March 16, 2016 | Volume 40 | No. 1
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Milton Berle
Keep Calm and Be Safe
By: Cassie Zody
When you are heading to
your car after a late night
class, have you ever felt a chill
run down your spine from the
thought of something bad happening? During multiple interviews with students on campus, it was made clear
that most VVC students
do not feel safe on campus for a variety of reasons. Student Kayla
Hibbard provided spectacular ideas to make
the campus safer for
Some students thought it was a brilliant
idea for professors to
lock the doors from inside the
classroom in the case of an
emergency, such as a shooting.
Professors have to quickly run
outside to lock the door instead of having it more convenient and safe to lock the
door from the inside. VVC
campus police Sgt. Gonzalez
said it can be done and will
inform staff on how to lock the
doors from inside the classrooms.
Kayla Hibbard said, “The
campus can use more lights as
some areas are still scary and
dark.” Sgt. Gonzalez responded with all systems are being
worked on as “maintenance
has already been asked to install additional
lights.” In the
case of emergencies,
have the option
to go to any of
the five emergency call boxes on
Continued on
page 2…
To Vote or Not to Vote:
Who Are The Candidates?
By Nikita Nunnink
If you have been paying
attention to the news over the
past few months, you will
know that the race for the
Presidency of the United
States has begun. The candidates are already working hard
to earn votes. The Democratic
candidates are Bernie Sanders
and Hillary Clinton. The Republican candidates are Donald Trump, John Kasich and
Ted Cruz. Of all of these candidates, the front runners are
News pg. 2
Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Ted
One of the many issues
being discussed in the election
is Health Care. All of the candidates believe that universal
healthcare is an institution
desperately needed in the
United States. Sanders and
Clinton believe that it is a human right and a core principle
of democracy, Sanders stating
that, “Healthcare is a fundamental right in a civilized society.” Cruz believes that
“Obamacare” should be re-
Features pg. 3
He May Save
Your Life One
By Jessica Vaughan
David Sanchez De La Cruz
is currently enrolled in his
fourth semester at VVC. So far
he has been working toward
being a paramedic and hopes
that in the future, that will lead
to him becoming a doctor. He
took an interest in the medical
field he is really passionate
about helping people and saving lives. He is also in the process of enlisting in the Army
where he aspires to be a combat medic. He is still working
out an approximate ship out
date. “I am nervous but it’s a
really good field that I’m in,”
he admitted.
When De La Cruz is not in
class, he usually hangs out
with friends or spends times
with his girlfriend around the
pealed and that a market
healthcare system would be
Trump believes that Medicare
should not be cut, but that the
Affordable Care Act should be
repealed before it causes a
The second issue is Education. Clinton and Sanders believe that education is important and that giving access
to students will help them in
the long run. They also believe
that it is important to go after
Continued on page 3…
Entertainment pg. 5
Sports pg. 6
Victor Valley College RamPage • vvcrampage@gmail.com • issuu.com/vvcrampage•vvcrampage
Victor Valley College
March 16, 2016 Page 2
Veteran’s Club: Serving Country and Community
By Randy Noxon
The Victory Valley College Veteran’s Club has been
serving not only the campus
community, but the community at large for almost 51 years.
The VVC Veteran’s Club provides camaraderie for student
veterans to ensure academic
success. The Club has dedicated advisors to assist veteran
students navigate the college
environment and adjust to civilian life. What originally
started as a club that existed
for Veteran students to drink
beer on the weekends, has
evolved into a club that does
some remarkable things for its
members and community. This
is in no small part due the
efforts of current club president, Miguel Magallon.
Magallon, a four year veteran of the United States Marine Corps, has been twice
deployed, is a double major in
business management and
early childhood development,
took over as club president in
2015 out of what he calls
“necessity” due to dwindling
numbers and involvement.
Through an intensive recruitment campaign that
included plastering the campus with flyers and speaking
directly to students in classrooms,
brought the current membership to over 20. A number
he would like to see swell to
150 by the end of this year.
The club has a strong
emphasis on helping servicemen and women reach
their goals of a college degree. According to Magallon,
“A college degree can be an
elusive goal for men and women returning from military
service…The VVC Veteran’s
Club is a boots on the ground
approach to help those who
served transition from troops
to students.”
The Veteran’s Club serves
the campus and local communities through service projects.
“Basically the Veteran’s Club
is a community service oriented club. Our motto is that ‘We
served our country and now
we serve our community’.”
The main fundraiser for the
club is selling snacks on campus. The proceeds go to feed-
ing local homeless. Events
include volunteering at High
Desert Homeless Services and
Walk for Cancer benefits
throughout the year. Magallon
says, “We will work … to help
make this community and
country better then we found
Membership is not exclusive to veterans. The only requirement: be a student at
VVC. The Club meets on
Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m. in
the Quiet Room located upstairs in the SAC Center. For
information contact club president, Miguel Magallon at
0331magallon@gmail.com or
at 760-646-1720.
Outstanding Delegation Awarded to Model UN
By Daniel Moreno
The Model United Nations
is a program within Victor
Valley College that challenges
individuals to gain insight on
world affairs and global politics where delegates suggest
solutions for worldwide crisis's. The course was founded
in 2002; it is currently run by
Professor Kazanjin who was a
student in the class from 20022003.
For the past 9 years, VVC
has won one of the highest
awards, Outstanding Delegation. To enroll in Model UN,
you must enroll in the fall and
spring semesters for POLS
221. What you can acquire
from the MUN is great public
speaking skills. Your communications skills will also increase, your merits will be
recognized, and you will begin
to specialize in negotiating.
The MUN operates by having
multiple colleges internation-
ally attend yearly competitions
on global affairs and politics.
96% of MUN members from
VVC become transfer students.
may compete in various conferences in
places such
as Riverside
San Francisco
for the Nationals in
New York. All schools are
invited to pay a registration fee
to attend nationals, giving
Keep Calm from page 1
The student simply pushes the
button and speaks into the box
and each and every campus
police can hear it through their
walkie-talkies and immediately go to the students’ location.
It is very important that students should always walk with
a friend and in any case, students can always get an escort
simply by calling 2555 which
is listed on the webpage.
Sgt. Gonzalez wants to
inform students that if there
are any concerns from any
student, staff, or faculty member, it is always helpful and
appreciated to bring them directly to the campus police as
their daily goal is to make the
VVC campus as safe as possible. Sgt. Gonzalez also asks
for students to report any suspicious activity even if it may
not seem important. Collaboration of students and staff
ensures that the police can
respond quickly and may prevent dangerous situations. It is
very important that students
never leave any belongings
left unattended. If anyone
keeps important belongings in
the car, it is best to lock it up
in the trunk for safety.
For more information on
campus safety procedures, the
campus police is located at the
lower campus in building 80
or you can reach them at: 760245-4271 ext. 2329.
schools the chance to compete
with one another under various
categories. Before any competitions can be attended, a
budget of 40 thousand dollars
needs to be met. Contributions
from, the local community,
Associated Student Body, and
the fellow members of the UN,
can help meet the budget.
However, this program is not
only for the competitions, it is
a chance to learn about people
perspectives and cultural values around the world. If interested, join MUN (POLS221)
next fall.
Victor Valley College
March 16, 2016 Page 3
Fuel Your Brain
By Reyan Warren
Food is an important subject according to the students
of Victor Valley College. The
local food court located inside
the SAC (Students Activity
Center) is getting excellent
Yvonne Avila, front head
cashier, says she has been
working there for 3 and a half
years now and loves it. Owner,
Anthony Hahn, or “Hiep” as
Yvonne calls him, says he
loves working here, and serving satisfied customers. When
asking Yvonne what she
thought about the food, she
“There are certain things I
don’t eat because I am diabetic and don’t like my food
too sweet, but the food here is
great. I would eat all day if I
The students were asked
what they thought of the food
served, they said it made major improvements to taste,
quality, and presentation.
Candidates from page 1
the institutions that drive prices up so that students can go to
college affordably. Sanders
and Clinton both believe in a
right to education, though they
think most schools should be
under government regulation.
On the opposite side of the
coin, Trump and Cruz believes
that education should not be
run by the government. Trump
wishes to cut the Department
of Education, or at least reduce
it to a much simpler system,
but Cruz is firm in his belief
that the Department should be
eliminated completely. All of
these candidates believe that
Common Core is not good
enough for education standards.
First year student at VVC,
Antoinette Willim, said the
prices are great, and the portions are huge. “I always get
the Philly Cheesesteak sandwich, and its always too big
for me to eat in one sitting.
The portions are a great size.”
views of the eatery. Some say
that the place is pretty expensive compared to any other
food place surrounding VVC,
such as the local Down Home
Grill, and Jack in the Box.
Yvonne tells us that the
price of ingredients have gone
She even went as far as rating
the eating establishment. She
continues to say, “I give it an 8
out of 10.”
Others have opposing
up. Also minimum wage has
rose as well. In order to keep
the business afloat, they raised
prices by 25 or 50 cents. Nothing drastic.
The third and final issue is
Immigration, a hot topic in
today’s world. The most extreme view comes from Donald Trump, who believes all
Muslims should be banned
from the country and that a
wall should be built between
Mexico and the United States.
Cruz thinks that the size of
the border guard should be
expanded, and agrees that a
wall should be built. Besides
that, the other two candidates are similar in
their beliefs. Sanders
believes that immigrant workers should
be valued, and Clinton
believes that “Immigrants keep America
young and dynamic.”
All the candidates be-
lieve in immigration reform,
but none can agree on how.
There you have it, the
frontrunners for the Presidential race and where they stand.
Sanders and Clinton are neck
and neck, while Trump has a
lead over Cruz by a small margin. As the caucuses continue
and the race moves into the
primaries, only time will tell
who will win.
Four year student Offiong
Effiom, says that customer
service is outstanding, but
there are major flaws in their
ATM system.
“I love the people there,
they are wonderful, but when I
went to get money out of the
ATM, it charges me twice
every time. Although it has
made big improvements, it can
be better.”
And they did exactly that.
Anthony Hahn uses a creamylike oil that gives their fired
foods the irresistible, flakey
texture that keeps their customers back. Serving everything from fresh Chinese food,
to rainy day comfort food, it’s
great convenience to have
such a huge variety.
There is clearly a love/hate
relationship between the students and the food establishment inside the SAC building,
but an overall rating of 8 out
of 10 is great review for owner
Anthony Hahn and the student
food court.
David from page 1
lake. He also really enjoys the
burgers in the food court and
has noticed that a lot of the
menu items have changed and
improved. The altered menu
signs and price changes caught
his eye as well.
One thing that concerns a
lot of VVC students is campus
safety. Usually, De La Cruz
feels pretty safe on campus.
However, he believes that
there should be more officers
patrolling the area at night,
especially in the parking lot.
De La Cruz is one of those
students on campus that continues to brighten others’ days
with his social personality. He
is a great addition to Victor
Valley College campus.
Victor Valley College
March 16, 2016 Page 4
Getting To Know ASB
By Kora Mahaffy
ASB has a lot to offer
VVC students. If you’ve ever
looked closely at your registration statement, you’ve probably seen a fee entitled “ASB
Card 10.00.” ASB stands for
the Associated Student Body.
It is often called a club but it is
really an association. ASB has
been active at Victor Valley
College since its founding in
1961. It advocates for student
interests and its members are
elected by the student body
every spring. Members also
run the ASB office and coordinate activities.
Each ASB member represents their own section of the
student body. “We advocate
for legislation to be passed that
benefits students” stated ASB
president Gabrielle Galindo,
and that is indeed what ASB
members do, both on campus
and on trips such as the one
that some of their officers took
to Washington DC on March
11th. During a typical meeting ASB members will go
through unfinished and active
business; examining anything
new that an active senator
wants to get accomplished,
vying for money and policies,
discussing projects and chartering clubs. The other top
officers this year are Vice
President Jazmin Gailey,
Treasurer Christian Bergman,
Secretary Maria Soto and Executive Senator David Perez.
In addition to these officers
there are fourteen other senators, each dedicated to their
own area.
Also working with
ASB are
at Large.”
are students
who are not
under the
ASB constitution but who attended ASB meetings and help
with whatever ASB is working
on. Many of these Students at
Large join ASB members on
the Shared Governance Committee, attending college department meetings and then
reporting back to ASB. Some
students at Large serve in other ways, such as Chantel
Picon, who is currently serving
as VVC’s mascot.
Besides student advocacy,
ASB is also known for the
activities they help to coordinate. They hosted Club Rush
February 23rd-25th and have
many other events they are
involved with coming up, including a Cinco de Mayo celebration on April 30th, an academic challenge and a tailgate
party. “Our goal for activities
is connect people to VVC”
says president Galindo. ASB
strives to create cohesion among students
and make them happy
that they attend VVC.
So back to that ASB
card charge on your
registration statement.
An ASB card fee is
automatically included
in your tuition. As
long as you don’t opt
out of the fee an ASB card
serves as a free bus pass and
will allow you access to the
ASB computer lab, free admission into VVC performing arts
events, discounts at select
businesses around town and
access to sales at the Rams
bookstore. Many students
choose to wave their ASB fee
without knowing the benefits
that they are missing out on by
doing so.
E.O.P.S. Is Here For You!
By Richard Martinez
E.O.P.S. has helped many
college students over the
years. E.O.P.S. stands for Extended Opportunity Program
& Service. It’s a program for
those who may be economically or educationally disadvantaged. E.O.P.S. can help pay
for your textbooks, offer priority registration, individual
counseling, peer advisors, as-
sistance with transfers, as well
as referrals. Along with being
educationally, and economically disadvantaged, there are
other qualifications that you
must meet to enter the
E.O.P.S. program.
To access this information
about the program be sure to
grab a trifold pamphlet in the
E.O.P.S. office located in
building 50. Once in E.O.P.S.
you must “maintain good
standings” says Phillip, A Peer
Advisor for E.O.P.S., Which
means that you must meet with
a counselor twice a semester,
provide a progress report
signed by your instructors to
your peer advisor once a semester, as well as maintain a
2.0 g.p.a.
For any questions or
thoughts on E.O.P.S. call at
(760) 245-4271 ext. 2422 or
you can visit the E.O.P.S. office located in building 50.
By Elsie Acuna
Jessica Boykin, a 3 year
Victor Valley College student,
turned 25-years-old in March.
She has been preparing and
planning to transfer to a fouryear university. Her exceedingly hard work and “sleepless
nights” provided her the acceptance letters to Cal State:
Fullerton, Long Beach, Northridge, and San Bernardino.
She has not yet heard from UC
San Diego and UCLA.
A sophomore dropout who
entered the workplace at 16,
returned to school at the age of
21. She earned her GED, her
high school diploma, and her
Business Certificate. Her goal
is to transfer with her AA-T in
Communications and major in
Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.
Boykin took advantage of
the many resources provided
at VVC. She recalls taking joy
attending workshops, the Math
Success Center, and Writing
Center for help. She was able
to receive the skills necessary
for a successful transfer by
being a participant of the
Puente Club.
The program, which she
highly recommends, introduced her to college tours in
addition to helping her develop the networking and leadership skills she possess. She
preaches the importance of
establishing study habits and
groups, finding discipline and
self-motivation, and always
setting goals. Without these
essentials, her journey through
college may have been a lot
more difficult.
Boykin will not stop at her
Bachelor’s. She will continue
on to her Master’s. Boykin is
truly someone that students
can admire and look up to
when faced with the struggles
of college.
Victor Valley College
March 16, 2016 Page 5
VVC Theater Arts Presents
To Kill a Mockingbird
By Elsie Acuna
In memory of Harper Lee
(1926-2016), the Victor Valley
College Theater Arts Department will be performing the
play adaptation of her Pulitzer
Prize wining novel, To Kill a
Mockingbird. Her American
classic is considered one of the
most important works of the
20th century, and a must read
for every new generation.
Within the Christopher
Sergel’s dramatization, the
story sets in the 1930’s of the
Deep South, where young
Scout witnesses discrimination
and the miscarriage of justice.
Auditions for this amazing
production will be held on
Thursday, March 24, and Friday, March 25, at 6:00 p.m.,
and Saturday, March 26, from
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cast requires at least twelve men and
eight women and extras. Roles
for children will be casted to
portray Scout (9), Jem (11)
and Dill (11).
Those who wish to be a
cast member and attend required rehearsals and performances must register or audit
TA-109 class, or sign a volunteer form. Keep in mind, aspiring actors, that you will need
to read from the script in
order to audition. Copies of
the script can be found in
the library on reserve. For
more information, please
contact the director, Ed
Heaberlin at 760-245-4271
ext. 2638 or send an email
to ed.heaberlin @vvc.edu.
Performances will be
on May 26-28 and June 2-4
at 7 p.m., and again on May
29 and June 5 at 2 p.m.
There will be a general admission cost of $10, Seniors
$7, Children $5, and free
admission for VVC students with an ASB card.
The book and the 1962
adapted film, have lingered on
its audience on an emotional
level. We can look forward
that the performance will capture the fundamental lessons
about compassion, integrity
and courage that Harper Lee
has instilled so much in our
Battle of The Birds
By Sierra Warwick
An adaptation of Aristophanes’ The Birds is flying into
the Victor Valley College Theatre Arts Program. Director
Allen W. Gildard has been
hard at work with students at
VVC, holding rehearsals and
preparing them to soar into the
hearts of the audience in their
upcoming shows.
The Birds was originally a
Greek comedy that subtlety
made references to the politics
and war at that time. It is a
hilarious power struggle as
men try use the birds capability of reaching great heights to
build a city in the sky. This
city is not only above the human world but also blocks the
path of men to talk with the
gods above. The struggle to
gain power over the Greek
gods ensues and only the most
clever of creatures will prevail.
According to the Theatre Arts
Program it is “the perfect comedy for an election year. This
show will tickle everybody’s
funny bone no matter your
personal, political persuasion.”
The shows will be held on
March 31st through April 2nd at
7:30pm, April 3rd at 2:30pm,
April 7th through 9th at
7:30pm, and April 10th at
2:30pm. General Admission is
$10, Seniors are $7 and Chil-
The Sound Of
By Aimee Jo’ Bartolome
Victor Valley College’s
Music Department is hosting a
range of music concerts for the
Spring Semester of 2016.
These concerts will showcase
the talented students here at
the college, including outstanding vocalists and instrumentalists. The community
will witness students from the
VVC Applied Music Program,
VVC Choir, College Singers
and the College Orchestra.
Dr. Linda Minasian and
students from the Applied
Music Program will perform
together in a student/faculty
recital on March 11, at 7:30
p.m. free admission.
VVC Choirs will present
Something Old, Something
New, Something BorrowedDéjà vu! on April 23 at 7:30
p.m. Ticket prices range from
$5-10 each.
Dr. Thomas Miller will
Amazing Grace along with
new works by Eriks Essenvalds to be performed by the
College Singers. This night
will also be filled with the
Master Arts Chorale singing
Great Choruses by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and others.
Tickets will be sold at
Auxiliary Services in Building
44. Keep an eye out for upcoming events in May and
dren are $5. VVC Spring ASB
Card holders get in free if they
redeem their tickets ahead of
time at the Advance Ticket
Sales Office. For more information on this show or others,
visit the VVC Performing Arts
Victor Valley College
March 16, 2016 Page 6
Two VVC Ballers Invited to No Cali Showcase
By Veronica Mora
This season, the women’s
basketball team did not go as
coach Thomas expected. “No
situation is ever perfect, tough
or rough seasons like this, they
tend to test your characters so
if you withstand a tough season then you know you’re a
strong person and you have
strong characteristics,” said
Ricky Thomas, regarding the
The team had 4 wins
and 21 losses. With great
attitudes from both the
coach and players, they
were able to get through
this season. The team consisted of freshmen and
only two sophomores.
Although the season
was rough, there was still
some highlights this season. The top scorer was,
freshmen, Tennia Hill.
Two sophomores, Aryn
Ortega and Alyssa Vil-
lanueva, entered the Sophomore Showcase. This showcase was a scholarship opportunity. Unfortunately only
Ortega and Villanueva were
able to attend the showcase.
The showcase took place in
Northern California on March
11. Results have yet not been
disclosed. Throughout the
tournament, only the top players are chosen from each team
and they form an alternative
team. Freshmen, Tanika Stephenson and Tennia Hill
joined alternative teams. An
alternative team is when a
group of eight different colleges take their women’s basketball team and join a tournament.
Coach Thomas hopes to
accomplish much more next
season. Not only a winning
record, but to make state
playoffs and most importantly,
have the players gain some
confidence. This next season
Coach Thomas will prepare by
starting workouts in the spring,
summer and continue into the
fall, when the season starts.
“We can’t get ready for the
season when it’s already here,”
stated Coach Thomas.
VVC students who are
interested in joining the women’s basketball team, are required to have at least a 2.0
GPA. Students will be able to
register for any women basketball prep classes. Classes
start up in April, one in the
summer, and one in the fall.
Coach Thomas and his
coaching staff evaluate each
player in prep classes. Coach
Thomas commented, “We do
a lot of instructing and a lot
of teaching. We evaluate
who we think can or cannot
play at this level and that’s
how we chose our team.”
Women’s basketball practices begin on March 7, Monday through Friday, 8:009:50 AM.
Tourney in Bakersfield for VVC Tennis
By Jonathan Martinez
Seven matches into the
2016 season and no wins yet
for the Rams Men and Women’s Tennis team. It’s been a
rough start for head coach
Justin Harper and wife/
assistant coach Shayne Harper.
However, that does not stop
the Harpers from teaching
their players positivity and
“Both teams (men and
women’s) keep a good attitude, and give their best effort
every time they go out to
play,” said the assistant coach.
She also mentioned that her
players, “Stay positive and
energetic in every match.” One
goal the assistant coach would
like to accomplish this season
is “to win a match.”
This is Justin Harper’s first
season as head coach for both
Men and Women. Previously,
Justin Harper was the Men’s
assistant coach and later promoted to head coach. Both
men and women’s teams competed Thursday in a two-day
Round Robin Tournament in
Bakersfield along with two
other schools, finishing in
third place. One key player on
the women’s team was Paige
Jones, the only returning player and #1 position this season.
The next home game for
Men’s tennis will be Tuesday,
March 29 and for Women’s
tennis will be Thursday,
March 10.
The women’s team has two
spots available and welcomes
anyone who would love to join
them. If interested, students
may sign up for open tennis
and can come play for The
Rams next season. Come join!
Victor Valley College
Upcoming events
HACU Federal Paid Internship and Other Internship Opportunities Workshop
March 23
Bldg 21 Rm 170
Undecided? Major Exploration Tips Workshop
March 24
Bldg 21 Rm 170
CSU: A Degree With a
Guarantee Workshop
March 31
Bldg 21 Rm 170
VVC Scholarships. Visit
University Campus Tours
Deadline to apply
March 31
Visit Transfer Center
(Bldg 55) for list of
tours and sign up dates
March 16, 2016 Page 7
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April 1
ATC Bldg 21 Rm 171
Editor-in-Chief: J essica Vaughan
Reporters: Elsie Acuna, Aimee’ J o Bar tolome, Ranika
Blakeney, Kora Mahaffy, Jonathan Martinez, Richard Martinez, Brian Moon, Veronica Mora, Daniel Moreno, Randy
Noxon, Nikita Nunnink, Reyan Warren, Sierra Warwick,
Cassie Zody
Cartoonist: Guest Wor k Welcome
Advisor/Instructor: Deanna Hays
Administration/Faculty/Staff Mentors: J ennifer Fowlie,
Robert Sewell,
Printing: Victor Valley College Campus Pr int Shop
Mission Statement:
The Victor Valley College RamPage is a student-run newspaper
that aims to inform and entertain the Victor Valley Community.
We strive to teach and preserve core journalistic values while
supporting the unity of faculty and students on campus.
VVC RamPage, 18422 Bear Valley Road, Victorville, CA 92395
Email: vvcrampage@gmail.com or
Website: http://www.issuu.com/vvcrampage
The RamPage is a newspaper published as an educational exercise and First Amendment Public Forum by students at Victor Valley
College in Victorville, Calif. Issues come out approximately twice a
month in the two full-length semesters, generally each March, April,
May, June, September, October, November and December, for a total
of 8 issues each calendar year.
The views expressed by the RamPage are not necessarily those of
VVC, its board of trustees, its administration, its faculty, its staff, its
Associated Student Body Council or its students.
The RamPage welcomes press releases, story ideas, letters to the
editor, guest articles and guest editorials. Submit proposed items to
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Victor Valley College
March 16, 2016 Page 8
Victor Valley College Theatre Arts Department
Based on Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize Winning Novel
Adapted for the stage by Christopher Sergel
will be in Victor Valley College’s Black Box Theatre;
Wednesday, March 23, 6:00 P.M. , Thursday, March 24, 6:00 P.M.
and Saturday, April 2, 10 A.M. until 12:00 Noon
Performances will be in the Black Box Theatre May 26, 27, 28 ,
June 2, 3, 4 at 7 P.M. and May 29 and June 5 at 2 P.M.
. The cast requires at least twelve men and eight women and extras. There are roles for children. Scout (9),
Jem (11), and Dill (11), and other children. All of those cast must register or audit the TA 109 class or sign
avolunteer form and be able to attend the required rehearsals and performances. To audition, you will be
asked to read from the script. Copies of the script are in the library on reserve. For more information, please
contact Ed Heaberlin, the Director, at 760-245-4271 ext. 2638 or write him at ed.heaberlin@vvc.edu. To
Kill A Mockingbird is produced by special permission from Dramatic Publishing Company.