, and Spearman’s correlation matrix of the sample data of the variables. Correlation is significant when the probability value is smaller than 0.05. The Anderson-Darling (AD) values of the variables Cost Performance, Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation are 3.61, 0.81, 0.82, 1.54, and 0.76, respectively, all with associated p-values of <0.05, indicating a significant abnormal distribution that justifies use of Spearman’s correlation tests. Table 2. Descriptive statistics, Anderson-Darling statistics, and Spearman’s correlation matrix for all variables Variables AD Means S.D. 1 2 3 4 5 Statistics 1. Cost Performance 3.61** 2.94 1.42 1.00 2. Communication 0.81* 3.57 0.83 0.60** 1.00 3. Team 0.82* 3.82 0.76 0.65** 0.87** 1.00 ** 4. Scope 1.54 3.66 0.88 0.63** 0.84** 0.86** 1.00 5. Innovation 0.76* 3.48 0.76 0.53** 0.80** 0.80** 0.78** 1.00 *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01. As seen in the table, the Spearman correlation coefficients of Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation are 0.60, 0.65, 0.63, and 0.53 with the associated p-values of <0.01. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis. This suggests that Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation significantly influence the cost performance of projects. That is, the better a capital project’s Communication performs in the initiation and planning phases, the better that project’s cost performance would be in the closing phase, and likewise, Team, Scope, and Innovation. 3.3 Model Development The hypothesis reveals significant correlations between Cost Performance in the project closing phase and each of Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation in the projectinitiation and planning phases. Based on this test result, we further model the effects of Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation on the cost performance of capital projects. Table 3 summarizes the robust regression results using a maximum R-square improvement procedure for modelling the effects of Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation. As the table shows, the optimal Cost Performance model at step 1 (Model 1) is the one with the Team variable, where 40.07% of the variation in the project-cost performance data is explained. Proceedings of 31st International Business Research Conference 27 - 29 July 2015, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada ISBN: 978-1-922069-80-1 Table 3: Effects of Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation on Cost Performance and respective White tests created with robust regression analysis using a maximum R-squared improvement Dependent variable: Cost Performance Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Coef ChiCoef. ChiCoef. ChiCoef. Chi. Square Square Square Square Step 1 Intercept -1.861 -1.823 9.42** -1.805 9.71** 9.13** -1.776 8.32** ** ** * Team 1.256 67.04 0.896 8.23 0.835 0.841 4.90 4.81* Step 2 Scope 0.363 1.82 0.323 1.28 0.329 Step 3 Communication 0.101 0.10 0.120 Step 4 Innovation -0.040 R2 (%) Change in R2 (%) The White test *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01. 40.07 – 41.00 0.93 41.10 0.10 41.15 0.05 6.31* 6.57 8.51 11.08 At step 2, the optimal Cost Performance model (Model 2) is composed of Team and Scope, capable of explaining 41.00% of the variation in the project-cost performance data, which is 0.93% more than that of Model 1. The optimal model at steps 3 (Model 3) is composed of Team, Scope, and Communication. Model 3 explains 41.10% of the variation in the project-cost performance data, and it is 0.10% more than that of Model 2. At step 4, the optimal Cost Performance model (Model 4) consists of Team, Scope, Communication, and Innovation that explains 41.15% of the variation in the project-cost performance data, which is 0.05% more than that of Model 3. The White test of Model 4 (in the bottom portion of Table 3) is 11.08, and the associated p-value is larger than 0.05, suggesting the acceptance of the null hypothesis of no heteroskedasticity in the residuals at the 0.05 level for Model 4. Consequently, we choose Model 4 as the optimal Cost Performance model. 5. Discussions Our findings regarding the importance of Team, Scope, Communication, and Innovation are consistent with prior studies of the overall project life cycle (e.g., Ling et al., 2009; Oke and Idiagbon-Oke, 2010; Scott-Young and Samson, 2008). The present research extends the state of knowledge with regard to the effects of early stage project-management performance on the cost performance of capital projects. This extension is a direct contribution to the literature of the project-management field. Specifically, our findings demonstrate that the Team, Scope, Communication, and Innovation performance of project management in the initiation and planning phases explains 41.15% of the variation in the cost performance of capital projects in the closing Proceedings of 31st International Business Research Conference 27 - 29 July 2015, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada ISBN: 978-1-922069-80-1 phase. An important managerial implication of the findings is that project-management performance in the initiation and planning phases possesses a critical impact on a project's cost at completion, making the initiation and planning phases the fountainhead of project cost performance. 6. Summary and Conclusions The hypothesis’s test result reveals that early stage project-management performance significantly affects the cost performance of capital projects at completion. Specifically, the research findings suggest that when Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation variables perform well in the initiation and planning phases of a project, the project is more likely to meet its goal of cost performance. Subsequent Cost Performance models using robust regression analysis with a maximum R-squared improvement show that the combined Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation variables provide an optimal cost performance model. The results also show that Team provides the highest explanation of the variation in the project-cost data. Future research should investigate the relationships between performance improvements in Communication, Team, Scope, and Innovation and project costs during the project-delivery process. This allows to predict not only the cost of a project at completion, but the respective improved cost performance of the project. Such an extension would be beneficial in decision-making and project cost control. 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