Proceedings of 8th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference

Proceedings of 8th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
9 - 10 February 2015, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-71-9
Promoting Knowledge Sharing Behavior through Knowledge
Governance Mechanisms
Sanat Kozhakhmet
A wealth of theoretical and empirical studies has suggested that KSB is a crucial
resource to achieve desired outcomes. However, knowledge sharing behavior (KSB) is
challenged by some dysfunctional human behavior as knowledge sharing hostility (KSH),
which calls for effective organizational KGMs. Despite, the link between knowledge
governance mechanisms (KGMs) and knowledge sharing behavior has been widely
examined in the literature, empirical investigation regarding the role of formal and
informal KGMs offered by Foss et al (2010) have not been fully investigated. Current
study proposes that formal and informal KGMs can be a strong tool to erode
counterproductive impacts of intra-organizational KSH which in turn promotes knowledge
sharing behavior.
Mr.Sanat Kozhakhmet, Suleyman Demirel University, Kazakstan